Student Work Analysis Protocol Form-1 1
Student Work Analysis Protocol Form-1 1
Student Work Analysis Protocol Form-1 1
Rhode Island Department of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment, Inc.
The Student Work Analysis Protocol presented here provides a process that groups of
educators can use to discuss and analyze student work. It is intended to be applicable across
subjects and grades, including literacy, mathematics, science, the arts, and others. Examples of
student work that can be used as practice for analyzing are included as appendices.
Analyzing student work gives educators information about students’ understanding of concepts
and skills and can help them make instructional decisions for improving student learning. The
success of this process is dependent on a culture in which all educators are collaborative and
focused on reflective practice to improve student learning.
Why Analyze Student Work?..................................................................................................................3
Formative Analysis of Student Work.........................................................................................................4
Student Work Analysis Process...............................................................................................................4
Student Work Analysis Protocol.................................................................................................................6
The following provides a clarification of some of the terms used in this document:
Educator – indicates those individuals who are analyzing student work during a student work
analysis session. This can include a classroom teacher, content area teacher, administrator,
special education teacher, and specialists (reading, media, speech pathologists, etc.).
Protocol – a vehicle for building the skills and culture necessary for collaborative work. It can
help to ensure equity and parity thus allowing groups to build trust by actually doing substantive
work together. Protocols create a structure for asking and responding to challenging questions,
reflecting on an issue or dilemma, and gaining differing perspectives and new insights.
Task – refers to any assignment that requires a response from students. This may be in the
form of a constructed response, problem solving, or performance.
What are my students’ strengths with regard to the required knowledge and skills?
What are my students’ learning needs with regard to the required knowledge and skills?
Do students have sufficient foundational content and process skills to approach new
How can I support student learning through scaffolding and differentiation?
The most important benefit of analyzing student work is improved student learning. According
to Langer, Colton, and Goff (2003), “the most important benefit of collaboratively analyzing
student learning is that at-risk students learn more.” In addition, through a student work
analysis, students and teachers have increased clarity about intended outcomes.
Other benefits for teachers and educational organizations that have been identified include:
In addition, when setting targets for Student Learning Objectives, knowing students’ starting
points enables teachers and administrators to approximate the amount of progress that students
should make during the interval of instruction. One way to organize baseline data is to identify
three levels of preparedness for the curricular focus of the Objective Statement:
Of course, in any given classroom there may be many, few, or no students in each of these
categories. The use of the Analysis of Student Work Protocol will help determine the levels of
preparedness both as baseline information, as well as to monitor student progress throughout
the interval of instruction.1
Once the papers are sorted, a few samples from each level (low, expected, high) are reviewed
and the prerequisite knowledge that students have acquired based on the assessment are
discussed and recorded. Misconceptions or wrong information are also discussed and recorded.
Finally, the team considers the learning needs for the class overall, noting patterns and trends,
as well as the learning needs for each targeted group. These are recorded with the intent of
acting upon them.
1 For more information on baseline data and setting SLO targets see: Using Baseline Data and
Information to Set SLO Targets: A Part of the Assessment Toolkit,
2 If a rubric is not available, an effort should be made to create an applicable rubric for scoring the student
work before undertaking the Student Work Analysis process or attempting to score the student work.
13.3.2 Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal behaviors and attitudes that contribute to effective
3 Adapted by the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment from the (add in citation for Maryland doc) and
the Center for Collaborative Education (2012).(Permission to reproduce and use is given when authorship is fully cited.)
Student 0 Student R
Student A Student P
Student B Student Q
Student C
Student D
Student E
Student F
Student G
Student H
Student I
Student J
Student K
Student L
Student M
Student N
C. Choose a few samples to review from each level (low, expected, high) and discuss and identify
the prerequisite knowledge that students demonstrated that they knew.
(Objectives met) (Objectives partially met) (Objectives not met)
Student O - This student knew what Student R- This student knew what
Student A- This student knew what the words conflict management the words conflict management
the words conflict management stood for but had no inclination of stood for but had no idea what
stood for but had no inclination of what conflict management does and conflict management looks like.
what aspects go into managing how to go about it, they knew that They knew that conflict can be
conflict. They knew that conflict can conflict can be caused by consent caused by consent and boundaries
be caused by consent and boundaries and boundaries from the previous from the previous lesson.
from the previous lesson. lesson.
D. Using the reviewed samples from each level, discuss and identify the misconceptions, wrong
information, and what students did not demonstrate that was expected.
(Objectives met) (Objectives partially met) (Objectives not met)
Both student A and student D scored Student P and student O had Student R had not performed the
100% on the quiz. These students a misconception about the best in the class. This student missed
put in the effort during the lesson outcome of the Compromising several questions on the exam. The
and asked clarifying questions if Conflict and one of them had student put I don’t know on some of
they were confused. If I had worded the short and long answers on the
trouble identifying the five
the environment question the way I quiz. This student also mixed
conflict management styles.
wanted it answered, student D would outcomes and conflict management
have had a lower score. However, I Other than those two things styles. This student also missed
worded the quiz question, in a way the students didn’t some of the questions that had
that students viewed both sides of demonstrate what they knew selected all that applied.
environmental conflicts. I gave them about the Conflict styles and
the point. the outcomes.
Based on the team’s diagnosis of student responses at the high, expected, and low levels,
what instructional strategies will students at each level benefit from?
(Objectives met) (Objectives partially met) (Objectives not met)
Center for Collaborative Education (2012), Quality Performance Assessment: A Guide for
Schools and Districts, Boston, MA.
Langer, G., Colton, A., and Goff, L. (2003), Collaborative Analysis of Student Work, ASCD,
McClure, C. (2008), The Benefits of Teacher Collaboration: Essentials on Education Data and
Research Analysis, District Administration: Solutions for School District Management,
Maryland State Department of Education (n.d.), Examining Student Work to Inform Instruction.
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