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DS0000101 User's Manual - X-View2 Software

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User’s Manual

Document ID: DS0000101

Revision: Revision 1.6

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5
1.1. SCOPE AND OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................5
1.2. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................5
1.3. WORKING MODE............................................................................................................................................6

2. INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING X-VIEW2 SOFTWARE ..................................... 7

2.1. INSTALLING SOFTWARE OF WINDOWS SYSTEM ..........................................................................................7
2.2. INSTALLING SOFTWARE OF UBUNTU SYSTEM..............................................................................................9
2.3. NETWORK CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................9
2.4. CAMERA LINK GRABBER SETUP AND CONFIGURATION ..............................................................................10

3. X-VIEW2 FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................... 12

3.1. SETUP PAGE .................................................................................................................................................12
3.2. INTERFACE OUTLINE....................................................................................................................................15
3.3. TOOLBAR COMPONENTS ..............................................................................................................................17
3.4. FILE MENU COMPONENTS............................................................................................................................23
3.5. VIEW MENU COMPONENTS ..........................................................................................................................24
3.6. IMAGE MENU COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................................24
3.7. ANALYSIS MENU COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................................26
3.8. CONTROL SETTING MENU COMPONENTS....................................................................................................28
3.9. NORMALIZATION MENU COMPONENTS .......................................................................................................40
3.10. DIAGNOSTICS MENU COMPONENTS ...........................................................................................................44
3.11. DUAL ENERGY MENU COMPONENTS............................................................................................................46
3.12. HELP MENU COMPONENTS ..........................................................................................................................49
3.13. IMAGE WINDOW ..........................................................................................................................................50
3.14. ETHERNET MULTI-VIEW ..............................................................................................................................51
3.15. CAMERA LINK MULTI-VIEW .........................................................................................................................51

4. TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................ 53
4.1. ERROR MESSAGES .......................................................................................................................................53
4.2. BAD IMAGE QUALITY ...................................................................................................................................54
4.3. WRONG CONFIGURATIONS .........................................................................................................................54
4.4. BAD IMAGE QUALITY EVEN AFTER NORMALIZATION .................................................................................54
4.5. PACKET/LINE LOST......................................................................................................................................55
4.6. UNSTABLE COMMUNICATION .....................................................................................................................56

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017


Detection Technology, Plc. Assumes no liability for damages consequent to the use of the
product presented in this manual. The product presented is not designed with
components of a level of reliability suitable for the use in life support, medical or other
critical applications.


All information presented in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However,
Detection Technology, Plc. Assumes no responsibility for the use of such information or
for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its
use. Due to continuous product development, the information in this document is subject
to change without notice.


© 2017 Detection Technology, Plc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any form or by any means, without a written permission from Detection
Technology, Plc.

Contact address

Detection Technology Oyj

Elektroniikkatie 10, FI-90590 Oulu, Finland
Tel +358 20 766 9700, Fax +358 20 766 9709
[email protected]
Change record

Rev Date issued Description of change

1.0 2015-11-12 Release

1.1 2015-11-20 Add section 2.3 and chapter 4.

1.2 2016-01-21 Add section 2.4, 3.14 and 3.15 and Figure 2-6; Update Figure 3-4.

1.3 2016-05-03 Add async external line trigger mode; Add pingx function to section

1.4 2016-09-08 Add section 4.5; Revise Figure 3-12, 3-22 and 3-39.

1.5 2017-05-23 Change all the “Reset” to “Set” in UI and in the text information.
Update Figure 3-3, 3-5, 3-21, 3-22, 3-23, 3-25, 3-26, 3-27, 3-28,
3-47 and 3-48; Add figure 4-2.

1.6 2017-08-21 Add section 4.6; add operation mode summary.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Terms, definitions and abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition

ACK The acknowledgement sent from an X-GCU after getting a command

from the computer.

CAT-5e/6 Category 5/6 cable.

DM The front-end Detector Module which is composed of X-DFE and X-

Ray cards.

DMID The index of DMs; the first DM of the first X-GCU channel is marked
as DM1, the following DMs are marked by the order.

HEX Hexadecimal.

Hi/Lo trigger The high energy and low energy external line trigger generated by
dual- energy LCS system.

IP Internet Protocol address.

LED Light-Emitting Diode.

MAC Media Access Control address.

UDP User Datagram Protocol.

X-DEF The front end control unit of the detector which reads the signal from
analog front-end, digitizes the signals and sends back the image data
to the X-GCU.

X-GCU Giga-bit control unit board of the detector which reads the image data
from numbers of X-DFEs and sends the data to the system host

X-GCU_CL Giga-bit Control Unit Board, Camera Link version.

X-GCU_EX Giga-bit Control Unit Board, Extra version.

X-GCU_STD Giga-bit Control Unit Board, Standard version.

X-LIB Software library to support the X-GCU.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017


1.1. Scope and overview

This document contains the instructions necessary for the installation, initialization and use of
the X-View2 application software.

Detection Technology Plc has released the next generation detector electronics read out
platform in 2015. The new platform provides a universal solution for all the applications in a
simplified and faster way.

The X-View2 application software is designed for the new electronic read out platform, which
is based on the X-LIB library. You can refer to the “DS0000087 Programmer's Manual of X-
LIB Software Library” for the use of the X-LIB library.

1.2. Hardware and software requirements

The X-View2 is a cross platform application software, which supports Windows7/8.1/10
(32/64-bits) and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04(32/64-bits).

The X-View2 functions with one or more X-GCU boards. For the single X-GCU system, the
system configuration is as shown in the table1-1.

Table 1-1. Single X-GCU system configuration

Device Configuration

Processor Intel 4 cores/8 threads 3.0GHz

Memory 4G

Display card Independent GPU

Monitor Resolution 1024*768

OS Window7/8.1/10(32/64-bits)

Network adapter 1Gbps

Frame grabber (Optional, only for Win7) Xcelera-CL PX4 Dual

For the multi-X-GCU system, the system configuration is as in the following table.

Table 1-2.Multi-X-GCU system configuration

Device Configuration

Processor Intel 4 cores/8 threads 3.0GHz

Memory 8G

Display card Independent GPU

Monitor Resolution 1024*768

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Device Configuration

OS Window7/8.1/10(64-bits)

Network adapters 1/10Gbps

Frame grabber (Optional, only for Win7) Xcelera-CL PX4 Dual

Switch(Optional) 10Gbps

Note: The above configurations are minimum requirements; users may be required for more
advanced hardware configurations according to the real applications.

1.3. Working mode

Since the X-GCU can be configured in a gigabit Ethernet mode or camera link mode, the X-
View2 can also function in the two modes.

In the gigabit Ethernet mode, the basic communication protocol is UDP. There are two logical
channels between the X-View2 and X-GCU: a command channel and an image channel. The
command channel is in charge of sending and receiving commands. The image channel is for
getting image data from the X-GCU.

In the camera link mode, the basic communication protocol is a camera link and an RS232.
There are also two logical channels between the X-View2 and X-GCU: a command channel
and an image channel. The command channel is based on the RS232 protocol. The image
channel is based on the camera link protocol.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017


2.1. Installing software of Windows system

For the Windows user, please follow the installation steps below.

1) Open the X-View2 installation package.

Figure 2-1. Welcome screen

2) Agree the license.

Figure 2-2. License screen

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

3) Choose the directory to install the software.

Figure 2-3. Choosing installing directory

4) Complete the installation.

Figure 2-4. Installation screen

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 2-5. Completing screen

2.2. Installing software of Ubuntu system

You need to enter root account and input “chmod +x ./X-View2_ubuntu_xx.bin” command.
Then you should input “./X-View2_ubuntu_xx.bin” command to install the software. After
that, you can switch to user account.

X-View2 software is installed in directory “/opt/xview2_xx”. You should enter

“/opt/xview2_xx/bin” directory and input “./X-View2” command to start the application.

The SDK is installed in directory “/opt/xview2_xx/X-LIBSDK”, which includes the demo code
and SDK user’s manual.

2.3. Network configuration

If you are using the Ethernet type detector, you should connect the computer and the
detector with a CAT-5e/6 cable directly or through a gigabit switch. You should give a fixed IP
address to the network adapter that connects with the detector, such as “192.168.1.XXX”. If
the detector’s IP address is not in the same subnet with the network adapter, you must set
the detector’s IP address in the setup page (Please refer to the section 3.1).

If you are using multi-adapters to connect more than one detector, you must give the
network adapters different subnet addresses, such as “192.168.1.XXX” and “192.168.2.XXX”.
You must set the detector’s IP address to be the same subnet of the connected network

When you start the software for the first time, you have to allow it to pass the firewall as
following figure shown.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 2-6. Firewall configuration

For Windows system, you can use command “pingx” to check the connection status between
PC and detector.

Figure 2-7. pingx command window

2.4. Camera link grabber setup and configuration

If you are using the camera link type detector, you have to make sure that you have installed
the camera link frame grabber “Xcelera-CL PX4 Dual” in the computer. For single X-GCU
system, you should connect the camera link cable to connector 1 as following figure shown.

Figure 2-8. “Xcelera-CL PX4 Dual” card

You need to install the Sapera LT SDK first and then install the Xcelera-CL PX4 card driver.
After finishing the installation, you should choose start -> program -> Teledyne DALSA -
>Sapera LT->Sapera configuration. Then you have to set the requested buffer size to 64
Mbytes as shown in Figure 2-9 and map the COM port number.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 2-9. Sapera Configuration

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017


3.1. Setup page

After you open the software, the welcome screen will show in the center of the window as in
the following figure. You should make sure you have the detector powered on and connected
with the computer. After this has been done, you can click “Connect to detectors”. If you just
want to open static image, you should click “If you don’t want to use detectors, skip the

Figure 3-1. Welcome screen

You can enter setup pages after clicking “Connect to detectors” as shown below.

Figure 3-2. Detector setup page

The first setup page contains the following items.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Item Description

Detector Interface You should choose the physical connection type with the Ethernet
or camera link. If your detector is of camera link interface, you
have to set the serial port number that you mapped before by
“Sapera configuration”.

Command Channel It is the waiting time after sending a command. It will show
Timeout command timeout error if the ACK does not arrive within the
period. The unit is ms with the default value 20000. The range is
12000 to 2000000. The default value is 20000.

Image Channel It is the waiting time while grabbing image. It will show image
Timeout timeout error if no image data arrives within the period. The unit is
ms with the default value 20000. The range is from 0 to 2000000.
If it is 0, the grabbing thread will block and wait for the data
without reporting any error.

If you are using Ethernet connection, you can click the “Next” button to enter the second
page as shown in the figure 3-3. Otherwise, you will enter the third page as in the figure 3-4.

Figure 3-3. Ethernet setup page

On the left of the Ethernet setup page, you can find the tree of Ethernet adapters that
connect with detectors. If you click the specific detector, you can check the detector network
settings on the right side of the page.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Item Description

IP Address It is the X-GCU IP address that should be in the same subnet with
the connected adapter. If not, you must change it and click the
“Set” button. The default X-GCU IP address is “”.

MAC Address It is the read only X-GCU MAC address.

Command Port It is the command channel port number with the default value
3000. You can change it and click the “Set” button.

Image Port It is the image channel port number with the default value 4001.
You can change it and click the “Set” button.

Set You can set the IP and port number by clicking this button.

Restore You can restore the default IP and port number by clicking this

After finishing the network settings, you can click the “Next” button to enter the last setup
page as shown in the figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. Last setup page

You can set the following items here.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Item Description

Image Line It is the number of lines in one frame, which should be a multiple
Number of 32 lines and not less than 32 lines. The default is 512 lines

Enable Line Info If enable line info header, there will be an extra 8-bytes header on
Header front of each line. The content of the header is line id(2 bytes),
line stamp(4 bytes), energy flag(1 byte) and DFE number flag(1

Displaying Mode It defines the grabbing or refreshing style. You can choose the
“Frame-by-frame” mode that refreshes every frame or “Line-by-
line” mode that refreshes every 32 lines. The default is the
“Frame” mode.

Please note that the LCS detector can only support “Frame-by-
frame mode.

Scanning Direction It defines the displaying directions. “Vertical” direction displays the
frame as the scanning direction is vertical. “Horizontal” direction
displays the frame as the scanning direction is horizontal. The
default is “Vertical”.

Please note that “Direction” must be “Vertical” if you are using

dual-energy detector. The LCS detector can only support “Vertical”

Dual Row LCS It’s only available for dual-row LCS detector, which folds or unfolds
Mode row A and row B data.

Dual Row LCS It’s only available for dual-row LCS detector. When row A and row
Direction B are folded, it defines which row is on the top.

After you finish all the settings, you will enter the main software interface.

3.2. Interface outline

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Figure 3-5. Main software interface

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

The main interface of the X-View2 is shown in the figure 3-5. There are four areas in the
main interface: a menu bar on the top, a tool bar below the menu bar, an image window in
the middle and a detector enumerating bar on the bottom.

The menu bar contains all the functions of the X-View2 software. If one item of the “Control
Setting” menu is chosen, there will be a controlling dialog that docks on the right of the main

The toolbar contains the most used functions of the X-View2, such as grabbing and saving

The image window is in charge of displaying images. It has an info bar on the top, which
shows the basic information read from the detector. And on the bottom, there is a status bar
which shows the status of the grabbed image.

The detector navigating bar shows the detectors that are connected with the computer. If
there is more than one detector in the system, the user can switch between them to choose
the targeted detector for control.

3.3. Toolbar components

The toolbar which contains 15 buttons is shown in the following figure. The following section
describes the function of each button.

Figure 3-6. Toolbar

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Button Function Description

Open image file You can open a static image file with this function.
It supports the image format of a “.bmp” of an 8-
bit bitmap, a “.tif” of a 16-bit TIFF file and “a .txt”
of an ASCII format image. This function is only
available when the current image window is free
and not occupied by other images.

Save image file You can save the current image with this function.
The image format could be a “.bmp” of an 8-bit
bitmap, a “.tif” of a 16-bit TIFF file and a “.txt” of
an ASCII format image.

Grab/stop images You can grab images continuously or stop

grabbing them with this function.

Snap an image You can snap one image by clicking this function

Enable/disable pseudo You can enable or disable the pseudo color mode
color with this function.

Choose region of You can click this button and move the mouse by
interest left-clicking to choose the region of interest of an
image. After that, you can right-click the mouse
and the mouse menu will pop up.

Figure 3-7. ROI and right-click menu

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

The “ROI” item “Enlarge” is for zooming in the ROI to full window. You can check the
pixel value of the ROI by clicking the “Pixels” item as shown in the figure 3–8. You can
also get the column average and noise analysis of the ROI.

Figure 3-8. Pixel value checking table

Button Function Description

Measure distance You can click this button and move the mouse by
left-clicking to draw a line on the image. At the
same time, it shows the coordinates and distance of
the two ending points as shown in the figure 3–9.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-9. Distance measuring function

Button Function Description

Point marker You can click this button and mark point on the
image by left-clicking the mouse.

Normalization It is the same function as the normalization menu.

Map into an 8-bit gray You can click this button and adjust the mapping
image window to map the raw image data into an 8-bit
gray image for displaying.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-10. Pixel mapping function

As figure 3–10 shows, the upper window represents the mapping function. Moving the
purple block will change the mapping parameters. The lower window displays the
histogram of the mapped 8-bit image.

Only the pixels that have an intensity which is between the “Start” and “End”
parameters will be mapped into an 8-bit value. Pixels that have a lower value than the
“Start” parameter will be set to 0 and those which have a value higher than the “End”
parameter will be set to 255. These two parameters and “Gamma” can be changed by
dragging the purple blocks or by setting in the text box.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Button Function Description

Enable/disable video You can enable the video saving mode with this
saving mode function and then click “Grab” to save the frame
stream as an “.avi” file.

Enable/disable You can enable continuous image saving mode with

continuous image this function and then click “Grab” to save the frame
saving mode stream as images.

Enable/disable data You can enable the data pattern mode of the X-GCU
pattern mode with this function. If it is enabled, the image will be
faked data generated by the X-GCU.

Send ASCII command You can open command sending dialog with this
to detector function. As figure 3–11 shows, the window serves
as a debugging tool by sending an ASCII command
string to detector directly. You can refer to the
section 6.3 of the “Programmer’s Manual of X-LIB
Software Library” for the command list.

Figure 3-11. Command prompt

Button Function Description

Automatically diagnose If there is anything wrong with the detector, you

can process the troubleshooting operation. You
should follow the troubleshooting steps and get a
report and three images after finalizing the steps.
You can send all the materials to the Detection
Technology Plc for further analysis.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-12. Troubleshooting panel

3.4. File menu components

The file menu is shown in the following figure.

Figure 3-13. File menu

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Component Description

Open You can open a static image with this function.

Save You can save the current image as a file with this function.

Save as You can resave current image with this function.

Exit You can exit the program with this function.

3.5. View menu components

The view menu is shown in the following figure.

Figure 3-14. View menu

Component Description

Tool Bar You can enable/disable the toolbar with this function.

Windowing It is the same function as the 10th button of the toolbar.

Detector navigator You can enable/disable the detector navigating bar.

3.6. Image menu components

The image menu is shown in the following figure.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-15. Image menu

Component Description

Snap frame It is the same function as the 4th button of the toolbar.

Grab mode It is the same function as the 3rd button of the toolbar.

Scale You can zoom in the image to different scale. “Auto file” is to scale
the image fully to the window. “Scale fill” is to scale the image to
the window without altering the original scale.

Figure 3-16. Scale menu

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Component Description

ROI selection It is the same function as the 6th button of the toolbar.

Enhance You can enhance the static image by three means: histogram
enhancement, median filter and sharpening enhancement.

Scale You can zoom in the image to different scales. “Auto file” is to
scale the image fully to the window. “Scale fill” is to scale the
image to the window without altering the original scale.

Figure 3-17. Enhance menu

Component Description

Pseudo color It is the same function as the 5th button of the toolbar.

Refresh mode You can read the current status of refreshing mode with this

Orientation You can read the current status of orientation.

3.7. Analysis menu components

The analysis menu is shown in the following figure.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-18. Analysis menu

Component Description

Value analysis There are two categories of value analysis: a row and column. For
both of them, there are five selections: “minimum”, “maximum”,
“average”, “noise” and “selected line”. Figure 3–19 and 3-20 are
the pixel analyzing panels.

Figure 3-19. Pixel noise analysis

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-20. Pixel noise and average

Component Description

Marker tool It is the same function as the 8th button of the toolbar.

Measurement tool It is the same function as the 7th button of the toolbar.

3.8. Control setting menu components

The control setting menu is shown in the figure 3-21.

3.8.1. Operation
You can set the operational parameters in the “Operation” panel.

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Figure 3-21. Control setting panel

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Figure 3-22. Operation panel

The items of the “Operation” panel are as the following.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Item Description

Operation Mode You can set the operational mode as “Continuous”, “Non-
continuous”, “Constant integration time” and “Non-continuous with
Hi/Lo trigger”.

Integration Time You can set the integration time value for continuous operational
mode, which unit is us. The formula for calculating integration time

Integration time = S/(V*SDD/SOD)

‘S’ is the pixel size; ‘V’ is the speed of conveyor; ‘SDD’ is the
distance from X-ray source to the detector; ‘SOD’ is the distance
from X-ray source to the object.

Non Int Time You can set the Integration time in Non-continuous mode and in
Constant mode, which unit is us.

Enable External You should enable this check if you are using the external line
Line Trigger trigger.

Line Trigger Mode You should set the trigger mode according to your trigger
generator by this item, which is “Raising Edge”, “Falling Edge”,
“Sync Trigger Stamp” or “Async Trigger Stamp”

Fine Delay You can set the delay precisely from the start of the external
trigger to the start of the integration period in non-continuous
mode, which step is 0.125us.

Raw Delay You can set the delay roughly from the start of the external trigger
to the start of the integration period in non-continuous mode,
which step is 64us.

Trigger Stamp You can set trigger stamp parity mode while you are using line
Parity trigger stamp mode.

Enable External You should enable this check if you are using the external frame
Frame Trigger trigger.

Frame Trigger You should set the trigger mode according to your trigger
Mode generator by this item, which is “Raising Edge” or “Falling Edge”.

Frame Trigger You can set the delay from the start of external frame trigger to
Delay the start of scanning, which step is 32 lines.

Enable LED You can enable/disable the LED of the X-GCU and X-DFE with this

The following table is operation mode summary of X-Scan detector.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Operation mode Integration Line Description
time (Tint) rate

Continuous Standard and default factory mode.

Software 1/Tint
input, value In this mode new integration period starts immediately
time mode
will not after the previous period. Select this mode in
-With internal change. applications where the object moving speed is stable
trigger (no under continuous X-ray flux.
external trigger)
Disadvantage is that if the conveyor speed is not stable,
then the scanned object geometry may be distorted and
shape can be abnormal, unless compensated in the
application software.
Continuous The integration period starts immediately after
Trigger 1/Trigger
Integration Receiving the external trigger. The whole interval
period is period
time mode between two triggers is used for signal integration.
defined by
Select this mode in the application where the object
- With External external movement speed is changing under continuous X-ray
trigger signal flux and synchronization with conveyor belt or other
trigger source is required.

Disadvantage is that brightness of the image will change

with external signal period. Longer period (=slower
speed) results to brighter image, unless system is re-
Non- This mode is used in applications where the start and
Software 1/Trigger
continuous stop timing of signal integration needs to be very
input, value period
mode precisely synchronized to the X-ray pulse. Typically such
will not
system uses Linear Accelerator or Betatron as the
- With External change after radiation source. Benefit is that only radiation
trigger input.
Typically This mode should be selected only when the X-ray flux
Tint is much can be synchronized with the trigger. Otherwise useful
shorter than object information may be lost due to mismatching or
trigger insufficient integration period.
Constant In this mode signal integration starts at external trigger.
Software 1/Trigger
Integration Integration stops after constant time, which is defined
input, value period
time mode by software input. Thus integration time remains the
will not
same regardless of external trigger period. This enables
- With External change after constant image brightness even if trigger period
trigger input. changes. Such change may occur eg due to variable
Typically object speed.
Tint is near
Disadvantage is that part of X-ray flux may not be
to same as
integrated when the object speed is clearly slower than
corresponding trigger period.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Note: In all modes, the Tint should not exceed the absolute integration time range
defined in Table of “General specification”.

In order to get the un-deformed raw image, the line rate should match the object scan
speed in real application and the geometrical magnification need to be taken into
account with below formula. SDD: Source Detector Distance; SOD: Source Object

ObjectScan Speed SDD

LineRate  *
PixelPitch SOD

3.8.2. DM setting
You can set the gain values and test pattern mode of each DM in the “DM Setting” panel
as shown in the figure 3–23. You can click a specific DM index item and apply its
settings to all the DMs.

Figure 3-23. DM setting panel

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

3.8.3. Correction
For non-LCS detector, you can set the correct status in the “Correction” panel as shown
in the figure 3–24. For LCS detector, the “Correction” panel is shown in the figure 3-25.

Figure 3-24. Correction setting panel for non-LCS detector

There are three correcting methods except for LCS detector. For single gain on-board
correcting method, you can save the corrected parameters into the flash of the X-GCU
board and the correction is done by the firmware. For single gain off-board correcting
method, you can save the corrected parameters into disk, and the correction is done by
the computer by enabling off-board gain offset. For multiple gain correcting method, it
saves the corrected parameters into disk by the normalization process, and the multiple
gain correction is done by the computer.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Component Description

Flash Index You can set 4 different groups of one point correcting parameters
into the flash. So the index range is 0~3.

Save to Flash After one point normalization, you can save the gain and offset
parameters into the flash of the X-GCU board.

Load from Flash You can load the previously saved parameter for one point
correction without normalization.

Baseline You can set the baseline value and the data value will be raised if
the baseline correction is enabled.

Enable On-board You can enable or disable the one point gain correcting function with
Gain Correct this check.

Enable On-board You can enable or disable the one point offset correcting function
Offset Correct with this check.

Enable Baseline You can enable or disable the baseline correcting function with this
Correct check.

Save to File After one point normalization, you can save the gain and offset
parameters into the computer disk.

Load from File You can load the previously saved parameter for one point
correction from disk without normalization.

Enable Off-board You can enable or disable the off-board gain offset correcting
gain offset function with this check.

Enable Three Point You can enable or disable the three point correcting function with
Correct this check after three point normalization.

Load Parameters You can load the previously saved three point correcting parameters
from the computer and enable the function without normalization.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-25. Correction setting panel for LCS detector

There are three correcting methods for LCS detector: on-line offset correction, single
gain off-board correction and reference correction.

Component Description

On-line Offset You can set the on line average filter with the size of 1line, 2 lines,
Correction 4 lines or 8 lines, and enable the on-line offset correcting function.

Save to File After one point normalization, you can save the gain parameters
into the computer disk.

Load from File You can load the previously saved parameter for one point
correction from disk without normalization.

Enable Off-board You can enable or disable the off-board gain offset correcting
gain offset function with this check.

Enable Reference You can enable or disable the reference correcting function with this
Correction check.

3.8.4. Filter
You can set the filtering function in the “Filter” panel as shown in the following figure.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3–26. Filter setting panel

Component Description

Average Filter You can set the average filter size to average the corresponding
lines inside the X-GCU board. The averaged result is sent as one line
to the computer. The dual-energy one line LCS detector and the
dual-lines LCS detector don’t support this function.

Summing Filter You can set the summing filter size to sum up the corresponding
line inside the X-GCU board and the summing result is sent as one
line to the computer. The dual-energy one line LCS detector and the
dual-lines LCS detector don’t support this function.

Binning Mode You can set the binning mode to average or sum up two or four
nearby pixels into one pixel value, so the pixel number will be a half
or a quarter of the original number. The dual-energy one line LCS
detector and the dual-lines LCS detector don’t support this function.

3.8.5. Detector configuration

You can read the property of the detector and set the card number of each channel in
this panel.

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Figure 3–27. Configuration panel

3.8.6. Advanced setting

You can correct bad pixels and set video saving function in the “Advanced Setting”

Component Description

Bad Pixel You can enter 5 bad pixel positions at most and it will correct the
Correction bad positions. If the position value is -1, it will do nothing.

Continuous saving, You can set the how many frames you want to save by continuous
Up Limit of Frame image saving function. The total lasting time and the total size of
Number saved images will be calculated by the frame number.

Interval (Frames) You can set the saving intervals by saving one image per how many
frames. The interval time will be calculated accordingly.

Video saving, Up You can set the how many frames you want to save by video saving
Limit of Frame function. The total lasting time and the total size of saved video will
Number be calculated by the frame number.

Playing Rates You can set the playing rates of the saved video.

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Figure 3–28. Advanced Setting panel

3.8.7. Firmware update

The “Firmware Update” panel is for upgrading the firmware of the X-GCU and X-DEF.
Please make sure you get the permission and firmware files from Detection Technology
Plc before using this function.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Figure 3-29. Firmware update panel

The correct upgrading process is downloading the X-GCU firmware and DM firmware first
and then the script.

Before upgrading the DM, you can choose to update all DMs or a specific one.

3.9. Normalization menu components

The normalization menu has only one function for non-LCS detector. For LCS detector, there
is one more function of reference correction.

Figure 3-30. Normalization menu

Component Description

Normalization You can calculate the gain and offset parameters with the
normalization process.

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The interface of normalization dialog is composed of several pages; the first page is for
checking the settings as shown in the figure 3-31 for non-LCS detector.

Figure 3-32 shows the first page for LCS detector. The on-line offset correction is enabled

Figure 3–31. First normalization page

Figure 3–32. First normalization page for LCS detector

If the settings are correct, you can then click the “Next” button to enter the next page as the
figure 3-33 shows. You can choose the normalization method of “Single Gain Normalization”
or “Multiple Gain Normalization”. The LCS detector doesn’t support “Multiple Gain
Normalization”. With the single gain method, the mapping curve is linear and you can save
the normalizing parameters into the flash of the X-GCU to let hardware and firmware do the

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

correction in real time. With the multiple gain method, you can make a nonlinear mapping
curve of three segments, but you can only save the normalizing parameters in the disk and
do the correction by the computer.

Figure 3-33. Normalization method selection page

You click the “Next” button to enter offset calculation page as shown in figure 3–34. For LCS
detector, since the on-line offset correction is enabled, so there is no offset calculation
process. You should turn off the X-Ray according to the instruction on the left. You can check
the average curve before and after offset correction on the right.

Figure 3-34. Offset calculating page

After the offset calculation, you can select “Next” to enter the next page. If you chose the
“Single gain” method earlier, you will enter the “SingleGain” page as shown in the figure 3–

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

35. You should turn on the X-ray and follow each step on the left as the average curve before
and after correction shows on the right.

Figure 3–35. “Single gain” method page

After gain calculation, the single gain normalization is finished. You can enter the control
setting panel of correction to save the correcting parameters into the flash of the detector.
Next time when cycling power to the detector, you can load the saved parameters from the
detector flash without doing the normalization again.

If you chose the “Multiple gain” method earlier, you will enter the “Multiple gain” page as
shown in the following figure. You can process the multiple gain normalization step by step.

Figure 3–36. “Multiple gain” method page

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

First, you need to adjust the X-ray to the highest volume, and it will give you three
suggested responding curves on the right map, which represent the low, middle and high X-
ray volume response. Then you should follow each step; adjust the X-ray to the low, middle
and high volume whether or not according to the suggested values. You also need to enter
the target correcting values for each X-ray volume.

After finishing the whole process, the correcting parameters are saved to the computer disk.
Next time when you restart the software, you can load the saved parameters from the
computer disk without doing the normalization again.

Component Description

Reference For LCS detector, you can do reference correction to correct the
Correction abnormal line data.

The following figure shows the reference correction page. The correcting method will keep
several pixels at the end of each line for reference, which are not corrected. You can set the
referenced pixel number as 8, 16 and 32 or 64. Then you can click the “Reference Correction”
button to go through the process step by step.

Figure 3-37. Reference correction page

3.10. Diagnostics menu components

The diagnostics menu is shown in the figure 3-38.

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Figure 3–38. Diagnostics menu

Component Description

Health condition You can check the voltage, temperature and humidity of the X-GCU
and each DM with this function. Please note that the X-GCU only has
four voltage sensors. For the X-GCU_STD, it does not have a
humidity sensor, the humidity value is always 0.

The correct voltage values of the X-GCU should be as following:

v1: 24V±10% (power 24V) 12V±10% (power 12V);

v2: 3.3V±5%;

v3: 2.5V±5%;

v4: 1.1V±5%.

The correct voltage values of the DM should be as following:

v1: 2.5V±5%;

v2: 24V±10% (power 24V) 12V±10% (power 12V);

v3: 5.2V±5%;

v4: 1.2V±5%;

v5: 5V±5%;

v6: 3.3V±5%;

v7: 4.096V±5%.

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Figure 3-39. Health condition panel

Component Description

Command Prompt It is the same function as the 14th button.

Log View You can check the log file by this function.

Boundary Display You can check the boundary of each X-Card by this function.

Troubleshooting It is the same function as the 15th button.

3.11. Dual energy menu components

You can enter the dual-energy process panel with this function.

You should choose the ROI of low energy part first with the 6th button. Click the “Dual Energy
Process” menu to enter the dual-energy process panel as in the following figure.

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Figure 3-40. Image before registration

The “Registration” page shows the colorful image that is combined by low and high energy
part. Non-registered raw image is colorful; the low part is red and the high is blue. After
registration, the combined image should be gray.

Figure 3-41. Image after registration

You can adjust the registration settings to get the image registered.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Component Description

Pixel Size You should choose the correct pixel size of your detector.

SOD You should enter the distance between the X-ray source and the
object here.

SDD You should enter the distance between the X-ray source and the
detector here.

Use Default Para You can load the registration parameter from the detector and apply

Adjust If the default parameter is not precise, you can adjust this item
manually to get the image registered.

Shift It shows the real shifted distance of the high energy part, which is
calculated by the above parameters. It is read only.

Enable After you get the correctly registered colorful image, you can apply
Registration the method to the raw image by checking this item.

After the registration process, you can enter the “Process” page as shown in the figure 3–42.

Figure 3–42. Result image processed by Method1

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Figure 3-43. Result image processed by Method2

There are two dual-energy combination methods that adopt two different algorithms. You can
adjust the following parameters to get the best result. The processed result is an 8-bits
pseudo-color image. Method 1 is mainly based on the calculation of effect Z number. Method
2 is based on the contrast between low and high energy parts.

Parameters Description

Filter Size of You can set the pre-processed filter size of method 1. The bigger it
method1 is, the less the noise is.

Kernel Size You can set the after-processed kernel size of method 1. The bigger
it is, the less the noise is and the fuzzier the result is.

Filter Size of You can set the pre-processed filter size of method 2. The bigger it
method2 is, the less the noise is.

Thickness You can set the thickness compensation of method2. The bigger it
is, the less the result value is.

Angle You can adjust this parameter to get the best contrast of different

3.12. Help menu components

You can get the software version and open the user’s manual by using the “Help” manual.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

3.13. Image window
The image window is composed of an info bar, a displaying window and a status bar as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 3-44. Image window

Component Description

Info bar You can find some necessary information on the info bar in real
time. From left to right of the bar the items are the X-GCU serial
number, integration time and speed, lost lines, XGCU temperature
and X-GCU humidity.

Figure 3-45. Info bar

Component Description

Displaying window The gray or pseudo color image is shown in the center of the image

Status bar You can find the status bar on the right on bottom of the window as
shown in the figure 3-46. From the left to right of the bar, the items
are an image scale, coordinate and pixel value of current mouse
point and frame count.

Figure 3-46. Status bar

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3.14. Ethernet multi-view
X-View2 can work with 12 Ethernet non-LCS detectors at most by multi-network adapters or
switch. You need to give each X-GCU a unique IP, command port number and image port
number as following figure. You can choose each X-GCU item on the left and change the IP
and port number on the right, then click “Set” button.

Figure 3-47. Muti-view setup

The detector navigating bar shows the detectors that are connected with the computer. You
can switch between them to choose the targeted detector for control by clicking the flag. The
command control will aim to the detector you chose.

Figure 3-48. Navigating bar

The image data from each detector will be synchronized and combined into one frame which
is grouped following the order of IP address of each detector. You have to synchronize each
detector by giving them the same integration time or by external line trigger. You can’t do
normalization with multi-view mode, so you have to normalize each detector in single-view

3.15. Camera link multi-view

X-View2 can work with 2 camera link non-LCS detectors at most. You have to map a unique
COM port number for each channel of the frame grabber card according to section 2.4. Make
sure the COM port is continuous such as “COM2” and “COM3”. In the setup page, you should
choose 2 channels and set the smaller COM port number as following figure.

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Figure 3-49. Camera link setup

The detector navigating bar shows the detectors that are connected with the computer. You
can switch between them to choose the targeted detector for control by clicking the flag. The
command control will aim to the detector you chose.

The image data from each detector will be synchronized and combined into one frame. You
have to synchronize each detector by giving them the same integration time or by external
line trigger. You can’t do normalization with multi-view mode, so you have to normalize each
detector in single-view mode.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

The following sections describe several abnormal cases and the corresponding trouble
shooting methods.

4.1. Error messages

The following table shows the error messages you may encounter during operating the
software and the troubleshooting methods.

Error message Troubleshooting

XSystem object’s socket Check the detector power and the Ethernet cable.
receives timeout.

XSystem object fails to allocate Check the operating system memory.


XSystem or Xcommand object Check the input command format.

gets error format ASCII

XSystem or Xcommand object Check the input command.

gets non-defined ASCII

Xcommand object’s socket Check the detector power and the Ethernet cable.
receives timeout.

Xcommand object receives Check the cable of X-DFE.

error code.

Xcommand object fails to Check the operating system memory.

allocate resource.

XAcquisition object’s socket Check whether the image port is occupied by other
fails to bind IP and port. application.

XAcquisition object’s socket Check if the fire wall is blocking the software or if the
receives timeout. detector power is off, or if the Ethernet cable is dropped
or external trigger if off.

XAcquisition object fails to Check the operating system memory.

allocate resource.

XAcquisition grabbing engine Restart the software.

fails to start grabbing.

XAcquisition grabbing engine Check if the fire wall is blocking the software or if the
stops abnormally. detector power is off, or if the Ethernet cable is dropped

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017

Error message Troubleshooting
or external trigger if off.

XAcquisition parsing engine Restart the software.

fails to start.

XAcquisition parsing engine Restart the software.

stops abnormally.

XframeTransfer object fails to Restart the software.


XframeTransfer object stops Restart the software.


XmultiTransfer object fails to Check the operating system memory.

allocate resource.

Xcommand fails to get Check the detector power and Ethernet cable.
heartbeat packet.

Xcommand fails to start Restart the software.

heartbeat thread.

Xcommand stops heartbeat Restart the software.

thread abnormally.

X-GCU’s voltage is out of Power off the detector and check the hardware.

XAcquisition object grabbing Restart the software.

engine works abnormally.

4.2. Bad image quality

The detector has to be calibrated again. If the X-ray strength changes, the old offset and gain
values are not available anymore.

4.3. Wrong configurations

If the configuration information read from X-GCU and X-DEF is not correct, you need to ask
for correct script from DT and download the correct script.

4.4. Bad image quality even after normalization

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Problem Troubleshooting

Clear vertical The imaging has been performed at x-ray energy different from the
stripes are seen in energy used for the normalization. Renormalize at the correct x-ray
the image. settings.

The maximum x-ray energy (tube voltage) is too low. The x-ray
intensity (tube current) is too low. Use higher x-ray energy/intensity
and renormalize.

There are some objects or structural parts between the x-ray source
and the detector that prevents a uniform calibration exposure.
Remove the objects or fix the system geometry and do

The detector and the x-ray beam are misaligned. Adjust the
detector and/or x-ray source position to achieve uniform x-ray

Vertical stripes The distance between the X-ray source and the detector is too small
and/or black edge or the aperture angle of x-ray source beam is too small to expose
areas are visible in the whole detector. Move the detector or the source to achieve a
the image. uniform exposure.

The detector is not aligned with the x-ray source properly. Move the
detector or the source to align the x-ray beam with the detector

There are some objects or structural parts between the x-ray source
and the detector preventing the x-rays from fully exposing the edge
channels. Move the detector or source to align the x-ray beam with
the detector window.

4.5. Packet/line lost

Make sure using cat-5e or above Ethernet cable and using Gigabit switch if needed. Turning
the network adapter property as following figure could help to eliminate packet/line lost.
Changes “Receive Buffers” to the maximum number.

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Figure 4-1. Turning network adapter

Make sure the power plan of operating system is in high performance mode as figure 4-2

Figure 4-2. Setting power plan

4.6. Unstable Communication

If there are more than one network adapters installed in the computer and the
communication with detector is not stable, you should check and make sure different subnet
IP addresses are given to different network adapters.

© Detection Technology, Plc. 2017


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