Arts8 Q2 2a (Language-Edit)
Arts8 Q2 2a (Language-Edit)
Arts8 Q2 2a (Language-Edit)
Quarter 2 – Module 2a
Arts of East Asia
MAPEH – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 2a: Arts of East Asia
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 2 – Module 2a
Arts of East Asia
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the MAPEH 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Arts of
East Asia.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the Arts 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module Arts of East Asia.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
In this portion, another activity will be given to you
Additional Activities to enrich your knowledge or skill of the lesson
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
In this module you will learn the different Arts of East Asian countries
specifically painting in China, Japan, and Korea. These countries have been
noted for their numerous similarities and commonalities in their art production,
artistic, traditions, principles of arts as influenced by their history, beliefs,
religion, location, culture, and dynasty.
Analyzes elements and principles of
art in the production of arts and
Analyzes elements
crafts inspired andcultures
by the principles of art in the production of arts and crafts inspired by
of East
the cultures of East Asia.
Identifies characteristics of arts and
crafts characteristics of arts
in specific countries and crafts in specific countries in East Asia: China
in East
Asia: China
(Chinese (Chinese
painting and painting and Japan (origami, woodblock printing, theater
calligraphy); Japan (origami,
masks, face painting, and anime and manga); and Korea (theater masks, drums, and
woodblock printing, theater masks,
face painting, and anime and
manga); and Korea (theater masks,
drums, and K-pop)
Reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message from selected artefacts and art
Reflects on and derive the mood,
idea or message from selected
A8PL-Ih-2 artefacts and art objects.
Appreciates theA8PL-Ih-2
artefacts and art objects in terms of their utilization and their distinct
use of art elements
Appreciates the and principles.
artefacts and art
objects in terms of their utilization
A8PL-Ih-2their distinct use of art elements
incorporates the and design,
form, and spirit of East Asian artifacts and objects to one’s
creation A8PL-Ih-2
incorporates the design, form, and
spirit of East Asian artifacts and
objects to one’s creation
Describe the elements and principle of arts in the paintings of China, Japan,
and Korea.
Identify characteristics of arts and crafts in Japan, China and Korea.
Make a graphic organizer.
Display appreciation of the arts and crafts in China, Japan, and Korea by
writing a reflection.
What I Know
Direction: As you move around the following countries, group each picture according
to the country they belong by writing its number under the correct heading. Copy the
table and answer this in your Arts notebook.
China Japan Korea
Score Remarks Comment!
9 Excellent You know the artworks, artforms, and landmarks of China,
Japan and Korea well.
7-8 Very Good You know the artworks, artforms, and landmarks of China,
Japan and Korea.
4-6 Good You have the basic knowledge of the artworks, artforms,
and landmarks of China, Japan and Korea.
0-3 Poor You still need to double your effort in learning about the
artworks, artforms, and landmarks of China, Japan and
Task 1:
Identify the subjects of the paintings below. Write your answers in your Arts
1 3
1 \
1 3
. .
1 1
1 1
1 6.
1 5 1
4 \1
\ 31
3 1 1
1 1
1 .
1.__________________ 5.__________________1 9. ______________
2.__________________ 6.__________________1
3.__________________ 7.__________________1
4.__________________ 8.__________________
7 8 9
\ \ \
3 3 3
1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
. . .
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
What’s In
Write and give words related to the subject/ theme in the arts and crafts in China,
Japan and Korea. Copy the web and answer in your Arts notebook.
What’s New
Task 3. Complete me
Answer the open-ended statement in your Arts notebook.
1. If you were asked to make a painting, what would you paint? Why would you
choose that?
I will paint…. because
Task 4: Let’s analyse
Analyze the pictures. Write how the elements of arts and principles of design were
used in these paintings. Copy the table below and answer what is asked in your Arts
Elements of Lines Shapes Colors Texture
Principles of Balance Emphasis Harmony Pattern
Guide questions:
1. What are the elements and principles of arts shown in the paintings that depict
tradition, beliefs, religion, location, culture?
2. How important are these elements and principles of art in creating an artwork?
3. What do you feel about their paintings?
4. Why is it important to know the different arts and crafts of East Asia?
What is It
You are now to see the different arts and crafts of East Asia. Study and
analyze carefully.
Did you know that painting started from pre-historic man? He used red ochre
and black pigment. Early paintings often showed hunting scenes of man chasing
various animals, such as: horses, rhinoceros, lions, buffaloes, mammoths. These
prehistoric paintings were drawn on the walls of caves, blocks of stone, etc. found all
over the world, including China!
Country Painting Arts and crafts Images
subjects or
CHINA 1.Flowers and Calligraphy is the art
birds of beautiful
2.Landscapes handwriting. Traditional
3.Palaces and painting involves
Temples essentially the same
4.Human techniques as
Figures calligraphy and is done
5.Animals with a brush dipped in
6.Bamboos black or colored ink;
and Stones oils are not used.
Chinese logographs
(ancient writing
symbols) are engraved
on the shoulder bones
of large animals and on
tortoise shells.
It was said that
Cangjie, the legendary
inventor of Chinese
writing, got his ideas
from observing
animals’ footprints and
birds’ claw marks on
the sand as well as
other natural
phenomena. He then
started to work out
simple images from
what he conceived as
representing different
Peking opera face-
painting or Jingju
Lianpu is done with
different colors in
accordance with the
performing characters’
personality and
historical assessment.
The hero type
characters are
normally painted in
relatively simple colors,
whereas enemies,
bandits, rebels and
others have more
complicated designs
on their faces.
Paper was first
invented by Cai Lun of
the Eastern Han
Dynasty in China.
Origami came from
“ori” meaning "folding",
and “kami” meaning
"paper". It is the
traditional Japanese art
of paper folding.
-A sycee is a type of
silver or gold ingot
currency used in China
-the best known
Japanese origami is
the paper crane.
-An ancient Japanese
legend promises that
anyone who folds a
thousand origami
cranes will be granted
a wish by a crane.
Zhongguo is the
Chinese decorative
handicraft art that
began as a form of
Chinese folk art in the
Tang and Song
Dynasty (960-1279
AD) in China
Jianzhi is the first type
of paper cutting design,
since paper was
invented by the
Chinese. The cut outs
are also used to
decorate doors and
windows. They are
sometimes referred to
"chuāng huā", meaning
Window Flower.
Japanese Ukiyo-e
The best known and most
popular style of Japanese
art is Ukiyo-e, which is
Japanese for "pictures of
the floating world” and it is
related to the style of
woodblock print making
that shows scenes of
harmony and carefree
everyday living.
Kabuki Make- up of
Kesho is already in itself
an interpretation of the
actor’s own role through
the medium of the facial
features. “On stage, this
interpretation becomes a
temporalization of makeup
in collaboration with the
Kabuki Makeup is also
another way of face
painting which has two
1. standard makeup -
applied to most actors
2. kumadori makeup -
applied to villains and
heroes - It is composed of
very dramatic lines and
shapes using colors that
represent certain qualities.
In Japan, knot tying is
called Hanamusubi. It
emphasizes on braids and
focuses on individual
What’s More
Directions: The following are the different works of art that we have discussed in each
of the Southeast Asian countries. Give the characteristics, elements and principles of
arts of each given country. Supply what is being needed in the table. Give at least 2
examples. Answer this in your Arts notebook.
Subjects are Korean masks, called tal
divided into or t'al, originated with
five religious meaning; also
categories: have religious or artistic
1. origins.
landscape -They use it in funeral
paintings services to help banish
2. Minhwa evil spirits and theatre
(the plays dating back to the
traditional prehistoric age.
folk -used for shamanistic rites
painting) and were kept within
3. Four temples where they were
Gracious honored with offerings.
Plants (plum
blossoms, Decorative knotwork is
orchids or known as “Maedeup or
wild orchids, called Dorae” or double
chrysanthe connection knot, often
China, mums) called Korean knot work
Japan 4. bamboo or Korean knots.
And Korea 5. portraits
There are three main
types of roofs in traditional
Chinese architecture that
influenced other Asian
East Asian architecture:
temples and 1.Straight inclined -
houses more economical for
have common Chinese
sweeping architecture
roofs 2. Multi-inclined - Roofs
because with two or more sections
they believe of incline. These roofs are
that it will used for residences of
protect them wealthy Chinese.
from the 3. Sweeping – has curves
elements of that rise at the corners of
water, wind the roof. These are
and fire. usually reserved for
Buddhists temples and palaces
believed although it may also be
that it found in the homes of the
helped ward wealthy. Originally, the
off evil ridges of the roofs are
spirits which
were usually highly decorated
deemed to with ceramic figurines.
be straight
lines. The
figures at
the tips are
called roof
1. __________________
3. ____________________
My Diary!
As if you were to write in a diary, answer the following questions. Write your answers
in your Arts notebook.
1. What have you observed about the arts of East Asian countries (Japan, China, and
2. What have you learned about East Asian arts?
3. What skills did you develop?
4. How did you feel while doing the activities?
What I Can Do
Create 4 different models of origami. Stick this 4 different origami models in a
bond paper for submission.
2. Give at least one craft of Southeast Asian Arts and reflect the ideas, mood and
message from the selected art object.
B. Match and Fill. Written below are descriptions of the arts in China, Korea and
Japan. From the WORD POOL, choose the arts and crafts that match the descriptions.
Write your answers in your Arts notebook.
_________1.The art that is considered as one of the oldest and most highly refined
among the arts of Japan.
_________2. It is regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting.
_________3. The art of beautiful handwriting.
_________4. Arts and crafts flourished during this period in Korean history.
________ 5. A technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout
East Asia and originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on textiles and
_________6. The best-known type of Japanese woodblock art print
_________7. The era in Korean paintings that offers the richest variety and are the
styles most imitated today.
_________9. The three concepts of art reflected mostly in the artworks and crafts in
China, Japan and Korea.
_________10.It is also known as Jingju Lianpu that is done with different colors in
accordance with the performing characters’ personality and historical assessment
Additional Activities
Copy and answer this activity in your Arts notebook.
1. Three things I learned about the art of___________________.
a. _______________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________
2. I think I still need clarifications and do more research on each of the following
What’s In (Task 1) What’s new
1. Flowers and birds Task 3: Answer may vary…
2. Bamboo and stones Task 4: Answer may vary…
3. Palaces and temples What’s more
4. Human figure Answer may vary…
5. Human figure What I have learned
6. Scenes from everyday life Answer may vary…
7. Scenes from everyday life
8. Landscape
9. Scenes from everyday life
Task 2:
Sample answer (Human figure, Flowers and Bird, Bamboo and stone etc…)
A. Answer may vary.
B. Match and Fill
1. Painting 2. Landscape painting 3. Calligraphy 4. Jingju Lianpu 5. Woodblock Printing 6. Ukiyo-e 7.
Chosun Period 8. Origami 9. Heaven, Earth, Mankind 10.Peking Face-Paint
Additional activities
Answer may vary…
What I know
Answer Key
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