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All Exit Exam Course Outline of Unity University

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Course Title: Fundamentals of Programming I

Course No: COSC 112

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4 ( 2 hrs Lecture & 2 hrs Lab

Laboratory : Required

Prerequisite : Cosc 111

Course Description

This course is and introductory course to computer programming and problem

solving. Emphasis will be on the general concepts of programming such as
flowcharting, Algorithms and pseudo-coding as well as related computer program
documentation techniques. Preferably C++ will be used as a tool to internalize the

Course Objectives

After a successful Completion this course, students will be able to:

 Use the C++ programming tools to write computer programs

 Use variables and the basic input and output functions of the C++ language
 Find and debug programming errors
 Construct and evaluate arithmetic expressions
 Use repeated operations in the construction of programs

Course Outline

1. Introduction to programming
2. The Integrated Development Environment(IDE)
3. Input and Output Using c in and c out
4. Repetition control structure
5. Selection control structure
6. Arrays and strings

Lafore, Robert, Object Oriented Programming in C++ (4th ed),2001

References : Walter Savitch, Problem Solving with C++ (6th ed), USA, Addison Wesley,2006

Dromey, R.G., How to solve it by computer, UK, Prentice Hall Inc., 1982
GaddisTony, Starting out with C++, USA , Scott/Jones Inc. Publishers, 2005
Schildt Herbert, C++ - The Complete Reference(4th ed), USA, McGraw Hill Inc. 2001

Course Title: Fundamentals of Programming II

Course No: COSC 221

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4( 2 hrs Lecture & 2 hrs Lab)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 112

Course Description

This course is continuation of the course fundamentals of programming I. Emphasis

will be on the advanced topics of structural programming that covers functions,
pointers, recursion methods and file concepts. Similar to the first programming course
C++ can be used as a tool to teach the concept.

Course Objectives

After a successful Completion this course, students will be able to:

 Scrutinize fundamental concepts in programming

 Use repeated operations in the construction of programs
 Create function calls and use the more common Library functions
 Understand and use data structures for data storage
 Use pointers for indirection
 Manipulate file operations
 Use recursion Methods

Course Outline

1. Repetition control structure

2. Selection control structure
3. Arrays and strings
4. Structures
5. Functions
6. Pointers
7. Files
8. Recursion

Lafore, Robert, Object Oriented Programming in C++ (4th ed),2001


Walter Savitch, Problem Solving with C++ (6th ed), USA, Addison Wesley,2006
Dromey, R.G., How to solve it by computer, UK, Prentice Hall Inc., 1982
GaddisTony, Starting out with C++, USA , Scott/Jones Inc. Publishers, 2005

Schildt Herbert, C++ - The Complete Reference(4th ed), USA, McGraw Hill Inc. 2001
Course Title : Data Structures and Algorithms

Course No: COSC 222

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4( 2 hrs Lecture & 2 hrs Lab)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 221, COSC 241

Course Description

The course is designed to enable students to identify way in which data can be
structured and stored in memory. The ideas of various structures can be implement in
the field of computer –based information systems like in database management
systems, networks, operating systems and global information systems.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to :

 Organize and manipulate data in a computer storage

 Apply the fundamental concept in the design and analysis of algorithms
 Understand linear and non-linear data structures
 Get familiarized with searching and sorting techniques
 Implement various data structures using a programming language

Course Outline

1. Introduction to data structures

2. String processing
3. Linear Array
4. Linked List
5. Dynamic memory Allocation
6. Stacks, queues ,Recursion
7. Trees
8. Sorting and searching
Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ (2 nd ed),
USA, Addison-Wesley, 1999


Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++(2 nd ed), USA, Thomson
Brooks/Cole , 2001

William J. Collins, Data Structures and the Standard Template Library, McGraw-
Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2002

Yadidyah. Langsam, Augenstein. Moshe J.,TEnenbaum. AronM.,Data Structures

Using C and C++, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey , USA.1996
Course Title: Operating Systems

Course No: COSC 351

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 5 (3 lectures hrs and 2 lab hrs)

Laboratory : Required

Prerequisite: COSC 222, COSC241

Course Description

The course provides a component based treatment of operating systems, Students will
be Introduce to the development of operating systems, components of an operating
system, and different algorithms for handling computer system resources. This course
explores the view of layers of the operating system

Course Objectives

 After a successful completion of this course, students will able to

 Understand the major functions of modern operating systems
 Appreciate functionality of each component of the system
 Organize and schedule recourses effectively
 Write programs for sequential and concurrent processing
 Generalize the working models of software on hardware
 Understand the internal details of computer systems

Course Outline

1. Components of an operating system

2. Models of Operating systems
3. Computer hardware review
4. Processes , and threads
5. Process management and Scheduling
6. Inter –Process communication
7. Dead blocks
8. Dynamic Memory management
9. Disks and file ,management
10. Input/output management
11. Networking
12. Security


Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems (2nd ed), USA, Prentice-

Hall, 2001.


William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles (5 th ed),

Prentice Hall, 2005.

Abraham Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin and G. Gagne: Operating System

Concepts (6th ed), John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Course Title: Computer Organization and Architecture

Course No: COSC 241

Credit Hours: 3

Contact Hours: 4 (3 lecture hr and 1 lab hr)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 112

Course Description

This course introduces the internal working of the computer hard ware. It reviews the
fundamentals of digital systems and the sequential building blocks. It also introduces
the standard format for specification of hard ware level programs. That is, the
registrar transfers language (RTL). It extensively covers the topics of CPU, peripheral
interfacing, memory management. Furthermore, the students will be introduced to the
concepts of organizing the hardware components.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Describe, explain and use register transfer language and notation.

 Understand the organization of the CPU and the other hard ware components
 Understand the instruction execution cycle
 Compare and contrast different addressing modes
 Describe computer peripherals and memory system

Course Outline

1. Evolution of computer architecture

2. Register transfer and micro –operations
3. Basic computer organization and design of central processing unit
4. Control Unit
5. Introduction to reduced instruction set computer (RISC)
6. Input/output (I/O) organization
7. Memory organization
8. Instruction Set
9. Introduction to Assembly language programming

Andrew S. Tannenbaum, Structured Computer Organization,(4th ed),

Prentice Hall, 1999.
Mano, M. and Kime, C., Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, (3rd ed),
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
Stallings, W.: Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for
Performance, (5th ed), Prentice Hall, 1996.
John Hennessey and David Patterson: Computer Architecture: A
Quantitative Approach, (4th ed), Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 2003.
Course Title: Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Course No: COSC 152

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4

Laboratory: Not Required

Prerequisite: NA

Course Description

This is an advanced system analysis and design course for future computer
programmers, systems analysts .system designers and IT project managers. The
course presents a detailed overview of the approaches used by today’s information
system developers to discover and model the requirements to implement a successful
system solution. The course focuses on tools and techniques that system analysts use
to develop component based information systems. Object-Oriented tools and the
Unified Modeling Language (UML) will b e used for describing objects, use cases,
actors, structured scenarios, hierarchies, dependencies, message flows, state
transitions, and user interfaces.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Design and develop software applications using object oriented principles

 Develop object oriented software specification using UML
 Implement use cases diagrams, scenarios ,and sequence diagrams using UML
 Specify state diagrams, activity diagrams, component diagrams and
deployment diagrams with object identification and modeling

Course Outline

1. Introduction to OOAD
2. Project Initiation
3. Requirement Analysis
4. Requirement Specification
5. Class diagram
6. Class diagram
7. Modeling the use cases
8. Modeling dynamic characteristics
9. Elaboration models
10. Component diagrams
11. Deployment diagrams


Ambler, Scott W., the Object Primer, Second Edition, the Application
Developers Guide to Object Orientation and UML, Cambridge University
Press, UK, 2001.


Pankaj Jalote , An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering (3rd ed) ,

Springer, 2005

Bruegge Bernd, Object oriented Software engineering:Using UML,Patterns

and Java(2nd edition), USA, Pearson Education, 2004
Kendall K.E. & Kendall J.E, Systems Analysis and Design( 5th ed), USA,
Prentice Hall, 2001

Grady Booch ,Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications (2nd ed

), USA, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1994

Booch,G., Rumbaugh, J., Jackobson,I., the Unified Modeling Languae: User

Guide , Addision Weley, Longman Inc., USA, 1999

Rumbaugh , James, Michael Blaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy,

William Lorenson, Object Oriented Modeling and Design , Schenctady, New
York, USA, 1991
Course Title: Fundamentals of Database Management Systems

Course No: COSC 223

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4(2 Lecture hrs and 2 lab hrs)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 152

Course Description

The development of efficient database applications requires an understanding of the

fundamentals of database management systems techniques for the design of database
and principles of database administration. All major database management systems,
including hierarchical, network, relational and object-oriented will be covered, though
relational Database management systems is the main focus topics to be discussed
include conceptual models, query languages, and architecture such as centralized,
distributed and client/ server special emphasis is given to the design of database and
development of database applications( client/server and web based applications) using
modern software tools.

Course Objectives

 After a successful completion of this course , students will be able to :

 Develop conceptual models using the Entity-Relationship models
 Design relational databases with high quality
 Develop a database of a given enterprise
 Be familiarized with the management of database systems including security.
Error –recovery and concurrency control

Course Outline

1. An overview of database management systems (DBMS)

2. Levels of architecture of DBMS

3. Database design
4. Relational algebra

5. Relational calculus

6. Normalization

7. Structural Query Languages (SQL)

8. Concurrency and Transaction Processing


Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe , Fundamentals of Database

Systems( 4th ed ) , USA, Addison-Wesley, 2004


Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan , Database System

Concepts(4th ed), USA, McGraw Hill Inc. , 2002.

Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom , Database Systems

:The Complete Book, USA, Prentice Hall, 2002.

C.J.DATE , Introduction to Database systems(8th ed), USA, Addison Wesley,


Ramakrishnan R. and Gehrke J., Database Management Systems( 3rd ed),

USA, McGraw Hill,2003

Connoly,T.M.,V.E.Begg.& A, Strachen. Darabase System: A practical

Approach to Design , Implementations and management. 2nd ed… Harlow ,
England: Addison wisely,1999
Course Title: Advanced Database Management Systems

Course No: COSC 224

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4(2 Lecture hrs and 2 lab hrs)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 223

Course Description

This course is a continuation of the course Fundamentals of Database systems. It

extends the knowledge in the previous course by adding concepts of advanced issued
in database management systems and advanced database systems. Topics to be
covered are : basics of query optimization, transaction management, database security
and overview of advanced database systems like Object-Oriented and Object-
Relational databases, active databases, deductive databases, multimedia and spatial
databases, distributed databases, and current trends in DBMS.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Equipped with different query optimization techniques

 Be familiar with transaction management concept and techniques
 Current trends and developments in the area of database management system

Course Outline

1. Basics of query optimization

2. Transaction management
3. Database security and
4. Overview of advanced database systems like
 Object-Oriented and Object-Relational databases,
 Active databases,
 Deductive databases,
 Multimedia and spatial databases,
 Distributed databases
5. Current trends in DBMS.


Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe , Fundamentals of Database

Systems( 4th ed ) , USA, Addison-Wesley, 2004


Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan , Database System

Concepts(4th ed), USA, McGraw Hill Inc. , 2002.

Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom , Database Systems

:The Complete Book, USA, Prentice Hall, 2002.

C.J.DATE , Introduction to Database systems(8th ed), USA, Addison Wesley,


Ramakrishnan R. and Gehrke J., Database Management Systems( 3rd ed),

USA, McGraw Hill,2003

Connoly,T.M.,V.E.Begg.& A, Strachen. Darabase System: A practical

Approach to Design , Implementations and management. 2nd ed… Harlow ,
England: Addison wisely,1999
Course Title: Data Communication and Computer Networks

Course No: COSC 353

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 5 (3 Lecture hrs and 2lab hrs)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 111, COSC 241

Course Description

The aim of this course is to provide a wide-ranging introduction to modern computer

networks and their applications. The emphasis is on the protocols involved and how
they inter- work. The course introduces concepts from data communication
perspective up to the network level. The students will be equipped with necessary
knowledge in theoretical as well as practical aspects on networking. The course
considers and deals with computer networks concentrating on the three critical OSI
layers. Ample examples will be provided in order to illustrate the paradigm of
computer networks.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Understand and explain the different models of computer networks

 Understand the OSI reference model
 Differentiate between LAN,WAN,MAN. And Intranet
 Setup and configure computers for networking , to establish LANs
 Understand the principles of communication in computer networks
 Understand and use the applications of computer networks like network
servers, directory services ,cable televisions, and multimedia communication

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Networking
2. Digital Transmission
3. the Telephone system
4. Networking Protocols and Architectures
5. Local Area Networks
6. the network layer
7. Broadband Networks
8. Network security
Forouzan, B. A. Data Communications and Networking ( 3rd ed), 2003.
Tannenbaum, A. S. Computer Networks( 4th ed), Prentice Hall, 2003.
Stallings, W. Data and Computer Communications (7 th ed), Prentice Hall, ,
Comer, D. E. and R. E. Droms: Computer Networks and Internets, with
Internet Applications(4th Ed), Prentice Hall, 2003.
Kurose, J. F. and K. W. Ross: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
to the Internet (3rd ed), Pearson Education, Inc., 2005.
Miller, Michael A., Data and Network Communications, Delmar Learning- A
Division of Thomson Learning, USA, 2001
Course Title: Object Oriented Programming

Course No: COSC 226

Credit Hours:4

Contact Hours: 4 ( 2 hrs Lecture & 2 hrs Lab)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 221

Course Description

This course introduces students to the most widely applied modern and scalable
programming paradigm. in this course , the students will enhance there knowledge on
the modular program development using objects. The course extensively covers the
principles of object modeling, operator overloading, inheritance, and polymorphism
and exceptions. The students are expected to develop programming language skills.

Course Objective

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to

 Understand and employ object Oriented programming tools

 Build multiple file programs
 Perform Object modeling and programming decomposition
 Apply object oriented principles like operator overloading, inheritance.
Polymorphism, message passing etc
 Write test and debug applications using object oriented principles

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

2. Building a program
3. Class and Objects
4. Operator Overloading
5. Inheritance.
6. Exception Handling
7. Polymorphism
8. Object serialization
9. Graphics- A demonstration for importance of OOP
10. Packages – Organization of a large and complex programs


 Deitel, H. M. & P. J. Deitel, Java: How to Program ( 6th ed) , USA , Prentice Hall,


Shildt, Herbert, Java 2: the Complete Reference(5 th ed), USA , McGraw-Hill

Companies, Inc, 2002

Quentin Charatan & Aaron Kans, Java In Two Semesters( 2 nd Ed), McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co., 2002

Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Core Java 2 Volume I – Fundamentals (7 th

ed), USA, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004

Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell, Core Java 2 Volume II - Advanced Features

(7th ed), USA, Prentice Hall PTR, 2004

Smith, Michael. Java an Object Oriented Language. McGRaw-Hill International,

UK, 2000
Course Title: Web Design and Implementation I

Course No: COSC 230

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4 (2 hrs Lecture & 2 hrs Lab)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 221

Course Description

This course explores the history, architecture and development of the world wide web.
Current tagging and scripting languages are covered in a tool independent
environment. Topics also address authoring tools, design of web pages, graphics and
multimedia formats as well as implementation and security issues.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Get familiarized with internet technologies

 Understand the interaction between the web servers and web browsers
 Get experience on developing web pages using various scripting languages
 Have working knowledge of client and server side programming
 Have knowledge web publishing

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Internet
2. web Browsers and web servers
3. Introduction to web Applications
6. Java script
7. XML
8. Graphics and Multimedia
9. Introduction Scripting languages
10. Introduction to server side programming
11. web publishing

Text Book:

Harvey & Paul, Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program (4th Edition) (How
to Program (Deitel)), Deitel & Associates Inc., 2007.


Craig D. Knuckles, David S. Yuen, Web Applications: Concepts & Real World
Design, John Wiley & Sons,

Thomas A. Powell, HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill

Goodman, Java script bible (3rd Edition), (Gage Publishing)

Teaching Methods: Lecture and Laboratory practical work

Evaluation Methods: Theoretical Tests (15%), Assignment (15%), Project Work

(15%) and Final Exams (50%)
Course Title: Web Design and Implementation II

Course No: COSC 331

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4 (2 hrs Lecture & 2hrs Lab)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 230

Course Description

This course introduces programming techniques use to develop dynamic internet and
intranet applications. Topics include server-side scripting and their appropriate use.
The students will gain practical experience using contemporary scripting technologies
in laboratories in laboratory- based assignments.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, Students will be able to:

 Understand the client server interaction between the web server and web client
( browser) in more detail
 Develop a severe side scripts using Active server pages
 Integrate a website with a database
 Design ,Develop and implement a model for web application

Course Outline

1. Client side scripting

2. Active server pages
3. ASP Objects
4. ASP and Active X Objects
5. ASP Data base development –ADO
6. Error Handling in ASP
7. Component Based web Application
8. Introduction to, NET Frame work

Text Book

Buczek, Greg, Instant ASP Components, McGraw Hill Companies , Inc., New
York, 2000


Wyke, R.Allen, JavaScript Unleashed. Third Edition, Sams Publishing, USA,


Utley, Craig, SQL Server 2000 Web Application Developers Guide.

Osborne /Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc., Berkeley, USA,2001
Course Title: Principles of Compiler Design

Course No: COSC 312

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4 (2 Lecture hrs and 2lab hrs)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 222

Course Description

The course covers the design and implementation of programming language

translators. the theoretical aspects of language design and translation of high level
language programs are discussed and practically demonstrated by developing a
working compiler.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, Students will be able to:

 Understand the phases of the compilation process and be able to describe the
purpose and implementation of each phase.
 Explore the theoretical computer science concepts including languages,
grammars, and machines
 Exercise and reinforce prior programming knowledge with a non-trivial
programming project to construct a compiler.
 Demonstrate lexical analysis, parsing , and intermediate code-generation

Course Outline

1. Lexical analysis
2. symbol tables
3. Regular expressions
4. Finite state automata
5. Grammars
6. Parsing: top down parsing , bottom up
7. Intermediate code generation
8. Code optimization
9. Assembly code generation


Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers: Principles,

techniques and tools, USA, Addison Wesley Publishing , 1986


Gries, David , Compiler construction for digital computers, USA, John Wiley,
Course Title: Formal Language Theory

Course No: COSC 469

Credit Hours: 3

Contact Hours: 3

Laboratory: Not Required

Prerequisite: COSC 222

Course Description

The course is primarily theoretical and is based heavily on mathematical notational

systems. Formal languages and the relation between certain classes of languages and
classes of automata is one of the essential theoretical foundations of computer
science. This has direct application, not only to programming languages, but to the art
of programming itself. The central theme is the discussion of four classes of language
models and generative and analytical mechanisms for those classes.

Course Objectives

 Understand The Difference Between Natural And Formal Language

 Understand Regular Expressions ,Grammar, And Language
 Understand Finite State Automata
 Identify Dfsa And Nfsa
 Understand Context Free Grammar
 Know How To Parse Arithmetic Expression

Course Outline

1. Basic concepts about formal language

2. Introduction to Grammar
3. Regular language
4. Types and characteristics of automata
5. Context free languages
6. Push dawn automat


Peter Linz, An Introduction to Formal language Automata, D.C. Heath, 1990.


K.L.P Mishra, Theory of Computer Science, PHI, 2003.

John C.Martin, Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, Tata

McGraw Hill, 2004
Course Title: Network Administration

Course No: COSC 481

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4 (2 lecture hrs and 2 lab hrs)

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite COSC 351, COSC 353

Course Description

This course introduces students to the concept of system support. It provides

architecture based platform independent discussion of administrative tasks with
practical architecture examples from the different platforms. The course covers a wide
range of supporting tasks from personal computer management to network
administration. The course is intended to provide a scalable and concrete background
on system administration activities. It mainly concentrates on practical sessions to
demonstrate network tasks.

Course Objective

After a successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Support any system administrative tasks independent of platforms

 Troubleshoot and maintain system problems
 Create and administrative architecture for a network
 Install and monitor important services for large systems
 Understand and implement secured systems

Course Outline

1. Troubleshooting fundamentals
2. Building a fault tolerant system
3. Pc/Workstation support
4. Server Hard ware
5. Network operating systems
6. Network resources and services
7. Internetworking management
8. Addressing and Naming
9. DNS services
10. DHCP services
11. IP Routing configuration
12. Network security

Text Books

Limoncelli, Thomas A., Christina J. Hogan and Strata R. Chalup (2007). The
Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition, Addison-
Wesley Professional


Nemeth, Evi, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass and Trent Hein (2000) UNIX
System Administration Handbook (3rd Edition), Prentice Hall

Burgess, Mark (2004) Principles of Network and System Administration,


Morimoto, Rand, Michael Noel, Omar Droubi and Ross Mistry (2010).
Windows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed, Sams
Course Title: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Course No: COSC 313

Credit Hours: 4

Contact Hours: 4

Laboratory: Required

Prerequisite: COSC 361

Course Description

An overview of main concepts in artificial intelligence starting with the historical

symbolic- Logic-based approaches to knowledge representation, planning, reasoning
and learning will be covered. The course also touches on more recent developments in
natural language processing, visual processing, robotics, machine learning, and
philosophical foundations.

Course Objectives

After a successful completion of this course, Students will be able to:

 Understand and represent the external constraints to think creatively.

 Program the knowledge based representation
 Perform various heuristic search techniques
 Solve probabilistic reasoning techniques

Course Outline

1. Introduction
2. Problem solving /searching
3. Breadth first. depth first search methods
4. Heuristic search techniques
5. AND,OR AND/OR graphs
6. Certain /Uncertain Knowledge and reasoning
7. Learning
8. Communicating and perceiving
9. Philosophical foundations.

Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: Modern Approach

(2nd edition), USA, Prentice Hall, 2003


Philip C. Jackson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (2nd edition), USA,

Dover Publications, 1985

Zurade M.Jack, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, India, Jaico

Publishing House, 1994
Course Title: Computer System Security

Course No.: COSC 462

Credit hour: 3

Contact hour: 3 (2 lecture Hr + 1 Lab Hr)

Prerequisite: NA

Laboratory: Required

Course Description

This course will cover conceptual and technological aspects of network security for
voice and data networks. The course provides an overview of cryptography,
authentication systems, authentication of people, Standards (Kerberos V4, V5),
electronic mail security, firewalls, operating system security and Web security.

Course Objective

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

 Explain major components of network security for voice and data networks;
 Understand the hardware and software technology required to implement
effective network security;
 Understand the underlying protocols with security policy implementation on
both Windows and UNIX;
 Describe the important elements of firewall construction and implementation;
 Understand how to develop and implement an effective virus protection.

Course Outline

1. Importance of security for computer system

2. Network security concepts and mechanisms
3. Encryption technique
4. Over view of cryptography
5. Web security
6. Security: current issues & trends

Text book:

William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security principles and

practices 3rd edition,
Reference books:

Rick Lehtinen and G.T. Gangemi, Computer Security Basics ( 2nd ed), USA,
O'Reilly Media, Inc.; 2006

David Salomon, Foundations of Computer Security, Springer, 2005

William Stallings and Lawrie Brown Computer Security: Principles and

Practice, USA, Prentice Hall Inc., 2007

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