Major General Bengt Anderberg, Dr. Myron L. Wolbarsht (Auth.) - Laser Weapons - The Dawn of A New Military Age-Springer US (1992)
Major General Bengt Anderberg, Dr. Myron L. Wolbarsht (Auth.) - Laser Weapons - The Dawn of A New Military Age-Springer US (1992)
Major General Bengt Anderberg, Dr. Myron L. Wolbarsht (Auth.) - Laser Weapons - The Dawn of A New Military Age-Springer US (1992)
The Dawn of a
New Military Age
Laser Weapons
The Dawn of a
New Military Age
Introduction 1
1. Laser Technology 11
3. Laser Safety 65
Index 237
Most battlefield weapons are extremely noisy and give off a flash
as well as some smoke when fired, thus giving the soldier's
position away and exposing him to immediate counterfire from
the enemy. The ammunition from the weapons currently used by
combat units has a curved trajectory with an appreciable time of
flight; accordingly, adjustments must be made for this-aiming
above the target to allow for the drop of the projectile and in front
of moving targets. The path of the bullet (trajectory) is never flat;
even very fast projectiles have some degree of curvature in their
path to the target. All this makes it mandatory for the gunner to
know the distance to his target more or less exactly as well as the
speed of its movement. This is a fire control problem, and, in order
to achieve the desired results, the effective number of grenades,
shells, or bullets to be fired against each target often must be
increased. Some of these fire control problems may be avoided by
supplying the soldier with a missile with a guidance system.
However, only high technology can give effective guidance to
most missiles; this is very expensive and does not always work
better than other solutions. The consumption of huge amounts of
ammunition leads to logistical problems. Ammunition is very
heavy and bulky, and there always is some risk of premature
detonation when it is stored or transported. Against this back-
2 Introduction
Laser Technology
3 x 10·'
~ Diathermy (40.68 MHz)
FM Broadcast (88.108 MHz)
10" 3 x 10·' Television broadcast
10. 3 3 X 10.3 Radar
10" 3 x 10·'
10" 3 x 10·' Infrared
10· ~
10" 3 X 10·' Q)
3. 1
10 3 10" 3 x 10·' 3nm Ultraviolet
10" 3 x 10·"
10" 3 x 10·"
10' 10'· 3 x 10·" 3 pm X Rays
"} Medical X rays
Cosmic rays
laser beam, which in turn determines how the laser beam will
penetrate the atmosphere while traveling to its target. These
factors will be discussed more fully in the following sections.
where E is the energy in joules, P is power in watts, and t is time in
seconds. The energy of repetitively pulsed lasers is calculated
using the average power level emitted over a standard interval,
which is usually one second. However, the energy level differs
greatly among lasers. A high-energy laser weapon designed to
down aircraft from several miles away may have several megawatts
of power, while a low-energy helium-neon laser such as is used in
a lecture hall pointer or a supermarket scanner usually has only a
Laser Technology 25
Solid-State Lasers
Solid-state lasers use a solid rod made up of the crystal or
special glass that contains (or is "doped with") the atoms that
absorb. The pump energy causes the population inversion and
stimulates laser action. The characteristics of the different solid-
state lasers depend on the active material used as well as on the
substrate or host material. There are many suitable active mate-
rials such as the elements chromium, neodymium, erbium,
holmium, cerium, cobalt, and titanium in a solid host material
such as glass or an artificial crystal, for example, types of garnet or
sapphires. In a ruby laser, chromium is the active material just as
in the natural ruby gemstone. So far, neodymium is the active
material that has found the most widespread applications. The
solid-state laser almost always employs optical pumping by a flash
lamp, arc lamp, or another laser. If the laser is pumped by a lamp,
Laser Technology 27
all the walls of the cavity are reflective and contain both the rod
and the lamp. Q-switching is often used to shorten the pulses.
The very first laser was made from a synthetic ruby. The ruby
was made by doping aluminum oxide with 0.01-0.5% chromium.
The aluminum oxide crystal is the same material as the mineral
clear sapphire, and the chromium atoms color it red or pink.
Chemically, the ruby laser rod is the same as the mineral or
gemstone ruby. The ruby laser emits a laser beam with a visible
wavelength of 693.4 nanometers and produces a deep red light.
The ruby laser is often Q-switched and produces short pulses of
15-20 nanoseconds duration with a pulse energy of something
like 10-15 joules. The pulse repetition frequency is low, somewhat
limiting the types of applications, but the laser may be made rather
small and handy. Thus, ruby lasers found useful military applica-
tions as range finders in the early sixties and are still used for that
purpose today.
The ruby rod has been replaced in many solid-state laser
designs by neodymium atoms in a glass or crystalline material.
Neodymium is the most common material used in solid-state
lasers. Two of the most common lasers are Nd:YAG and Nd:glass
lasers. The former is used more often and contains yttrium-
aluminum garnet (YAG), which is a hard and brittle crystal, as the
host material. Neodymium-doped glass is the second most used
design. The wavelengths for the different neodymium lasers may
vary slightly.
It is possible to use the neodymium laser for many military
and civilian purposes by adding a variety of accessories. The
wavelength and the pulse duration can be varied considerably.
Certain types of interactions between the laser energy and various
crystalline materials double the laser electromagnetic frequency.
Doubling the frequency is the same as halving the Wavelength,
and thus the laser emission shifts from 1,064 .nanometers (infra-
red) to 532 nanometers (green). The laser wavelength is thus
moved from the near-infrared part of the spectrum to the visible. It
is possible in this way to divide the wavelength also by three down
to 354.7 nanometers and by four down to 266 nanometers, well
28 One
Gas Lasers
Gas lasers use a pure gas or a mixture of gases to produce a
beam, and there are many varieties on the market with very
different properties. The emitted power can range from a thou-
sandth of a watt up to millions of watts in pulses or CW form. The
wavelengths produced by these lasers range from the ultraviolet-
where an argon fluoride excimer laser emits at 193 nanometers-
and continues through the visible and far into the infrared portion
of the spectrum, where lasers can be found in the 30,000-
1,000,000 nanometer region. The gas laser family includes a car-
bon dioxide laser (9,000-11,000 nanometers or 9-11 micrometers)
which for many years has been one of the crucial high-energy
lasers used in R&D for high-energy laser weapon applications.
The common gas laser is built around a tube which contains
the gas. Mirrors are placed at each end of the tube. As in other
lasers, one mirror is totally reflecting, while the other transmits
slightly in order to allow the laser beam to leave the tube cavity.
Most gas lasers use electron collision pumping, with an electric
current passing through the gas. However, some gas lasers use
optical pumping with flash lamps, and others use the energy
generated by chemical reactions. A wide range of different pure
gases and mixtures of gases are suitable for laser operation. It is
only necessary that the gas have energy levels that are capable of
achieving population inversion.
One of the best-known gas lasers on the market is the helium-
neon (HeNe) laser. It produces a low-power, bright-red continuous
beam with a wavelength of 632.8 nanometers. The power range is
in the region of 0.1-50 milliwatts. Also, a HeNe laser emitting at a
wavelength of 543.0 nanometers and with a power range of 0.1-1.0
milliwatts has recently become commercially available. It is also
possible to design HeNe lasers with many other output wave-
lengths in the red and near-infrared portions of the spectrum.
There are many reasons for the popularity of the HeNe lasers with
a wavelength of 532 nanometer, the most usual one. They are
simple, cheap, and can be cost-effective for many tasks. The lasers
can work continuously for thousands of hours. Scanning HeNe
lasers are used to read the standard International Product Code,
which is increasingly used to mark packages in retail stores.
Alignment and measurements at construction sites and in survey-
ing are other common uses. Universities and schools train stu-
dents in optical laboratories with HeNe lasers. The HeNe lasers do
not have widespread military use but are found in ring laser
gyroscopes, which are used to stabilize military aircraft and
helicopters and to aid in the navigation of submarines. Such laser
gyros may be made small enough to be suitable to control
precision-guided munitions.
Argon (Ar) and krypton (Kr) lasers are very similar to HeNe
Laser Technology 31
lasers. They have the same basic design, with electron collision
pumping of the gas, but in this case the lasers use the rare gases
argon and krypton and operate in the CW mode. Argon and
krypton lasers differ from HeNe lasers in that they require active
cooling and other modifications to give them higher power, up to
500 or 1,000 times more than that of HeNe lasers, and they are,
therefore, .quite a bit more expensive than HeNe lasers. The higher
power possibility is one of their main advantages over HeNe
lasers; another is emission at shorter wavelengths, which is neces-
sary for some medical and industrial applications. Argon and
krypton lasers allow for the selection of several wavelengths from
the near-ultraviolet range through the visible region and down
into the near-infrared part of the spectrum. They are used in
medicine by ophthalmologists, mainly for the retina but also for
glaucoma in other parts of the eye, and on the skin by dermatolo-
gists to remove birthmarks and tattoos. A common popular use of
both argon and krypton lasers is to entertain audiences at light
shows. From a laser weapons standpoint, argon lasers must be
considered as possible low-energy anti-eye lasers which can blind
temporarily with flash blindness or permanently by inducing laser
lesions or hemorrhaging.
Helium-cadmium (He Cd) gas lasers use a vaporized metal as
the lasing medium, and they can deliver a CW beam at power
levels between 1.0 and 50.0 milliwatts. There are two possible
wavelengths, 325 nanometers in the ultraviolet and 441.6 nanome-
ters in the blue part of the visible spectrum. The design of the laser
is similar to that of HeNe lasers except that it is necessary to heat
the metal to produce a vapor. These lasers are not very expensive
and have a considerably longer lifetime than argon lasers. There
are other kinds of metal vapor lasers, especially copper and gold,
which do not emit in the CW mode but only in the pulsed mode;
these can have a high average power of between 1 and 50 watts.
The copper vapor laser has two wavelengths, 511 nanometers in
the green and 578 nanometers in the yellow, and the gold vapor
laser has one at 628 nanometers in the red.
The earliest really high power laser was of the gas type, the
32 One
carbon dioxide (C0 2) laser. The first one was built and demon-
strated at Bell Telephone Laboratories by C. Kumar N. Patel in
1961. A CO2 laser produces a beam in the infrared part of the
spectrum at various wavelengths between 9,000 and 12,000
nanometers in either a CW or a pulsed mode. Although the CO 2
laser can operate on many of those wavelengths at the same time
or be confined to a single wavelength, the most often used variety
emits at a single wavelength of 10,600 nm. The efficiency of this
CO2 laser is extremely high compared to that of most other lasers,
as high as 20%, with output powers from a tenth of a watt up to
several megawatts. There are several possible types of CO2 lasers
with different properties, some of which are listed in Table 1.2.
The more powerful CO2 laser types are used for welding, cutting,
and drilling metals and other materials. The high energy attained
by CO2 lasers has encouraged the military to try and develop
high-energy laser weapons. The gas dynamic CO2 laser has been
and still is the basis for many such military projects.
The CO2 laser differs from most other gas lasers by burning
fuel in oxygen or nitrous oxide instead of passing an electric
current through a gas. This fuel may be a common hydrocarbon
such as kerosene or methane, and the hot gas flows through a
comb of nozzles, expands quickly, and achieves the population
inversion required to amplify the energy. The gas then flows at
supersonic speed through an optical resonator, where stimulated
emission occurs, and the energy is emitted as a laser beam. The
spent gas mixture is released through a diffuser into the atmo-
sphere. The theory is rather simple, but putting it into practice
may be complex. A compact turbine, a many-bladed fan, may
supply the heated gas, while the spent gas carries off most of the
stray heat at the same time. The overall function can be compared
to that of a rocket motor in which the fuel and oxygen are forced
into the combustion chamber under pressure and burned, and
then the waste gases leave under a low pressure and absorb energy
as they expand. In real life, there are a lot of difficulties involved
in the design of a high-energy CO 2 laser weapon-the size
and shape of the nozzles, the gas flow exit, and, not least, how to
get the beam through the atmosphere focused directly on the
Another promising gas laser is the carbon monoxide (CO)
laser. It operates in the wavelength region between 4,800 and 8,000
nanometers at about 70 different wavelengths and is still in the
research phase. There are some difficult practical design problems
to solve before a CO laser will reach the market. A CO laser would
use a continuous beam with high power, and it would, in theory,
be more efficient than a CO 2 laser in converting pump energy into
laser power.
The excimer laser is an important new type of gas laser that
was developed during the mid 1970s. The lasing medium consists
of a mixture of noble gas (neon, argon, xenon, krypton, etc.) and a
halogen (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, etc.). When the two gases
are in the ground state, their atoms exist separately in the mixture.
34 One
When the atoms are excited to the upper level useful for lasers,
molecules are formed, consisting of one atom from each gas. The
laser is pumped with an electric current in short pulses. In
general, an excimer laser beam has a wavelength in the ultraviolet
and operates with short pulses, often less than a nanosecond in
duration. The average power output may be over one hundred
watts. Some typical excimer lasers are the argon fluoride excimer
(ArF) at 193 nanometers, the krypton fluoride excimer (KrF) at 249
nanometers, and the xenon fluoride excimer (XeF) at 350 nanome-
ters. Among other things, this new family of gas lasers is used for
medical applications-ocular and vascular surgery-and in the
electronics manufacturing process. These lasers find widespread
military use in communication systems. One of their advantages
is that they operate on a wavelength suitable for communications
with submerged submarines. The excimer laser has also been a
candidate within the Strategic Defense Initiative (SOl) program for
use from the ground against targets in space with the help of relay
mirrors positioned in space.
The chemical laser is similar to the CO2 laser in that the laser
action is fueled by the combustion of hydrogen with fluorine (HF)
or deuterium with fluorine (OF). The vibrationally excited mole-
cules emit photons, between 2,600 and 3,300 nanometers at more
than 15 different wavelengths in the case of the HF laser and
between 3,800 and 4,200 nanometers at about 25 wavelengths in
the case of the OF laser. A chemical laser can operate in the CW
mode, although the operational time is dependent upon how long
it is possible to have gases flowing rapidly through the laser's
cavity. Chemical lasers are similar to the CO2 and other gas
dynamic lasers and may also be compared with rocket engines.
There is a great deal of military interest in chemical lasers, as it is
possible to generate very high energy. In one concept called
MlRACL (Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser), the U.S. Navy is
said to have reached an output energy of 2.2 megawatts. However,
in spite of reports that MIRACL has destroyed flying target drones,
there are still huge practical problems to overcome.
There are some other gas types of lasers, such as the nitrogen
Laser Technology 35
TABLE 1.3. Some Typical Gas Lasers and Their Usual Power Ranges
Wavelength Typical
Name (nanometers) Power (watts) operation
Helium-neon 543 0.0001-0.001 CW
632.8 0.0001-0.05 CW
Krypton 350-647 0.001-6.0 CW
Argon 350-514.5 0.001-20.0 CW
Xenon fluoride 351 0.5-30.0 CW
Argon fluoride 193 0.5-30.0 Pulsed
Krypton fluoride 249 7.0-100.0 Pulsed
Deuterium fluoride 3,800-4,200 0.01-100.0 (Megawatts) Pulsed or CW
Hydrogen fluoride 2,600-3,000 0.01-150.0 (Megawatts) Pulsed or CW
Carbon dioxide 9,000-12,000 0.1-15,000 (Megawatts) Pulsed or CW
36 One
excited state that will emit light. The technical details of semicon-
ductors are a vast scientific field in itself and are far beyond the
scope of this book.
One of the differences between a semiconductor diode laser
and the types of lasers already discussed in this chapter is that the
beam of a diode laser is rectangular rather than round in cross
section, and it diverges and expands very rapidly. That makes this
laser beam more similar to an incoherent source such as a
searchlight than to a laser, and other optical elements can be
added to focus the beam according to the requirements of a
particular application. A semiconductor laser offers a choice of
wavelengths from 330 nanometers (zinc sulfide) up to 30,000
nanometers (lead salt). Table 1.4 presents an overview of semicon-
d uctor lasers.
Semiconductor lasers are used in huge numbers for compact
disc audio players. They are also used in optical fiber systems such
as telecommunications. New technological developments promise
widespread availability of these lasers with an average power
output from tens to several thousands of milliwatts and at lower
prices. Semiconductor lasers may even be used in weapon guid-
ance systems, in military communications, and in low-power
antipersonnel (anti-eye) weapons.
The most common diode lasers are made of gallium arsenide.
The basic model emits at a wavelength of 904 nanometers. It is
possible to get shorter wavelengths, down to 750 nanometers, by
using aluminum in the mixture. These lasers are of a very well
known design; they are easy to use, and the low-power varieties
are simple and cheap to manufacture. It is possible that gallium
arsenide lasers in the near future will be efficiently frequency
doubled and will thus generate wavelengths in the visible spec-
trum between 400 and 450 nanometers.
The indium gallium arsenide phosphide (InGaAsP) laser was
developed to meet the requirements for longer wavelengths in
conjunction with optical fiber technology. Such a laser may emit a
wavelength somewhere between 1,000 and 1,700 nanometers. The
most common versions have a wavelength of 1,300 nanometers.
A semiconductor laser that may replace the HeNe gas laser in
Laser Technology 37
Free-Electron Lasers
We can understand the free-electron laser (FEL) by compar-
ing it to other electronic devices which share some common parts.
The basic principle of an FEL is, to a large extent, similar to that
used in a high-voltage linear particle accelerator, in which a beam
of electrons is accelerated to a very high speed by an electric field.
These electrons are alone and free of any atoms. When the
electrons have been sufficiently accelerated, they are passed
through a magnetic field produced by placing a series of magnets
in a row, with every other magnet of reversed polarity. This
magnetic field causes the electron beam and the electrons in it to
wiggle or change direction sharply. As the electrons change direc-
tion, they emit and absorb energy. If the design of the laser is
proper, the electrons will emit more energy than they absorb. The
electrons, after changing directions but before emitting energy,
can be thought of, for comparison purposes, as the population-
inverted energy levels of a conventional laser, and, by stimulated
emission, the "excited" electrons will emit coherent radiation.
This energy output is formed into a laser beam in a conventional
way by the use of mirrors in a resonator cavity.
FEL technology is still very much in a research phase. If all
practical difficulties can be solved, the main advantages will be
extremely high efficiency, tunability over a very broad part of the
spectrum, and high intensity. M. Foley, a researcher at Los Alamos
National Laboratory, estimates the efficiency of a highly developed
FEL as 20-24 %, which is really a very high efficiency compared to
that of other tunable lasers. In theory, the wavelength' range
extends all the way from the microwave region to the ultraviolet,
but any particular FEL is limited to only a specific part of that
range. However, even so, this range is much broader than what is
Laser Technology 39
Miscellaneous Lasers
There are some very specific laser projects whose goal is to
produce very short wavelengths in the X-ray region. One such
project is the development of an X-ray laser pumped by a nuclear
explosion or eventually with an extremely powerful laser operat-
ing with very short pulses. Another possibility, at an even shorter
wavelength, is the gamma-ray laser. These efforts have been made
within the SOl program in response to the military's requirell\ent
for a space-based laser with the ability to kill missiles thousands of
kilometers away. A tremendous number of practical problems
need to be solved before any of these concepts can be considered
40 One
concepts that are suitable for military application and that will
fulfill the very tough but realistic battlefield requirements. Many
new military laser systems will most certainly be designed and
fielded, and most countries already have a laser industry to back
up their military needs. Thus, if and when realistic battlefield laser
weapons concepts pass through the research and development
phase, there will be a strong laser industry already in existence to
mass-produce these weapons.
The scientific work during the 1950s that led to the invention of the
laser was followed closely by work in military research institutes
all over the world. Much of the industrial and academic work was
financed through military budgets and directed by military staffs. '
As soon as Theodore Maiman presented the first demonstration of
a working laser, military staff officers and planners tried to investi-
gate what military advantages could be gained from the new
invention. Although in the beginning quite a few of them thought
that they had a possible new weapon, it soon became clear that the
available lasers were more likely to be used as tools for improving
the efficiency of conventional weapons on the battlefield. That is
exactly what happened at first. Lasers have found many military
applications, not as new weapons, but rather as the supporting
technology to enhance the performance of other weapons.
It was not until the 1970s that the possibility of laser weapons
again captured the imagination of military planners. High-energy
lasers finally became a reality, and the possibility of using them for
laser weapons has been investigated vigorously ever since.
44 Two
target. The laser detector is split into four quadrants to give the
strength of the incoming signal from the target relative to the laser
beam. The angular direction information is used to direct the
platform upon which the fire control equipment is placed. The
tracking accuracy is better than 0:3 milliradians at ranges of up to
3l miles. It is highly probable that the laser missile tracking
technique will be developed further, allowing longer engagement
distances for very small and fast targets. The present trackers
have, in bad weather at least, a rather limited maximum range for
tracking these small and elusive targets.
the target but rather sees a reflection from the target; that is, the
system is not a beam riding type. The coding of the laser beam is
of vital importance. The only equipment that should be able to
read the code is the target seeker in the actual munition. Other-
wise, it would be possible for the enemy to steer the missile away
from the target with its own laser beam. The coded beam also has
the advantage of allowing simultaneous marking or designation of
several different targets in the same area, each with its own
designated missile and each with a different code to prevent
interference between them.
In most cases, the laser used in the target designators is a
pulsed Nd:YAG laser with a very high pulse repetition frequency.
The CO2 laser is an alternative to the Nd:YAG laser, especially
when penetration through smoke and haze is taken into consid-
eration. However, the CO2 laser system is relatively expensive, not
only because of the cost of the laser but also because of the cost of
the laser detector in the missile, which means that the Nd:YAG
laser designator will be the favored choice for a long time.
The laser target designator may be mounted on a tripod to be
portable for use by infantry, as in the case of the British lightweight
ground designator from GEC Ferranti Defense Systems (Fig. 2.1),
or it may be integrated into a more complex stationary fire control
system. Many weapons are already fielded in army, navy, and air
force applications and are guided by laser target designators. The
US. Army uses an antitank missile called Hellfire and an artillery-
delivered antitank shell called Copperhead. The US. Air Force has
several types of laser-guided bombs (LGB) and missiles as does
the US. Navy. Many other countries have also developed these
types of weapons-for example, the French have the Laser
Guided Bomb (BGL) family.
A vast amount of money has been spent on the R&D of
airborne laser target designators. The first version fielded was PAVE
LIGHT, designed in response to the difficulties that US. aircraft
had in hitting targets in North Vietnam from the air. This was the
first target designator. It was operated visually from the back seat
of a Phantom aircraft which had to circle the target and keep the
Current Military Applications 51
beam directed onto the target while other aircraft dropped their
laser-guided bombs. Development proceeded rapidly to a target
designator contained within a pod mounted on the wing com-
bined with a television tracker and a laser range finder. Later
versions also operated at night, giving a 24-hour capability. The
latest U. S. system is called LANTIRN and consists of a navigational
pod and a targeting pod which have a modern laser target
52 Two
the enemy two visible targets at which to aim in order to knock out
the weapons system. The target designator is especially vulner-
able, because it will move relatively slowly, if at all, and must
remain on longer. This limitation on the use of the target designa-
tors will not be a limitation in the case of laser weapons which
depend only upon the effect of the beam itself and are on for much
shorter durations.
ate the effects, and illustrate the results to both the gunner and the
target. A laser is an ideal training aid for all sorts of firing, as a
laser pulse will be sent to the target instead of a bullet, projectile,
or missile. Basically, laser weapon simulators may be used for two
training purposes-first, to give the soldier basic training with the
weapon in question and, second, for training in two-sided field
exercises where combat units with different weapon systems use
their weapons against live targets. The ultimate training is when
two large combat units, brigades or divisions, can fight each other
in the field using laser weapon simulators on all levels from the
infantry to tanks, helicopters, and aircraft. This is already being
done in some countries today, including the United States.
In these laser systems, it is possible to simulate every single
part of a live firing situation and, thus, ensure that the personnel
trained in this way are doing everything exactly right. The cost of
each laser shot is negligible. After the investment in the laser
weapon simulator has been made, each soldier may literally be
able to shoot hundreds and maybe even thousands of times, each
time receiving complete information on what was done right or
wrong. To a large extent, this is the state of the art in present
training practice.
The laser used in the simulators is normally a very low power
semiconductor laser. These lasers are small, easy to maintain and
use, and relatively cheap. A semiconductor laser makes it possible
to determine the three spatial coordinates of the simulated projec-
tile and its position in relation to the target with very high
precision. It is, of course, an absolute necessity that the laser used
be completely safe to the eye. This is a requirement for two-sided
exercises as well as for basic training, as most simulators work by
reflecting the laser beam from the target using a retroreflector.
There are many laser simulation systems in use all over the
world. A good example is the U.S. MILES system for small-arms
training. It is used as a firing simulator on the automatic weapons
of the infantry soldier. A target detector is fastened on the helmet
as an indicator to tell the soldier when he is hit. Also, his weapon
may be disabled when he is hit in a two-sided exercise. The MILES
56 Two
system is used for basic training, for training in squad and platoon
level battle techniques, and as an integrated system in large-scale
combat exercises. Tactical firing simulators for tanks are used in
the basic training of the tank gunner and commander in using the
tank gun and in tank-versus-tank battle training. The Swedish BT
41 is an example of a tank-mounted laser firing simulator. There
are even simulation laser systems for other direct-line-of-fire
weapons such as antitank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and
guns. The development in this field is rapid, and the budget
problems in many armed forces will certainly result in a demand
for more systems that can reduce training costs and still maintain
a high degree of proficiency in the various combat units.
Even in these laser simulator systems, as in the target desig-
nator systems, the soldier is required to aim a laser beam onto the
target. This is done by using the standard fire control equipment
(rifle sight, etc.) and other standard procedures. It is not very
difficult to hit the target with a laser beam at normal battlefield
engagement distances. If this simulator were a battlefield laser
weapon, it would hit the target just as well.
toward overcoming the problem of the size and bulk of the laser
and making a 500-million-shot life possible.
On the battlefield, electromagnetic jamming of present-day
radio and wire systems is an increasing threat. Laser communica-
tion through air or optical fibers offers what may be the only really
secure solution. The Yugoslavian laser communication device
RLK2 is representative of many hand-held, compact, and jam-
proof devices. It weighs about six pounds, emits at 905 nanome-
ters, and can transmit voice and data (10,000 bits/second) for a
maximum range of 4.4 miles through the atmosphere. It may
operate for eight hours on one package of batteries. Such devices
will be used in many armed forces in the future.
The most important laser for present-day communication
purposes is the semiconductor (diode) laser, which is very com-
pact and efficient. Optical fibers are used instead of the atmo-
sphere for transmission of the laser beam. This is much more
efficient, as billions of bits per second can be transmitted through
the optical fiber. Extensive military use of optical fibers for many
different purposes will almost certainly force the development of
even more efficient and less expensive semiconductor lasers.
Ring laser gyros are crucial for the performance of many
navigation and guidance systems for high-technology missiles,
aircraft, and helicopters. They provide direction, pitch, and yaw
reference data. A ring laser gyro is, compared to a conventional
gyro, small and light and has no moving mechanical parts. This
means that the gyro is. very suitable for rough environments and
can easily cope with rigid military requirements. The laser used is
a standard HeNe laser, and the ring is not a circle but rather a
triangle or square with mirrors at each corner to reflect the beam,
which is split in two and sent in opposite directions around the
circumference. Velocity differences are then measured between
the light beams passing in opposite directions around the "ring"
so that any rotation of the instrument in the plane of the ring can
be detected to a very high degree of accuracy.
A major development in laser technology for support of the
infantry is the laser sight or laser pointer. This is somewhat
62 Two
Laser Safety
The laser has become a common tool of civilians and soldiers all
over the world. Many lasers, perhaps most of them, are in some
way dangerous to people. For several reasons, it is our eyesight
that is most threatened, but there are many other dangers to deal
with as well. Laser safety is a very complex problem. This chapter
will provide some basic facts about the problem and will use
military lasers as examples, keeping the laser weapon question
particularly in mind.
may be serious toxic effects from the vapors released into the air
during the processing of laser materials. Electrical, chemical,
noise, and other related hazards are serious matters to consider,
but they are not associated with laser weapons and, therefore, will
not be explored further.
In and around most laser operations, there is always the
possibility of a fire hazard. Flammable material, such as paper,
may be set on fire by a CW laser operating with an output power
above 0.5 watt. The effect is, of course, similar to that of a high-
energy laser weapon designed to burn holes in and set fire to
different targets.
For many reasons, it is useful to divide the hazards from laser
beams into two main groups: those to the eye and those to the
skin. This chapter will describe in some detail why the eye is by
far the organ of the human body that is most sensitive to laser
radiation. The eyes may be severely damaged and even perma-
nently blinded by rather low energy laser beams, while the skin is
not nearly as sensitive. To get severe skin burns in the visible and
infrared part of the spectrum, it is normally necessary to use a
very high energy laser beam which delivers, at least, several watts
per square centimeter (W/cm2) to the target.
Safety threshold limits both for the skin and eyes are well
defined and have resulted in very strict safety regulations. Many
different national and international regulations exist, but they are
all based largely on the National U.S. Standards and particularly
the American National Standards Institute's 2-136 Laser Safety
Standards and its revisions.
FIGURE 3.1. Simplified cross section of the eye, identifying the principal struc-
tures. This cross section is a horizontal slice of the left eye viewed from above.
(Adapted from D. Sliney and M. Wolbarsht, Safety with LAsers and Other Optical
Sources, Plenum Press, New York, 1980.)
68 Three
damage to the eye is discussed. The wider the pupil is, the greater
the amount of light that passes into the eye.
The lens, directly behind the iris, is colorless, as it does not
absorb throughout the visible region of the spectrum. After the
light has passed the lens, it goes through the vitreous body, which
is a colorless gel. The vitreous body is attached to the ciliary body
and to the retina at several points. After passing through the
vitreous body, the light finally hits the retina. Changes in the focus
of the light rays entering the eye are controlled by the ciliary
muscles, which change the shape of the lens. Accordingly, this
allows far or near objects to be focused properly on the retina.
The retina consists of several very complex layers of nerve
cells and is, in fact, an extension of the brain. The outer surface of
the retina is covered by a single layer of cells called the retinal
pigment epithelium (RPE). Just inside this layer are the photo-
receptor cells, consisting of two types, rods and cones. Every eye
has approximately 125 million rods and 7 million cones. The rods
are large, cylindrical cells that are very sensitive to low intensity
levels of light but are not used in color vision. The cone cells are
smaller, occurring mostly in the central portion of the retina. They
are responsive to higher light levels and are used in distinguishing
colors. The adjacent layers in the choroid, outside the retina, are
also of special interest in an evaluation of retinal injury from light
When a person looks directly at an object, it is seen in fine
detail. At the same time, the surroundings are also seen, but with
less clarity. To see the surroundings in detail, the whole scene
must be scanned. This is because when the eye is aimed most
directly at an object, only a small area in the center of the retina,
called the fovea, is being used. The fovea is very densely packed
with cones, possibly in order to discriminate the fine details of the
image. In any case, the fovea is responsible for the highest acuity.
The fovea is the center of a larger area called the macula, or yellow
spot, where the vision is still very good. In this area, there may be
more than 4 million cones. It is important to remember that the
foveal area is responsible for the majority of high-acuity viewing,
Laser Safety 69
and, indeed, when the fovea or the central macula area does. not
function, a person is very severely visually disabled. This can be
appreciated at night, when the fovea and most of the macula lose
their ability to detect details, as the cones which are responsive
only to high levels of light do not work. Darkness eliminates the
fovea completely, as it has no rods, along with the central macular
vision. Therefore, the outer portion of the macula is responsible
for the best vision under these reduced illumination situations.
The distribution of visual acuity for both rods and cones is shown
in Fig. 3.2. It should be kept in mind that at least 20/40 vision is
necessary for driving an automobile or rapid reading.
The eye does not transmit the whole range of electromagnetic
radiation. This is a basic fact that has a bearing on both laser safety
and laser weapons. Figure 3.3 shows that infrared radiation (be-
yond 1,400 nanometers) as well as far-ultraviolet rays (wavelengths
.:; 60
:J 40 Optic nerve
-:;; blind spot
.> 20 )
60 40 20 o 20 40 60
f~ . . .
~ //
a ~
- ~
b d
FIGURE 3.3. Schematic diagram of the absorption of electromagnetic radiation in
the eye. (a) Microwaves, X rays, and gamma rays all pass through the eye with little
change. (b) Far-ultraviolet and far-infrared radiation are absorbed in the surface
layer of the cornea, whereas (c) near-ultraviolet radiation is absorbed mostly by the
lens. Only visible and near-infrared radiation (d) are focused by the optical
elements of the eye on the retina. (Adapted from D. Sliney and M. Wolbarsht, Safety
with Lasers and Other Optical Sources, Plenum Press, New York, 1980.)
less than 315 nanometers) do not get past the cornea. Most near-
ultraviolet radiation (315-400 nanometers) is absorbed harmlessly
in the lens. This means that neither the laser energy from a CO2
laser at 10.6 micrometers nor that from a nitrogen laser at 305
nanometers can reach the retina. On the other hand, really high
energy radiation such as X rays and gamma rays can penetrate
through the whole eye but does so without much damage. In
contrast, visible (400-700 nanometers) and near-infrared (700-
1,400 nanometers) laser energy can be focused to a point on the
retina and will cause damage if intense enough. For this reason,
Laser Safety 71
5,000 f-
.0 x 500 ~
'E .~
.2 E ~
.~ 100
C> ....
.Q Ql
50 ~
-0 B
10 "'- r--.
5 ~
o 5 10 20 30 40
c 60
'" 40
#- 20
Wavelength (I-'m)
FIGURE 3.5. Spectral transmission of the ocular media. This chart shows the
relative ability of visible and near-infrared radiation to reach the retina. Ultraviolet
(less than 0.4 micrometers) and mid- to far-infrared (greater than 1.4 micrometers)
radiation do not penetrate the eye sufficiently to reach the retina. (Adapted from D.
Sliney and M. Wolbarsht, Safety with Lasers and Other Optical Sources, Plenum Press,
New York, 1980.)
74 Three
absorption. These gas bubbles can disrupt the retina and in some
cases alter the physical structure of the eye.
The retina itself is not much more sensitive to laser damage
than any other parts of the body. The level of energy that may
cause severe damage to any part of the body is between 50 and 500
millijoules per square centimeter for a short pulse. It is only the
optical concentration of the energy by the optics of the eye that
makes a low-powered laser capable of damaging the retina specifi-
cally rather than the rest of the eye or body.
The most important part of the eye for vision is the macular
area and, in particular, the fovea centralis, which is densely
packed with cones. If the laser beam causes a retinal burn of any
size in this area, the result is permanent loss of fine-detail vision
sufficient to cause legal blindness, and no treatment is possible. Of
course, much vision is still present but not enough to read rapidly,
drive an automobile, or do any visually demanding task.
If the retinal burn does not affect the macula, the visual
impairment may not be very serious. The focused laser beam can
leave a small wound on the retina, which may be seen by the
person involved as a small dark spot in his visual field. In many
cases, such a spot will not be noticed at all. The laser exposure
itself is more or less painless, and the dark spot very small.
However, if the energy level is sufficient, such laser exposure can
cause a vitreal, infraretinal, or subretinal hemorrhage inside the
eye. Vision will be obscured by the blood blocking the optical path
between the lens and the macula or by the blood elevating the
retina and detaching it from the pigment epithelium. Such a
hemorrhage is a serious injury requiring immediate medical atten-
tion. Any damage to vision may be permanent, although some
treatment is possible. This treatment is complicated and involves
sucking blood from under the retina or removing the vitreous
body. Both operations require exceptionally clean operating rooms
and are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to attempt on a
battlefield or in other field-type hospitals. At present, it also
appears that if the treatment is not completed within a certain time
76 Three
after the injury, perhaps a week or less, the damage will most
certainly be permanent and may even get worse.
The laser's capability to cause various types of eye damage at
many different distances has been very well documented in nu-
merous animal experiments. This rather large body of data has
also been compared to data on the real injuries of humans in a
number of actual laser accidents.
Some experiments performed in the United States on rhesus
monkeys who were exposed to laser radiation in order to deter-
mine the threshold levels for serious eye damage can be summa-
rized as follows. A pulsed green laser could cause a retinal burn at
about two miles and a retinal hemorrhage at a quarter of a mile.
The use of binoculars increases these distances by a factor of about
4. The corresponding distances for a deep red (ruby) laser of the
same energy were slightly shorter than for a green laser, while the
infrared laser was much less effective than both. The details are
given in Table 3.1. In a Swedish study, the possibility of a standard
ruby range finder causing a vitreal hemorrhage in the eye at
battlefield distances was investigated by using the eyes of anesthe-
tized pigs to simulate observation with the naked eye or through
magnifying optics. The report on the data concludes that a stan-
dard military ruby range finder under normal atmospheric condi-
10 1 3
3-----__ 1064 nil.
1.0 ~
10- 1
t~ :~~. ~~ ~~. ~:~-;.;:~::. ~.;.:... --
r-----··- --.---------
~ •• - - - - - - - .• - - - - - - - - . _ - - - - - -- - - ._----
j Retinal burn
10- ..J
J Macula pigment epithelium
10-' ~
Range Imeters)
10 1 3
j M 1 7 Binoculars 694.3 nil
i _ _ __
10 -l:::::::::':::::::::::.::: ::.:.::::
10-' J
Range (meters)
Laser Safety 79
FIGURE 3.6. Laser ocular effects at various ranges from military range finders
under tactical conditions. The various types of eye damage-retinal burns, vit-
reous hemorrhages, etc.-are shown as a function of the energy and the distance
from the range finder. The curves shown are for a 3-millimeter pupil, a 7-millimeter
pupil, and a 7-millimeter pupil with optically aided viewing using M17 binoculars.
The two graphs are for a Nd:YAG (1064 nm) and a ruby (694.3 nm) range finder,
respectively. (Adapted from B. Stuck, Symposium on Medical Surveillance, Sep-
tember 8-9,1982, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, p. 30.)
80 Three
welder's flash. The eyes are very sore, and the movement of the lid
over the cornea in blinking is very painful. However, although this
effect lasts only one or two days, the person is effectively blinded
during this period. For comfort, the eyes must remain shut and
should even be bandaged. Extremely high exposure levels may
permanently damage the cornea and possibly the lens behind it.
The photochemical effects of ultraviolet radiation are not yet fully
understood. However, as most of these effects require that the eye
be subjected to high levels of laser radiation for a comparatively
long time, half a minute or more, it seems unlikely that these
effects in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum could form the basis
for a laser weapon.
In the mid- and far-infrared region, the possibility for absorp-
tion in the cornea, especially for wavelengths longer than 2,000
nanometers, is very high. Therefore, the cornea is very susceptible
to damaging heat during exposure to mid-infrared radiation. If
the energy level of the beam is high enough to cause corneal
heating, this will produce immediate and severe pain and auto-
matically trigger the blink reflex. The cornea is quite sensitive, and
an elevation of only 20°F will cause a pain response. The question
is whether or not sufficient thermal energy would be absorbed in
the cornea to cause injury in the short time before the blink reflex is
activated. The lids are much less sensitive to damage because the
Laser Safety 81
circulating blood carries away the heat and a large amount of the
laser beam is reflected.
The infrared lasers that may be used to injure the cornea are
CO2, hydrogen "fluoride (HF), deuterium fluoride (DF), and Co.
Such lasers with an output power of more than 10 watts per square
centimeter could deliver at least 0.5 to 10 joules per square centi-
meter to the cornea before the blink reflex gives any protection, as
shown in Fig. 3.8. Existing infrared lasers can certainly damage
the cornea before any head movement can occur. Research has
shown that thermal injury to the cornea produces a white spot or
an opacification of the surface. The injury is extremely painful and
needs immediate and well-qualified medical care. The severity of
corneal burn injuries from laser exposure can be compared to that
of burns and injuries resulting from the ignition or explosion of
flammable objects.
The fact that the threat to the eye, especially in the retinal
hazard region, is caused by extremely low energy lasers and, thus,
constitutes a more frequent and obvious hazard has placed haz-
ards to the skin as secondary to those to the eye. However, if the
energy level is sufficient, the skin is a much larger target than the
eye. It is also possible to burn the skin indirectly by setting fire to
nearby objects with a high-energy laser. Obviously, widespread
burn injuries are certainly more life-threatening than eye injuries.
Lasers can have several important effects on the skin. The
thermal effect is the most significant one. Burn injuries are di-
vided into three basic groups. A first-degree burn is a very
superficial reddening of the skin, a second-degree burn produces
blistering, and a third-degree burn, the most severe kind, de-
stroys the entire outer layer of the skin. The irradiance necessary
to cause a first degree burn is 12 watts per square centimeter; for
second- and third-degree burns, the necessary irradiance is 24
and 34 watts per square centimeter, respectively. If the exposure
82 Three
'"E •
( J)
• •
• a.:>....."
OOCl:f· •o
3: 10
<Il •
C c
.... "
A B c
______ ------l----- ______ -----------
\Firing: Forward edge \Firing! Forward edge
\ \ area.', of firing area "area!
\ I
of firing area
\- __ ... 1 'L ___ l
FIGURE 3.9. Laser range safety fans. Laser range safety fans are used by the U.S.
Army to indicate the nominal ocular hazard distance (NOHD). The NOHD is
normally terminated by a backstop. The unterminated NOHD depends on beam
expansion and atmospheric attenuation. In case A, the NOHD is a line-of-sight fan
parallel to the ground and would only be used when there is no backstop. Case B is
the more usual situation where a backstop is established by a hill or tree line. In
case C, the fan is perpendicular to the ground and is applied to airspace hazards.
Laser Safety 87
Range without
u; Normal atmosphere
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
NOHD (miles)
FIGURE 3.10. The effects of a clear atmosphere on the nominal ocular hazard
distance (NOHD). This figure shows the theoretical distance in a vacuum and the
actual distance in a clear atmosphere. The straight line is for a laser beam at a
wavelength (1064 nm) not absorbed heavily by the atmosphere. The curved line
shows effects of a normal atmosphere, indicating that even in the clearest atmo-
sphere there is a considerable attenuation. As the distances are large, this attenua-
tion will not affect the use of lasers within a typical battlefield but will modify the
effects of lasers from aircraft or in an antiaircraft situation.
90 Four
targets mentioned above. The structures inside the eye are even
more sensitive than skin, and an energy level of only 0.5-5.0
microjoules will be sufficient to cause serious damage. This is only
a tiny fraction of the energy level necessary to damage an aircraft.
Sensors aboard aircraft or other machinery operating within the
visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum may be just as
sensitive as the human eye, since their optics also greatly magnify
any incoming laser energy. This should give an indication of the
differences between high- and low-energy-Ievellasers. In short,
only the eye and similarly sensitive sensors can be harmed by low-
energy laser weapons.
The military has a choice of two main laser weapon arenas.
The first includes the low-energy laser weapons designed to
destroy or disable sensors, target seekers, night fighting equip-
ment, other electro-optical devices, and even human eyes. The
other alternative is the high-energy laser weapons designed to
knock out targets in the air or on the ground and to destroy optics
and sensors at extremely long ranges. The sensitivity of the
intended target and the required range will be the two most
important factors to consider when deciding whether a low-power
and much cheaper laser will be sufficient or not.
the tank will be when the projectile arrives. A high hit probability
can only be achieved with the assistance of a fire control system
that calculates this factor and provides the correct aiming point.
Then, all the gunner has to do is press the button and wait for the
result. It is of interest to note that one of the basic components in
most such fire control systems is a laser range finder.
The problem of determining the correct lead for a moving
target (that is, the distance that the gunner must aim in front of it)
is even more difficult when the target is traveling rapidly, as in the
case of an aircraft. The usual speed for a military aircraft during an
attack may be 300-330 yards per second or 610-740 miles per hour.
If an aircraft moving at 330 yards per second is shot at by an
antiaircraft gun at a distance of 3 miles with a projectile whose
speed is 1,375 yards per second, the lead has to be at least 1,260
yards for a side view of the airplane. If the aircraft is not moving in
a straight line and has a more or less oblique course compared to
the projectile, the problem is much more difficult. This is why it is
necessary to have a very complex fire control system to solve this
three-dimensional problem. Yet, despite all the extra assistance
from the fire control system, the hit probability may still be rather
low. In comparison, the beam from a laser weapon will travel at the
speed of light, and the aircraft will move only two yards before the
laser beam hits it. The tank will move even less. These small
movements are without any importance whatsoever in relation to
the weapon's immediate effect on the target. If the target is
resistant, and it is necessary to attack the same spot for some time
in order to get the desired effect, the problem becomes a little more
complicated. However, it should be remembered that the laser
gunner has an almost zero time-of-flight weapon, and it is cer-
tainly not possible for the target to take any evasive action to avoid
the beam or to activate any protective countermeasures before it is
hit the first time.
When a tank gunner is fighting on the battlefield, he often has
more than one target to engage at the same time. It is vital to him
that he can destroy or neutralize these targets in rapid succession
96 Four
for the offensive use of these weapons and the defense against
hostile lasers. Such a doctrine should cover all aspects from army
group operations down to the role of the individual soldier, air-
man, and sailor. The implementation of such a comprehensive
doctrine will take time, require a lot of training, and certainly cost
a great deal of money. It is necessary to make very precise
arrangements to ensure that combat units know how to cope with
the laser threat; otherwise, they are risking a very nasty surprise in
actual combat. Optimally, laser weapons should be combined with
conventional weapons in a way that will produce as high an
efficiency rate as possible in combat.
laser and its tracking system may be too much for a combat aircraft
to carry. Another interesting concept is to direct the laser beam
from the aircraft against the sensors and sights of the air defense
sites. Some ground-to-air missiles use a beam riding technique,
and it should be possible to fire a laser weapon from the threat-
ened aircraft along the laser beam that is attacking it back to the
missile operator or the missile itself.
The most spectacular and horrifying use of the laser weapon
may be in the antipersonnel role, where the main target is the
human eye. The desired effect may be to flash blind the adversary
for shorter or longer periods of time or even to permanently blind.
The most obvious targets are the eyes behind the magnifying
optics in armored vehicles, missile systems, artillery control sys-
tems, and many other places on the battlefield. The use of magni-
fying optics means that the effective range of the laser weapon will
be substantially increased, as the effect of the incoming laser light
is increased by the magnifying optics, but even ordinary infantry-
men can be a target for anti-eye laser weapons. It is surely possible
to design and field cheap laser weapons that can be added to
ordinary small arms and used in close combat at distances of up to
1,100 yards. The cost of such a weapon drops with mass produc-
tion, and the broad-scale fielding of this type of weapon would
change not only the tactics and battle doctrine of combat but
would even affect the requirements for medical services, because
of the large-scale casualties that would be expected from such
High-energy laser weapons could also be used as very so-
phisticated and long-range flamethrowers. It would be easy to set
fire to trees, wooden buildings, uniforms, and other flammable
objects at long distances, causing widespread fires and a devastat-
ing psychological effect on the enemy.
As will be discussed in the following chapters, the wide-
spread use of the military laser weapon, both against equipment
and personnel, is rapidly approaching becoming a reality, but
there are many limitations.
108 Five
The main use of HEL weapons will be for air defense, and
vigorous efforts have been made by some countries to investigate
seriously the use of HEL weapons for this purpose. Defense staff
military planners, scientists, and engineers at industrial research
institutes worldwide have worked hard at trying to design and
field HEL weapons that will meet the growing threat from increas-
ingly sophisticated attack aircraft, armed helicopters, and a grow-
ing number of different missiles, including sea skimmers. In
theory, the military requirements are quite simple; the HEL
weapon must be able to destroy the airborne targets at night as
well as in bad weather before they deliver their load of munitions
on a protected facility. If the aircraft release their payload outside
the range of the HEL weapon, then it must also be capable of
destroying the incoming munitions before they can accomplish
their mission.
The air defense environment is usually complicated by a high
degree of atmospheric pollution, yet, despite this problem, a very
high standard of performance will still be required from any laser
weapon system. When important targets need to be protected, it
is necessary to take into account the enemy's probable use of a
large number of attacking aircraft or helicopters equipped with
the most modern weapons. In most cases, this could mean four to
eight aircraft attacking simultaneously from several directions.
Modem technology allows an aircraft to fly toward the target area
close to the ground and deliver its munitions from a very low
altitude. In some cases, long-range weapons will be used whose
missiles can be launched at the final target from the attacking
aircraft well outside the range of the defending laser weapons. Of
course, the greater the distance from the target that the launching
takes place, the lower is the probability of a successful hit.
Aircraft, helicopters, and missiles are becoming increasingly
faster, more intelligent; and much more versatile, which means
that all types of air attackers will have to be destroyed or countered
110 Five
situation, air defense missile units are often very satisfied if the
kill probability exceeds 50% for each missile fired. The true figure
is usually less than that. A missile system has a relatively long
reaction time from target detection until missile launch, often
more than five seconds. If these crucial seconds are added to the
five to ten seconds it will take the missile to fly to the target, the
possibility of engaging any given target successfully becomes
somewhat limited. If the target moves at a very low altitude-"tree
skimming" -with a speed of 300 yards per second, it will cover at
least 1.5 miles before the missile can possibly hit it. This may not
be too problematic if the number of targets is the same or nearly
the same as the number of guns or missiles and the enemy is flying
at an altitude that makes it possible to engage him. If there are
multiple targets for every gun and missile, however, there is a
good possibility that a substantial number of them will get
through. Any enemy will certainly be aware of these facts and will
try to attack important targets with as many weapons and aircraft
as possible. The most difficult and extreme case will be when the
attacker can launch multiple missiles or bombs at extreme ranges.
Thus, it is already very difficult and will become even more
complicated in the future to defend high-value targets effectively
against airborne attacks with conventional missile and gun system
technology. \
Some military scientists and staff members have advocated
the introduction of the HEL air defense weapons on the battlefield
as the only solution to these problems. According to one of the
individuals involved in the present development of a German air
defense HEL weapon, the following essential military require-
ments must be fulfilled in order for a future HEL system to cope
with even a present-day threat. The air defense laser must have
multiple target detection and tracking ability with a target detec-
tion time of less than 1.5 seconds. The aiming time should be less
than 0.5 seconds for the first target and 0.1 seconds for each
additional target in a group. In addition to these extremely short
reaction times, an additional requirement is that there be a suffi-
112 Five
E = A(J x t)
an HEL weapon, but there are still enough thin-skin parts and
sensitive areas to produce a devastating effect or destruction if hit
precisely. On the other hand, it is obvious that at battlefield ranges
even an extremely high energy laser weapon cannot penetrate the
heavy armor on a tank or other armored vehicles and thus an HEL
weapon is of no use for destroying resistant ground targets in the
battlefield. However, sensors, optics, and related devices are still
valid targets wherever they appear on the battlefield, even in a
using an electron gun. However, even the rebuilt FEL with its
electron wiggler, all high-voltage accelerators, and the photoinjec-
tor will still be a very large nonmobile indoor machine.
Another alterative is under investigation at Stanford Univer-
sity, where the development of a superconductor FEL could lead to
very efficient and compact models. In a superconductor system,
the magnets are cooled to such low temperatures that the electric
currents travel with almost no loss of energy. It will certainly be
several years before the FEL technology is mature enough to be
used for active service on the battlefield, but if the problems of size
and technology can be solved, the frequency-agile FEL will be a
prime candidate for tactical HEL weapon applications.
In principle, an X-ray laser beam could destroy electrical
circuitry, possibly trigger some types of munitions, set off a
nuclear bomb or render it inoperable, and make humans sick or
even kill them. The preferred energy source for a very high power
X-ray laser is a small nuclear explosion. This makes it almost
impossible to contemplate a battlefield HEL X-ray laser weapon.
Some research has been done by the Livermore Laboratories in the
United States with optical laser-driven X-ray lasers. So far, the
output power is modest compared to the input power. Thus, with
the present technology, X-ray lasers are not candidates for battle-
field HEL weapons.
Two excimer laser systems may be considered HEL weapon
candidates-the krypton fluoride laser (KrF) emitting at 249
nanometers and the xenon fluoride laser (XeF) at 350 nanometers.
The interest in using excimer lasers for weapons in a manner
similar to the FELs has emerged out of the 501 program. Initially,
the excimer work concentrated on the use of an HEL weapon
mounted on a satellite to be used against nuclear ballistic missiles
and warheads in outer space. Later stages of the program have
placed the laser in a ground or underground station and reflected
the laser beam by an orbiting mirror to the target in much the same
way as with the FEL. While the FEL has the possibility of selecting
an optimal wavelength, excimer lasers operate at only a few well-
defined wavelengths. The basic problem is still to overcome atmo-
120 Five
There are public reports that a target drone was shot down in
experiments by the U. S. Air Force as early as 1969 using a primitive
gas dynamic CO2 laser. What has been more widely reported, and
even shown on a film in public in 1982 at the annual Conference on
Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), is the shooting down of small,
winged, propelled target drones as part of some 1973 vintage
experiments conducted by laser scientists from the Air Force
Weapons Laboratory at the Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mex-
ico. They used a gas CO2 laser of a few hundred kilowatts. The
target drones were destroyed by detonating their fuel tanks and by
cutting control wires. These experiments were certainly made
under almost ideal conditions and only served the purpose of
getting a basic knowledge of what could be done with an HEL
weapon and what problems were involved. Detailed data and
conclusions are still a well-kept secret, but it may be surmised in
the end that these experiments simply proved that, in principle,
laser weapons could work.
One of the first efforts to develop a prototype laser weapon
was the Mobile Test Unit (MTU) by the U.S. Army in the
mid-1970s. A 30-kilowatt electrically excited CO2 laser was literally
squeezed into a Marine Corps LVTP-7 tracked landing vehicle. In
1975,_at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, the MTU destroyed U.S.
winged target drones as well as helicopter target drones. No real
data are available to the public, but the experiments came to an
end rather soon and have been reported as inconclusive. In the late
122 Five
FIGURE 5.1. High-energy CO 2 laser system. The laser energy is directed toward
the target by a highly controllable large mirror, which, on its scaffolding, can go
over buildings, trees, and other ground obstructions. Photograph courtesy of MBBI
High-Energy Laser Weapons 127
128 Five
sion state required to amplify the laser energy. The gas then flows
at supersonic speeds through an optical resonator (mirrored cav-
ity), where stimulated emission occurs, and the laser beam is
finally created. The beam leaves transverse to the gas flow direc-
tion. The used, nontoxic gas is vented into the atmosphere
through a diffuser. At the same time, the exhaust gas carries off
most of the waste heat. Overall, the function of the laser is similar
to that of a rocket engine.
The emitted power of the high-energy gas dynamic laser is
proportional to the amount of fuel used. The research to date
indicates that the dimensions of even very high energy laser
equipment will remain within acceptable limits from a technical
point of view. The fuel consumption per laser shot corresponds
roughly to the weight of a guided missile, but the fuel consump-
tion of future-generation systems should be lower. If these esti-
mates are correct, an HEL weapon like the HELEX should be able to
fire something like 50 laser shots with the amount of fuel (5-10
tons) carried in the tank.
The wavelength of the HELEX system may be either 9,350 or
10,600 nanometers. Most reports on the system indicate a wave-
length of 10,600 nanometers. However, the shorter wavelength
may be a more appropriate choice, since the larger the focusing
mirror is relative to the wavelength, the smaller the focal spot and
the higher the energy density will be. Obviously, the desired effect
requires as high an energy density as possible.
The optics of the HELEX must cope with the difficult task of
focusing enough laser energy on the target to destroy it in the air
or cause it to crash. This has to be done on the battlefield even
when the atmospheric conditions are unfavorable and at a combat
range of at least five to ten kilometers if the HELEX is to be cost-
effective within the air defense concept.
Only mirrors suitable for use at the wavelength and high
power levels of this system can be used to direct and focus the
beam. The use of transmission optics such as lenses is not very
feasible due to their high cost and fragility, and, in any case, the
HELEX will probably damage any lenses to some extent. The
130 Five
but it is <?bvious that the HELEX will not replace conventional gun
and missile systems, not even at distances well within its range.
Such HEL weapon systems will only be able to complement
existing air defense systems. However, the survivability on the
battlefield of a HELEX type system compared to a system depen-
dent on radar technology will be very high, since the passive
localizer will not reveal itself. Also, the mobility of a 20-40-ton
tracked HELEX system will be high, and it will be possible after
terminating one firing action sequence to change the location of
the weapon quickly.
Many problems still must be solved before it is even possible
to decide if the HELEX concept is a valid one. To date, tests have
only been done in the laboratory. The scaled-down experimental
weapon paid for by the German Ministry of Defense will not be
available until 1993 or 1994. If this weapon is a success, and if it is
possible to solve all of the very difficult problems, the develop-
ment of a final air defense high-energy laser weapon based on the
HELEX concept may start in the mid-nineties and should be com-
pleted about ten years later. This means that theoretically such a
weapon could be produced and handed over to the combat units at
the beginning of 2005. Due to the technological difficulties in-
volved in this concept, even such a distant delivery date may be
overly optimistic.
Other countries have begun developmental work on possible
laser weapons along similar lines. In France, several companies
together with the French National Aerospace Research Agency
(ONERA) are working on a HELEx-like experimental HEL weapon.
There have also been some reports on a possible collaboration
between France and Germany. In the United States, a similar idea
is currently under investigation in the JAGUAR project.
The military specifications for the HELEX weapon are really
very ambitious, and this, along with the technological difficulties,
is the main reason for the high costs and the very long time
necessary for research and development. It is debatable whether
or not it would be more cost-effective to limit the requirements to
simply damaging some very sensitive parts of the target such as
High-Energy Laser Weapons 133
Very few facts are known to the public about the research and
development of HEL weapons in the Soviet Union or its surviving
constituents. Some official reports and statements are available as
well as some material by independent writers, but most are of a
very general nature. This, of course, is not surprising; all work on
laser weapons in the West is shrouded in security, and very few
facts are made public. This is even truer in the Soviet Union.
However, the fact that so many papers on high-energy lasers
and their effects have been published in Soviet scientific journals
is an indication of the amount of work done in this field and, thus,
reveals the strong interest of the Soviet Union in this technology.
The papers, of course, deal only with basic laser technology and
not with the details of developing laser weapons. There have been
unconfirmed reports of the installation of a high-energy chemical
laser on a Kirov-class cruiser. The HEL weapon was said to be
134 Five
the Soviets have built high energy laser devices up to the 10 megawatt
level and generally place more emphasis on weapon application of lasers
than does the West. In doing so, the Soviets have concentrated on gas
dynamic and electric discharge lasers. They have not attained a high
power output for chemical lasers as the West.
former Soviet Union are probably working hard along the same
lines as Western scientists within the Soviet version of the SOl
program and within the various concepts for tactical use of HEL
weapons on the battlefield. Based on the work done so far in the
West, it may be concluded that the fielding of HEL weapons is as
many years away for the former Soviets as for the West. However,
as we will see, the situation may be different when it comes to low-
energy laser weapons.
FELs promise to become the germ of the ray gun of the future
which hurls powerful bolts of energy at the enemy" seems a bit
Another laser test program of the U. S. Air Force involves a
moderate-power Raman-shifted excimer laser device (EMRLO). The
work is performed at the Kirtland Air Base Weapons Laboratory in
New Mexico, and the stated goal is to produce more than 5,000
watts at 100 pulses per second. Some of the technology developed
in this way may finally be used in real battlefield systems.
A development project is also under way, or, at least, planned,
with an iodine:oxygen laser. This is indicated by the worries of
some administrators that MIRACL would compete for funding with
other beam projects such as iodine:oxygen, chemical, and excimer
Thus, although there are some promising lasers that may
form the basis for HEL weapon systems usable on the conven-
tional battlefield, there are still some unsolved problems. Even if
the laser can achieve a sufficient energy output, the atmospheric
conditions still severely limit the practical use of HEL weapons. So
far, no HEL weapon program seems to have solved this problem,
and it is still somewhat uncertain whether or not it is really
possible to do so. Techniques such as the use of an active mirror
that can adapt instantly to varying conditions have still only been
demonstrated in small-scale models.
that a Soviet ship used a laser against two U.S. military aircraft
flying over the Pacific Ocean in an area north of Hawaii. The U. S.
airplanes, one a Navy P-3C Orion antisubmarine aircraft and the
other an Air Force WC-135 weather monitoring aircraft, were
observing the intended target area for a test launch of a Soviet
intercontinental ballistic missile. There was a report that a ship-
board Soviet laser temporarily blinded the woman copilot of the
WC-135 without any damage resulting to either of the aircraft. The
Defense Intelligence Agency claimed that the copilot was im-
paired for a period of 10 minutes. She was certainly examined very
carefully afterwards for any signs of eye damage, but only "incon-
sequential" effects were found. The detailed information on this
incident has been classified, which makes it almost impossible to
second-guess what really happened. If the incident occurred in
darkness or twilight, a low-energy laser may very well have been
used. However, if the eyes of the crew were not dark adapted, it is
unlikely that the light coming from the ship originated from a laser
weapon. It is practically impossible to flash blind a person in
broad daylight without also causing some lasting damage to the
eyes. Flash blinding without any damage is only possible when
the eye is dark adapted and, thus, much more sensitive to the
incoming laser light. It is also very surprising that no one in the
crew other than the copilot was affected by the laser or reported a
bright light on the ship by indirect viewing. If the light was strong
enough to flash blind one person in the crew, it is most unlikely
that no one else noticed it or was affected by it as well. There must
be more conclusive information in the classified part of the report,
because the American authorities have publicly taken the position
that it was a laser. Furthermore, they have stated that there have
been other instances of pilots being blinded, although none per-
manently as yet, from very "powerful Soviet laser systems aboard
A treaty not to use laser weapons in peacetime against each
other was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in
1989. This treaty seems to be an acknowledgment that both
countries already had at that time laser devices that might be
144 Six
this means that all financial problems have been solved and that
the project has a definite go-ahead all the way to field deployment
still remains to be seen.
Though not designed specifically to damage the eyes of any
enemy soldier exposed to the beam, STINGRAY would be powerful
enough in its weapon mode for this task. However, the laser is
reported to be too weak to injure the eyes of infantrymen when it
is set to the laser radar mode searching for targets. According to a
U. S. Department of Defense official, when the power level is
increased and the beam is narrowed to concentrate its energy on
an enemy sensor or soldier, it can "do tremendous damage."
STINGRAY certainly has the potential to damage the eyes of enemy
soldiers, both temporarily and permanently. Indeed, quite a few of
the victims could be injured in a way that will render them legally
blind for the rest of their lives. This may happen more or less by
accident when the STINGRAY is used against sensors, but the
possibility also exists that commanders might order STINGRAY type
LEL weapons to be used systematically to damage the eyes of the
enemy on the battlefield. The special advisor for armaments in the
Pentagon, Dennis E. Kloske, during his congressional testimony
in 1988 said that "the issue of blinding on a tactical basis is
something everybody is going to have to deal with in the 1990s." A
STINGRAY program critic in the Defense Department commented
that the deliberate use of laser weapons to blind people is unethi-
cal and distasteful.
The U.S. Air Force is working on a LEL weapon based on the
STINGRAY laser called the CORONET PRINCE. It is designed to protect
aircraft against enemy air defense weapons which are dependent
on optics and electro-optics for their effect. The crew will be
alerted through the detection system in CORONET PRINCE that the
aircraft is under attack or that an attack may be imminent. The
crew can then identify the threat and counterattack using pulsed
laser beams which will incapacitate the eyesight of air defense
operators and disable the enemy's electro-optical sensors direct-
ing the weapons against the aircraft. CORONET PRINCE is intended
to be pod-mounted, and its pointing, tracking, and environmental
Low-Energy Laser Weapons 161
Military Power. The 1987 edition stated that "the Soviets have the
technological capability to deploy low-power laser weapons, at
least, for anti-personnel use and against soft targets such as
sensors, canopies, and light material." Furthermore, it claimed
that "recent Soviet irradiation of Free World manned surveillance
of aircraft and ships could have caused serious eye damage to their
personnel." These statements were followed in the next edition a
year later by the following: "The Soviets are using their technologi-
cal capability to move toward rapid deployment of low-power laser
weapons with their military forces. Their tactical laser program
has progressed to where battlefield laser weapons could soon be
deployed." It is rather odd, against this background, that the
reader of the 1989 edition will not find even one word about low-
power laser weapons. This may mean that the authors did not find
the LEL weapon important, or that they considered the former
statements somewhat exaggerated, or that the whole subject had
come under tighter security in the Soviet Union as well as in the
United States.
The US. Army has published a new edition of a standard
field manual covering the Soviet Army, FM 100-2-1. It is a detailed
and unclassified review which contains a chapter on Soviet tactical
directed energy weapons and warfare. The manual states that low-
energy lasers are most likely to be used for blinding personnel and
electro-optical devices, but it does not describe how a Soviet
battlefield laser weapon would be configured. An article based on
this new manual suggested that one Soviet LEL system is similar
to the US. Army's own STINGRAY. The US. Army seems to have
concluded, based on the extensive Soviet literature on the biolog-
ical effects of laser radiation, that the Soviets are examining and
working on the development of anti-eye laser weapons.
There have been additional reports in the open literature on
Soviet development of LEL weapons. In connection with the
previously discussed reports on the peacetime laser incident be-
tween Soviet ships and US. aircraft, it was said that the existence
of Soviet laser weapons is generally known and that such weapons
have been demonstrated and detected in various areas of the
166 Six
world. The Soviets have directed their research toward the practi-
cal side and have now reduced the size of their systems to a point
where ground forces can be equipped with lasers for both offense
and defense. Even if some experts such as David Isby seem very
certain that the Soviets are more advanced in many laser weapon
applications than the United States, that cannot be convincingly
proved. The only definite conclusion that may be drawn is that
there are no big differences between the countries in the former
Soviet Union and the rest of the world when it comes to develop-
ment of LEL weapon applications.
Airborne Weapons
Airborne LEL weapons will predominantly be designed for
and used in the air-to-ground role. One of the main aims will be to
detect, blind, and destroy enemy air defense installations. Other
Low-Energy Laser Weapons 167
Shipborne Weapons
LEL weapons may also be designed to protect combat ships
against threatening missiles and other "smart" munitions. As
already mentioned in Chapter 5, concerning high-energy laser
weapons, it is very easy to find a large enough space for energy
sources aboard a ship. The main limitation for shipborne HEL
weapons concerns the atmospheric problems that exist close to the
water. One way to complement shipborne HEL weapons may be to
add LEL weapons for use against targets with sensors highly
sensitive to laser light. Three different concepts for shipborne LEL
weapons are described below.
170 Six
Ground-Based Weapons
Many more possible concepts for ground-based LEL weapons
exist than for airborne or shipborne weapons. This trend is re-
flected in the large number of ongoing military projects for land
The first concept is a heavy combat assault weapon designed
for the support and protection of combat units attacking or defend-
ing important targets. The weapon should be deployed at army
brigade and division levels-to attack or counter sights, optics, and
electro-optic sensors fitted to enemy tanks, armored vehicles,
antitank missile systems, equipment for forward observers, and
helicopters. This laser weapon should disable all light-sensitive
targets On the battlefield wherever they pose a threat to friendly
forces. The military requirement should be for an armored combat
172 Six
LEL weapon vehicle equipped with the LEL weapon as its pri-
mary weapon. It has to operate at long ranges independently of
light conditions and should not be too restricted by the polluted
atmosphere on the battlefield. The normal firing range should be
no less than 1 to 2 miles, even during rather bad weather condi-
tions. The LEL weapon system must be designed to detect,
identify, blind, or destroy hostile sensors and sighting systems. It
may be necessary to use more than one tunable laser to cover the
parts of the visible and infrared spectral range of interest. The
weapon should be powerful enough to craze glass at average
battlefield combat ranges. This weapon certainly has to be a very
frequency agile device. Such complex military requirements will
also mean that this will be a very costly weapon system to
develop, manufacture, and maintain within the armed forces.
Also, if it is to be really cost-effective, large numbers must be
The second alternative is not as ambitious as the first one even
though the two concepts have many similarities. In this scenario,
an LEL weapon would be used as an add-on combat assault
weapon to complement the conventional main weapons. The laser
weapon should be used against the same types of targets as the
main weapon. The basic idea is to field a simpler and, thus,
cheaper LEL weapon family that could be deployed in greater
numbers. Such a weapon could not cover a very broad range of
wavelengths, and the design may have to be limited to one small
part of the spectrum. The military requirement should be for a
weapon that could be fitted to tanks, other armored vehicles, and
weapon systems such as antitank missiles. It has to be able to
detect and blind one secondary target, at least, and hopefully
more, while the primary target is engaged by the main gun or
missile. Selection of the wavelengths will be based on the actual
sensors and sights used by the intended target. In most cases, it
may be necessary to use a tunable laser or alternatively to use
more than one laser in this LEL weapon application.
A third concept is an antilaser LEL weapon designed to be
used against other laser-based devices such as range finders,
Low-Energy Laser Weapons 173
could use the same basic ideas as the first and second alternatives
for the ground-based combat assault weapons mentioned above.
Anti-Eye Weapons
The LEL weapon concepts described so far have mainly been
in the category of antimatt~riel weapons. In some cases, the mili-
tary may require, as a secondary task, that these weapons be
capable of blinding the eyes of the crew on a tank or in an aircraft.
This is, of course, an antipersonnel use, but the main aim is still to
destroy the aircraft by forcing it to crash or to destroy the blinded
tank with a gun or a missile. In this case, the eyes are more or less
secondary targets. Anti-eye LEL weapons are quite different. The
sole target of these controversial weapons is the eyes of the enemy
soldiers, either naked or behind magnifying optics. The ultimate
aim is to injure or destroy the eyes sufficiently to stop the soldier
from fighting that war or any other war. This means that the
soldier has to be immediately blinded, and the injury must dam-
age the eyes to such an extent that the soldier cannot recover and
take part in the fighting again. The greater the number of ocular
injuries inflicted on the soldiers and the more severe these injuries,
the bigger will be the burden to the medical facilities and the
society of the enemy. Another important effect caused by a great
number of blinded or severely injured soldiers will be a psycho-
logical one: the will of the soldier to keep on fighting may be
diminished by the existence of laser weapons on the battlefield.
The military requirement for an anti-eye laser weapon is that
it be used systematically to flash blind, injure, and destroy the
eyes of enemy soldiers in combat at ranges shorter than a mile. The
weapon should be small, light, hand-held, battery-powered, and
very frequency agile within the retinal hazard region. It has to be
designed for mass production and should be as cheap as a ma-
chine gun or a rifle. It could be designed as an independent
weapon or as a laser device to clip on ordinary rifles, machine
guns, and antitank weapons. One of the important requirements
is that the weapon be cheap so that it can be distributed to combat
Low-Energy Laser Weapons 175
A review of LEL weapons for use in the air, at sea, and on land
has been presented, giving specific examples of what may be
currently considered by a military staff and in military research
and development. The list presented is certainly not complete,
and there may be many more possibilities in addition to those
which have been described. Many LEL weapons will reach com-
bat units during the 1990s, and the number will certainly increase
after the year 2000. Only three events can stop or even slow the
process-a worldwide disarmament, a very successful technolog-
ical development of effective and cheap protection, or an interna-
tional ban on anti-eye laser weapons.
Protection and
178 Seven
00 = log(Iol I) (7.1)
they have one great flaw. The color of the light reflected changes as
the viewing angle changes. This means that the effectiveness of an
interference filter for any particular laser depends on the angle of
incidence of the laser beam. As the angle at which the laser beam
strikes the surface of the filter changes away from the vertical, the
wavelength blocked by the filter shifts. Some filters even become
almost transparent at the design wavelength if the laser beam
hitting the filter is only 20 degrees away from the perpendicular,
which, of course, is unacceptable for outdoor applications. This
effect can be demonstrated by looking at an interference coating
with white light. As the filter is tilted, thus changing the viewing
angle, the color seen will change. For this reason, interference
filters are mostly found as coatings applied to absorption filters.
The combination is primarily used in optical systems with a small
field of view, where the range of angles at which light hits the filter
is limited.
Instead of depositing the dielectric layers one by one on each
transparent plate to make filters, a hologram can be made of one
plate, and it will act on light just as the original multilayer di-
electric filter did. The hologram can be reproduced mechanically
by pressing plastics, just as a compact disc is made. The holo-
graphic filter has the same basic advantage as the dielectric coat-
ings in interference filters, as it provides narrow-notch wavelength
protection. However, the holographic filter also has the same
disadvantage of dependence on the angle of incidence of the laser
beam as the multilayer interference type.
In addition to wavelength control, holographic technology
offers the filter designer a method of scattering or bending the
laser light in a controllable way, thus changing the image to a
different size or moving it to a new location in the optical system
or eye. So far, holographic filters are expensive to produce, but
potentially they can be made cheaply in large numbers using
plastic molding technologies. Research is now in progress with the
aim of making it possible to use this technology on a large-scale
basis for the protection of soldiers in the field.
184 Seven
Indirect Viewing
Indirect viewing is an interesting possible way of protecting
the eyes of crew members in high-value targets such as tanks,
helicopters, and aircraft. If a television system, a thermal imager,
or a light intensifier is used for observing the battlefield, tracking,
and firing guns, the crew members do not have to view the battle
area and the enemy directly with their own eyes. If a hostile LEL
weapon is fired, only the light-sensitive parts within the electro-
optical devices will be destroyed or blinded. However, the disad-
vantages are obvious. Such systems are very expensive and will
only be worthwhile for the protection of high-value weapon sys-
tems. It is not possible to use them to protect infantrymen and
other soldiers on the battlefield. Even for the protected few, there
are drawbacks. It is difficult in a combat situation, which is highly
stressful and often life-threatening, to be unable to observe the
battlefield with the naked eye. If the enemy blinds the equipment
used for indirect viewing, the soldier must either break off the
action and take cover, go on fighting using his unprotected eyes,
or try to repair the equipment during the stress of a hostile
Smoke can be used as a countermeasure for two purposes. It
makes target acquisition difficult for the enemy, and it can also
diffuse and absorb the laser beam, making it less dangerous to
sensors and soldiers. Smoke is frequently present on the battle-
field from exploding munitions or burning vehicles, trees, and
buildings. Its effect is mostly to limit the possibility of observing
the targets and accurately directing weapons. However, some
188 Seven
Black Patch
When the infantry and other combat soldiers are ordered to
fight in an area where the laser threat has proven to be substantial,
and if no other means of protection exist, a black patch over one of
the eyes may be a solution. This idea, originally suggested by the
military, of course seems odd, but such a measure would, at least,
save one eye if the soldier is the victim of a hostile laser beam.
190 Seven
bullets weighing less than 400 grams. Such bullets had initially
been developed by the British to detonate enemy ammunition
wagons. Later on, they were modified to explode on contact with a
soft target such as a human being. The Russian Government,
unwilling to allow another country to take advantage of a bullet
that could injure soldiers far more than any earlier projectiles had
done, was instrumental in achieving this legally binding agree-
ment prohibiting the use of such bullets under international
humanitarian law. By World War I, production of the bullets in
question had ceased for all practical purposes. An additional
disarmament or arms limitation effect had been achieved de facto,
albeit not de jure.
Another step lito conciliate the necessities of war with the
laws of humanity" was taken in 1899 when the first Hague Peace
Conference outlawed the use of so-called dumdum bullets. These
expanding bullets flattened easily on impact with the human body
and made far worse wounds compared to those made by bullets
that did not flatten. Dumdum bullets were generally considered to
be excessively injurious, and in the spirit of the Saint Petersburg
Declaration, the delegates voted 22 to 2 to prohibit their use. Since
then, except for a few poorly documented instances, this type of
projectile has not been produced or stockpiled for possible use by
regular forces. The first Hague Peace Conference, as well as the
second one of1907, also codified a prohibition on the use of poison
and poisoned weapons.
The next treaty enacted to prohibit the use of specific
weapons was the Geneva Protocol of 1925, which was primarily
concerned with nonconventional weapons. The prohibitions in
this treaty were not absolute. Reservations were expressed at the
time which made it clear that a number of countries considered
themselves free to use chemical or biological weapons in retalia-
tion, should their adversaries use them first. This kind of reserva-
tion, which differentiates between the first and the second use of a
weapon in a conflict, is a concept that is applicable to all human-
itarian weapon prohibitions. Since 1925, there has been no com-
Laser Weapons and International Law 207
Now that laser weapons are being designed, and laser tactics
are closer to being implemented on the battlefield, similar steps of
caution should be taken so as to-in the words of the 1979
resolution-"avoid an escalation of injurious effects."
Laser Weapons and International Law 209
IeRe round table of experts. He also stated that the use of laser
weapons against personnel who are protected by armor or by their
position in a fast-moving aircraft is more readily justifiable than
their use against infantry in the open, precisely because alterna-
tive weapons are less effective against such protected people.
The remaining question is whether or not the deliberate and
systematic use of lasers to blind infantry soldiers or other un-
protected personnel should be regarded as unlawful according to
existing international humanitarian law. It is necessary to decide
whether this question concerns the legality of a specific type of
laser weapon or the particular use of a laser weapon or laser device
which may also be used in other clearly lawful ways. Some experts
would agree that using any kind of technology for antipersonnel
purposes that brings about permanent blindness is not in propor-
tion to the legitimate object of warfare. A Swedish expert on
international law states that the basic Declaration of Saint Pe-
tersburg of 1868 only permits putting the adversary's soldiers out
of action, meaning out of action on the battlefield. Although it is
permitted to kill combatants under the laws of war and, thus, to
put them permanently out of action, it is not permitted to use
methods or means of warfare exclusively designed to injure sol-
diers with the injurious effects lasting, not only for the duration of
the conflict, but for the rest of their lives. The same expert claims
that in the balance between military interest and humanitarian
considerations, an irreversible disablement such as blindness
caused by a laser beam must be described as "unnecessary suf-
fering" according to the formulas from Saint Petersburg, The
Hague, and Geneva.
Another expert, C. Greenwood, in his presentation to the 1989
IeRe round table of experts very cautiously stated that the discus-
sion of the final position based on the existing law should concen-
trate upon whether or not the use of laser weapons designed to
cause the permanent blindness of unprotected personnel violates
the unnecessary suffering principle. According to an article in the
U.S. magazine Army, there is nothing inherent in a lase~ particle
beam, or radio frequency weapon which would make its design,
212 Eight
216 Nine
Soldiers must face the risk of getting their eyes injured or de-
stroyed, especially when they are deliberately observing the en-
emy through optical devices. After they have spent some time on
the battlefield and observed what happens to their fellow soldiers,
they will be well aware that the enemy may use laser radar which
can reach their own optical devices and send very agile, eye-
threatening beams which will injure or destroy their own vision.
Watching their friends go blind will create tremendous psycho-
logical problems. As a result, many individual soldiers will delib-
erately avoid looking in the direction of the enemy, which, of
course, will severely reduce their combat efficiency. This will
certainly affect the performance of their combat units and may
mean that, when the outcome of an ongoing battle is close, the
battle will be lost.
The situation will be even worse if the use of anti-eye lasers
threatens not only the soldiers looking through optical devices but
anyone else looking toward the enemy with the naked eye. For
infantry soldiers fighting in close combat, looking at the enemy is
a must. A high risk of getting blinded will certainly mean that the
soldier will not look as carefully or as much as is really needed,
which means that combat efficiency will be markedly reduced.
Some may argue that laser weapons are not more dangerous
to combat soldiers than bullets, shrapnel, and land mines. This is
certainly true, and it may very well be that the overall danger from
anti-eye laser weapons is less. However, the psychological trauma
associated with the risk of blindness will have a more severe
impact on the psyche of individual soldiers. It is possible for a
soldier to accept the risk of being wounded by a bullet or shrapnel.
These wounds usually heal, and, even if not, he get along even
with the loss of a limb. It is also possible for most soldiers to accept
the risk of being killed. However, it is quite another thing to lose
one's eyesight. Human beings instinctively protect their eyes more
than any other part of the body. If the soldier thinks during combat
that he is facing a high risk of becoming blinded for the rest of his
life, this could create a more severe psychological problem on the
battlefield than any injuries caused by conventional munitions.
Conclusions and Consequences 219
firing line and taken into cover. They need to be calmed down and
handled in a way that prevents panic.
As always, the key personnel on the battlefield are the com-
manders at the battalion, company, and platoon levels. Their
training to cope with the laser threat posed to their units must be
extensive and in line with what is expected from them when they
are leading their men through a laser weapon environment. They
have to be familiar with the basic technology behind laser
weapons in order to have a thorough understanding of what is
happening or what might happen on the battlefield. They have to
give the best possible orders and instructions to their soldiers and
be prepared to cope with new and so far unknown enemy laser
weapons, tactics, and philosophy. In the end, their actions will
make the difference between success and mass panic.
Thus, in order to successfully meet the threat from anti-eye
laser weapons, all armed forces must prepare new training man-
uals and training programs.
In battle, there are many reasons to single out the aircraft pilot
as the highest priority target for low-energy laser weapons. When
a pilot is hit by a blinding laser beam at the final stage of his attack,
he is in real trouble. The laser beam may blind him for less than
half a minute. However, that is more than enough time to force
him to leave the aircraft by parachute or crash. For a helicopter
pilot as opposed to an airplane pilot, the situation is much worse
for he has no alternative but to crash, since he has neither an
ejection seat nor a parachute.
A pilot's eyesight is very difficult to protect, since his field of
vision cannot be degraded in any way. For the time being, it is not
possible to design, for instance, protective visors without block-
ing too much of the light. Since the pilot must look directly at the
target or at the hostile weapon sites around the target while he is
Conclusions and Consequences 221
Recommended Readings
IEEE Spectrum
International Defense Review
Jane's Defense Weekly
Journal of Electronic Defense
Journal of Peace Research
Laser Focus
Lasers & Optronics
Letterman Army Institute of Research, Proceedings of Confer-
ence on Combat Ocular Problems, San Francisco, October 1980.
Military Electronics/Countermeasures
Military Review
Military Technology
New Scientist
Nordic Journal of International Law
Soldat und Technik
Soviet Military Power, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing-
ton, D.c., March 1987
Sunday Telegraph (London)
The Sunday Times
U. S. Army Technical Bulletin Med. 524, Control of Hazards to
Health from Laser Radiation, Washington, D.c., June 1985.
Washington Times
Metric-English Systems
234 Appendix II
238 Index
Atmospheric conditions, 25 CO2 lasers, 31, 33, 34, 40, 41, 50, 53,
Atmospheric pollution, 109 57, 116, 122, 149
Attenuating filter, 178 Coagulation, 74
AURORA,120 Coatings, 184
Cobalt, 26
Ballistic and Laser Protective COBRA,161
Spectacles (BLPS), 184 Coherence, 21, 22, 73
Bassov, Nikolai G., 13 Coherence length, 22
Bathymetry, 59, 60 Collimation, 21, 73
Battlefield laser threat, 177 Colored laser filters, 181
Battlefield requirements, 41 Combat Units, 222
Beam divergence, 21 Common Optroelectronic Laser
Beam power, 116 Detection System (COLDS), 192
Beam riders, 53 Communication systems, 34
Beam riding, 147 Compact disc audio players, 36
Bennet, W. R., 13 Complementary weapon, 176
Binoculars, 74 Conference of the ICRe, 203
Black eye patch, 179, 189 Conference on Lasers and Electro-
Blindness, 175, 225 Optics (CLEO), 121
Blink reflex, 80 Construction, 41
Blocking the beam, 178 Continuous wave (CW), 18, 24
Bohr, Niels, 12, 16 Convertible Laser Designator Pod
Bradley M2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle, (CLDP),51
157 Copperhead, 50
Buffer zone, 85 Cornea, 80, 115, 149
Burn injuries, 81 Corneal heating, 80
Corner cubes, 191
CAMEO BLUEJAY, 161 Cost, 98
Casualties, 106 Cost-effectiveness, 105
Chemical OF laser, 122 Counterfire, 196
Chemical hazards, 65 Countermeasure system, 167
Chemical 12:°2 laser, 118 Countermeasures, 177
Chemical laser, 34 Crazing of optics (Glass), 2, 148
Chemical pumping, 19 Cruise-missile launcher, 112
China, 141 Crystalline, 26
Chlorine, 33 Cutting, 41
Chromium, 26 Czechoslovakia, 126
Clip on, 174
Close combat, 106 Damage mechanism, 91
Cluster bombs, 97 Dark adaptation, 71, 143
CO laser, 33, 117 DAZER,161
CO2 laser range finder, 46 Decker, David c., 199
Index 239