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AASHTO Transportation Glossary

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4th Edition 2009
Copyright 0 2009, by thc Amcrican Association of Statc Highway and Transportation Officials.
All Rights Rcscrvcd. Printcd in thc Unitcd Statcs of Amcrica. This book, or parts thcrcof, may not bc
rcproduccd in any form without writtcn pcrmission of thc publishcrs.

N jj N

The 2009 AASHTO Transportation Glossary is an update and revision of

the 1983 Transportation Glossary and the 1998 Transportation Glossary,
which was unpublished. The greatest number of additions in terminology
are related to bridge and drainage subjects. The new glossary also includes
lists of organizational acronyms, abbreviations, and other glossary references.

Terms and definitions in this glossary were taken from an unpublished 1998
AASHTO Glossary and supplemented with definitions listed in AASHTO
publications issued after 1998. Several additional sources were also
referenced, including the Highway Capacity Manual, Manual on Uniform
Trafic Control Devices, Code of Federal Regulations-Title 23, a Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) list of roundabout terminology, and the
Transportation Research Thesaurus.

Glossary terms are listed in alphabetical order regardless of transportation

mode. The glossary also includes two indexes-subject area and keyword-
that provide cross references for the user.

ACI Committee 116. Cement and Concrete Terminolog?i American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, 2000.
Acret, James, ed. Constrziction Dictionary Illustrated, 3rd ed. BNi Building News, Los
Angeles, CA, 2001.
APTA, Office of Technical & Research Services. Rail Rapid Transit Svstems, Glossary of
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Terminologyf o r Rail Rapid Transit. American
Public Transit Association, Washington, DC, 1978.
Armitage, T. G. B. Road Maintenance Glossary. Transit New Zealand, Road Research
Unit, Wellington, New Zealand, 1989.
Batty, C. D. Transportation Research Thesairrirs and User k Guide. National Academy
Press, Washington, DC, 200 1.
Brodie, Peter R. Dictionary of Shipping Terms, 3rd ed. LLP Limited, England, Hong
Kong, 1997.
Crocker, David, ed. Dictionary of Aeronautical English. Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago, IL,
Demaison, Henri. Complete Mziltilingzial Dictionary ofAviation and Aeronautical
Terminology: English, French, Spanish. Passport Books, Lincolnwood, IL, 1984.
Federal Highway Administration. Manzial of Uniform Trafic Control Devices. U.S.
Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, 2003.
Glenn, Peggy. Glossary of Transit Terminology. American Public Transit Association,
Washington, DC, 1994.
Gray, Benita, ed. Urban Pziblic Transportation Glossary. Transportation Research Board,
National Research Council. Subcommittee on Urban Public Transportation Terms,
Committee on Public Transportation Planning and Development, Washington, DC, 1989.
Hall, R. J and Campbell, R. D. Dictionary ofAviation. St. James Press, Chicago, IL, 1991.
International Road Transport Union. Dictionary of Road Transport Terminology in Fozir
Languages, English, French, German, and Spanish. Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York, NY,
Intersecretariat Working Group on Transport Statistics, EUROSTAT, ECMT, UN-ECE.
Glossary f o r Transport Statistics. Office for Official Publications of the European
Communities, Luxembourg, 1994.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

ITE Transportation Demand Management Council. Transpovtation Demand Management

(TDM) Glossary. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, DC, 1996.
Jackson, Alan A. The Rai1wa.v Dictionary: An A-Z of Railway Terminolog?i Alan Sutton
Publishing Inc., Wolfeboro Falls, NH, 1992.
Kennedy, Felicitas. The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Constvziction: English-
Spanish, Spanish-English. Wiley, New York, NY, 1996.
Logie, Gordon. Glossary of Tvansport. Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York, NY, 1980.
Lowe, David. The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics. Kogan Page, England, 2002.
Means Illzistvated Constrzrction Dictionary, 3rd ed. R. S. Means Co., Kingston, MA, 2000.
Nebraska Department of Roads. Glossary of Road Design and Constvziction Terms. The
Department, Communication Division, Lincoln, NE, 1998.
New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department. Spanish/English Highwa,v
Technical Reference. Tevms and Dejnitions. Referencia Ticnica de Carretevas: Tivminos y
Dejniciones. InglidEspaiiol. New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department,
Santa Fe, NM, 199 1.
Office des Nations Unies & Geneve, Service Linguistique, Section de Terminologie et
de Documentation Technique. Navigation Inteviezrve: Lexiqzre Anglais-Francais-Rzisse.
Nations Unies, New York, NY, Geneve, 2000.
Parker, Sybil P. McGvaw-Hill Dictionary of Scientijc and Technical Terms, 5th ed.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1994.
Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC). Technical Dictionary
of Road and Trafic Engineering: English-French, 1st ed. Maison du Diectionnaire, Paris,
Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC). Technical Dictionary
of Road Terms. Dictionaive Techniqzie Rozitieu; 6th ed. Permanent International Association
of Road Congresses, Paris, 1990.
Schulte, Christopher F. The Dictionary of Railway Tvack Terms, 2nd ed. Simmons-
Boardman Books, Omaha, NE, 1993.
Society of Automotive Engineers. Trzrck & Bzrs Indzistry Glossary. The Society,
Warrendale, PA, 1988.
Sullivan, Eric. Eric Szrllivan j . Marine Encyclopaedic Dictionary, 6th ed. Informa Finance
LLP, London, 1999.
Transportation Research Board. Highway Capacity Manzial. National Academy Press,
Washington, DC, 2000.
Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer. UIC Railway Dictionary: I. Dezrtsch -English
-Francais: II. English - Dezrtsch - Fvancais: 111. Fvancais - Dezrtsch -English, 1st ed.
Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, Paris, 1995.

Tuble of Contents

Transportation Glossary 1

Subject Area Index ................................................................... 131

Keyword Index 155

Abbreviations. Symbols. and General Acronyms .................... 2 15

Common Engineering Abbreviations ...................................... 22 1

References 227

Web Resources ......................................................................... 229

AADT Annual Average Daily ARSR Air Route Surveillance
Traffic Radar
AAWDT Annual Average Weekday ASR Airport Surveillance Radar
Traffic ATA Actual Time of Arrival
AC Asphalt Cement ATC Air Traffic Control (Federal
ACN Aircraft Classification Aviation Administration)
Number ATCRBF Air Traffic Control Radar
ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement Beacon System
ADF Automatic Direction Finder ATlS Advanced Traveler
Infonnation System
ADT Average Daily Traffic
ATMS Advanced Traffic
AF Acre-Foot (common
abbreviation: acre-ft) Management System
AVC Automatic Vehicle
AFC Automatic Fare Collection
AFZ Auto-Free Zone
AVCSS Advanced Vehicle Control
ACT Automated Guideway and Safety Systems
AVI Automatic Vehicle
AHW Allowable Headwater Identification
AlWW Atlantic Intracoastal AVkmT Annual Vehicle Kilometers
Waterway Traveled
ALP Airport Layout Plan AVL Automatic Vehicle Location
ALS Approach Light System AVMT Annual Vehicle Miles
AMC Antecedent Moisture Traveled
Condition AVO Average Vehicle Occupancy
APTS Advanced Public BAMS/DSS Bid Analysis and
Transportation Systems Management System/
APS Accessible Pedestrian Signal Decision Support System
AQC Acceptance Quality BMP Best Management Practices
Characteristic BMS Bridge Management
AQL Acceptable Quality Level Systems
ARAN Automatic Road Analyzer BNICE Biological, Nuclear/
Radiological, Incendiary,
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control
Chemical, Explosive Agents
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
ARTS Advanced Rural
Transportation Systems CAD Computer-Aided Design
CAT Clear Air Turbulence
AASHTO T h e \J o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

CBR California Bearing Ratio DME Distance Measuring

CBRN Chemical, Biological, Equipment
Radiological, and Nuclear DMMP Dredged Material
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television Management Plan
CDF Confined Disposal Facility DVMT Daily Vehicle Miles
CDL Commercial Driver’s
License DWT Deadweight Tonnage
CDRG Catastrophic Disaster EA Environmental Assessment
Response Group EEIPS Double Extra Improved
CEC Cation-Exchange Capacity Plow Steel
CFR Crash-Fire-Rescue EIPS Extra Improved Plow Steel
CFS Commodity Flow Survey, EIS Environmental Impact
also Cubic Feet per Second, Statement
also Container Freight ELT Emergency Locator
Station Transmitter
CI Confonnal Index EOC Emergency Operations
CIA Critical Impact Angle Center
CIP Critical Impact Point EOP Emergency Operations Plan
CMA Calcium Magnesium EP Expected Pay
Acetate EP Extreme Pressure
CMS Congestion Management EPO Emergency Operations Plan
System ESAL Equivalent Single-Axle
COFC Container on Flat Car Load
COI Certificate of Inspection ESF Emergency Support
ConOPS Concept of Operations Function
CoRe Commonly Recognized EST Emergency Support Team
Structural Elements ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
CPM Critical Path Method ETC Electronic Toll Collection
CPR Concrete Pavement ETD Estimated Time of
Restoration Departure
CRCP Continuously Reinforced FAR Federal Acquisition
Concrete Pavement Regulation
CSD Context Sensitive Design FBO Fixed Base Operator
CSS Context Sensitive Solutions FCM Fracture-Critical Member
CTC Centralized Traffic Control FEA Finite Element Analysis
CTR Centerline Turning Radius FEM Finite Element Method
CVO Commercial Vehicle FITM Freeway Incident Traffic
Operations Management
CWR Continuous Welded Rail FM Fineness Modulus
DBE Disadvantaged Business FMS Freeway Management
Enterprise System
DFO Disaster Field Office FRC Fiber-Reinforced
DHV Design-Hourly Volumes Composite
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

FRP Federal Response Plan, also INS Inertial Navigation System

Fiber Reinforced Polymer IPS Improved Plow Steel
FSS Flight Service Station IRI International Roughness
G OP g Acceleration of Gravity, ids' Index
GDP Gross Domestic Product IS Impact Severity
G I s Geographic Information ISP Information Service Provider
System ITB Integrated Tug and Barge
GlWW Gulf Intracoastal Waterway ITS Intelligent Transportation
GPR Ground Penetrating Radar Systems
GPS Global Positioning System IWRC Independent Wire Rope
G RT Gross Registered Tonnage
JCP Jointed Concrete Pavement
GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
JMF Job-Mix Formula
HAR Highway Advisory Radio
JOC Joint Operations Center
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
JRCP Jointed Reinforced
HDPE High-Density Polyethylene Concrete Pavement
HIC Head Injury Criteria LCL Less than Container Load,
HIRL High-Intensity Runway also Less than Carload
LDPE Low-Density Polyethylene
HMA Hot Mix Asphalt LEF Load Equivalency Factor
HMT Harbor Maintenance Tax
LEPC Local Emergency Planning
HOT Lane High-Occupancy Toll Lane Committee
HOV High-Occupancy Vehicle LIRL Low-Intensity Runway
HOV Lane High-Occupancy Vehicle Lights
Lane LOA Length Over All
HPMS Highway Performance LON Length of Need
Monitoring System
LOS Level of Service
HPS High-Performance Steel LRV Light Rail Vehicle
HSAS Homeland Security LSL Lower Specification Limit
Advisory System
LTPP Long-Term Pavement
HW Headwater Depth Performance
IAP Instrument Approach LWL Length on the Waterline
M&C Materials and Construction
ICS Incident Command System
MC Moisture Content
IFLOWS Integrated Flood
Observing and Warning MDSS Maintenance Decision
System Support Systems
IFR Instrument Flight Rules MIL Military Specifications
ILS Instrument Landing System MIRL Medium Intensity Runway
IMMS Intennodal Management
System MIS Major Investment
Study, also Management
IMS Information Management Infonnation System
AASHTO The Voice of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

MLS Microwave Landing System PAWSS Ports and Waterways Safety

MMS Maintenance Management
System PCC Portland Cement Concrete
MOA Military Operations Areas PCI Pavement Condition Index
MOR Modulus of Rupture PDDX Pavement Deflection Data
MOU Memorandum of
Understanding PDF Project Design Flood
MPO Metropolitan Planning PES Pavement Evaluation Score
Organization PF Pay Factor
MPR Mean Panel Rating PG Performance Grading
MRI Mean Roughness Index PMF Probable Maximum Flood
MSA Metropolitan Statistical PMP Probable Maximum
Area Precipitation
MSB Major Ship-building Base PMS Pavement Management
MTC Manual Traffic Control System
MTV Material Transfer Vehicle PORTS Physical Oceanographic
Real Time Systems
MUTCD Manzial on Uniform T ~ a f i c
Control Devices for Streets POV Privately Owned Vehicle
and Highways PPP Public-Private Partnership
MVFR Marginal Visual Flight PPPl Project and Planning
Rules (VFR) Processes Improvements
NAVAID Navigational Aid, also Air PRT Personal Rapid Transit
Navigation Facility
PSI Present Serviceability Index
NBC Nuclear, Biological, and
PSR Present Serviceability
NBI National Bridge Inventory
PTE Potential Threat Element
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
NDB Nondirectional Beacon
PURD Portable Universal
NDT Nondestructive Deflection
Roughness Device
P, Design Wind Pressure
NHS National Highway System
Q Quality Index
NRT Net Registered Tonnage
Qc Critical Slope
NOTAM Notice to Ainnen
Q A Quality Assurance
NTCIP National Transportation
Communications for ITS Q C Quality Control
Protocol Q L Lower Quality Index
O&M Operations and QU Upper Quality Index
RAIL Runway Alignment Indicator
O BO Oil, Bulk, Ore Carrier Lights
OC Operating Characteristic RAP Reclaimed Asphalt
ODALS Omni-Directional Approach Pavement
Light System RAPCON Radar Approach Control
PAR Precision Approach Radar RBN Radio Beacon
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

RCLS Runway Centerline Light SOC Strategic Operations Center

System SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
RElL Runway-End Identifier Light SOQ Statement of Qualifications
RERP Regional Emergency SPF Standard Project Flood
Response Plan
SPS Standard Project Storm
RFP Request for Proposals
SSALS Simplified Short Approach
RFQ Request for Qualifications Light System
RFR Regional Flood of Record SSU Saybolt Seconds Universal
RI Recurrence Interval, also STAR Standard Terminal Arrival
Rideability Index Route
RMS2 Root-Mean-Square Variance STIP State Transportation
RNAV Area Navigation Improvement Program
ROC Regional Operations Center STOL Short Takeoff and Landing
RO/RO Roll-On/Roll-Off Aircraft
RQD Rock Quality Designation T Target or Design Value
RTOR Right Turn on Red TACAN Tactical Air Navigation
RTRRM Response-Type Road TCAS Threat Collision Avoidance
Roughness Measurement System
RTSM&O Regional Transportation TCIP Transit Communications
Systems Management and Interface Profiles
Operations TDM Transportation Demand
RVR Runway Visual Range Management
RWlS Road Weather Information TEOC Transportation Emergency
System Operations Center
S Standard Deviation TERPS Terminal Instrument
s Sample Standard Deviation
TEU Twenty-Foot Equivalent
s2 Sample Variance Unit
SALS Short Approach Light TF Truck Factors
TIP Transportation Improvement
SASP State Airport System Plan Program
SENL Single-Event Noise Limit TMA Transportation
SFL Sequence Flashing Lights Management Area, also
SI International System of Units Truck-Mounted Attenuator
(metric) TMC Transportation
SID Standard Instrument Management Center
Departure TMS Transit Management
SLG State and Local Guide System
SLT Shuttle Loop Transit TOC Traffic Operations Center
SMA Stone Matrix Asphalt TOFC Trailer on Flat Car
SMS Safety Management TRAIN Telerail Automated
Systems Information Network
SN Structural Number
A A S H T O T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

TSM Transportation System VFR Visual Flight Rules

Management, also Total VMA Voids in the Mineral
Stonn Management Aggregate
TSO Technical Standard Order VMS Variable Message Sign
TTC Temporary Traffic Control VNAV Vertical Navigation
TWEB Transcribed Weather VOR Very High Frequency
Broadcast Omnirange Station
UC Unified Command VORTAC VHF Omnidirectional
UMLER Universal Machine RangeiTactical Aircraft
Language Equipment Control
Register VOT VOR Test Signal
UPWP Unified Planning Work vpy Effective Velocity Pressure
VTOL Vertical Takeoff and
USL Upper Specification Limit Landing Aircraft
UZA Urbanized Area VTS Vessel Traffic Services
VAMS Value-Added W IM Weigh-in-Motion
Meteorological Service
X SampleMean
VASI Visual Approach Slope
VECP Value Engineering Change
Common hgineering

AAA American Automobile AGC Associated General

Association Contractors of America
AAAE American Association of AGMA American Gear
Airport Executives Manufacturers Association
AAMVA American Association of AHSRA Advanced Cruise-Assist
Motor Vehicle Administrators Highway System Research
AAN American Association of Association
Nurserymen AIA American Institute of
AAPA American Association of Architects
Port Authorities AIH American Institute of
AAPT Association of Asphalt Hydrology
Paving Technologists AIP Airport Improvement
AAR Association of American Program (FAA)
Railroads AlSC American Institute of Steel
AARP American Association for Construction
Retired Persons AlSl American Iron and Steel
AASHTO American Association Institute
of State Highway and ALPA Air Line Pilots Association
Transportation Officials AMTRAK National Railroad
ABA American Bus Association Passenger Corporation
ABMA American Bearing ANSI American National
Manufacturers Association Standards Institute
ACA American Cartographic AOCl Airport Operators Council
Association International
ACDO Air Carrier District Office AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots
ACEC American Consulting Association
Engineers Council APA Airline Passenger
ACI American Concrete Institute Association
ACI-NA Airports Council APTA American Public Transit
International-North America Association
ACP American Concrete Pipe APWA American Public Works
Association Association
ADA Americans with Disabilities AREA American Railway
Act Engineering Association
ADMA Aviation Distributors and
Manufacturers Association
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

AREMA American Railway BTS Bureau of Transportation

Engineering and Statistics
Maintenance-of-Way CAA Clean Air Act
CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments
ARTBA American Road and of 1999
Transportation Builders
Association CAB Civil Aeronautics Board
ASCE American Society of Civil CBO Congressional Budget
Engineers Office
ASLA American Society of CEQ Council on Environmental
Landscape Architects Quality
ASLRRA American Short Line CERCLA Comprehensive
and Regional Railroad Environment Response,
Association Compensation, and Liability
ASM American Society for
Materials CFR Code of Federal Regulations
ASME American Society of CIT Court of International Trade
Mechanical Engineers CONRAIL Consolidated Rail
ASRS Aviation Safety Reporting Corporation
System (NASA) CWA Clean Water Act
ASTM American Society for CZMA Coastal Zone Management
Testing and Materials Act
ATA Air Transport Association DERA Disaster Preparedness
ATA American Trucking and Emergency Response
Association Association
ATCA Air Traffic Control DIN Deutsches Institut fur
Association Normung e.V. (German
Standards Institute)
ATSC American Transit Service
Council DOD Department of Defense
ATSSA American Traffic Safety DOE Department of Energy
Services Association DO1 Department of the Interior
AT U Amalgamated Transit Union DOJ Department of Justice
AWO American Waterways DOT Department of
Operators, Inc. Transportation
AW PA American Wood Preservers DPW Department of Public
Association Works
AWS American Welding Society EAA Experimental Aircraft
AWWA American Water Works Association
Association EPA Environmental Protection
B FA Bicycle Federation of Agency
America ESA Endangered Species Act
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs FAA Federal Aviation
BLM Bureau of Land Administration
Management FBI Federal Bureau of
BM Bureau of Mines Investigation
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

FEMA Federal Emergency IBTTA International Bridge,

Management Agency Tunnel, and Turnpike
FHWA Federal Highway Association
Administration ICAO International Civil Aviation
FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Organization
Fungicide, and Rodenticide ICC Interstate Commerce
Act Commission
FMC Federal Maritime IEEE Institute of Electrical and
Commission Electronic Engineers
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier IES Illuminating Engineering
Safety Administration Society
FRA Federal Railroad IFPTE International Federation of
Administration Professional and Technical
FSDO Flight Standards District Engineers
Office (FAA) IlHS Insurance Institute for
FSF Flight Safety Foundation Highway Safety
FTA Federal Transit IJC International Joint
Administration Commission
FWCA Fish and Wildlife INCE Institute of Noise Control
Coordination Act Engineering
FWS U. S. Fish and Wildlife IPCEA Insulated Power Cable
Service Engineers Association
G A D 0 General Aviation District IRF International Road
Office (FAA) Federation
GASB Government Accounting IRPT Inland Rivers, Ports, and
Standards Board Tenninals, Inc.
GATT General Agreement on I S 0 International Standards
Tariff and Trade Organization
GSA General Services ISTEA Intermodal Surface
Administration Transportation Efficiency Act
of I991
HA1 Helicopter Association
International ITE Institute of Transportation
HMTF Harbor Maintenance Trust
Fund ITSA Intelligent Transportation
Society of America
HSAS Homeland Security
Advisory System LMRWSAC Lower Mississippi River
Water Safety Advisory
HUD Department of Housing and Committee
Urban Development
LPBA Lawyer-Pilots Bar
HUFSAM Highway Users Federation Association
for Safety and Mobility
LTAP Local Technical Assistance
IANA Intennodal Association of Program
North America
MADD Mothers Against Drunk
IAPA International Airline Driving
Passengers Association
MARAD Maritime Administration
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

MB Marine Board (National NFIP National Flood Insurance

Research Council) Program
MPO Metropolitan Planning NFPA National Fire Protection
Organization Association
NAA National Aeronautic NFPA National Fluid Power
Association Association
NAATS National Association of Air NGA National Governors
Traffic Specialists Association
NACE National Association of NGS National Geodetic Survey
County Engineers, also NHTSA National Highway Traffic
National Association of Safety Administration
Corrosion Engineers
NlST National Institute of
NACO National Association of Standards and Technology
NLGA National Lumber Grades
NAFEC National Aviation Facilities Authority
Experimental Center (FAA)
NLGl National Lubricating Grease
NAGHSR National Association of Institute
Governors Highway Safety
NMFS National Marine Fisheries
NARP National Association of
NOAA National Oceanic and
Railroad Passengers
Atmospheric Administration
NASA National Aeronautics and
NPlAS National Plan of Integrated
Space Administration
Airport Systems
N A S A 0 National Association of
State Aviation Officials NPS National Park Service
NSC National Safety Council
NATA National Air Transportation
Association NSLB Northern Softwood Lumber
NBAA National Business Aircraft
Association NSPE National Society of
Professional Engineers
NCHRP National Cooperative
Highway Research Program NTPEP National Transportation
Product Evaluation Program
N DS National Design
Specification for Wood NTSB National Transportation
Construction (American Safety Board
Forest and Paper Association) NWC National Waterways
NEC National Electrical Code Conference, Inc.
NELMA Northeastern Lumber NWS National Weather Service
Manufacturers Association OCRM Office of Ocean
NEMA National Electrical and Coastal Resource
Manufacturers Association Management
NEMA National Emergency OECD Organization for
Management Association Economic Cooperation and
NEPA National Environmental
Policv Act ONP Office of National
NESC National Electrical Safety
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

OSHA Occupational Safety and TRB Transportation Research

Health Administration Board (National Research
OTETA Omnibus Transportation
Employee Testing Act TRF Transportation Research
PAHC Pan American Highway
Congress TRIP The Road Information
PAMA Professional Aviation
Maintenance Association UL Underwriters’ Laboratory
PATH Port Authority Trans-Hudson USACE United States Anny Corps of
Corporation Engineers
RCRA Resource Conservation and USBR United States Bureau of
Recovery Act of 1976 Reclamation
RHA Rivers and Harbors Act of USC United States Code
1899 USCG United States Coast Guard
RSF Roadway Safety Federation USFS United States Forest Service
RTAP Rural Transit Assistance USGS United States Geological
Program Survey (Department of the
RUGA Railroad Unemployment Interior)
Insurance Account USPHS United States Public Health
SAE Society of Automotive Service
Engineers USRA United States Railway
SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Association
and Efficient Transportation US TRANSCOM United States
Equity Act, A Legacy for Transportation Command
USWB United States Weather
SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (Department of
Bureau Commerce)
SSPC Structural Steel Painting VNTSC Volpe National
Council Transportation Systems Center
STB Surface Transportation Board WCLIB West Coast Lumber
STP Surface Transportation Inspection Bureau
Program WRC Water Resources Congress
TCRP Transit Cooperative WRDAs Water Resources
Research Program Development Acts
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for WRTB Wire Rope Technical Board
the 2 lst Century
WTA Water Transport Association
TFHRC Turner Fairbank Highway
Research Center WTS Women’s Transportation
TLPA Taxicab, Limousine, and
Paratransit Association WWPA Western Wood Products
Transportation Glossary

form dissolve or mix with other substances.

2 ) The increase in mass of concrete
resulting from the penetration of water into
the concrete.
Abandonment The relinquishment of the
public interest in right-of-way or activity Absorption Test A test made to determine
thereon with no intention to reclaim or use the absorption of concrete.
again for highway purposes. Abstraction That portion of rainfall
Abrasion 1) Loss of section or coating that does not become runoff. It includes
of a culvert by the mechanical action of interception, infiltration, and storage in
water conveying suspended bed load of depressions. It is affected by land use, land
sand, gravel, and cobble-size particles at treatment and condition, and antecedent soil
high velocities with appreciable turbulence. moisture.
2) Removal of stream bank material due to Abstract of Title A document showing the
entrained sediment, ice, or debris rubbing condensed history of the title to property,
against the bank. containing portions of all conveyances or
Absolute Block A block governed by the other pertinent instruments relating to the
principle that no train shall enter the block estate or interest in the property, and all
while it is occupied by another train. liens, charges, encumbrances, and releases.

Absolute Permissive On a track that is Abutment The earth-retain ing structure

signaled in both directions, the section that supports the superstructure at either end
between sidings that, for opposing of a bridge. Considered part of the bridge
movements, extends from siding to siding substructure.
and may be occupied by only one train and “A” Car A motive-powered unit so
that, for following movements, is divided designed that it may be used as the
into two or more blocks that are signaled as controlling unit of a multiple-unit train and
absolute blocks. that has adequate visibility in a forward
Absorption 1) The assimilation or direction, as well as a cab and equipment,
taking up of water or other solutions by to pennit full control and observation of the
soil or other material, i.e., the entrance of propulsion power and brake applications for
water into the soil or rocks by all natural the train.
processes. It includes the infiltration of Accelerate Stop Distance The distance
precipitation or snowmelt, gravity flow of required to accelerate an airplane to a
streams into the valley alluvium, sinks, or specified speed and, assuming failure of the
other large openings, and the movement critical engine at the instant that speed (V)
of atmospheric moisture. The process by is attained, to bring the airplane to a stop.
which substances in gaseous, liquid, or solid
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Acceptance Sampling and testing, or Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) A

inspection, to determine the degree of device that communicates information
compliance with contract requirements. about pedestrian signal timing in a
nonvisual format including audible tones,
Acceptance Constant (k) The minimum
verbal messages, and/or vibrotactile
allowable quality index.
Acceptance Limit In variable acceptance
Access Point An intersection, driveway, or
plans, the limiting upper or lower value
opening providing access to a roadway.
placed on a quality measure that will permit
acceptance of a lot. (Unlike specification Access Time The time elapsed on a trip
limits placed on a quality characteristic, from the moment of leaving the point of
an acceptance limit is placed on a quality origin to the moment of boarding a vehicle.
measure. For example, in Percent Within
Accrual Method The accounting
Limits (PWL) acceptance plans, PWL refers
procedure that recognizes revenues and
to specification limits placed on the quality
expenses when they occur regardless of
characteristic, and the minimum allowable
when cash is received or paid.
PWL identifies the acceptance limit for the
PWL quality measure). Accuracy 1) The closeness or degree
of agreement (within a stated tolerance
Acceptance Number In attribute and probability of conformity) between
acceptance plans, the maximum number a quantity measured or estimated and an
of defective or nonconforming units in the
accepted reference value. 2 ) The degree
sample that will pennit acceptance of the
to which a measurement, or the mean of
inspected lot or batch. a distribution of measurements, tends to
Acceptance Plan An acceptable method of coincide with the true population mean.
taking samples and making measurements
Acquisition or Taking The process of
or observations on these samples for the
obtaining right-of-way.
purpose of evaluating the acceptability of a
lot of material or construction. Active Earth Pressure Lateral pressure
resulting from the retention of the earth by
Acceptance Sampling and a structure or component that is tending to
Testing Sampling, testing, and the
move away from the soil mass.
assessment of test results done to determine
whether or not the quality of produced Act of God In law, a direct, sudden,
material or construction is acceptable in or irresistible action of natural forces
tenns of the specifications. that could not reasonably have been
foreseen and prevented. Earthquake, tidal
Access Permission, liberty, or ability to
wave, tornado, hurricane, or any other
enter, approach, or to make use of.
cataclysmic phenomenon of nature beyond
Accessibility 1) A measure of mobility. the contractor’s control that causes loss,
2) Total travel time between areas weighted damage, or injury to the work.
by the relative attractiveness of the
Actual Cost Contractor’s actual cost to
destination. 3) A measure of the ability of provide labor, material, equipment owned
public transportation users to access transit or invoiced rental, and administrative
modes. overhead necessary for the work.
Accessible A site, building, facility, or
Addendum A contract revision developed
portion thereof that can be approached,
between advertising and opening proposals.
entered, and used by the physically impaired.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n G loss a r y

Additive A substance or agent added in avoidance systems and automated highway

small amounts to a basic ingredient of a systems.
mixture prior to mixing.
Advertisement A public announcement
Adjustment Factors Multiplicative factors inviting bids for work to be performed or
that adjust a parameter for a base condition materials to be furnished.
to represent a prevailing condition.
Advisory Arbitration without a final and
Admixture 1) A material other than binding award.
water, aggregates, and cement used as an
Aeroelastic Vibration Periodic, elastic
ingredient of concrete and added to the
response of a structure to wind.
batch immediately before or during its
mixture. 2 ) A substance or agent added in Aeronautical Information Publication A
small amounts to the basic ingredients of a pilot’s operational manual containing
mixture during the mixing process. information needed for the planning and
conduct of flight in the National Airspace
Adsorption The adhesion in an extremely
System (conterminous U.S. only).
thin layer of molecules (such as gases,
solutions, or liquids) to the surface of solid Aesthetics The science or philosophy
bodies or liquids with which they are in concerned with quality of visual experience,
contact. pertaining primarily to desirable visual
values and with judgments concerning
Advanced Public Transportation
appealing design.
Systems (APTS) Application of intelligent
transportation systems technologies to the Aesthetic Value The worth of an item
needs of public transit, including fixed- of construction in terms of pleasing
route systems as well as route deviation and appearance or gratifying performance.
demand-responsive modes. Afflux The backwater or height by which
Advanced Rural Transportation Systems water levels are raised at a stated point,
(ARTS) A collection of intelligent owing to the presence of a constriction or
transportation systems technologies applied obstruction, such as a bridge.
to the rural environment. Agency 1) The State Highway or
Advanced Traffic Management System Transportation Department, Commission,
(ATMS) Remotely operated traffic or other organization, constituted under
management system for monitoring and state or commonwealth laws, that
managing operations of a freeway system, administers highway or transportation
including High-Occupancy Vehicles work. 2 ) A responsible business or service
(HOV) lanes and arterial streets. Major authorized to act on behalf of others, i.e.,
elements of the system include surveillance, a governmental department, consulting
communications, and controls. engineering firm, or owner of the facility or
Advanced Traveler Information Systems
(ATIS) The dissemination of real-time Aggradation The general and progressive
traffic information to the traveling public upbuilding of the longitudinal profile of a
over a variety of distribution channels. channel or within a drainage facility by the
deposition of sediment.
Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety
Systems (AVCSS) Systems that focus Agonic Line A line along which no
on crash avoidance by enhancing driver magnetic variation occurs.
performance. AVCSS include collision
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) A between aircraft. Also referred to as

number expressing the relative effect of a Runway Capacity.
large aircraft on a pavement for a standard
Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Current and
subgrade category.
planned airport development portrayal,
Air Navigation Facility (NAVAID) Any which may be part of an airport master plan.
facility used in, available for use in, or
Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) A
designed for use in aid of air navigation,
relatively short-range radar used by control
including landing areas; lights; any
tower personnel for arrival and departure
apparatus or equipment for disseminating
control within a 30-mile (50-km) area or for
weather infonnation, for signaling, for
radar instrument approaches. Only range
radio direction finding, or for radio or
and azimuth information are available.
other electronic communication; any other
structure or mechanism having a similar Air Rights The property rights for the
purpose for guiding or controlling flight in control or specific use of a designated
the air or the landing or takeoff of aircraft. airspace involving a highway.
Airplane A power-driven fixed-wing Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) A
aircraft, heavier than air, that is supported long-range radar, approximately 150 miles
by the dynamic reaction of the air against (240 km), used by Air Route Traffic Control
its wings. Center personnel to control air traffic along
the airways between terminals.
Airport A defined area on land or water,
including any buildings and installations, Air Route Traffic Control Center
normally used for the takeoff and landing (ARTCC) A facility established to provide
of aircraft. air traffic control service to Instrument
Flight Rules (IFR) flights operating within
Airport Advisory Area The area within
controlled airspace and principally during
10 statute miles (16 km) of an airport where
the en route phase of flight.
a control tower is not operating but where
a flight service station (FSS) is located. At Airship A mechanically propelled aircraft
such locations, the FSS provides advisory whose support is derived from lighter-than-
service to arriving and departing aircraft. air gas.
Airport Advisory Service A service Airspeed The speed of an aircraft relative
provided by flight service stations at to the air.
airports not served by a control tower. This Air Traffic Control (ATC) A service
service consists of providing infonnation to operated by an appropriate authority to
landing and departing aircraft concerning promote the safe, orderly, and expeditious
wind direction and velocity, favored flow of air traffic.
runway, altimeter setting, pertinent known
traffic, pertinent known field conditions, Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon
airport taxi routes and traffic patterns, and System (ATCRBS) Radar transponders,
authorized instrument approach procedures. installed in the aircraft, used with secondary
radar beacon ground equipment to provide
Airport Capacity The number of takeoffs a reinforced target pip for use by air traffic
and landings per hour that can be handled control at higher altitudes and in areas of
safely during good weather and during bad high traffic density.
weather when radar is required to help air
traffic controllers maintain safe separation Airway An air corridor established for the
control of traffic.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Airworthy The status of being in condition Alluvial Deposits of silt, sand, gravel,
suitable for safe flight. or similar detrital material that have been
transported by running water.
Alert Area The area depicted
on aeronautical charts to inform Alluvial Channel 1) A channel fonned
nonparticipating pilots of areas that may wholly in alluvium with no bedrock
contain a high volume of pilot training or an exposed in the channel at low flow or likely
unusual type of aerial activity. to be exposed by erosion. 2) A channel
whose processes are controlled by the flow
Alight To get off a transit vehicle.
and boundary interactions.
Alignment (also Alinement) 1) The
Alluvial Fan A landform shaped like a fan
fixing of points on the ground in correct
in plan view and deposited where a stream
linear fonn for setting out a road, railway,
issues from a narrow valley of high slope
wall, transmission line, canal, etc. 2) A
onto a plain or broad valley of low slope.
ground plan showing a route (as opposed
to a profile section) including levels and Alluvium Unconsolidated material such as
elevations. clay, silt, sand, or gravel deposited by water
in a channel or on a flood plain, alluvial,
Alley A narrow right-of-way to provide
fan, or delta.
access to the side or rear of individual land
parcels. All-Weather Airport An airport with
facilities to permit the landing of qualified
Alligator Cracking Interconnected
aircraft and crew without regard to
cracks forming a series of small polygons
operational weather limits.
in the pavement surface that resemble an
alligator’s skin or chicken wire. Alternate Bar An alluvial deposit of sand
and gravel lacking pennanent vegetal cover
Allotment An action by an administrative
occurring in an alternating pattern from
authority making funds available for
bank to bank in a relatively straight channel
obligations and expenditures for specified
purposes and for certain periods.
Alternate Depth For a given rate of flow
Allowable Headwater Depth The depth
and a given specific head, two depths of
or elevation of the flow impoundment for
flow are possible. These two depths are
a drainage facility above which damage or
alternate depth.
flooding of the roadway could occur.
Altimeter An instrument that measures
Allowable Static Design
altitude using the change in air pressure
Stress Permissible value of stress for
with height, utilizing an aneroid as its
calculations involving components
sensitive element.
subjected to unfactored loading.
Altimeter Setting Local station pressure
Allowance 1) Time for which an operator
corrected to sea level; an altimeter set to
is paid in order to meet a guaranteed
local station pressure that provides the
minimum even though the hours have not
indicated height above sea level, whether
been worked; also referred to as Pad Time,
airborne or on the ground (without such
Hold Time, or Dead Time. 2) Time for
correction made for temperature as may be
which an employee is paid for preparing
necessary; this is not a true altitude height).
a bus for service or street relief, obtaining
working materials, and returning the bus to Altitude Height expressed in units of
the garage at the end of the day. distance above a reference plane, usually
above mean sea level or above ground.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Amidships The middle section of a ship Angle of Turn A measure of the change in
that is half of the length on the waterline. direction of a vehicle.
Anchorage 1) That portion of a harbor Angularity The acute angle between the
(or designated areas outside of harbors) in plane of the highway centerline along the
which ships are pennitted to lie at anchor. bridge and a line normal to the thread of
2) The process of attaching a structural the stream, i.e., the acute angle between the
member or support to the concrete structure thread of the stream and a line normal to the
by means of an embedment, taking into centerline along the bridge. Angle of skew
consideration those factors that determine if abutments are parallel to the flow line.
the load capacity of the anchorage system. Annual Average Daily Traffic
3) For concrete reinforcing bars, a length (AADT) The total annual volume of traffic
of reinforcement or a mechanical anchor or
passing a point or segment of a highway in
hook, or combination thereof, at the end of
both directions divided by the number of
a bar needed to transfer the force carried by days in a year.
the bar into the concrete.
Annual Average Weekday Traffic
Anchorage Zone The portion of the
(AAWDT) The calendar year average
structure in which the prestressing force
of daily traffic considering only Monday
is transferred from the anchorage device
through Friday.
onto the local zone of the concrete and then
distributed more widely into the general Annual Capital The sum of the annual
zone of the structure. outlay for plant and equipment and the
interest and taxes paid on capital items.
Anchor Bolt A bolt used with its head
embedded in masonry or concrete and its Annual Flood The maximum momentary
threaded part protruding to hold a structure peak discharge in each year of record.
or machinery in place. Annualized Method A method that
Anchored Wall An earth-retaining system converts all present and future costs to a
typically composed of the same elements common base of an equivalent uniform
as nongravity cantilevered walls and that annual cost through the use of a discount
derives additional lateral resistance from rate.
one or more tiers of anchors. Annual Runoff The total natural discharge
Anchors A rail-fastening device used of a stream for a year, usually expressed in
to resist the longitudinal movement of millimeters of depth.
rail under traffic and to maintain proper Annual Vehicle Kilometers [Miles]
expansion allowance at joint gaps for Traveled (AVkmT) [AVMTl Average
temperature changes. annual traffic on a road segment, expressed
Angle of Attack The acute angle as AADT, multiplied by the number of days
between the chord of an airfoil and a line in the year, multiplied by the length of the
representing the relative wind. road segment.
Angle of Flare The angle between Annular Space The space between
direction of wingwall and the centerline of the inner surface of the female end and
a culvert barrel. the outer surface of the male end of an
assembled pipe joint.
Angle of Repose The maximum angle,
as measured from the horizontal, at which Apex The highest point; the vertex.
granular particles can stand.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Apparent Specific Gravity The ratio of instrument), or 50: 1 (precision instrument),

the weight in air to the unit volume of the and at 7: 1 along the side transition areas.
impermeable portion of a solid material.
Appropriation An act of a legislative body
Apportionment An administrative that makes funds available for expenditures
assignment of funds based on a prescribed with specific limitations as to amount,
fonnula by a governmental unit to another purpose, and period.
governmental unit for specific purposes and
Appurtenances Curbs, parapets, railings,
for certain periods.
barriers, dividers, and sign and lighting
Approach 1) A set of lanes posts.
accommodating all left-turn, through,
Apron 1) That portion of a wharf or pier
and right-turn movements arriving at
lying between the waterfront edge and the
an intersection from a given direction.
transit shed. 2) Protective material laid on
2 ) Section of the accessible route that flanks
a stream bed to prevent scour commonly
the landing of a curb ramp. The approach
caused by some drainage facility.
may be slightly graded if the landing level
is below the elevation of the adjoining Aquifer A geologic formation, group
sidewalk. of formations, or part of a formation
capable of yielding a significant amount of
Approach Channel The reach of a channel
groundwater to a well or springs.
upstream from a dam, bridge constriction,
culvert, or other drainage structure. Arbitration A method of settling disputes
between labor and management through
Approach Control A service established
recourse to an impartial third party whose
to control IFR flights arriving at,
decision is usually final and binding.
departing from, and operating in the
vicinity of airports by means of direct and Arching Action A structural phenomenon
instantaneous communication between where wheel loads are transmitted as a
approach control personnel and all aircraft result of lateral confinement provided by
operating under their control. Available to the surrounding concrete slab.
VFR traffic on a workload-permitting basis. Area-Capacity Curve A graph showing
Approach Light System (ALS) One the relation between the surface area of the
of several systems designed to guide water in a reservoir and the corresponding
an aircraft to the runway threshold on volume.
final approach during darkness or IFR Area Coverage The geographical area
conditions. that a transit system is considered to serve,
Approach Section A cross section of the normally based on acceptable walking
stream channel, normal to thread current distances from loading points.
and for the discharge of interest, located in Area Curve When plotted against some
the approach channel. other variable such as discharge or velocity,
Approach Signal The signal preceding a graph of (a) the cross-sectional area of a
home signal. stream at a gaging station or other section,
(b) the surface area of a reservoir plotted
Approach Slope Imaginary areas to
against water-surface elevations, or (c) the
be kept clear of obstructions extending
flow area of a drainage structure.
out and away from the approach ends of
runways at 20: 1 (visual), 34: 1 (nonprecision
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Area Navigation (RNAV) A method of lower permeability than the aquifer itself.
navigation that permits aircraft operations The water will rise in the well above the
on any desired course. point of initial penetration (above the
bottom of the confining or impermeable
Area of Concern An object or roadside
layer overlying the aquifer). This term
condition that may warrant safety treatment.
includes both flowing and nonflowing
Area Rainfall The average rainfall over an wells.
area, usually as derived from or discussed in
Articulated Bus A bus that has the rear
contrast with point rainfall.
portion flexible but pennanently connected
Area Sampling A statistical technique to the forward portion with no interior
that divides a geographical region into barrier to movement between the two
smaller areas and uses random selection to parts; the passenger capacity is about 60
determine specific areas or respondents to to 80 persons seated, with room for many
be interviewed. standees, and length is from 18 to 2 1 meters
Arm A cantilevered support, either (59 to 68.9 feet).
horizontal or sloped. Articulated Car A rail car that consists of
Armor Artificial surfacing of channel two or more full-sized units that are free to
beds, banks, or embankment slopes to swivel and whose inner ends are carried on
resist stream bed scour and/or lateral bank a common center truck and connected with
erosion. a flexible joint.

Armoring 1) A natural process whereby Aspect Ratio The ratio of the length to the
an erosion-resistant layer of relatively large width of a rectangle.
particles is formed on a channel bank and/or Asset Management 1) A systematic
channel bed due to the removal of finer process of operating, maintaining, and
particles by streamflow. 2 ) The placement upgrading transportation assets cost-
of a covering on a channel bank and/or effectively by combining engineering
channel bed to prevent erosion. practices and analysis with sound business
Arrow Board/Panel A lighted board with practice and economic theory. 2 ) The
moving or flashing arrows to direct traffic management of the physical infrastructure
out of a lane or away from a hazard or work such as pavements, bridges, and airports,
zone. as well as human resources (personnel
and knowledge), equipment and materials,
Arterial Highway A highway primarily and other items of value such as financial
for through traffic, usually on a continuous capabilities, right-of-way, data, computer
route. systems, methods, technologies, and
Arterial Service Generally long bus routes partners.
that operate on surface arterial streets. Assignable Cause 1) A factor that
Artesian Groundwater that is under contributes a sufficient variation, other
sufficient hydrostatic head to rise above than that due to chance, in the quality
the aquifer containing it. A flowing artesian characteristics of a material, product, or
condition occurs when water flows up to the process, to justify time and money required
surface through a drill hole. for its identification. 2) A relatively large
source of variation, usually due to error
Artesian Well A well tapping an aquifer or process change, that can be detected by
that is bounded above and below by statistical methods and corrected within
impermeable beds or beds of distinctly economic limits.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Assignment Sheet In bus operations, a Auto-Free Zone (AFZ) An area, usually

comprehensive list showing all regularly within a densely developed corridor, where
scheduled timetable runs and the operator all autos or all motorized vehicles are
for each. banned.
At-Grade Intersection An intersection Autogyro An airplane that derives lift from
where all roadways join or cross at the same airfoils that rotate without engine power.
Automated Guideway Transit (ACT) A
At Jacking At the time of tensioning, the transportation system in which automated,
prestressing tendons. driverless vehicles operate on fixed
guideways with exclusive right-of-way.
Attachment The structural support
external to the surfaces of the embedment Automatic Block Signal Control
that transmits loads to the embedment or the System A system in which signals are
structure. actuated automatically by a train, broken
rail, open switch, car standing on a turnout
Attitude The position of an airplane,
that is fouling the main track, or some other
considering the inclination of its axes in
shunting of the signal circuit.
relation to the horizon.
Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) A
Attractions The number of daily trips to or
radio device composed of a radio receiver,
from a zone generated by present or future
sense and directional (loop) antennas,
land uses in that zone; it nonnally refers to
and a bearing indicator that uses radio
the non-home ends of a trip.
transmissions from ground stations to
At Transfer Immediately after the transfer automatically indicate the bearing of an
of prestressing force to the concrete. aircraft relative to the ground transmitter.
Attribute Acceptance Plan A Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) The
statistical acceptance procedure where controls and equipment that automatically
the acceptability of a lot of material or admit passengers on insertion of the correct
construction is evaluated by noting (a) the fare in coins, tokens, tickets, or farecards;
presence or absence of some characteristic it may include special equipment for
or attribute in each of the units or samples transporting and counting revenues.
in the group under consideration and
Automatic Progression 1) A labor
(b) counting how many units do or do not
policy by which rates of pay of workers
possess this characteristic.
in jobs with estimated rate ranges are
Attrition Arrangement In labor, the increased automatically at fixed intervals.
policy of relying on voluntary resignations, 2 ) Automatic movement from a trainee pay
deaths, and retirements, rather than firings rate to the pay rate of a job classification or
or layoffs, to reduce a company’s labor to the minimum level of a rate range.
Automatic Terminal Information Service
Augmented Flow The increased volume (ATIS) A continuous broadcast of recorded
of water entering a channel or allowed noncontrol infonnation in selected areas
to run overland as waste waters from the of high terminal activity. It provides
diversion of surface flow or as water from information such as ceiling, visibility,
another stream or watershed, or from waters wind, altimeter, instrument approach, and
withdrawn or collected upstream and runways in use. This data is broadcast
released after use. over the voice feature of VOR, VOT, or
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

ILS located at or near the airport, or by a Average Travel Speed For all traffic, or
discrete VHF tower frequency. a component thereof, the summation of
distances divided by the summation of
Automatic Train Control (ATC) A
overall travel times.
system for automatically controlling train
movement, enforcing train safety, and Average Vehicle Occupancy (AVO) The
directing train operations by computer. number of people divided by the number of
vehicles (including buses) traveling past a
Automatic Vehicle Classification
specific point over a given time period.
(AVC) The use of electronic technology
to provide a readable electronic record of Average Velocity The velocity at a given
vehicle type and contents. cross section determined by dividing the
total discharge at that point by the total
Automatic Vehicle Identification
cross-section area.
(AVI) The use of overhead or roadside
detectors to read and identify vehicles Avulsion A sudden change in channel
equipped with a transponder or similar course that occurs when a stream suddenly
device. Used for electronic toll collection breaks through its banks, usually associated
and traffic management. with a large flood or a catastrophic flood or
Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) The
use of advanced technologies such as global Award The acceptance by the contracting
positioning systems (GPS) to monitor the agency of a proposal.
location and movement of vehicles.
Axle A supporting shaft or member on,
Auxiliary Lane The portion of the or with which, a wheel or set of wheels
roadway adjoining the through traveled way revolves. The number of vehicle axles is
for parking, speed change, turning, storage coininonly counted in pairs sharing the
for turning, weaving, truck climbing, or for same axis. For example, a car is classified
other purposes supplementary to through as having only two axles.
traffic movement. Axle Correction Factor An adjustment of
Average Daily Traffic (ADT) The total vehicle axle sensor summarized base data
volume during a given time period, in for incidence of multiple-axle vehicles.
whole days, greater than one day and less
Axle Count The total number of a
than one year, divided by the number of
vehicle’s axles having wheels that are in
days in the time period.
contact with the pavement.
Average Fare The arithmetic average of all Axle Group One or more adjacent axles,
fares paid by all passengers, including those usually sharing a common connection to
who received special or reduced fares. the body of a vehicle, that jointly support a
Average (Mean) Stress One half of the portion of the vehicle’s weight.
sum of the maximum and minimum stress.
Axle-Group Load The sum of all tire
Average Running Speed The sum of the loads on a group of adjacent axles; a portion
distances traveled by vehicles on a highway of the gross-vehicle weight.
section during a specific time period divided Axle Load 1) The total load transmitted
by the sum of their running times.
by all wheels, the centers of which may be
Average Spot Speed The arithmetic mean included between two parallel transverse
of the speeds of all traffic, or component vertical planes 1 m (3.3 ft) apart, extending
thereof, at a specified point. across the full width of the vehicle. 2 ) The

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sum of all tire loads on an axle. An axle is consists of hard particles that are stable, B
comprised of two or more wheel assemblies easily tamped, permeable, and resistant to
lying approximately on a common axis plant growth. 2 ) Water or other material
oriented transversely to the nominal deposited in the hold or tanks in a vessel to
direction of motion of the vehicle. provide sufficient immersion in the water.
Axle Spacing For each axle, the horizontal Bandwidth The range of frequencies a
distance between the center of that axle and transmission line or channel can carry;
that of the preceding axle; the axle spacing the higher the frequency the higher the
for the vehicle’s front axle is assumed to be bandwidth and the greater the information-
zero. carrying capacity of a channel.
Axle Unit A single axle or tandem axle. Bank The side slopes or margins of a
channel between which the stream or river
is normally confined. More formally, the
lateral boundaries of a channel or stream,
as indicated by a scarp, or on the inside
of bends, by the streamward edge of
Backfill 1) Material used to replace, or the permanent vegetal growth.
act of replacing, material removed during
construction. 2 ) Material placed, or the act Bankfull Discharge The discharge that,
of placing material, adjacent to structures. on the average, fills a channel to the point
of overflowing. Commonly considered
Back Haul To haul a shipment in a car that as the mean annual discharge or two- to
otherwise would return empty to be loaded three-year discharge in a channel that has
for another trip. been relatively stable for a number of years
Backwater The increase in water-surface without the occurrence of a large, bank-
elevation induced upstream from such destroying flood. Sometimes used as the
things as a bridge, culvert, dike, dam, dominant discharge.
another stream at a higher stage, or other Bankfull Stage Stage at which a stream
similar structures or conditions that obstruct first overflows its natural banks.
or constrict a channel relative to the
elevation occurring under natural channel Bar An elongated deposit of alluvium, not
and flood plain conditions. permanently vegetated, within or along the
side of a channel.
Backwater Ratio The ratio of the
amount of backwater created by a bridge Barge A nonmotorized flat-bottomed
constriction to the total drop through the vessel used to haul bulk commodities on the
constriction. inland waterway system and, to an extent,
on the Great Lakes and domestic ocean
Baffle 1) A structure constructed on the bed routes.
of a stream or drainage facility to deflect
or disturb the flow. 2 ) Vanes or guides, a Barrel Width Commonly, the inside,
grid, grating, or similar device placed in a horizontal extent of a drainage facility.
conduit to check eddy currents below them, Barricade A device that provides a visual
and effect a more uniform distribution of indicator of a hazardous location or the
velocities. 3) A device used in a culvert or desired path a motorist should take. It is
similar structure to facilitate fish passage. not intended to contain or redirect an errant
Ballast 1) Material placed on a track bed vehicle.
to hold the track in line and elevation; it
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Bascule Bridge type that rotates duration for wood products treated with
in the vertical plane, and one end is preservatives.
counterbalanced by the other on the
Base Run A regular transit run that has no
principle of a seesaw or by weights.
unpaid breaks and is nonnally eight hours
Rotation is about a horizontal axis that may
in duration. Also referred to as Straight Run.
or may not be fixed.
Base Runoff Sustained or fair weather
Base Course The layer or layers of
runoff. In most streams, base runoff is
specified or selected material of designed
composed largely of groundwater effluent.
thickness placed on a subbase or subgrade
to support a surface course. Base Time The scheduled time between
transit vehicle trips during an off-peak
Base Flood A flood (or storm) or reservoir
(usually mid-day) period.
pool elevation having a one percent chance
of being exceeded in a one-year period; Basic Fare The one zone fare with no
commonly termed a 100-year event. discounts, i.e., what it costs an adult paying
a single cash fare to take a one-zone ride.
Base Flood Plain The surface area flooded
by the base flood. Basic Wind Speed (V) The three-second-
gust wind speed at 10 m (32.8 ft) above
Base Flow In the U.S. Geological Survey’s
the ground associated with a 50-year mean
annual reports on surface water supply, the
recurrence interval.
discharge above which peak discharge data
are published. Batch Plant The major components of a
batch plant are the cold-feed system, asphalt
Base Leg A flight path at right angles to
cement supply system, aggregate dryer,
the landing runway off its approach end
mixing tower, and emission-control system.
and extending from the downwind leg to
the intersection of the extended runway Batter The deformation of the surface of
centerline. the head of the rail in the immediate vicinity
of the end.
Base Period (Off-Peak) The time of day
during which vehicle requirements and Batter Pile A pile driven at an angle
schedules are not influenced by peak-period inclined to the vertical to provide higher
demands; transit riding is fairly constant resistance to lateral loads.
and low to moderate in volume; and service “B” Car A motive-powered unit designed
is scheduled at constant intervals. primarily for use in combination with an
Base Period Fleet The number of buses “A” unit for the purpose of increasing
required to maintain base period schedules. power, but not equipped for use as the
leading unit for full observation of the
Base Period Service The level of vehicle
propulsion power and brake applications
operations during the base period.
for the train; it is normally equipped with a
Base Rate The amount of pay for work single control station to permit independent
performed during a unit of time exclusive movement of the unit itself.
of overtime or incentive earnings (under
Beam 1) A structural member whose
incentive systems, it may refer to the
primary function is to transmit loads to the
amount paid for an established task at
support primarily through flexure and shear.
normal work levels).
2 ) The maximum width of a ship or barge.
Base Resistance The resistance specified
Bearing A support element transferring
for wet use conditions and two-month load
loads from the superstructure to the

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substructure while permitting limited Bendway Scour That component of B

movement capability. natural scour consisting of the removal of
material from the channel bed or banks that
Bearing Joint A deck joint provided
occurs along the concave (outside) bank
at bearings and other deck supports to
in a channel bendway located, generally,
facilitate horizontal translation and rotation
across the channel from any point bar.
of abutting structural elements. It may or
may not provide for differential vertical Benefit-Cost Ratio Comparison of the
translation of these elements. benefits generated by the project to the costs
incurred in the project over the period of
Bearing Pile A pile whose purpose is to
carry axial load through friction or point
bearing. Bent A type of pier consisting of two or
more columns or column-like components
Bed 1) The bottom of a channel. 2) The
connected at their top ends by a cap, strut,
part of a channel not pennanently vegetated
or other component holding them in their
that is bounded by banks and over which
correct positions.
water nonnally flows.
Berm 1) A narrow shelf or ledge; also a
Bedding Composition and shaping of soil
fonn of dike. A more detailed description
or other suitable material to support a pipe,
might be (a) the space left between the
conduit, casing, or utility tunnel.
upper edge of a cut and the toe of an
Bed Layer A flow layer, several grain embankment or (b) a horizontal strip or
diameters thick (usually two) immediately shelf built into an embankment to break
above the bed. the continuity of an otherwise long slope.
Bed Load 1) Sediment that is transported Also may be the top surface or plane of
in a stream by rolling, sliding, or skipping a shoulder, ledge, or bank constructed
(saltating) along the bed or very close to in connection with the road. 2) A raised,
it; considered to be within the bed layer. elongated area of earth intended to direct
2) The quantity of silt, sand, gravel, or other the flow of water, to visually screen, to
detritus rolled along the bed of a stream, redirect out-of-control vehicles, or to reduce
often expressed as weight or volume per noise levels by shielding the highway;
time. may also be a horizontal ledge in an
earthbank to increase stability of a steep
Bedrock The scour-resistant material slope. 3) Earthwork used to redirect or slow
underlying erodible soils and overlying the down impinging vehicles or vessels and to
mantle rock, ranging from surface exposure stabilize fill, embankment, or soft ground
to depths of several hundred kilometers. and cut slopes.
Bed Slope The longitudinal inclination of a Berth 1 ) The water area, at the waterfront
channel bottom. edge of a wharf, reserved for a vessel. 2) A
Belt Line Railroad A short railroad position for a bus to pick up and discharge
operating within or around a city, usually passengers, including curb bus stops and
connecting several railroads to make other types of boarding and discharge
interchange of cars easier and faster. facilities.

Bendway 1) A point of distinct curvature Best Angle-of-Climb Airspeed The

in a stream, river, or channel where the airspeed that results in the greatest increase
bankfull flow changes direction. 2) Reach in altitude with respect to the distance
of sharpest curvature in a sinuous channel. traveled over the ground.

AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Best Management Practices Bicycle Route System A system of

(BMP) Erosion and pollution control bikeways designated by the jurisdiction
practices employed during construction having authority with appropriate
to avoid or mitigate damage or potential directional and informational route
damage from the contamination or pollution markers, with or without specific bicycle
of surface waters or wetlands from a route numbers. Bike routes should
highway action. establish a continuous routing, but may
be a combination of any and all types of
Best Rate-of-Climb Airspeed The
airspeed that results in the greatest increase
in altitude in a unit of time. Bidder An individual, partnership, finn,
corporation, or any acceptable combination
Best-Value Selection A procurement
thereof, or joint venture, submitting a
process where price and qualitative factors
are considered in the evaluation and
selection process. Bid Documentation All writings, working
papers, computer printouts, charts, and
Beta Ratio A measure of the effectiveness
data compilations containing or reflecting
of filters.
bidder’s information, data, or calculations
Betterment The improvements, used to determine the bid proposal.
adjustments, or additions to a highway
Bid Documentation Escrow Preserving
that more than restore it to its former good
successful bid documents to be used in the
condition and that result in better traffic
event of a claim(s) or litigation between the
serviceability without major changes in its
bidder and the agency.
original construction.
Bikeway Any road, street, path, or way that
Bias 1) An error, constant in direction, that
in some manner is specifically designated
causes a measurement, or the mean of a
for bicycle travel, regardless of whether
distribution of measurements, to be offset
such facilities are designated for the
from the true population mean. 2) An error,
exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared
constant in direction, common to each of a
with other transportation modes.
set of values, that cannot be eliminated by
any process of averaging. Bi-Level Rail Car A rail car that is used
principally as a commuter rail car and that
Bicycle A vehicle propelled solely by
contains two levels of seating throughout
human power upon which any person may
the length of the car.
ride, having two tandem wheels, except
scooters and similar devices. Bill of Lading A document that serves as a
receipt for goods shipped and provides the
Bicycle Facilities Improvements and
terms of the contract between the shipper
provisions made by public agencies to
and carrier for transportation of goods
accommodate or encourage bicycling,
between stated points at a specified charge.
including parking and storage facilities, and
shared roadways not specifically designated Binder Course A plant mix of graded
for bicycle use. aggregate (generally open graded) and
bituminous material that constitutes the
Bicycle Lane or Bike Lane A portion
lower layer of the surface course.
of a roadway that has been designated by
striping, signing, and pavement markings Binding Arbitration Arbitration with a
for the preferential or exclusive use of final and binding award.

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Bituminous Bleeding Excess bitumen on Block Signal A fixed signal at the entrance B
the surface of the pavement, usually found of a block to govern trains and engines
in the wheel paths. entering and using that block.
Bituminous Concrete A designed Blowup Localized upward movement of
combination of dense graded mineral the pavement surface at transverse joints or
aggregate filler and bituminous cement cracks, often accompanied by shattering of
mixed in a central plant, laid and compacted the concrete in that area.
while hot.
Bolster A spacer between a metal deck and
Bituminous Macadam A macadam bound a beam.
with bituminous material.
Bolt Assembly The bolt, nut(s), and
Bituminous Pavement A pavement washer( s).
comprising an upper layer or layers of
Bonded Tendon A tendon that is bonded to
aggregate mixed with a bituminous binder
the concrete, either directly or by means of
(such as asphalt, coal tars, and natural tars)
and surface treatments such as chip seals,
slurry seals, sand seals, and cape seals are Boring The operation by which large
also included. carriers or casings are jacked through
oversize bores. The bores are carved
Blanket 1) Material covering all or a
progressively ahead of the leading edge of
portion of a channel bank to prevent
the advancing pipe as soil is mucked back
erosion. 2) Stream bank surface covering,
through the pipe.
usually impermeable, designed to serve as
protection against erosion. Borrow Suitable material from sources
outside the roadway prism, used primarily
Blast Fence A barrier that is used to direct
for embankments.
or dissipate jet or propeller blast.
Bottleneck A road element on which traffic
Bleeding The flow of asphalt cement to the
demand exceeds capacity; specifically,
top of the mix surface under the action of
interference that limits or reduces the
traffic loading.
roadway capacity in a single area.
Block 1) A length of track or defined
Boundary Conditions Structural restraint
limits on which the movement of trains
characteristics regarding the support for
is governed by block signals, cab signals,
and/or the continuity between structural
or both. 2) A group of cars classified for
movement to the same yard or terminal.
3) The operating schedule of a transit Bow The front end of a vessel.
vehicle (from garage to garage), including Box A rail car with roof and enclosed sides
scheduled and deadhead service. with doors placed in sides or sides and end.
Block Cracking A pattern of cracks that Used for general service and especially
divide the pavement into approximately for lading that must be protected from the
rectangular pieces, ranging in size from weather.
approximately 0.1 to 10 m? (1 to 100 fY). Box Section A concrete pipe with a
Block Shear Rupture The failure of a rectangular cross section.
bolted web connection of coped beams or Bracing Member A member intended to
any tension connection by the tearing out of provide stability to another member or part
a portion of a plate along the perimeter of thereof, against lateral force.
the connecting bolts.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Brackish Water Water in which the Bridge Approach Railing A roadside

total alkali chlorides calculated as sodium guardrail system preceding the structure
chloride are more than 0.10 percent based and attached to the bridge rail system
on total solids. Also referred to as Sea that is intended to prevent a vehicle from
Water. impacting the end of the bridge railing or
Brake Check Area A turnout or pull-off
area designed to provide an opportunity for Bridge Capacity The sum total of the
a driver to inspect equipment on the vehicle various loads that a bridge can safely carry
and to ensure that brakes are not overheated in its existing condition or state.
at the beginning of a descent.
Bridge Length The greater dimension of
Braking Torque The negatively directed a structure measured along the center of
wheel torque. the roadway between backs of abutment
backwalls or between ends of the bridge
Branchline A line of track branching off
from the main line to provide service to an
area not served directly by the main line Bridge Maintenance Work perfonned
itself. to keep a facility in its current condition,
including all activity in a facility’s life
Breakaway A design feature that allows a
device such as a sign, luminaire, or traffic- that does not require a redesign and
signal support to yield or separate upon development project.
impact. The release mechanism may be a Bridge Opening The total cross-section
slip plane, plastic hinges, fracture elements, area beneath a bridge superstructure that is
or a combination of these. available for the conveyance of water.
Break Bulk Point A point at which a Bridge Railing A longitudinal barrier
portion or all of the contents of a car are whose primary fiinction is to prevent an
unloaded and distributed. errant vehicle from going over the side of
Breakdown Torque The maximum the bridge structure.
torque the motor will develop without an Bridge Roadway Width The clear width
abrupt drop in speed. Applies only to AC of a structure measured at right angles to the
induction-type motors. center of the roadway between the bottom
of curbs or, if curbs are not used, between
Break-Even Analysis A comparison of
the inner faces of the parapet or railing.
different alternatives by allowing one factor
to change until a point of equality is reachedI Bridge Traffic Revenue traffic, moving
between alternatives. in line haul, received from a foreign carrier
Breakwater An engineering structure and delivered to a connecting carrier.
affording shelter from wave action. Also Also referred to as Overhead Traffic or
Intennediate Traffic.
referred to as Mole or Jetty.
Bridge Waterway The area of a bridge
Bridge 1) A structure spanning and
opening available for flow as measured
providing passage over a river, chasm, road,
below a specified stage and normal to the
or railroad. 2) The superstructure above the
principal direction of flow.
deck of a ship that gives clear view from
which the ship can be maneuvered and Broad A rail track gauge that is more than
navigated. 1.44 m (4 ft 8.5 in.) wide.

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Broken Back Culvert A culvert having area in a facility such as a transit center or B
two or more longitudinal structure profile rail station.
Bus Lane A lane of roadway intended
Broken Base Any break in the base of a rail. primarily for use by buses, either all day or
during specified periods. Also known as
Brooming Roughing and cleaning
Transit Priority Lane, Bus Priority Lane.
the surface of as-shot material prior to
application of additional layers. Buspool The chartering of commuter
(subscription) buses by groups for
Buffer Strip An area providing a degree
transportation to work.
of protection from certain highway or
transportation effects for adjacent private Bus Priority System Techniques and
property or protected natural resources. strategies to improve the movement of
buses in heavily traveled and congested
Bulk 1) A commodity that can be poured,
corridors, usually on arterial streets, which
scooped, or shoveled, being of such size
may include priority at traffic signals,
that it cannot be handled piece by piece,
phasing and coordinating traffic signals, and
such as coal, ore, sand, and grain. 2) A loose
other treatments. Also referred to as Bus
mass that is loaded or unloaded without
Preferential Treatment.
regard to order and is restrained during
transportation solely by the bottom, sides, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Bus service
and bulkhead of the carrying vessel. operating on exclusive transitways, HOV
lanes, expressways, or ordinary streets that
Bulkhead 1) A partition separating parts of
combines intelligent transportation systems
a ship between decks. 2) A steep or vertical
technology, priority for transit, cleaner and
wall that supports a natural or artificial
quieter vehicles, rapid and convenient fare
embankment and may also serve as a
collection, and integration with land use
protective measure against bank erosion.
Bulking Increase in volume of sand in a
Bus Shelter Usually located at high
moist condition over the same quantity dry.
loading points, shelters may provide seating
Bunker The space in which fuel for the and protection from the weather for patrons.
vessel is stored.
Bus Stop A waiting, boarding, and
Buoy A floating navigation aid anchored alighting area usually designated by
to the bottom to mark a channel or to point distinctive signs and by curbs or pavement
out the position of something beneath the markings.
surface of the water.
Busway A special roadway designed
Bursting Force Tensile forces in the for exclusive use by buses. It may be
concrete in the vicinity of the transfer or constructed at, above, or below grade and
anchorage of prestressing forces. may be located in separate rights-of-way or
Bus A self-propelled rubber-tired vehicle within highway corridors.
designed to carry a substantial number of Buyer’s Risk The probability of accepting
passengers, commonly operated on streets poor or unsuitable material or construction
and highways. Also referred to as Motor as a result of using a particular acceptance
Bus. plan. Also referred to as Risk of a Type I1
Bus Bay (1) An area designated for a bus Error.
to pull-out of the traffic lane for passengers Bypass An arterial highway that permits
unloading and loading; (2) A bus berthing traffic to avoid part or all of an urban area.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Bypass Flow Flow that bypasses an Camel Small floating structure at dockside
inlet on grade and is carried in the street to maintain space between the ship and pier.
or channel to the next inlet downstream,
Canal A constructed open conduit or
sometimes termed carryover.
channel for the conveyance of irrigation
water that is distinguished from a ditch or
lateral by its larger size.
Cant The inward inclination of a rail,
effected by the use of inclined-surface
Cab 1) The space in a locomotive or rail tie plates, usually expressed as a rate of
car that contains the operating controls and inclination, such as 1 in 40.
shelter and seats for the engine crew. 2 ) A
Cantilever A support, either horizontal or
vertical, supported at one end only.
Cable-Stayed Bridge A bridge in which
Cap 1) The topmost piece of a pier or a
the superstructure is directly supported by
pile bent serving to distribute the loads upon
cables or stays, passing over or attached to
the columns or piles and to hold them in
towers located at the main piers.
their proper positions. 2 ) A rigid structural
Cabotage Laws Cabotage originates element surmounting a pipe, conduit,
from the French cabotev meaning to sail casing, or utility tunnel.
coastwise. These laws are common among
most major trading nations. The laws Captive A person limited by circumstance
respect trade or transportation in coastal to use one mode of transportation.
waters or airspace between two points Captive Transit Rider A person who
within the same country. does not have immediate access to private
transportation or who otherwise must use
Cage An assembled unit of steel
public transportation in order to travel.
reinforcement consisting of circumferential
Refers also to Transit Dependent.
and longitudinal bars or wires.
Caisson A chamber, usually sunk by Car Float A large flat-bottomed boat
equipped with tracks on which railroad cars
excavating from within, for the purpose
of gaining access to the subsurface are moved on water.
geology selected to support a structure’s Carload A rate that applies to a minimum
substructure. quantity of freight designated as a carload.
Calendar Day Any day shown on the Carpool Any vehicle (usually a private
calendar, beginning and ending at midnight. automobile) or arrangement in which two or
Calibration The process of comparing more occupants, including the driver, share
model parameters with real-world data to the use, cost, or both, of traveling between
ensure that the model realistically represents fixed points on a regular basis.
the traffic environment. The objective is to Carrier 1) Term usually applied to private
minimize the discrepancy between model for-profit operations of transportation
results and measurements or observations. services. 2 ) A pipe directly enclosing a
transmitted fluid (liquid, gas, or slurry).
Call Box A telephone device placed on
3) An electric or communication cable,
the roadside to allow emergency calls by
wire, or line.
stranded motorists.
Camber The condition of the horizontal Car Hire A charge made by one
transportation line against another for the
support being arched.
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

use of its cars. The charge is based on a broken, overcast, or obscuration and not
fixed rate per hour plus exchange. classified as thin or partial.
Cargo The goods, commodities, or lading Ceilorneter An electronic device that
transported in a vessel, railcar, truck, or measures the height of cloud bases.
Centerline A line indicating the division
Cargo Crane A crane especially adapted to of the roadway between traffic moving in
the transferring of cargo between a vessel’s opposite directions.
hold and a wharf.
Centerline Turning Radius (CTR) The
Car Sharing A system designed to turning radius of the centerline of the front
facilitate short-range urban trips at modest axle of a vehicle.
speed through the use of a fleet of small
Central Island The area of the roundabout
electric automobiles available at self-service
surrounded by the circulating roadway.
stands every few blocks for rental by the
trip to accredited drivers. Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) A
traffic-control system whereby train
Casing A larger pipe, conduit, or duct
movements are directed through the remote
enclosing a carrier.
operation of switches and signals from a
Cast-in-Place Concrete Concrete placed central control point.
in its final location in the structure while
Changeable Message Sign A sign that
still in a plastic state.
is capable of displaying more than one
Catch Basin A structure, sometimes with message and changeable manually, by
a sump, for inletting drainage from such remote control, or by automatic control,
places as a gutter or median and discharging referred to as Dynamic Message Sign in the
the water through a conduit. National Intelligent Transportation System
(ITS) Architecture and also commonly
Catenary 1) The system that consists of
referred to as Variable Message Sign.
the overhead conductor (trolley wire) that
supplies electric power to vehicles through Change Order A written order to the
contact with a pantograph or trolley current- contractor covering changes in the plans
collecting device (trolley pole). 2) The or quantities, or both, within the scope of
conductor’s supporting structure of wires the contract, and establishing the basis of
suspended between poles and bridges. payment and time adjustments for the work
3) The curve obtained by suspending a affected by the changes.
unifonn rope or cable between two points.
Channel 1) The bed and banks that confine
Causeway 1) A bridge or raised way the flow of surface water in a natural stream
constructed over marshy land or water. It or artificial channel. 2) The course where a
may be either an earth-fill or bridge-type stream of water runs or the closed course or
structure. 2) Rock or earth embankment conduit through which water runs, such as
carrying a roadway across water. a pipe. 3) An open conduit, either naturally
or artificially created, that periodically or
“C” Car A self-propelled rail car that does
continuously contains moving water or that
not have a control cab (may also refer to a
forms a connecting link between two bodies
double-ended car).
of water.
Ceiling The height above the ground
Channel Coefficient A roughness factor
or water of the lowest layer of clouds or
in the Kutter, Manning, Bazin, and other
obscuring phenomena that is reported as
fonnulas expressing the character of a
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

channel as it affects the friction slope of Channel Slope The fall per unit length
water flowing therein. along the channel centerline.
Channel Contraction The degree of Charpy V-Notch Test The generally
contraction imposed by a bridge-type accepted measure of notch ductility or the
constriction on the river channel for a given ability to resist crack propagation under
discharge. tensile stress.
Channel Diversion 1) The taking of Charter Bus Public transportation service
water from a stream or other body of water on an exclusive basis, rendered in a vehicle
into a canal, pipe, or other conduit. 2 ) The that is licensed to render that service and
removal of all or a portion of the flow from engaged at a single price for the trip or
a natural or artificial (canal, ditch, field period of time agreed on by the operating
ditch, or lateral) channel. licensee, its agent, or the chauffeur, and the
chartering organization or person.
Channelization 1 ) Straightening,
deepening, or both, of a channel by such Charter Service Transportation provided
means as artificial cutoffs, flow-control on a contractual basis at a fixed charge.
measures, river training, or diversion of
Check Dam A low dam or weir built
flow into an artificial channel. 2) The
across a channel to control water flow
separation or regulation of conflicting traffic
velocity and prevent erosion of the
movements into definite paths of travel
by traffic islands or pavement markings to
facilitate the orderly movements of both Check Flood for Bridge Scour The flood
vehicles and pedestrians. resulting from storm, storm surge, tide, or
combination thereof, having a flow rate in
Channelized Intersection An at-grade
excess of the design flood for scour, but in
intersection in which traffic is directed into
no case a flood with a recurrence interval
definite paths by islands.
exceeding the typically used 500 years.
Channel Migration A change in the
Checking Short transverse cracks, usually
position of a channel by lateral erosion of
25 to 75 mm (1 to 3 in.) in length and 25
one bank and the simultaneous accretion
to 75 mm (1 to 3 in.) apart, that occur in
of the opposite bank. Systematic channel
the surface of the hot mix asphalt (HMA)
shifting in the direction of flow.
mat at some time during the compaction
Channel Pattern The aspect of a stream process.
channel in plan view, with particular
Chemical Gauging A process of
reference to such things as the degree of
measuring the flow of water by ascertaining
sinuosity, braiding, or anabranching.
the resulting degree of dilution of a
Channel Process Behavior of a channel chemical solution of known saturation
with respect to channel migration, erosion, introduced at a known rate into the stream.
and sedimentation.
Chezy Formula An empirical formula
Channel Routing The process whereby for uniform flow expressing the relations
a peak flow, its associated streamflow among velocity of water, hydraulic radius,
hydrograph, or both, is mathematically and friction slope.
transposed to another site downstream,
Chirp Test The progressive application
taking into account the effect of channel
of brake torque required to produce the
maximum value of longitudinal braking
force that will occur prior to wheel lockup
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

with subsequent brake release to prevent (MSL) up to and including flight level (FL)
any wheel lockup (tire slide). 600, including the airspace overlying the
waters within 19 km (12 nautical miles) C
of the coast of the 48 contiguous states
Reinforcement Reinforcement that
and Alaska; and designated international
is approximately perpendicular to the
airspace beyond 19 km (12 nautical miles)
longitudinal axis of the concrete pipe or
of the coast of the 48 contiguous states
and Alaska within areas of domestic radio
Civil Action Action presenting an issue to navigational signal or air traffic control
be resolved under civil law, as distinguished (ATC) radar coverage, and within which
from criminal law, or brought to establish or domestic procedures are applied.
recover private and civil rights, redress for
Class B Airspace Generally, that airspace
damage, or both a tort action.
from the surface to 3 km (1 0,000 ft) MSL,
Civil Law The system of jurisprudence surrounding the nation’s busiest airports
established by a nation, state, or in tenns of IFR operations or passenger
commonwealth peculiarly for itself; the enplanements. The configuration of each
division of law regulating ordinary private Class B airspace area is individually
matters, as distinct from laws regulating tailored and consists of a surface area and
criminal, political, or military matters. two or more layers (some Class B airspace
Civil Law Doctrine or Rule A rule of areas resemble upside-down wedding
law pertaining to the disposal of drainage cakes), and is designed to contain all
waters under which the owner of higher published instrument procedures once an
land has the right or easement to dispose of aircraft enters airspace. An ATC clearance
the surplus or excess waters from his lands is required for all aircraft to operate in the
to lower lands, unobstructed by the owners area, and all aircraft that are so cleared
thereof. receive separation services within the
airspace. The cloud clearance requirement
Class I A railroad having gross operating for VFR operations is clear of clouds.
revenues of more than $50 million
annually, according to Interstate Commerce Class C Airspace Generally, that airspace
Commission (ICC) rules. from the surface to 1.2 km (4,000 ft) above
the airport elevation (charted in MSL)
Class I I A railroad having gross operating surrounding those airports that have an
revenues of less than $50 million but operational control tower, are serviced
greater than S 10 million annually, according by radar approach control, and that have
to ICC rules. a certain number of IFR operations or
Class I l l A railroad having gross operating passenger enplanements. Although the
revenues of less than $10 million annually, configuration of each Class C airspace is
according to ICC rules. individually tailored, the airspace usually
consists of 9 km ( 5 nautical miles) radius
Class 1 through 6 “Minimum” Federal core surface area that extends from the
Railroad Administration (FRA) Safety surface up to 1.2 km (4,000 ft) above the
Standards for track covering such matters as airport elevation, and a 19 km (10 nautical
speed limits, roadbed, track geometry, track miles) radius shelf area that extends from
structure, and inspections. Six classes of 370 m (1,200 ft) to 1.2 km (4,000 ft) above
track are defined. the airport elevation.
Class A Airspace Generally, that airspace Class D Airspace Generally, that airspace
from 5.5 hn (1 8,000 ft) mean sea level from the surface to 760 in (2,500 ft) above
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

the airport elevation (charted in MSL) Clear End Distance of Bolts The distance
surrounding those airports that have an between the edge of a bolt hole and the end
operational control tower. The configuration of a member.
of each Class D airspace area is individually
Clearing Removal of vegetation,
tailored, and when instrument procedures
structures, or other objects as an item
are published, the airspace will normally be
of highway or transportation facility
designed to contain the procedures.
Class E Airspace Generally, if the airspace Clear Runout Area The area at the toe of
is not Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class a nonrecoverable slope available for safe
D, and it is controlled airspace, it is Class E use by an errant vehicle.
Clear Span The face-to-face distance
Class G Airspace That portion of the
between supporting components.
airspace that has not been designated
as Class A, B, C, D, or E airspace Clearway An imaginary plane centrally
(uncontrolled). located about the centerline of the runway
and under the control of airport authorities.
Classification Yard A yard in which rail
The plane has a slope of no more than 1.25
cars are classified or grouped in accordance percent, above which no object or terrain
with requirements.
protrudes. It is used in calculating turbojet
Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) Turbulence aircraft takeoff planning.
that occurs in clear air and is not associated
Clear Zone The roadside border area,
with cloud formation, such as that
starting at the edge of the traveled way,
associated with winds at low altitudes and
available for safe use by errant vehicles.
with the jet stream at high altitudes.
This area may consist of a shoulder,
Clearance 1) An unobstructed horizontal recoverable slope, nonrecoverable slope,
or vertical space. 2) Authorization to follow clear runout area, or combination thereof.
a specified flight outline. Clearances are Although it is desirable to maximize the
issued by the control agency appropriate available clear zone, minimum width
for the controlled area within which the requirements are dependent on the traffic
flight will operate and are used to prevent volumes and speeds and on the roadside
collisions between aircraft. 3) Lateral geometry.
distance from the edge of the traveled way Climatic Year A continuous 12-month
to a roadside object or feature. period during which a complete annual
Clearance Interval The all-red traffic cycle occurs, arbitrarily selected for the
signal interval. presentation of data relative to hydrologic
or meteorologic phenomena.
Clearance Time The time loss at a transit
stop not including passenger dwell times. Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Video
This parameter can be the minimum time cameras that transmit signals to a defined,
between one transit vehicle leaving a stop specific, limited set of monitors.
and the following vehicle entering and can
Closed Joint A deck joint intended to
include any delay waiting for a sufficient prevent the passage of debris through the
gap in traffic to allow the transit vehicle to
joint and to safeguard pedestrian and cycle
re-enter the travel lane.
Clear Distance of Bolts The distance
between edges of adjacent bolt holes.

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Closed Loop A hydraulic circuit in which to the average about which the variation
the pump output, after passing through an occurs, expressed as a percentage.
actuator, returns directly to the pump inlet.
Cofferdam 1) A barrier built in the water
Closed Rib A rib in an orthotropic deck so as to form an enclosure from which the
consisting of a plate forming a trough, water is pumped to permit free access to the
welded to the deck plate along both sides of area within. 2) A water-tight enclosure used
the rib. for obtaining a dry foundation for bridges,
piers, etc.; usually constructed of two rows
Closure A placement of cast-in-place
of piles with clay packed between them,
concrete used to connect two or more
extending above the highwater mark, the
previously cast portions of a structure.
water being pumped out so as to leave the
Closure Joint A cast-in-place concrete fill enclosure dry.
between components to provide continuity.
Collapse Load That load that can be borne
Closure Rails The rails between the parts by a structural member or structure just
of any special trackwork layout, as the before failure becomes apparent.
rails between the switch and the frog in a
Collective Bargaining Negotiation
turnout; also the rails connecting the Erogs
between an employer and union
of a crossing or of adjacent crossings, but
representatives usually on wages, hours,
not forming parts thereof.
and working conditions.
Cloverleaf Interchange A four-leg
Collector A road of the intermediate
interchange that employs loop ramps to
functional category that serves a small
accommodate left turns. A full cloverleaf
town directly, connecting it to the arterial
has ramps for two turning movements in
four quadrants; all other cloverleafs are
referred to as Partial Cloverleafs. Combination Point Bearing and
Friction Pile Pile that derives its capacity
Coefficient of Contraction The ratio of
from contributions of both point bearing
the smallest cross-section area of the flow
developed at the pile tip and resistance
after passing the constriction to the nominal
mobilized along the embedded shaft.
cross-section area of the constriction.
Combination Railing A bicycle or
Coefficient of Determination A measure
pedestrian railing system added to a
of the linear relationship between a single
crashworthy bridge vehicular railing or
dependent random variable or response and
barrier system.
a known independent variable.
Combined Footing A footing that supports
Coefficient of Discharge Ratio of
more than one column.
observed-to-theoretical discharge. Also the
coefficient used for orifice or other flow Commercial Vehicle A vehicle with
processes to estimate the discharge past a heavy-duty chassis and suspension designed
point or through a reach. for commercial freight or passenger
Coefficient of Skid Resistance The ratio
of skid resistance to wheel load under stated Commercial Vehicle Operations
conditions. (CVO) The improvement of motor carrier
safety and productivity by improving
Coefficient of Variation The ratio of
and targeting inspections, and reducing
the variability of measurements about an
paperwork through electronic transactions,
average, expressed as the standard deviation
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

weigh-in-motion, and automatic vehicle- section is provided by satisfying various

location technologies. flange, web slenderness, and bracing
Common Carrier A firm that holds
itself out to the public to carry persons or Compass Rose A circle graduated in
property for hire. degrees, marked on the ground at an airport.
It is used in calibrating aircraft compass
Commonly Recognized Structural
systems to magnetic north.
Elements (CoRe) Structural elements
that are commonly used in highway bridge Compensable Interest A property right
construction and encountered on bridge that, if acquired for highway purposes,
safety inspections. would entitle the owner to receive just
Commuter Aperson who travels back and
forth regularly between two points; often Competitive Range A list of the most
used in reference to a suburban resident highly rated proposals based on the initial
who travels daily into the city to work. The proposal rankings. It is based on the rating
tenn reverse commuting, on the other hand, of each proposal against all evaluation
is used to refer to someone who lives in the criteria.
city but travels to a job in the suburbs.
Completion Contractor completes all
Commuter Bus A bus that takes people specified work satisfactorily and executes
from a place near their residences to a place and delivers all required documents,
near their work, usually in a trip with few certificates, and proofs of compliance.
or no stops, and usually traveling from a
Component 1) A constituent part of a
suburb to a city.
structure. 2) Either a discrete element of
Commuter Rail Car A passenger-carrying a bridge or a combination of elements
rail car that is either self-propelled and requiring individual design. 3) A structural
equipped with a control cab or pulled by element or combination of elements
locomotive, and is designed to operate in requiring individual design consideration.
multiple units or trains on railways that are
Composite Action A condition in which
part of a general railroad system.
two or more elements or components are
Commuter Rail Service The portion of made to act together by preventing relative
passenger railroad operations that carries movement at their interface.
passengers within urban areas but that
Composite Beam A steel beam connected
differs from heavy (rapid) rail transit in that
to a deck so that they respond to force
the passenger cars generally are heavier, the
effects as a unit.
average trip lengths are usually longer, and
the operations are generally run by railroad Composite Column A column consisting
companies as part of their overall service. of either structural shapes embedded in
concrete or a steel tube filled with concrete
Compaction The process by which the
designed to respond to force effects as a unit.
asphalt mix is compressed and reduced in
volume. Composite Construction Concrete
components or concrete and steel
Compact Section A section that is
components interconnected to respond to
capable of developing the fully plastic
force effects as a unit.
stress distribution in flexure. The rotation
capacity required to comply with analysis Composite Hydrograph A plot of mean
assumptions used in various articles of this daily discharges for a number of years of
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

record on a single-year time base for the Concrete Barrier A railing system of
purpose of showing the average occurrence reinforced concrete having a traffic face that
of high and low flows. usually, but not always, adopts some form C
of a safety shape.
Composite Pay Factor A multiplication
factor, often expressed as a percentage, Concrete Cover The specified minimum
that considers two or more quality distance between the surface of the
characteristics and is used to determine reinforcing bars, strands, post-tensioning
the contractor’s final payment for a unit of ducts, anchorage, or other embedded items,
work. Also referred to as Combined Pay and the surface of the concrete.
Factor or Overall Pay Factor. Concurrent Flow HOV Lane An HOV
Compound Fissure A progressive fracture lane that is operated in the same direction
originating in a horizontal split head that as the adjacent mixed flow lanes, separated
runs up or down in the head of the rail and from the adjacent general-purpose Ereeway
continues to grow until it turns at a right lanes by a standard lane stripe, painted
angle to the rail length. buffer, or barrier.
Compressive Strength 1) The maximum Condemnation The process by which
resistance of a concrete specimen to axial property is acquired for public purposes
compressive loading. 2) The specified through legal proceedings under power of
resistance used in design calculations. eminent domain.
Compressive Test A test made on a Conductor 1) The operating employee
concrete specimen to determine the who controls the doors on rail transit
compressive strength. vehicles and who may have fare collecting
duties. 2 ) The railroad employee in charge
Compromise Joint (Bar) Joint bars
of a train and engine crew. 3) An energized
designed to connect rails of different fishing
wire that conducts electricity to a motor.
height and section or rails of the same
section but of different joint drillings. Conduit 1) An artificial or natural channel;
usually a closed structure such as a pipe
Compromise Joint (Rail) Ajoint for
or culvert. A general tenn for any channel
uniting the abutting ends of contiguous rails
intended for the conveyance of water,
of different sections or of rails of the same
whether open or closed; any container for
section but of different joint drillings.
flowing water. With highways, conduits are
Compromise Rail A relatively short rail, often considered as being a pipe, culvert,
the two ends of which are of different flume, channel, chute, or similar drainage
sections, corresponding with the sections facility. 2) An enclosed tubular casing,
of the rails to which they are to be joined; it singular or multiple, for the protection of
provides the transition from one section to a wires, cables, or lines, usually jacketed and
different rail section. often extended from manhole to manhole.
Concordant Flow Flows at different Confidence Interval An estimate of an
points in a river system that have the same interval in which the estimated parameter
recurrence interval or the same frequency of will lie with pre chosen probability (called
occurrence. It is most often applied to flood the confidence level). The end points of a
flows. confidence interval are called confidence
Concrete A homogeneous mixture of limits.
portland cement, aggregates, and water, and Confidence Level If a large number
that may contain admixtures. of confidence intervals are constructed,
Next Page
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the proportion of time that the estimated to the maximum number of origin-and-
parameter will lie within the interval. (A destination trip pairs through the optimal
confidence level is usually expressed as a integration of routes, schedules, fare
percentage, typically ranging from 90 to 99 structures, information systems, and modal
percent). transfer facilities.
Confidence Limits Computed (statistical) Consequence Assessment Study that
values on both sides of an estimate of identifies assets that, if attacked, produce
a parameter that show, for a specified the greatest risks for undesirable outcomes
probability, the range in which the true given a specific set of circumstances and
value of the parameter lies. conditions.
Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) A Consequential Damages Loss in value of
diked area to contain polluted materials a parcel, no portion of which is acquired,
dredged from waterways. resulting from a highway improvement.
Confinement A condition where Consignee Persons or finn to whom
the disintegration of the concrete shipment is destined.
under compression is prevented by
Consignor Persons or firm in whose
the development of lateral and/or
name cars are ordered or who furnishes
circumferential forces such as may be
forwarding directions, or both.
provided by appropriate reinforcing, steel or
composite tubes or similar devices. Consist The makeup or composition
(number and specific identity) of a train of
Confluence The junction of two or more
Consistent Estimator A statistic whose
Conformal Index (CI) A measure of the
standard error becomes smaller as the
dispersion of a series of results around a
sample size increases. [An unbiased
target or specified value, expressed as the
estimator is not necessarily a consistent
square root of the quantity obtained by
estimator, and a consistent estimator is
summing the squares of the deviations from
not necessarily an unbiased estimator. For
the target value and dividing by the number
example, the sample root-mean-square
of observations.
variance (RMS’) is a consistent estimator
Congestion Pricing The policy of of the population variance, but it is not an
charging drivers a fee that varies with the unbiased estimator.]
level of traffic on a congested roadway.
Constant Amplitude Fatigue
Congestion pricing is designed to allocate
Threshold The nominal stress range below
roadway space, a scarce resource, in a more
which a particular detail can withstand
economically feasible manner. Also referred
an infinite number of repetitions without
to as congestion-relief tolling.
fatigue failure.
Conjugate Depth The alternate depth of
Constriction 1) A compressed or
flow involved with the hydraulic jump.
constricted section or reach of a channel
Unlike the alternate depths for a given
that may be a natural condition or one
specific head, the conjugate depths for a
produced by raising the bottom (as a sill
hydraulic jump reflect the energy loss from
or dam) or contracting the width (as a
the hydraulic jump.
highway embankment on a flood plain), or
Connectivity The ability of a both. 2 ) A control section, such as a bridge
transportation network to provide service crossing, channel reach, sill, or dam, with
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

limited flow capacity in which the discharge boundary separating sections of a concrete
is related to the upstream water surface deck and generally watertight because of
elevation. the chemical bonding of the newer concrete C
section to the previous section when the
Construction The supervising, inspecting,
concrete placement is resumed.
actual building, and incurrence of all
costs incidental to the construction or Construction Phase The activities
reconstruction of a highway, including associated with the administration of a
locating, surveying, and mapping (including contract for specified services and physical
the establishment of temporary and infrastructure. The construction phase
permanent geodetic markers in accordance includes change management, assurance
with specifications of the National Oceanic that safety and associated impacts to the
and Atmospheric Administration in the traveling public are mitigated, payment
Department of Commerce). The term for work completed, documentation of
includes resurfacing, restoration, and physically constructed elements, and
rehabilitation, acquisition of rights-of- certification and documentation of quality.
way, relocation assistance, elimination
Constructive A car consigned or ordered
of hazards of railway grade crossing,
to a private track, an industrial interchange
elimination of roadside obstacles,
track, or other-than-public delivery track.
acquisition of replacement housing sites,
It cannot be actually placed because of
acquisition and rehabilitation, relocation
a condition attributable to the consignor
and construction of replacement housing,
or consignee. The car will be held at
and improvements that directly facilitate
destination, or if it cannot reasonably be
and control traffic flow, such as grade
accommodated there, at an available hold
separation of intersections, widening of
point, and notice should be sent or given
lanes, channelization of traffic, traffic
the consignor or consignee that the car is
control systems, and passenger loading and
held and that this railroad is unable to effect
unloading areas. The term also includes
capital improvements that directly facilitate
an effective vehicle-weight enforcement Container A sealed metal box, generally
program, such as scales (fixed and measuring 2.4 in (8 ft) in width, 2.4
portable), scale pits, scale installation, m (8 ft) in height, and with lengths
and scale houses, and also includes costs varying from 6 to 16 in (20 to 53 ft),
incurred by the state in performing Federal- used interchangeably among modes for
aid project-related audits that directly transporting cargoes.
benefit the Federal-aid highway program. Container Freight Station (CFS) A
Construction Capital A nonrecurring warehouse-type building constructed at
cost involved in the construction of a a container terminal for the purpose of
transportation system, including fixed packing outbound containers, unpacking
facilities, roadways, yards, garages, power inbound containers, and for receipt and
distribution and control facilities, stations distribution of less-than-truckload cargoes.
and access facilities, station parking Context Sensitive Design (CSD) or
facilities, and the associated financing Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) A
charges and administrative design costs. collaborative, interdisciplinary approach
Construction Joint 1) A joint made that involves all stakeholders to develop a
necessary by a prolonged interruption in the transportation facility that fits its physical
placing of concrete. 2) A temporary joint setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic,
used to pennit sequential construction. 3) A historic, and environmental resources,
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

while maintaining safety and mobility. all supplemental agreements pertaining

CSD/CSS is an approach that considers the thereto and the payment of all legal debts
total context within which a transportation pertaining to the construction of the project.
improvement project will exist.
Contract Carrier A carrier transporting
Contingency (also Allowance, Reserve) A goods for one or more concerns under
markup applied to account for substantial contract for compensation.
uncertainties in quantities, unit costs, and
Contract Documents Plans, drawings,
the possibility of currently unforeseen risk
specifications, and estimates prepared for a
events related to quantities, work elements,
specific project covering the required work.
or other project requirements.
Contracting Agency The corporation,
Continuity In bridge decks, both structural
association, partnership, individual, or
continuity and the ability to prevent water
public body or authority with whom the
penetration without the assistance of
contractor enters into an agreement, and for
nonstructural elements.
whom the work is accomplished.
Continuous Inductive Train Control A
Contraction The effects of a channel
locomotive or self-propelled car apparatus
constriction on flow.
that is constantly in operative relation
with the track circuit and is immediately Contraction Joint 1 ) Ajoint at the ends
responsive to a change in the character of of a rigid slab to control the location of
the current flowing in the track circuit. transverse cracks. 2) A joint that controls
the cracking effect of concrete shrinking
Continuously Reinforced Concrete
as it cures. It generally has a water stop
Pavement (CRCP) Portland cement
incorporated into it and is typically found
concrete pavement with sufficient
in wing walls and retaining walls where
longitudinal steel reinforcement to control
seeping water needs to be controlled.
transverse crack spacing and openings in
lieu of transverse contraction joints for Contraction Method of Flow
accommodating concrete volume changes Measurement A method of indirect
and load transfer. measurement of peak discharge following
a flood by field survey of highwater marks
Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) A
and channel and bridge geometry at a
track that has welded joints that provide
constriction, such as at a bridge.
a smoother running surface and ride than
standard (unwelded) rail. Contraction Scour The response of a river
or drainage facility (such as a bridge) to
Contour Line A line (as on a map)
the change in its bed load requirement as a
connecting points of equal elevation on a
result of a natural or constructed contraction
land surface.
of flow, i.e., the flow contraction is due to
Contract The written agreement between an encroachment of either the main channel
the contracting agency and the contractor or the flood plain by a natural constriction
setting forth the obligations of the parties or the highway embankment.
thereunder for the performance of the
Contract Item A specific unit of work for
prescribed work.
which a price is provided in the contract.
Contract Bond The approved form Also known as Contract Pay Item.
of security, executed by the contractor
Contractor The individual, partnership,
and his surety or sureties, guaranteeing
firm, corporation, or any acceptable
complete execution of the contract and
combination thereof, or joint venture,
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

contracting with whom an agency or owner Control Limits Boundaries established by

enters into agreement for performance of statistical analysis for material production
prescribed work. control using the control chart technique. C
When values of the material characteristic
Contract Payment Bond The security
fall within these limits, the process is
furnished to the contracting agency to
“under control.” When values fall outside
guarantee payment of prescribed debts of
the limits, this indicates that there is some
the contractor covered by the bond.
assignable cause for the process going
Contract Performance Bond The “out of control.” Also referred to as Action
security furnished to the contracting agency Limits.
to guarantee completion of the work in
Control of Access The condition where
accordance with the contract.
the right of owners or occupants of abutting
Contract Time The number of working land, or other persons, to access, light,
days or calendar days allowed for air, or view in connection with a highway
completion of the contract. If a calendar is fully or partially controlled by public
date of completion is shown in the proposal authority. Also referred to as Access
in lieu of a number of working or calendar Management.
days, the contract shall be completed by that
Control Section A control section, such as
a bridge opening, reach of channel, or dam,
Contraflow Lane A lane on which, during with a definable flow capacity, in which
certain hours of the day, high-occupancy the discharge is related to some measurable
vehicles (HOVs) operate in a direction depth(s) such as the upstream water surface
opposite to that of the normal flow of elevation, tailwater elevation, contracted
traffic. flow depth, or some combination thereof.
Control Flume An open conduit or Control Strip A short section of a
artificial channel arranged for measuring pavement course that has been compacted
the flow of water that generally includes a to the highest density obtained with the
constricted section wherein critical depth equipment to be used for the rest of the
exists. construction of the course. The maximum
Controlled Airspace Classifications of density obtained is used as a reference when
airspace (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class detennining the relative compaction of the
D, and Class E airspace) and the defined rest of the course.
dimensions within which air traffic control Conveyance 1) A written instrument by
service is provided to IFR and VFR which a title, estate, or interest in property
flights in accordance with the airspace is transferred. 2 ) A measure of the ability
classification. of a stream, channel, or conduit to convey
Controlled Process A production process water. A comparative measure of the water-
in which the mean and variability of a series carrying capacity of a channel; that portion
of tests on the product remain stable, with of the Manning discharge formula that
the variability due to chance only. Also accounts for the physical elements of the
referred to as Process under Statistical channel.
Control. Core A cylinder of concrete obtained from
Controller Assembly A complete electrical concrete by means of a core drill.
device mounted in a cabinet for controlling
the operation of a highway traffic signal.
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Core Depth The distance between the Cost-Effective An item or action taken that
top of top reinforcement and the bottom of is economical in terms of tangible benefits
bottom reinforcement in a concrete slab. produced for the money spent.
Core Width The width of the Cost Engineering An area of engineering
superstructure of monolithic construction principles where engineering judgment
minus the deck overhangs. and experience are used in the application
of scientific principles and techniques to
Coring The operation by which a small
problems of cost estimation, cost control,
casing is drilled into firm soil. As the pipe
business planning, and management
advances, the core material is removed by
sluicing during or after the drilling.
Cost Value The price of a collection of
Corner Breaks (JCP Only) A portion of
units of material or an item of construction
the slab separated by a crack that intersects
having specified characteristics in terms of
the adjacent transverse and longitudinal
money, proportion of available manpower,
joints, describing approximately a 45-
or depletion of natural resources.
degree angle with the direction of traffic,
where the length of the sides is from 0.3 in Coupler A device for connecting cars or
(1 ft) to one half the width of the slab. locomotives together.
Corridor 1) A strip of land between two Course 1) The direction toward the
termini within which traffic, topography, destination as charted, described in degrees
environment, and other characteristics are of deviation from north. True course is
evaluated for transportation purposes. Also measured from true north; magnetic course
for transmission of a utility. 2 ) A broad is measured from magnetic north. All
geographical band that identifies a general courses formed by VHF Omni-directional
directional flow of traffic. It may encompass Radio-ranges (VORs) on sectional charts
streets, highways, and transit alignments. are magnetic. 2 ) In connection with an
instrument landing system (ILS), the
Corrosion The deterioration of material,
visually indicated beam that provides
usually a metal, that results from a reaction
directional guidance to the runway.
with its environment.
Cover The vertical extent of soil above the
Corrosion Resistant 1) Resistance to rain,
crown of a pipe or culvert. [Depending on
sunlight, salt water, and the alkalinity of
the context, may also be] the vegetation,
concrete without experiencing noticeable
or vegetational debris, such as mulch,
degradation. 2 ) Ability of a material, usually
that exists on the soil surface. In some
a metal, to withstand corrosion in a given
classification schemes, fallow or bare soil is
taken as the minilnuin cover class.
Corrugated Rail A rough condition on the
Cracking 1) A linear fracture in the
rail tread of alternate ridges and grooves.
concrete wearing surface that may extend
Corrugation Transverse undulations only partway through the bridge deck, or
at regular intervals in the surface of the it may occur as a failure plane running
pavement consisting of alternate valleys and completely through the concrete structural
crests not more than 1 m (3 ft) apart. element. 2 ) A fissure or open seam not
Cost Benefit Analysis Comparison of necessarily extending through the body of a
costs associated with a specific action and material.
benefits derived from that action. Cracking Moment A bending moment
that produces a tensile stress greater than the
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

sum of induced compression plus the tensile Crib Dam A barrier made of timber,
strength of the concrete resulting in tensile forming bays or cells that are filled with
cracks on the tension face of the pole. stone or other suitable material. C
Crane A machine for hoisting weights or Critical Depth When the energy head is
cargo, moving them horizontally for limited a minimum and the velocity head equals
distances, and lowering or raising them to one half the mean depth, the corresponding
new locations. depth is Belanger’s critical depth.
Crash Cushion A device that prevents an Critical Flow That flow in open channels
errant vehicle from impacting fixed objects at which the energy content of the fluid is
by gradually decelerating the vehicle to a at a minimum. Also, that flow that has a
safe stop or by redirecting the vehicle away Froude number of unity.
from the obstacle.
Critical Impact Angle (CIA) For a
Crash Test Vehicular impact tests by given crash test and the attendant range
which the structural and safety perfonnance of vehicular impact angles, the CIA is the
of roadside barriers and other highway angle within this range judged to have the
appurtenances may be determined. Three greatest potential for causing a failure when
evaluation criteria are considered, namely the test is assessed by the recommended
(a) structural adequacy, (b) impact severity, evaluation criteria.
and (c) vehicular post-impact trajectory.
Critical Impact Point (CIP) For a given
Crashworthy 1) A feature that has been crash test, the CIP is the initial point(s) of
proven acceptable for use under specified vehicular contact with a feature judged
conditions either through crash testing or to have the greatest potential for causing
in-service performance. 2 ) A system that a failure when the test is assessed by the
has been successfully crash tested to a recommended evaluation criteria.
currently acceptable crash test matrix and
Criticality The classification of various
test level or one that can be geometrically
factors of specifications by the degree to
and structurally evaluated as equal to a
which they affect safety, performance, or
crash-tested system.
Creep 1 ) Lengthwise rail movement
Criticality Assessment Study that
caused by temperature gradient. 2) Time-
evaluates and prioritizes assets and
dependent deformation of concrete under
functions in terms of specific criteria such
permanent load.
as their importance to public safety and
Crest 1) The maximum elevation of a flood the economy. The assessment provides a
at a specific location. 2 ) The highest point basis for identifying which structures or
of a structure or natural formation, such as a processes are relatively more important to
dam or water wave. protect from attack. It helps to determine
operational requirements and to target
Crib 1) The space between two adjacent
resources to the highest priorities, while
ties in a track structure. 2) A structure
reducing the potential for targeting
consisting of a foundation grillage and a
resources to lower priorities.
framework providing compartments that are
filled with gravel, stones, or other material Critical Slope That particular slope of
satisfactory for supporting the structure to a given uniform conduit operating as an
be placed thereon. open channel at which nonnal depth equals
critical depth for a given discharge (Q,).
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Critical Velocity Mean velocity of flow at Crosswind Component A wind

critical depth; in open channels the velocity component at a right angle to the
head equals one half the mean depth. longitudinal axis of the runway or the
aircraft’s flight path.
Cross Drainage 1) The runoff from
contributing drainage areas both inside Crosswind Leg A flight path at a right angle
and outside the highway right of way. to the landing runway off its upwind leg.
2) The transmission thereof from the
Crosswind Runway An additional runway
upstream side of the highway facility to the
built when the principal orientation of the
downstream side.
runway cannot provide 95 percent wind
Cross-Frame A transverse truss coverage.
framework connecting adjacent longitudinal
Crown 1) The top or highest point of the
flexural components.
internal surface of the transverse cross
Crossover 1) Two turnouts with track section of a pipe. 2) The shape of a tangent
between, connecting two nearby and usually roadway cross section with a high point
parallel tracks. 2) The relatively short and in the middle and a cross slope downward
shallow reach of a stream between bends. toward both edges.
The point where flows cross over from one
Crush Capacity The maximum passenger
low-flow channel bank to the other. Also
capacity of a vehicle in which the spacing
referred to as Crossing.
between passengers is zero (i.e., the
Cross-Slope 1) The transverse slope and/or passengers are touching one another) and
superelevation described by the roadway one more passenger cannot enter without
section geometry. 2 ) The slope measured causing serious discomfort to the others.
perpendicular to the direction of travel.
Cul-de-sac A local street open at one end
Crosstalk 1) The undesired effect of force only and with special provision for turning
readings appearing on an unloaded axis of a around.
transducer while applying force to another.
Culvert Any structure under the roadway
2) Undesired signals or sounds in electronic
with a clear opening of 6.1 m (20 ft) or less
devices as a result of coupling between
measured along the center of the roadway.
transmission circuits.
Culvert Method of Flow Measurement A
Crosswalk 1) A specified part of a road or
method of indirect measurement of peak
street where pedestrians have right-of-way
discharge, following a flood, by field survey
to cross. 2 ) That part of a roadway at an
of highwater marks and channel and culvert
intersection included within the connections
geometry where temporary upstream flood
of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on
storage effects can be quantified or are not
opposite sides of the highway measured
from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs,
from the edges of the traversable roadway, Cumulative Conveyance A tabulation or
and in the absence of sidewalk on one graphical plot of the accumulated measures
side of the roadway, the part of a roadway of conveyance at various points across a
included in the extension of the lateral cross section proceeding from the landward
lines of the sidewalk at right angles to the edge of one flood plain (or stream bank) to
centerline. 3) Any portion of a roadway the landward edge of the other flood plain
at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly (or stream bank) so as to encompass the
indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or water surface width of a particular flood.
other markings on the surface.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Curb Extension A section of sidewalk a meander loop (neck cutoffs) or across a

extending into the roadway at an point bar (chute cutoffs).
intersection or midblock crossing that Cutoff Height A specified distance
reduces the crossing width for pedestrians of a high on the surface record from a
and may help reduce traffic speeds. Also D
chord representing 7.5 in (25 ft) on the
known as a bulb-out or curb bulb. longitudinal scale. The chord may represent
Curb Ramp A combined ramp and landing less than 7.5 m (25 ft) if it is from the lows
to accomplish a change in level at a curb. on each side of the high.
This element provides street and sidewalk Cutoff Wall A wall, collar, or other
access to pedestrians using wheelchairs. structure intended to reduce percolation of
Current 1) Water flowing through a water along otherwise smooth surfaces or
channel. 2 ) The generally downstream through porous strata.
moving portion or vector of flowing water. Cuts Sections of highway located below
Current Meter An instrument for natural ground elevation, thereby requiring
measuring the speed of flowing water. excavation of earthen material.
Current Year Dollars Today’s price; the Cycle A complete sequence of traffic signal
estimated cost of the project if the project indications.
were built and completed in the analysis Cycle-Control Joint A transverse
year in present-day dollars; equivalent to approach slab joint designed to pennit
the economist’s notion of constant or real longitudinal cycling of integral bridges and
dollars. attached approach slabs.
Curvature Friction Friction resulting from Cycle Length The total time for a traffic
the tendon moving against the duct when signal to complete one cycle.
tensioned due to the curvature of the duct.
Cycle Time The total time required for a
Cushion Seal Joint Ajoint in which a transit vehicle to complete one round trip on
reinforced neoprene pad is rigidly attached its route, including all station dwell times
to each side of the joint. The neoprene pad and time for layover at tenninals.
has elastic characteristics that allow it to
stretch when the joint opens and to shrink Cyclic Stress Stress due to repeated
when the joint closes, while the reinforcing loading and unloading.
materials in the pad provide sufficient Cylinder (Test) A cast cylindrical
strength to span the joint gap in a durable specimen of concrete.
Cushion Underframe The framework of
a railway car that is designed to prevent
shocks and impact stresses from damaging
the car structure or its lading.
D 16 The particle diameter at the 16
Cut Bank 1) The concave wall of a percentile point on a size-versus-weight
meandering stream. 2 ) The outside, eroding distribution curve.
bank of a bendway.
D50 Median size of riprap or granular
Cutoff A natural or artificial channel that material. The particle diameter at the 50
shortens the length of a stream; natural percentile point on a size-versus-weight
cutoffs may occur either across the neck of distribution curve such that half of the
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

particles (by weight) are larger and half are 2) The permanent loading on a structure,
smaller. imposing definite fixed strains upon it; it
consists of the weight of the structure itself
D85 The particle diameter at the 85
and the fixed loading carried by it.
percentile point on a size-versus-weight
distribution curve. Deadman A buried block or heavy object
to serve as an anchor to restrain a vessel
Daily Discharge Discharge averaged over
from movement.
one day.
Deadman Control A pedal or handle or
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled
both (usually the brake-valve handle and
(DVMT) Average daily traffic on a road
a pedal) that must be kept in a depressed
segment, expressed as AADT, multiplied by
position while a locomotive or self-
the length of the road segment.
propelled rail car is operating; if pressure
Dam A barrier to confine or raise water for is released from both at the same time, the
storage or diversion, or to create a hydraulic power is cut off and the brakes are applied.
Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) The number
Dam-Break Analysis The use of a model of long tons 1.016 Mg (2,240 lb) of cargo,
to calculate the effects of a flood caused by stores, and bunker fuel that a vessel can
the actual or hypothetical failure of a dam. transport.
Dam Method of Flow Measurement A Debris Basin A basin constructed in a
method of indirectly determining the peak channel to store debris such as sand, gravel,
discharge of a flood by using the field silt, and driftwood.
survey of highwater marks in the headwater
Debris Dam The barrier constructed across
and tailwater pools, and the dam or highway
a channel to fonn a debris basin.
embankment geometry.
Deck A component, with or without
Datum Reference point for elevations of
wearing surface, that supports wheel loads
structures and water level.
or pedestrian loads directly and is supported
Day Calendar day. by other components.
Daymark An aid to navigation, placed Deck Girder A precast girder with an
on the banks of a river, constructed with integral deck. Deck girders placed side-by-
reflectors or reflective material to increase side fonn a bridge superstructure.
night-time visibility.
Deck Joint A structural discontinuity
Dead-End Street A local street open at between two elements, at least one of
one end only without special provision for which is a deck element. It is designed to
turning around. permit relative translation and/or rotation of
Deadhead To move a revenue vehicle abutting structural elements.
without passengers or cargo on board, e.g., Deck Slab A surface resisting and
on a regular route to and from a garage distributing wheel loads or pedestrian loads
or from the end of one revenue trip to the to the supporting components.
beginning of another.
Deck System A superstructure in which
Dead Load 1) The load from the the deck is integral with its supporting
weight of the beams and deck and all components or in which the effects or
of the structure above the piers and deformation of supporting components on
abutments upon which the vehicular and the behavior of the deck is significant.
pedestrian traffic weight is supported.
.., 34 ..,
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Deck Truss A truss system in which the Degradation 1) General and progressive
roadway is at or above the level of the top lowering of the longitudinal profile of the
chord of the truss. channel bed due to long-term erosion. 2) A
progressive lowering of the channel bed due
Dedicated Funds 1) Funds allocated to a
to scour.
given area, usually by some formula, and
made available on an annual basis. 2) Funds Delay The increased travel time
collected for a specific program or purpose. experienced by a person or vehicle due to
circumstances that impede the desirable
Dedication The setting apart by the owner
movement of traffic. It is measured as the
and acceptance by the public of property for
time difference between actual travel time
highway use in accordance with statute or
and free-flow travel time.
common law.
Delineators Reflective elements of
Deed A written instrument conveying real
reflective sheeting or paint with plastic or
property or interest therein, usually under
glass reflectors.
Demand The quantity of transportation
Deep Draft Waterway A navigable
waterway used by merchant ships with
loaded drafts of 14-60+ ft. Demand-Responsive A type of
transportation service characterized by
Deep Foundation A foundation that
flexible routing and scheduling of relatively
derives its support by transferring loads
small vehicles to provide door-to-door or
to soil or rock at some depth below the
point-to-point transportation at the user’s
structure by end bearing, adhesion, or
demand and that operates either on the
friction, or some combination thereof.
street and highway system (e.g., taxicab) or
Deep Water Water of such a depth that on a guideway.
surface waves are little affected by bottom
Demurrage A charge assessed on vessels,
conditions; customarily, water deeper than
railroad cars, or trucks held for an excess
half the wave length.
period of time by or for the shipper or
Defect A failure to meet a requirement with receiver for loading or unloading.
respect to a single quality characteristic.
Dense-Graded Aggregate A continuously
Deflection 1) The vertical movement graded aggregate from a specified
occurring between the supports of a bridge maximum size to dust, so as to have a low
superstructure or its components (beams, aggregate voidage.
girders, and slabs) that results from their
Density 1) The weight of the material
own weight and from dead and live loads.
that occupies a certain volume of space.
Although all parts of a structure are subject
2) The number of vehicles on a roadway
to deflections, usually only those deflections
segment averaged over space or the number
that occur in the superstructure are of
of pedestrians per unit of area within a
significance during construction. 2) The
walkway or queuing areas. Also referred to
change in the path of a vehicle imposed by
as Traffic Density.
geometric features of a roundabout resulting
in a slowing of vehicles. Density Altitude The altitude in the
standard atmosphere at which the air has
Deformation A change in structural
the same density as the air at the point in
geometry due to force effects, including
question. An aircraft will have the same
axial displacement, shear displacement, and
performance characteristics as it would
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

have in a standard atmosphere at this Design Discharge Maximum flow of

altitude. water a bridge is expected to accommodate
without exceeding the adopted design
Dentated Sill A notched sill at the end of
an apron or stilling basin to check the force
of flowing water and thus reduce erosion Design Displacement The lateral seismic
downstream from the apron. displacement at the center of rigidity,
required for design of the isolation system.
Departure Control A function of approach
control providing service for departing IFR Design Fish A hypothetical fish embodying
aircraft and, on occasion, VFR aircraft. the predetermined size, swimming, and
migration characteristics that are used in
Deposition The settling of material from
the design of drainage facilities to minimize
the streamflow onto the bed.
adverse effects to the fishery.
Depth of Scour The vertical distance a
Design Flood for Bridge Scour The flood
stream bed is lowered by scour below a
flow equal to or less than the 100-year flood
reference elevation.
that creates the deepest scour at bridge
Derail A track structure for guiding a car foundations.
off the rails at a selected spot in case of an
Design Flood for Waterway Opening The
peak discharge, volume, stage, or wave-
Design-Bid-Build The traditional project crest elevation and its associated probability
delivery method for building highways and of exceedence that are selected for the
making highway improvements where the design of a highway or bridge over a
agency sequentially designs the project, watercourse or flood plain.
solicits bids, and awards the construction
Design Flood Frequency The frequency
contract to the lowest responsive bidder
(recurrence interval) for the selected design
(construction contractor) to build the
discharges (storms) that is expected to be
accommodated without contravention of the
Design-Build The project delivery method adopted design criteria.
that combines the design and construction
Design Force An equivalent static force
phases of a project into a single contract.
that represents the dynamic force imparted
Design-Builder The individual or legal to a railing system by a specified vehicle
entity contracting with the agency to impacting a railing at a designated speed
perform the work included in the design- and angle.
build contract.
Design Highwater Elevation 1) The
Design Capacity 1) The maximum maximum water levels that can occur
number of vehicles that can pass over a through a reach and at a culvert, bridge
lane or a roadway during one hour without opening, or other drainage facility without
operating conditions falling below a contravention of the adopted design criteria.
preselected design level. 2) The hydraulic 2) The usual term used to describe the
flow capability of a section or the structural estimated water surface elevation or profile
capability of a structure. in the stream (or other surface waters)
Design Criteria Criteria, coupled with at the project site for the selected design
prudent judgmental factors, that are used in discharge.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Design Life The expected length of time using appropriate design values for all
of acceptable performance under specified variables in the wind pressure equation.
Desire Line A straight line on a map that
Design Phase The effort (budgeticost) connects the origin and destination of a trip
of taking a project through the planning, and that shows by its width or density the
scoping, and design phases. The terms volume of trips between that origin and
Design or Design Phase are sometimes destination pair.
used interchangeably with Preliminary
Detail Category A grouping of
components and details having essentially
Design Span For decks, the center-to- the same fatigue resistance.
center distance between the adjacent
Detailed Fracture A progressive break
supporting components, taken in the
starting at or near the surface of the rail
primary direction.
Design Speed A selected speed used to
Detectable Warning A standardized
determine the various geometric design
surface feature built in, or applied to,
features of the roadway. The assumed
walking surfaces or other elements to
design speed should be a logical one with
warn pedestrians with vision impairments
respect to the topography, anticipated
of hazards on a sidewalk and or loading
operating speed, adjacent land use, and
platform, such as the curb line or dropoff.
functional classification of the highway.
Detention Basin A storm water
Design Storm Selected storm of a given
management facility that impounds runoff
frequency (recurrence interval) used for
and temporarily discharges it through a
designing a design storm system.
hydraulic outlet structure to a downstream
Design Strength 1 ) The minimum conveyance system.
acceptable 0.3 inm (0.01 in.) crack D-load.
Deterministic Model A model that does
2) Nominal strength of a member or cross
not consider chance or probability. In a
section before application of any strength
deterministic model, each independent
reduction factors.
variable is treated as a single value.
Design Vehicle A vehicle, with
Detour A temporary change in the roadway
representative weight, dimensions,
alignment. It may be localized at a structure
and operating characteristics, used to
or may be located along an alternate route.
establish highway design controls for
accommodating vehicles of designated Detritus Loose fragments, particles,
classes. grains, grasses, twigs, or similar material
comprising the smaller fraction of debris
Design Volume A volume, determined for
carried by flowing water.
use in design, representing traffic expected
to use the highway. Unless otherwise stated, Development Any constructed change
it is an hourly volume. to improved or unimproved real estate,
including but not limited to buildings or
Design Water Depth Depth of water at
other structures; mining, dredging, filling,
mean high water.
grading, paving, excavation, or drilling
Design Wind Pressure, Pz The pressure operations; or storage of equipment or
exerted on a member or attachment by the materials.
effects of wind. The pressure is calculated
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Development Length 1) The distance plains to control the flow of water that
required to develop the specified strength of overflows the banks.
a reinforcing bar or prestressing strand or
Direct Charges Costs that can be
tendon. 2) The embedment necessary, under
identified specifically with a product,
the specific surrounding conditions, to
service, or activity.
assure that a bar can be stressed to its yield
point, with some reserve to ensure member Direct Compensation Payment for land or
toughness. interest in land and improvements actually
acquired for highway purposes. Also
Diagonal Cracking Cracking that tends
referred to as Direct Damages.
to run at an angle to the centerline of the
roadway. Direct Connection A one-way turning
roadway that does not deviate greatly from
Diagonal Curb Ramp Curb ramp
the intended direction of travel.
positioned at the apex of the curb radius at
an intersection, bisecting the comer angle. Directional Distribution The directional
split of traffic during the peak or design
Diamond Interchange A four-leg
hour, commonly expressed as a percentage
interchange with a single one-way ramp
in the peak and off-peak flow directions.
in each quadrant. All left turns are made
directly onto or off the minor highway. Directional Interchange An interchange,
generally having more than one highway
Diaphragm A non-load-bearing member
grade separation, with direct connections
attached between stringers that acts to
for the major left-turning movements.
stiffen the primary members and help
distribute vertical loads. Directional Split The distribution of traffic
flows on a two-way facility.
Differential Pricing (Variable
Pricing) Time-of-day pricing and tolls Direct Runoff The runoff entering
that vary by other factors such as facility stream channels promptly after rainfall or
location, season, day of week, or air-quality snowmelt.
impact. Discharge 1) Volume of water passing
Differing Site Conditions Subsurface or a point during a given time. 2) The rate a
latent physical conditions at the site that volume of flow passes a point per unit of
(a) differ materially from those indicated time, usually expressed in cubic meters per
in the contract; (b) differ materially from second.
conditions normally encountered or from Discount Rate Accounting for the time
those conditions generally recognized as value of money when different alternatives
inherent in the nature of the work required; are being considered.
or (c) present unknown or unusual physical
conditions. Discretionary Funds Funds granted at the
discretion of the funding agency and in the
Dike 1) An impermeable linear structure amount it desires.
for the containment or control of overbank
flow; such dikes trend parallel with a Disincentive Something that discourages
riverbank and differ from a levee only in people from acting in a certain way.
that such dikes extend for a much shorter For example, high parking fees is one
distance along the bank. Relatively short disincentive to automobile use.
dikes are also placed to contain and redirect Dispatcher 1) The person responsible
flow such as into a culvert or down some for having scheduled runs leave the yard
other path. 2) A structure used on flood or garage on time, and maintaining the
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

schedules, and matching the work force Diversion Dam A barrier constructed for
with the work load on a minute-by-minute the purpose of diverting part or all the water
basis. 2) In rail transit, the person who from a channel into a different course.
controls train movement or priority on Divided Highway A highway with
a given segment (division) of track. 3) D
separated roadways for traffic in opposite
In demand-responsive transportation, directions.
the person who assigns the customers to
vehicles and notifies the appropriate drivers. Divisional Island An island introduced on
undivided highway intersections to alert
Displaced Threshold A threshold located drivers to the crossroad ahead, separate
on the runway at a point other than at the opposing traffic, and regulate traffic through
end andlor beginning of the runway. the intersection.
Dispute Resolution For quality assurance D-Load The supporting strength of a
(QA) programs permitting contractor pipe loaded under three-edge-bearing test
acceptance testing, procedure to resolve conditions expressed in newtons per linear
conflicts resulting from discrepancies meter per millimeter of inside diameter or
between the agency’s and contractor’s horizontal span (pounds per linear foot per
results of sufficient magnitude to have an foot of inside diameter or horizontal span).
impact on payment. The procedure may,
as an initial step, include the testing of D-Load Ultimate The maximum three-
independent samples and, as a final step, edge-bearing test load carried by a pipe,
third-party arbitration. Also referred to as expressed as D-load.
Conflict Resolution. Dock A structure located at or on the water
Distance Measuring Equipment for the purpose of securing vessels.
(DME) An electronic interrogation- Dockage A charge for the use of a wharf
reply system that provides the pilot with by a vessel.
a continuous presentation of distance in
nautical miles to the DME site. Dolphin 1) An isolated cluster of piles used
as a support for mooring devices or marker
Distortion 1) Any change of the surface lights. 2) A protective object that may have
from its original shape. 2) A change in its own fender system and that is usually
structural geometry. circular in plan and structurally independent
Distortion-Induced Fatigue Fatigue from the bridge.
effects due to secondary stresses not Dominant Discharge The channel
nonnally quantified in the typical analysis forming (morphological sense) discharge
and design of a bridge. in a specific channel for a specific
Distribution Hydrograph A unit channel feature. The dominant discharge
hydrograph of direct runoff modified to for hydraulic geometry relationships
show the portions of the volume of runoff is sometimes taken to be the bankfull
that occurs during successive equal units of discharge.
time. Do-Nothing Alternative A planning option
Distribution of leaving the transportation system as it
Reinforcement Reinforcement, typically already exists.
running 90 degrees to the main or Double or Multiple Track Two or more
circumferential reinforcement, intended to main tracks over which trains may travel in
disperse concentrated loads to larger areas both directions.
of a structural member.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Dowel A reinforcing bar embedded in two Drainage Easement An easement for

concrete sections, that transfers stresses and directing the flow of water.
holds the sections together.
Drainage Systems A system designed
Down Time 1) A period during which to limit water damage to the roadway
workers are unable to perform their tasks by controlling or directing the free flow
while they wait for vehicle replacement, of water over, under, or adjacent to the
repair, etc. 2) A payment made to highway and to control the movement of
employees for such lost time. 3) A period water through the pavement’s structural
during which a vehicle is inoperative support where necessary.
because of repairs or maintenance. Drawdown The difference in elevation
Draft The distance from the water level to between the water-surface elevation at a
the lowest point of the vessel under water, constriction in a stream or conduit and the
measured when the vessel is completely elevation that would exist if the constriction
stopped. were absent.
Drag Coefficient (C,) A dimensionless Drilled Shaft 1 ) A foundation, constructed
coefficient that corrects the effective by placing concrete in a drilled hole with
velocity pressure for the effects of the or without steel reinforcement. 2) A deep
geometry of the element and the Reynolds foundation unit, wholly or partly embedded
number. in the ground, constructed by placing fresh
concrete in a drilled hole with or without
Drainage 1 ) The process of removing steel reinforcement.
surplus groundwater or surface waters by
artificial means. 2 ) The manner in which Driveway An access from a public way to
the waters of an area are removed. 3) The adjacent property.
area from which waters are drained. 4) A Drop 1) A vertical or inclined structure for
drainage basin. dropping the water in a conduit or channel
Drainage Area The catchment area for to a lower level and dissipating its surplus
rainfall and other fonns of precipitation that energy. An inclined drop in a channel is
is delineated as the drainage area producing often termed a chute. 2) A fall in water-
runoff, i.e., contributing drainage area. surface elevation between the upstream
Usually it is assumed that base flow in a and downstream (as between headwater
stream also comes from the same drainage and tailwater) sides of a flow-contacting
area. The drainage area of a stream at a drainage facility such as at a bridge
specified location is that area, measured constriction or culvert or between two
in a horizontal plane, that is enclosed by a sections of a slope-area reach.
drainage divide. Drop Inlet A drainage inlet with a
Drainage Basin A part of the surface of the horizontal or nearly horizontal opening that
earth that is occupied by a drainage system, is generally flush with the street or land
that consists of a surface stream or a body surface.
of impounded surface water together with Dual-Mode Vehicle A vehicle that operates
all tributary surface streams and bodies of both manually on public streets and
impounded surface water. automatically on an automated guideway.
Drainage Density The length of all Ductile 1) A component where failure is
channels above those of a specified stream visible before fracture. 2 ) The opposite of
order per unit of drainage area. brittle.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Ductile Connection A connection whose Easement A right to use or control the

design strength is controlled by the strength property of another for designated purposes.
of the steel anchorage rather than the
Eccentricity An expression descriptive
strength of the concrete.
of the position of a bridge constriction
Ductile Failure A failure occurs when the not centrally located in the flood plain.
anchor bolts are sufficiently embedded so Eccentricity, if considerable, has an effect E
that failure occurs by yielding of the steel upon the discharge coefficient. High
anchor bolts. eccentricity tends to decrease the discharge
Ductility The ability to withstand non coefficient and increase the backwater.
elastic deformation without rupture. Edge Cracking 1) Crescent-shaped
cracks or fairly continuous cracks, that are
Dwell Time The scheduled time a vehicle
located within 0.6 m ( 2 ft) of the pavement
or train requires to discharge and take on
edge. 2 ) Cracks that occur parallel to the
passengers at a stop, including opening and
pavements outer edge and usually a foot
closing doors and time spent standing.
or two inside the shoulder. 3) Longitudinal
Dynamic Envelope The clearance required cracks near the edge of the bridge deck.
for the train and its cargo overhang due to
Edgeline A line that indicates the edge of
any combination of loading, lateral motion,
or suspension failure. the traveled way.
Effective Damping The value of
Dynamic Hydroplaning Hydroplaning
equivalent viscous damping corresponding
of pneumatic tires with separation caused
to the energy dissipated during cyclic
by a thick fluid film due principally to the
response at the design displacement of the
generation of fluid inertial forces.
isolated structure.
Dynamic Load Allowance An increase in
the applied static force effects to account for Effective Depth The depth of a component
effective in resisting flexural or shear
the dynamic interaction between the bridge
and moving vehicles. forces.
Effective Duration 1) The time in a storm
Dynamic Pricing Tolls that vary in
during which the water supply for direct
response to changing congestion levels, as
runoff is produced. 2 ) The duration of
opposed to variable pricing that follows a
excess rain.
fixed schedule.
Dynamic Vehicle Tire Force The Effective Precipitation 1) That part of
the precipitation that produces runoff. 2) A
component of the time-varying force
applied perpendicularly to the road surface weighted average of current and antecedent
precipitation that is effective in correlating
by the tire of a moving vehicle.
with runoff.
Effective Prestress Stress remaining in
prestressing tendons after all losses have
occurred, excluding the effects of dead load
and superimposed load.
Earth Pressure The soil pressure on
abutments and other components of a Effective Rainfall Direct runoff. Usually
bridge against which any significant depth not the same quantity on upland streams as
of earthen fill rests. on downstream rivers because of variability
of seepage flows.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Effective Stiffness The value of the governments via electronic data interchange
maximum lateral force at instance and/or the Internet. Part of the commercial
of maximum lateral displacement in vehicle operations component of intelligent
the isolation system, or an element transportation systems.
thereof, divided by the maximum lateral
Electronic Screening Allowing trucks
that have been tagged with transponders to
Effective Velocity Pressure (vpy) The bypass inspection stations. Also referred to
pressure exerted by the effects of the wind, as Electronic Clearance, Pre-clearance or
assuming that the Importance Factor (I), Automated Clearance.
and the Drag Coefficient (Cd), are both Electronic Toll Collection
equal to 1.0. (ETC) Electronic systems that collect
Efficient Estimator A statistic having a vehicle tolls, reducing or eliminating the
small standard error. If one considers all need for tollbooths and for vehicles to stop.
possible estimators of a given parameter, Element A part of a component or member
the one with the smallest standard error consisting of one material.
for the same sample size is called the most
efficient estimator of the parameter. Elevation Head The elevation of a given
point in a column of liquid above a datum.
Effluent Sewage, water, or other liquid,
partially or completely treated or in its Embankment A structure of soil, soil
natural state as the case may be, flowing out aggregate, or broken rock between the
of a reservoir, basin, or treatment plant. embankment foundation (supporting
ground) and the subgrade.
Elasticity A structural response in which
stress is directly proportional to strain and Embankment Foundation The material
no deformation remains upon removal of below the original ground surface, the
loading. physical characteristics of which affect the
support of the embankment.
Elastic Restraint System The collection
of structural elements that provide restraint Embedment The steel component
of the seismically isolated structure for non embedded in the concrete used to transmit
seismic lateral loads. applied loads from the attachment to the
concrete support or foundation.
Electric Locomotive A locomotive in
which the propulsion is effected by electric Embedment Length The length of
motors mounted on the vehicle; the electric reinforcement or anchor provided beyond a
power usually comes from an external critical section over which transfer of force
source. between concrete and reinforcement may
Electrification The installation of overhead
wire or third-rail power distribution Emergency Action Plan Detailed
facilities to enable operation of electrically description of the actions that must be
powered locomotives, cars, or both. taken to reduce losses and hazards and to
disseminate information about an actual or
Electrified Track Rail track equipped expected natural disaster, terrorist attack, or
for the operation of electrically propelled act of war.
vehicles that receive electric power from a
source external to the vehicle. Emergency Escape Ramp A ramp, away
from the main traffic stream, intended to
Electronic Credentialing Conducting slow and stop out-of-control vehicles.
transactions between carrier and
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Emergency Locator Transmitter End-Result Specifications Specifications

(ELT) An electronic device attached to the that require the contractor to take the entire
aircraft structure as far aft as practicable in responsibility for supplying a product or an
the fuselage, or in the tail surface, in such a item of construction. The highway agency’s
manner that damage to the beacon will be responsibility is to either accept or reject the
minimized in the event of crash impact. final product or to apply a price adjustment
that is commensurate with the degree of E
Emergency Operation Center
compliance with the specifications.
(EOC) The center for decision making,
information gathering and dissemination, End Treatment The designed modification
initiating of emergency actions, and of the end of a roadside or median barrier.
coordinating responses to emergencies. The
Endurance Limit Strength Stress level
center may be part of a public service or
at which completely reversing cyclic stress
safety unit in the local government or may
(fatigue) causes failure in one million
be activated only when emergencies arise.
cycles; the ability to withstand fatigue
Emergency Spillway A rock or vegetated loads.
earth waterway around a dam, built with
End Zone 1) Region of structures where
its crest above the normally used principal
nonnal beam theory does not apply due to
structural discontinuity and/or distribution
Emergency-Vehicle Traffic Control of concentrated loads. 2 ) The area adjacent
Signal A special traffic control signal that to any open joint in a concrete railing
assigns the right-of-way to an authorized system that requires added reinforcement.
emergency vehicle.
Energy Grade Line 1 ) A line joining the
Eminent Domain The power to take elevation of energy heads of a stream; a
private property for public use without the line drawn above the hydraulic grade line
owner’s consent, upon payment ofjust a distance equivalent to the velocity head
compensation. of the flowing water at each cross section
along a stream or channel reach or through
Empirical Model A model developed
a conduit. 2 ) An inclined line representing
from perfonnance histories of pavements.
the total energy of a stream flowing from a
An empirical model is usually accurate
higher to a lower elevation.
only for the exact conditions and ranges of
independent variables under which it was Energy Gradient The slope of the energy
developed. line with reference to any plane or, more
simply, the slope of the energy grade line.
Encroachment 1) Unauthorized use of
highway right-of-way or easements for such Energy Head 1) The elevation of the
items as signs, fences, buildings, utilities, hydraulic grade line at any section plus the
parking, storage, etc. 2 ) An intrusion into velocity head of the mean velocity of the
prescribed, restrictive, or limited areas of a flow in that section. The energy head may
highway system, such as crossing a traffic be referred to any datum or to an inclined
lane or impacting a barrier system. plane, such as the bed of a conduit. 2 ) The
total head above a datum at any cross
End Distance of Bolts The distance along
the centerline of a bolt between the center
of a hole and the end of the component. Engine Burn Fracture A progressive
fracture originating in spots where driving
End Panel The end section of a truss or
wheels have slipped on top of the rail head
and developed downward.
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Engineer 1) The chief engineer of the equalize the water level on both sides of an
department or commission, acting directly embankment.
or through his or her duly authorized
Equilibrium A state where the sums of
representatives, who is responsible for
forces and moments about any point in
engineering supervision of the construction.
space are equal to zero.
2 ) The accepting authority responsible
for issuing the project specifications and Equipment All machinery and equipment,
administering work under the contract together with the necessary supplies for
documents. 3) The engineer or engineering upkeep and maintenance, and also tools
firm issuing project drawings and project and apparatus necessary for the proper
specifications, or administering the work construction and acceptable completion of
under the contract documents. 4) The driver, the work.
individual, or operator of a locomotive (also Equivalent Cross Slope An imaginary,
engineman). straight cross slope that provides
Engineering Judgment The evaluation conveyance equal to that of an actual or
of available pertinent infonnation, and proposed compound cross slope. Common
the application of appropriate principles, usage in highway drainage is to facilitate
standards, guidance, and practices as estimating the stormwater conveyance of
contained in recognized and prevailing a street gutter having a compound cross
documents, for the purpose of deciding slope.
upon the applicability, design, operation, Equivalent Single-Axle Load (ESAL) A
or installation of a transportation feature numerical factor that expresses the relation
or features. Engineering judgment shall of a given axle load to another axle load in
be exercised by an engineer, or by an terms of their effect on serviceability of a
individual working under the supervision pavement structure.
of an engineer, through the application of
procedures and criteria established by the Equivalent Strip An artificial linear
engineer. element, isolated from a deck for the
purpose of analysis, in which extreme force
Entrained Air Microscopic air bubbles effects calculated for a line of wheel loads,
intentionally incorporated in mortar or transverse or longitudinal, will approximate
concrete during mixing, usually by the use those actually taking place in the deck.
of a surface-active agent, typically between
10 and 1,000 microns in diameter and Erosion 1) Displacement of soil particles
spherical or nearly so. on the land surface due to such things as
water or wind action. 2 ) The wearing away
Entrance Head The head required to cause or eroding of material on the land surface
flow into a conduit or other structure. or along channel banks by flowing water or
Entrance Loss The head lost in eddies and wave action on shores.
friction at the inlet to a conduit or structure. Escalation The total annual rate of increase
Entrapped Air Air voids in shotcrete that in cost of the work or its subelements.
are not purposely entrained and that are The escalation rate includes the effects of
significantly larger and less useful than inflation plus market conditions and other
those of entrained air, 1 inin (0.039 in.) or similar factors. See also Inflation.
larger in size. Escalation Clause 1 ) A provision in a
Equalizer An opening, such as a culvert labor agreement that stipulates that wages
or bridge, placed where it is desirable to are to be automatically increased or reduced
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

periodically according to a schedule related openings in a conduit, channel banks, or

to changes in the cost of living as measured lake shores.
by a designated index or other standard,
Exit Box A rectangular region placed
e.g., average earnings. 2 ) May also apply to
at the point where a vehicle exits from a
any tie between employee benefits and the
longitudinal barrier impact. The exit box is
cost of living, as in a pension plan.
utilized to evaluate the vehicle’s trajectory E
Estimate A quantitative assessment of upon exiting a longitudinal barrier
the likely amount or outcome. Usually installation. It is desirable that an impacting
applied to project costs, resources, effort, vehicle exits the end of the box, rather than
and durations and is usually preceded by the side of the box.
a modifier (i.e., preliminary, conceptual,
Expanding Reach A reach of channel
order-of-magnitude, etc.). An estimate may
wherein flow is decelerating; where velocity
be expressed as a single number or as a
head at the lower cross section is less than
the velocity head at upper cross section.
Estuary 1) Tidal reach at the mouth of
Expansion Joint A joint located to
a river. 2 ) That portion of a river channel
provide for expansion of a rigid slab
occupied at times or in part by both sea and
without damage to itself, adjacent slabs, or
river flow in appreciable quantities. The
water usually has brackish characteristics.
Ex Parte For the sake of only one party.
Event Models Models that simulate the
rainfall-runoff process for a single rainfall Expected Pay Curve A graphic
event, where pre-event conditions must be representation of an acceptance plan that
specified. Event models usually incorporate shows the relationship between the actual
short time intervals in the simulation. quality of a lot and its expected pay.
Exclusive Lane 1 ) A lane or other facility Expenditures Total charges incurred,
that is fully grade separated or access including expenses, provision for retirement
controlled and is used only by a specified of debt, and capital outlays. The making of
mode or vehicles at all times. 2 ) A lane a payment is a disbursement.
reserved for buseslcarpools only on a street, Export A shipment of cargo from the
highway, bridge, or tunnel that other traffic United States to a foreign country.
is restricted from using.
Express Bus A conventional bus that
Exclusive Transit Facility 1) A operates on an exclusive busway or in
transportation system element (e.g., freeway mixed traffic on freeways or arterials
ramp, bus lane, or loading and unloading and minimizes stops between origin and
area) that is set aside for the use of transit destination.
vehicles only. 2) A right-of-way that is fully
grade separated or access controlled and is Express Service Service that provides
used exclusively by transit. higher speeds and fewer stops than are
generally found on other portions of the
Exfiltration 1) The volume of pipeline system or on the same route in local service.
flow leaving a sewer and its connections
into the soil from pipe, joints, connections, Expressway A divided arterial highway for
and appurtenances. 2 ) The process by through traffic with full or partial control of
which stormwater leaks or flows to the access and generally with grade separations
surrounding soil through such things as at major intersections.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

External Audit An examination of fiscal Extreme Event Limit States Limit states
and other source records maintained by relating to events such as earthquakes, ice
those making claims to an agency. load, and vehicle and vessel collision, with
return periods in excess of the design life of
External-External Trip A trip that has
the bridge.
both its origin and destination outside the
study area. Eyebar A tension member with a
rectangular section and enlarged ends for a
External-Internal Trip A trip that has
pin connection.
either its origin or destination inside the
study area.
External Load Crushing Strength Test A
test of the pipe in which external crushing
forces are exerted in specified directions
and locations on a specified length of pipe. Face of the Curb The vertical or sloping
surface on the roadway side of the curb.
External Sealing Band Flexible wrapping
applied to the outside of a concrete pipe, Falsework A framework of wood
box, section, or manhole section joint or steel used to support forms for the
intended to control the movement of fluids construction of concrete slab spans or T-
or solids through the joint. beams, or provide temporary support for
structural units during the construction or
External Tendon Tendon located outside reconstruction of permanent supports.
the flanges or webs of the structural
member, generally inside the box girder Fare The authorized payment for a ride on
cell. a passenger vehicle, whether cash, token,
transfer, or pass.
Extraboard An operator who has no
assigned run but is used to cover runs Farebox A device that accepts coins, bills,
deliberately left open by the scheduling tickets, or tokens given by passengers as
department (extra runs) or runs that are payment for rides.
open because of the absence of regularly Fare Collection System The procedures
assigned operators; a minimum guarantee, and devices used to collect fares and to
specified in the contract, is frequently paid accumulate and account for fares paid.
if no work is available.
Far-Side Stop A transit stop that requires
Extrados The curve defining the exterior transit vehicles to cross the intersection
surface of an arch; also known as Back. before stopping to serve passengers.
Extra Work An item of work not provided Fatigue 1) The initiation and/or
for in the contract as awarded, but found propagation of cracks due to a repeated
by the engineer to be essential for the variation of nonnal stress with a tensile
satisfactory completion of the contract component. 2) Damage resulting in fracture
within its intended scope. caused by stress fluctuations.
Extra Work Order A change order Fatigue Cracking Any crack in the wheel
concerning the performance of work or path not already defined as a transverse
furnishing of materials involving extra crack.
work. Such extra work may be performed at
agreed prices or on a force account basis as Fatigue Design Life The number of years
provided elsewhere in the specifications. or load cycles the designer would guarantee
resistance against fatigue design loads.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Fatigue Failure Point at which cyclic Fender A structure that acts as a buffer to
loading causes fracture or permanent protect the portions of a bridge exposed to
deformation. floating debris and waterborne traffic from
collision damage.
Fatigue Life The number of repeated stress
cycles that results in fatigue failure of a Ferryboat A vessel for conveying
member. passengers, merchandise, vehicles, etc.,
Fatigue Limit State Limit state relating to across a body of water.
cyclic stress and crack propagation. Fiber-Reinforced Composite (FRC) A F
Fatigue Strength Ability to withstand
composite material in which the plastic
resin matrix is reinforced with high-strength
cyclic loading. Measured by the “fatigue
resistance” of a member, which is the fibers, most commonly glass.
maximum stress range that it can sustain Fill Material used to raise the level of a low
without failure for a specific number of load area.
Final Approach (VFR) A flight path of a
Faulting 1) The difference in elevation landing aircraft in the direction of landing
across a transverse joint or crack. along the extended runway centerline from
2) Differential vertical displacement of rigid the base leg to the runway.
slabs at a joint or crack.
Fineness Modulus (FM) The sum of
Feasible Capable of being accomplished percentages in the sieve analysis of the
with a reasonable amount of effort, cost, or aggregate divided by 100. The sieve
other hardship. With regard to compliance analysis is reported as percentages by mass
with the Americans with Disabilities Act, coarser than each of the U. S. Standard
feasibility is detennined on a case-by-case Sieves 150 pin (No. loo), 300 pin (No. 50),
basis. 0.6 mm (No. 30), 1.18 mm (No. 16),
Federal-Aid Highway A highway eligible 2.36 inin (No. 8), 4.75 mm (No. 4),
for assistance under United States Code 9.5 mm (318 in.), 19 inin (314 in.), 37.5 mm
Title 23 other than a highway classified as a (1 112 in.), and 75 mm (3 in.).
local road or rural minor collector. Fines Usually mineral particles that are
less than 75 pm in size (passing through a
Federal-Aid System Any of the Federal-
75 pm (No. 200) standard sieve).
aid highway systems described in United
States Code Title 23 Section 103. Finish Coat Final thin coat of shotcrete
Federal Lands Highway Any forest preparatory to hand finishing.
highway, public lands highway, park road, Finisher A craftsman who trims and
parkway, or Indian reservation road that is a finishes the surface of shotcrete. Also
public road. referred to as a Rodman.
Feeder Service 1) A transport operation Finite Element Method A method of
in which cargoes are shipped by water in analysis in which a structure is discretized
smaller vessels to/from a load-center port into elements connected at nodes, the
for loading to or unloading from larger shape of the element displacement field is
ocean-going vessels. 2) Local transit service assumed, partial or complete compatibility
that picks up and delivers passengers to is maintained among the element interfaces,
a rail transit station or express bus stop, and nodal displacements are determined
transfer point, or terminal. by using energy variational principles or
equilibrium methods.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Finite Strip Method A method of analysis Fixed Route A system in which vehicles
in which the structure is discretized into follow a prescribed route. It is different
parallel strips. The shape of the strip from such modes of transportation
displacement field is assumed and partial as taxicabs or demand-responsive
compatibility is maintained among the transportation, where each trip may differ in
element interfaces. Model displacement its origin and destination.
parameters are determined by using energy
Fixed Signal A signal at a fixed location
variational principles or equilibrium
that indicates a condition that affects the
movement of a train.
First Track (Line Kilometers) The
Flagman A person responsible for
number of linear kilometers of right-of-way
manually giving appropriate signals to
occupied by one or more tracks or lanes.
approaching trains.
Fish Ladder A structure with pools
Flange A projecting edge or rim on the
and drops to facilitate the migration and
circumference of the wheel to keep it on the
movement of fish around culverts, chutes,
dams, or other obstructions in channels.
Flanking Erosion resulting from
Five-Hundred-Year Flood The flood
streamflow between the bank and the
due to a stonn, tide, or both, having an 0.2
landward end of a river training or a grade-
percent chance of being exceeded in any
control (drop) structure.
given year.
Flanking Inlet An inlet placed upstream
Fix The geographic position of an
and on either side of a stonn drain inlet that
aircraft for a specified time, established by
is located at the low point in a sag-vertical
navigational aids.
Fixed Bearing A bearing that prevents
Flare 1) The variable offset distance
differential longitudinal translation of
of a barrier to move it farther from the
abutting structure elements. It may or
traveled way, generally in reference to
may not provide for differential lateral
the upstream end of the barrier. 2 ) Sloped
translation or rotation.
surface that flanks a curb ramp and provides
Fixed Bed and Banks (Model) A channel a graded transition between the ramp and
whose bed and banks are considered to be the sidewalk. Flares bridge differences
unable to move under the forces of moving in elevation and are intended to prevent
water. Fixed bed and bank analyses and ambulatory pedestrians from tripping.
computer models ignore any mobility Flares are not considered part of the
(scour or erosion) of the channel bed or accessible route.
Flared Intersection An unchannelized
Fixed Bridge A bridge with a fixed intersection, or a divided highway
vehicular or navigational clearance. intersection without islands other than
medians, where the traveled way of any
Fixed Cost A direct and indirect cost that
intersection leg is widened or an auxiliary
remains relatively constant irrespective of
lane added to provide additional capacity
the level of operational activity.
for through or turning movements.
Fixed Guideway A system that consists
Flare Out To round out a landing by
of an exclusive guideway and vehicles that
decreasing the rate of descent and air speed
cannot operate off the guideway.
by slowly raising the aircraft nose.

T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Flash Coat Thin shotcrete coat applied Control Center. In addition, an FSS
from a distance greater than normal for use provides preflight weather briefing for
as a final coat or for finishing; also referred either IFR or VFR flights, gives in-flight
to as Flashing. assistance, broadcasts weather once each
hour, monitors radio navigational facilities,
Flasher 1) The flashing light at grade
accepts VFR flight plans and provides
crossings that warns motorists, bicyclists,
for notification of arrival, and broadcasts
andlor pedestrians of approaching trains.
notices to airmen (NOTAM) concerning
2) A device used to turn highway traffic
signal indications on and off at a repetitive
local navigational aids, airfields, and other F
flight data.
rate of approximately once per second.
Flatcar An open car without sides, Flight Visibility The average forward
horizontal distance, from the cockpit of
ends, or top that is designed for handling
an aircraft in flight, at which prominent
commodities not requiring protection from
the weather. unlighted objects inay be seen and identified
by day and prominent lighted objects inay
Fleeting Area A permanent facility with be seen and identified by night.
defined boundaries used to provide barge
Float Gauge 1) A chain or tape gauge in
mooring service and ancillary towing under
which a float is substituted for the weight.
the care of the fleet operator.
2) Measurement of the discharge of water
Flexible Pavement A pavement structure by floats to determine velocities.
that maintains intimate contact with and
distributes loads to the subgrade and Flood Envelope Curve A plot showing
depends upon aggregate interlock, particle the upper and lower boundary limits of the
friction, and cohesion for stability. maximum annual floods for the range of
drainage areas in a hydrologic region.
Flexural Continuity The ability to
Flood Index The amount of rainfall that
transmit moment and rotation between
will produce a flood stage in six hours; it is
components or within a component.
calculated by measuring soil moisture.
Flight Level A level of constant
Flood of Record The maximum estimated
atmospheric pressure related to a reference
datum of 29.92 inches [ 101.3 kPa] of or measured discharge that has occurred at
mercury. Each is stated in three digits that a site.
represent hundreds of feet. For example, Flood Plain 1) Any plain that borders a
flight level 250 represents a barometric stream and is covered by its waters in time
altimeter indication of 7.62 km (25,000 ft); of flood. 2) Topographic area adjoining a
flight level 255, an indication of 7.77 km channel that is covered by flood flows as
(25,500 ft). well as those areas where the path of the
next flood flow is unpredictable, such as a
Flight Plan Specified infonnation relating
debris cone, alluvial fan, or braided channel.
to the intended flight of an aircraft that is
3) A nearly flat, alluvial lowland bordering
filed orally or in writing with an air traffic
a stream and commonly formed by stream
control facility.
processes that is subject to inundation by
Flight Service Station (FSS) An FAA- floods.
operated air-ground voice communication
station that relays clearances, requests for Flood Plane 1) The position occupied
clearances, and position reports between by the water surface of a stream during a
en route aircraft and the Air Route Traffic particular flood. 2) Loosely, the elevation of
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

the water surface at various points along the water mixture may then move downslope
stream during a particular flood. resulting in a bank failure.
Flood Profile A graph of the elevation of Flume An open or closed channel used
the water surface of a river in flood, plotted to convey water. An open conduit of such
as ordinate, against distance, measured things as wood, concrete, or metal on a
in the downstream direction, plotted as prepared grade, trestle, or bridge. A flume
abscissa. holds water as a complete structure. A
concrete-lined canal would still be a canal
Flood Stage 1) The gauge elevation of
without the lining, but the lining supported
the lowest bank of the reach in which the
independently would be a flume. A large
gage is situated. The term lowest bank
flume is also tenned an Aqueduct.
is, however, not to be taken to mean an
unusually low place or break in the natural Flushing A condition where asphalt
bank through which the water inundates concentrates at the pavement surface. Also
unimportant and small areas. 2) The referred to as Bleeding.
(elevation or) stage at which overflow
Fog Seal A light application of diluted
of the natural banks of a stream begins
asphalt emulsion, usually without a
to cause damage in the reach in which
covering aggregate, used to restore
the elevation is measured. (Source: U.S.
bituminous pavement, fill cracks, and
Weather Bureau)
prevent raveling.
Floodway 1) A part of the flood plain,
Force Account Payment for directed
otherwise leveed, reserved for emergency
construction work based on the actual cost
diversion of water during floods. 2) A
of labor, equipment, materials furnished,
part of the flood plain that, to facilitate
overhead, and profit.
the passage of floodwater, is kept clear of
encumbrances. Force Effect A deformation, stress, or
stress resultant, i.e., axial force, shear force,
Flood Zone The land bordering a stream
flexural, or torsional moment, caused by
that is subject to floods of about equal
applied loads, imposed defonnations, or
frequency, e.g., a strip of the flood plain
volumetric changes.
subject to flooding more often than once but
not as frequently as twice in a century. Ford A location where a highway crosses
a channel by allowing high annual or
Floorbeam The traditional name for a
larger flows to pass over the highway and
lower flows to pass through a culvert(s).
Flow 1) The movement of traffic. 2) A Often used with cutoff walls, roadway lane
stream of water; movement of such things markers, and paved roadway embankments
as water, silt, andor sand; discharge; total and traveled way (and shoulders). Warning
quantity carried by a stream. signs may be included.
Flow Line 1) The hydraulic grade line. Formwork A temporary structure or mold
2) A conduit, as a pipe, laid on the hydraulic used to retain the plastic or fluid concrete
gradient. 3) Bottom invert of a conduit. in its designated shape until it hardens.
4) Flowage line. Fonnwork is designed to resist the fluid
pressure exerted by plastic concrete and
Flow Slide Saturation of a bank to the
additional fluid pressure generated by
point where the soil material behaves
vibration and temporary construction loads.
more like a liquid than a solid; the soil/

N 50 N
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Foundation A supporting element that up by the contact between a moving stream

derives its resistance by transferring its load of water and its containing conduit.
to the soil or rock supporting the bridge.
Friction Pile A pile whose support
Fracture-Critical Member capacity is derived principally from soil
(FCM) Component in tension whose resistance mobilized along the side of the
failure is expected to result in the collapse embedded pile.
of the bridge or the inability of the bridge to
Friction Slope The friction loss (or
perfonn its fiinction.
head) per unit length of conduit. For F
Fracture Toughness A measure of the most conditions of flow, the friction slope
ability of a structural material or element coincides with the energy grade line,
to absorb energy without fracture. It is but where a distinction is made between
generally determined by the Charpy V- energy losses due to such things as bends,
notch test. expansions, and impacts, a distinction must
also be made between the friction slope
Frame Action Continuity between
and the energy grade line. Friction slope is
two components generally oriented
equal to the bed or surface slope only for
perpendicular to one another resulting in
relatively uniform flow in nearly uniform
stiffer behavior than when hinged, pinned,
or simply supported, e.g., the deck and the
webs of cellular cross section, girders made Frog 1) A track structure used at the
integral with a supporting pier, and footing- intersection of two running rails to provide
to-column connections in single-column support for wheels and passageways
bents. for their flanges, thus permitting wheels
on either rail to cross the other. 2) An
Frangible A structure quality or feature
implement for re-railing car wheels.
that makes the structure readily or easily
broken upon impact. Frontage Road or Frontage Street A
local street or road auxiliary to, and located
Freeboard Vertical clearance between
on the side of, an arterial highway for
the lowest structural member of the bridge
service to abutting property and adjacent
superstructure, the top culvert invert, or the
areas and for control of access.
point of escape in a canal or channel to the
water-surface elevation of a flood. Frontal Flow The portion of flow that
passes over the upstream side of a grate and
Free Flow A flow of traffic unaffected by
is subsequently captured.
upstream or downstream conditions.
Frost Heave Differential upward
Freeway A controlled-access, divided
displacement of concrete pavement slabs.
arterial highway with grade separations at
intersections. Full Actuated Operation A type of traffic
control signal operation in which all signal
Free Weir A weir that is not submerged,
phases fiinction on the basis of actuation.
i.e., tailwater is below the crest, or the
flow is not affected by the elevation of the Full Control of Access Preference is
tailwater. given to through traffic by providing access
connections by means of ramps with only
Freight Car A rail car that carries goods,
selected public roads and by prohibiting
merchandise, produce, and materials.
crossings at grade and direct private
Friction Loss (or Head) The head or driveway connections.
energy loss as the result of disturbances set
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Full Load Speed Rotational speed Gap-Graded Hot Mix Asphalt Hot mix
of a motor at which it produces rated asphalt with aggregates that are gap graded,
horsepower. i.e., certain particle sizes of aggregate are
omitted from the size continuum.
Full Load Torque Torque produced by a
motor at fill1 load speed. Gating Device A device designed to allow
controlled penetration of a vehicle when
Functional Classification The grouping
impacted upstream of the beginning of the
of streets and highways into classes, or
length of need (LON). Note that there is
systems, according to the character of
some distance between the end of a gating
service they are intended to provide.
device and the beginning of the LON of the
Fuse Plate A plate that provides structural device.
reinforcement to a support-post hinge to
General Aviation That segment of aviation
resist wind loads, but that will release or
that includes all aircraft except military and
fracture upon impact of a vehicle with the
commercial airlines.
General Bursting Forces Bursting forces
due to all of the tendons anchored at a cross
section. Dependent on the overall concrete
dimensions and the magnitude, direction,
and location of the total prestressing force
Gabion A rectangular basket made of anchored.
steel wire fabric or mesh that is filled with
rock or similar material of suitable size and General-Purpose Lanes Travel lanes
gradation. Used to construct such things as that are open to all vehicle types and/or
flow-control structures, bank protection, occupancy levels along the roadway.
groins, jetties, permeable dikes, and riparian General Zone Region adjacent to a
spur dikes. post-tensioned anchorage within which
Gantry A crane or hoisting machine the prestressing force spreads out to an
mounted on a frame or structure spanning essentially linear stress distribution over the
an intervening space. This type of crane is cross section of the component.
used in modern container ports. Geographic Information System
Gap 1) The time, in seconds, for the front (CIS) A computer-based system that
bumper of the second of two successive stores information based on geographical
vehicles to reach the starting point of the coordinates.
front bumper of the first. 2) An opening Geometric Design Highway design that
embedded in the travel surface. Railroad deals with dimensions and relationships
and trolley tracks and concrete joints of such features as alignments, profiles,
are common gaps that pedestrians must grades, sight distances, clearances, and
negotiate. (3) A break in the flow of slopes; distinguished from structural
vehicular traffic sufficiently long for a design which is concerned with thickness,
pedestrian to cross to the other side of the composition of materials, and load-canying
street or to a place of refiige. capacity.
Gap Acceptance The process by which a Geometric Feature A roadside cross-
minor-street vehicle accepts an available section element such as a ditch section,
gap to maneuver. embankment, driveway, median crossover,
or curb. It also includes drainage structures
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

such as inlets and culvert ends and devices Grade Control Structure Structure placed
such as grates used to improve the safety of bank to bank across a stream channel
these features. (usually with its central axis perpendicular
to flow) for the purpose of controlling bed
Geotextile Any permeable knitted, woven,
slope and preventing scour or head-cutting.
or non woven textile material integral to a
project, structure, or system. Grade Crossing Protection System Any
fonn of protective or warning device
Girder A structural component whose
installed at a highway-rail grade crossing
primary function is to resist loads in flexure
for the protection of highway or street
and shear. Synonymous with Beam.
Glare Screen A device used to shield C
Grade Ring A precast concrete ring used
a driver’s eye from the headlights of an
for vertical adjustment at the top of a
oncoming vehicle.
manhole to set manhole casting to proper
Glide Slope An instrument landing grade.
system (ILS) navigation facility in the
Grade Separation Any structure that
terminal area electronic navigation system
provides a traveled way over or under
providing vertical guidance for aircraft
another traveled way.
during approach and landing by radiating
a directional pattern of UHF radio waves Gradient Change of elevation, velocity,
modulated by two signals that, when pressure, or other characteristics per unit
received with equal intensity, are displayed length; slope.
by compatible airborne equipment as an on-
Graduated Fare A fare that is proportional
path indication.
to the distance traveled.
Gondola A rail car with sides and ends but
Graduated Reduction in Contract
without a top covering, generally used for
Price Reductions that are initially small
the transportation of freight in bulk.
for slight deviations from specified
Gore An area downstream from the requirements but increase rapidly as the size
shoulder intersection points at the of deviations increases.
divergence of two roadways.
Gravity Dam A dam depending solely on
Gradation The distribution of particles its weight to resist water pressure and any
of granular material among standard sizes, momentum forces.
usually expressed in tenns of cumulative
Greatest Opening Flood The greatest
percentages larger or smaller than each of a
flood expected to flow through a drainage
series of sieve openings.
structure where roadway overtopping
Grade 1) The rate of ascent or descent cannot occur from the probable maximum
of a roadway, channel, or natural ground flood.
expressed as a percentage; the change in
Green Time The duration, in seconds, of
elevation per unit of horizontal length.
the green indication for a given movement
2 ) The finished surface of a canal bed,
at a signalized intersection.
road bed, top of embankment, or bottom
of excavation prepared for the support of Grip Distance between the nut and the bolt
such things as conduit, paving, ties, or rails. head.
3) Designation of the material quality of a Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) The
manufactured piece of wood. capacity of a vessel in cubic feet of space
within the hull and of enclosed spaces
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

above the deck available for cargo, stores, for shotcrete work; also referred to as
and crew, divided by 100. Alignment Wire, Screed Wire, or Shooting
Gross Vehicle Weight 1) The total weight
of the vehicle or the vehicle combination Guardrail (also Guiderail) 1) A type of
including all connected components. 2) The longitudinal traffic barrier, usually flexible.
sum of the tire loads of all wheels on the 2) A traffic barrier used to shield obstacles
vehicle. from errant vehicles.
Gross Weight The total weight of the Guard Track A rail or other structure that
aircraft ready for flight. This weight consists is laid parallel to the running rails of a track
of aircraft empty weight, oil, fuel, pilot, to prevent the wheels from being derailed or
passengers, baggage, cargo, and removable to hold the wheels in alignment to prevent
equipment. their flanges from striking the points of
turnouts, crossing frogs, or the points of
Ground Effect The influence, usually
beneficial, upon aircraft performance while
flying close to the earth’s surface, caused by Guidestrip A type of raised material
the rebounding from the surface of the air with grooves that pedestrians with vision
disturbed by the movement of the aircraft, impairments use for cane directional cues.
its propulsion system, or both. For example, guidestrips may be used by
pedestrians with vision impainnents to
Groundwater 1) Subsurface water
navigate a crosswalk, track to an emergency
occupying the saturation zone from which
exit, or access the door of a light rail system.
wells and springs are fed. A source of base
flow in streams. In a strict sense the term Guideway 1) The surface or track and its
applies only to water below the water table. supporting structure on or in which transit
2) Water at and below the water table; basal vehicles travel. 2) A fixed facility for the
or bottom water; phraetic water. Used also operation of transit vehicles, with a vehicle
in a broad sense to mean all water below guidance system such as rails or beams.
the ground surface. 3) Water in the ground
Gusset Plate Plate material used to
that is in the zone of saturation from which
interconnect vertical, diagonal, and
wells, springs, and groundwater runoff are
horizontal truss members at a panel point.
Gust Effect Factor A dimensionless
Groundwater Discharge That part of
coefficient that corrects the wind pressure to
the discharge from a drainage basin that
account for the dynamic interaction of the
occurs through the groundwater. The tenn
wind and the structure.
underflow is often used to describe the
groundwater outflow that takes place in Gutter That portion of the roadway section
valley alluvium (instead of the surface adjacent to the curb that is utilized to
channel) and thus is not measured at a convey stonnwater runoff.
gauging station.
Groundwater Runoff That part of the
runoff that has passed into the ground,
has become groundwater, and has been
discharged into a stream channel as spring Half-Through Truss Span A truss system
or seepage water. with the roadway located somewhere
Ground Wire Small-gauge, high-strength between the top and bottom chords. It
steel wire used to establish line and grade precludes the use of a top lateral system.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Handicapped Person An individual who Headway 1 ) The time, in seconds, between

has a physical or mental impairment that two successive vehicles as they pass a point
substantially limits one or more major life on the roadway, measured from the same
activities. Also referred to as Disabled common feature on both vehicles, e.g.,
Person or Person with Disabilities. the front axles or the front bumper. 2 ) The
time, usually expressed in minutes, between
Hardening Steps taken to increase the
the passing of the front ends of successive
ability of an asset to withstand the effects of
transit units (vehicles or trains) moving
an explosive blast and maintain the function
along the same lane or track in the same
for which it was designed.
direction. 3) The start to finish time of a
Head The height of water above any point, fixed route.
plane, or datum of reference.
Heavy Rail Transit A transit system
Head End The beginning or forward that uses steel-wheeled passenger rail H
portion of any train. cars operating singly or in trains on fixed
Head Injury Criteria (HIC) A steel rails in exclusive rights-of-way in
quantitative indication, specified by the underground tunnels, on elevated structures,
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, in open cuts, or at surface level with very
of the potential for serious head injury few, if any, grade crossings (at which rail
based on the translational acceleration of a traffic has the right-of-way) using a third-
dummy head in automobile collision tests. rail power source or overhead catenary and
that generally serves one contiguous urban
Headloss A loss of energy in a hydraulics area.
Heliport An area of land, water, or
Headwall The structural appurtenance structure used or intended to be used for the
usually applied to the end of a culvert inlet landing and takeoff of helicopters.
and outlet or storm drain outlet to retain an
adjacent highway embankment and protect Helper Engine/Locornotive An extra
the culvert ends or storm drain outlet and engine at the head of a train used to assist a
highway embankment or storm drain outfall train in climbing a grade or leaving a yard.
from bank erosion and channel bed scour. Hi-Cube A box car of approximately 26
Headwater Depth 1 ) Depth of water m (85 ft) length and 300 m3 (10,000 ft")
above the inlet flow line at the entrance of a capacity designed for hauling automobile
culvert or similar structure. 2) Depth of water body stampings and other low-density
upstream of a contraction such as occurs at freight.
a bridge or similar structure. 3) Natural flow High-Level Lighting Lighting provided
depth plus backwater caused by a drainage at heights greater than about 17 m (55 ft),
structure. 4) That depth of water impounded typically using 4 to 12 luminaires.
upstream of a culvert, bridge, or similar
contracting structure due to the influence High-Occupancy Toll Lane (HOT
of the structures, constriction, friction, and Lane) HOV facilities that allow lower-
configuration. 5) The water depth upstream occupancy vehicles, such as solo drivers,
from a structure. to use these facilities in return for toll
payments, which could vary by time of day
Headwaters 1) The uppermost reaches or level of congestion.
for the source of water flowing in a stream.
2 ) The geographic regions near the divide High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) A motor
of a watershed. vehicle carrying at least two occupants
including the driver. An HOV could be a
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

transit bus, vanpool, carpool, or any other Home Signal A signal governing
vehicle that meets the minimum occupancy movement into and through interlockings.
Hopper A barge in which the cargo is
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane (HOV exposed or that may be equipped with
Lane) An exclusive traffic lane or facility movable covers.
limited to carrying high-occupancy vehicles
Hopper Car A rail car, open or covered,
(HOVs) and certain other qualified vehicles.
with the floor sloping from the ends and
High Platform A platform at or near car- sides to one or more pockets or hopper
floor elevation. openings on the underside of the car to
permit self-unloading of bulk commodities.
High Rail The outer or super-elevated rail
of a curved track. Horizontal Split Head A progressive
horizontal defect that originates inside the
High Water Elevation The water-surface
rail head and progresses horizontally in all
elevation that results from the passage of
flow. It may be an observed highwater-mark
elevation as a result of someone actually Horizontal Traction A force acting
viewing and recording a runoff event or a in a horizontal axis through the wheel
calculated highwater elevation as part of a transducer, i.e., locked-wheel drag force.
design process.
Hot Box An overheated wheel journal
High Water Mark A mark left as evidence bearing.
of the height to which a flood reached,
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Many different
usually in the form of such things as
types of mixtures of aggregate and asphalt
deposited sediment, debris, and detritus.
cement that are produced at an elevated
Highway A public way for purposes of temperature in an asphalt plant. HMA
vehicular travel, including the entire area is divided into three different types of
within the right-of-way. mix-dense graded, open graded, and
gap graded-primarily according to the
Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) A radio
gradation of the aggregate used in the mix.
station that broadcasts real-time highway
conditions and traffic information. Hudson A A factor that expresses the
relative coarseness of an aggregate
Highway Capacity The maximum
graduation in a single number. It is found
sustainable flow rate at which vehicles
by summing the percentage passing the
or persons reasonably can be expected to
37.5-1nm (1 1/2-in.), 19-mm (3/4-in.),
traverse a point or uniform segment of a
9..5-lnm (3/8-in.), 4.75-mm (No. 4),
lane or roadway during a specified time
2.36-mm (No. 8), 1.18-mm (No. 16),
period under given roadway, geometric,
0.6-mm (No. 30), 300-pin (No. 50),
traffic, environmental, and control
150-pm (No. loo), and 75-pm (No. 200)
conditions; usually expressed as vehicles
standard sieves and dividing by 100.
per hour, passenger cars per hour, or
persons per hour. Hump Artificial knoll within a
classification yard over which cars are
Hinterland The geographic market area
pushed to be allowed to roll to separate
served by a port.
tracks on their own momentum.
Home-Based Trip A trip that has either its
Hump Yard A yard in which the
origin or its destination at the residence.
classification of cars is accomplished by
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

pushing them over a summit, beyond which below critical depth (supercritical flow)
they run by gravity. to a stage above critical depth (subcritical
flow) during which the velocity passes from
Hustler A small vehicle used to maneuver
supercritical to subcritical. It represents
chassis between the storage area and
the limiting conditions of the water surface
curve (or profile) wherein it tends to
Hybrid Girder A fabricated steel girder become perpendicular to the streambed.
with web that has a specified minimum
Hydraulic Performance Curve Computed
yield strength lower than one or both
estimates of how a drainage facility will
perform over a wide range of discharges.
Hydraulic Bore 1) A wave of water having Commonly these may include discharge
a nearly vertical front, such as a tidal wave, and recurrence interval versus headwater,
advancing upstream as the result of high velocity, scour, stage (depth of flow), or H
tides in certain estuaries. 2) A similar wave combination thereof.
advancing downstream as the result of a
Hydraulic Radius 1) The cross-section
cloudburst or the sudden release of a large
area of a stream divided by its wetted
volume of water from a reservoir.
perimeter. 2) The cross-section area of a
Hydraulic Friction A force-resisting stream of water (normal to flow) divided
flow exerted on contact surface between by the length of that part of its periphery in
a stream and its containing channel. It contact with its containing conduit; the ratio
usually includes the normal eddies and of area to wetted perimeter. 3) A measure of
cross currents attendant upon turbulent flow the boundary resistance to flow, computed
occasioned by the roughness characteristic as the quotient of cross-section area of flow
of the boundary surface, moderate divided by the wetted perimeter. For wide
curvature, and normal channel variations. shallow flow, the hydraulic radius can be
Wherever possible, the effects of excessive approximated by the average flow depth.
curvature, eddies and impact, obstructions,
Hydraulic Roughness A composite of
and pronounced channel changes are
the physical characteristics that influence
segregated from the effects of hydraulic
the flow (or conveyance) of water across
the earth’s surface, whether natural,
Hydraulic Gradeline 1) In a closed channelized, or in a conduit. It affects
conduit, a line joining the elevation to both the time response of a watershed and
which water could stand in risers. 2) In an drainage channel, or conduit, as well as the
open conduit, the hydraulic gradeline is the channel or conduit storage characteristics.
water surface; piezometric head line.
Hydraulics 1) The applied science
Hydraulic Gradient 1) The slope of concerned with the behavior and flow
the hydraulic grade line; the slope of the of liquids, especially in pipes, channels,
water surface in uniform, open channel structures, and the ground. 2) In highway
flow. 2) The change in total head with a drainage, the science addressing the
change in distance in a given direction. The characteristics of fluid mechanics involved
direction is that which yields a maximum with the flow of water in or through
rate of decrease in head. 3) The slope of the drainage facilities.
hydraulic gradeline through a channel reach
Hydric Soil Soil that, in its undrained
or drainage structure.
condition, is saturated, flooded, or ponded
Hydraulic Jump The sudden and usually long enough during a growing season
turbulent passage of water from a stage to develop an anaerobic condition that
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supports the growth and regeneration of Hysteresis The maximum difference

hydrophytic vegetation. between corresponding transducer outputs
(of wheel force transducer system)
Hydrograph A graph showing, for a given
at increasing and decreasing applied
point on a stream or for a given point in
calibration force, expressed as a percentage
any drainage system, the discharge, stage,
of maximum output. Proven outliers are
velocity, or other property of water with
respect to time.
Hydrologic Model Mathematical
equations, algorithms, logic, or combination
thereof, that represent the rainfall runoff
process in a watershed.
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
Hydrologic Soil Group A group of soils
Conditions Weather conditions below the
having the same runoff potential under
minimum prescribed for flight under visual
similar stonn and cover conditions.
flight rules (VFR).
Hydrologic Unit A geographic area
Impact Angle For a longitudinal barrier,
representing part or all of a surface drainage
the angle between a tangent to the face of
basin or distinct hydrologic feature as
the barrier and a tangent to the vehicle’s
delineated by the Office of Water Data
path at impact. For a crash cushion, the
Coordination on State Hydrologic Unit
angle between the axis of symmetry of the
Maps; each hydrologic unit is identified by
crash cushion and a tangent to the vehicle’s
an eight-digit number.
path at impact.
Hydrology The science and study
Impact Load Dynamic load resulting
concerned with the occurrence, circulation,
from vertical acceleration of vehicles and
distribution, and properties of the waters
persons while moving. It is estimated as
of the earth and its atmosphere, including
a percentage of the live load according to
precipitation, runoff, and groundwater.
the approved bridge design and analysis
Hydroplaning A condition where one or process.
more tires of a moving vehicle are separated
Impact Severity (IS) A measure of the
from the pavement by a film of water,
impact severity of a vehicle of mass M,
usually due to a combination of depth of
impacting at a speed V, at an impact angle 8.
water, pavement surface texture, vehicle
It is defined as follows: IS = %M(V Sin 8)’.
speed, tread pattern, tire condition, and
other factors. Impermeable Strata A strata in which
texture is such that water cannot move
Hydrostatic Test A test of the ability of a
perceptibly through it under pressures
pipe or its joint to withstand internal fluids
ordinarily found in subsurface water.
at rest and under pressure.
Impervious Iinpenneable to the movement
Hyetograph Graphical representation
of water.
of rainfall intensity against time. A graph
plotting rainfall amounts or intensities Import A shipment of cargo from a foreign
during various time increments versus country to the United States.
time. A graphical representation of average Importance Factor (I) A factor that
rainfall, rainfall-excess rates, or volumes converts wind pressures associated with a
over specified areas during successive units 50-year mean recurrence interval to wind
of time during a storm.

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pressures associated with other mean reflecting all sources of variability, i.e.,
recurrence intervals. materials, sampling, and testing.
Inbound 1) A trip into the central business Indirect Charges Costs that cannot be
district. 2) A trip crossing an external identified readily with a product, service, or
cordon into the study area. activity, the distribution of which must be
made by proration.
Incentive and Disincentive
Provisions 1) Predetermined adjustment Induced Traffic Traffic that is increased on
to the contract price for each day work is a facility or route not by normal growth but
completed ahead of or behind a specific solely by an improvement or change in the
milestone, phase, or contract completion facility.
date. 2) A pay adjustment schedule that
Indurated Bed A channel bed that has
functions to motivate the contractor to
been made hard or has hardened.
provide a high level of quality.
Inelastic Any structural behavior in which I
Incised Channel A channel that has
the ratio of stress and strain is not constant
been cut relatively deep into underlying
and part of the deformation remains after
fonnations by natural processes.
load removal.
Characteristics include relatively straight
alignment and high, steep banks such that Infiltration 1) The volume of groundwater
overflow rarely occurs. entering a sewer and its connections from
the soil through pipe, joints, connections, or
Incised Stream A stream or river that
appurtenances. 2) The flow of a fluid into a
flows in an incised channel with high banks;
substance through pores or small openings.
banks that stand above the 50-year to 100-
year water-surface stage are arbitrarily Infiltration Capacity 1) The maximum
regarded as high. rate at which a soil or rock is capable of
absorbing water or limiting infiltration.
Independent Assurance 1) A management
2) The maximum rate at which the soil,
tool that requires a third party, not
when in a given condition, can absorb
directly responsible for process control
falling rain or melting snow. 3) The
or acceptance, to provide an independent
maximum rate at which infiltration can
assessment of the product, the reliability of
occur under specific conditions of soil
test results obtained from process control
moisture. 4) For a given soil, the infiltration
and acceptance testing, or both. 2) Those
capacity is a function of the water content.
activities that combine to produce an
unbiased and independent evaluation of all Infiltration Index An average rate of
the sampling and testing procedures used in infiltration, in millimeters per hour, equal
the acceptance program. to the average rate of rainfall such that the
volume of rainfall at greater rates equals the
Independent Sample A sample taken
total direct runoff.
without regard to any other sample that
may also have been taken to represent Infiltration Rate The rate at which water
the material in question. An independent enters the soil under a given condition. The
sample is sometimes taken to verify an rate is usually expressed in millimeters per
acceptance decision. This is possible hour, meters per day, or cubic meters per
because the data sets from independent second.
samples, unlike those from split samples, Inflow 1) The volume of any kind of water
each contain independent information entering a sewer and its connections from
outside sources not including infiltration
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

sources. 2 ) The rate of discharge arriving at instrument flight conditions from the initial
a point (in a stream, structure, or reservoir). approach to landing or to a point from
which a landing may be made visually.
Initial Abstraction When considering
surface runoff, the initial abstraction (IA) is Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) When
all the rainfall before runoff begins. When weather conditions are below the minimums
considering direct runoff, IA consists of prescribed for visual meteorological
interception, evaporation, and the soil-water conditions, pilots must fly in accordance
storage that must be exhausted before direct with IFR. Pilots inay elect to fly an IFR
runoff inay begin. Sometimes referred to as flight plan during VFR conditions.
Initial Loss.
Instrument Landing System (ILS) A
Inland A segment along an inland river system that provides in the aircraft the
consisting of terminals, fleeting areas, and lateral, longitudinal, and vertical guidance
related cargo facilities, designated as a necessary for a landing.
port for reference purposes and, in limited
Instrument Runway A runway equipped
instances, for tonnage compilation by the
with electronic and visual navigation aids
Corps of Engineers.
for which a precision or nonprecision
Inland Carrier 1) A railroad, truck, or approach procedure having straight-in
barge line that hauls export or import landing minimums have been established.
cargoes between ocean ports and inland
Insulated Joint A rail joint designed to
points. 2) A railroad or truck that hauls
arrest the flow of electric current from rail
inbound and outbound cargoes between
to rail by means of insulation so placed as
river ports and inland points.
to separate the rail ends.
Inlet Time The time required for
Integral Bridge A bridge without deck
stormwater to flow from the most distant
point in a drainage area to the point at
which it enters a storm drain. Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITS) Programs intended to apply
In-Plane Bending Bending in-plane
advanced communication and control
for the main member (column). At the
technologies to ground transportation.
connection of an ann or arm’s built-up box
Formerly referred to as Intelligent Vehicle
to a vertical column, the in-plane bending
Highway Systems.
stress range in the column is a result of
galloping or truck-induced gust loads on the Intensity The rate of rainfall upon a
ann or arm’s attachments, or both. watershed, usually expressed in millimeters
per hour.
Inscribed Circle The entire area within a
roundabout between all of the approaches Intercepting Channel A channel
and exits. The inscribed circle is not always excavated at the top of earth cuts, or at the
circular; ovals and teardrops have been foot of slopes, or at other critical places to
used. intercept surface flow; sometimes termed a
catch drain.
Inspector The engineer’s authorized
representative assigned to make detailed Interchange 1 ) A system of
inspections of contract performance. interconnecting roadways in conjunction
with one or more grade separations,
Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP)
providing for the movement of traffic
A series of predetermined maneuvers for
between two or more roadways on different
the orderly transfer of an aircraft under
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

levels. 2 ) The exchange of cars between Internal Tendon High-strength steel

railroads at specified junction points. element located within the flanges or webs,
or both, of the structural member and used
Intercity Transportation Transportation
to prestress the concrete.
service provided between cities, usually on
a fixed-route, fixed schedule by certified International Roughness Index (IRI) An
carriers. index computed from a longitudinal profile
measurement using a quarter-car simulation
Interline Between one or more railroads.
at a simulation speed of 80 km/h (50 mph).
Interlocking An arrangement of switch,
Interrogator The ground-based
lock, and signal devices that is located
surveillance radar beacon transmitter-
where rail routes cross, join, separate, etc.,
receiver that scans in synchronism with
and that is interconnected in such a way that
a primary radar, transmitting discrete
their movements must succeed each other in
radio signals that repeatedly request all
a predetermined order, thereby preventing
transponders on the mode being used to I
opposing or conflicting train movements.
reply. The replies received are then mixed
Intermodal 1) Between, or including, with the primary radar video to be displayed
more than one means of transportation. For on the same plan position indicators.
example, an intermodal trip might consist
Intersection 1) The general area where
of driving a car to a commuter parking
two or more highways join or cross, within
lot and then taking a bus. 2 ) A transfer
which are included the roadway and
point utilizing ramps, gantings, or mobile-
roadside facilities for traffic movements
lift transfers to load or unload trailers or
in that area. 2) A fix established by the
containers from or to railcars.
intersection of specified radials emanating
Intermodal Car A long flat car designed from two VHF Omni-directional Radio-
especially for carrying either piggyback range (VOR) stations, or one VOR station
trailers or containers. Sometimes referred to and a localizer.
Intersection Angle The angle between two
Intermodal Facility A location that allows intersection legs.
travelers or cargo to change between
Intersection Leg Any one of the highways
transportation modes.
radiating from and forming part of an
Internal Composite Action The intersection. The common intersection of
interaction between a deck and a structural two highways crossing each other has four
overlay. legs.
Internal Control The plan of organization Interstate Highway System A system
and the coordinate methods and measures of highways comprising the Dwight D.
adopted to safeguard assets, produce Eisenhower National System of Interstate
accurate and reliable accounting data, and Defense Highways, which connects
promote operational efficiency, and principal metropolitan areas, cities, and
encourage adherence to prescribed industrial centers.
managerial policies.
Interval The part of a signal cycle during
Internal-Internal Trip A trip that has both which signal indications do not change.
its origin and its destination inside the study
Interzonal Trip A trip that involves travel
between two zones.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Intrados The curve defining the interior Isotropic Reinforcement Two identical
surface of an arch; also known as soffit. layers of reinforcement, perpendicular to
and in touch with each other.
Intrazonal Trip A trip that has both its
origin and its destination in the same zone.
Inventory Rating The load capacity of a
bridge under normal service conditions for
an indefinite period of time.
Jacking Force The force exerted by the
Inverse Condemnation A legal process device that introduces tension into the
that may be initiated by a property owner to tendons.
compel the payment of just compensation
where the owner’s property has been taken Jet Routes A high-altitude route system,
or damaged for a public purpose. at or above 18,000 ft (5.5 km) MSL,
predicated on a network of designated high
Invert 1) The bottom or lowest point of
altitude VHFiUHF facilities.
the internal surface of the transverse cross
section of a pipe or conduit. 2 ) The flow Jitney A privately owned vehicle operated
line in a channel cross section, pipe, or on a fixed or semi-fixed schedule for a fare.
culvert. Job-Mix Formula (JMF) The percentage
Invitation for Bids The advertisement for of each material in a mixture intended
proposals for all work or materials on which for a particular use; may include mixing
bids are required. Such advertisement temperature of bituminous mixtures.
indicates, with reasonable accuracy, the Joint 1) A designed vertical plane of
quantity and location of the work to be done separation or weakness. 2 ) A discontinuity
or the character and quantity of the material made necessary by design or by interruption
to be furnished and the time and place of of a paving operation. 3) A structural
the opening of proposals. discontinuity between two elements. The
Isolation Joint A full-depth joint that structural members used to frame or form
isolates or separates the pavement from the discontinuity. 4) A connection between
fixed objects within or abutting the newly two pipe sections, made either with or
paved area. without the use of additional parts.
Isolation System The collection of all the Joint Acceptance Test Test procedure,
elements that provide vertical stiffness, utilizing compressed air or pressurized
lateral flexibility, and damping to the water, intended to determine the
system at the isolation interface. It includes acceptability of an individual installed
the isolator units and the elastic restraint pipeline joint.
system. Jointed Concrete Pavement
Isolator Unit A horizontally flexible and (JCP) Portland cement concrete pavement
vertically stiff bearing of the isolation that has transverse joints placed at planned
system, which permits large lateral intervals.
deformation under seismic load. The Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement
isolator unit may or may not provide energy (JRCP) Concrete pavement that contains
dissipation. steel mesh reinforcement sometimes
Isotropic Plate A plate having essentially called distributed steel. In jointed
identical structural properties in the two reinforced concrete pavement, designers
principal directions. increase the joint spacing purposely and
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

include reinforcing steel to hold together Lading Freight or cargo making up a

intermediate cracks in each slab. The shipment.
spacing between transverse joints is Lag Time 1) Time from beginning (or
typically 30 ft or more. center of mass) of rainfall to peak (or center
Joint Gap The distance between the ends of mass) of runoff. 2) The difference in time
of contiguous rails in track. between the centroid of the excess rainfall
(that rainfall producing runoff) and the peak
Joint Seal A poured or preformed of the runoff hydrograph. Often estimated
elastomeric device designed to prevent
as 60 percent of the time of concentration
moisture and debris Erom penetrating joints.
(TL = 0.6Tc).
Junction Point 1) A location at which a
Laminar Flow That type of flow in which
branchline track connects with a mainline
each particle moves in a direction parallel to
track. 2) A location at which two or more
every other particle and in which the head
railroads interchange cars over connecting
loss is approximately proportional to the
tracks. first power of the velocity. It is sometimes
Just Compensation That payment designated as streamline flow or viscous 1
required by law for the loss sustained by flow.
the owner as a result of taking or damaging Laminar Velocity That velocity below K
private property for highway purposes. which, in a particular conduit, laminar
flow will always exist and above which the L
flow may be either laminar or turbulent,
depending on circumstances.
Lamination A full width and full length
Kiss and Ride (Kiss & Ride) An access layer contained in a component bonded
mode to transit whereby passengers (usually together with adhesive. The layer itself may
commuters) are driven to a transit stop and be composed of one or several wood pieces
left to board the vehicle, then met after their in width or length.
return trip. Also referred to as Drop-and-
Landbridge An intermodal shipment from
one foreign country to another, not having
Knot A measure of speed in terms of an origin or destination in the U.S., in
nautical miles per hour. One knot is the which an overland movement in the U.S. is
equivalent of 1.85 kilometers (1.15 miles) substituted for an all-water routing.
[ 1.O nautical miles] per hour.
Landing 1) The act of terminating flight
and bringing an airplane to rest, used both
for land and seaplanes. 2 ) Level area of a
sidewalk at the top or bottom of a ramp.
Land Management Agency A state or
Labor Pay, fringe benefits, and allowances federal government agency responsible
due to employees in exchange for the for the process of planning, organizing,
services they render, as well as any payroll programming, coordinating, directing,
taxes and insurance charges levied. and controlling land use actions for its
Lacing Plates or bars to connect government on lands for which it is
components of a member. responsible under the statutes, regulations,
rules, and mandates that provide its
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Land Use The physical characteristics of Lateral Motion Motion crosswise of the
the land surface and the human activities track experienced by all railcar parts except
associated with the land surface. the wheels and axles that results from the
flexibility that must be provided in the truck
Lane A strip of roadway used for a single
structure to permit its negotiation.
line of vehicles.
Lateral-Torsional Buckling Buckling of a
Lane Line A line separating two lanes of
component involving lateral deflection and
traffic traveling in the same direction.
Lane Live Load The combination of
Launching Release of undercut material
tandem axle and uniformly distributed
(stone riprap, rubble, slag, etc.) downslope;
loads, or the combination of the design
if sufficient material accumulates on the
truck and design uniformly distributed load.
stream bank face, the slope can become
Lane-Use Control Signal A signal face effectively armored.
displaying indications to permit or prohibit
Launching Apron A flexible apron
the use of specific lanes of a roadway or to
designed to settle and protect the side slopes
indicate the impending prohibition of such
of a scour hole or eroded channel bed both
during and after settlement.
Large Aircraft Aircraft of more than 5670
Layover Time The time allowed at a
kg 1 (2,500 lb) maximum certified takeoff
stop between arrival and departure for the
purpose of turning vehicles, recovery of
LASh (Lighter Aboard Ship) A water delays, and preparing for the return trip.
transport operation that involves the inland
Leader Run A run that operates ahead of
river movement of loaded barges to a
another run on the same line.
tidewater port, loading of the barges with
their cargoes into the mothership, the ocean Length of Need Total length of a
voyage, unloading of the loaded barges at longitudinal barrier needed to shield an area
a foreign port, and movement of the barges of concern.
inland on a navigable river.
Length on the Waterline (LWL) The
Latent Travel The potential number distance between the forward and aft points
of trips that could be made by people where the waterline covers the hull of a
who cannot now travel because of the ship.
inconvenience or unavailability of present
Length Overall (LOA) The greatest
modes or inability to use them.
length of a vessel from bow to stern,
Lateral Bracing Component Bracing excluding removable bowsprit, steering
located at either the top or the bottom flange pole, or flagstaff; used to assess dockage
of a stringer to prevent lateral deformation charge.
induced by forces normal to the bridge
Less Than Carload (LCL) The quantity
centerline (e.g., wind).
of freight less than that required for the
Lateral Erosion Erosion in which the application of a carload rate.
removal of material has a Predominantly
Less Than Container Load (LCL) A
lateral component, as contrasted with scour,
shipment that does not utilize the full
in which the component is predominantly
capacity of the container. LCL shipments
may be combined to produce a full
container load.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Levee 1) An earth embankment along signal may be directed at any selected

a river to prevent inundation from flood airplane in the traffic on or about an airport.
waters; or a paved wharf sloping to the Usually used in control towers.
water. 2 ) An embankment, generally
Light Rail Transit An urban transportation
landward of a top bank, that confines
system that uses electrically powered,
flow during highwater periods, thus
lightweight rail cars operating singly or in
preventing overflow into lowlands. A
short trains on fixed duo-rail guideways;
linear embankment outside a channel for
may be grade separated and loads
containment of flow. Longer than a dike.
passengers from low- to medium-height
Leveling Course The layer of material platfonns.
placed on an existing surface to eliminate
Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) A vehicle used
irregularities prior to placing an overlaying
in light rail transit, the more modern form
of the vehicle previously referred to as a
Level of Performance 1) The degree to tram, streetcar, or trolley car.
which a longitudinal barrier, including
Lightweight Concrete No-fines concrete,
bridge railing, is designed for containment
aerated concrete, or concrete made with
and redirection of different types of
lightweight aggregate.
vehicles. 2 ) Motor vehicle crash test
response criteria. Limit State A condition beyond which
the bridge or component ceases to satisfy
Level of Service A qualitative measure
the safety and serviceability provisions for L
describing operational conditions within a
which it was designed.
traffic stream based on service measures
such as speed and travel time, freedom to Limousine (Livery) Demand-responsive
maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort, and public transportation on an exclusive basis
convenience. rendered in a vehicle that is licensed to
render that service for hire at rates of fare
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis An economic
agreed on by the operating licensee, its
assessment of competing design
agent, or the chauffeur, and the passengers.
alternatives, considering all significant costs
of ownership over the economic life of each Line Haul 1 ) The movement of freight
alternative expressed in equivalent dollars. over the tracks of a railroad from one town
or city to another town or city. 2 ) Transit
Light Delivery Truck A single-unit truck,
operations along a single corridor or variety
such as a panel or pickup truck, with size
of corridors, using a fixed route. 3) That
and operating characteristics similar to
portion of a commute trip that is express
those of a passenger car and commonly
(nonstop) between origin and destination.
used for short-haul light delivery service.
For capacity analysis purposes, it is Linked Trip A trip from the point of origin
considered to be a passenger car. to the final destination, regardless of the
number of vehicles used.
Lighted Buoy A buoy indicating a
channel, having a light affixed to aid night Liquefaction Loss of soil strength with
navigation. a quicksand-like behavior that is caused
by cyclic loads produced by vibrating
Light Engine An engine that does not have
machinery or earthquakes.
a caboose or rail cars attached.
Liquidated Damages Provision (for
Light Gun An intense, narrowly focused
Quality) A pay adjustment schedule
spotlight with which a green, red, or white
whose primary fiinction is to recover costs
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

associated with the contractor’s failure to Local Average Velocity Local discharge
provide the desired level of quality. intensity divided by depth of flow.
Liquid Tank A barge used to transport Local Bus A bus that picks up passengers
liquids or liquefied gases. and discharges them at frequent designated
stops on city streets.
Littoral Drift The transport of material
along a shoreline. Sometimes termed long- Local Operation A type of operation that
shore sediment transport. The movement involves frequent stops and consequent low
of sediments in the near shore zone by speeds, the purpose of which is to deliver
waves and currents. The movement can be and pick up transit passengers as close to
parallel to the shore (long-shore transport) their destinations or origins as possible.
or perpendicular to the shore (onshore-
Localizer An Information Landing System
offshore transport).
(ILS) navigation facility in the tenninal
Live Load The weight of vehicles, area electronic navigation system, that
pedestrians, and other traffic. Highway provides horizontal guidance to the runway
loading used in establishing load-carrying centerline for aircraft during approach and
capacity is the standard AASHTO vehicle landing by radiating a directional pattern
loading or the maximum legal loads of the of Visual Flight Rules (VFR) radio waves
state. modulated by two signals that, when
received with equal intensity, are displayed
Load Amount of sediment being moved by
by compatible airborne equipment as an
a stream.
“on-course’’ indication, and when received
Load-Bearing Attachment Attachment to in unequal intensity are displayed as an
main inember where there is a transverse “off-course’’ indication.
load range in the attachment itself in
Local Road or Street A street or road
addition to any primary stress range in the
primarily for access to residence, business,
main member.
or other abutting property.
Load-Capacity Rating Determination of
Local Traffic Freight moving solely over
the load-carrying capacity of an existing
the lines of a single carrier.
bridge based on the conditions reported by
an inspector. Locator Tone A repeating sound informs
approaching pedestrians that they are
Load-Center Port A concept in which
required to push a button to actuate the
one port serves as a trans-shipment point
pedestrian signal. This tone enables
for cargoes originating at or destined to a
pedestrians with vision impairment to locate
number of smaller ports.
the pushbutton.
Load Factor The ratio between passengers
Lock A structure in a waterway with gates
and seats in a public passenger vehicle.
at each end, used in raising and lowering
Load Line A marking on the outside of a vessels from one water level to another.
vessel to indicate the maximum depth to
Locomotive A self-propelled vehicle that
which the vessel can safely be loaded.
runs on rails, generates or converts energy
Load Path A succession of components into motion for the purpose of hauling
and joints through which a load is rail cars, and generally has no space for a
transmitted Erom its origin to its destination. revenue load.
Load-Transfer Device A mechanical
means designed to carry loads across a
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Longitudinal The direction associated access control in parking facilities, and

with the axis of the main structural trusses vehicle counting.
or girders in the bridge.
Loran An electronic aid to navigation
Longitudinal Barrier A device whose utilizing pulse techniques for long-range
primary function is to prevent penetration navigation.
and to safely redirect an errant vehicle away
Lot 1) A uniquely defined quantity
from a roadside or median obstacle.
of material from a single source, or
Longitudinal Channelizer A device that homogenous segment of construction, on
provides delineation of the edge of the which a decision is made for acceptance,
travelway. rejection, or other disposition. 2) An
isolated quantity of material fi-om a
Longitudinal Cracking Cracks in the
single source. 3) A measured amount of
pavement predominantly parallel to the
construction assumed to be produced by the
direction of traffic.
same process.
Longitudinal Force Force caused by
Low Floor Bus A bus without steps at its
traffic accelerating and braking as it moves
entrances and exits.
across a bridge generating forces parallel to
the centerline of a bridge. Low Flow Channel The lower portion
of a natural or artificial watercourse, often
Longitudinal Joint 1) Ajoint normally
of perceptible extent with a definite bed
placed between traffic lanes to control
and banks, that confines and conducts L
longitudinal cracking. 2) A joint parallel to
continuously or periodically flowing water.
the span direction of a structure resulting
from separate deck or superstructure Low Platform A platfonn at or near the
elements. top of a rail elevation.
Longitudinal Profile 1) The perpendicular Low-Pressure Air Test Testing procedure,
deviations of the pavement surface from utilizing compressed air, intended to
an established reference parallel to the lane determine the acceptability of a pipe
direction, usually measured in the wheel section, joint, or pipeline.
tracks. 2) The profile of a stream or channel
Low Rail The inner rail of a curve that is
drawn along the length of its centerline. In
maintained at grade while the opposite or
drawing the profile, elevations of the water
outer rail is elevated.
surface or the thalweg are plotted against
distance as measured from the mouth or Low-Relaxation Steel Prestressing strand
from an arbitrary initial point. in which the steel relaxation losses have
been substantially reduced by stretching at
Long Ton A ton of 1.016 Mg [2,240 lb].
an elevated temperature.
Loop A one-way turning roadway that
Low Water Reference water level for
curves about 270 degrees to the right to
measuring channel and harbor depth.
accommodate a left turn from the through
roadway. It may include provision for a left Luminaire A complete lighting unit
turn at a crossroad terminal. consisting of a lamp or lamps together with
the parts designed to distribute the light,
Loop Detector A system consisting of an
to position and protect the lamps, and to
inductive loop and a detector module. Loop
connect the lamps to the electric power
detector systems are used for indicating
the presence or passage of vehicles. supply.
Applications include traffic signal control,
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Lysimeter Structure containing a mass of in quality, quantity, and performance

soil and designed to permit the measurement standards.
of water draining through the soil.
Managed Lane A managed lane facility
is one that increases freeway efficiency by
packaging various operational and design
actions. Operating agencies may adjust lane
management operations at various times to
Macadam A layer of coarse, graded, better match regional goals. Managed lanes
angular mineral aggregate with a filler of are intended to provide peak-period free
fine aggregate, interlocked by compaction. flow travel to certain user groups.

Magnetic Levitation Contactless, Management Information System

frictionless support of objects through the (MIS) A manual or computerized system
controlled use of magnetic forces to balance that collects and analyzes data on a transit
gravitational forces. Also referred to as system’s performance and maintains
Maglev. records of major cost components.

Main 1) A designated track upon which Manhole (Utility Access Hole) An

trains are operated by timetable, train order, opening in an underground system that
or both, or the use of which is governed by workers may enter for the purpose of
block signals. 2) Main line. making installations, removals, inspections,
repairs, connections, and tests.
Main Line The principal part or parts
of a railway, exclusive of tracks used for Manometer A tube containing a liquid,
switching, branches, yards, and terminals. the surface of which moves proportionally
to changes in pressure; a tube type of
Main Stem Main branch of the watershed differential pressure indicator; a pressure
(drainage area) stream system. gage.
Maintenance The preservation of Manual Block Signal A signal controlled
the entire highway, including surface, manually.
shoulders, roadsides, structures, and such
traffic-control devices as are necessary for Manual Count Measurement of traffic
its safe and efficient utilization. characteristics based on human observation,
which may or may not be electronically
Maintenance Decision Support Systems recorded.
(MDSS) Automated guidance systems to
integrate data on current road conditions Manual Traffic Control (MTC) A system
and approaching weather to predict future in which train movement is completely
road conditions and generate directions to controlled by the motorman.
maintenance personnel on various roadway Many-to-Few A service that picks up
treatment options. passengers at many different origins and
Maintenance Management System A delivers them to a few destinations.
formal procedure that is used to plan, Many-to-Many A service that picks up
organize, direct, control, and evaluate passengers at many different origins and
maintenance programs and maintenance delivers them to many different destinations
management units. within the service area.
Maintenance Standard A formally
established criterion for a specific operation
that encompasses elements usually found
N 68 N
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Map Cracking A series of interconnected Materially Unbalanced Bid Bid

cracks that extend only into the upper generating a reasonable doubt that award
portion of the slab. to the bidder submitting a mathematically
Marine Terminal A parcel of land, unbalanced bid will result in the lowest
generally adjacent to the waterway, that ultimate cost.
has adequate structures and equipment to Materials and Construction (M&C)
load, unload, or store marine cargoes or Variable A characteristic of materials,
passengers. construction, or both, that can be directly
Market 1) The potential consumers of or indirectly controlled. Thickness is
a transportation product or service or a an example of an M&C variable that is
geographical area that includes a significant controlled directly; compressive strength
number of potential consumers. 2) The is an example of a variable controlled
extent of demand for a transportation
commodity or service. Materials and Methods
Market Value The highest price for which Specifications Specifications that direct
property can be sold in the open market the contractor to use specified materials
by a willing seller to a willing purchaser, in definite proportions and specific types
neither acting under compulsion and both of equipment and methods to place the
exercising reasonable judgment, both being material. Also referred to as Method
fully aware of the highest and best use to Specifications, Recipe Specifications, or
which the property can be put. Prescriptive Specifications.

Mass Transportation A subcategory of Mathematically Unbalanced Bid Bid M

public transportation employing bus or rail containing lump sum or unit bid items that
or other conveyance, publicly or privately do not reflect reasonable actual costs plus
owned, providing to the public general or a reasonable proportionate share of the
special service on a regular and continuing bidder’s anticipated profit, overhead costs,
basis (not including school bus or charter or and other indirect costs.
sightseeing service). Mattress A covering of concrete, wood,
Mast Arm An approximately horizontal stone, or other material used to protect a
supporting ann designed to hold a sign, stream bank against erosion.
signal head, or luminaire. Maximum Density The highest density
Match State or local funds required by that can be obtained under stated conditions.
the federal government to complement Maximum Gross Weight The maximum
federal funds for a project. For example, weight authorized by the FAA for operation
in the case of public transportation, the of the aircraft involved.
federal government may provide 80
Maximum Load Point The point at which
percent of the necessary funds if the state
the largest number of passengers board a
or local government matches 20 percent.
vehicle on a particular transit run.
For interstate highway projects, the federal
government provides 90 percent of the Mean Annual Flood 1) Maximum annual
funds, and state or local government pays flood peak having a 2.33-year frequency
the 10 percent matching cost. A match interval (recurrence interval). 2) A flood
may also be required by states in funding where, if the total population of floods
projects that are a joint state/local effort. were known, half would be larger and the
remaining half would be smaller.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Mean Annual Flow The annual mean stress, strain, deformation, and failure of the
flow, as a percentage, for the year based on pavement.
the 12 monthly means.
Median The portion of a highway
Mean Daily Discharge The average of separating opposing directions of the
mean discharge of a stream for one day. traveled way.
Usually given in cubic meters per second.
Median Barrier A longitudinal barrier
Mean Panel Rating (MPR) The average used to prevent an errant vehicle from
value, for each section of highway crossing the highway median.
pavement, of ride quality ratings assigned
Median Opening A gap in a median
by a ride-rating panel.
provided for crossing and turning traffic.
Mean Roughness Index (MRI) The
Metric Ton A mass of 1 .O Mg
average of the international roughness index
(2,204.62 lb).
(IRI) values for the right and left wheel
tracks. Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO) The organization designated
Mean Slope Variance The average of the
by the governor as responsible, together
slope variance for the inner and outer wheel
with the state, for transportation planning
paths of a pavement.
in an urbanized area according to 23
Mean Velocity 1 ) The velocity at a given USC 134. This organization is the forum
section of a stream obtained by dividing the for cooperative decision making by
discharge of the stream by the cross-section principal elected officials of general local
area at that section. 2) Mean velocity may government.
also apply to a reach of a stream by dividing
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) An
the discharge by the average area of the
area, in increments of whole counties
except in New England states, defined by
Measuring Point An arbitrary, permanent the U.S. Census Bureau after its decennial
reference point from which the distance to census; it includes an urbanized area and
the water surface in a well is measured to constitutes an integrated economic and
obtain the water level. social unit.
Measuring Weir A device for measuring Micro-Bridge An intennodal shipment
the flow of water. It generally consists of between a foreign port and an inland
rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular, or other location in the U.S. in which an overland
shaped notch in a thin plate in a vertical movement to or from a U.S. port on a more
plane through which the water flows. distant coast replaces a longer water route to
or from a nearer port. The micro-bridge rate
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall A
soil-retaining system employing either would generally be the equivalent of the
mini-bridge rate plus the inland movement
strip or grid-type, or metallic or polymeric,
from the port to the destination; however,
tensile reinforcements in the soil mass and
the micro-bridge service provides for direct
a facing element that is either vertical or
movement from the initial U.S. port to the
nearly vertical.
Mechanistic Model A model developed
Microwave Landing System (MLS) An
from the laws of mechanics where the
instrument landing system operating in
prescribed action of forces on bodies of
the microwave spectrum providing lateral
material elements are related to the resulting
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

and vertical guidance similar to, but more Minimum Energy Line An energy line
variable than, an ILS. corresponding to conditions of critical flow.
Midblock Crossing A crossing point Minimum Turning Radius The radius of
positioned within a block rather than at an the minimum turning path of the outside of
intersection. the outer front tire.
Midblock Stop A transit stop located at a Minimum Yield Strength The lowest
point midway between intersections. value of stress a material shows a specified
limiting deviation from the proportionality
Mileage Block The daily distance traveled
of stress to strain.
in a block.
Minor Street The street controlled by
Military Operations Areas
stop signs at a two-way stop-controlled
(MOA) Airspace of defined vertical and
intersection. Also referred to as Side Street.
lateral limits established for the purpose of
separating certain military training activities Missed Approach Procedure conducted by
from IFR traffic. Whenever an MOA is a pilot when an instrument approach cannot
being used, nonparticipating IFR traffic be completed to a landing.
may be cleared through an MOA if IFR
Mitigation Steps taken in advance to
separation can be provided by air traffic
reduce the potential loss from a hazard.
control (ATC). Otherwise, ATC will reroute
or restrict nonparticipating IFR traffic. Mitigation Alternatives Environmental
mitigation alternatives for surface waters
Mini A point-to-point train carrying one
in order of priority include (a) avoidance,
commodity in 5 - or 1O-car units direct from M
(b) on-site mitigation, (c) off-site mitigation
a loading to a delivery point. It operates
within the same drainage area, (d) off-site
under special rules that allow a reduced size
mitigation within the same drainage and
train crew.
biotic region, (e) no mitigation.
Minibus A small bus, typically capable of
Mixture Design 1) The process of
carrying 20 passengers or less, most often
detennining and quantifying the required
used for making short trips. Minibuses
perfonnance characteristics of a mixture,
are often used for demand-responsive
including developing, evaluating, and
transportation and bus pools.
testing trial mixtures to verify that the
Mini-Landbridge or Mini-Bridge An required characteristics can be met. 2) A
intennodal shipment between a foreign quantified description, resulting from
port and a U.S. port in which an overland the mixture design process, of a mixture
movement in the U.S. replaces part of a developed, evaluated, and tested to meet the
longer water route. Under the tenns of specifications.
mini-bridge movements, the nearer port is
Modal Split A description of the
the origin or tennination point applicable to
percentage of people or freight using
the mini-bridge rate.
alternative forms of transportation.
Minimum Clearance Width The Specifically, the percentage of people using
narrowest point on a sidewalk or trail. A private automobiles as opposed to public
minimum clearance width is created when transportation.
obstacles, such as utility poles or tree roots,
Mode A means of transportation. Air,
protrude into the sidewalk and reduce the
highway, rail, water, and pipeline are
design width.
principal modes of transportation.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Model 1) A mathematical or physical Monorail A transportation system with a

idealization of a structure or component vehicle that runs along a single rail or beam
used for analysis. 2 ) An idealization of a that functions as a guideway.
structure for the purpose of analysis. 3) A
Moorings Lines and cables that secure a
mathematical description of a real-life
vessel to a fixed place, generally other than
situation that uses data on past and present
by means of an anchor chain.
conditions to make a projection about the
future. Moped A lightweight, low-powered
motorbike that can be pedaled.
Moderate Exposure Condition Exposure
in a climate where freezing is expected but Motorcycle A two-wheeled motorized
where the concrete will not be continually vehicle having one or two saddles and
exposed to moisture or free water for sometimes a sidecar with a third supporting
long periods prior to freezing and will wheel.
not be exposed to deicing agents or other Mounting Height Minimum vertical
aggressive chemicals. distance to the bottom of a sign or traffic
Mode Shift The shift of people or freight signal, or to the center of gravity of a
from one transportation mode to another. luminaire, relative to the pavement surface.
Modulus of Rupture (MOR) The bending Movable Bearing A bearing that facilitates
tensile stress at which concrete begins differential horizontal translation of abutting
to crack, calculated from the maximum structural elements in a longitudinal or
bending moment on the basis of an assumed lateral direction, or both. It inay or may not
stress distribution. provide for rotation.
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (k- Movable Bridge A bridge having one
Value) A primary input for rigid pavement or more spans capable of being raised,
design. It estimates the support of the layers turned, lifted, or slid from its normal service
below a rigid pavement surface course (the location to provide for the passage of
PCC slab). The k-value can be determined navigation. See also Bascule.
by field tests or by correlation with Moving Walkway A fixed conveyor device
other tests. There is no direct laboratory (usually in the fonn of a flexible metal belt)
procedure for determining k-value. on which pedestrians inay stand or walk
Moisture Content (MC) An indication of while being transported. Also referred to as
the amount of water contained in a material, Moving Sidewalk, Passenger Conveyor, or
usually expressed as a percentage of the Passenger Belt.
weight of the oven-dry inaterial weight. Multileg Intersection An intersection with
Moisture Equivalent The ratio of five or more legs.
(a) the weight of water that the soil, after Multimodal Representing several
saturation, will retain against a centrifugal modes of transportation. For example,
force 1,000 times the force of gravity, to a multimodal trip occurs when a person
(b) the weight of the soil when dry. The drives a car to a commuter parking lot and
ratio is stated as a percentage. then takes a train into the city.
Monofilament A single-strand fiber used in Multiple-Load-Path Structure A
fiber-reinforced concrete. structure capable of supporting the specified
loads following loss of a main load-carrying
component or connection.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Multiple-Unit Electric Locomotive A and maintained to a width and depth for

locomotive composed of two or more commercial water transportation.
multiple-unit electric motive-power units
Navigation Light Any one of a group
connected for simultaneous operation of all
of lights mounted on an aircraft to make
such units from a single control station.
its dimensions, position, and direction
Multiple-Unit Rail Car Two or more units of motion visible at night or under other
or connected pairs of rail cars equipped so conditions of poor visibility.
that all cars in the train may be operated
Near-Side Stop A transit stop located on
from any car that has an operator’s station.
the approach side of an intersection. The
transit units stop to serve passengers before
crossing the intersection.
Negative Air Pressure (Vacuum)
Test Test procedure utilizing air at a
Narrow A rail track gage that is less than pressure less than atmospheric pressure,
1.44 in (4 ft 8.5 in.) wide. intended to determine the acceptability of
National Highway System A system a pipe section or multiple pipe sections, or
of highway routes and connections an installed pipeline or manhole, before or
to transportation facilities consisting after backfill.
of the Interstate System, other urban Net Depth The depth of concrete,
and rural arterial routes, and other excluding the concrete placed in the
connector highways to major intermodal corrugations of a metal form work.
transportation facilities.
Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) A
Nautical Mile (nm) A unit of distance used measure of the capacity of a vessel derived N
in navigation, 1.852 km (6,076 ft). from gross tonnage by deducting spaces
Navigable Airspace Airspace at and above used for the crew, propelling machinery,
the minimum flight altitudes prescribed by and fuel. This is a direct expression of the
or under the Federal Aviation Regulations cargo capacity of the vessel.
(FARs), including airspace needed for safe Net Tensile Stress The algebraic sum of
takeoff and landing. two or more stresses in which the total is
Navigable Waters Jurisdictional surface tension.
waters of the United States including the Network 1) A system of links and nodes
territorial seas. that describes a transportation system.
Navigable Waterway A waterway, 2) The configuration of highways or transit
determined by the U.S. Coast Guard, as routes and stops that constitutes the total
being suitable for interstate or foreign system.
commerce. Network-Level Analysis Evaluation of a
Navigational Aid (NAVAID) Any visual network of pavement to enable selection of
or electronic device located on the ground candidate projects, project scheduling, and
or on shipboard that provides point-to-point budget estimates.
guidance information, partial or complete No-Build Alternative The planning
position data, or both, to aircraft in flight. option of not building a proposed
Navigation Channel That part of a transportation project, such as a new
river, harbor, or canal that is marked highway, but improving the already
existing transportation system. The no-
- 73 *
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

build alternative could include widening Nonrecoverable Slope A slope that is

an existing highway, increasing public considered traversable but on which the
transportation services, or simply doing errant vehicle will continue on to the
nothing. bottom. Embankment slopes between IV:3H
and IV:4H may be considered traversable
Node An endpoint of a link or junction
but nonrecoverable if they are smooth and
coininon to two or more links in a network
free of fixed objects.
such as a transit or highway network.
Nonuniform Channel A channel where
Noise Abatement Procedure A flight
the flow streamlines are not straight
procedure used by a pilot to limit noise
and parallel. The velocity vector varies
impacts to residents surrounding an airport.
significantly with distance along a flow
May include routing, altitude restrictions,
streamline at a given instance.
power reduction procedures, or some
combination thereof. Nonuniform Flow A flow the velocity of
which is undergoing a positive or negative
Nominal Load An arbitrarily selected
acceleration. If the flow is constant, it is
design load level.
referred to as steady nonuniform flow.
Nominal Maximum Size In specification
Non-Vessel Operating Common
for or description of aggregate, the smallest
Carrier An individual, licensed by the
sieve opening through which the entire
Federal Maritime Commission, to engage
amount of the aggregate is permitted to
in the transportation of cargoes overseas,
generally by consolidating small shipments
Nominal Resistance Resistance of a into container loads.
component or connection to force effects,
Normal Depth The depth of water in
as indicated by the dimensions specified in
an open conduit that corresponds to
the contract documents and by permissible
uniform velocity for the given flow. It is
stresses, defonnations, or specified strength
a hypothetical depth under conditions of
of materials.
steady nonuniform flow.
Nominal Size As applied to timber or
Normal Flow 1) Flow at normal depth.
lumber, the size by which it is specified and
2) Average flow prevailing during the
sold; often differs from the actual size.
greater part of the year.
Nominal Strength Strength of a member
Normal Load Duration Condition of
or cross section before application of any
fully stressing a member to its allowable
strength reduction factors.
design stress by the application of the full
Nondirectional Beacon (NDB) A surface- design load for a cumulative period of
based radio facility that broadcasts a carrier approximately 10 years, the application
wave in all directions simultaneously. of 90 percent of the full design load
Nonexpansion Joint A joint that allows continuously throughout the remainder of
rotation of a beam end but does not permit the life of the structure, or both.
expansion. Generally used at the abutment Normally Consolidated Soil A soil for
supporting a fixed bearing. which the current overburden pressure is
Non-Home-Based Trip A trip that has the greatest that has been experienced.
neither its origin nor its destination at the Normal Stage 1) The average water
home. stage prevailing during the greater part of
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

the year. 2 ) The water surface elevation property where such service or product may
corresponding to the normal flow. be obtained.
Normal Velocity Mean velocity of flow at Offset 1) Lateral distance from the edge
nonnal depth. of a traveled way to a roadside object or
feature. 2) The difference, in seconds,
Normal Water Surface 1) The free surface
between the start of green time at the two
associated with flow in natural streams.
signalized intersections of a diamond
2 ) The natural water surface.
interchange for through traffic on the
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) A notice internal link or the time between the start
to ainnen in message form requiring of individual green times and a specified
expeditious and wide dissemination by time datum in a system of signalized
telecommunications. intersections.
Notice to Proceed Written notice to the Offtracking The difference in the paths
contractor to begin the contract work; when of the front and rear tires of a vehicle as it
applicable, includes the date of beginning of negotiates a turn. The path of the rear tires
contract time. of a turning vehicle does not coincide with
Nowcasting The sum of real-time that of the front tires.
information for short-term forecasting of the On-and-Off (Ride) Check A record of
probable weather and pavement conditions the number of passengers who board and
or temperatures within one or two hours. alight at each stop on a route, recorded by a
checker who rides a bus.
One-Hundred-Year Flood The flood due
to storm and/or tide having a 1 percent
chance of being equaled or exceeded in any
Obstruction Light A light, or one of a given year.
group of lights, usually red, mounted on a
One-Piece A driver’s work schedule that
surface structure or natural terrain to warn is approximately eight hours long and for
pilots of the presence of a flight hazard; which the driver stays on the same vehicle
usually either an incandescent lamp with a without relief.
red globe or a red gaseous discharge lamp.
One-to-Many A service that distributes
Occupant Impact Velocity Velocity, passengers from one point of origin to many
relative to the vehicle in motion, at which a destinations.
hypothetical point mass occupant impacts
a surface of a hypothetical occupant On-Premise Sign An outdoor sign, display,
compartment. or device advertising activities conducted
on the property on which it is located or the
Off-Peak Direction The direction of lower sale or lease of that property.
demand during a peak commuting period.
In a radial corridor, the off-peak direction Open Channel A channel having a water
has traditionally been away from the central surface exposed at all points to atmospheric
business district in the morning and toward pressure. Any conveyance in which water
the central business district in the evening. flows with a free surface.

Off-Premise Sign An outdoor sign, Open Channel Constriction Any type of

display, or device advertising a service constriction in an open channel, whether
or product at a location other than on the natural or constructed such as a dam,
bridge, or culvert.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Open Channel Flow Flow in any open Operating Ratio Measure of financial
or closed conduit where the water surface efficiency; ratio of operating cost to
is free, i.e., where the water surface is at revenue.
atmospheric pressure.
Operating Speed The speed at which
Open-Cut A transit guideway below the drivers are observed operating their vehicles
surface in an excavated cut that has not had during free-flow conditions.
a covering constructed over it.
Operational Classification The grouping
Open Gearing Gear set that is not sealed of roadways and permanent-counter sites
and may have moving elements exposed to on the basis of observed variation in traffic
the environment. measurements rather than designed purpose
of the roadway.
Open Graded Aggregate A well-graded
aggregate containing little or no fines, with Option A written agreement granting a
a relatively large percentage of voids. privilege to acquire property or interest
therein at a fixed price within a specified
Open Grid Floor A metal grid floor not
filled or covered with concrete.
Ordinary High Water A water elevation
Open Rib A rib in an orthotropic deck
based on analysis of all daily high waters
consisting of a single plate or rolled section
that will be exceeded approximately 25
welded to the deck plate.
percent of the time during any 12-month
Open Run A run that is put into effect after period.
a pick has become effective and that will be
Origin The location of the beginning of a
assigned from the extraboard until the next
trip or the zone in which a trip begins.
picking of runs.
Orthotropic Perpendicular to each other,
Operating Characteristics Curve (OC
having significantly different structural
Curve) A graphic representation of an
properties in the two principal directions.
acceptance plan that shows the relationship
between the actual quality of a lot and Orthotropic Deck A bridge deck made of
either the probability of its acceptance or a steel plate stiffened with open or closed
the probability of its acceptance at various steel ribs welded to the underside of a steel
payment levels. plate.
Operating Costs The sum of all fixed Outbound Trip A trip out of the central
and variable costs that can be associated business district.
with the operation and maintenance
Outer Marker Beacon An ILS navigation
of the system during the period under
facility in the tenninal area electronic
consideration, generally including
navigation system located 6 to 10 km
depreciation on plant and equipment,
(4 to 7 miles) from runway, transmitting
interest paid for loans on capital equipment,
a 75-MHz fan-shaped radiation pattern,
and property taxes on capital items.
modulated at 400 Hz, keyed at two dashes
Operating Rating A load rating higher per second, received by compatible airborne
than the inventory rating, which is the equipment, indicating, both aurally and
absolute maximum pennissible load level to visually, that the pilot is passing over the
which any bridge may be subjected. facility and can begin the final approach.
Outer Marker Compass Locator A
facility in the terminal area electronic

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navigation system, located at the outer bridge, over a watershed divide, or through
marker beacon, transmits a continuous- structures provided for emergency relief.
carrier, LiMF radio wave in an omni- The worst-case scour condition may be
directional pattern, enabling the pilot of an caused by the overtopping flood.
aircraft equipped with a direction finder
Owner 1) The public agency or authority,
to determine bearing relative to the outer
group corporation, partnership, or
individual that specifies products or services
Outer Separation The portion of an for use on a project that it currently or
arterial highway between the traveled eventually will own or administer. 2) An
ways of a roadway for through traffic and a authority or governmental department
frontage street or road. representing investors, taxpayers, or both,
that is responsible for all the safety design
Outfall 1) The point where water flows
features and fiinctions of a bridge.
from a conduit or drainage discharges from
a channel or storm drain. 2) The mouth
(outlet) of a drain or sewer.
Outlet Control A condition where the
relation between headwater elevation and
discharge is controlled by the conduit, Paddle A list for each scheduled bus that
outlet, or downstream conditions of any shows every scheduled trip and the time
structure through which water may flow. In points for each trip between pull-out time
culvert flow, outlet control exists for flow and pull-in time. The list is sometimes
type I, 11, 111, IV, and VI. referred to as the Paddle Board.
Out-of-pocket A cost that is directly Pallet A system that uses platforms or
attributable to a particular operation and pallets to carry conventional automobiles,
that would not be incurred if that operation minibuses, or freight automatically on high-
were not undertaken. speed guideways.
Over-Bank Flow Water movement over Panel A section of concrete pavement
the top of a bank due either to a rising between joints.
stream stage or to inland surface water Panel Point The point where centerlines
runoff. of members meet, usually in trusses, arches,
Over-Consolidated Soil A soil that has and cable-stayed and suspension bridges.
been under greater overburden pressure Parallel Curb Ramp A Curb ramp design
than currently exists. where the sidewalk slopes down on either
Over-Consolidation Ratio (OCR) The side of a landing. Parallel curb ramps
ratio of the preconsolidation pressure to the require users to turn before entering the
current vertical effective stress. street.
Overpass A grade separation where the Paratransit System A subcategory of
subject highway passes over an intersecting public transportation providing service to
highway or railroad. the public on a regular basis that is more
flexible than fixed-route, conventional mass
Overtopping Flood 1) Incipient discharge
transit but more structured than private auto.
escaping via such things as over a highway,
Paratransit includes demand-responsive
at a watershed divide, or through emergency
transportation services, subscription busing,
relief facilities. 2) The flood flow that, if
exceeded, results in flow over a highway or
Next Page
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

shared-ride taxi, carpooling, vanpooling, Passenger A person who rides a

jitney, etc. transportation vehicle, excluding the
driver or the crew members of a public
Parcel Plat A map of a single parcel of
transportation vehicle.
property or portion thereof needed for
highway purposes, showing the boundaries, Passenger Car A motor vehicle, other
areas, the remainder, improvements, access, than a motorcycle, designed for carrying
ownership, and other pertinent infonnation. 10 or fewer passengers and used for the
transportation of persons.
Park and Ride Lot A facility that serves
as a transfer terminal for automobiles and Passenger Car Equivalent The number of
bikes and that is normally served by public passenger cars displaced by a single heavy
transportation. It may include spaces used vehicle of a particular type under specified
by persons transferring to carpools or roadway, traffic, and control conditions for
vanpools, whether officially designated use in capacity analysis.
for that purpose or not. Also referred to as
Passenger Controls A system of railings,
Commuter Parking Lot.
booths, turnstiles, and other appurtenances
Parking Lane An auxiliary lane primarily for collecting fares and controlling the
for the parking of vehicles. movement of passengers.
Parkway An arterial highway usually for Passenger Count The number of
noncommercial traffic, with full or partial passengers on a vehicle on a particular
control of access, generally located within a run or the passengers who use a particular
park or a long, narrow corridor of park-like fac i 1ity.
Passenger Fares for Line
Partial Composite Action A condition in Service Revenue earned by carrying
which two or more elements or components passengers along regularly scheduled
are made to act together by decreasing, but routes, including the base fare, zone
not eliminating, relative movement at their premiums, express service premiums, and
interface, or where the connecting elements quantity purchase discounts applicable to
are too flexible to fully develop the deck in the passenger’s ride.
composite action.
Passenger Flow The number of passengers
Partial Control of Access Preference is who pass a given location in a specified
given to through traffic to a degree; access direction during a given period.
connections, which may be at grade or
Passenger Kilometers (Passenger
grade separated, are provided with selected
Miles) The total number of passengers
public roads and private driveways.
multiplied by the average passenger trip
Partially Prestressed Concrete Concrete length.
with a combination of prestressing strands
Passenger Load The number of passengers
and reinforcing bars.
on a transit vehicle at a scheduled reference
Partial Taking The acquisition of a portion load point.
of a parcel of property.
Passenger Locomotive A locomotive
Part Trip A trip added to the beginning or coininonly used for hauling passenger trains
end of a regular run (the regular operator and generally designed to operate at higher
has preference in working the part trip at speeds and lower tractive-force values than
overtime pay, unless the extra time exceeds a freight locomotive of equal power.
1.5 hours).
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Passenger Riding Count A count of the to make decisions, especially cost-effective

number of passengers who board and leave decisions as identified in the Pavement
a vehicle, noting arrival and departure Management System (PMS).
times, at designated stops along the route;
Pavement Management System (PMS) A
performed by a surveyor or checker riding
set of tools or methods that assist decision
the vehicle.
makers in finding optimum strategies for
Passenger Standing Count An estimation providing, evaluating, and maintaining
of the number of people aboard a vehicle pavement in a serviceable condition over a
at the time the vehicle passes a checkpoint; period of time.
perfonned by a surveyor or checker on the
Pavement Markings Markings set into
the surface of, applied upon, or attached to
Passing Sight Distance 1) The length of the pavement for the purpose of regulating,
highway required for a vehicle to execute warning, or guiding traffic. Also referred to
a normal passing maneuver as related to as Markings or Traffic Markings.
design conditions and design speed. 2 ) The
Pavement Microtexture (Micro-
visibility distance required for drivers to
Rugosity) The deviations of a pavement
execute safe passing maneuvers in the
surface from a true planar surface with
opposing traffic lane of two-way two-lane
characteristic dimensions of wavelength and
amplitude less than 0.5 mm up to those that
Pavement Classification Index (PCI) A no longer affect tire-pavement interaction.
number expressing the bearing strength
Pavement Performance 1) The history
of airport pavement for unrestricted
of pavement condition indicators over time
or with increasing axle-load applications.
Pavement Condition A quantitative 2 ) The ability of a pavement to fulfill its
representation of distress in pavement at a purpose over time.
given point in time.
Pavement Performance Prediction
Pavement Condition Indicator A measure Model A schematic of how some
of the condition of an existing pavement parameter will change when subjected
section at a particular point in time, such as to some projected set of constraints, i.e.,
cracking measured in feet per mile (or in the properties of the pavement layers, the
meters per kilometer), or faulting measured loads to which it will be subjected, and the
in inches of wheelpath faulting per mile (or environment in which these will occur.
in millimeters per kilometer). Also referred
Pavement Preservation The planned
to as Pavement Distress Indicator.
strategy of cost-effective pavement
Pavement Distress External indications of treatments to an existing roadway to extend
pavement defects or deterioration. the life or improve the serviceability of the
pavement. It is a program strategy intended
Pavement Macrotexture The deviations
to arrest deterioration, retard progressive
of a pavement surface from a true planar
failure, and improve the functional or
surface with the characteristic dimensions
structural condition of the pavement. It is a
of wavelength and amplitude from 0.5 mm
strategy for individual pavements and for
up to those that no longer affect tire-
optimizing the performance of a pavement
pavement interaction.
Pavement Management A management
approach used by personnel in an agency Pavement Structure The combination of
sub-base, base course, and surface course
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

placed on a subgrade to support the traffic Peak Period The period during which
load and distribute it to the roadbed. traffic levels rise from their normal
background levels to maximum levels.
Pay Adjustment The actual amount, either
These periods are for morning, evening, or
in dollars or in dollars per areaiweighti
mid-day peaks and include appropriate peak
volume, that is to be added to or subtracted
from the contractor’s bid price or unit bid
price. Peak Service Operation of the maximum
number of vehicles during the peak period.
Pay Adjustment Schedule (or System)
for Quality A pre-established schedule, Peak Torque The maximum torque a
in either tabular or equation form, for motor can develop at any speed (including
assigning pay factors associated with stalled condition).
estimated quality levels of a given quality
Peddler 1 ) A local freight train. 2) A Less
characteristic. The pay factors are usually
than CarLoad (LCL) rail car.
expressed as percentages of the contractor’s
bid price per unit of work. Also referred to Pedestal Pole A relatively short pole
as Price Adjustment Schedule or Adjusted supporting a traffic signal head attached
Pay Schedule. directly to the pole.
Pay Factor A multiplication factor, often Pedestrian A person afoot or in a
expressed as a percentage, used to adjust the wheelchair.
contractor’s bid price per unit of work based Pedestrian Access Route A continuous,
on the estimated quality of work. unobstructed path connecting all accessible
Peak Base Ratio The ratio between the elements of a pedestrian system that
number of vehicles operating passenger meets the requirements of Americans with
service during the peak-hours period and Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines
that during the base period. (ADAAG).
Peak Direction The direction of higher Pedestrian Change Interval An interval
demand during a peak commuting period. during which the flashing upraised
In a radial corridor, the peak direction hand (symbolizing “don’t walk”) signal
has traditionally been toward the central indication is displayed. When a verbal
business district in the morning and away message is provided at an accessible
from the central business district in the pedestrian signal, the verbal message is
evening. “wait.”
Peak Discharge The highest value of the Penalty The amount of time by which a
stage or discharge attained by a flood. run exceeds its stipulated length and for
which a special allowance must be made.
Peak Hour That hour during which the
maximum amount of travel occurs. It may People Mover A transportation system
be specified as the morning peak hour or the (e.g., continuous belt system, “free”
afternoon or evening peak hour. vehicle, or automated guideway transit)
that provides short-haul collection and
Peak Hour Factor 1) The hourly volume
distribution service, usually in a major
during the maximum-volume hour of the
activity center.
day divided by the peak 15-minute flow rate
within the peak hour. 2) A measure of traffic Percent Defective (PD) The percentage of
fluctuation within the peak hour. the lot falling outside specification limits. It
may refer to either the population value or
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

the sample estimate of the population value. Performance Standard A formally

Also referred to as Percent Nonconforming. established criterion for special activity that
(a) outlines the work involved, (b) describes
Percent Within Limits (PWL) The
work methods and composition of
percentage of the lot falling above a lower
efficient crews, and (c) lists the expected
specification limit or between upper and
accomplishments or productivity rate.
lower specification limits. It may refer to
either the population value or the sample Permafrost Perennially frozen ground,
estimate of the population value, occurring wherever the temperature remains
PWL = 100 - PD. Also referred to as at or below 0 degrees Celsius for two or
Percent Confonning. more years in a row.
Percolation The flow of a fluid through a Permanent Deflection A type of inelastic
substance via pores or small openings. action in which a deflection remains in
a component or system after the load is
Specifications Quality assurance
specifications that describe the desired Permanent Load A load or force that is, or
levels of fiindainental engineering assumed to be, constant upon completion of
properties (e.g., resilient modulus, creep construction.
properties, and fatigue properties). These
Permeability 1) The ease with which a
properties are predictors of performance and
porous material allows liquid or gaseous
appear in primary prediction relationships,
fluids to flow through it. For water, this is
i.e., models that can be used to predict,
usually expressed in units of centimeters
pavement stress, distress, or perfonnance
per second and is termed hydraulic
from combinations of predictors that
conductivity. 2 ) That property which
represent traffic, environmental, roadbed,
permits movement of a liquid through
and structural conditions.
the pores and interstices of the concrete.
Performance-Related Specifications 3) The property of a material that permits
Quality assurance specifications that appreciable movement of water through
describe the desired levels of key materials it when it is saturated and movement is P
and construction quality characteristics actuated by hydrostatic pressure of the
that have been found to correlate with magnitude normally encountered in natural
fundamental engineering properties that subsurface water.
predict performance. These characteristics,
Permissive Block A block governed
e.g., air voids in asphaltic pavements and
by the principle that a train other than a
strength of concrete cores, are amenable
passenger train may be permitted to follow
to acceptance testing at the time of
a nonpassenger train in the block.
construction. True performance-related
specifications not only describe the desired Permissive Mode A mode of traffic control
levels of these quality characteristics, but signal operation in which, when a circular
also employ the quantified relationships green signal indication is displayed, left or
containing the characteristics to predict right turns are permitted to be made after
subsequent pavement performance. yielding to pedestrians and/or oncoming
Performance Specifications Specifications
that describe how the finished product Permit The written agreement by which a
should perform over time. transportation department approves the use
and occupancy of highway rights-of-way by
utility facilities or private lines.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Permit Vehicle Any vehicle whose right to water column, or other device for indicating
travel is administratively restricted in any pressure head.
way due to its weight or size.
Piezometric Head 1) Elevation plus
Perpendicular Curb Ramp A curb ramp pressure head. 2) Total head at any cross
design where the ramp path is perpendicular section minus the velocity head at that cross
to the edge of the curb. section.
Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) An Piggyback The practice of transporting
automated guideway transit system that highway trailers and containers on railroad
uses small vehicles (two to six passengers) flat cars.
operating under computer control between
Pile A long, heavy timber, steel, or
off-line stations to provide demand-
reinforced concrete post that has been
responsive service (except, perhaps, during
driven, jacked, jetted, or cast vertically into
peak periods) with headways of three
the ground to support a load.
seconds or less.
Pile Bent A type of bent using piles as the
Person Trip A trip made by a person by
column members.
any mode or combination of modes for any
purpose. Pile Shoe A metal piece fixed to the
penetration end of a pile to protect it from
Pervious Soil Soil containing voids
damage during driving and to facilitate
through which water will move under
penetration through very dense material.
hydrostatic pressure, percolate, or infiltrate.
Pilot 1) A person or object that guides
Phreatic Line The upper boundary of the
motormen in the operation of trains
seepage water surface landward of a stream
during a single-track movement. 2) A
wheelguard that protects the front truck
Pick The selection by operators of regular of a rail car from foreign objects on the
assignments in an order determined by the track. Also referred to as Cowcatcher.
operators’ seniority. 3) An experienced operator who guides a
new operator over his or her route. 4) An
Piece of Work A unit of work of any size
employee assigned to a train when the
from part of a trip to a full day’s run of
conductor or engineer, or both, are not fully
acquainted with the physical characteristics
Pier 1) A substructure unit that supports or rules of the railroad or portion of the
the spans of a multispan superstructure railroad over which the train is to be moved.
at an intermediate location between its 5) A person holding a valid pilot certificate
abutments. 2) A structure extending into a issued by the FAA administrator. 6) A
navigable waterway for use as a landing person who guides a ship into or out of a
place. port or other specified waters.
Pier Shaft The main part of a pier above Pilotage 1) The charges for a pilot to
the footing or foundation. navigate a vessel in and out of a harbor or
Piezometer An instrument for measuring through a channel. 2) The employment of
pressure head, usually consisting of a the service of highly trained individuals
small pipe tapped into the side of a closed familiar with a particular body or bodies of
or open conduit and flush with the inside, water by vessel operators in order to assure
connected with a pressure gauge, mercury, safe navigation, particularly in areas near
the shore.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Pilot in Command The pilot responsible Platform Time (Station Time) The period
for the operation and safety of an aircraft during which an operator is charged with
during flight time. the operation or care of a vehicle, including
deadhead, layover, and other times the
Pin Connection A joint in a truss or other
vehicle may be in operation but not in
frame in which the members are assembled
passenger service.
upon a cylindrical pin.
Pinned End A boundary condition Platoon A group of vehicles or pedestrians
permitting free rotation but not translation traveling together as a group, either
in the plane of action. voluntarily or involuntarily, because of
traffic signal controls, geometrics, or other
Pipe Diameter The inside diameter of a factors.
Point The location where cars are
Pipeline Pipe sections joined together. transferred from one railroad to another.
Pipe Section A single pipe. Point-Bearing Pile A pile whose support
Planning Models Models used in large- capacity is derived principally from the
scale applications such as for metropolitan resistance of the foundation material on
master plans. which the pile tip rests.

Planning-Program ming-Budgeting Point Deviation A service in which the

System A planning and management vehicle is required to arrive at designated
process in which resources of an transit stops in accordance with a
organization are allocated to individual prearranged schedule but is not given a
programs and other relative effectiveness specific route to follow between those stops;
in achieving program goals is compared, it allows the vehicle to provide doorstep
in contrast to the administrative budget service for those who request it.
grouping of resources by type of Point of Contraflexure The point where
disbursement. Also referred to as Program the sense of the flexural moment changes;
Budgeting. synonymous with point of inflection.
Plans The contract drawings that show the Point of Origin The station at which a
location, character, and dimensions of the shipment is received by the railroad from
prescribed work, including layouts, profiles, the shipper.
cross sections, and other details.
Policy A definite course of action or
Plant Tests The quality assurance tests method of action selected to guide and
perfonned prior to delivery as a basis of detennine present and fiiture decisions.
Porosity 1) The ratio, usually expressed as
Plate A flat sheet of metal greater than a percentage, of the total volume of voids of
118 in. thick. a given porous medium to the total volume
Platform In the general sense, any raised of the porous medium. 2 ) The volume
or supported flat surface designed to serve percentage of the total bulk not occupied
some specific purpose. by solid particles. The ratio of the volume
of void spaces in a rock or sediment to the
Platform Labor The total cost for the total volume of the rock or sediment. 3) An
services of trainmen or bus operators, index of the void characteristics of a soil
including all bonuses, allowances, etc. or stratum as pertaining to percolation;
degree of perviousness. 4) The ratio of void

AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

volume to total volume of a soil or rock, range, azimuth, and altitude, permitting the
generally expressed in percentages. controller to accurately guide aircraft to
touchdown on runway.
Port 1) Generally, a harbor and terminal
facilities. A location on a navigable body of Predampening In the dry-mix process,
water where commodities are shipped and the addition of water to the aggregate or
received by water vessels. 2) The left side prebagged materials prior to mixing to
of a ship or airplane looking forward. bring its free moisture content to a specified
range, usually 3-6 percent.
Portal Bracing A system of sway bracing
placed in the plane of the end posts of the Preferential Parking Parking lots or
trusses. spaces reserved exclusively for high-
occupancy vehicles (HOVs) as a means to
Portal Frame End transverse truss bracing
encourage ridesharing. They are usually
or Vierendeel bracing to provide for
located closer to a terminal or building
stability and to resist wind or seismic loads.
entrance than other vehicle spaces and may
Port Authority The administrative also have a reduced parking fee.
committee or board of directors of a
Preferential Treatment Giving
designated port area in whom is vested
special privileges to a specific mode
the control and administration of certain
of transportation. For example, buses,
designated waterfront property and
vanpools, and carpools may be allowed
responsibility for development of cargo
to use a lane of traffic from which other
facilities. Also referred to as Port District.
vehicles are banned.
Port Capacity The total capability of a
Preparation Time (Check-Out Time) The
port to move cargoes through terminal
time given an operator to prepare a vehicle
facilities located within the port, expressed
for revenue service.
in tons per year.
Prequalification Questionnaire Specified
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement A
fonns used to fiimish required information
pavement having a surface of aggregate
about the bidder’s ability to perform and
mixed with portland cement paste binder
finance the work.
or a mixture of portland cement and other
pozzolans. Present Serviceability The current
condition of a pavement (traveled surface)
Positive Control Control of all air traffic
as perceived by the traveling public.
within designated airspace by air traffic
control. Present Serviceability Index (PSI) A
mathematical combination of values
Post-Tensioning Method of prestressing in
obtained from certain physical
which tendons are tensioned after concrete
measurements of a large number of
has reached a predetermined strength.
pavements, so formulated as to predict a
Post-Tensioning Duct A fonn device serviceability rating for those pavements
used to provide a path for post-tensioning within prescribed limits.
tendons or bars in hardened concrete.
Present Serviceability Rating (PSR) A
Precast Concrete/Precast Member A mean rating of the serviceability of a
structural concrete element cast elsewhere pavement (traveled surface) established by
than its final position in the structure. a rating panel under controlled conditions.
Precision Approach Radar (PAR) Radar The accepted scale for highways is 0 to 5
providing positive position of aircraft in with 5 being excellent.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Present Value Method A determination of of predictor variables are annual rate of

the present value of expenses by converting equivalent single-axle load accumulation,
all the present and future expenses to annual precipitation, roadbed soil modulus,
present costs. and concrete flexural strength.
Pressure Flow Where flows passing Prime Coat An application of a low-
through a bridge-type opening are viscosity liquid, bituminous material to coat
contracted vertically by the superstructure and bind mineral particles preparatory to
to the extent that the flow has a pressure placing a base or surface course.
head and flow streamlines analogous to that
Priority Lane A lane providing
occurring at a sluice gate.
preferential treatment to eligible vehicles.
Pressure Grouting A method of forcing
Private Car 1 ) Passenger equipment: a
grout into specific portions of a well for
business car assigned to a specific official
sealing purposes.
of a railroad for personal use in conducting
Pressure Head Hydrostatic pressure company business and making inspections.
expressed as the height of a column of 2) Passenger or freight: a car having other-
water that pressure can support at the point than-railroad ownership.
of measurement.
Private Siding A side track owned or
Pressure Range The magnitude of force, leased by an individual or firm.
in terms of pressure, of a limit-state wind-
Probability Sample A sample in which
load effect.
every increment in the lot has a known
Prestressed Concrete Concrete in which chance of inclusion.
cracking and tensile forces are greatly
Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) The
reduced by compressing it with tensioned
most severe flood that is considered
cables or bars.
reasonably possible at a site as a result of
Pretensioning A method of prestressing hydrologic and meteorologic conditions.
in which tendons are tensioned before
Probable Maximum Precipitation
concrete is placed.
(PMP) An estimate that approaches the
Pretimed Operation A type of traffic theoretically largest storm physically
control signal operation in which none of possible.
the signal phases fiinctions on the basis of
Profile An analysis of the characteristics,
e.g., age, sex, income, of people who
Prevailing Condition The geometric, constitute the market for a transportation
traffic, and control conditions during the product or service.
analysis period.
Profile Depth The difference between
Prevailing Wind The wind direction most the pavement inacrotexture profile and
frequently observed during a given period. a horizontal line through the top of the
highest peak within a given base length.
Primary Prediction Relationship (or
Primary Relationship) An equation that Profile Grade The trace of a vertical
can be used to predict pavement stress, plane intersecting the top surface of the
distress, or performance from particular proposed wearing surface, usually along
combinations of predictor variables that the longitudinal centerline of the roadbed.
represent traffic, environmental, roadbed, Profile grade means either elevation or
and structural conditions. Some examples
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

gradient of such trace according to the to the outside vertical height of the pipe,
context. applicable to reinforced concrete pipe only.
Profile Record A data record of the surface Project Specifications The written
elevation, slope, or acceleration of arbitrary documents that specify requirements
length. for a project in accordance with service
parameters and other specific criteria
Profile Segment That part of a profile
established by the contracting agency.
record for which the profile index is to be
calculated. Proposal The offer of a bidder to perform
stated construction work at the prices
Profilometer Equipment used to measure
profile of traveled surface roughness.
Proposal Guaranty The security furnished
Progressive Signal System A series of
to assure that the bidder will enter into the
traffic control signals timed and coordinated
contract if the offer is accepted.
in such a way as to provide optimum
movement of traffic through the system. Protected Turn The left or right turns at a
signalized intersection that are made with
Prohibited Area Airspace of defined
no opposing or conflicting vehicular or
dimensions identified by an area on the
pedestrian flow allowed.
surface of the earth over which flight is
prohibited. Protection Relates to a given vessel
collision scenario and structure performance
Project The specific section of the
or acceptable damage level. It does not
highway together with all appurtenances
refer to full protection against any vessel
and construction to be performed thereon
under the contract.
Public Authority A federal, state, county,
Project Agreement The formal
town, township, Indian tribe, municipal
instrument to be executed by the state
or other local government instrumentality
highway department and the Secretary of
with authority to finance, build, operate, or
Transportation as required by the provisions
maintain toll or toll-free facilities.
of Section 106 of Title 23, “Project
Approval and Oversight.” Public Lands Highway A highway
through unappropriated or unreserved
Project Cargo Any item that requires
public lands, nontaxable Indian lands, or
individual handling due to reasons of
other federal reservations, that is on the
size, shape, weight, or density. Unlike
federal-aid system.
general cargoes that are bound together or
to a pallet, project cargoes are oversized Public Road Any road or street under the
individual items, equipment, and jurisdiction of and maintained by a public
component parts that require specialized authority and open to public travel.
Public Service Vehicle A vehicle used for
Project Depth The depth of a federal public passenger transport.
navigation channel as authorized by
Public Transportation Transportation
service to the public on a regular basis
Projection Ratio The ratio of the vertical using vehicles that transport more than
distance between the outside top of the one person for compensation, usually
pipe and the ground or bedding surface but not exclusively, over a set route or
routes from one fixed point to another.

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Routes and schedules of this service may acceptance plans for materials, processes,
be predetermined by the operator or may or products to ensure prescribed properties
be determined through a cooperative or characteristics. 2) All those planned and
arrangement. Subcategories include systematic actions necessary to provide
paratransit and mass transit service that are confidence that a product, facility, or service
available to the general public. Also referred will satisfy given requirements for quality.
to as Public Transit.
Quality Assurance Specifications A
Pull In 1) A trip that is concluded by combination of end result specifications and
withdrawing the vehicle from revenue materials and methods specifications. The
service into a storage area. 2) A transit contractor is responsible for quality control
vehicle that is removed from revenue (process control), and the highway agency
service without having completed its is responsible for acceptance of the product.
prescribed run. 3) The time at the end of
Quality Characteristic 1) That
a run that allows the operator to make the
characteristic of a unit or product that
final fare-box reading, organize his or her
is actually measured to determine
belongings, and turn in transfers and tickets
conformance with a given requirement.
to the dispatcher; not included in platfonn
When the quality characteristic is measured
for acceptance purposes, it is an acceptance
Pull Out 1) A deadhead trip to the point quality characteristic (AQC). 2) A property
at which the vehicle begins an in-service that is actually measured to determine
trip. 2) A train that is leaving a yard. 3) The conformance of a unit or product with a
time at which the operator leaves the yard given requirement.
or garage.
Quality Control (QC) 1) The system of
Punchout (Continuously Reinforced collection, analysis, and interpretation of
Concrete Pavement (CRCP) only) A measurements and other data concerning
broken area of a concrete slab bounded by prescribed characteristics of a material,
closely spaced cracks (usually less than 1 m process, or product for determining the
(3 ft). degree of conformance with specified
requirements. 2) Those QA actions
Pusher Engine An extra engine at the rear
and considerations necessary to assess
of a train used to assist a train in climbing a
and adjust production and construction Q
grade or leaving a yard.
processes so as to control the level of
quality being produced in the end product.
Also referred to as Process Control.
3) Encompasses all contractorivendor
operational techniques and activities that
Quality 1) The degree of excellence of a are performed or conducted to fiilfill the
product or service. 2) The degree to which contract requirements. 4) The sum total of
a product or service satisfies the needs of a activities that are performed or conducted to
specific customer. 3) The degree to which fulfill the contract requirements.
a product or service conforms with a given Quality Index (Q) A statistic that, when
requirement. used with appropriate tables, provides an
Quality Assurance (QA) 1) The estimate of either percent defective (PD) or
Systematic utilization of perfonnance percent within limits (PWL) of a lot.
requirements, design criteria, specifications, Quality Level Analysis (QLA) A
production control procedures, and statistical procedure that provides a method
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

for estimating the percent within limits transmitterheceiver (interrogator) site are
(PWL) or the percent defective (PD) of a received in the cooperative equipment and
lot. used to trigger a distinctive transmission
from the transponder. This latter
Quality Measure Any one of several
transmission, rather than a reflected signal,
means that have been established to
is then received back at the transmitter/
quantify quality. Some examples of quality
receiver site.
measures are the mean, standard deviation,
percent within limits, average absolute Radar Monitoring The radar flight
deviation, and quality index. following of an aircraft, whose primary
navigation is being perfonned by the pilot,
Quality Standard A formally established
to observe and note deviations from its
criterion for a specific activity that
authorized flight path airway or route. This
(a) describes a deficiency, condition, or
includes noting aircraft position relative to
schedule that established the need for work;
approach fixes and major obstructions.
(b) outlines the work involved; (c) tells how
to achieve good workmanship; and (d) lists Radar Separation Radar spacing of
expected end results. aircraft in accordance with established
Quantity Standard A fonnally established
criterion for a specific activity that Radar Vector A heading issued to an
(a) outlines the work involved and (b) lists aircraft to provide navigational guidance by
the number of work units that are usually radar.
required to meet the quality standards for
Radial Highway An arterial highway
various categories of roads.
leading to or from an urban center.
Quarry Run Stone Natural material, often
Radio Altimeter An electronic instrument
used for stream bank protection, as received
used for determining the height of an
from a quarry without regard to gradation
aircraft above the earth’s surface. Three
basic types operate on the principles of
Queue Jumper A short section of an (a) pulsed radar, (b) continuous-wave
exclusive preferential bus lane that enables radar, and (c) measurement of variations in
buses to bypass a vehicle queue or a electrical potential between the aircraft and
congested section of traffic. the surface.
Radio-Controlled Engine An unmanned
engine within a train that is separated by rail
cars from the lead unit but controlled from
it by radio signals; also referred to as Slave
Rack A screen composed of parallel bars to Unit.
catch floating debris. Rail A rolled steel shape designed to be
Radar Advisory Service The provision laid end to end in two parallel lines on
of advice or information based on radar ties to form a track for rail cars, traveling
observation. cranes, and similar vehicles.

Radar Beacon A radar system in which Rail Banking The acquisition of those
the object to be detected is fitted with rail freight properties that are eligible
cooperative equipment in the fonn of a for assistance and are identified in the
radio receiver/transmitter (transponder). applicable state rail plan as having potential
Radio pulses transmitted from the searching for future use for rail freight service.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Railbank Protection A type of Rainfall Excess The volume of rainfall

countermeasure composed of rock-filled available for direct runoff. It is equal to the
wire fabric and supported by steel rails or total rainfall minus interception, depression
posts driven into the channel bed and used storage, and absorption. Not the same as
for such things as retards, riparian spur excessive rainfall. Direct runoff at the place
dikes, and training dikes. where it originates.
Rail Joint A fastening designed to unite Rainfall Intensity The amount of rainfall
abutting ends of rails. occurring in a unit of time, converted to its
equivalent in millimeters per hour at the
Rail Motor A rail car that is propelled
by some form of motor located on the car same rate.
itself and can often operate in multiple Raised Pavement Marker An
units; common types are electric, which are individual unit marker, reflectorized or
equipped with electric motors and receive nonreflectorized, generally less than
current either from a third rail or from a 25.4 mm (1 in.) in height, attached to and
trolley wire, and those that are propelled by extending above the normal pavement
internal combustion engines, which may surface for the purpose of regulating,
have either electric or fluid drive. warning, or guiding traffic.
Rail Rapid Transit Car A passenger- Rake 1) A slanted end on a barge to
carrying electrical rail car that is usually decrease water resistance. 2) To slant or
self-propelled and equipped with a control incline from the vertical.
cab at both ends and is designed to operate
Ramp 1) A short roadway connecting
in single or multiple units on subway,
two or more legs of an intersection or
surface, or elevated urban railways with
connecting a frontage road and main lane of
frequent station stops; it can accept and
a highway. 2 ) A sloped transition between
discharge passengers rapidly through
two elevation levels.
several doors and may have positive train
control or complete automation. Ramp Control Signal A highway traffic
signal installed to control the flow of traffic
Railroad Consists of two steel rails that are
onto a freeway at an entrance ramp or at a
held a fixed distance apart upon a roadbed.
freeway-to-freeway ramp connection.
Vehicles, guided and supported by flanged
steel wheels and connected into trains, are Ramp Metering A system used to
propelled as a means of transportation. reduce congestion on a freeway facility R
by managing flow from on-ramps. An
Railroad Grade Crossing The general
approach ramp is equipped with a metering
area where a highway and a railroad cross
traffic signal that allows the vehicles to
at the same level, within which are included
enter a facility at a controlled rate.
the railroad, roadway, and roadside facilities
for traffic traversing that area. Also referred Random Cracking Cracking that is
to as Level Crossing or Highway-Rail meandering, irregular, and has no particular
Grade Crossing. fonn or direction.
Rail Shuttle A transit system that is Random Sample A small part of a lot that
characterized by a back-and-forth operation, is used to represent the whole, so chosen
usually over a short distance, and that may that each portion of the lot has an equal
reverse its direction of travel without the probability of being selected.
vehicle having to turn around. Rapid Drawdown Lowering the water
against a bank more quickly than the bank
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

can drain, which can leave the bank in an Recoverable Slope A slope on which a
unstable condition due to excessive pore motorist may, to a greater or lesser extent,
pressure. retain or regain control of a vehicle. Slopes
1V:4H or flatter are generally considered
Rate As applied to transportation or the
movement and handling of goods, the
determining factor used in arriving at the Recovery Area A clear zone that includes
charge or fare for services rendered. the total roadside border area, starting at the
edge of the traveled way, available for safe
Rated Pressure The highest pressure at
use by errant vehicles.
which the component is intended to operate
for a number of repetitions sufficient to Recreational Vehicle A vehicle with light-
ensure adequate service life. or medium-duty chassis and suspension
designed for recreational living or hauling.
Rate of Rise An indicator of how quickly
a stream is rising, typically expressed in Rectifier Electric Motor A rail car
meters per hour or meters per day. that collects propulsion power from an
alternating-current distribution system
Rate of Roughness Sum of the roughness
and converts this to direct current for
divided by longitudinal distance covered by
application to direct-current motors by
the blanking band.
means of rectifying equipment carried
Rating Curve 1) A graph of the discharge by the rail car; may be defined by type of
of a river at a particular point as a function rectifier used.
of the elevation of the water surface. 2) A
Redundancy The quality of a bridge that
graphic (or tabular) representation of rating;
enables it to perform its design function in a
a calibration; a curve (table) relating stage
damaged state.
to discharge.
Redundant Member A member whose
Rating Vehicle Truck loads applied to
failure does not cause failure of the bridge.
a bridge to establish the inventory and
operating ratings. Reference Standards Standards of
a technical society, organization, or
Raveling 1) Loss of pavement surface
association, including the building codes of
material involving the dislodging of
local or state authorities, that are referenced
aggregate particles and degradation of
in the contract documents.
the bituminous binder. 2) The gradual
disintegration from the surface downward Reflection Cracking 1) Cracking that
by losing the surface aggregate particles. appears in a resurface or overlay caused by
Larger-sized aggregates are more likely to movement at joints or cracks in underlying
be dislodged. base or surface. 2) Cracking that develops
in the asphalt wearing course that reflects
Recharge 1) The addition of water to the
a crack pattern in the underlying concrete
zone of saturation from precipitation or
infiltration. 2) The process of adding water
to the saturated zone; also, the water added. Refrigerator Car A car with insulated
walls, floor, and roof for carrying
Recharge Basin A basin or pit excavated
commodities that need cooling in transit.
to provide a means of allowing water to
Refrigerator cars are often converted to
soak into the ground at rates exceeding
heater cars during winter weather to protect
those that would occur naturally.
perishable products against freezing. Also
referred to as a Reefer or Riff.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Refuge Island An island at or near a i.e., unconfined or unobstructed either

crosswalk or bicycle path that aids and horizontally or vertically, to provide for
protects pedestrians and bicyclists who the discharge of the base flood so that
cross the roadway. the cumulative increase in water surface
elevation is no more than a designated
Regional Flood of Record The maximum
amount. May also be considered as a
flood known or recorded in a drainage
channel and flood plain regulated by an
area. Peak flood flows from thousands of
agency having jurisdiction over dredge and
sites (Crippin and Bue, WSP- 1987) in the
fill activities or a channel and flood plain
contenninous U.S. were plotted against
requiring approval for a channel change or
drainage area. An enveloping curve for each
flood storage.
hydrologic area provides an estimate of
maximum floods within drainage basins. Rehabilitation Work undertaken to restore
Regional Rail Line Class I1 railroads the serviceability and to extend the service
life of an existing bridge or highway.
that receive between S40 million and $255
million in operating revenues, operate over Reinforced Concrete Structural concrete
350 miles of track, or both. containing prestressing tendons or
nonprestressed reinforcement.
Registering Farebox A device that
receives, records, and accumulates fares Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall A
received from or deposited by passengers as retaining structure consisting of vertical
payment for rides. panels and attached to reinforcing elements
Regular Passenger Total revenue received embedded horizontally in compacted
backfill for supporting a natural or artificial
from daily passenger operations, including
special fare subsidies received to make channel bank (a specific type of bulkhead).
up reduced fares, e.g., for school children Reinforced Revetment A channel
or senior citizens, but excluding revenue bank protection method consisting of a
received Erom charter operations. continuous stone toe-fill along the base
of a bank slope with intermittent fillets of
Regular Run A scheduled combination of
stone placed perpendicular to the toe and
trips whose total time guarantees, equals, or
extending back into the natural bank.
exceeds payment for the number of hours
specified as a day's work. Reinforcement Steel embedded in
concrete in such a manner that the two
Regular Service Condition excluding the
materials act together to resist forces. R
presence of special permit vehicles, wind
exceeding 55 mph, and extreme events, Reinforcing Steel All reinforcing bars and
including scour. mesh for concrete.
Regular Train A train authorized by Rejectable Quality Level (RQL) That
timetable schedules. maximum level of actual quality at
which the material or construction can be
Regulatory Flood The 100-year flood,
that was adopted by the Federal Emergency considered unacceptable (rejectable). For
Management Agency (FEMA) as the base example, when quality is based on PD, the
RQL is that actual (not estimated) PD at
flood for most flood-plain management
purposes. which the quality characteristic can just be
considered fiilly rejectable.
Regulatory Floodway The flood plain
Relaxation The time-dependent reduction
area that is reserved in an open manner
of stress in prestressing tendons.
by federal, state, or local requirements,
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Relief Bridge An opening through an to determine if they wish to compete and

embankment located on a flood plain for the forms the basis for requesting qualifications
purpose of permitting passage of overbank statements from which the most highly
flow. qualified proposers can be identified.
Relief Joint A deck joint, usually Required Strength Strength of a member
transverse, that is designed to minimize or cross section required to resist factored
either unintended composite action or the loads.
effect of differential horizontal movement
Residence Time 1) The time that water
between a deck and its supporting structural
stays in a lake with no outlet or with a very
limited outlet. 2 ) The time floodwaters for
Relief Point A designated time point at a given frequency flood are expected to
which drivers may take a lunch period or be detained in a retention basin, retarding
rest break. reservoir, recharge basin, or flood control
Relief Run A week’s work composed of a
combination of other operators’ scheduled Resilient Connector A flexible connection
days off from regular runs. for joining pipe to structures capable of
Relief Time The time at which operators being defonned and deflected with rupture
report to specified points to relieve and be or leakage.
relieved. Resistance Factor A factor accounting
primarily for variability of material
Remaining Life The time from any
properties, structural dimensions,
selected time until the pavement is
workmanship, and uncertainty in the
projected to reach a designated tenninal
prediction of resistance, but also related
condition level.
to the statistics of the loads through the
Report Time The time at which an calibration process.
operator must report if he or she is to work
an assignment. Resources The labor, equipment, and
material necessary to perform work on a
Representative Sample A nonrandom contract bid item or other element of work.
sample that, in the opinion of the sampler,
Responsible Bidder A bidder that the
represents an average condition of a
agency determines has the skill, ability, and
material or an item of construction.
integrity to perform the project.
Reprocessing The renewal of an existing
surface by scarifying, remixing with or Responsive Bid/Proposal A bidproposal
meeting all requirements of the invitation
without additional material, and relaying.
for bidsirequest for proposals (RFP).
Request for Proposals (RFP) A document
Rest Area A roadside area with parking
that describes the procurement process,
spaces separated from the roadway,
forms the basis for the final proposals, and
provided for travelers to stop and rest for
may potentially become an element in the
short periods. It may include drinking water,
restrooms, tables and benches, information
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) A displays, and other facilities for travelers.
document issued by an agency in step
one of a two-step selection process. The Restorable Surface Waters Surface
RFQ typically describes the project in waters and wetlands having functions
enough detail to allow potential proposers and values diminished by human impacts
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

that can be restored through various outlet. The stored water is disposed by
management techniques. such means as infiltration, injection (or
dry) wells, or by release to the downstream
Restraining Rail A rail placed parallel to
drainage system after the storm event.
the inside running rail on a curve to restrain
the wheel flange and reduce wear on the Retroreflectivity A property of a surface
outside running rail. that allows a large portion of the light
coming from a point source to be returned
Restricted Area Airspace identified by
directly back to a point near its origin.
an area on the surface of the earth within
which the flight of aircraft, while not Revenue Passenger A passenger from
wholly prohibited, is subject to restrictions. whom a fare is collected.
A restricted area may be established by the
Revenue Service 1) Line service
President of the United States or by any
operation, excluding deadheading or
state of the United States pursuant to the
layovers. 2) Any service schedules for
Air Commerce Act of 1926, or it may be
passenger trips.
established pursuant to the City Aeronautics
Act of 1938, as amended, or it may be Revenue Track Kilometers (Miles) The
established by the administrator of the number of kilometers (miles) of track used
Federal Aviation Administration. in passenger-carrying service.
Restricted Speed A speed allowing a Revenue Vehicle A vehicle used to
train or engine to stop short of a train, provide goods movement or passenger
obstruction, or anything that may require transit service for which a fare is normally
the speed of a train or engine to be reduced, required.
usually no faster than 24 kndh (1 5 inph). Reverse Commuting The process of
Resurfacing The placing of one or more traveling in a direction opposite from the
new courses on an existing surface. direction of peak traffic. It is referred to
as reverse because it is the opposite of the
Retaining Wall A structure used to
usual pattern of travel from a suburban
maintain an elevation differential between
residence to a job in the city.
the water surface and top bank while at the
same time preventing bank erosion and Reversible Lane A lane on which the
instability. direction of traffic flow can be changed to
utilize maximum roadway capacity during
Retarder A device used in a hump yard to
peak demand periods. R
control the speed of cars during descent to
the classification tracks. Revetment 1) A facing, such as stone
or concrete, used to add support to an
Retarder Yard A hump yard provided with
embankment. 2) Rigid or flexible armor
retarders to control the speed of the cars
placed on a bank or embankment as
during their descent to the classification
protection against scour and lateral erosion.
Revolving Fund Working capital
Retarding Reservoir An ungated reservoir
established to facilitate operations of
for temporary storage of floodwaters.
special functions, that is replenished by
Sometimes referred to as detention
reimbursement from other fiinds.
Rideability A subjective judgment of
Retention Basin A basin or reservoir
the comparative discomfort induced by
wherein water is stored for regulating a
flood. It does not have an uncontrolled
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

traveling over a specific section of highway Right-of-way 1) Land, property, or

pavement in a vehicle. interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired
for or devoted to transportation purposes.
Rideability Index (RI) An index derived
2 ) The precedence in passing or proceeding
from controlled measurements of the
accorded to one vehicle or person over
longitudinal profile in the wheel tracks and
another. 3) The legal power of passage over
correlated with panel ratings of rideability.
another person’s land.
Ridedown Acceleration Acceleration
Right-of-way Appraisal An expert
experienced by a hypothetical “point mass”
opinion of the market value of property
occupant subsequent to impact with a
including damages, if any, as of a specified
hypothetical occupant compartment.
date, resulting from an analysis of facts.
Ride Number (RN) Rideability index of
Right-of-way Estimate An approximation
a pavement using a scale of 0 to 5, with 5
of the market value of property including
being perfect and 0 being impassable.
damages, if any, in advance of an appraisal.
Ride Quality Rating A numerical
Right-of-way Map A plan of a highway
value subjectively assigned to a section
improvement showing its relation to
of highway pavement by an individual
adjacent property, the parcels or portions
quantifying his or her judgment of the level
thereof needed for highway purposes, and
of ride quality for that section based on a
other pertinent information.
psychophysical scale.
Right-of-way Phase This effort includes
Rider A passenger on any revenue service
the revision of existing plans or the
preparation of new plans detailing the need
Ridership The number of persons using for new right-of-way defined during the
a transit system within any given period, design phase. It also includes the appraisal,
expressed as hourly, daily, or yearly negotiation, and purchase of new right-
ridership. of-way. The right-of-way phase can begin
Ridesharing The function of sharing a ride during scoping, after design completion, or
with other passengers in a coininon vehicle. anytime in between.
The term is usually applied to carpools and Right Turn on Red (RTOR) A turning
vanpools. movement at an intersection that provides
Riding Frequency (Habit) for movement of traffic during a fixed delay.
Coefficient The number of revenue trips by Usually allowed and regulated by statute.
public transportation during a year divided Rigid Frame A frame that is built of
by the resident population of the area members connected by rigid joints capable
served. of resisting flexure.
Rigging The manila rope or wire rope used Rigid Gravity and Semigravity Retaining
to support booms, scaffolding, or other Wall A structure that provides lateral
construction elements. support for a mass of soil and that owes its
Right of Access The right of an abutting stability primarily to its own weight and to
land owner for entrance to or exit from a the weight of any soil located directly above
public road. its base.

Right of Immediate Possession The right Rigid Pavement A pavement structure that
to immediately enter upon and use property distributes loads to the subgrade having as
for highway purposes.

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

one course a portland cement concrete slab to identify actions that reduce the risk and
of relatively high bending resistance. mitigate the consequences of an attack or
Rigid Slab A section of portland cement
concrete pavement bounded by joints and Risk Monitoring A recapitulation of risk
edges, designed for continuity of tensile identification and risk analysis.
stress. River Training The practice of employing
Riparian Pertaining to the banks of a structural measures to try to force a stream
stream, the banks of a channel, or the or river channel to perform in a specified
shore of a pond or a lake, and to anything manner.
connected with or adjacent to the banks of a River Training Structure Any
channel or other body of water. configuration constructed in a stream or
Riparian Doctrine or Rule A doctrine placed on, adjacent to, or in the vicinity
that holds that the property owner adjacent of a stream bank to deflect current, induce
to a surface water body has first right to sediment deposition, induce scour, or in
withdraw and use the water, This doctrine some other way alter the flow and sediment
may be set aside by a state’s statutory law regimens of the stream.
that holds that all surface waters are the Road A public way for purposes of
property of the state. vehicular travel, including the entire area
Riparian Owner One who owns land on within the right-of-way.
the bank of a river, lake, channel, or other Roadbed The graded portion of a highway
body of water. within top and side slopes, prepared as a
Riparian Rights The rights of an owner foundation for the pavement structure and
of water-fronting lands in the bed, banks, shoulder.
accretions, water, access, moorage, and Roadbed Material The material below the
related items. subgrade in cuts and embankments and in
Riparian Water Water that is below the embankment foundations extending to such
highest line of normal flow of a river or depth as affects the support of the pavement
stream, as distinguished from floodwaters. structure.
Riprap Stones, masonry, or similar Road Locomotive A large, powerfill
constructed material such as broken locomotive used in main-line or road
concrete placed in a loose assemblage service. R
along such things as the banks and bed of a Road Meter Equipment that measures
channel or the shore of a lake, pond, gulf, the vehicle axle vertical motion relative to
bay, or ocean to inhibit erosion and scour. the vehicle frame during travel to yield a
Risk The exposure of stakeholders to the measure of roughness.
consequences of variations in outcome. Road Pricing An arrangement by which
The overall risk affecting the whole project, motorists pay directly for using a particular
defined by components associated with risk roadway or for driving in a particular area.
events, other sources of uncertainty, and
associated dependencies, to be managed at Roadside That area between the outside
the strategic level. shoulder edge and the right-of-way limits.
The area between roadways of a divided
Risk Management Systematic, analytic highway may also be considered roadside.
process to consider the likelihood that a
threat will hann an asset or individuals and
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Roadside Barrier A longitudinal barrier Rotary Intersection An older-style

used to shield roadside obstacles or circular intersection that does not have
nontraversable terrain features. It may one or more of the characteristics of a
occasionally be used to protect pedestrians roundabout. It often has large diameters,
or bystanders Erom vehicle traffic. often in excess of 100 m (300 ft), allowing
high travel speeds on the circulatory
Roadway 1) The portion of a highway,
roadway. Also referred to as Traffic Circle.
including shoulders, for vehicular use. A
Used particularly in the Eastern United
divided highway has two or more roadways.
2) In construction specifications, the portion
of a highway within limits of construction. Roughness 1) The deviations of a
surface from a true planar surface with
Roadway Width The roadway clear space
characteristic dimensions that affect
between barriers, curbs, or both.
vehicle dynamics, ride quality, dynamic
Road Weather Information System loads, and drainage, e.g., longitudinal
(RWIS) Sensors installed in the travel profile, transverse profile, and cross slope.
lanes of the highway and airport runways 2) Height of each continuous scallop
that measure the temperature of the rounded to the nearest 1 mm (0.05 in.),
pavement. Atmospheric sensors are placed except those less than 0.8 mm (0.03 in.)
adjacent to the pavement and measure air vertically and 0.6 m (2 ft) longitudinally.
temperature; relative humidity; wind speed 3) A measure of pavement surface distortion
and direction; precipitation type, intensity, or an estimate of the ability of the pavement
and rate; and the driver’s perception of to provide a comfortable ride to the users.
visibility. Infonnation is used to inform
Roughness Coefficient The estimated
motorists and assist public agencies in
measure of texture at the perimeters
maintenance decision making.
of channels and conduits. Usually
Rocker Bearing Pedestals with circular represented by the ‘‘H value” coefficient
bottoms that support a pin. used in Manning’s channel flow equation.
Rod Sharp-edged cutting screed used to Numerical measure of the frictional
trim shotcrete to forms or ground wires. resistance to flow in a channel, as in the
Manning or Strickler formulas.
Rod-Float A rod or staff designed to float
in a practically vertical position for the Roughometer A road meter that measures
purpose of observing velocities. the unidirectional vertical movement of a
damped, leaf-sprung wheel relative to the
Roller Bearing Devices that incorporate road meter’s trailer frame during travel to
a horizontal roller to permit longitudinal yield a measure of roughness.
movement of the bridge structure.
Roundabout A circular intersection
Rolling Stock Transportation equipment with yield control of all entering traffic,
on wheels. channelized approaches with raised splitter
Roll-On/Roll-Off (RO/RO) A vessel islands, counter-clockwise circulation,
designed with the capability to load and and appropriate geometric curvature to
unload motorized wheeled vehicles, encourage a travel speed on the circulating
including fann machinery, transit buses, roadway of less than 30 mph.
military equipment, and other vehicles, by Roundhouse Building, circular in design,
means of a special ramp extending between used to house engines while being serviced
an opening in the ship and the wharf. or repaired.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Rounding The introduction of a vertical for a transit vehicle to move from one point
curve between two transverse slopes to another, including making stops.
to minimize the abrupt slope change
Runoff That part of the precipitation that
and to maximize vehicle stability and
runs off the surface of a drainage area after
accounting for all abstractions.
Round Trip The movement of a person
Runoff Coefficient A factor representing
or a vehicle from a point of origin to a
that portion of runoff that results from a
destination and then back to the same point
unit of rainfall. It is dependent on terrain
of origin.
and topography and the rate of runoff to
Route 1) The geographical path followed precipitation.
by a vehicle or traveler from start to finish
Run-Through Train A specially made
of a given trip; several routes may traverse
up train that operates over more than one
a single portion of road or line. 2 ) In traffic
railroad on an expedited schedule.
assignment, a continuous group of links
and centroid connectors that connects two Runway A strip, either paved or improved,
centroids, normally the path that requires on which takeoffs and landings are effected.
the minimum time to traverse. Runway Threshold The beginning of the
Route Deviation Public transportation on landing area of the runway.
a nonexclusive basis that operates along a Runway Visual Range (RVR)
public way on a fixed route from which it Visibility An instrumentally derived
may deviate from time to time in response value, based on standard calibrations,
to a demand for its service or to take a that represents the horizontal distance a
passenger to a destination, after which it pilot will see down the runway from the
returns to its route. approach end; it is based on the sighting of
Rumble Strip A rough-textured surface either high-intensity runway lights or on the
constructed for the purpose of causing the visual contrast of other targets whichever
tires of a motor vehicle driven over it to yields the greater visual range. RVR, in
vibrate audibly as a warning to drivers. contrast to prevailing or runway visibility,
is based on what a pilot in a moving aircraft
Run 1) The trip of a transit vehicle in
should see looking down the runway.
one direction from the beginning of a
RVR is horizontal, and not slant, visual
route to the end of it. 2) A transit driver’s
assignment of trips for a day of operation.
range. It is based on the measurement of a R
transmissometer made near the touchdown
Run Cutting The process of organizing point of the instrument runway and is
all scheduled trips operated by the transit reported in hundreds of feet.
system into runs.
Rut 1) A contiguous longitudinal
Running Rail The rail or surface that bears depression deviating from a surface plane
the tread of the wheel. defined by transverse cross slope and
longitudinal profile. 2) A longitudinal
Running Speed The distance a vehicle
surface depression in the wheel path(s) of a
travels divided by running time, in
pavement surface.
kilometers (miles) per hour.
Rut Depth The maximum measured
Running Time 1) The portion of the travel
perpendicular distance between the bottom
time during which the vehicle is in motion.
surface of the straightedge and the contact
2) The time required (actual or scheduled)
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

area of the gauge with the pavement surface Saturation Flow Rate The equivalent
at a specific location. hourly rate at which previously queued
vehicles can traverse an intersection
Rutting The formation of longitudinal
approach under prevailing conditions,
depressions in the roadway surface from
assuming that the green signal is
traffic wear in the wheel path.
available at all times and no lost times are
experienced, expressed in vehicles per hour
or vehicles per hour per lane.
Scale House Structure erected to house
weight-recording mechanisms used in
Sag The greatest vertical distance from a weighing freight cars.
horizontal line between the connections at
the vertical supports to a point located on Scaling 1) The deterioration of the upper
the wire. concrete slab surface, normally 3 mm
(0.125 in.) to 13 mm (0.5 in.) in depth,
Sag Culvert A culvert where the inlet and resulting in the loss of surface mortar.
outlet flow line is above the barrel flow line. 2) The loss of mortar and aggregate over a
A culvert that “sags” in order to pass under deck surface.
a low highway grade line.
Scarify To break up the surface course of a
Saltation Load That portion of the total roadway by mechanical means.
sediment load bounced along the stream
bed by energy and turbulence of flow and Scenic Easement An easement for
by other moving particles. conservation and development of roadside
views and natural features.
Salvage Value The worth of the pavement
structure at the end of the analysis period. Schedule A listing in time sequence of
every trip and every time point of each trip
Sample 1) The number of specimens from open to close of service on a transit
drawn from a lot. 2) A small part of a lot line.
that represents the whole. A sample may be
made up of one or more increments or test Scheduling 1) Analyzing demand to
portions. determine service frequency. 2) Combining
work pieces to form operator sign-ups and
Sand Soil material that can pass the No. 4 runs along prescribed routes.
(4.76-mm) U.S. standard sieve and be
retained on the No. 200 (0.074-mm) sieve Scour The washing away of streambed
(FHWA, HIRE, 1987). Granular material material by water channel flow. General
that is smaller than 2.0 mm and coarser than scour occurs as a result of a constriction
0.062 mm (FHWA, HIRE, 1990). in the water channel openings; local scour
occurs as a result of local flow changes in a
Sand Asphalt A mixture of sand and channel due to constrictions caused by the
asphalt, either plant mixed or road mixed. presence of bridge piers or abutments.
Sand Pocket A porous zone in shotcrete Scoured Depth Total depth of the water
containing fine aggregate that is deficient in from water surface to a scoured channel
cement. bed.
Saturated Soil Soil that has its interstices, Scratch Coat Shotcrete layers that are
pores, or void spaces filled with water to the placed prior to the finish coat and are
point at which runoff occurs. scratched to provide a textured surface
suitable for bonding of the surface coat.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Screen Line An imaginary line, usually Sediment Fragmental material that

following such physical barriers as rivers or originates from weathering of rocks and is
railroad tracks, that splits a study area into transported by, suspended in, or deposited
two parts and along which traffic counts by water or air or is accumulated in beds by
and interviews may be conducted and other natural agencies.
Sedimentation Basin A basin or tank in
Scupper A device or vertical hole, or both, which floodwater or stormwater containing
through such things as bridge decks or roofs settling solids is retained to remove by
for the purpose of deck or roof drainage. gravity or filtration a part of the suspended
Sometimes a horizontal opening in the curb matter.
or barrier is referred to as a scupper.
Sediment Concentration Weight or
Seabee A type of barge-carrying ship, volume of sediment relative to quantity of
similar to the LASH vessel, except it transporting or suspending fluid or fluid-
employs a heavy-lift elevator at the stern to sediment mixture.
lift barges on and off.
Sediment Pool A portion of the total
Seal Coat A thin treatment consisting of reservoir storage expressly provided for
bituminous material usually limited to sand sediment, thus prolonging the usefiilness of
seal, chip seal, slurry seal, contrast seal, and floodwater or irrigation pools.
fog seal.
Sediment Yield The total sediment outflow
Seaplane An airplane equipped to rise from a watershed or a drainage area at
from and alight on the water. Usually used a point of reference and in a specified
to denote an airplane with detachable floats, time period. This outflow is equal to the
as contrasted with a flying boat. sediment discharge from the drainage area.
Seasonal Factor A summarized, short-tenn Seepage The slow movement of water
count adjustment for variability by period of through small cracks and pores of the bank
year, that can be based on monthly, weekly, material.
or daily factors when estimating typical
Segmental Concrete Bridge A bridge
annual traffic characteristics.
fabricated piece by piece. These pieces or
Secchi Disk A disk-type device that, when segments are post-tensioned together during
lowered into surface waters, measures their bridge construction, and the superstructure
clarity. can be constructed of precast concrete or
cast-in-place concrete. This fabrication
Secondary Member Member not designed
technique is used for long-span bridges. S
to carry primary loads.
Segmented Circle A basic marking device
Second Sample A sample taken when the
located at an airport that indicates direction
initial sample indicates that the material is
of traffic. The circle may encompass a wind
direction indicator.
Section 1) A section of track of defined
Segregation The separation of the coarse
length, the use of which is regulated by a
aggregate from the rest of the mix in an
fixed signal at the entering end of a double
HMA mix.
track and at each end of a single track.
2) One or two or more trains running on Seizure Laws Laws that pennit public
the same schedule displaying signals or for seizure of transit properties if a work
which signals are displayed. stoppage involving these properties poses a
serious threat to the public interest.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Self-Unloader A vessel, typically found on decisions regarding its use, such as travel
the Great Lakes, equipped with an onboard time, reliability, and safety.
conveyor capable of unloading bulk cargoes
Service Flow Rate The maximum hourly
without the aid of shore-side equipment.
rate at which vehicles, bicycles, or persons
Seller’s Risk The probability that an reasonably can be expected to traverse
acceptance plan will erroneously reject a point or uniform segment of a lane
acceptable quality level (AQL) material or roadway during a given time period
or construction with respect to a single (usually 15 minutes) under prevailing
acceptance quality characteristic. It is roadway, traffic, environmental, and control
the risk the contractor or producer takes conditions while maintaining a designated
in having AQL material or construction level of service, expressed as vehicles per
rejected. Also referred to as Risk of a Type I hour or vehicles per hour per lane.
Service Life The period of time that
Semiactuated Operation A type of traffic the infrastructure element, vehicle, or
control signal operation in which at least equipment is expected to be in operation.
one, but not all, signal phases function on
Service Limit State Limit state relating to
the basis of actuation. Also referred to as
stress, deformation, and cracking applied to
Semi-Actuated Control.
normal operating loads.
Semitrailer 1) A freight trailer supported at
Service Track Track used exclusively in
its forward end by a truck tractor or another
nonrevenue service.
trailer and at its rearward end by attached
axles. 2) A vehicle with or without motive Setback Line A line outside the right-
power, designed for carrying persons or of-way, established by public authority or
property and for being drawn by a motor private restriction, on the highway side of
vehicle and so constructed that some part of which the erection of buildings or other
its weight and that of its load rests upon or permanent improvements is controlled.
is carried by another vehicle. Setting Temperature A structure’s average
Sensitive Surface Waters 1 ) Those surface temperature, which is used to determine
waters or wetlands that, by their nature and the dimensions of a structure when a
setting, are inherently important, unique, or component is added or set in place.
rare due to such things as their environment, Settlement Differential vertical
public use, and flood control function. displacement of slabs adjacent to a joint or
2) Waters that, without mitigation measures, crack.
would be threatened by a highway action.
Severance Damages Loss in value of
Separation In air traffic control, the the remainder of a parcel resulting from a
spacing of aircraft to achieve their safe partial taking of real property.
and orderly movement in flight and while
landing and taking off. Severe Exposure Condition Exposure
to deicing chemicals or other aggressive
Sequence Flashing Lights (SFL) A line agents or where the concrete may become
of very high-intensity lights centered on a highly saturated by continued contact with
runway approach course flashing in rapid moisture or free water prior to freezing.
sequence to show direction; provides pilot
with a “tracer bullet” effect. Severity Index (SI) A number from 0
to 10 used to categorize crashes by the
Service Attributes Those aspects of a probability of their resulting in property
transportation service that affect travel
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

damage, personal injury, or a fatality, Sheave A pulley or wheel having a

or any combination of these possible grooved rim, typically used for wire rope on
outcomes. The resultant number can then be vertical lift bridges.
translated into a crash cost and the relative Sheet A flat rolled product whose thickness
effectiveness of alternate safety treatments is between 0.006 and 0.25 in.
can be estimated.
Sheet Asphalt Surfacing A designed
Shadow The area behind an obstacle that mixture of well-graded sand, mineral filler,
is not impacted by the shotcrete stream. In and asphaltic cement processed in a central
hardened shotcrete, shadow refers to any plant, laid and compacted while hot.
porous area behind an obstacle such as
reinforcement. Shielding The introduction of a barrier or
crash cushion between the vehicle and an
Shallow Draft Waterway A navigable obstacle or area of concern to reduce the
waterway used primarily by barge vessels severity of impacts of errant vehicles.
with loaded drafts of less than 9-10 ft.
Shift Differential (Shift
Shallow Foundation A foundation that Premium) Additional compensation (cents
derives its support by transferring load per hour or percentage of the daily rate)
directly to the soil or rock at shallow depth. paid to workers employed at other than
Shared Roadway A roadway that is open regular daytime hours.
to both bicycle and motor vehicle travel. Shock Wave The compression wave that
This may be an existing roadway, street moves upstream through traffic as vehicles
with wide curb lanes, or road with paved arriving at a queue slow down abruptly, or
shoulders. the decompression wave of thinning traffic
Shared Use Path A bikeway physically that moves downstream from the point of a
separated from motorized vehicle traffic capacity reduction on a freeway.
by an open space or barrier and either Short-Line Railroad 1) A company that
within the highway right-of-way or within originates or terminates freight traffic, or
an independent right-of-way. Shared use both; participates in division of revenue;
paths may also be used by pedestrians, and is normally less than 160 km (100 mi)
skaters, wheelchair users, joggers, and other in length. 2 ) Class 111 railroads that receive
noninotorized users. Also referred to as less than S40 million a year in operating
Bicycle Path or Bike Path. revenue and have less than 350 miles of
Shear Connector A mechanical device track.
that prevents relative movements both Short Ton A mass of 0.9072 Mg (2,000
normal and parallel to an interface. lb).
Shear Continuity A condition where shear Shotcrete 1) A method used to shoot
and displacement are transmitted between concrete at a sufficient velocity to achieve
components or within a component. proper in-place compaction. 2 ) Mortar or
Shear Key A preformed hollow in the side concrete pneumatically projected at high
of a precast component filled with grout velocity onto a receiving surface.
or a system of match-cast depressions and Shoulder The portion of the roadway
protrusions in the face of segments that contiguous with the traveled way primarily
is intended to provide shear continuity for accommodation of stopped vehicles for
between components. emergency use and for lateral support of
base and surface course.
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Shoving 1) The displacement of a localized Sight Line Easement An easement for

area of the pavement surface generally maintaining or improving sight distance.
associated with turning, braking, or
Sigma Bank A system of collecting,
accelerating vehicles. 2) The displacement
storing, and retrieving infonnation
of the HMA mixture in a longitudinal
pertaining to the variance of measurements
on samples of materials or items of
Shrinkage Cracking 1) Random construction.
interconnected cracks caused by a reduction Sign A device conveying a specific
in the volume of the pavement because message by means of words or symbols,
of improper materials or proportions and erected for the purpose of regulating,
aging of the asphalt mix. 2) Interconnected
warning, or guiding traffic.
cracks forming a series of large blocks in
the surface. Signal Head An assembly containing
one or more signal lenses that control a
Shuttle A public conveyance that travels
vehicular traffic or pedestrian movement.
back and forth over a particular route,
especially a short route or one that connects Signal Indication The illumination of a
two transportation systems. traffic signal lens or of a combination of
lenses at the same time.
Shuttle Loop Transit (SLT) An automated
guideway transit system in which vehicles Signal Phase 1) The right-of-way, yellow
(operating separately or in trains) operate change, and red clearance intervals in a
along a fixed shuttle or loop guideways with cycle that are assigned to an independent
few or no switches and that usually have traffic movement or combination of
on-line stations. movements. 2) The part of the traffic signal
cycle allocated to any combination of
Shy Distance The distance from the
traffic movements receiving the right-of-
edge of the traveled way beyond which a
way simultaneously during one or more
roadside object will not be perceived as an
obstacle by the typical driver to the extent
that the driver will change the vehicle’s Signal Preemption A technique for
placement or speed. altering the sequence or duration of traffic
signal phasing using vehicle detection to
Side-Channel Spillway A spillway
provide preferential treatment for buses or
in which the initial and final flow are
emergency vehicles.
approximately at right angles to each other.
Significant Change in Work Modification
Sidewalk A paved pathway paralleling
from the original proposed construction
a highway, road, or street intended for
or a major work item defined elsewhere
that increases in excess of 125 percent or
Siding A track adjacent to a main or a decreases to less than 75 percent of the
secondary track for meeting or passing original contract quantity.
Significant Encroachment An
Sieve U.S. Standard Sieve, as defined in encroachment or any direct support of
AASHTO M 92. Measure percent passing likely base flood plain development by a
sieve sizes by weight. highway action that (a) causes a potentially
significant flood hazard by adversely
Sight Distance The length of highway
impacting natural and beneficial flood plain
ahead that is visible to the driver.
values; (b) interrupts or terminates the

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

use of a transportation facility needed for track while one or more other tracks are
emergency vehicles or a community’s only temporarily out of service.
evacuation route; (c) is in environmentally
Single-Unit Rail Car A self-propelled rail
sensitive surface waters; or (d) is in
car equipped with a control cab at one or
regulatory waters.
both ends that operates alone.
Sill 1) A grade control structure. 2) A
Site Analysis Observing, considering,
device placed across a channel, or generally
and evaluating physical and constructed
transverse to flow in a steep culvert, to
elements, including environmental,
provide a fishway.
climatic, visual, cultural, historical, and
Silt 1) Waterborne sediment that refers other factors relating to a particular
to material that is generally confined to location, corridor, or region.
fine earth, sand, or mud, but is sometimes
Site Development Analysis, planning,
broadened to include all material carried,
design, and placement of landforms,
including both suspended and bed load.
structures, circulation systems, utilities,
2) Deposits of waterborne material, as in
vegetation, signs, lights, and other elements
a reservoir, on a delta, or on overflowed
in relation to one another within a particular
lands. 3) A rock fragment or a mineral or
area of land.
detrital particle in the soil having a diameter
of 0.002-0.05 mm or soil containing at least Skew Angle 1) The angle between the
80 percent silt and less than 12 percent clay. centerline of a support and a line normal
to the roadway centerline. 2) The angle
Silting 1 ) The filling in of a river or harbor
between the axis of support relative to a
bottom by the deposition of sediment.
line normal to the longitudinal axis of the
2) An incorrect tenn for sedimentation or
bridge. 3) The angle between the centerlines
sediment deposition.
of two intersecting roadways when they
Single-Axle Load (kg (Ib)) 1) The load intersect at less than 90 degrees.
transmitted to the highway by the tires
Skewness A measure of the symmetry of
of all wheels lying between two parallel
a distribution. When the distribution has
transverse vertical planes 1 m (3.3 ft)
a greater tendency to tail to the right, it is
apart, extending across the full width of the
said to have positive skewness. When the
vehicle. 2) A portion of the gross vehicle
distribution has a greater tendency to tail to
the left, it is said to have negative skewness.
Single-Occupant Vehicle (SOV) Any For the nonnal distribution (as well as for
vehicle carrying only the driver. any other symmetrical distribution), the
skewness coefficient equals 0. S
Single-Point Urban Interchange
(SPUI) A newer type of diamond Skid Number (Friction Number) The
interchange where the diagonal ramps number that is used to report the results of a
are placed as close as possible paralleling pavement skid test conducted in accordance
the freeway, so that ramp traffic in effect with ASTM Test Method E274, equivalent
meets at a single point on the surface street to the coefficient of skid resistance (locked
directly below (or above) the freeway. tire) times 100.
Single Track The track on a roadbed Skid Resistance The ability of the traveled
having only main track, upon which trains surface to prevent the loss of tire traction,
are operated in both directions. In multiple- quantified by the frictional force between
track territory, the process of running a locked tire and a pavement, which force
all trains, regardless of direction, on one resists motion.
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Skimmed Tree A series of records, in a uniform channel reach using observed

compiled using data obtained from the tree high water levels. More explicitly, a
records, that list the travel time, cost, or flow measurement method based on an
distance between each pair of zones. indirect measurement of peak discharge
by field survey of a reach of channel and
Skip-Graded Aggregate 1) Aggregate
high water marks, usually after a flood
possessing a disproportionate distribution of
has passed. Discharge is computed by the
successive particle sizes. 2) Lacking one or
Manning formula, modified to account for
more fractional particle sizes.
nonuniform flow.
Skip-Stop Service in which vehicles stop
at alternate loading and discharging points Slope Easement An easement for cuts or
on the same route. fills.
Slope Ratio An arithmetic expression of
Slab A component having a width of at
vertical and horizontal value relationships
least four times its effective depth.
of a slope. Vertical values precede
Slab Bridge A bridge type that transmits horizontal values.
loads from the deck to the abutments or
piers without the use of girders. Slope Variance (SV) 1) A measure of
the variation from the mean in a single
Sliding Bearing A bearing that wheelpath of a pavement. 2) An indication
accommodates movement by translation of the smoothness of that pavement.
of one surface relative to another.
Sloughing 1) Subsidence of shotcrete,
Slip Base A structural element at or near generally due to excessive water in mixture.
the bottom of a post or pole that allows Also referred to as Sagging. 2 ) Shallow,
release of the post from its base upon transverse movement of a soil mass down
impact while resisting wind loads. a stream bank as the result of an instability
Slippage Cracking 1) Crescent-shaped condition at or near the surface. Also
cracks caused by a lack of bond between referred to as Slumping.
the asphalt surface course and the concrete Slow Order A location where trains must
deck beneath it. 2) Crescent- or half-moon- go slower than maximum authorized track
shaped cracks having two ends pointed speed.
opposite to the direction of traffic.
Slugging Pulsating or intermittent flow of
Slip Ramp 1) An angular connection shotcrete material.
between the through travel lanes and a
parallel frontage road. 2 ) A type of at-grade Sluice Flow Flow through a culvert under
access that can be used at the beginning high head whereby the entrance contracts
or end of an HOV facility that provides an the flow and causes a part-time flow
acceleratioddeceleration taper. condition through the barrel; also referred to
as Orifice-Type Flow, similar to flow from
Slope The relative steepness of the terrain, under a sluice gate.
expressed as a ratio or percentage. Slopes
Slurry Seal 1) A seal coat consisting of
may be categorized as positive (backslopes)
a semifluid mixture of asphaltic emulsion
or negative (foreslopes) and as parallel or
and fine aggregate. 2 ) A mixture of graded
cross slopes in relation to the direction of
aggregates, mineral filler, and emulsified
asphalt, with water added to achieve slurry
Slope-Area Method A method of consistency.
estimating unmeasured flood discharges

.- 104.-
Previous Page
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Small Aircraft Aircraft with a maximum Span 1) The horizontal distance between
certified takeoff weight of 5670 kg vertical supports. 2 ) The horizontal width
(12,500 lb) or less. dimension of such things as a box, pipe-
Soffit The inside top of a conduit such as a arch, or arch structure. 3) The horizontal
culvert or stonn drain pipe. distance between bridge piers or abutments.

Softwood Generally, one of the conifers or Spandrel The space bounded by the
the wood produced by such trees. The term arch extrados and the horizontal member
has no reference to the actual hardness of above it.
the wood. Span Wire A steel cable or strand extended
Soil-Cement A designed mixture of soil between two poles, commonly used as a
and portland cement compacted at a proper horizontal support for small signs and traffic
water content to form a veneer or structure
that can prevent the erosion of such things Span Wire Structure Structure in which
as a channel bank, dam face, or inlet and the horizontal supports are tensioned wires
outlet of a drainage structure. attached to vertical rigid or semirigid
Soil Envelope Zone of controlled soil supports.
backfill around a culvert structure required Special Provisions Additions and
to ensure anticipated performance based on revisions to the standard and supplemental
soil-structure interaction considerations. specifications applicable to an individual
Soil-Structure Interaction System A
buried structure whose structural behavior Special Transit Fare 1) Revenue earned
is influenced by interaction with the soil from discounted fares on regular transit
envelope. service but not paid for by the rider. 2) A
Solar Flux The amount of radiant energy fare on special routes for which revenue is
available from the sun depending on guaranteed by a beneficiary of the service.
variables such as the position of the sun Special VFR Conditions Weather
above the horizon, distance above sea level conditions that are less than basic VFR
of the paving project, the amount of haze in weather conditions and that permit flight
the air, and the degree of cloud cover. under Visual Flight Rules in a control zone.
Solidity The solid elevation area divided Special Wind Region A region where
by the total enclosed elevation area for a the magnitude of the local wind speeds is
truss. dramatically affected by local conditions.
Wind speeds in these areas should be S
Spacing The distance between two
successive vehicles in a traffic lane detennined by consulting the authority
measured from the same common feature having local jurisdiction in the area or
of the vehicles. through the analysis of local meteorological
Spalling 1) The chipping or splintering
Specification Limit The limiting
of a localized area of portland cement
concrete, generally caused by expansion. value(s) placed on a quality characteristic,
2) A depression resulting from a chunk of established preferably by statistical analysis,
for evaluating material or construction
concrete, usually in a circular or oval shape,
within the specification requirements.
breaking loose from the concrete deck
surface. The term can refer to either an individual
upper or lower specification limit, USL or
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

LSL, called a single specification limit; or Spiral Reinforcement Continuously

to USL and LSL together, called double wound reinforcement in the form of a
specification limits. cylindrical helix.
Specifications The compilation of Split Run Two operating assignments
provisions and requirements for the separated by a period of time during which
performance of prescribed work. the driver is unassigned by the transit
operator. Also referred to as Swing Run.
Specific Energy The energy contained in a
stream of water, expressed in terms of head, Split Sample A sample that has been
referred to the bed of a stream. It is equal to divided into two or more portions
the mean depth of water plus the velocity representing the same material. Split
head of the mean velocity. samples are sometimes taken to verify the
acceptability of an operator’s test equipment
Specified Strength of Concrete The
and procedure. This is possible because
nominal compressive strength of concrete
the variability calculated from differences
specified for the work and assumed for
in split test results is comprised solely of
design and analysis of new structures.
testing variability.
Speed The rate of vehicular movement,
Splitter Island The raised island at each
generally expressed in kilometers per hour
two-way leg between entering vehicles
(miles per hour).
and exiting vehicles, designed primarily to
Speed-Change Lane An auxiliary lane, deflect entering traffic.
including tapered areas, primarily for the
Splitting Tensile Strength The tensile
acceleration or deceleration of vehicles
strength of concrete that is determined by
entering or leaving the through traveled
a splitting test made in accordance with
AASHTO T 198 (ASTM C 496).
Speed Limit The maximum (or minimum)
Split Web A longitudinal or diagonal
speed applicable to a section of highway as
transverse crack in the web of a rail.
established by law.
Spoil The material removed from an
Speed Zone A section of highway with a
excavation or by dredging.
speed limit that is established by law but
that might be different from a legislatively Spread 1) The accumulated flow in
specified statutory speed limit. and next to the roadway gutter. 2) The
transverse encroachment of stormwater
Spike A 19-mm (314-in.) square, 178-mm
onto a street.
(7-in.) long metal device used to secure rails
to ties. Spread Beam A beam not in physical
contact, carrying a cast-in-place concrete
Spillthrough Abutment A bridge
abutment having a fill slope on the channel
side. The term originally referred to the Spread Footing A generally rectangular or
“spillthrough” of fill at an open abutment, square prism of concrete that distributes the
but is now applied to any abutment having load of the vertical support to the subgrade.
such a slope.
Spread Time The time between two pieces
Spillway A passage for spilling surplus of work in a run generally between the start
water; a wasteway. of the morning and the end of the afternoon
or evening periods.
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Springline The points on the internal procedure providing transition from the
surface of the transverse cross section of terminal to the enroute airway structure.
a pipe intersected by the line of maximum
Standard Plans Drawings approved for
horizontal dimension; or in box sections,
repetitive use, showing details to be used
the mid-height of the internal vertical wall.
where appropriate.
Spur Dike A projecting dike usually
Standard Project Flood A totally
located on the upstream side of a bridge,
theoretical or deterministic flood. The
projecting out from the approach roadway
magnitude of the flood is computed by
embankment, reducing erosion caused by
taking the precipitation from the greatest
water flowing along the upstream side of
storm in the hydrologic region and
the embankment. Also referred to as Groin
transposing it to the stream basin and
or Guide Bank.
hydraulically routing it through the point of
Stabilization Modification of soils or interest.
aggregates by incorporating materials
Standard Project Storm (SPS) The
that increase load bearing capacity,
relationship of precipitation versus time that
firmness, and resistance to weathering or
is intended to be reasonably characteristic
of large stonns that have occurred or could
Stable Channel A condition that exists occur in the locality of concern.
when a channel has a bed slope and cross
Standard Rail 1) A rail track gauge that is
section that allow it to transport the water
1.44 m 94 ft 8.5 in.) wide. 2) A 12-m (39-ft)
and sediment delivered from the upstream
section of rail.
watershed without significant aggradation,
deposition, or bank erosion. Standard Sieve Screens used in aggregate
gradation analysis in which the size of the
Staff Gauge 1) A vertical board or
opening is successively halved as the sizes
structure with a graduated scale for
measuring the depth of a river in
millimeters. 2) A graduated scale, on such Standard Specifications A book of
things as a staff, plank, metal-plate pier, or specifications approved for general
wall, by which the elevation of the water application and repetitive use. The items
surface may be read. in the standard specifications relate to
or illustrate the method and manner of
Stage 1) Height of water surface above
performing the work or describe the
a specified datum. 2) Water surface
qualities and quantities of materials and
elevation of a channel with respect to a
labor to be furnished under the contract. S
reference elevation. 3) The elevation of
a water surface above its minimum; also Standard Terminal Arrival Route
above or below an established low-water (STAR) A preplanned IFR air traffic
plane; hence, above or below any datum control procedure providing transition from
of reference; gauge height. The height of a en route to tenninal airway structure. Also
water surface above an established datum referred to as Profile Descent.
plane. Standard Urban Bus A motor bus
Stall Torque The motor torque available designed to accommodate the maximum
at the stall condition immediately following number of passengers both seated and
cessation of motor shaft rotation. standing for short-ride, frequent-stop
service and to have quick-opening entrance
Standard Instrument Departure (SID) A
and exit service doors.
preplanned IFR air traffic control departure
N 107-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Standing Wave A sudden rise in the water a sinusoidal vibratory load by means of a
surface, generally fixed in position, such force generator.
as a hydraulic jump; a standing wave may
Steam Engine An engine driven or worked
exist, however, where the principles of the
by steam; specifically, a reciprocating
hydraulic jump are not involved.
engine that has a piston driven by steam in a
Starboard The right side of a ship or closed cylinder.
airplane looking forward.
Steep Slope A slope greater than the
Starting Torque The motor torque critical slope for a particular value of
available, prior to rotation of motor shaft, to discharge. Whether a conduit slope is steep
initiate movement of the span. or mild depends on the discharge under
consideration as well as the conduit slope.
State Any one of the 50 states, the District
The conduit may be steep for one discharge
of Columbia, or Puerto Rico.
and mild for another.
Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) The
Steering Angle The maximum angle of
written information prepared and submitted
turn built into the steering mechanism of
by a proposer in response to a request for
the front wheels of a vehicle along with
qualifications (RFQ).
the vehicle axle locations and articulation
Static Head The height above a standard points. This maximum angle controls the
datum of the surface of a column of water minimum turning radius of the vehicle.
(or other liquid) that can be supported by
Stern The back end of a vessel.
the static pressure at a given point.
Static Load Deflection Device A device Stevedore A person or finn having charge
that measures the maximum deflection of the loading and discharge of cargo from
response of a pavement to a static or slowly a vessel.
applied load. Stiffener A small member attached to
another member to transfer stress and to
Station A place designated in the timetable
prevent buckling.
by name, at which a train may stop for
traffic or to enter or leave the main track or Stiff Mix An HMA mixture that is stiff and
from which fixed signals are operated. stable and requires a considerable amount
Station Platform The prepared area of compactive effort to attain the required
adjacent to a station track for handling degree of density.
passengers and baggage, mail, etc., to and Stiffness The flexure required to produce
from trains. a unit rotation at one end of the member
while the other end is fixed.
Stay-in-Place Formwork Permanent
metal or precast concrete fonns that remain Stilling Basin A device or structure placed
in place after construction is finished. at or near the outlet of a structure for the
Steady Flow 1) A flow in which the flow purpose of inducing energy dissipation
rate or quantity of fluid passing a given where flow velocities are expected to cause
point per unit of time remains constant. 2 ) A unacceptable channel bed scour and bank
constant discharge with respect to time. erosion.
Stock Rail A running rail against which the
Steady-State Vibratory Deflection
switch rail operates.
Device A device that applies an initial static
preload to the pavement and then applies Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) A gap-
graded hot mix asphalt.

. 108..
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Stopped Time The time spent stationary Streetcar An electric rail vehicle used for
on a journey because of the stoppage of transporting passengers in urban areas and
other traffic. typically operating on city streets, the more
modern version of which is the light rail
Stopway An area beyond the takeoff
vehicle (LRV). Also referred to as Trolley
runway, no less wide and centered upon the
Car or Tram.
extended centerline of the runway, able to
support the airplane during aborted takeoff. Strength Limit State Limit state design
relating to strength and stability under
Storm Hydrograph A graph of the
statistically significant load combinations
discharge of a stream over the time period
when-in addition to direct precipitation- (i.e., not ship collisions, earthquake, etc.).
overland flow, interflow, and return flow are Stress Range The algebraic difference
adding to the flow of the stream. between extreme stresses.
Storm Water Precipitation runoff. Stress Transfer The operation of imparting
the force in a pretensioning anchoring
Straddle Carrier A large vehicle used to
move and stack containers in the container device to the concrete.
yard. Stringer A long horizontal member used
to support a floor or to connect uprights in
Straight-In Approach VFR Entry of
a frame.
the traffic pattern by interception of the
extended runway centerline without Structural Capacity The maximum load
executing any other portion of the traffic and number of repetitions a pavement can
pattern. carry.
Straight Time Time worked at a regular or Structural Lumber Lumber that is
base rate (distinguished from overtime). intended for use where predictable material
properties are required.
Strain Elongation per unit length.
Streamflow The discharge that occurs Structurally Continuous Barrier A
in a natural channel. Although the term barrier, or any part thereof, that is
discharge can be applied to the flow of interrupted only at deck joints.
a canal, the word streamflow uniquely Structural Mass Concrete Any large
describes the discharge in a surface stream volume of concrete where special materials
course. The term streamflow is more or procedures are required to cope with
general than runoff, since streamflow may the generation of heat or hydration and
be applied to discharge whether or not it is attendant volume change to minimize S
affected by diversion or regulation. cracking.
Stream Force The resistance that a bridge Structural Number (SN) A linear
pier must support from horizontal loads combination of (flexible) pavement
caused by water flowing around it. components that expresses pavement design
Stream Gaging The process and art of as a single number.
measuring the depths, areas, velocities, and Structural Overlay An overlay bonded to
rates of flow in natural or artificial channels. the deck that consists of concrete other than
asphaltic concrete.
Street A public way for purposes of
vehicular travel, usually including curb and Structural Support A support designed to
gutters, to include the entire area within the carry the loads induced by attached signs,
right-of-way. luminaires, and traffic signals.

N 109-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

S t r ti ct ti r a I Weak t i ess C racki tig Cracks Submerged Inlet Inlets ofcul\ert-like

in the road\\ ay surfke that result from structures ha\.ing ;I lieacl\\.ater greater than
problems \\ ithin the underlying pi\eiiient about 1.2 D. \\.liere D is the cul\.ert rise.
Submerged Outlet A cul\ert-like outlet
Structure Any bridge. ci~I\ert.catch ha\.ing ;I tail\\ ater ele\.ation greater than the
basin. clrop inlet. retaining \\;ill. cribbing. s o f f i t o f t h e clII\ert.
manhole. end\\ all. building. s e n er. ser\.ice
Subpanel A stiffened \\.eb pitiel cli\ icled by
pipe. underdrain. foundation drain. aiid
oiie o r iiiore longitudinal stiffeiiers.
similar features. that m a y be encountered i n
the I r;i 11s port ;It i 011 s y s tern . Subscriptioii Bus Senice A ser\.ice i n
\\ hich routes and scheclules are prearr;inged
Strut 1 ) The trans\'erse (i.e.. nondiagonal)
to meet the tra\.el needs of riders \\ 110 sign
member in ;I lateral bracing system: also
tip for the sen ice i n ad\ ;iiice: the lei el
referred to ;is Lateral Strut. 2 ) A iiieiiiber
o f sen ice is generally higher than that o f
that runs bet\\een \\;ills in ;I sheeted pit o r ;I
regular Ixissetiger sen ice (i.e.. fe\\er stops.
c 0 ffe rd ;I Ill .
shorter tra\.el time. and greater comfort).
Strut-and-Tie Model A moclel iised ;Incl the b 11ses ;Ire 11si ~I I y
i o bt a i 11ed I h r o it gli
princip;illy i n regions o f concentrated forces charter o r coI1Ir;Ict arrangements.
aiid geometric discoiitiiiiiities to deteriii iiie
Subscriptioti Van Sewice Ser\.ice like that
concrete proportions and reinforcement
pro\ idecl by ;I subscription bus. except that
quantities and patterns based on assumed
the \'an may be pri\.ately o\\ necl. leased for
compressicon struts i n the concrete. tensile
;I public organization o r pri\ ate coiiipitiy. o r
ties iii tlie reinforcement. aiid tlie geoiiietr)
pro\ idecl by the eiiiployer of the \;in riders.
ofnocles at their points o f intersection.
Substantial Completion The point at
Subbase The layer o r layers of specified
\\Iiicli the project is complete such that i t
o r selected iiiaterial of clesigned thickness
c;in be safely and effecti\.ely used by the
placed on ;I subgrxle to support ;I base
public \\ ithout fiirther clelays. disruption. o r
impecliments. For the con\ entional bridge
Subcontractor An indi\.iclual. Ixirtiiersliip. and high\\ ay \\ ork. the point at \\ hich all
firm. corporation. o r a n y acceptable bridge deck. pxapet. pi\ement striictiire.
combination thereof. o r joint \ entiire. to shoulder. periiianent signing and markings.
\\ hich the contractor siiblets part o f the traffic barrier. and safety appurtenance \\ ork
COlltr x t. is corn pl et e .
Subcritical F l o ~In this state. gra\ ity S ti bst it ti te Wet la 11d s Il;et I ;I nd s t h ;It
forces are cloiiiinant so that the flo\\ has \\.ere created o r acquired and cle\ eloped
;I relati\ely lo\\ \.elocity and is often (enhanced) in perpetuity through
described ;is tranquil o r streaiiiing. Also. appl i cat ion of \\ et I ;in d 111i t i gat i on iiiet hods
that flo\\.\\liich has ;I Froucle number less on pre\,iously constriictecl high\\ ay projects.
than unity.
Substructure 1 ) A l l that part o f a
Subgrade The top surface o f a roadbed striictitre belo\\ the bearings o f simple and
i~poti\\ hich the pa\'ement stritctiire and coiitiiiiioiis sp;ins. sken backs. o r arches and
shoulders. iiicl tiding curbs. are constriictecl. top o f footings o f rigid frames: iiicl tides
back\\alls. \\ iiig\\alls. and \\ ing protection
S ti bgra d e Treat m e t i t Mocl i ti c;i t ion of '11 ' 1 'ings. 2 ) Striictural parts of the bridge
roadbed material by stabilization.
that support the liorizontal slxiii.

- 110-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Subsurface Runoff Water that infiltrates the following size definitions: maximum
the soil and reappears as seepage or spring size-one sieve size larger than the nominal
flow and forms part of the flood hydrograph maximum size; nominal maximum size-
for that storm. one sieve size larger than the first sieve to
retain more than 10 percent by weight.
Suburban Transit Bus (Suburban
Coach) A motor bus designed primarily Superstructure 1) All that part of a
for maximum seated passenger load and structure above the bearings of simple and
usually equipped with overhead parcel continuous spans, skewbacks, or arches and
racks, front service door, and raised seat top of footings of rigid frames; excludes
floor with all transverse seats; it is used backwalls, wingwalls, and wing protection
primarily on long-distance suburban routes. railings. 2) Structural parts of the bridge
that comprise the horizontal span.
Supercritical Flow 1) In this state, inertia
forces are dominant so that flow has a high Supplemental Agreement A negotiated
velocity and is usually described as rapid or agreement constituting a modification of the
shooting. 2) That flow which has a Froude originally executed contract and covering
number greater than unity. 3) Flow at the performance of work beyond its general
velocities greater than critical velocity; flow scope.
at depths less than critical depth.
Supplemental Specifications Approved
Superelevation 1) The vertical distance conditions and revisions to the standard
that the outer rail is above the inner rail; specifications. Also referred to as Special
used to compensate for the effect of Specifications.
centrifiigal force on curves. 2) A tilting
Surcharge A load used to model the
of the roadway surface to partially
weight of earth fill or other loads applied to
counterbalance the centripetal forces (lateral
the top of the retained material.
acceleration) on vehicles on horizontal
curves. For trains this is usually expressed Surety The corporation, partnership,
as a vertical distance and for highways it is or individual, other than the contractor,
usually expressed as a rate. executing a bond furnished by the
Superelevation Rate The rate of rise in
cross section of the finished surface of a Surface Shadows Surface shadows are
roadway on a curve, measured from the dark areas that appear on the surface of an
lowest or inside edge to the highest or HMA mix. Also known as Auger Shadows.
outside edge travel lane or shoulder. Surface Course One or more layers
Superflood Any flood or tidal flow with a of a pavement structure designed to S
flow rate greater than that of the 100-year accommodate the traffic load, the top layer
flood, but not greater than a 500-year flood. of which resists skidding, traffic abrasion,
and the disintegrating effects of climate.
Superimposed Deformation Effect
The top layer is sometimes referred to as
of settlement, creep, and change in
Wearing Course.
temperature or moisture content, or both.
Surface Distress Damage to the pavement
Superintendent The contractor’s
authorized representative in responsible
charge of the work. Surface Runoff That part of the runoff that
travels over the soil surface to the nearest
Superpave Superior Performing Asphalt
stream channel.
Pavement. The Superpave method uses
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Surface Slope The inclination of the water infrastructure and minimizing the use of
surface, expressed as change of elevation nonrenewable resources.
per unit of slope length; the sine of the
Swale A wide, shallow ditch usually
angle that the water surface makes with
grassed or paved and without well-defined
the horizontal. The tangent of that angle is
bed and banks. A slight depression in the
ordinarily used, with no appreciable error
ground surface where water collects and
resulting except for the steeper slopes.
may be transported as a stream. Often
Surface Treatment One or more vegetated and shaped so as not to provide a
applications of bituminous material and visual signature of a bank or shore.
cover aggregate or thin plant mix on an
Sway Bracing Transverse vertical bracing
old pavement or any element of a new
between truss members.
pavement structure.
Swell A hump in the pavement surface that
Surface Veil A surfacing mat used
may occur over a small area or as a longer,
in the outer surrounding layer of an
gradual wave; either type of swell can be
fiber reinforced polymer (FRF') pole to
accompanied by surface cracking.
produce a smooth surface and to protect
the underlying material from weathering Swept Path Width The amount of
degradation. roadway width that a vehicle covers in
negotiating a turn that is equal to the
Surface Waves Asphalt surfaces have
amount of off-tracking plus the width of
two types of waves short and long. Short
the vehicle.
waves, also referred to as Ripples or Auger
Shadows, are generally 0.3 to 0.9 in (1 to Swing Bridge Bridge type in which a
3 ft) apart, with 0.45 to 0.60 m (1 112 to portion of the span rotates about a vertical
2 ft). Long waves are considerably farther axis.
apart. Switch 1) The movable rails of a turnout
Surrogate M&C Variable A characteristic that divert the wheels of passing rolling
of materials and/or construction that can be stock to the preselected track. 2) To move
used to substitute for a performance-related rail cars from one place to another within a
M&C variable. For example, concrete defined territory such as an industry, a yard,
compressive strength can be a surrogate for or a terminal. 3) A locomotive used for
concrete flexural strength. switching cars in yards and terminals and
usually built to carry all its weight on the
Suspended Sediment Discharge The rate
driving wheels; also Switcher.
at which the dry weight of sediment passes
a section of a stream (or river) or is the Switch Stand A device for the manual
quantity of sediment (as measured by dry operation of switches or of movable center
weight or by volume) that is discharged in a points.
given time. Synthetic Hydrograph 1) A hydrograph
Suspended Sediment Load Sediment that determined from empirical rules. Usually
is supported by the upward components of a hydrograph based on the physical
turbulent currents in a stream and that stays characteristics of the basin. 2) A graph
in suspension for an appreciable length of developed for an ungaged drainage area
time. based on known physical characteristics of
the watershed basin.
Sustainable Development Maximizing
the capability to recycle components of the System Car Railroad car owned by the
railroad on which the car is located.
.- 112.-
T r a n sp o r t a t i o n G loss a r y

System Planning A procedure for Tamper A power-driven machine for

developing an integrated means of compacting ballast under ties.
providing adequate facilities for the
Tandem Axle Load The total load
movement of people and goods, involving
transmitted by two or more consecutive
regional analysis of transportation needs
axles, the centers of which inay be included
and the identification of transportation
between parallel transverse vertical planes
corridors involved.
spaced more than 1 .O in (3.3 ft) and not
more than 2.4 in (7.9 ft) apart, extending
across the fiill width of the vehicle.
Tangent Any straight portion of a railway
Tack Coat 1 ) An application of bituminous
inaterial to an existing surface to provide Tank Car A car used for carrying liquids.
bond with a superimposed course. 2 ) A Taper Area An area characterized by a
bituminous inaterial that is applied to an old reduction or increase in pavement width to
roadway surface, creating a bond between direct traffic.
the old and the new surface.
Tare Weight 1 ) The weight of any empty
Tackle A rope-and-pulley block or a freight car. 2) The weight of a container and
system of ropes and pulleys used to lower, the inaterial used for packing.
raise, or move a heavy object.
Tariff 1 ) The freight weight on a shipment.
Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) A radio 2 ) A schedule of shipping rates and
transmitter facility in the en route electronic regulations placed on file by common
navigation system, transmitting a pulse train carriers.
UHF modulated radio wave, utilized by
Taut Tight or snug (opposite of slack).
coinpatible airborne receiveriinterrogator
equipment to derive bearing relative to Taxi To operate an airplane under its own
the facility in tenns of reference pulse/ power on the ground, except that movement
modulation coincidence and distance in incident to actual takeoff and landing.
tenns of time delay between interrogation Taxicab A vehicle that has a passenger-
and receipt of reply. carrying capacity similar to that of an
Tactile Warning Change in surface automobile and that serves priinarily as
condition providing a tactile cue to alert a demand-responsive public passenger
pedestrians with vision iinpainnents of a vehicle for hire; it inay be a converted
potentially hazardous situation. automobile or one specially built for taxicab
Tailwater The depth of flow in the channel
Team Track A track on which cars are
directly downstream of a drainage facility.
placed for transfer of freight between cars
Takeoff Distance The distance from the
and highway vehicles.
start of the takeoff roll to the point where
the aircraft is 11 in (35 ft) above the takeoff Tearing (Streaks) The pulling of the
surface. asphalt mix under the screed of the paver.
There are three types of tear inark in the
Takeoff Run The distance from the start
asphalt mat: (a) in the center of the lane,
of takeoff roll to the point where the aircraft
(b) on the outside edges, and (c) across the
leaves the ground.
fill1 lane width.

N 113-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Temperature Gradient Variation of required for a passenger to pass through a

temperature of the concrete over the cross terminal when there is a change of mode.
Terminus Either end of a route.
Temporary Barrier A barrier that is
Test Vehicle A commercially available,
used to prevent vehicular access into
production-model vehicle or an approved
construction or maintenance work zones
surrogate vehicle used in a crash test to
and to redirect an impacting vehicle in
evaluate the impact performance of a test
order to minimize damage to the vehicle
and injury to the occupants while providing
worker protection. Tetrahedron A device with four triangular
sides that indicates wind direction.
Tender Mix A tender mix is an HMA
mixture that is internally unstable and will Tetrapod 1) Precast concrete shape with
not properly support the weight of the extending legs randomly placed like riprap
compaction equipment when hot and will for channel protection. 2) Bank protection
move under the applied compactive effort. component of precast concrete consisting of
four legs joined at a central joint, with each
Tendon A steel element, such as wire, bar,
leg making an angle of 109.5 degrees with
or strand, or a bundle of such elements,
the other three.
used to impart a prestress to concrete.
Thalweg 1) The line or path (such as a rill)
Terminal 1) A transportation facility
connecting the lowest flow points along the
for the picking up, transfer, or discharge
bed of a channel. The line does not include
of passengers or goods. 2) A device
local depressions. 2) The path that very low
designed to treat the end of a rigid obstacle
flows would follow in proceeding down
or longitudinal barrier. A terminal may
a stream, river, swale, or channel. 3) The
function by decelerating a vehicle to a
line extending along a channel profile that
safe stop within a relatively short distance,
follows the lowest elevation of the bed.
permitting controlled penetration of the
vehicle behind the device, containing and Theoretical Time The yard and end-of-
redirecting the vehicle, or a combination of line dispatch times throughout the day that
the above. are entered into the train-control computer
memory for purposes of comparison with
Terminal Area Airspace in which
actual performance.
departurelapproach control service or
airport traffic control service is provided. Thermal Force The change in temperature
that creates stresses and strains due to the
Terminal or Switch Line A company
thermal expansion and contraction of bridge
performing switching service or furnishing
terminal trackage, or both, and that may
incidentally conduct a regular freight or Thermal Mapping A process of
passenger service. measuring pavement temperatures over a
roadway network in order to create profiles
Terminal Time 1) The time required for
of pavement temperatures under various
passengers at a trip end to unpark and to
atmospheric and pavement conditions.
park, including any necessary walking time.
2) For rail vehicles, the time allowed at a Third Rail An electric conductor located
tenninal between arrival and departure for alongside the running rail from which
turning vehicles, recovery of delays, and power is collected by means of a sliding
preparing for the return trip. 3) The time contact mechanism attached to the truck of
electric cars.
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Threat Assessment Study that identifies route turn back in the downtown and return
and evaluates potential threats on the basis to its origin.
of factors such as capabilities, intentions,
Through Train A freight train operating
and past activities. This assessment
between major classification yards and
represents a systematic approach to
serving nonlocal traffic.
identifying potential threats before they
materialize. Through-Truss Span A truss system
where the roadway is located near the
3C Process A process for planning
bottom chord and where a top-chord lateral
transportation services that is required
system is provided.
by the Federal Aid Highway Act and the
Federal Transit Act in urbanized areas. Tidewater Port A port located on an
The three Cs stand for comprehensive, ocean.
continuing, and cooperative, which Tie The wooden or concrete support upon
characterize the planning process. which rails rest and that holds them in
Three-Leg Intersection An intersection gauge.
with three legs, where two roads join. Tie Bar A deformed steel bar or connector
Three-Second Gust Wind Speed The embedded in the concrete across a joint to
average wind speed measured over an prevent separation of abutting slabs.
interval of three seconds. Tied Arch An arch in which the horizontal
Threshold The beginning of that part of thrust of the arch rib is resisted by a
the runway usable for landing. horizontal tie.
Through-Girder Span A girder system Tie-Down A mechanical device that
where the roadway is below the top flange. prevents relative movement nonnal to an
Through Highway or Street Every
highway or portion thereof on which Tie Plate 1) A flanged plate between a
vehicular traffic is given preferential right- rail and a tie that provides the rail with
of-way, and at the entrances to which a uniformly firm foundation, helps hold
vehicular traffic from intersecting highways trackage, and prevents the rail from cutting
is required by law to yield right-of-way into the tie under the heavy impact of trains.
to vehicles on such through highway in 2 ) A plate interposed between a rail or other
obedience to either a stop sign or a yield track structure and a tie. 3) A plate used to
sign, when such signs are erected. connect components of a member.
Throughput Traffic or volume of Timber 1) Any lumber not allocated to
passengers or vehicles passing a point or another class, together with nails, bolts,
series of points during a given period of and other fastenings. Measurement of r
time. lumber shall be based on nominal sizes
for the lengths in place. 2) Lumber that
Through Rate A rate applicable from point
is nominally 5.0 in. or more in least
of origin to destination. A through rate may
be either a joint rate or a combination of
two or more rates. Time Off The clock time recorded when an
operator has completed the duties required
Through Routing The practice ofjoining
after the pull-in time.
the ends of radial bus routes to travel
through downtown rather than have each
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Time of Opening The total elapsed time time of weighing, expressed in units of
between the signal to stop traffic and the mass, due only to the vertically downward
signal to release the stopped traffic. force of gravity acting on the total mass of
the static vehicle.
Time of Operation Normal length of time
for opening the bridge after all span locks Tire-Wet Pavement Interaction, Zone
are released and any lifts of wedges are Concept A division of the load-bearing
withdrawn. surface of a moving pneumatic tire into
three basic zones-noncontact, partial
Time of Vessel Passage The time specified
contact, and contact.
by the owner for the bridge to remain in the
open position to allow for vessels passing Title The evidence of a person’s right to
through the channel. property or the right itself.
Time On The clock time recorded when Toe That portion of a stream cross section
an operator begins to make preparations for where the lower bank terminates and the
pull-out time. channel bottom or the opposite lower bank
Time Point A point on a line or route for
which time that vehicles are scheduled Token A stamped piece, usually metal,
to pass is specified (on a bus system it is equal in value to the flat fare or standard
usually the arriving time; on a rail system, it one-zone fare on a transit system.
is the leaving time).
Tolerance 1) The defined limits of
Timetable 1) The authority for the allowable (acceptable) departure from
movement of regular trains subject to the true value of a measured quantity.
the rules; it contains classified schedules 2) The limiting value(s) placed on a
with special instructions relating to the quality characteristic to define its absolute
movement of trains and engines. 2) A listing conformance boundaries such that nothing
of the times at which vehicles are due at is permitted outside the boundaries. A
specified time points. distinction between tolerance limits and
specification limits is that tolerance limits
T Intersection A three-leg intersection in
apply to process control and specification
the general form of a T.
limits to statistical acceptance. 3) Limits
Tire Braking Force The negative that define the confonnance boundaries for
longitudinal force resulting from braking a manufacturing, service, or construction
torque application. operation.
Tire Braking Force Coefficient The Toll Facility A facility open to traffic only
maximum value of tire braking force upon payment of a direct toll or fee.
coefficient that occurs prior to wheel lockup
Ton A short ton; 2,000 pounds avoirdupois.
as the braking torque is progressively
increased. Tonne 2,205 pounds.
Tire Braking Force Coefficient Slide The Torque A force that produces or tends
value of the braking force coefficient to produce rotation or torsion such as the
obtained on a locked wheel. torque that an automobile engine delivers to
the drive shaft.
Tire Forces The external forces acting on
the tire by the road. Torsion Twisting perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of a member.
Tire Load The portion of the gross vehicle
weight imposed upon the static tire at the

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Tort A private or civil wrong committed Track Car A self-propelled rail car (e.g.,
upon the person or property independent burro crane, highway rail car, detector car,
of contract. The elements of every tort weed burner, tie tamper) that may or may
action are (a) existence of legal duty from not operate signals or shunt track circuits.
defendant to plaintiff, (b) breach of duty,
Track Crossing A structure used where
and (c) damage as proximate result.
one track crosses another at grade and
Total Head The sum of three components: consists of four connected frogs.
(a) the elevation head, which is equal to the
Track Schedule A document issued once
elevation of the point above a datum, (b)
each week that describes the departments
the pressure head, which is the height of a
and personnel that are scheduled to occupy
column of static water that can be supported
any portion of track during the following
by the static pressure at the point, and (c)
the velocity head, which is the height at
which the kinetic energy of the liquid is Track Signal A device that is located near
capable of lifting the liquid. the track and interconnected with the signal
system in such a way that the brakes of a
Total Operating Revenue The sum of
train that passes a red signal will be applied
regular passenger revenue, charter revenue,
and the train will be brought to a stop.
and other miscellaneous revenues such as
advertising, concessions, etc. Trackwork The rails, switches, frogs,
crossings, fastenings, pads, ties, and ballast
Total Sediment Discharge The sum of
or track-support slab over which transit cars
suspended sediment discharge and bed
are operated.
load discharge or the sum of bed material
discharge and wash load discharge of a Tractive Force 1) The force exerted by
stream or river. powered equipment (e.g., a locomotive)
as measured for statistical purposes at the
Total Storm Management (TSM) The
rim of driving wheels. Also referred to as
process of selecting and applying the
Tractive Effort. 2) The drag on a stream
appropriate tools and strategies to deal
bank caused by passing water that tends to
successfully with winter storm conditions.
pull soil particles along with the streamflow.
Towage Service The use of tugboats
Tractor A powered unit capable of
to assist large commercial vessels in
propelling itself and towing other
maneuvering into or out of berths and slips.
(unpowered) units on a highway.
Towboat The motorized vessel used
TractodTrailer Angle The angle between
primarily on the inland and intracoastal
adjoining units of a tractorhemitrailer
waterway systems to propel barges.
when the combination unit is placed into a
Track 1) An assembly of rails, ties, and turn. This angle is measured between the 7
fastenings over which cars, locomotives, longitudinal axes of the tractor and trailer as
and trains are moved. 2) The width of a the vehicle turns.
wheeled vehicle from wheel to wheel and
Traffic The movement of vehicles,
usually from the outside of the rims.
pedestrians, ships, or planes through an area
Track Apron Railroad tracks along or along a defined route.
the waterfront edge of a wharf or pier
Traffic-Actuated Signal A traffic control
designated for direct transfer of cargo
signal whose right-of-way interval
between ship and car.
selection and interval times are varied by

N 117-
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the demands of vehicular traffic for those symbols, officially erected for the purpose
intervals or movements. of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.
Traffic Assignment A process by which Traffic Signal Any power-operated traffic
trips described by mode, purpose, origin, control device, other than a barricade
destination, and time of day are allocated warning light or steady burning electric
among the paths or routes in a network lamp, by which traffic is warned or directed
according to one of a number of flow- to take some specific action. Also referred
distribution models. to as Highway Traffic Signal or Traffic
Control Signal.
Traffic Assignment Zone A division of a
study area that is represented by a centroid Traffic Signal Preemption A technique for
and used for traffic assignment purposes. altering the sequence or duration of traffic
signal phasing using vehicle detection in
Traffic Barrier A device used to prevent a
order to provide preferential treatment
vehicle from striking a more severe obstacle
for buses and emergency vehicles. Also
or feature located on the roadside or in the
referred to as Signal Preemption.
median or to prevent crossover median
accidents. As so defined, there are four Traffic Signal Priority Special treatment
classes of traffic barriers: roadside barriers, provided to transit vehicles at signalized
median barriers, bridge railings, and crash intersections.
Traffic Volume The number of persons
Traffic Control Device A sign, signal, or vehicles passing a point on a lane,
marking, or other device placed on or roadway, or other travelway during some
adjacent to a street or highway by authority time interval, often one hour, expressed in
of a public body or official having vehicles, bicycles, or persons per hour.
jurisdiction to regulate, warn, or guide
Trailer A vehicle designed for carrying
persons or property and drawn by a motor
Traffic Island A defined area between vehicle that carries no part of the weight
traffic lanes for control of vehicle and load of the trailer.
movements or for pedestrian refuge. Within
Trailer (Trail Car) A rail car not provided
an intersection, a median or an outer
with motive power that is used in multiple-
separation is considered an island.
unit trains operated by rail motor cars.
Traffic Operation Plan A program of
Train 1) Two or more vehicles physically
action designed to improve the utilization
connected and operated as a unit. 2) An
of a highway, street, or highway and street
engine or more than one engine coupled
network, through the application of the
with or without cars.
principles of traffic engineering.
Tramp A vessel that does not operate on a
Traffic Pattern The traffic flow that is
published schedule, serving different ports
prescribed for aircraft landing at, taxiing on,
in response to tenders of cargo.
and taking off from an airport. The usual
components of a traffic pattern are upwind Transcribed Weather Broadcast
leg, crosswind leg, downwind leg, base leg, (TWEB) Broadcasts provided at selected
and final approach. flight service stations that include
meteorological and NOTAM data recorded
Traffic Sign A device mounted on a fixed
on tapes and broadcast continuously over
or portable support whereby a specific
the low-frequency navigational aids and
message is conveyed by means of words or
certain VOR and VORTAC stations.
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Transfer 1) A slip of paper issued to Transit Shed An enclosed structure on

a passenger that provides the right to a wharf or pier providing protection and
change from one transit vehicle to another storage for cargoes.
according to certain rules. 2 ) To change
Transit System The facilities, equipment,
from one transit vehicle or mode to another
personnel, and procedures needed to
vehicle or mode.
provide and maintain public transportation
Transfer Center Centralized point for service.
loading and unloading passengers usually
Transitway The term used to describe an
in the central business district and equipped
HOV lane or facility. In some cases, it refers
with shelter and schedule information.
to bus-only facilities, but in other cases, it
Transfer Fee A fee collected for may be used on a facility open to all HOVs.
transferring from one transit route to
Translation Horizontal movement of the
bridge in the longitudinal or transverse
Transfer Length The length over which direction.
the pretensioning force is transferred to
Transponder 1) An airborne radar
the concrete by bond and friction in a
beacon receiver-transmitter that receives
pretensioned member.
radio signals from all interrogators on the
Transit Capacity The number of ground and that selectively replies with a
passengers that can be transported over specific reply pulse or pulse group only to
a given section of a transit line in one those interrogations being received on the
direction during a given time period mode to which it is set to respond. 2 ) An
(usually one hour) under prevailing traffic electronic transmitteriresponder that is
conditions. attached to the object to be identified and,
when appropriate signals are received,
Transit Center A facility where transit
transmits information as radio signals to a
vehicles converge, enabling passengers to
reader. Often referred to as a Tag.
transfer among routes and services. Transit
centers are generally located off the street Transportation Travel from one place to
and provide passengers with a shaded another of goods and people by public or
or enclosed waiting area, seats, drinking private means.
fountains, and transit infonnation.
Transportation Brokerage Centralized
Transit Dependent Having to rely on operation of transportation services that
public transportation to meet one’s travel may include general community services as
needs. Refers also to Captive Transit Rider. well as social service transportation.
Transition A section of barrier between Transportation Demand Management
two different barriers or, more commonly, (TDM) The operation and coordination 7
where a roadside barrier is connected to of various transportation system programs
a bridge railing or to a rigid object such to provide the most efficient and effective
as a bridge pier. The transition should use of existing transportation services
produce a gradual stiffening of the approach and facilities. TDM is one category of
rail so vehicular pocketing, snagging, Transportation System Management (TSM)
or penetration at the connection can be actions.
Transportation Improvement Program
(TIP) A list of transportation projects for
which funding to be sought over a three- to

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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

five-year period. It describes transportation Transverse Reinforcement Reinforcement

improvements to be funded by public used to resist shear, torsion, and lateral
funds from all sources, with a budget for forces or to confine concrete in a structural
each project. The first year’s transportation member. The terms stirrups and web
projects are called the annual element. reinforcement are usually applied to
transverse reinforcement in flexural
Transportation Plan A program of action
members, and the terms ties, hoops,
to provide effectively for present and fiiture
and spirals are applied to transverse
demands for movement of people and
reinforcement in compression members.
goods. This program necessarily includes
consideration of the various modes of Trash Rack 1) A device used to capture
travel. debris, whether floating, suspended, or
rolling and saltating along the bed, before it
Transportation System A coordinated
enters a drainage facility. 2) A grid or screen
system made up of multimodal services
across a stream or entrance to a drainage
serving a common purpose, the movement
facility designed to catch debris.
of people and goods.
Traveled Way The portion of roadway
Transportation System Management
for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of
(TSM) Actions that improve the operation
and coordination of transportation services
and facilities to effect the most efficient Travel Speed The speed over a specified
use of the existing transportation system. section of highway, being the distance
Actions include operational improvements divided by travel time.
to the existing transportation system,
Travel Time The time of travel, including
new facilities, and demand-management
stops and delays, except those off the
strategies. traveled way.
Transverse The horizontal direction
Traversable Slope A slope from which a
normal to the longitudinal axis of the
motorist will be unlikely to steer back to the
roadway but may be able to slow and stop
Transverse Cracking 1) Cracks in safely. Slopes between IV:3H and IV:4H
the pavement that are predominantly generally fall into this category.
perpendicular to the direction of traffic. Tread Plates and Castings Tread plates
2) Any transverse crack that is longer than
or castings for segmental girders and track
2 in, excluding sawcuts, that projects within
girders for rolling-lift bridges, together with
45 degrees of perpendicular to the pavement their shims and connecting bolts.
Tree A record that shows the shortest
Transverse Fissure A progressive
routes and travel times from a given zone
crosswise fracture starting from inside the
to each node in the highway network (the
head of the rail.
tracing of routes has a strong resemblance
Transverse Load Horizontal design force to the trunk and branches of a tree).
that is applied perpendicular to a railing or Trip 1) A one-way movement of a person
barrier system. or vehicle between two points for a specific
Transverse Profile The vertical deviations purpose. 2 ) A mechanical lever or block
of the pavement surface from a horizontal signal that, when in the upright position,
reference perpendicular to the lane activates a train’s emergency braking
direction. system.

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Trip Matrix An array of the number of nontraversable area of the central island and
trips made between zones. the circulating roadway.
Tripper (Extra) A short piece of work that Trucking Platform A platfonn on which
cannot be incorporated into a full day’s run, freight, baggage, mail, etc., are handled to
usually scheduled during peak hours. and from cars.
Trip Purpose The primary reason for Truck-Mounted Attenuator (TMA) An
making a trip. Typical trip purposes include energy-absorbing device attached to the
work, shopping, medical, recreational, and rear of a truck or utility vehicle. A TMA is
school. designed to bring a vehicle impacting the
rear of the truck to a controlled stop.
Trip Sheet 1) A sheet on which operators
and trainmen record their day’s work and Truck Tractor A motor vehicle designed
receipts for a run. 2) A record kept of the for drawing other vehicles, but not for a
information required by ordinance or by load other than a part of the weight of the
rule for a shift worked by the driver of vehicle and load drawn.
a public passenger vehicle in demand-
Trumpet Interchange A three-way
responsive service; may also be used in
interchange with no crossing movements,
line-haul or charter service.
featuring one 270-degree loop ramp
Trip Table A table that shows the number opposite the terminating roadway and a
of trips between zones classified by mode, semidirectional ramp following the loop to
purpose, time period, type of vehicle, or the outside.
other category.
Truncated Domes Small domes with
Trolleybus An electric bus propelled by an flattened tops used as tactile warning at
electric motor that draws power through a transit platfonns and at other locations
trolley from an overhead electric conductor where a tactile warning is needed.
(trolley wire); the power-collection
Truss A structural support, usually vertical
apparatus (trolley pole) is designed to allow
or horizontal, composed of framework that
the bus to maneuver in mixed traffic over
is often arranged in triangles.
several lanes and pick up passengers at the
street curb. Truss Bridge A bridge involving a system
of structural members joined at their ends to
Trolley Pole A swiveling, spring-activated
fonn a stable framework.
pole attached to an electric car, bus, or
locomotive that holds the trolley in contact Tugboat A motorized vessel used primarily
with the overhead conductor, which is in deep-draft harbors to maneuver larger
usually a trolley wire. vessels between the navigation channel and
Truck 1) The assembly of parts consisting
a dock. r
of wheels and axles with necessary springs Tunnel A horizontal or near horizontal
and structural members that support the opening in soil excavated to a predesigned
main body of a rail car at each end. 2) A geometry by tunneling methods exclusive
wheeled highway freight vehicle also of cut-and-cover methods.
referred to as Goods Vehicle. Turbidity Muddy water, having sediment
Truck Apron The optional outer, or foreign particles stirred up or suspended.
mountable portion of the central island Measured by the Jackson Turbidity Unit
of a roundabout between the raised, (JTU) or Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
(NTU). NTU is current practice.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Turbojet An engine that derives power allowing slow-moving vehicles to leave

from a vaned wheel spinning in reaction to the main roadway and stop so that faster
burning gases escaping from a combustion vehicles can pass. 2) The arrangement of
chamber. The turbine, in turn, drives a a switch and a frog with closure rails by
compressor and other accessories. which rolling stock can be diverted from
one track to another.
Turboprop A turbine engine in which the
rotating turbine turns a propeller. Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) A
measure of the number of containers
Turbulence 1 ) Motion of fluids in which
handled in a port, or the carrying capacity
local velocities and pressures fluctuate
of a vessel. M1 containers 6.1 -in (20-ft) and
irregularly in a random manner, as opposed
12.2-117(40-ft) containers (and others of
to laminar flow where all particles of
varying lengths) are converted to 6.1 -in (20-
the fluid move in distinct and separate
ft) units to achieve a coininon measure for
streamlines. 2) A state of flow wherein
comparison. One 12.2-m (40-ft ) container
the water is agitated by cross currents and
is the equivalent of two TEUs.
eddies, as opposed to a condition of flow
that is quiet or quiescent. Two-way Left-Turn Lane A lane in the
median area that extends continuously
Turbulent Flow 1) The flow condition
along a street or highway and is marked to
in which inertial forces predominate over
provide a deceleration and storage area, out
viscous forces and in which head loss is not
of the through-traffic stream, for vehicles
linearly related to velocity. 2) That type of
traveling in either direction to use in making
flow in which the fluid particles move along
left turns at intersections and driveways.
very irregular paths.
Type A Joint A cast-in-place joint of wet
Turbulent Velocity That velocity above
concrete andlor epoxy between precast
which, in a particular conduit, turbulent
flow always exists and below which the
flow may be either turbulent or laminar, Type B Joint A dry joint between precast
depending on circumstances. units.
Turning Basin An area of water or
enlargement of a channel used for the
turning around of vessels.
Turning Loop A teardrop-shaped loop of
track used for turning equipment around. Ultimate Strength The maximum three-
edge-bearing test load.
Turning Movement The traffic making a
designated turn at an intersection. Ultimate Strength Load The estimated
load at which a bridge is expected to fail.
Turning Path The path of a designated
point on a vehicle making a specified turn. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) A
frequency band from 300 to 3,000 MHz.
Turning Track Width The radial distance
between the turning paths of the outside of Ultra-Thin Whitetopping A concrete
the outer front tire and the outside of the overlay, 50 to 100 mm (2 to 4 in.) thick with
rear tire that is nearest the center of the turn. closely spaced joints bonded to an existing
asphalt pavement.
Turnout 1) A short segment of a lane,
usually a widened, unobstructed shoulder Unbraced Length Distance between brace
area, added to a two-lane two-way highway, points resisting the mode of buckling or
distortion under consideration; generally,
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

the distance between panel points or brace Uniformity Coefficient The ratio of the
locations. diameter at the 60 percent finer point to that
at the 10 percent finer point on the gradation
Uncertainty The lack of knowledge of the
outcome for a particular element or value.
Uninterrupted Flow Facility A category
Unconsolidated Formation Any naturally
of facilities that has no fixed causes of
occurring, loosely cemented, or poorly
delay or interruption external to the traffic
indurated earth material, including such
stream; examples include freeways and
materials as uncompacted gravel, sand, silt,
unsignalized sections of multilane and two-
and clay. Alluvium, soil, and overburden
lane highways.
are terms frequently used to describe such
formations. Union Shop An establishment in which,
by agreement, all employees are required
Uncontrolled Spillway A spillway for a
to become members of the union within
reservoir at which floodwater discharge
a specified time after hiring (typically 30
is governed only by the inflow and
days) and to remain members of the union
resulting head in the reservoir. Usually the
as a condition of continued employment.
emergency spillway is uncontrolled.
Unit 1) An individual, detachable assembly
Underpass A grade separation where
of chassis, body, and axles comprising
the subject highway passes under an
part of a complete vehicle; units include
intersecting highway or railroad. Also
tractors, fill1 trailers, and semitrailers. 2) A
referred to as Undercrossing.
precisely specified quantity for measuring
Uniaxial Tensile Stress Stress acting in or specifying a quantity.
tension along only one axis.
Unit Discharge Discharge per unit width;
Unicom Frequencies authorized for may be average over a cross section or local
aeronautical advisory services to private at a point.
aircraft. Only one such station is authorized
Unit Hydrograph The hydrograph of
at any landing area. Services available are
direct runoff from a stonn uniformly
advisory in nature, primarily concerning the
distributed over the drainage basin during
airport services and airport utilization.
a specified unit of time; the hydrograph
Unified Planning Work Program is reduced in vertical scale to correspond
(UPWP) A document that is produced to a volume of runoff of 1 mm from the
annually by metropolitan planning drainage basin.
organizations that describes transportation-
Unit Tow A towboat and one or more
related planning activities to be carried out
barges that operate as a single unit in
during the next year.
continuous round trips between origin and
Uniform Channel A channel with destination.
a uniform cross section and constant
roughness. A constant slope is also a
Unit Train A freight train moving great u
tonnage of single bulk products between
requirement for uniform flow and depth.
two points coupled with a system of
Uniform Flow 1) Flow of constant cross efficient, rapid loading and unloading
section and average velocity through a facilities.
reach of channel during an interval of time.
Unlinked Trip A trip made in a single
2) A constant flow of discharge, the mean
velocity of which is also constant. Also
referred to as Steady Flow.
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Unsaturated Zone The zone between the

land surface and the water table.
Unsteady Flow Flow of variable cross
section and average velocity through a Value Engineering An analysis of
reach of channel during an interval of time. materials, processes, and products in which
A changing discharge with respect to time. functions are related to cost and from which
Opposite of Steady Flow. Also referred to a selection may be made for the purpose
as Varied Flow. of achieving the required function at the
Uplift The upward water pressure force on lowest overall cost consistent with the
the base of a structure. requirements for performance, reliability,
and maintainability. Also referred to as
Urban Area 1) An urbanized area or, in
Value Analysis.
the case of an urbanized area encompassing
more than one state, that part of the Value Pricing Within the context of
urbanized area in each such state, or an road pricing, a marketing strategy that
urban place as designated by the U.S. emphasizes that road pricing can directly
Census Bureau having a population of benefit motorists through reduced
5,000 or more and not within any urbanized congestion or improved roadways.
area, within boundaries to be fixed by Vanpool A prearranged ridesharing
responsible state and local officials in service in which a number of people travel
cooperation with each other, subject to together on a regular basis in a van. Usually
approval by the Secretary of Transportation. designed to carry eight or more persons.
Such boundaries shall, at a minimum,
encompass the entire urban place designated Variable Message Sign (VMS) A mobile
by the Census Bureau, except in the case sign system that utilizes a lighted display
of cities in the State of Maine and in the board to present messages.
State of New Hampshire. 2) A community Variation 1) Differences in measured
with a population of 5,000 persons or more. values of a characteristic within a stable
3) Relating to a city, town, community, or pattern due to chance, or outside this normal
other highly developed, heavily populated pattern due to assignable cause. 2) The
concentration of residence, commerce, and angle difference at a given point between
industry; as differentiated from rural area. true north and magnetic north expressed as
Urbanized Area (UZA) An area the number of degrees by which magnetic
designated by the U.S. Census Bureau north is displaced east or west from true
meeting certain criteria of population size north. The angle is added algebraically
or density with a population of 50,000 or to true directions to obtain magnetic
more. directions.
Useful Life The total productive time span Vehicle 1) An assembly of one or more
of a piece of equipment, usually used with units coupled together for travel on a
reference to vehicles. highway; vehicles include one powered unit
and may include one or more unpowered
Utility A measure of the value a traveler full trailer or semitrailer units. 2) Every
places on a trip choice. device in, upon, or by which any person or
property can be transported or drawn upon
a highway, except trains and light rail transit
operating in exclusive or semiexclusive
alignments. Light rail transit operating in a
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

mixed-use alignment, to which other traffic Vertical Velocity Curve A graph of the
is not required to yield the right-of-way by relation between depth and velocity along
law, is a vehicle. a vertical line in a stream, as determined
by a set of observations or estimated by
Vehicle Classification The identification,
summarization, and reporting of traffic
volume by vehicle or axle configuration. Very High Frequency (VHF) Frequency
band from 30 to 300 MHz.
Vehicle Detector A mechanical or
electronic device that senses and signals the VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) The
presence or passage of vehicular traffic at provision of positive guidance to aircraft on
one or more points in the roadway. any selected magnetic course to or from the
Vehicle Kilometers (Miles) of Travel
(VKmT) [VMTl A measurement of the Very Low-Volume Local Road A road
total kilometers (miles) traveled by all that is functionally classified as a local
vehicles in an area. road and has a design average daily traffic
volume of 400 vehicles per day or less.
Vehicle Trip The one-way movement of a
vehicle between two points. Victor Airway An airway system based on
the use of VOR facilities. The north-south
Velocity Conversion Factor A factor that
airways have odd numbers, i.e., Victor
converts three-second-gust wind speeds
11, and the east-west airways have even
associated with a 50-year mean recurrence
interval to three-second-gust wind speeds
associated with other mean recurrence Viewshed Total area visible from a point or
intervals. The square of the velocity series of points along a linear transportation
conversion factor equals the corresponding facility, or conversely the area with views of
importance factor. that facility.
Velocity Head The distance a body must Violation Rate The total number of
fall freely under the force of gravity to violators divided by the total number of
acquire the velocity it possesses; the kinetic vehicles in the high-occupancy vehicle
energy, in meters of head, possessed by a (HOV) lane(s).
given velocity.
Visual Approach Slope Indicator
Velocity of Approach The mean velocity (VASI) An airport lighting facility
in the conduit or channel immediately providing vertical guidance to aircraft
upstream from a weir, dam, Venturi throat during approach and landing by radiating a
orifice, or other structure; the mean velocity directional pattern of high-intensity, red and
in the approach section. white, focused light beams.
Vertical Clearance Minimum Visual Flight Rules (VFR) When weather
unobstructed vertical passage space conditions are above the minimums
required along a sidewalk or trail. Vertical prescribed for visual meteorological
clearance is often limited by obstacles such conditions, pilots may fly with visual
as building overhangs, tree branches, signs, reference to the ground and without
and awnings. reference to radio navigational aids.
Vertical Lift Bridge A type of bridge Void 1) An internal discontinuity of the
having a movable span that moves up and deck by which its self-weight is reduced.
down while remaining horizontal. 2) A hole, or skip in a coating. 3) A hole
in a casting or weld deposit usually
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

resulting from shrinkage during cooling. which the need for a safety treatment or
4) Entrapped or entrained air in concrete. improvement can be determined.
Voidless Density The density obtained Wash Load That part of the total sediment
mathematically by dividing the mass of discharge that is composed of particle
a unit volume of material by its specific sizes finer than those found in appreciable
gravity. quantities in the bed material.
Vortex A circular pattern of air created Water Cushion A pool of water
by the movement of an airfoil through the maintained to take the impact of water
atmosphere. overflowing a dam, chute, drop, or other
spillway structure.
Vulnerability Assessment Study that
identifies and evaluates critical assets in Waterproofed Joints Open or closed
tenns of their susceptibility to and the joints that have been provided with some
consequences of terrorist attacks or acts of fonn of trough below the joint to contain
war and suggests options to address those and conduct deck discharge away from the
weaknesses. structure.
Watershed 1) An area confined by
drainage divides and often having only one
outlet for discharge. 2 ) The total drainage
area contributing runoff to a single point.
Wait Time The time spent waiting for a Water Surface Profile A plot of water
transit vehicle. surface elevation against channel distance.
Wake Turbulence Turbulence found to Also referred to as Profile.
the rear of a solid body in motion relative Water Table The planar surface between
to a fluid. In aviation terminology, the the zone of saturation and the zone of
turbulence caused by a moving aircraft. aeration. Also referred to as Water Level or
Walkway A facility provided for Waterline.
pedestrian movement and segregated from Waterway A navigable stream or canal.
vehicular traffic by a curb, or provided for
Waterway Opening Width or area of
on a separate right-of-way.
bridge opening at a specified stage and
Warning Area Airspace that may contain measured normal to the principal direction
hazards to nonparticipating aircraft in of flow.
international airspace.
Wave Run-Up Height to which water rises
Warping or Hinged Joint A joint in which above still-water level when waves meet
flexure is permitted but separation and such things as a beach, wall, embankment,
vertical displacement of abutting rigid slabs or causeway.
are prevented by metal ties and mechanical
Waybill A document prepared by the
or aggregate interlock.
carrier at the point of origin of a shipment
Warrants 1) A document that provides showing the point of origin, destination,
guidance to the designer in evaluating the route, consignor, consignee, description
potential safety and operational benefits of of shipment, and amount charged for
traffic control devices or features. Warrants the transportation service, and generally
are not absolute requirements; rather, they forwarded with the shipment to the agent at
are a means of conveying concern over a destination.
potential traffic hazard. 2 ) The criteria by
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Wayfinding A system of information Weight The external force of gravity

comprising visual, audible, and tactile acting vertically downwards upon a body
elements that helps users experience an with a magnitude equal to the body’s mass
environment and facilitates getting from multiplied by the local acceleration of free
point A to point B. fall.
Wayside Signal A fixed signal that is Weir A dam across a channel for diverting
located along the track right-of-way. flows or for measuring the flow.
Wearing Surface An overlay or sacrificial Weir Flow Free surface flow over a control
layer of the structural deck to protect the surface that has a defined discharge versus
structural deck against wear, road salts, and depth relationship.
environmental effects. The overlay may
Welcome Center A rest area near a state
include waterproofing.
border with an expanded tourist-infonnation
Weaving The crossing of two or more center and other amenities welcoming
traffic streams traveling in the same travelers to a state.
direction along a significant length of
Well-Graded Aggregate An aggregate
highway without the aid of traffic control
possessing a proportionate distribution of
devices (except for guide signs).
successive particle sizes.
Weaving Segment A length of highway
Wetland Bank That document maintained
over which traffic streams cross paths
to reflect wetland credit that may be
through lane-changing maneuvers, without
available for use in the mitigation of a
the aid of traffic signals; formed between
wetland impacted by a fiiture highway
merge and diverge points.
Weigh To measure the tire load on one or
Wetland Banking Although not required
more tires by using a vehicle scale, axle-
at the time of a highway action, the process
load scale, portable axle load weigher, or
of creating, restoring, or enhancing a
wheel load weigher. These devices are
wetland in conjunction with the highway
usually subjected to field standard test
action to compensate for unavoidable
weights at each locality of use and are
and at the time unknown wetland impacts
adjusted to indicate units of mass.
from some future highway action and then
Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) A set of sensors obtaining approval from the cognizant
and supporting instruments that measures resource and regulatory agencies for this
the presence of a moving vehicle and the work as a wetland credit to be entered into
related dynamic tire forces at specified the wetland bank.
locations with respect to time; estimates
Wetland Credit The credited value in the
tire loads, speed, axle spacing, vehicle
wetland bank for substitute wetlands in
class according to axle arrangement and
a particular geographic area and biologic
other parameters concerning the vehicle;
region as approved by the cognizant
and processes, displays, and stores this
resource and regulatory agencies.
Wetlands Those lands having wetland
Weigh Station A highway facility for
hydrology, hydric soils, and hydrophyte
scales to weigh a commercial vehicle and
type vegetation as delineated by current W
its contents; it may be mobile or fixed and
editions of the Federal Manual for
may also include a building, ramps, and
Identi&ing and Delineating Jurisdictional
Wetlands. These include wetlands subject

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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

to federal law regardless of whether they Wind Sock A cloth sleeve mounted aloft
involve federal, state, or private lands. at an airport to use for estimating wind
direction and velocity.
Wet Use Use conditions where the
moisture content of the wood in service Wind Tee An indicator of wind direction
exceeds the dry condition: 16 percent for for takeoff and landing.
(glued laminate) lumber and 19 percent for Wire-Enclosed Riprap Stones placed in
sawn lumber. a wire fabric enclosure. Also referred to as
Wharf A structure or platform constructed Gabion.
at the shoreline to permit vessels to berth
Work The fiimishing of labor, materials,
and to discharge or receive cargo or
equipment, and incidentals necessary or
convenient to the successful completion of
Wharfage A charge assessed against the the project and the carrying out of the duties
cargo transferred across the wharf. and obligations imposed by the contract.
Wheelchair Lift A device, usually attached Work Hours A fixed number of hours
or built into a transit vehicle, to facilitate the required to be worked each day.
ingress and egress of wheelchair users and
Working Day A calendar day during
others with mobility limitations.
which normal construction operations
Wheel Force Transducer System A could proceed for a major part of a shift.
force-to-electrical signal converter system Nonnally excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and
including transducer(s), associated signal holidays.
condition, zeroing, amplifying, recording,
Working Drawings Supplemental design
and monitoring instrumentation.
sheets or similar data that the contractor
Wheel Line A transverse or longitudinal is required to submit to the engineer such
grouping of wheels. as stress sheets, shop drawings, erection
plans, falsework plans, framework plans,
Wheel Load 1) The sum of the tire loads
cofferdam plans, and bending diagrams for
on all tires included in the wheel assembly
reinforcing steel.
that comprises a half-axle. 2) One half of a
specified design axle load. Work Order A written order, signed by the
engineer, of a contractual status requiring
Wheel Set A pair of wheels mounted on
performance by the contractor without
an axle.
negotiation of any sort.
Wheel Track A line or path followed
Work Zone An area of a highway with
by the tire of a road vehicle on a traveled
construction, maintenance, or utility work
activities, typically marked by signs,
Wind Load Pressure on the beams, trusses, channelizing devices, barriers, pavement
and other parts of the bridge exposed to markings, work vehicles, or combination
steady, buffeting wind gusts. thereof. It extends from the first warning
Windrow Revetment A row of stone sign or high-intensity rotating, flashing,
(windrow) placed on top of the bank oscillating, or strobe lights on a vehicle to
landward of an eroding stream bank. the END ROAD WORK sign or the last
temporary traffic control (TTC) device.
Wind Shear An extremely rapid change of
either wind speed or direction, or both, in Wye A triangular arrangement of tracks on
any direction, conventionally expressed as which locomotives, cars, and trains may be
vertical wind or horizontal wind shear. tumed.
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Yard 1) A system of tracks within defined Zone Fare A fare that is determined by
limits that is provided for making up the length of the trip measured in terms of
trains, storing cars, and other purposes defined zones.
and over which movements not authorized
Zone of Aeration The zone above the
by timetable or train order may be made
water table. Water in the zone of aeration
subject to prescribed signals and rules or
does not flow into a well.
special instructions. 2) An open storage lot
for electric trolley buses and motor buses. Zone of Saturation The zone in which the
functional permeable rocks are saturated
Yaw An angular motion about the vertical
with water under hydrostatic pressure.
axis of a vehicle, ship, or aircraft.
Zoning The division of an area into
Year of Expenditure Dollars The
districts and the public regulation of the
estimated cost of the project in the year in
character and intensity of use of the land
which it is anticipated to be built.
and improvements thereon.
Yield Stress 1) The stress at which
noticeable, suddenly increased deformation
occurs under slowly increasing load. 2) The
specified yield strength of reinforcement.
Y Intersection A three-leg intersection in
the general fonn of a Y.

Keyword Index

AADT Acceleration Act

Annual Average Daily Ridedown Acceleration Act of God
Traffic (AADT)
Acceptance Action
AAWDT Acceptance Arching Action
Annual Average Weekday Acceptance Constant Civil Action
Traffic (AAWDT) Acceptance Limit Composite Action
Acceptance Number Emergency Action Plan
Acceptance Plan Frame Action
Abandonment Acceptance Sampling and Internal Composite Action
Abatement Testing Partial Composite Action
Noise Abatement Attribute Acceptance Plan
Procedure Gap Acceptance
Active Earth Pressure
Joint Acceptance Test
Aboard Actual
LASH (Lighter Aboard Access
Access Actual Cost
Access Point Actuated
Abrasion Access Time Full Actuated Operation
Abrasion Control of Access Traffic-Actuated Signal
Absolute Full Control of Access
Partial Control of Access Addendum
Absolute Block Addendum
Absolute Permissive Right of Access
Accessible Additive
Accessible Additive
Accessibility ADF
Absorption Test
Account Automatic Direction Finder
Force Account (ADF)
Abstract of Title
Accrual Adjustment
Accrual Method Adjustment Factors
Abstraction Pay Adjustment
Initial Abstraction Accuracy Pay Adjustment Schedule
Abutment Accuracy (or System) for Quality
Abutment ACN Admixture
Spillthrough Abutment Aircraft Classification Admixture
Accelerate Number (ACN)
Accelerate Stop Distance Acquisition Adsorption
Acquisition or Taking
N 155 N
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

ADT AFZ Negative Air Pressure

Average Daily Traffic Auto Free Zone (AFZ) (Vacuum) Test
(ADTI Tactical Air Navigation
Advanced Agency
Advanced Public Contracting Agency Aircraft
Transportation Systems Land Management Agency Aircraft Classification
(APTS) Number (ACN)
Advanced Rural Large Aircraft
Aggradation Small Aircraft
Transportation Systems
(ARTS) Aggregate Airmen
Advanced Traffic Dense Graded Aggregate Notice to Airmen
Management System Open Graded Aggregate (NOTAM)
(ATMS) Skip-Graded Aggregate
Advanced Traveler Well-Graded Aggregate Airplane
Information Systems Airplane
Agonic Line Airport
Advanced Vehicle Control
and Safety Systems Airport
(AVCSS) Airport Advisory Area
Project Agreement Airport Advisory Service
Advertisement Supplemental Agreement Airport Capacity
Advertisement ACT Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
Advisory Automated Guideway Airport Surveillance Radar
Advisory Transit (AGT) (ASR)
All-Weather Airport
Airport Advisory Area Aid
Airport Advisory Service Airship
Navigational Aid
Highway Advisory Radio (NAVAID) Airship
(HAR) Federal-Aid Highway Airspace
Radar Advisory Service Federal-Aid System Class A Airspace
Aeration Air Class B Airspace
Zone of Aeration Air Navigation Facility Class C Airspace
Aeroelastic (NAVAID) Class D Airspace
Air Rights Class E Airspace
Aeroelastic Vibration
Air Route Surveillance Class G Airspace
Aeronautical Radar (ARSR) Controlled Airspace
Aeronautical Information Air Route Traffic Control Navigable Airspace
Publication Center (ARTCC) Airspeed
Aesthetic Air Traffic Control (ATC) Airspeed
Air Traffic Control Best Angle-of-Climb
Aesthetic Value
Radar Beacon System Airspeed
(ATCRBS) Best Rate-of-Climb
A FC Clear Air Turbulence Airspeed
Automatic Fare Collection (CAT)
Entrained Air Airway
Entrapped Air Airway
Afflux Victor Airway
Low Pressure Air Test
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Airworthy Alternative Tractor/Trailer Angle

Airworthy Do-Nothing Alternative Angularity
No Build Alternative
Alert Angularity
Mitigation Alternatives
Alert Area Annual
Alight Annual Average Daily
Alight Traffic (AADT)
Altimeter Setting
Annual Average Weekday
Alignment Radio Altimeter
Traffic (AAWDT)
Alignment (also Altitude Annual Capital
Alinement) Altitude Annual Flood
Alinement Density Altitude Annual Runoff
Alignment (also Annual Vehicle Kilometers
Alinement) [Miles] Traveled
Amidships (AVkmT) [AVMT]
Alley Amplitude Mean Annual Flood
Alley Constant Amplitude Mean Annual Flow
Alligator Fatigue Threshold Annualized
Alligator Cracking Analysis Annualized Method
Allotment Break-Even Analysis Annular
Allotment Cost Benefit Analysis Annular Space
Dam-Break Analysis
Allowable Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Apex
Allowable Headwater Network-Level Analysis Apex
Depth Quality Level Analysis Apparent
Allowable Static Design (QLN
Stress Apparent Specific Gravity
Site Analysis
Allowance Apportionment
Allowance Apportionment
Anchor Bolt
Dynamic Load Allowance Anchorage Appraisal
Alluvial Anchorage Zone Right-of-way Appraisal
Anchored Wall
Alluvial Approach
Alluvial Channel Approach
Alluvial Fan Angle Approach Channel
Alluvium Angle of Attack Approach Control
Angle of Flare Approach Light System
Angle of Repose (ALS)
All-Weather Angle of Turn Approach Section
All-Weather Airport Best Angle-of-Climb Approach Signal
Airspeed Approach Slope
Critical Impact Angle Bridge Approach Railing
Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
(CIA) Final Approach (VFR)
Alternate Impact Angle Instrument Approach
Alternate Bar Intersection Angle Procedure (IAP)
Alternate Depth Skew Angle Missed Approach
Steering Angle
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Precision Approach Radar Metropolitan Statistical ARTS

(PAR) Area (MSA) Advanced Rural
Straight-in Approach VFR Prohibited Area Transportation Systems
Velocity of Approach Recovery Area (ARTS)
Visual Approach Slope Rest Area Aspect
Indicator (VASI) Restricted Area
Aspect Ratio
Taper Area
Terminal Area Asphalt
Appropriation Urban Area Gap-Graded Hot Mix
Appurtenances Urbanized Area (UZA) Asphalt
Appurtenances Warning Area Hot Mix Asphalt
Arm Sand Asphalt
Sheet Asphalt Surfacing
Apron Arm
Stone Matrix Asphalt
Launching Apron Mast Arm
Track Apron Armor
Truck Apron ASR
Airport Surveillance Radar
APTS Armoring
Advanced Public Arrangement
Transportation Systems Assembly
Attrition Arrangement
(APTS) Bolt Assembly
Arrival Controller Assembly
Standard Terminal Arrival Assessment
Aquifer Route (STAR)
Consequence Assessment
Arbitration Arrow Criticality Assessment
Arbitration Arrow BoardIArrow Panel Threat Assessment
Binding Arbitration Vulnerability Assessment
Arch Asset
Air Route Surveillance
Tied Arch Radar (ARSR) Asset Management
Arching Action
ARTCC Assignable
Air Route Traffic Control Assignable Cause
Airport Advisory Area Center (ARTCC)
Alert Area Assignment
Area-Capacity Curve Arterial Assignment Sheet
Area Coverage Arterial Highway Traffic Assignment
Area Curve Arterial Service Traffic Assignment Zone
Area Navigation (RNAV) Artesian Assurance
Area of Concern
Artesian Independent Assurance
Area Rainfall
Artesian Well Quality Assurance (QA)
Area Sampling
Quality Assurance
Brake Check Area Articulated
Clear Runout Area Articulated Bus
Drainage Area Articulated Car ATC
Fleeting Area Air Traffic Control (ATC)
Military Operations Areas Automatic Train Control
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

ATCRBS Authority Average (Mean) Stress

Air Traffic Control Public Authority Average Daily Traffic
Radar Beacon System Port Authority, Port District (ADTI
(ATCRBS) Average Fare
Average Running Speed
At-Grade Auto-Free Zone (AFZ) Average Spot Speed
At-Grade Intersection Autogyro Average Travel Speed
ATIS Autogyro Average Velocity
Advanced Traveler Local Average Velocity
Information Systems AV I
Automated Guideway
(ATIS) Automatic Vehicle
Transit (AGT)
Automatic Terminal Identification (AVI)
Information Service Automatic
(ATIS) Aviation
Automatic Block Signal
Control System General Aviation
Automatic Direction Finder AVkmT
Advanced Traffic
Management System (ADF) Annual Vehicle Kilometers
Automatic Fare Collection [Miles] Traveled
(AFC) (AVkmT) [AVMT]
Attachment Automatic Progression
Attachment Automatic Terminal AVL
Load-Bearing Attachment Information Service Automatic Vehicle
(ATIS) Location (AVL)
Automatic Train Control AVMT
Angle of Attack
(Arc) Annual Vehicle Kilometers
Attenuator Automatic Vehicle
[Miles] Traveled
Truck-Mounted Attenuator Classification (AVC)
(AVkmT) [AVMT]
(TMA) Automatic Vehicle
Identification (AVI) Avu Is ion
Attitude Automatic Vehicle Avulsion
Attitude Location (AVL)
Attractions Auxiliary Award
Attractions Auxiliary Lane
Attribute AVC Axle
Attribute Acceptance Plan Automatic Vehicle Axle Correction Factor
Service Attributes Classification (AVC) Axle Count
Attrition AVCSS Axle Group
Attrition Arrangement Axle-Group Load
Advanced Vehicle Control
Axle Load
Audit and Safety Systems
Axle Spacing
External Audit Axle Unit
Average Equivalent Single Axle
Annual Average Daily Load (ESAL)
Surface (Auger) Shadows
Traffic (AADT) Tandem Axle Load
Augmented Annual Average Weekday
Augmented Flow Traffic (AAWDT)
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

B Tie Bar Debris Basin

B Car Detention Basin
Class B Airspace Drainage Basin
Momentum Coefficient (B) Collective Bargaining Recharge Basin
Type B Joint Barge Retention Basin
Barge Sedimentation Basin
Stilling Basin
Back Haul Barrel Turning Basin
Broken Back Culvert Barrel Width
Backfill Barricade Batch Plant
Backfill Barricade
Backwater Barrier Batter
Backwater Barrier Curb Batter Pile
Backwater Ratio Concrete Barrier
Longitudinal Barrier Beacon
Median Barrier Air Traffic Control
Baffle Radar Beacon System
Roadside Barrier
Ballast Structurally Continuous (ATCRBS)
Ballast Barrier Nondirectional Beacon
Temporary Barrier (NDB)
Band Outer Marker Beacon
Traffic Barrier
Band Radar Beacon
External Sealing Band Bascule
Bascule Beam
Bandwidth Beam
Bandwidth Base Composite Beam
Base Course Spread Beam
Base Flood
Bank Base Flood Plain Bearing
Cut Bank Base Flow Bearing
Over-Bank Flow Base Leg Bearing Joint
Sigma Bank Base Period (Off-Peak) Bearing Pile
Wetland Bank Base Period Fleet Combination Point Bearing
Ban kfu II Base Period Service and Friction Pile
Bankfull Discharge Base Rate Fixed Bearing
Bankfull Stage Base Resistance Load-Bearing Attachment
Base Run Movable Bearing
Banking Base Runoff Rocker Bearing
Rail Banking Base Time Roller Bearing
Wetland Banking Broken Base Sliding Bearing
Banks Peak Base Ratio Bed
Fixed Bed and Banks Slip Base Bed
(Model) Basic Bed Layer
Basic Fare Bed Load
Basic Wind Speed, V Bed Slope
Alternate Bar Fixed Bed and Banks
Bar Basin (Model)
Compromise Joint (Bar) Catch Basin
N 1 6 0 ~
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Indurated Bed Bicycle Route System Block Signal B

See also Bike Manual Block Signal
Mileage Block
Bedrock Bid
Permissive Block
Bid Documentation
Bid Documentation Escrow
Belt Line Railroad Bidder Blowup
Bending Materially Unbalanced Bid
In-Plane Bending Mathematically
Unbalanced Bid Best Management Practices
Bendway Responsible Bidder (BMP)
Bendway Responsive BidIProposal Board
Bendway Scour Arrow BoardIArrow Panel
Benefit Invitation for Bids Bolster
Cost Benefit Analysis Bolster
Benefit-Cost Ratio Bike
Bicycle Lane or Bike Lane Bolt
Bent Bikeway Anchor Bolt
Bent Bolt Assembly
Pile Bent Bill
Bill of Lading Clear Distance of Bolts
Berm Clear End Distance of
Berm Binder Bolts
Binder Course End Distance of Bolts
Berth Binding Bond
Binding Arbitration Contract Bond
Best Contract Payment Bond
Best Angle-of-Climb Bituminous
Contract Performance
Airspeed Bituminous Bleeding Bond
Best Management Practices Bituminous Concrete
Bituminous Macadam Bonded
Best Rate-of-Climb Bituminous Pavement Bonded Tendon
Airspeed Blanket Bore
Best-Value Selection Blanket Hydraulic Bore
Beta Blast Borrow
Beta Ratio Blast Fence Borrow
Betterment Bleeding Bottleneck
Betterment Bituminous Bleeding Bottleneck
Bi-level Bleeding
Bi-level Rail Car Block Boundary Conditions
Bias Absolute Block
Bias Automatic Block Signal
Control System Bow
Bicycle Block Box
Bicycle Block Cracking Box
Bicycle Facilities Block Shear Rupture Box Section
Bicycle Lane or Bike Lane
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Call Box Bridge Waterway Bunker

Exit Box Cable-Stayed Bridge Bunker
Hot Box Check Flood for Bridge Buoy
Bracing Buoy
Design Flood for Bridge
Bracing Member Lighted Buoy
Lateral Bracing Fixed Bridge Burn
Component Integral Bridge Engine Burn Fracture
Portal Bracing Movable Bridge
Sway Bracing Bursting
Relief Bridge
Brackish Segmental Concrete Bridge Bursting Force
Slab Bridge General Bursting Forces
Brackish Water
Swing Bridge Bus
Brake Thermal Force (Bridge) Articulated Bus
Brake Check Area Truss Bridge Bus
Braking Vertical Lift Bridge Bus Bay
Braking Torque Broad Bus Lane
Tire Braking Force Broad Bus Priority System
Tire Braking Force Buspool
Broadcast Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Tire Braking Force Transcribed Weather Bus Shelter
Coefficient Slide Broadcast (TWEB) Bus Stop
Broken Busway
Branchline Charter Bus
Branchline Broken Back Culvert
Commuter Bus
Broken Base
Break Express Bus
Brooming Local Bus
Break Bulk Point
Break-Even Analysis Brooming Low Floor Bus
Corner Breaks (JCP Only) Standard Urban Bus
Subscription Bus Service
Breakaway Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Suburban Transit Bus
Breakaway Buckling (Suburban Coach)
Breakdown Lateral-Torsional Buckling Buyer’s
Breakdown Torque Buffer Buyer’s Risk
Breakwater Buffer Strip Bypass
Breakwater Build Bypass
Bridge No Build Alternative Bypass Flow
Bridge Bulb C
Bridge Approach Railing Curb Bulb C Car
Bridge Capacity Class C Airspace
Bridge Length Bulk
Bridge Maintenance Break Bulk Point
Bridge Opening Bulk Cab
Bridge Railing Bulkhead Cable-Stayed
Bridge Roadway Width Bulking Cable-Stayed Bridge
Bridge Traffic
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Cabotage Captive Transit Rider

Cast-in-Place €3
Cabotage Laws Cast-in-Place Concrete
Car C
Cage A Car CAT
Cage Articulated Car Clear Air Turbulence
B Car (CAT)
Bi-level Rail Car Catch
Caisson Car Float
Catch Basin
Calendar Car Hire
Calendar Day Car Sharing Category
Carpool Detail Category
Calibration C Car
Calibration Commuter Rail Car Catenary
Freight Car Catenary
Call Box Hopper Car Cause
Intermodal Car Assignable Cause
Camber Multiple Unit (MU) Rail
Camber Car Causeway
Passenger Car Causeway
Passenger Car Equivalent CCTV
Camel Private Car
Closed Circuit Television
Canal Rail Rapid Transit Car
Refrigerator Car (CCTV)
Single-Unit Rail Car CDF
Cant System Car Confined Disposal Facility
Cant Tank Car (CDF)
Cantilever Track Car
Cantilever Trailer (Trail Car)
Cap Cargo
Cap Cargo Crane Ceilometer
Capacity Project Cargo Cement
Airport Capacity Portland Cement Concrete
Bridge Capacity Pavement
Crush Capacity Carload
Design Capacity LCL (Less than Carload) Center
High way Capacity Carrier Air Route Traffic Control
Infiltration Capacity Carrier Center (ARTCC)
Load-Capacity Rating Common Carrier Emergency Operation
Port Capacity Contract Carrier Center (EOC)
Structural Capacity Inland Carrier Transit Center
Transit Capacity Non-Vessel Operating Transfer Center
Common Carrier Welcome Center
Annual Capital Straddle Carrier Centerline
Construction Capital Castings Centerline
Tread Plates and Castings Centerline Turning Radius
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Central Charges Civil Law

Central Island Direct Charges Civil Law Doctrine or Rule
Indirect Charges
Centralized Class
Centralized Traffic Control Charpy Class 1 through 6
(CTC) Charpy V-Notch Test Class I
Class I1
CFS Charter
Class 111
Container Freight Station Charter Bus Class A Airspace
(CFS) Charter Service Class B Airspace
Change Check Class C Airspace
Change Order Brake Check Area Class D Airspace
Pedestrian Change Interval Check Dam Class E Airspace
Significant Change in Work Check Flood for Bridge Class G Airspace
Scour Classification
On-and-Off (Ride) Check Aircraft Classification
Changeable Message Sign
Checking Number (ACN)
Channel Automatic Vehicle
Alluvial Channel Classification (AVC)
Approach Channel Check-Out Classification Yard
Channel Preparation Time (Check- Functional Classification
Channel Coefficient Out Time) Operational Classification
Channel Contraction Pavement Classification
Channel Diversion Index (PCI)
Channel Migration Chemical Gauging
Vehicle Classification
Channel Pattern Chezy
Channel Process Clause
Chezy Formula
Channel Routing Escalation Clause
Channel Slope Chirp
Incised Channel Chirp Test
Clear Air Turbulence
Intercepting Channel C1
Low Flow Channel (CAT)
Conformal Index (CI) Clear Distance of Bolts
Navigation Channel Clear End Distance of
Nonuniform Channel CIA
Open Channel Critical Impact Angle Clear Runout Area
Open Channel Constriction (CIA) Clear Span
Open Channel Flow Clear Zone
Stable Channel
Uniform Channel Critical Impact Point (CIP) Clearance
Circle Clearance
Inscribed Circle Clearance Interval
Channelized Intersection Clearance Time
Channelization Segmented Circle
Longitudinal Channelizer Circumferential Clearing
Circumferential Clearing
Operating Characteristics Reinforcement Clearway
Curve (OC Curve) Civil Clearway
Quality Characteristic Civil Action
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Climatic Cofferdam Compact

Climatic Year Cofferdam Compact Section
Closed Collapse Compaction
Closed-Circuit Television Collapse Load Compaction
Collection Compass
Closed Joint
Closed Loop Automatic Fare Collection Compass Rose
Closed Rib (AFC) Outer Marker Compass
Fare Collection System Locator
Collective Com pensable
Closure Joint Collective Bargaining Compensable Interest
Closure Rails Collector Compensation
Cloverleaf Collector Direct Compensation
Cloverleaf Interchange Just Compensation
Coach Composite Column Competitive
Suburban Transit Bus Competitive Range
Com bination
(Suburban Coach) Combination Point Bearing Completion
Coat and Friction Pile Completion
Finish Coat Combination Railing Substantial Completion
Flash Coat Com bined Component
Prime Coat Combined Footing Component
Scratch Coat Crosswind Component
Seal Coat Command
Lateral Bracing
Tack Coat Pilot in Command Component
Coefficient Commercial Composite
Channel Coefficient Commercial Vehicle Composite Action
Coefficient of Contraction Commercial Vehicle Composite Beam
Coefficient of Operations (CVO) Composite Column
Determination Common Composite Construction
Coefficient of Discharge Common Carrier Composite Hydrograph
Coefficient of Skid Non-Vessel Operating Composite Pay Factor
Resistance Common Carrier Fiber-Reinforced
Coefficient of Variation Commonly Recognized Composite (FRC)
Drag Coefficient Structural Elements Internal Composite Action
Riding Frequency (Habit) (CoRe) Partial Composite Action
Roughness Coefficient Commuter Compound
Runoff Coefficient Commuter Compound Fissure
Tire Braking Force Commuter Bus Compressive
Coefficient Commuter Rail Car Compressive Strength
Tire Braking Force Commuter Rail Service Compressive Test
Coefficient Slide
Commuting Compromise
Uniformity Coefficient
Reverse Commuting Compromise Joint (Bar)
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Compromise Joint (Rail) Condition Shear Connector

Compromise Rail Boundary Conditions
Differing Site Conditions
Concentration Consequence Assessment
IFR Conditions
Sediment Concentration Moderate Exposure Consequential Damages
Concept Condition Consignee
Tire-Wet Pavement Pavement Condition Consignee
Interaction, Zone Concept Pavement Condition
Indicator Consignor
Concern Prevailing Condition Consignor
Area of Concern Severe Exposure Condition Consist
Concordant Special VFR Conditions Consist
Concordant Flow Conductor Consistent
Concrete Conductor Consistent Estimator
Bituminous Concrete Conduit Consolidate
Cast-in-Place Concrete Conduit
Concrete Normally Consolidated
Concrete Barrier Confidence Soil
Concrete Cover Confidence Interval Over-Consolidation Ratio
Continuously Reinforced Confidence Level (OCR)
Concrete Pavement Confidence Limits Over-Consolidated Soil
(CRCP) Confined Constant
Jointed Concrete Pavement Confined Disposal Facility Acceptance Constant
(JCP) (CDF) Constant Amplitude
Jointed Reinforced Fatigue Threshold
Concrete Pavement Confinement
(JRCP) Confinement Constriction
Lightweight Concrete Constriction
Confluence Open Channel Constriction
Partially Prestressed
Concrete Confluence
Portland Cement Concrete Con fo rma I Composite Construction
Pavement Conformal Index (CI) Construction
Precast ConcreteiPrecast Construction Capital
Member Congestion
Congestion Pricing Construction Joint
Prestressed Concrete Construction Phase
Reinforced Concrete Conjugate Materials and Construction
Segmental Concrete Bridge Conjugate Depth (M&C) Variable
Specified Strength of
Concrete Connection Constructive
Structural Mass Concrete Direct Connection Constructive
Ductile Connection
Concurrent Container
Pin Connection
Concurrent Flow HOV Container
Lane Connectivity Container Freight Station
Connectivity (CFS)
Less Than Container Load
Condemnation Connector
Resilient Connector (LCL)
Inverse Condemnation
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Content Contraction Method of Traffic Control Device

Moisture Content (MC) Flow Measurement
Contraction Scour
Controlled C
Context Controlled Airspace
Context Sensitive Design Contraflexure Controlled Process
(CSD) or Context Point of Contraflexure Controller
Sensitive Solutions (CSS) Contraflow Controller Assembly
Contingency Contraflow Lane Controls
Contingency Control Passenger Controls
Advanced Vehicle Control Conversion
and Safety Systems
Continuity Velocity Conversion Factor
Flexural Continuity Air Route Traffic Control Conveyance
Shear Continuity Center (ARTCC) Conveyance
Continuous Air Traffic Control (ATC) Cumulative Conveyance
Continuous Inductive Train Air Traffic Control
Control Radar Beacon System
(ATCRB S) Commonly Recognized
Continuous Welded Rail
Approach Control Structural Elements
(CWR) (CoRe)
Continuously Reinforced Automatic Block Signal
Concrete Pavement Control System Core
(CRCP) Automatic Train Control Core
Structurally Continuous (Arc) Core Depth
Barrier Centralized Traffic Control Core Width
Contour Continuous Inductive Train Corner
Contour Line Control Corner Breaks (JCP Only)
Contract Control Flume Correction
Control Limits
Contract Axle Correction Factor
Control of Access
Contract Bond
Control Section Corridor
Contract Carrier
Control Strip Corridor
Contract Documents
Deadman Control
Contract Item Corrosion
Departure Control
Contract Payment Bond Corrosion
Emergency-Vehicle Traffic
Contract Performance Corrosion Resistant
Control Signal
Full Control of Access Corrugated
Contract Time
Grade Control Structure Corrugated Rail
Contracting Agency
Internal Control Corrugation
Lane-Use Control Signal
Graduated Reduction in cost
Manual Traffic Control
Contract Price
(MTC) Actual Cost
Contraction Outlet Control Benefit-Cost Ratio
Channel Contraction Partial Control of Access Cost Benefit Analysis
Coefficient of Contraction Positive Control Cost-Effective
Contraction Quality Control (QC) Cost Engineering
Contraction Joint Ramp Control Signal Cost Value
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Fixed Cost Crane Railroad Grade Crossing

Life Cycle Cost Analysis Track Crossing
Operating Costs
Crash Cushion Crossover
Count Crash Test Crossover
Axle Count Crashworth y
Cross Slope
Manual Count
CRCP Cross Slope
Passenger Count
Passenger Riding Count Continuously Reinforced Equivalent Cross Slope
Passenger Standing Count Concrete Pavement
Countermeasures Punchout (CRCP only) Crosstalk
Countermeasures Crosswalk
Coupler Electronic Credentialing Crosswalk
Coupler Crosswind
Course Wetland Credit Crosswind Component
Base Course Crosswind Leg
Creep Crosswind Runway
Binder Course
Course Creep
Leveling Course Crest Crown
Surface Course Crest
Cover Crib Crush Capacity
Concrete Cover Crib
Cover Crushing
Crib Dam
External Load Crushing
Coverage Criteria Strength Test
Area Coverage Design Criteria
Cracking Head Injury Criteria (HIC)
Context Sensitive Design
Alligator Cracking Critical (CSD)
Block Cracking Critical Depth
Cracking CTC
Critical Flow
Cracking Moment Critical Impact Angle Centralized Traffic Control
Diagonal Cracking (CIA) (CTC)
Edge Cracking Critical Impact Point (CIP) CTR
Fatigue Cracking Critical Slope Centerline Turning Radius
Longitudinal Cracking Critical Velocity (CTR)
Map Cracking Criticality
Random Cracking Criticality Assessment Cul-de-sac
Reflection Cracking Cul-de-sac
Shrinkage Cracking Cross
Cross Drainage Culvert
Slippage Cracking
Structural Weakness Broken Back Culvert
Cross-Frame Culvert
Cracking Cross-Frame
Transverse Cracking Culvert Method of Flow
Crossing Measurement
Crane Sag Culvert
Grade Crossing Protection
Cargo Crane System
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Cumulative CWR Liquidated Damages

Cumulative Conveyance Continuous Welded Rail Provision (for Quality)
(CWR) Severance Damages C
Barrier Curb Cycle Damping D
Curb Bulb Cycle Effective Damping
Face of the Curb Cycle Length
Cycle Time
Current Datum
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Cycle-Control Day
Current Meter
Current Year Dollars Cycle-Control Joint Calendar Day
Curvature Cyclic Working Day
Curvature Friction Cyclic Stress
Curve Cylinder Daymark
Area-Capacity Curve Cylinder (test)
Area Curve
D Dead Load
Expected Pay (EP) Curve
Flood Envelope Curve Class D Airspace Dead-End Street
Hydraulic Performance D-Load Deadhead
Curve D-Load Ultimate Deadhead Traffic
Operating Characteristics D16 Deadman
Curve (OC Curve) D50 Deadman Control
Rating Curve D85 Deadweight Tonnage
Vertical Velocity Curve Daily (DWT)
Cushion Annual Average Daily Debris
Crash Cushion Traffic (AADT) Debris Basin
Cushion Seal Joint Average Daily Traffic Debris Dam
Cushion Underframe (ADTI Decision
Water Cushion Daily Discharge
Daily Vehicle Miles Maintenance Decision
cut Traveled (DVMT) Support Systems (MDSS)
Cut Bank Mean Daily Discharge Deck
Open Cut Deck
Cutoff Check Dam Deck Girder
Cutoff Crib Dam Deck Joint
Cutoff Height Dam Deck Slab
Cutoff Wall Dam-Break Analysis Deck System
Dam Method of Flow Deck Truss
Cuts Orthotropic Deck
Cuts Debris Dam Dedicated
Cutting Diversion Dam Dedicated Funds
Run Cutting Gravity Dam
cvo Damages Dedication
Commercial Vehicle Direct Damages
Operations (CVO) Consequential Damages
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Deed Voidless Density Design Flood for Bridge

Deed Scour
Design Flood for Waterway
Deep Dentated Sill Opening
Deep Draft Waterway Departure Design Flood Frequency
Deep Foundation Design Force
Deep Water Departure Control
Standard Instrument Design Highwater
Defect Departure (SID) Elevation
Defect Design Life
Dependent Design Phase
Percent Defective (PD)
Transit Dependent Design Span
Deflection Design Speed
Deflection Design Storm
Permanent Deflection Deposition
Design Strength
Static Load Deflection Depth Design Vehicle
Device Allowable Headwater Design Volume
Steady-State Vibratory Depth Design Water Depth
Deflection Device Alternate Depth Design Wind Pressure
Deformation Conjugate Depth Fatigue Design Life
Core Depth Geometric Design
Critical Depth Mixture Design
Superimposed Deformation
Depth of Scour Desire
Degradation Design Water Depth
Desire Line
Degradation Effective Depth
Headwater Depth Detail
Net Depth Detail Category
Delay Normal Depth
Profile Depth Detailed
Project Depth Detailed Fracture
Rut Depth Detector
Delivery Scoured Depth Loop Detector
Light Delivery Truck
Derail Vehicle Detector
Demand Derail Detention
Design Detention Basin
Demand-Responsive Allowable Static Design Determination
Demand-Responsive Stress Coefficient of
Demurrage Context Sensitive Design Determination
Demurrage (CSD)
Design Capacity Deterministic
Dense Design Criteria Deterministic Model
Dense Graded Aggregate Design-Bid-Build Detour
Density Detour
Density Design Discharge Detritus
Density Altitude Design Displacement Detritus
Drainage Density Design Fish
Maximum Density
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Development Directional Clear End Distance of

Development Directional Distribution Bolts
Development Length Directional Interchange Distance Measuring
Site Development Equipment (DME)
Sustainable Development End Distance of Bolts
Bankfull Discharge Passing Sight Distance
Deviation Coefficient of Discharge Shy Distance
Point Deviation Daily Discharge Sight Distance
Route Deviation Design Discharge Takeoff Distance
Device Distortion
Dominant Discharge
Gating Device Groundwater Discharge Distortion
Load-Transfer Device Mean Daily Discharge
Static Load Deflection Distortion-Induced
Peak Discharge
Device Suspended Sediment Distortion-Induced Fatigue
Steady-State Vibratory Discharge Distress
Deflection Device Total Sediment Discharge
Traffic Control Device Pavement Distress
Unit Discharge Surface Distress
Diagonal Discount Distribution
Diagonal Cracking Discount Rate Directional Distribution
Diameter Discretionary Distribution Hydrograph
Pipe Diameter Discretionary Funds Distribution Reinforcement
Diamond Disincentive District
Diamond Interchange Disincentive Port Authority, Port District
Diaphragm Incentive and Disincentive Diversion
Diaphragm Provisions Channel Diversion
Disk Diversion Dam
Shift Differential (Shift Secche Disk Divided
Premium) Dispatcher Divided Highway
Differing Dispatcher Divisional
Differing Site Conditions Displaced Divisional Island
Dike Displaced Threshold DME
Dike Displacement Distance Measuring
Spur Dike Design Displacement Equipment (DME)
Direct Disposal Do-Nothing
Direct Charges Confined Disposal Facility Do-Nothing Alternative
Direct Compensation
(CDF) Dock
Direct Connection
Direct Runoff Dispute Dock
Dispute Resolution Dockage
Distance Doctrine
Automatic Direction Finder
Accelerate Stop Distance Civil Law Doctrine or Rule
Clear Distance of Bolts Riparian Doctrine or Rule
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Document Drift Mechanically Stabilized

Bid Documentation Littoral Drift Earth Wall
Bid Documentation Escrow Reinforced Earth Retaining
Contract Documents Wall
Drilled Shaft
Dollars Easement
Current Year Dollars Drainage Easement
Year of Expenditure Driveway Easement
Dollars Drop Scenic Easement
Drop Sight Line Easement
Drop Inlet Slope Easement
Dual Eccentricity
Dual-Mode Vehicle Eccentricity
Eminent Domain
Duct Edge
Post-Tensioning Duct Edge Cracking
Dominant Discharge
Ductile Edgeline
Ductile Edgeline
Double or Multiple Track
Ductile Connection Effect
Ductile Failure Force Effect
Dowel Ground Effect
Down Gust Effect Factor
Down Time Effective
Effective Duration
Draft Normal Load Duration Cost-Effective
Deep Draft Waterway Effective Damping
DVMT Effective Depth
Shallow Draft Waterway Daily Vehicle Miles Effective Duration
Traveled (DVMT) Effective Precipitation
Drag Effective Prestress
Drag Coefficient Effective Rainfall
Dwell Time
Drain age Effective Stiffness
DWT Effective Velocity Pressure
Cross Drainage
Drainage Deadweight Tonnage
Drainage Area (DWT)
Efficient Estimator
Drainage Basin Dynamic
Drainage Density Effluent
Dynamic Envelope
Drainage Divide Dynamic Hydroplaning Effluent
Drainage Easement Dynamic Load Allowance Elastic
Drainage Systems Dynamic Vehicle Tire Elastic Restraint System
Drawdown Force
Drawdown E Elasticity
Rapid Drawdown Class E Airspace
Drawings Earth Electric Locomotive
Working Drawings Active Earth Pressure
Earth Pressure
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Multiple Unit Electric Empirical Entrance

Locomotive Empirical Model Entrance Head
Rectifier Electric Motor Entrance Loss
Electrification Encroachment Entrapped D
Electrification Significant Encroachment Entrapped Air
Electrified End Envelope E
Electrified Track Clear End Distance of Dynamic Envelope
Bolts Flood Envelope Curve
Electronic Soil Envelope
End Distance of Bolts
Electronic Credentialing End Panel
Electronic Screening EOC
End-Result Specifications
Emergency Operation
Element End Treatment
Center (EOC)
Element End Zone
Finite Element Method Head End EP
Commonly Recognized Pinned End Expected Pay (EP) Curve
Structural Elements Endurance Equalizer
(CoRe) Endurance Limit Strength Equalizer
Elevation Energy Equilibrium
Design High Water Energy Grade Line Equilibrium
Elevation Energy Gradient
Elevation Head Equipment
Energy Head
High Water Elevation Minimum Energy Line Distance Measuring
E LT Specific Energy Equipment (DME)
Emergency Locator Engine
Transmitter (ELT) Equivalent
Engine Burn Fracture
Embankment Helper Engine Equivalent Cross Slope
Light Engine Equivalent Single Axle
Pusher Engine Load (ESAL)
Embankment Foundation
Radio-Controlled Engine Equivalent Strip
Embedment Steam Engine Moisture Equivalent
Embedment Passenger Car Equivalent
Engineer Twenty-Foot Equivalent
Embedment Length
Engineer Unit (TEU)
Emergency Engineer or Engineman
Emergency Action Plan Erosion
Engineering Erosion
Emergency Escape Ramp
Emergency Locator Cost Engineering Lateral Erosion
Transmitter (ELT) Engineering Judgment
Emergency Operation Value Engineering
Equivalent Single Axle
Center (EOC) Engineman Load (ESAL)
Emergency Spillway Engineer or Engineman
Emergency-Vehicle Traffic Escalation
Control Signal Entrained Escalation
Entrained Air Escalation Clause
Eminent Domain
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Escape Exposure Factor

Emergency Escape Ramp Moderate Exposure Adjustment Factors
Condition Axle Correction Factor
Severe Exposure Condition Composite Pay Factor
Bid Documentation Escrow Gust Effect Factor
Estimate Importance Factor
Express Bus Load Factor
Estimate Express Service
Right-of-way Estimate Pay Factor
Expressway Peak Hour Factor
Estimator Resistance Factor
Consistent Estimator Seasonal Factor
Efficient Estimator External Velocity Conversion Factor
External Audit
Estuary Failure
External-External Trip
Estuary External-Internal Trip Ductile Failure
Event External Load Crushing Fatigue Failure
Event Models Strength Test Falsework
Extreme Event Limit States External Sealing Band Falsework
External Tendon
Ex Parte Extra
Alluvial Fan
Extra Work
Excess Extra Work Order Fare
Rainfall Excess Tripper (Extra) Automatic Fare Collection
Exclusive Extraboard (AFC)
Exclusive Lane Average Fare
Extraboard Basic Fare
Exclusive Transit Facility
Extrados Fare
Exfiltration Extrados Fare Collection System
Exfiltration Graduated Fare
Extreme Special Transit Fare
Exit Extreme Event Limit States Zone Fare
Exit Box
Eyebar Farebox
Expanding Eyebar Farebox
Expanding Reach Registering Farebox
Expansion Face of the Curb Fares
Expansion Joint Passenger Fares for Line
Expected Air Navigation Facility Service
Expected Pay (EP) Curve (NAVAID) Far-Side
Expenditure Bicycle Facilities Far-Side Stop
Expenditures Confined Disposal Facility
Year of Expenditure (CDF)
Exclusive Transit Facility Constant Amplitude
Dollars Fatigue Threshold
Toll Facility
Export Uninterrupted Flow Distortion-Induced Fatigue
Export Facility Fatigue
Fatigue Cracking

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Fatigue Design Life Fines Flared Intersection

Fatigue Failure Fines
Fatigue Life
Finish Flash Coat
Fatigue Limit State
Fatigue Strength Finish Coat Flasher
FinisherIRodman Sequence Flashing Lights
Finite (SFL) E
Finite Element Method Flatcar
FC M Finite Strip Method Flatcar F
Fracture-Critical Member
First Fleet
(FCM) First Track (Line Base Period Fleet
Feature Kilometers) Fleeting Area
Geometric Feature
Fish Flexible
Federal Design Fish Flexible Pavement
Federal-Aid Highway Fish Ladder
Federal-Aid System
Fissure Flexural Continuity
Federal Lands Highway
Compound Fissure
Fee Flight
Transverse Fissure
Transfer Fee Flight Level
Five Flight Plan
Feeder Five-Hundred-Year-Flood Flight Service Station
Feeder Service Fix (FSS)
Flight Visibility
Fence Fix Instrument Flight Rules
Blast Fence
Fixed (IFR)
Fender Fixed Bearing Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
Fender Fixed Bed and Banks Float
(Model) Car Float
Fixed Bridge Float Gage
Ferryboat Fixed Cost
Fiber-Reinforced Fixed Guideway Flood
Fiber-Reinforced Fixed Route Annual Flood
Composite (FRC) Fixed Signal Base Flood
Base Flood Plain
Fill Flagman
Check Flood for Bridge
Fill Flagman Scour
Final Flange Design Flood for Bridge
Final Approach (VFR) Flange Scour
Design Flood for Waterway
Finder Flanking Opening
Automatic Direction Finder Flanking Design Flood Frequency
(ADF) Flanking Inlet Five-Hundred-Year Flood
Flare Flood Envelope Curve
Angle of Flare Flood Index
Fineness Modulus (FM) Flood of Record
Flare Out Flood Plain
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Flood Plane Saturation Flow Rate Tire Forces

Flood Profile Service Flow Rate Tractive Force
Flood Stage Sluice Flow Wheel Force Transducer
Flood Zone Steady Flow System
Greatest Opening Flood Subcritical Flow
Mean Annual Flood Supercritical Flow
One-Hundred-Year Flood Turbulent Flow Ford
Overtopping Flood Uniform Flow Formation
Probable Maximum Flood Uninterrupted Flow Unconsolidated Formation
(PMF) Facility
Regional Flood of Record Unsteady Flow Formula
Regulatory Flood Weir Flow Chezy Formula
Standard Project Flood Job-Mix Formula (JMF)
Floodway Formwork
Regulatory Floodway Control Flume
Flume Formwork
Floor Venturi Flume Stay-in-Place Formwork
Low Floor Bus Foundation
Open Grid Floor Deep Foundation
Floorbeam Flushing
Embankment Foundation
Flow Flux Foundation
Augmented Flow Solar Flux Shallow Foundation
Base Flow FM Fracture
Bypass Flow Fineness Modulus (FM) Detailed Fracture
Concordant Flow Engine Burn Fracture
Concurrent Flow HOV Fog
Fog Seal Fracture-Critical Member
Contraction Method of Footing Fracture Toughness
Flow Measurement Combined Footing
Critical Flow Frame
Spread Footing
Culvert Method of Flow Frame Action
Measurement Force Portal Frame
Dam Method of Flow Bursting Force Rigid Frame
Measurement Design Force
Flow Dynamic Vehicle Tire
Flow Line Force Frangible
Flow Slide Force Account FRC
Free Flow Force Effect Fiber-Reinforced
Frontal Flow General Bursting Forces Composite (FRC)
Laminar Flow Jacking Force
Low Flow Channel Longitudinal Force Free
Mean Annual Flow Stream Force Auto-Free Zone (AFZ)
Nonuniform Flow Thermal Force (Bridge) Free Flow
Normal Flow Tire Braking Force Free Weir
Open Channel Flow Tire Braking Force Freeboard
Over-Bank Flow Coefficient Freeboard
Passenger Flow Tire Braking Force
Pressure Flow Coefficient Slide
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a ry

Freeway Functional Geometric

Freeway Functional Classification Geometric Design
Geometric Feature
Freight Fund
Container Freight Station Revolving Fund Geotextile
(CFS) Geotextile
Freight Car Girder
Dedicated Funds
Frequency Discretionary Funds Deck Girder
Design Flood Frequency Girder F
Riding Frequency (Habit) Hybrid Girder
Fuse Plate C
Ultra High Frequency
Geographic Information
(UHF) Class G Airspace System (GIS)
Very High Frequency
Gabion Glare
Gabion Glare Screen
Friction Wire-Enclosed Riprap
Combination Point Bearing (Gabion) Glide
and Friction Pile Glide Slope
Curvature Friction Gauge
Float Gauge God
Friction Loss (or Head)
Friction Pile Staff Gauge Act of God
Friction Slope Gauging Gondola
Hydraulic Friction Chemical Gauging Gondola
Skid Number (Friction Stream Gauging
Number) Gore
Gantry Gore
Gantry Gradation
Gap Gradation
Gap Grade
Frontage Road or Frontage Gap Acceptance
Street Energy Grade Line
Gap-Graded Hot Mix
Frontal Asphalt
Grade Control Structure
Frontal Flow Joint Gap
Grade Crossing Protection
Frost Gating System
Frost Heave Gating Device Grade Ring
Grade Separation
FSS Gearing
Profile Grade
Flight Service Station Open Gearing Railroad Grade Crossing
(FSS) General Graded
Full General Aviation Dense Graded Aggregate
Full Actuated Operation General Bursting Forces Open Graded Aggregate
Full Control of Access General Zone Skip Graded Aggregate
Full Load Speed Geographic Gradeline
Full Load Torque Geographic Information Hydraulic Gradeline
System (GIS)
A A S H T O T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Gradient GRT Head

Energy Gradient Gross Registered Tonnage Elevation Head
Gradient (GRT) Energy Head
Hydraulic Gradient Entrance Head
Temperature Gradient Friction Loss (or Head)
Proposal Guaranty Head
Guard Head End
Graduated Fare Head Injury Criteria (HIC)
Guard Track
Graduated Reduction in Horizontal Split Head
Contract Price Guardrail Piezometric Head
Gravity Guardrail Pressure Head
Apparent Specific Gravity Guideway Signal Head
Gravity Dam Static Head
Automated Guideway
Rigid Gravity and Total Head
Transit (AGT)
Semigravity Retaining Velocity Head
Fixed Guideway
Wall Guideway Headloss
Greatest Gun Headloss
Greatest Opening Flood Light Gun Headwall
Green Gusset Headwall
Green Time Gusset Plate Headwater
Grid Gust Allowable Headwater
Open Grid Floor Depth
Gust Effect Factor
Headwater Depth
Grip Gutter Headwaters
Grip Gutter Headway
Gross Habit Headway
Gross Registered Tonnage Riding Frequency (Habit) Heave
(GRT) Coefficient
Gross Vehicle Weight (kg Frost Heave
Pbl) Heavy
Gross Weight Half Through Truss Span
Heavy Rail Transit
Maximum Gross Weight Handicapped
Ground Handicapped Person
Cutoff Height
Ground Effect HAR Mounting Height
Groundwater Highway Advisory Radio
Groundwater Discharge Heliport
(HAR) Heliport
Groundwater Runoff
Ground Wire Hardening
Group Helper EngineiLocomotive
Axle Group Haul
Hydrologic Soil Group Back Haul
Head Injury Criteria (HIC)
Line Haul
Pressure Grouting
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

High Horizon ta I Hydraulic Radius

Design Highwater Horizontal Split Head Hydraulic Roughness
Elevation Horizontal Traction Hydraulics
High-Level Lighting
Hot Hydric
High Occupancy Toll Lane
(HOT Lane) Hydric Soil
High Occupancy Vehicle Gap-Graded Hot Mix
(HOV) Composite Hydrograph
High Occupancy Vehicle Hot Box
Hot Mix Asphalt Distribution Hydrograph
Lane (HOV Lane) Hydrograph
High Platform HOT Storm Hydrograph C
High Rail High-Occupancy Toll Lane Synthetic Hydrograph
High Water Elevation (HOT Lane) Unit Hydrograph H
High Water Mark
Hour Hydrologic
Ordinary High Water I
Ultra High Frequency Peak Hour Hydrologic Model
(UHF) Peak Hour Factor Hydrologic Soil Group
Very High Frequency Work Hours Hydrologic Unit
(VHF) House Hydrology
Highway Scale House Hydrology
Arterial Highway HOV Hydroplaning
Divided Highway Concurrent Flow HOV Dynamic Hydroplaning
Federal-Aid Highway Lane Hydroplaning
Federal Lands Highway High Occupancy Vehicle Hydroplaning Speed
(HOV) Hydrostatic
Highway Advisory Radio High Occupancy Vehicle
WAR) Lane (HOV Lane) Hydrostatic Test
High way Capacity
Hudson Hyetograph
National Highway System
Public Lands Highway Hudson A H yetograph
Radial Highway Hysteresis
Through Highway or Street Hysteresis
Hinged Hump Yard I
Warping or Hinged Joint Class I
Hinterland Hustler IAP
Hinterland Instrument Approach
Hire Hybrid Girder Procedure (IAP)
Car Hire Identification
Home Hydraulic Bore Automatic Vehicle
Home-Based Trip Hydraulic Friction Identification (AVI)
Home Signal Hydraulic Gradeline I FR
Hydraulic Gradient IFR Conditions
Hydraulic Jump Instrument Flight Rules
Hopper Hydraulic Performance
Hopper Car (IFR)

N 179-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Independent Sample In for mat ion

Class I1 Advanced Traveler
Information Systems
111 Conformal Index (CI) (ATIS)
Class 111 Flood Index Aeronautical Information
Infiltration Index Publication
International Roughness Automatic Terminal
Instrument Landing System Index (IRI)
( W Information Service
Mean Roughness Index (ATIS)
Immediate (MRI) Geographic Information
Right of Immediate Pavement Classification System (GIS)
Possession Index (PCI) Management Information
Present Serviceability System (MIS)
Impact Index (PSI)
Critical Impact Angle Road Weather Information
Quality Index (Q) Systems (RWIS)
(CIA) Rideability Index (RI)
Critical Impact Point (CIP) Severity Index (SI) Initial
Impact Angle Initial Abstraction
Impact Load Indication
Impact Severity (IS) Signal Indication Ini ury
Occupant Impact Velocity Head Injury Criteria (HIC)
Impermeable Pavement Condition Inland
Impermeable Strata Indicator Inland
Visual Approach Slope Inland Carrier
Impervious Indicator (VASI)
Impervious Inlet
Indirect Drop Inlet
Import Indirect Charges Flanking Inlet
Import Inlet Time
Importance Submerged Inlet
Induced Traffic
Importance Factor In-Plane
Improvement In-Plane Bending
Continuous Inductive Train
Transportation Control Inscribed
Improvement Program Inscribed Circle
Indurated Bed Inspector
Inbound Inspector
Inbound Inelastic
Inelastic Instrument
Incentive Instrument Approach
Incentive and Disincentive Infiltration
Procedure (IAP)
Provisions Infiltration Instrument Flight Rules
Infiltration Capacity
Incised (IFR)
Infiltration Index Instrument Landing System
Incised Channel Infiltration Rate
Incised Stream (ILS)
Inflow Instrument Runway
Independent Inflow Standard Instrument
Independent Assurance Departure (SID)
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n C loss a r y

Insulated Internal-Internal IRI

Insulated Joint Internal-Internal Trip International Roughness
Index (IRI)
Integral International
Integral Bridge International Roughness IS
Index (IRI) Impact Severity (IS)
Intelligent Transportation I nterrogator Island
Systems (ITS) Interrogator Central Island
Divisional Island
Intensity Intersection
Refuge Island
Intensity At-Grade Intersection Splitter Island
Rainfall Intensity Channelized Intersection Traffic Island
Flared Intersection
Interaction Isolation
Soil-Structure Interaction Intersection Angle Isolation Joint
Intersection Leg Isolation System
Tire-Wet Pavement Multileg Intersection
Interaction, Zone Concept Rotary Intersection
Isolator I
Isolator Unit
Intercepting Three-Leg Intersection
Intercepting Channel T Intersection Isotropic
Y Intersection Isotropic Plate
Interchange Isotropic Reinforcement
Cloverleaf Interchange
Diamond Interchange Interstate System Item
Directional Interchange 1nterval Contract Item
Interchange Clearance Interval ITS
Single-Point Urban Confidence Interval Intelligent Transportation
Interchange (SPUI) Interval Systems (ITS)
Trumpet Interchange Pedestrian Change Interval
Intercity Interzonal At Jacking
Intercity Transportation Interzonal Trip Jacking Force
Interest I ntrados JCP
Compensable Interest Intrados Corner Breaks (JCP Only)
Interline I ntrazonal Jointed Concrete Pavement
Interline Intrazonal Trip (JW
Interlocking Jet
Interlocking Jet Routes
Inventory Rating
Intermodal Jitney
Intermodal Jitney
Inverse Condemnation
Intermodal Car JMF
Internal Job-Mix Formula (JMF)
Internal Composite Action Job-Mix
Internal Control Invitation
Job-Mix Formula (JMF)
Internal Shipment Invitation for Bids
Internal Tendon
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Joint Just Land

Bearing Joint Just Compensation Land Management Agency
Closed Joint Land Use
Closure Joint
Shear Key Land bridge
Compromise Joint (Bar)
Compromise Joint (Rail) Landbridge
Construction Joint Annual Vehicle Kilometers Landing
Contraction Joint [Miles] Traveled Instrument Landing System
Cushion Seal Joint (AVkmT) [AVMT] (ILS)
Cycle-Control Joint First Track (Line Microwave Landing
Deck Joint Kilometers) System (MLS)
Expansion Joint Passenger Kilometers
Insulated Joint Lands
(Passenger Miles)
Isolation Joint Revenue Track Kilometers Federal Lands Highway
Joint (Miles) Public Lands Highway
Joint Acceptance Test Vehicle Kilometers [Miles] Lane
Joint Gap of Travel (VkmT) [VMT] Auxiliary Lane
Joint Seal Bicycle Lane or Bike Lane
Longitudinal Joint Kiss
Kiss and Ride (Kiss and Concurrent Flow HOV
Nonexpansion Joint Lane
Rail Joint Ride)
Contraflow Lane
Relief Joint Knot Exclusive Lane
Type A Joint Knot High Occupancy Toll Lane
Type B Joint (HOT Lane)
Warping or Hinged Joint k-Value
High Occupancy Vehicle
Waterproofed Joints Modulus of Subgrade Lane (HOV Lane)
Reaction (k-Value) Lane
Jointed Concrete Pavement Labor Lane Line
(JCP) Labor Lane Live Load
Jointed Reinforced Platform Labor Lane-Use Control Signal
Concrete Pavement Managed Lane
Lacing Parking Lane
Lacing Speed-Change Lane
JRCP Two-way Left-Turn Lane
Jointed Reinforced
Concrete Pavement Fish Ladder Large
(JRCP) Lading Large Aircraft
Judgment Bill of Lading LASH
Engineering Judgment Lading LASH (Lighter Aboard
Lag Ship)
Hydraulic Jump Lag Time Latent
Queue Jumper Laminar Latent Travel
Junction Laminar Flow Lateral
Junction Point Laminar Velocity Lateral Bracing
Lamination Component
Lamination Lateral Erosion

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Lateral Motion Less Than Container Load Sequence Flashing Lights

Lateral-Torsional Buckling (LCL) (SFL)
Launching Levee Lighter
Launching Levee LASH (Lighter Aboard
Launching Apron Ship)
Law Confidence Level Lightweight
Cabotage Laws Flight Level Lightweight Concrete
Civil Law High-Level Lighting
Civil Law Doctrine or Rule Level of Performance
Seizure Laws Level of Service Acceptance Limit
Network-Level Analysis Confidence Limits
Laver Control Limits
Quality Level Analysis
Bed Layer Endurance Limit Strength
(QLA) Extreme Event Limit States
Layout Rejectable Quality Level
Fatigue Limit State
Airport Layout Plan (ALP) (RQL) Limit State
Layover Leveling Percent Within Limits 1
Layover Time Leveling Course (PWL)
Service Limit State
LCL Levitation
Specification Limit
Less Than Carload (LCL) Magnetic Levitation Speed Limit L
Less Than Container Load Life Strength Limit State
(LCL) Design Life Limousine
Leader Fatigue Design Life Limousine (Livery)
Leader Run Fatigue Life
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Line
Left- Tu rn Remaining Life Agonic Line
Two-way Left-Turn Lane Service Life Belt Line Railroad
Leg Useful Life Contour Line
Base Leg Desire Line
Crosswind Leg Energy Grade Line
Vertical Lift Bridge First Track (Line
Intersection Leg Wheelchair Lift Kilometers)
Length Light Flow Line
Bridge Length Approach Light System Lane Line
Cycle Length (ALS) Line Haul
Development Length High-Level Lighting Load Line
Embedment Length Light Delivery Truck Main Line
Length of Need Light Engine Minimum Energy Line
Length on the Waterline Light Gun Passenger Fares for Line
(LWL) Light Rail Transit Service
Length Over All (LOA) Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) Phreatic Line
Transfer Length Lighted Buoy Regional Rail Line
Unbraced Length Navigation Light Screen Line
Obstruction Light Setback Line
Short-Line Railroad
Less Than Carload (LCL) Sight Line Easement
Next Page
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Terminal or Switch Line Load Line Helper EngineiLocomotive

Wheel Line Load Path Locomotive
Load-Transfer Device Multiple-Unit Electric
Maximum Load Point Locomotive
Linked Trip Nominal Load Passenger Locomotive
Liquefaction Normal Load Duration Road Locomotive
Liquefaction Passenger Load
Permanent Load
Liquid Saltation Load Long Ton
Liquid Tank Single-Axle Load (kg [lb]) Longitudinal
Liquidated Static Load Deflection Longitudinal
Liquidated Damages Device Longitudinal Barrier
Provision (for Quality) Suspended Sediment Load Longitudinal Channelizer
Tandem Axle Load Longitudinal Cracking
Littoral Tire Load Longitudinal Force
Littoral Drift Transverse Load Longitudinal Joint
Ultimate Strength Load Longitudinal Profile
Wash Load
Lane Live Load Wheel Load Loop
Live Load Wind Load Closed Loop
Livery Loop
Load-Center Loop Detector
Limousine (Livery) Load-Center Port Shuttle Loop Transit (SLT)
LOA Local Turning Loop
Length Over All (LOA) Local Average Velocity Loran
Load Local Bus Loran
Axle Load Local Operation
Local Road or Street Loss
Axle-Group Load
Bed Load Local Traffic Entrance Loss
Collapse Load Very Low-Volume Local Friction Loss (or Head)
Dead Load Road Lot
Dynamic Load Allowance Localizer Lot
Equivalent Single Axle Localizer Park and Ride Lot
Load (ESAL)
External Load Crushing Location Low
Strength Test Automatic Vehicle Low Floor Bus
Full Load Speed Location (AVL) Low Flow Channel
Full Load Torque Low Platform
Locator Low Pressure Air Test
Impact Load
Lane Live Load Emergency Locator Low Rail
Less Than Carload (LCL) Transmitter (ELT) Low Relaxation Steel
Less Than Container Load Outer Marker Compass Low Water
Locator Very Low-Volume Local
Live Load Lock Road
Load Lock LRV
Load-Bearing Attachment Light Rail Vehicle (LRV)
Load-Capacity Rating Locomotive
Load Factor Electric Locomotive
.- 184.-
Previous Page
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Lumber Risk Management Mass

Structural Lumber Total Storm Management Mass Transportation
(TSW Structural Mass Concrete
Lu m inaire
Transportation System Mast
Luminaire Management (TSM)
Mast Arm
Length on the Waterline Match
Materials and Construction
(LWL) Match
(M&C) Variable
Lysimeter Surrogate M&C Variable Material
Lysimeter Manhole Roadbed Material
Macadam Manhole Materially
Bituminous Macadam Manometer Materially Unbalanced Bid
Macadam Manometer Materials
Macrotexture Manual Materials and Construction
Pavement Macrotexture (M&C) Variable
Manual Block Signal
Materials and Methods
Magnetic Manual Count
Magnetic Levitation Manual Traffic Control
(MTC) Mathematically
Main Mathematically L
Main Many-to-Few
Unbalanced Bid
Main Line Many-to-Few M
Main Stem Matrix
Trip Matrix
Maintenance Many-to-Many
Bridge Maintenance Mattress
Maintenance Mattress
Map Cracking
Maintenance Decision Right-of-way Map Maximum
Support Systems (MDSS) Thermal Mapping Maximum Density
Maintenance Management
Marine Maximum Gross Weight
Maximum Load Point
Maintenance Standard Marine Terminal
Nominal Maximum Size
Management Mark Probable Maximum Flood
Advanced Traffic High Water Mark (PMF)
Management System Probable Maximum
(ATMS) Precipitation (PMP)
Outer Marker Beacon
Asset Management MC
Outer Marker Compass
Best Management Practices
Locator Moisture Content (MC)
Land Management Agency Raised Pavement Marker MDSS
Maintenance Management Market Maintenance Decision
System Market Support Systems (MDSS)
Management Information Market Value Mean
System (MIS)
Pavement Management Markings Average (Mean) Stress
Pavement Management Pavement Markings Mean Annual Flood
Systems (PMS) Mean Annual Flow
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Mean Daily Discharge Ramp Metering Mileage

Mean Panel Rating (MPR) Road Meter Mileage Block
Mean Roughness Index Method Miles
(MRI) Accrual Method Annual Vehicle Kilometers
Mean Slope Variance [Miles] Traveled
Annualized Method
Mean Velocity (AVkmT) [AVMT]
Contraction Method of
Measure Flow Measurement Daily Vehicle Miles
Quality Measure Culvert Method of Flow Traveled (DVMT)
Measurement Passenger Kilometers
Measurement (Passenger Miles)
Dam Method of Flow
Contraction Method of Measurement Revenue Track Kilometers
Flow Measurement Finite Element Method [Miles]
Culvert Method of Flow Finite Strip Method Vehicle Kilometers [Miles]
Measurement Materials and Methods of Travel (VkmT) [VMT]
Dam Method of Flow Specifications
Measurement Military
Present Value Method
Military Operations Areas
Measuring Slope-Area Method
Distance Measuring Metric
Equipment (DME) Mini
Metric Ton
Measuring Point Mini
Measuring Weir Metropolitan
Metropolitan Planning
Mechanically Mini-Landbridge or Mini-
Organization (MPO)
Mechanically Stabilized Bridge
Metropolitan Statistical
Earth Wall Area (MSA) Minibus
Mechanistic Micro-Bridge Minibus
Mechanistic Model Micro-Bridge Mini-Landbridge
Median Micro-Rugosity Mini-Landbridge or Mini-
Median Bridge
Pavement Microtexture
Median Barrier (Micro-Rugosity) Minimum
Median Opening Minimum Energy Line
M icrotext u re
Member Minimum Turning Radius
Pavement Microtexture
Bracing Member Minimum Yield Strength
Fracture-Critical Member Minor
(FCM) Microwave
Minor Street
Precast ConcreteiPrecast Microwave Landing
Member System (MLS) MIS
Redundant Member Mid block Management Information
Secondary Member System (MIS)
Midblock Stop
Message Missed
Changeable Message Sign Missed Approach
Channel Migration
Variable Message Sign
(VMS) Mile
Meter Nautical Mile (NM)
Mitigation Alternatives
Current Meter
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n C loss a r y

Mix Moment MPR

Stiff Mix Cracking Moment Mean Panel Rating (MPR)
Tender Mix Monitoring MRI
Mixture Radar Monitoring Mean Roughness Index
Mixture Design Risk Monitoring (MRI)
M LS Monofilament MSA
Microwave Landing Monofilament Metropolitan Statistical
System (MLS) Area (MSA)
MOA Monorail MTC
Military Operations Areas Manual Traffic Control
( M W (MTC)
Modal MU
Modal Split Multiple Unit (MU) Rail
Moped Car
MOR Multileg
Dual Mode Vehicle
Modulus of Rupture Multileg Intersection
Permissive Mode (MOW
Model Multimodal
Lateral Motion
Deterministic Model Multiple
Empirical Model Motor M
Double or Multiple Track
Event Model Rail Motor Multiple-Load-Path
Fixed Bed and Banks Rectifier Electric Motor N
(Model) Multiple Unit (MU) Rail
Hydrologic Model Car
Mechanistic Model Motorcycle
Multiple Unit Electric
Model Mounting Locomotive
Pavement Performance Mounting Height
Prediction Model Narrow
Planning Model Movable Narrow
Strut-and-Tie Model Movable Bearing
Movable Bridge
Moderate National Highway System
Moderate Exposure Movement
Condition Turning Movement
Nautical Mile (NM)
Modulus Mover
Fineness Modulus (FM) People Mover
Modulus of Rupture Air Navigation Facility
Moving (NAVAID)
( M W Moving Walkway
Modulus of Subgrade Navigational Aid
Reaction (k-Value) MPO (NAVAID)

Moisture Metropolitan Planning Navigable

Organization (MPO) Navigable Airspace
Moisture Content (MC)
Moisture Equivalent Navigable Waters
Navigable Waterway
A A S H T O T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Navigation Nominal Size Aircraft Classification

Air Navigation Facility Nominal Strength Number (ACN)
(N AVAID) Ride Number (RN)
Area Navigation (RNAV) Skid Number (Friction
Nondirectional Beacon Number)
Navigational Aid
(N AVAID) (NDB) Structural Number (SN)
Navigation Channel Nonexpansion Obstruction
Navigation Light Nonexpansion Joint Obstruction Light
Tactical Air Navigation
(TACAN) Non-Home-Based oc
Non-Home-Based Trip Operating Characteristics
Nonrecoverable Curve (OC Curve)
Nondirectional Beacon
(NDB) Nonrecoverable Slope Occupancy
Near-Side Nonuniform High Occupancy Toll Lane
Nonuniform Channel (HOT Lane)
Near-Side Stop
Nonuniform Flow High Occupancy Vehicle
Need (HOV)
Length of Need Non-Vessel High Occupancy Vehicle
Non-Vessel Operating Lane (HOV Lane)
Negative Common Carrier
Negative Air Pressure Occupant
(Vacuum) Test Normal Occupant Impact Velocity
Normal Depth
Net Normal Flow OCR
Net Depth Normal Load Duration Over Consolidation Ratio
Net Registered Tonnage Normal Stage (OW
(NRT) Normal Velocity Off
Net Tensile Stress Normal Water Surface Base Period (Off-Peak)
Network Normally Consolidated Off-Premise Sign
Soil Offset
Network-Level Analysis NOTAM Offtracking
Notice to Airmen Time Off
(NOTAM) Om nid irect ional
Nautical Mile (nm)
Notice VHF Omnidirectional
Notice to Airmen Range (VOR)
No-Build Alternative
Node Notice to Proceed On-and-Off (Ride) Check
Node Nowcasting On-Premise Sign
Noise Nowcasting One-Piece
Noise Abatement N RT One-Piece
Net Registered Tonnage One-to-Many
Nominal (NRT) One-to-Many
Nominal Load Number
Nominal Maximum Size Open
Acceptance Number Open Channel
Nominal Resistance

.- 188.-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Open Channel Constriction Order Overtopping

Open Channel Flow Change Order Overtopping Flood
Opencut Extra Work Order Owner
Open Gearing Slow Order
Open Graded Aggregate Work Order
Riparian Owner
Open Grid Floor Ordinary
Open Rib Paddle
Ordinary High Water
Open Run Paddle
Organization Paddle Board
Metropolitan Planning Pallet
Bridge Opening
Organization (MPO)
Design Flood for Waterway Pallet
Opening Origin
Greatest Opening Flood Origin
Arrow BoardIArrow Panel
Median Opening Point of Origin
End Panel
Time of Opening
Orthotropic Mean Panel Rating (MPR)
Waterway Opening
Orthotropic Panel
Operating Orthotropic Deck Panel Point
Non-Vessel Operating PAR
Common Carrier
Flare Out Precision Approach Radar
Operating Characteristics
Curve (OC Curve) Outbound Trip (PAR)
Operating Costs Out-of-Pocket Paratransit
Operating Rating Pull o u t
Paratransit System
Operating Ratio Outer N
Operating Speed Parcel
Outer Marker Beacon
Total Operating Revenue Parcel Plat 0
Outer Marker Compass
Operation Locator Park
Emergency Operation Outer Separation Park and Ride Lot P
Center (EOC) Ou tfall Parking
Full Actuated Operation Outfall Parking Lane
Local Operation
Pretimed Operation Outlet Parkway
Semiactuated Operation Outlet Control Parkway
Time of Operation Submerged Outlet
Traffic Operation Plan Over Part Trip
Operational Length Over All (LOA)
Operational Classification Over-Bank Flow
Over-Consolidated Soil Partial Composite Action
Operations Partial Control of Access
Over-Consolidation Ratio
Commercial Vehicle Partial Taking
Operations (CVO) Partially Prestressed
Military Operations Areas Overlay Concrete
( M W Structural Overlay
Option Overpass Time of Vessel Passage
Option Overpass
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Passenger Pavement Management Pedestrian

Passenger Systems (PMS) Pedestrian
Passenger Car Pavement Markings Pedestrian Change Interval
Passenger Car Equivalent Pavement Microtexture
Passenger Controls (Micro-Rugosity)
Passenger Count Pavement Performance Penalty
Passenger Fares for Line Pavement Performance People
Service Prediction Model People Mover
Passenger Flow Pavement Preservation
Passenger Kilometers Pavement Structure Percent
(Passenger Miles) Portland Cement Concrete Percent Defective (PD)
Passenger Load Pavement Percent Within Limits
Passenger Locomotive Raised Pavement Marker (PWL)
Passenger Riding Count Rigid Pavement Percolation
Passenger Standing Count Tire-Wet Pavement Percolation
Regular Passenger Interaction, Zone Concept
Revenue Passenger Performance
Contract Performance
Passing Composite Pay Factor Bond
Passing Sight Distance Expected Pay (EP) Curve Hydraulic Performance
Pay Adjustment Curve
Pay Adjustment Schedule Level of Performance
Load Path (or System) for Quality
Shared Use Path Pavement Performance
Pay Factor Pavement Performance
Swept Path Width
Turning Path Payment Prediction Model
Contract Payment Bond Performance-Based
Pattern Specifications
Channel Pattern PC I Performance-Related
Traffic Pattern Pavement Classification Specifications
Index (PCI) Performance Specifications
Bituminous Pavement PD Performance Standard
Continuously Reinforced Percent Defective (PD) Period
Concrete Pavement Base Period (Off-Peak)
(CRCP) Base Period Fleet
Flexible Pavement Peak Base Ratio
Peak Discharge Base Period Service
Jointed Concrete Pavement Peak Period
Peak Hour
Jointed Reinforced Peak Hour Factor Permafrost
Concrete Pavement Peak Period Permafrost
(JRCP) Peak Service
Peak Torque Permanent
Pavement Classification Permanent Deflection
Index (PCI) Peddler Permanent Load
Pavement Condition Peddler
Pavement Condition Permeability
Indicator Pedestal Permeability
Pavement Distress Pedestal Pole
Pavement Macrotexture
Pavement Management Absolute Permissive

.- 190.-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Permissive Block Pile Shoe Plat

Permissive Mode Point-Bearing Pile Parcel Plat
Permit Pilot Plate
Permit Vehicle Pilot Fuse Plate
Pilot in Command Gusset Plate
Isotropic Plate
Handicapped Person Pilotage
Person Trip Pilotage Tie Plate
Personal Pin Tread Plates and Castings
Personal Rapid Transit Pin Connection Platform
(PRT) Pinned High Platform
Pervious Pinned End Low Platform
Pervious Soil Platform
Pipe Platform Labor
Phase Pipe Diameter Platform Time (Station
Construction Phase Pipe Section Time)
Design Phase Pipeline Station Platform
Right-of-way Phase Trucking Platform
Signal Phase
Base Flood Plain Platoon
Phreatic Flood Plain Platoon
Phreatic Line
Plan PMF
Pick Acceptance Plan Probable Maximum Flood
Pick Airport Layout Plan (ALP) (PMF)
Attribute Acceptance Plan
Piece PMP
Emergency Action Plan
Piece of Work Flight Plan Probable Maximum
Pier Metropolitan Planning Precipitation (PMP)
Organization (MPO)
Pier PMS
Pier Shaft Planning Models Pavement Management
Planning-Programming- Systems (PMS)
Piezometer Budgeting System
Piezometer Plans Pocket
Piezometric Standard Plans Sand Pocket
Piezometric Head System Planning
Traffic Operation Plan
Piggyback Transportation Plan Access Point
Piggyback Unified Planning Work Break Bulk Point
Program (UPWP) Combination Point Bearing
Pile and Friction Pile
Batter Pile Plane Critical Impact Point (CIP)
Bearing Pile Flood Plane Junction Point
Combination Point Bearing Maximum Load Point
and Friction Pile Measuring Point
Friction Pile Batch Plant Panel Point
Pile Plant Tests Point
Pile Bent Point-Bearing Pile
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Point Deviation Precast Pressure

Point of Contraflexure Precast Concrete/Precast Negative Air Pressure
Point of Origin Member (Vacuum) Test
Point Rainfall Active Earth Pressure
Relief Point Design Wind Pressure, (Pz)
Effective Precipitation Earth Pressure
Single-Point Urban
Probable Maximum Effective Velocity Pressure,
Interchange (SPUI)
Precipitation (PMP)
Time Point VPY
Precision Low Pressure Air Test
Pole Pressure Flow
Precision Approach Radar
Pedestal Pole Pressure Grouting
Trolley Pole (PAR)
Pressure Head
Predampening Pressure Range
Predampening Rated Pressure
Prediction Prestress
Pavement Performance Effective Prestress
Sediment Pool
Prediction Model Partially prestressed
Porosity Primary Prediction Concrete
Porosity Relationship (or Primary Prestressed Concrete
Port Pretensioning
Load-Center Port Preemption Pretensioning
Port Traffic Signal Preemption
Port Authority, Port District Preferential
Port Capacity Pretimed Operation
Preferential Treatment
Tidewater Port Prevailing
Premium Prevailing Condition
Shift Differential (Shift Prevailing Wind
Portal Bracing
Portal Frame Price
Preparation Graduated Reduction in
Preparation Time (Check- Contract Price
Portland Cement Concrete
Out Time)
Pavement Pricing
Prequalification Congestion Pricing
Prequalification Road Pricing
Positive Control
Questionnaire Value Pricing
Present Primary
Right of Immediate
Present Serviceability Primary Prediction
Present Serviceability Relationship (or Primary
Post-Tensioning Index (PSI) Relationship)
Post-Tensioning Present Serviceability
Post-Tensioning Duct Rating (PSR)
Present Value Method Prime Coat
Preservation Priority
Best Management Practices
Pavement Preservation Bus Priority System
Traffic Signal Priority

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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Private Progressive Public

Private Car Progressive Signal System Advanced Public
Private Siding Transportation Systems
Probability Prohibited Area Public Authority
Probability Sample Project Public Lands Highway
Probable Project Public Road
Probable Maximum Flood Project Agreement Public Service Vehicle
Project Cargo Public Transportation
Probable Maximum Project Depth Publication
Precipitation (PMP) Project Specifications Aeronautical Information
Standard Project Flood Publication
Standard Project Storm
Instrument Approach Pull
Procedure (IAP) Pull In
Noise Abatement Prodection
Pull o u t
Procedure Projection Ratio
Proceed Proposal
Punchout (CRCP only)
Notice to Proceed Proposal
Proposal Guaranty Purpose
Request for Proposal (RFP) Trip Purpose
Channel Process Responsive BidIProposal
Controlled Process Pusher
3C Process Protected Pusher Engine
Protected Turn PWL
Flood Profile Protection Percent Within Limits
Longitudinal Profile Grade Crossing Protection (PWL)
Profile System
Profile Depth Protection Q P
Quality Index (Q)
Profile Grade Railbank Protection
Profile Record Provision
Profile Segment Quality Assurance (QA)
Incentive and Disincentive
Transverse Profile
Provisions QC
Water Surface Profile
Liquidated Damages Quality Control (QC)
Profilometer Provision (for Quality)
Profilometer Special Provisions
Quality Level Analysis
Program PRT
Transportation Personal Rapid Transit
Improvement Program (PRT)
Request for Qualifications
Unified Planning Work (RFQ)
Present Serviceability Statement of Qualifications
Program (UPWP)
Index (PSI) (SOQ)
PS R Quality
Automatic Progression
Present Serviceability Liquidated Damages
Rating (PSR) Provision (for Quality)
N 193-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Pay Adjustment Schedule Radio Ra i I road

(or System) for Quality Highway Advisory Radio Belt Line Railroad
Quality (HAR) Railroad
Quality Assurance (QA) Radio Altimeter Railroad Grade Crossing
Quality Assurance Radio-Controlled Engine Short-Line Railroad
Specifications Radius Rain fa1I
Quality Characteristic Area Rainfall
Centerline Turning Radius
Quality Control (QC) Effective Rainfall
Quality Index (Q) (CTR)
Hydraulic Radius Point Rainfall
Quality Level Analysis Rainfall Excess
Minimum Turning Radius
(QLA) Rainfall Intensity
Quality Measure Rail
Quality Standard Bi-level Rail Car Raised
Rejectable Quality Level Closure Rails Raised Pavement Marker
(RQL) Commuter Rail Car Rake
Ride Quality Rating Commuter Rail Service
Quantity Compromise Joint (Rail)
Compromise Rail Ramp
Quantity Standard
Continuous Welded Rail Emergency Escape Ramp
Quarry (CWR) Ramp
Quarry Run Stone Corrugated Rail Ramp Control Signal
Heavy Rail Transit Ramp Metering
High Rail Slip Ramp
Prequalification Light Rail Transit
Questionnaire Random
Light Rail Vehicle (LRV)
Rack Low Rail Random Cracking
Multiple Unit (MU) Rail Random Sample
Trash Rack Car Range
Rail Competitive Range
Radar Rail Banking Pressure Range
Air Route Surveillance Rail Joint Runway Visual Range
Radar (ARSR) Rail Motor Visibility (RVR
Air Traffic Control Rail Rapid Transit Car Visibility)
Radar Beacon System Rail Shuttle Stress Range
(ATCRB S) Regional Rail Line VHF Omnidirectional
Airport Surveillance Radar Restraining Rail Range (VOR)
(ASR) Running Rail
Precision Approach Radar Single-Unit Rail Car Rapid
(PAR) Standard Rail Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Radar Advisory Service Stock Rail Personal Rapid Transit
Radar Beacon Third Rail (PRT)
Radar Monitoring Rail Rapid Transit Car
Radar Separation Rapid Drawdown
Radar Vector Railbank Protection
Radial Railing
Base Rate
Radial Highway Bridge Approach Railing Best Rate-of-Climb
Bridge Railing Airspeed
Combination Railing
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Discount Rate Recognized Registering

Export Rate Commonly Recognized Registering Farebox
Infiltration Rate Structural Elements
Rate (CoRe)
Rate of Rise Regular Passenger
Record Regular Run
Rate of Roughness
Rated Pressure Flood of Record Regular Service
Saturation Flow Rate Profile Record Regular Train
Service Flow Rate Regional Flood of Record
Superelevation Rate Recoverable Regulatory Flood
Through Rate Recoverable Slope Regulatory Floodway
Rating Recovery Re habilitation
Inventory Rating Recovery Area Rehabilitation
Load-Capacity Rating
Mean Panel Rating (MPR) Recreational Reinforced
Operating Rating Recreational Vehicle Continuously Reinforced
Present Serviceability Concrete Pavement
Rating (PSR) (CRCP)
Rectifier Electric Motor Jointed Reinforced
Rating Curve
Rating Vehicle Reduction Concrete Pavement
Ride Quality Rating Graduated Reduction in (JRCP)
Contract Price Reinforced Concrete
Ratio Reinforced Earth Retaining
Aspect Ratio Redundancy Wall
Backwater Ratio Redundancy Reinforced Revetment
Benefit-Cost Ratio
Redundant Reinforcement
Beta Ratio
Operating Ratio Redundant Member Circumferential
Over-Consolidation Ratio Reference Reinforcement
(OW Reference Standards Distribution Reinforcement
Peak Base Ratio Isotropic Reinforcement
Projection Ratio Reflection Reinforcement Q
Slope Ratio Reflection Cracking Spiral Reinforcement
Raveling Refrigerator
Transverse Reinforcement R
Raveling Refrigerator Car Reinforcing
Reinforcing Steel
Reach Refuge
Expanding Reach Refuge Island Re,jecta ble
Rejectable Quality Level
Reaction Region
Modulus of Subgrade Regional Flood of Record
Reaction (k-Value) Regional Rail Line Relationship
Special Wind Region Primary Prediction
Recharge Relationship (or Primary
Recharge Registered
Recharge Basin Gross Registered Tonnage
(GRT) Relaxation
Net Registered Tonnage Low-Relaxation Steel
(NRT) Relaxation
N 195 N
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Relief Resolution Revenue Service

Relief Bridge Dispute Resolution Revenue Track Kilometers
Relief Joint [Miles]
Relief Point Revenue Vehicle
Relief Run Resources
Total Operating Revenue
Relief Time Responsible
Remainder Responsible Bidder
Reverse Commuting
Remainder Responsive
Remaining Responsive BidIProposal
Reinforced Revetment
Remaining Life Rest Revetment
Report Rest Area Windrow Revetment
Report Time Restorable Revolving
Repose Restorable Surface Waters Revolving Fund
Angle of Repose Restraining RFP
Representative Restraining Rail Request for Proposal (RFP)
Representative Sample Restraint RFQ
Reprocessing Elastic Restraint System Request for Qualifications
Reprocessing Restricted (RFQ)
Restricted Area RI
Restricted Speed Rideability Index (RI)
Resurfacing Rib
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Resurfacing Closed Rib
Request for Qualifications
Open Rib
(RFQ) Retaining
Reinforced Earth Retaining Ride
Wall Kiss and Ride (Kiss and
Required Strength
Retaining Wall Ride)
Reservoir Rigid Gravity and On-and-Off (Ride) Check
Retarding Reservoir Semigravity Retaining Park and Ride Lot
Wall Ride Number (RN)
Ride Quality Rating
Residence Time Retarder
Retarder Rideability
Retarder Yard Rideability
Resilient Connector Rideability Index (RI)
Resistance Ridedown
Retarding Reservoir
Base Resistance Ridedown Acceleration
Coefficient of Skid Retention
Resistance Retention Basin Rider
Nominal Resistance Captive Transit Rider
Resistance Factor Rider
Skid Resistance Retroreflectivity
Resistant Revenue
Corrosion Resistant Revenue Passenger
N 196..
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Ridesharing Risk Roller

Ridesharing Buyer’s Risk Roller Bearing
Riding Rolling
Risk Management
Passenger Riding Count Risk Monitoring Rolling Stock
Riding Frequency (Habit) Seller’s Risk RO/RO
River Roll-OnIRoll-Off (RO/RO)
River Training Rose
Rigging River Training Structure Compass Rose
Right RN Rotary
Air Rights Ride Number (RN)
Right of Access Rotary Intersection
Right of Immediate RNAV Roughness
Possession Area Navigation (RNAV) Hydraulic Roughness
Right-of- Way International Roughness
Right-of-way Appraisal Index (IRI)
Right-of-way Estimate Bridge Roadway Width
Frontage Road or Street Mean Roughness Index
Right-of-way Map (MRI)
Right-of-way Phase Local Road or Street
Public Road Rate of Roughness
Right Turn on Red (RTOR) Roughness
Riparian Rights Road Locomotive Roughness Coefficient
Road Meter Roughometer
Road Pricing Roughometer
Rigid Frame Road Weather Information
Rigid Gravity and Systems (RWIS) Round
Semigravity Retaining Roadbed Roundabout
Wall Roadbed Material Roundhouse
Rigid Pavement Roadside Rounding
Rigid Slab Roadside Barrier Round Trip
Ring Roadway Route
Grade Ring Roadway Width Air Route Surveillance
Shared Roadway
Riparian Very Low-Volume Local
Radar (ARSR) R
Riparian Air Route Traffic Control
Road Center (ARTCC)
Riparian Doctrine or Rule
Riparian Owner Rocker Bicycle Route System
Riparian Rights Rocker Bearing Fixed Route
Riparian Water Jet Routes
Rod Route
Riprap FinishedRodman Route Deviation
Riprap Rod Standard Terminal Arrival
Wire-Enclosed Riprap Rod-Float Route (STAR)
(Gabion) Roll-Off Routing
Rise Roll-On/Roll-Off (ROIRO) Channel Routing
Rate of Rise Roll-On Through Routing
Roll-On/Roll-Off (ROIRO)

N 197-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

RQL Runway Random Sample

Rejectable Quality Level Crosswind Runway Representative Sample
(RQL) Instrument Runway Sample
Runway Second Sample
Runway Capacity Split Sample
Right Turn on Red (RTOR) Runway Threshold
Rule Runway Visual Range
Visibility (RVR Acceptance Sampling and
Civil Law Doctrine or Rule Testing
Instrument Flight Rules Visibility)
Area Sampling
(IFR) Rupture
Riparian Doctrine or Rule Sand
Block Shear Rupture
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Modulus of Rupture Sand
Sand Asphalt
Rumble (MOR)
Sand Pocket
Rumble Strip Rural
Run Advanced Rural
Transportation Systems Saturated Soil
Base Run
Leader Run (ARTS) Saturation
Open Run Rut Saturation Flow Rate
Quarry Run Stone Rut Zone of Saturation
Regular Run Rut Depth Scale
Relief Run Rutting
Run Scale House
Run Cutting RVR Scaling
Run-Through Train Runway Visual Range Scaling
Split Run Visibility (RVR
Takeoff Run Visibility) Scarify
Running RWIS
Average Running Speed Road Weather Information Scenic
Running Rail Systems (RWIS) Scenic Easement
Running Speed Schedule
Running Time Pay Adjustment Schedule
Advanced Vehicle Control
Runoff and Safety Systems (or System) for Quality
Annual Runoff (AVCSS) Schedule
Base Runoff Scheduling
Sag Track Schedule
Direct Runoff
Groundwater Runoff Sag
Sag Culvert Scour
Runoff Bendway Scour
Runoff Coefficient Saltation Check Flood for Bridge
Subsurface Runoff Saltation Load Scour
Surface Runoff Contraction Scour
Runout Salvage Value Depth of Scour
Clear Runout Area Design Flood for Bridge
Sample Scour
Run-Up Independent Sample Scour
Wave Run-Up Probability Sample Scoured Depth

.- 198.-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Scratch Suspended Sediment Sequence

Scratch Coat Discharge Sequence Flashing Lights
Suspended Sediment Load (SFL)
Total Sediment Discharge Service
Glare Screen
Screen Line Seepage Airport Advisory Service
Seepage Arterial Service
Screening Automatic Terminal
Electronic Screening Segment
Information Service
Profile Segment (ATIS)
Segmental Concrete Bridge Base Period Service
Scupper Segmented Circle Charter Service
Seabee Weaving Segment Commuter Rail Service
Seabee Segregation Express Service
Segregation Feeder Service
Flight Service Station
Cushion Seal Joint Seizure (FSS)
External Sealing Band Seizure Laws Level of Service
Fog Seal Passenger Fares for Line
Joint Seal Selection
Seal Coat Best-Value Selection
Peak Service
Slurry Seal Self-Unloader Public Service Vehicle
Seaplane Self-Unloader Radar Advisory Service
Seaplane Regular Service
Revenue Service
Seasonal Seller’s Risk Service Attributes
Seasonal Factor Semiactuated Service Flow Rate
Secche Semiactuated Operation Service Life
Secchi Disk Service Limit State
Semigravity Service Track
Second Rigid Gravity and Subscription Bus Service
Second Sample Semigravity Retaining Subscription Van Service
Wall Towage Service
Secondary Member Semitrailer Serviceability R
Semitrailer Present Serviceability
Section S
Sensitive Present Serviceability
Approach Section Index (PSI)
Box Section Context Sensitive Design
Present Serviceability
Compact Section (CSD) Rating (PSR)
Control Section Sensitive Surface Waters
Pipe Section Set
Section Wheel Set
Grade Separation
Sediment Outer Separation Setback
Sediment Radar Separation Setback Line
Sediment Concentration Separation
Sediment Pool
Sediment Yield Altimeter Setting
Sedimentation Basin Setting Temperature
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Settlement Trip Sheet SID

Settlement Standard Instrument
Departure (SID)
Severance Bus Shelter
Severance Damages Side-Channel
Side-Channel Spillway
Severe Shielding
Severe Exposure Condition Sidewalk
Severity Shift Differential (Shift
Impact Severity (IS) Premium) Siding
Severity Index (SI) Private Siding
SFL Lash (Lighter Aboard Ship)
Sequence Flashing Lights Sieve
(SFL) Sieve
Internal Shipment Standard Sieve
Shock Sight
Surface (Auger) Shadows Shock Wave Passing Sight Distance
Shoe Sight Distance
Pile Shoe Sight Line Easement
Drilled Shaft
Pier Shaft Shop Sigma
Union Shop Sigma Bank
Shallow Draft Waterway Short Sign
Shallow Foundation Short-Line Railroad Changeable Message Sign
Short Ton Off-Premise Sign
On-Premise Sign
Shared Roadway Shotcrete Sign
Shared Use Path Shotcrete Traffic Sign
Sharing Shoulder Variable Message Sign
Car Sharing Shoulder (VMS)
Shear Signal
Block Shear Rupture Shoving Approach Signal
Shear Connector Automatic Block Signal
Shear Continuity Shrinkage Control System
Shear Key Shrinkage Cracking Block Signal
Wind Shear Emergency-Vehicle Traffic
Control Signal
Sheave Rail Shuttle Fixed Signal
Sheave Shuttle Home Signal
Shuttle Loop Transit (SLT) Lane-Use Control Signal
Transit Shed Shy Manual Block Signal
Shy Distance Progressive Signal System
Sheet Ramp Control Signal
Assignment Sheet SI Signal Head
Sheet Severity Index (SI) Signal Indication
Sheet Asphalt Surfacing Signal Phase

N 200 N
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Track Signal Skip Slow

Traffic Actuated Signal Skip-Graded Aggregate Slow Order
Traffic Signal Skip-Stop S LT
Traffic Signal Priority Shuttle Loop Transit (SLT)
Traffic Signal Preemption
Wayside Signal Slab Slugging
Significant Deck Slab Slugging
Rigid Slab Sluice
Significant Change in Work
Significant Encroachment Sluice Flow
Slab Bridge
Sill Slurry
Dentated Sill Slurry Seal
Flow Slide
Tire Braking Force SMA
Silt Coefficient Slide Stone Matrix Asphalt
Silt Sliding (SMA)
Sliding Bearing Small
Single Small Aircraft
Equivalent Single Axle
Slip Base SN
Load (ESAL)
Slip Ramp Structural Number (SN)
Single-Axle Load
Single-Point Urban Slippage Sock
Interchange (SPUI) Slippage Cracking Wind Sock
Single Track
Slope Soffit
Single-Unit Rail Car
Approach Slope Soffit
Site Bed Slope
Differing Site Conditions Softwood
Channel Slope
Site Analysis Critical Slope Softwood
Site Development Friction Slope Soil
Size Glide Slope Hydric Soil
Mean Slope Variance Hydrologic Soil Group
Nominal Maximum Size
Nonrecoverable Slope Normally Consolidated
Nominal Size
Recoverable Slope Soil
Skew Slope Over-Consolidated Soil
Skew Angle Slope-Area Method S
Pervious Soil
Slope Easement Saturated Soil
Slope Ratio Soil Envelope
Skewness Slope Variance (SV) Soil-Cement
Skid Steep Slope Soil-Structure Interaction
Coefficient of Skid Surface Slope System
Resistance Traversable Slope
Visual Approach Slope Solar
Skid Number (Friction
Number) Indicator (VASI) Solar Flux
Skid Resistance Sloughing Solidity
Skimmed Sloughing Solidity
Skimmed Tree
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

SOQ Standard Specifications Splitting

Statement of Qualifications Supplemental Splitting Tensile Strength
WQ) Specifications
Space Specified Spoil
Annular Space Specified Strength of
Spacing Average Spot Speed
Axle Spacing Speed
Spacing Average Running Speed
Average Spot Speed Spread
Spalling Spread Beam
Average Travel Speed
Spalling Basic Wind Speed, V Spread Footing
Design Speed Spread Time
Clear Span Full Load Speed Springline
Design Span Operating Speed Springline
Half Through Truss Span Restricted Speed
Running Speed SPS
Span Wire Speed Standard Project Storm
Span Wire Structure Speed-Change Lane (SPS)
Through-Girder Span Speed Limit SPUI
Through-Truss Span Speed Zone Single Point Urban
Three-Second-Gust Wind Interchange (SPUI)
Spandrel Speed
Spandrel Travel Speed Spur
Special Spur Dike
Special Provisions Spike Stabilization
Special Transit Fare Stabilization
Special VFR Conditions Spillthrough
Special Wind Region Spillthrough Abutment Stabilized
Mechanically Stabilized
Specific Spillway
Earth Wall
Apparent Specific Gravity Emergency Spillway
Specific Energy Side-Channel Spillway Stable
Spillway Stable Channel
Specification Uncontrolled Spillway
End-Result Specifications Staff
Materials and Methods Spiral Staff Gage
Specifications Spiral Reinforcement
Performance-Based SDlit Bankfull Stage
Specifications Horizontal Split Head Flood Stage
Performance-Related Modal Split Normal Stage
Specifications Split Run Stage
Performance Specifications Split Sample
Project Specifications Stall
Split Web
Quality Assurance Stall Torque
Specifications Splitter
Specification Limit Splitter Island
Specifications Switch Stand
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Standard Station Stock

Maintenance Standard Container Freight Station Rolling Stock
Performance Standard (CFS) Stock Rail
Quality Standard Flight Service Station Stone
Quantity Standard (FSS) Quarry Run Stone
Reference Standards Platform Time (Station
Stone Matrix Asphalt
Standard Instrument Time)
Departure (SID) Station (SMA)
Standard Plans Station Platform stop
Standard Project Flood Weigh Station Accelerate Stop Distance
Standard Project Storm Statistical Bus Stop
(SPS) Far-Side Stop
Metropolitan Statistical
Standard Rail Midblock Stop
Area (MSA)
Standard Sieve Near-Side Stop
Standard Specifications Stay-in-Place
Standard Terminal Arrival Stay-in-Place Formwork
Route (STAR) Stopped Time
Standard Urban Bus Stopway
Steady Flow
Standing Stopw ay
Steady-State Vibratory
Passenger Standing Count Deflection Device Storm
Standing Wave Design Storm
STAR Standard Project Storm
Steam Engine
Standard Terminal Arrival (SPS)
Steel Storm Hydrograph
Route (STAR)
Low-Relaxation Steel Storm Water
Starboard Reinforcing Steel Total Storm Management
Starboard (TSM)
Starting Steep Slope Straddle
Starting Torque Straddle Carrier
State Steering Angle Straight
Fatigue Limit State Straight Time
Extreme Event Limit State
Main Stem Straight-In
Limit State
Service Limit State Stern
Straight-In Approach VFR S
State Stern Strain
Strength Limit State Strain
Statement Strata
Statement of Qualifications Impermeable Strata
(SOQ) Stiff
Effective Stiffness Streaks
Static Tearing (Streaks)
Stiff Mixes
Allowable Static Design Stiffener
Stress Stream
Static Head Incised Stream
Static Load Deflection Stilling Streamflow
Device Stilling Basin Stream Force
N 203 N
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Stream Gauging Structural Substantial

Commonly Recognized Substantial Completion
Structural Elements Substitute
Dead-End Street (CoRe)
Frontage Road or Street Substitute Wetlands
Structural Capacity
Local Road or Street Structural Lumber Substructure
Minor Street Structural Mass Concrete Substructure
Street Structural Number (SN)
Through Highway or Street Subsurface
Structural Overlay
Streetcar Structural Support Subsurface Runoff
Streetcar Structural Weakness Suburban
Cracking Suburban Transit Bus
Strength Structurally Continuous (Suburban Coach)
Compressive Strength Barrier
Design Strength Supercritical
Endurance Limit Strength Supercritical Flow
External Load Crushing Grade Control Structure
Multiple-Load-Path Superelevation
Strength Test
Fatigue Strength Structure Superelevation
Minimum Yield Strength Pavement Structure Superelevation Rate
Nominal Strength River Training Structure Superflood
Required Strength Span Wire Structure
Specified Strength of Structure
Concrete Superimposed
Splitting Tensile Strength Superimposed Deformation
Strength Limit State Superintendent
Ultimate Strength Subbase
Ultimate Strength Load Subbase
Stress Subcontractor
Allowable Static Design Subcontractor
Stress Superstructure
Su bcritical
Average (Mean) Stress Superstructure
Subcritical Flow
Cyclic Stress
Net Tensile Stress Su bgrade
Stress Range Supplemental Agreement
Modulus of Subgrade
Stress Transfer Supplemental
Reaction (k-Value)
Uniaxial Tensile Stress Specifications
Yield Stress Subgrade Treatment Support
Stringer Submerged Maintenance Decision
Stringer Support Systems (MDSS)
Submerged Inlet
Structural Support
Strip Submerged Outlet
Buffer Strip Su bpanel
Control Strip Surcharge
Equivalent Strip Surety
Finite Strip Method Surety
Rumble Strip Subscription Bus Service
Subscription Van Service
N 204 N
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Surface Switch Maintenance Decision

Normal Water Surface Switch Support Systems (MDSS)
Restorable Surface Waters Switch (Switcher) Maintenance Management
Sensitive Surface Waters Switch Stand System
Surface (Auger) Shadows Terminal or Switch Line Management Information
Surface Course System (MIS)
Surface Distress Microwave Landing
Surface Runoff Synthetic Hydrograph System (MLS)
Surface Slope System National Highway System
Surface Treatment Advanced Public Paratransit System
Surface Veil Transportation Systems Pavement Management
Surface Waves (APTS) Systems (PMS)
Water Surface Profile Advanced Rural Pay Adjustment Schedule
Wearing Surface Transportation Systems (or System) for Quality
(ARTS) Planning-Programming-
Advanced Traffic Budgeting System
Sheet Asphalt Surfacing Progressive Signal System
Management System
Surrogate (ATMS) Road Weather Information
Surrogate M&C Variable Advanced Traveler Systems (RWIS)
Information Systems Soil-Structure Interaction
Surveillance System
Air Route Surveillance Advanced Vehicle Control System Car
Radar (ARSR) and Safety Systems System Planning
Airport Surveillance Radar (AVCSS) Transit System
(ASR) Air Traffic Control Transportation System
Suspended Radar Beacon System Transportation System
Suspended Sediment (ATCRB S) Management (TSM)
Discharge Approach Light System Wheel Force Transducer
Suspended Sediment Load (ALS) System
Automatic Block Signal Table
Sustainable Control System
Sustainable Development Trip Table
Bicycle Route System Water Table
sv Bus Priority System
Slope Variance (SV) Deck System
Drainage Systems Tactical Air Navigation
Swale Elastic Restraint System (TACAN) S
Swale Fare Collection System
Federal-Aid System
Tack Coat
Geographic Information
Sway Bracing System (GIS) Tackle
Swell Grade Crossing Protection Tackle
Swell System
Instrument Landing System Tactical
Swept Tactical Air Navigation
( W
Swept Path Width Intelligent Transportation (TACAN)
Swing Systems (ITS) Ta i I wa ter
Swing Bridge Interstate Highway System Tailwater
Isolation System
N 205 N
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Takeoff Temperature Gradient Tetrahedron

Takeoff Distance Tetrahedron
Takeoff Run
Temporary Barrier Tetrapod
Taking Tetrapod
Acquisition or Taking
Tender Mixes TEU
Partial Taking
TEU (Twenty-Foot
Tamper Tendon
Equivalent Unit)
Tamper Bonded Tendon
External Tendon Thalweg
Tandem Internal Tendon Thalweg
Tandem Axle Load Tendon
Tangent Tensile Theoretical Time
Tangent Net Tensile Stress
Splitting Tensile Strength
Tank Thermal Force (Bridge)
Uniaxial Tensile Stress
Liquid Tank Thermal Mapping
Tank Car Term in a I
Automatic Terminal
Taper Third Rail
Information Service
Taper Area (ATIS) Threat
Tare Marine Terminal Threat Assessment
Tare Weight Standard Terminal Arrival
Route (STAR) 3c
Tariff Terminal 3C Process
Tariff Terminal Area Three-Leg
Taut Terminal or Switch Line Three-Leg Intersection
Taut Terminal Time
Taxi Term in u s
Three-Second-Gust Wind
Taxi Terminus Speed
Taxicab Test Threshold
Taxicab Absorption Test Constant Amplitude
Acceptance Sampling and Fatigue Threshold
Team Testing Displaced Threshold
Team Track Charpy V-Notch Test Runway Threshold
Chirp Test Threshold
Compressive Test
Tearing (Streaks) Crash Test Through
Tee External Load Crushing Half Through Truss Span
Wind Tee Strength Test Run Through Train
Hydrostatic Test Through-Girder Span
Television Joint Acceptance Test Through Highway or Street
Closed-Circuit Television Low Pressure Air Test Through Rate
(CCTV) Negative Air Pressure Through Routing
Temperature (Vacuum) Test Through Train
Setting Temperature Plant Tests Through-Truss Span
Test Vehicle
N 206 N
T r a n s p o r t a ti o n G l o s s a r y

Throughput Time On Tonnage

Throughput Time Point Deadweight Tonnage
Timetable (DWT)
Tidewater Gross Registered Tonnage
Travel Time
Tidewater Port Wait Time (GRT)
Net Registered Tonnage
Tie (NRT)
Tie Bar Improvement Program Tonne
Tie-Down Tonne
Tie Plate
Tire Torque
Tied Braking Torque
Dynamic Vehicle Tire
Tied Arch Force Breakdown Torque
Timber Tire Braking Force Full Load Torque
Timber Tire Braking Force Peak Torque
Coefficient Stall Torque
Time Tire Braking Force Starting Torque
Access Time Coefficient Slide Torque
Base Time Tire Forces Torsion
Clearance Time Tire Load
Contract Time Torsion
Tire-Wet Pavement
Cycle Time Interaction, Zone Concept Tort
Dead Time Tort
Down Time Title
Dwell Time Abstract of Title Total
Green Time Title Total Head
Hold Time TMA Total Operating Revenue
Inlet Time Total Sediment Discharge
Truck-Mounted Attenuator
Lag Time Total Storm Management
Layover Time (TSM)
Pad Time Toe
Platform Time (Station Toe
Fracture Toughness
Time) Token
Preparation Time (Check- Tow
Out Time) Token
Unit Tow
Relief Time Tolerance
Report Time Tolerance
Residence Time Towage Service T
Running Time Toll
Spread Time High Occupancy Toll Lane
Stopped Time (HOT Lane)
Straight Time Toll Facility Track
Terminal Time Ton Double or Multiple Track
Theoretical Time Electrified Track
Long Ton
Time of Opening First Track (Line
Metric Ton
Time of Operation Kilometers)
Short Ton
Time of Vessel Passage Guard Track
Time Off
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Revenue Track Kilometers Local Traffic Transducer

(Miles) Manual Traffic Control Wheel Force Transducer
Service Track (MTC) System
Single Track Overhead Traffic
Team Track Traffic
Track Traffic-Actuated Signal At Transfer
Track Apron Traffic Assignment Load-Transfer Device
Track Car Traffic Assignment Zone Stress Transfer
Track Crossing Traffic Barrier Transfer
Track Schedule Traffic Control Device Transfer Center
Track Signal Traffic Island Transfer Fee
Trackwork Traffic Operation Plan Transfer Length
Turning Track Width Traffic Pattern Transit
Wheel Track Traffic Sign Automated Guideway
Traffic Signal Transit (AGT)
Traffic Signal Preemption Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Horizontal Traction Traffic Signal Priority Captive Transit Rider
Tractive Traffic Volume Exclusive Transit Facility
Tractive Force Trail Heavy Rail Transit
Trailer (Trail Car) Light Rail Transit
Personal Rapid Transit
Tractor Trailer (PRT)
TractoriTrailer Angle TractodTrailer Angle Rail Rapid Transit Car
Truck Tractor Trailer Shuttle Loop Transit (SLT)
Traffic Trailer (Trail Car) Special Transit Fare
Advanced Traffic Suburban Transit Bus
Management System (Suburban Coach)
Automatic Train Control Trans it Capacity
(Arc) Transit Center
Air Route Traffic Control Continuous Inductive Train
Center (ARTCC) Transit Dependent
Control Trans it Shed
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Regular Train
Air Traffic Control Transit System
Run-Through Train
Radar Beacon System Through Train Transition
(ATCRB S) Train Transition
Annual Average Daily Unit Train
Traffic (AADT) Transitway
Annual Average Weekday Training Trans i tw ay
Traffic (AAWDT) River Training
Average Daily Traffic River Training Structure
(ADTI Tramp
Bridge Traffic Transmitter
Centralized Traffic Control Tramp
Emergency Locator
(CTC) Transcribed Transmitter (ELT)
Deadhead Traffic Transcribed Weather
Emergency-Vehicle Traffic Transponder
Broadcast (TWEB)
Control Signal Transponder
Induced Traffic
Intermediate Traffic
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n C loss a r y

Transportation Traveler Truck

Advanced Public Advanced Traveler Light Delivery Truck
Transportation Systems Information Systems Truck
(APTS) (ATIS) Truck Apron
Advanced Rural Truck-Mounted Attenuator
Transportation Systems (TMA)
Traversable Slope Truck Tractor
Intelligent Transportation Tread Trucking Platform
Systems (ITS) Tread Plates and Castings Trumpet
Intercity Transportation Trumpet Interchange
Mass Transportation
Public Transportation End Treatment Truss
Transportation Preferential Treatment Deck Truss
Transportation Brokerage Subgrade Treatment Half Through Truss Span
Transportation Surface Treatment Truss
Improvement Program Tree Truss Bridge
(TIP) Skimmed Tree TSM
Transportation Plan Tree
Transportation System Total Storm Management
Transportation System Trip (TSW
Management (TSM) Home-Based Trip Transportation System
External-External Trip Management (TSM)
External-Internal Trip Tugboat
Transverse Internal-Internal Trip
Transverse Cracking Tugboat
Interzonal Trip
Transverse Fissure Intrazonal Trip Tunnel
Transverse Load Linked Trip Tunnel
Transverse Profile Non-Home-Based Trip
Transverse Reinforcement Turbid it y
Outbound Trip
Trash Part Trip
Trash Rack Person Trip Tu rb0.jet
Round Trip Turbojet
Travel Trip
Annual Vehicle Kilometers Turboprop
Trip Matrix
[Miles] of Travel Trip Purpose Turboprop
(AVkmT) [AVMT] Trip Sheet Tu rb u lence
Average Travel Speed Trip Table
Daily Vehicle Miles of Unlinked Trip
Clear Air Turbulence
Travel (DVMT) Vehicle Trip Turbulence
Latent Travel Wake Turbulence
Travel Speed
Travel Time Tripper (Extra) Turbulent
Vehicle Kilometers [Miles] Trolley Turbulent Flow
of Travel (VkmT) [VMT] Trolley Pole Turbulent Velocity
Traveled Trolleybus Turn
Traveled Way Trolleybus Angle of Turn
Protected Turn
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Right Turn on Red (RTOR) Uncertainty Unit Train

Turning Unlinked
Centerline Turning Radius Unconsolidated Unlinked Trip
(CTR) Unconsolidated Formation
Minimum Turning Radius
Uncontrolled Unsaturated Zone
Turning Basin
Turning Loop Uncontrolled Spillway
Turning Movement Underframe Unsteady Flow
Turning Path Cushion Underframe
Turning Track Width Udift
Underpass Uplift
Turnout Underpass
Turnout UPWP
Uniaxial Unified Planning Work
TWEB Uniaxial Tensile Stress Program (UPWP)
Transcribed Weather
Broadcast (TWEB) Unicorn Urban
Unicorn Single-Point Urban
Twenty- Foot Interchange (SPUI)
Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unified
Standard Urban Bus
Unit (TEU) Unified Planning Work Urban Area
Program (UPWP)
Two-way Urbanized
Two-way Left-Turn Lane Uniform
Urbanized Area (UZA)
Uniform Channel
Type Uniform Flow Use
Type A Joint Land Use
Type B Joint Uniformity
Shared Use Path
Uniformity Coefficient Wet Use
Ultra High Frequency Uninterrupted Useful
(UHF) Uninterrupted Flow Useful Life
Ultimate Utilitv
D-Load Ultimate Union
Ultimate Strength Union Shop
Ultimate Strength Load UZA
Urbanized Area (UZA)
Ultra Axle Unit
Ultra High Frequency Hydrologic Unit Vacuum
(UHF) Isolator Unit Negative Air Pressure
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Multiple Unit (MU) Rail (Vacuum) Test
Unbalanced Value
Multiple Unit Electric
Materially Unbalanced Bid Locomotive Aesthetic Value
Mathematically TEU (Twenty-Foot Cost Value
Unbalanced Bid Equivalent Unit) Market Value
Unit Present Value Method
Unbraced Salvage Value
Unbraced Length Unit Discharge
Unit Hydrograph Value Engineering
Unit Tow Value Pricing
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Va n High Occupancy Vehicle VHF

Subscription Van Service Lane (HOV Lane) Very High Frequency
Vanpool Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) (VHF)
Variable Permit Vehicle VHF Omnidirectional
Public Service Vehicle Range (VOR)
Materials and Construction
Rating Vehicle
(M&C) Variable Vibration
Recreational Vehicle
Surrogate M&C Variable Aeroelastic Vibration
Revenue Vehicle
Variable Message Sign
Test Vehicle Vibratory
(VMS) Veh i c1e Steady-State Vibratory
Variance Vehicle Classification Deflection Device
Mean Slope Variance Vehicle Detector
Vehicle Kilometers [Miles] Victor
Slope Variance (SV)
of Travel (VkmT) [VMT] Victor Airway
Variation Vehicle Trip Views hed
Coefficient of Variation
Variation Veil Viewshed
Surface Veil Visibility
Visual Approach Slope Velocity Flight Visibility
Indicator (VASI) Average Velocity Runway Visual Range
Critical Velocity Visibility (RVR
Vector Effective Velocity Pressure, Visibility)
Radar Vector
"PY Visual
Vehicle Laminar Velocity Runway Visual Range
Advanced Vehicle Control Local Average Velocity Visibility (RVR
and Safety Systems Mean Velocity Visibility)
(AVCSS) Normal Velocity Visual Approach Slope
Annual Vehicle Kilometers Occupant Impact Velocity Indicator (VASI)
[Miles] Traveled Turbulent Velocity Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
(AVkmT) [AVMT] Velocity Conversion Factor
Velocity Head VkmT
Automatic Vehicle
Classification (AVC) Velocity of Approach Vehicle Kilometers [Miles]
Automatic Vehicle Vertical Velocity Curve of Travel (VkmT) [VMT]
Identification (AVI) Vent u ri VMS
Automatic Vehicle Venturi Flume Variable Message Sign
Location (AVL) (VMS)
Commercial Vehicle Vertical
Commercial Vehicle Vertical Lift Bridge VMT T
Operations (CVO) Vertical Velocity Curve Vehicle Kilometers [Miles]
Daily Vehicle Miles of Travel (VKmT) [VMT] U
Traveled (DVMT) V- Notc h
Time of Vessel Passage V
Design Vehicle
Charpy V-Notch Test
Dual Mode Vehicle
Gross Vehicle Weight (kg Final Approach (VFR) Void
[lbl) Special VFR Conditions Void
High Occupancy Vehicle Straight-in Approach VFR Voidless Density
(HOV) Visual Flight Rules (VFR)
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Volume Design Flood for Waterway Weaving

Design Volume Opening Weaving
Traffic Volume Design Water Depth Weaving Segment
Length on the Waterline
VHF Omnidirectional Low Water Split Web
Range (VOR) Navigable Waters Weekday
Vortex Navigable Waterway Annual Average Weekday
Vortex Normal Water Surface Traffic (AAWDT)
Ordinary High Water
Vu In e ra b il i ty Restorable Surface Waters Weigh
Vulnerability Assessment Riparian Water Weigh
Shallow Draft Waterway Weigh-in-Motion (WIM)
Wait Time Sensitive Surface Waters Weigh Station
Storm Water
Wake Water Cushion Weight
Wake Turbulence Waterproofed Joints Gross Vehicle Weight (kg
Watershed [lbl)
Water Surface Profile Gross Weight
Moving Walkway Water Table Maximum Gross Weight
Walkway Waterway Tare Weight
Wall Waterway Opening Weight
Anchored Wall Wave Weir
Cutoff Wall Shock Wave Free Weir
Mechanically Stabilized Standing Wave Measuring Weir
Earth Wall Surface Waves Weir
Reinforced Earth Retaining Wave Run-Up Weir Flow
Retaining Wall Way Welcome
Rigid Gravity and Traveled Way Welcome Center
Semigravity Retaining
Waybill Welded
Waybill Continuous Welded Rail
Warning (CWR)
Warning Area Well
Wayside Signal
Warping Artesian Well
Wea kness
Warping or Hinged Joint
Structural Weakness Well-Graded
Warrants Cracking Well-Graded Aggregate
Wearing Wet
Wash Wearing Surface Wet Use
Wash Load
Weather Wetland
Water Road Weather Information Substitute Wetlands
Brackish Water Systems (RWIS) Wetland Bank
Bridge Waterway Transcribed Weather Wetland Banking
Deep Draft Waterway Broadcast (TWEB) Wetland Credit
Deep Water Wetlands
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n C loss a r y

Wharf Work Tire-Wet Pavement

Wharf Extra Work Interaction, Zone Concept
Wharfage Extra Work Order Traffic Assignment Zone
Piece of Work Unsaturated Zone
Wheel Significant Change in Work Work Zone
Wheel Force Transducer Unified Planning Work Zone Fare
System Program (UPWP) Zone of Aeration
Wheel Line Work Zone of Saturation
Wheel Load Work Hours
Wheel Set Zoning
Work Order
Wheel Track Zoning
Work Zone
Wheelchair Working
Wheelchair Lift Working Day
Whitetopping Working Drawings
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Wye
Width WYe
Barrel Width Y
Bridge Roadway Width Y Intersection
Core Width
Roadway Width Yard
Swept Path Width Classification Yard
Turning Track Width Hump Yard
Retarder Yard
Weigh-in-Motion (WIM)
Basic Wind Speed (V)
Design Wind Pressure (Pz) Year
Prevailing Wind Climatic Year
Special Wind Region Current Year Dollars
Three-Second-Gust Wind Five-Hundred-Year Flood
Speed Year of Expenditure
Wind Load Dollars
Wind Shear Yield
Wind Sock
Minimum Yield Strength
Wind Tee
Sediment Yield
Windrow Yield Stress
Windrow Revetment Zone
Wire Anchorage Zone V
Ground Wire Auto-Free Zone (AFZ)
Span Wire Clear Zone W
Span Wire Structure End Zone
Wire-Enclosed Riprap Flood Zone Y
(Gabion) General Zone
Speed Zone Z
Subject Areu Index

GENERAL Break-Even Analysis End-Result

TRANS PO RTAT I 0 N Buyer's Risk Specifications
-AD M IN I ST RAT I ON Calendar Day Engineer
Change Order Engineering Judgment
Access Collective Bargaining Escalation Clause
Accessibility Commercial Vehicle Expenditures
Accessible Operations (CVO) External Audit
Accrual Method Common Carrier Extraboard
Accuracy Competitive Range Feasible
Actual Cost Completion Fixed Cost
Addendum Composite Pay Factor Force Account
Advertisement Congestion Pricing Functional Classification
Agency Contract Carrier Geographic Information
Allotment Contracting Agency System (GIS)
Annual Capital Contractor Graduated Reduction in
Annualized Method Controlled Process Contract Price
Apportionment Conveyance Handicapped Person
Area Sampling Cost Benefit Analysis Head Injury Criteria
Asset Management Cost-Effective (HIC)
Attrition Arrangement Cost Value High Occupancy Vehicle
Automatic Progression Dedicated Funds (HOV)
Automatic Vehicle Demand Incentive and
Classification (AVC) Design-Bid Disincentive Provisions
Automatic Vehicle Design-Bid-Build Independent Assurance
Identification (AVI) Design-Builder Indirect Charges
Automatic Vehicle Development Inspector
Location (AVL) Differential Pricing Internal Control
Average Vehicle (Variable Pricing) Inverse Condemnation
Occupancy (AVO) Direct Charges Invitation for Bids
Award Discount Rate Labor
Base Rate Discretionary Funds Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Benefit-Cost Ratio Disincentive Liquidated Damages
Best Management Dispute Resolution Provision (for Quality)
Practices (BMP) Dynamic Pricing Maintenance
Best-Value Selection Electronic Credentialing Management System
Bidder Electronic Screening Maintenance Standard
Bid Documentation Electronic Toll Management Information
Bid Documentation Collection System (MIS)
Escrow Market
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Market Value Request for Confined Disposal

Match Qualifications (RFQ) Facility (CDF)
Materially Unbalanced Resources Context Sensitive Design
Bid Responsible Bidder (CSD)
Materials and Methods Responsive BidIProposal Context Sensitive
Specifications Reversible Lane Solutions (CSS)
Mathematically Revolving Fund Design Fish
Unbalanced Bid Risk Monitoring Effluent
Mode Road Pricing Erosion
Mode Shift Seller's Risk Exfiltration
Notice to Proceed Service Attributes Fish Ladder
Operating Costs Service Life Flood Plain
Operating Ratio Shift Differential (Shift Lateral Erosion
Out-of-Pocket Premium) Mitigation Alternatives
Pavement Management Single-Occupant Vehicle Nowcasting
Pavement Management (SOV) Parkway
System (PMS) Specifications Restorable Surface
Pay Adjustment Standard Specifications Waters
Pay Adjustment Schedule Statement of Scenic Easement
(or System) for Quality Qualifications (SOQ) Sensitive Surface Waters
Pay Factor Straight Time Site Analysis
Performance-Based Subcontractor Softwood
Specifications Superintendent Solar Flux
Performance-Related Supplemental Agreement Substitute Wetlands
Specifications Supplemental Sustainable Development
Performance Specifications Viewshed
Specifications Transportation Wetland Bank
Permit Improvement Program Wetland Banking
Permit Vehicle (TIP) Wetland Credit
Policy Transportation System Wetlands
Port Authority, Port UnionShop
District Useful Life GENERAL
Prequalification Value Engineering TRANS PO RTAT I ON
Questionnaire Value Pricing -LAW
Present Serviceability Vehicle Classification
Present Value Method Work Abandonment
Profile Work Hours Abstract of Title
Proposal Working Day Acquisition or Taking
Proposal Guaranty Work Order Act of God
Quality Advisory
Quality Assurance QA) GENERAL Air Rights
Quality Assurance TRANS PO RTAT I ON Appropriation
Specifications -ENVIRONMENT Arbitration
Quality Characteristic Binding Arbitration
Quality Control (QC) Best Management Cabotage Laws
Rate Practices (BMP) Civil Action
Request for Proposals Climatic Year Civil Law
.- 132.-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Civil Law Doctrine or Public Lands Highway Internal-Internal Trip

Rule Public Road Land Management
Compensable Interest Reference Standards Agency
Condemnation Regulatory Flood LandUse
Consequential Damages Regulatory Floodway Metropolitan Planning
Construction Remainder Organization (MPO)
Contract Right of Access Modal Split
Contract Bond Right of Immediate Mode Shift
Contract Documents Possession Multimodal
Contract Item Right-of-way No Build Alternative
Contract Payment Bond Right-of-way Appraisal Off-Peak Direction
Contract Performance Right-of-way Estimate Peak Direction
Bond Right-of-way Map Planning Models
Contract Time Riparian Doctrine or Planning-Programming-
Control of Access Rule Budgeting System
Dedication Riparian Owner Segment
Deed Riparian Rights Site Analysis
Direct Compensation Scenic Easement Site Development
Drainage Easement Seizure Laws System Planning
Easement Severance Damages 3C Process
Eminent Domain Sight Line Easement Total Storm Management
Encroachment Significant Encroachment (TSM)
Ex Parte Slope Easement Traffic Assignment Zone
Federal-Aid Highway State Traffic Operation Plan
Federal-Aid System Surety Transportation
Federal Lands Highway 3C Process Transportation Demand
Full Control of Access Title Management (TDM)
Interstate Highway Tort Transportation
System UrbanArea Improvement Program
Just Compensation Urbanized Area (UZA) (TIP)
Metropolitan Planning Vehicle Transportation Plan
Organization (MPO) Wetlands Transportation System
Metropolitan Statistical Zoning Management (TSM)
Area (MSA) Trip
National Highway GENERAL Unified Planning Work
Navigable Waters -PLANNING Unlinked Trip
Navigable Waterway
Option Annual Element GENERAL
Ordinary High Water Attractions TRANS PO RTAT I ON
Owner Attribute Acceptance -SECURITY
Parcel Plat Plan
Partial Control of Access Betterment Consequence Assessment
Partial Taking Corridor Countermeasures
Project Directional Split Criticality Assessment
Project Agreement Do-Nothing Alternative Emergency Action Plan
Project Specifications External-External Trip Emergency Operation
Public Authority External-Internal Trip Center (EOC)
N 133-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Hardening Approach Light System Flight Plan

Mitigation (ALS) Flight Service Station
Risk Management Approach Slope (FW
Risk Monitoring Area Navigation (RNAV) Flight Visibility
Threat Assessment Attitude General Aviation
Vulnerability Assessment Autogyro Glide Slope
Automatic Direction Gross Weight
AIR Finder (ADF) Ground Effect
TRANS PORTAT I 0N Automatic Terminal Heliport
Information Service IFR Conditions
Accelerate Stop Distance (ATIS) Instrument Approach
Aeronautical Information Base Leg Procedure (IAP)
Publication Best Angle-of-Climb Instrument Flight Rules
Agonic Line Airspeed (IFR)
Aircraft Classification Best Rate-of-Climb Instrument Landing
Number (ACN) Airspeed System (ILS)
Air Navigation Facility Blast Fence Instrument Runway
(NAVA I D ) Cabotage Laws Interrogator
Airplane Ceiling Intersection
Airport Ceilometer Jet Routes
Airport Advisory Area Class A Airspace Knot
Airport Advisory Service Class B Airspace Large Aircraft
Airport Capacity Class C Airspace Light Gun
Airport Layout Plan Class D Airspace LoadFactor
(ALP) Class E Airspace Localizer
Airport Surveillance Class G Airspace Loran
Radar (ASR) Clear Air Turbulence Maximum Gross Weight
Air Route Surveillance (CAT) Microwave Landing
Radar (ARSR) Clearance System (MLS)
Air Route Traffic Control Cleanvay Military Operations
Center (ARTCC) Compass Rose Areas (MOA)
Airship Contour Line Missed Approach
Airspeed Controlled Airspace Navigable Airspace
Air Traffic Control Course Navigational Aid
(ATC) Crosswind Component (NAVAID)
Air Traffic Control Crosswind Leg Navigation Light
Radar Beacon System Crosswind Runway Noise Abatement
(ATCRBS) Density Altitude Procedure
Airway Departure Control Nondirectional Beacon
Airworthy Displaced Threshold (NDB)
Alert Area Distance Measuring Notice to Airmen
All-Weather Airport Equipment (DME) (NOTAM)
Altimeter Emergency Locator Obstruction Light
Altimeter Setting Transmitter (ELT) Outer Marker Beacon
Altitude Final Approach (VFR) Outer Marker Compass
Angle of Attack Fix Locator
Approach Control Flare Out Pavement Classification
Flight Level Index (PCI)
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Pilot Traffic Pattern Batter Pile

Pilot in Command Transcribed Weather Beam
Port Broadcast (TWEB) Bearing
Positive Control Transponder Bearing Joint
Precision Approach Turbojet Bearing Pile
Radar (PAR) Turboprop Bent
Prevailing Wind Ultra High Frequency Block Shear Rupture
Prohibited Area (UHF) Bolster
Radar Advisory Service Unicorn Bolt Assembly
Radar Beacon Variation Bonded Tendon
Radar Monitoring Very High Frequency Boundary Conditions
Radar Separation (VHF) Bracing Member
Radar Vector VHF Omnidirectional Brackish Water
Radio Altimeter Range (VOR) Bridge
Restricted Area Victor Airway Bridge Approach Railing
Road Weather Visual Approach Slope Bridge Capacity
Information Systems Indicator (VASI) Bridge Length
(RWIS) Visual Flight Rules Bridge Maintenance
Runway (VFR) Bridge Opening
Runway Threshold Vortex Bridge Railing
Runway Visual Range Wake Turbulence Bridge Roadway Width
Visibility (RVR Warning Area Bridge Waterway
Visibility) Wind Shear Brittle
Se ap1ane Wind Sock Bursting Force
Segmented Circle Wind Tee Cable-Stayed Bridge
Separation Yaw Cage
Sequence Flashing Cap
Lights (SFL) HIGH WAY Cast-in-Place Concrete
Small Aircraft TRANS PO RTAT I O N Charpy V-Notch Test
Special VFR Conditions -BRIDGES Check Flood for Bridge
Standard Instrument Scour
Departure (SID) Abutment Clear Distance of Bolts
Standard Terminal Active Earth Pressure Clear End Distance of
Arrival Route (STAR) Aeroelastic Vibration Bolts
Starboard Allowable Static Design ClearSpan
Stopway Stress Closed Joint
Straight-In Approach Anchorage Zone Closed Rib
VFR Anchor Bolt Closure
Tactical Air Navigation Anchored Wall Closure Joint
(TACAN) Appurtenances Collapse Load
Takeoff Distance Arching Action Combination Point
Takeoff Run Aspect Ratio Bearing and Friction Pile
Taxi At Jacking Combination Railing
Terminal At Transfer Combined Footing
Terminal Area Average (Mean) Stress Commonly Recognized
Tetrahedron Backfill Structural Elements
Threshold Bascule (CoRe)
Traffic Base Resistance Compact Section
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Component Elasticity Inventory Rating

Composite Action Embedment Length Isotropic Plate
Composite Beam End Distance of Bolts Isotropic Reinforcement
Composite Column EndPanel Jacking Force
Composite Construction Endurance Limit Lacing
Concrete Barrier Strength Lane Live Load
Concrete Cover EndZone Lateral Bracing
Confinement Equivalent Strip Component
Construction Joint External Tendon Lateral-Torsional
Continuity Extrados Buckling
Core Width Extreme Event Limit Lightweight Concrete
Corrosion States Limit State
Corrosion Resistant Eyebar Load-Capacity Rating
Cross-Frame Face of the Curb LoadPath
Curvature Friction Falsework Longitudinal
Cycle-Control Joint Fatigue Longitudinal Force
Cyclic Stress Fatigue Design Life Longitudinal Joint
Dead Load Fatigue Failure Low-Relaxation Steel
Deck Fatigue Life Mechanically Stabilized
Deck Girder Fatigue Limit State Earth Wall
Deck Joint Fatigue Strength Minimum Yield Strength
Deck Slab Fender Modulus of Rupture
Deck System Fixed Bearing WOR)
Deck Truss Fixed Bridge Moisture Content (MC)
Deep Foundation Floorbeam Movable Bearing
Deflection Force Effect Movable Bridge
Deformation Formwork Multiple-Load-Path
Design Discharge Foundation Structure
Design Flood for Bridge Fracture-Critical Member Nominal Resistance
Scour (FCM) Open Gearing
Design Flood for Fracture Toughness Open Grid Floor
Waterway Opening Frame Action Open Rib
Design Force Friction Pile Operating Rating
Design Span Full Load Speed Ordinary High Water
Design Water Depth General Bursting Forces Orthotropic
Detail Category General Zone Orthotropic Deck
Development Length Girder Over-Consolidated Soil
Diaphragm Grade Separation Owner
Distortion-Induced Gusset Plate Panel Point
Fatigue Half Through Truss Span Partial Composite Action
Dowel Hybrid Girder Permanent Deflection
Ductile Impact Load Permanent Load
Ductility Inelastic Pier
Dynamic Load Integral Bridge Pier Shaft
Allowance Internal Composite Pile Bent
Earth Pressure Action Pile Shoe
Edge Cracking Internal Tendon Pin Connection
Effective Depth Intrados PinnedEnd
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Plate SpreadBeam Waterproofed Joints

Point-Bearing Pile Spread Footing Wearing Surface
Point of Contraflexure SpurDike Wind Load
Portal Bracing Stiffener Yield Stress
Portal Frame Stiffness
Post-Tensioning Strain HIGH WAY
Post-Tensioning Duct Stream Force TRANS PO RTAT I ON
Prestressed Concrete Strength Limit State -CONSTRUCT I ON
Protection Stringer
Rated Pressure Structurally Continuous Absorption
Rating Vehicle Barrier Acceptance
Redundancy Structural Overlay Acceptance Constant
Redundant Member Strut Acceptance Limit
Regular Service Strut-and-Tie Model Acceptance Number
Rehabilitation Subpanel Acceptance Plan
Relaxation Substructure Acceptance Sampling
Relief Joint Superstructure and Testing
Resistance Factor Surcharge Act of God
Revetment Sway Bracing Addendum
Rigid Frame Swing Bridge Additive
Rigid Gravity and Tandem Axle Load Anchorage
Semigravity Retaining Temperature Gradient Annular Space
Wall Thermal Force (Bridge) Arm
Roadway Width Through-Girder Span Arrow BoardlArrow
Roller Bearing Through-Truss Span Panel
Scaling Tied Arch Attribute Acceptance
Scour Tie-Down Plan
Scupper Timber Batch Plant
Secondary Member Time of Operation Bedding
Segmental Concrete Time of Vessel Passage Best-Value Selection
Bridge Ton Boring
Service Limit State Tonne Borrow
Setting Temperature Torsion Box Section
Shallow Foundation Transfer Length Bulkhead
Shear Connector Translation Bulking
Shear Continuity Transverse Buyer's Risk
Shear Key Transverse Load Caisson
Sheave Transverse Camber
Slab Bridge Reinforcement Cantilever
Sliding Bearing Tread Plates and Castings Casing
Softwood Truss Bridge Clearing
Soil Envelope Type A Joint Cofferdam
Soil-Structure Interaction Type B Joint Competitive Range
System Ultimate Strength Load Construction
Span Unbraced Length Construction Joint
Spandrel Uniaxial Tensile Stress Contraction Joint
Specified Strength of Vertical Lift Bridge Coring
Concrete Void Cracking Moment
N 137-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Creep Permit Tie Plate

Crib Pile Tolerance
Cushion Seal Joint Plans Truck-Mounted
cuts Plant Tests Attenuator (TMA)
Cylinder (Test) Precast Member Tunnel
Delineators Predampening Type A Joint
Dense Graded Aggregate Primecoat Type B Joint
Design-Bid-Build Project Variable Message Sign
Design-Build Quality Assurance (VMS)
Design-Builder Specifications Void
Differing Site Conditions Quality Control (QC) Warping or Hinged Joint
Drilled Shaft Quality Index Work Zone
End-Result Quality Measure
Specifications Quarry Run Stone HIGH WAY
Equipment Reinforcement TRANS PO RTAT I 0 N
Expected Pay (EP) Curve Reinforcing Steel -DESIGN
Extra Work Rejectable Quality Level
Extra Work Order (RQL) Accuracy
Fill Reprocessing Advanced Vehicle
Geotextile Resilient Connector Control and Safety
Gradation Resurfacing Systems (AVCSS)
Grade Ring Rigging Aesthetics
Ground Wire Roadway Aesthetic Value
Independent Sample Sand Alignment (also
Joint Sand Asphalt Alinement)
Lamination Second Sample Anchor Bolt
Leveling Course Significant Change in Angle of Turn
Liquefaction Work Apparent Specific
Lot Sill Gravity
Maintenance Slip Base Area of Concern
Manhole (Utility Access Soil-Cement Assignable Cause
Hole) Specifications Attachment
Materials and Spread Footing Axle
Construction (M&C) Stabilization Axle Correction Factor
Variable Standard Specifications Axle Count
Materials and Methods Structural Lumber Axle Group
Specifications Structure Axle-Group Load
Percent Defective (PD) Subgrade Treatment AxleLoad
Percent Within Limits Substantial Completion Axle Spacing
(PWL) Substructure Axle Unit
Performance-Based Superstructure Barricade
Specifications Supplemental Basic Wind Speed (V)
Performance-Related Specifications Berm
M&C Variable Surface Treatment Best-Value Selection
Performance-Related Surrogate M&C Variable Beta Ratio
Specifications Sustainable Developmenl Bias
Performance TackCoat Braking Torque
Specifications Tackle Breakaway
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Breakdown Torque Curb Bulb Event Models

Buffer Strip Cutoff Height Exit Box
Call Box Datum External Load Crushing
Camber DeadLoad Strength Test
Catenary Defect External Sealing Band
Centerline Turning Deformation Fatigue
Radius (CTR) Design-Bid-Build Fiber-Reinforced
Central Island Design-Build Composite (FRC)
Chirp Test Design-Builder Fineness Modulus (FM)
Circumferential Design Capacity Fines
Reinforcement Design Criteria Finite Element Method
Clearance Design Displacement Finite Strip Method
Clear Runout Area Design Flood Frequency Fixed Bed and Banks
Clear Zone Design Life (Model)
Coefficient of Design Speed Flare
Determination Design Strength Flexural Continuity
Coefficient of Skid Design Vehicle Flow Line
Resistance Design Volume Frangible
Coefficient of Variation Design Wind Pressure Full Load Torque
Commercial Vehicle (PZ) Fuse Plate
Competitive Range Deterministic Model Geometric Design
Component Directional Interchange Geometric Feature
Compressive Strength Distortion Glare Screen
Compressive Test Distribution Gore
Confidence Interval Reinforcement Grade
Confidence Level D-Load Gradient
Confidence Limits D-Load Ultimate Grip
Conformal Index (CI) Drag Coefficient ( c d ) Guardrail
Consistent Estimator Ductile Connection Gust Effect Factor
Constant Amplitude Ductile Failure Hardening
Fatigue Threshold Dynamic Vehicle Tire Horizontal Traction
Construction Joint Force HudsonA
Context Sensitive Design Effective Damping Hydrostatic Test
(CSD) Effective Prestress Hysteresis
Contour Line Effective Stiffness Impact Angle
Contraction Joint Effective Velocity Impact Severity (IS)
Control Limits Pressure Importance Factor
Crash Cushion Efficient Estimator Inelastic
Crash Test Elastic Restraint System In-Plane Bending
Crashworthy Element Inscribed Circle
Critical Impact Angle Embankment International Roughness
(CIA) Embankment Foundation Index (IRI)
Critical Impact Point Embedment Invert
(CW Empirical Model Isolation System
Criticality End Treatment Isolator Unit
Cross Slope Equilibrium Job-Mix Formula (JMF)
Crosstalk Equivalent Single-Axle Joint
Crown Load (ESAL) Joint Acceptance Test
N 139-
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Lane Line Operating Characteristics Roundabout

Lane Live Load Curve (OC Curve) Rounding
Length of Need Operational Sag
Level of Performance Classification Sample
Light Delivery Truck Over-Consolidation Service Life
Live Load Ratio (OCR) Severity Index (SI)
Load Passenger Car Equivalent Sheet
Load-Bearing Passing Sight Distance Shielding
Attachment Pavement Performance Shy Distance
Load-Transfer Device Prediction Model Sieve
Longitudinal Barrier PeakTorque Sight Line Easement
Longitudinal Force Performance-Based SigmaBank
Low Pressure Air Test Specifications Single-Axle Load
Manhole Performance-Related Site Analysis
Manning’s Equation Specifications Site Development
Manning’s n Performance SkewAngle
Mast Arm Specifications Skewness
Mathematical Model Performance Standard Slope
Maximum Density Permeability Slope Ratio
Mean Recurrence Permit Vehicle Slope Variance (SV)
Interval (R) Pipe Diameter Solidity
Mechanistic Model Pipeline Span Wire
Median Barrier Pipe Section Span Wire Structure
Median Opening Plans Special Provisions
Minimum Turning Present Serviceability Special Wind Region
Radius Index (PSI) Specification Limit
Minimum Yield Strength Pressure Grouting Specifications
Mixture Design Pressure Range Speed-Change Lane
Model Probability Sample Spiral Reinforcement
Modulus of Subgrade Profile Record Split Sample
Reaction Profile Segment Splitter Island
Mounting Height Projection Ratio Springline
Negative Air Pressure Quality Assurance (QA) Stall Torque
(Vacuum) Test Quality Assurance Standard Plans
Net Tensile Stress Specifications Standard Sieve
Nominal Load Quality Index (Q) Standard Specifications
Nominal Maximum Size Quality Level Analysis Starting Torque
Nominal Resistance (QLA) Steering Angle
Nominal Size Quality Measure Stress Range
Nominal Strength Quality Standard Stress Transfer
Nonrecoverable Slope Quantity Standard Structural Number (SN)
Normal Load Duration Random Sample Structural Support
Normally Consolidated Recovery Area Superelevation
Soil Representative Sample Superelevation Rate
Occupant Impact Retroreflectivity Supplemental
Velocity Roadside Barrier Specifications
Offset Rocker Bearing Swept Path Width
Offtracking Roughness Coefficient Taut
.- 140.-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Tendon HIGH WAY Base Flow

Test Vehicle TRANS PO RTAT I ON Base Runoff
Three-Second-Gust Wind -DRAINAGE Bed
Speed BedLayer
Timber Abrasion BedLoad
Tire Braking Force Absorption Bedrock
Tire Braking Force Abstraction BedSlope
Coefficient Adsorption Bendway
Tire Braking Force Afflux Bendway Scour
Coefficient Slide Aggradation Berm
Tire Load Allowable Headwater Best Management
Tire-Wet Pavement Depth Practices (BMP)
Interaction, Zone Alluvial Blanket
Concept Alluvial Channel Brackish Water
Tolerance Alluvial Fan Bridge Waterway
Torque Alluvium Broken Back Culvert
TractodTrailer Angle Alternate Bar Bulkhead
Transition Alternate Depth Bypass Flow
Traversable Slope Angle of Flare Canal
Truck Apron Angle of Repose Catch Basin
Truss Angularity Channel
Turning Path Annual Flood Channel Coefficient
Turning Track Width Annual Runoff Channel Contraction
Ultimate Strength Apex Channel Diversion
Unbiased Estimator Approach Channel Channelization
Unconsolidated Approach Section Channel Migration
Formation Apron Channel Pattern
Underpass Aquifer Channel Process
Uniformity Coefficient Area-Capacity Curve Channel Routing
Unit Area Curve Channel Slope
Useful Life Area Rainfall CheckDam
Variation Armor Check Flood for Bridge
Velocity Conversion Armoring Scour
Factor Artesian Chemical Gauging
Viewshed Artesian Well Chezy Formula
Voidless Density Augmented Flow Climatic Year
Warrants Average Velocity Coefficient of
Weight Avulsion Contraction
Well-Graded Aggregate Backwater Coefficient of Discharge
Wet Use Backwater Ratio Composite Hydrograph
Wheel Force Transducer Baffle Concordant Flow
System Bank Conduit
Wheel Line Bankfull Discharge Confluence
Wheel Load Bankfull Stage Conjugate Depth
Working Drawings Bar Constriction
Yield Stress Barrel Width Contraction
Y Intersection Base Flood Contraction Method of
Base Flood Plain Flow Measurement
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Contraction Scour Distribution Hydrograph Flow Slide

Control Flume Diversion Dam Flume
Control Section Dominant Discharge Ford
Conveyance Drainage Freeboard
Countermeasures Drainage Area Free Weir
Cover Drainage Basin Friction Loss (or Head)
Crest Drainage Density Friction Slope
Crib Dam Drainage Easement Frontal Flow
Critical Depth Drainage Systems Froude Number
Critical Flow Drawdown Gabion
Critical Slope Drop Grade Control Structure
Critical Velocity Drop Inlet Gravity Dam
Cross Drainage Eccentricity Greatest Opening Flood
Crossover Effective Duration Groundwater
Culvert Effective Precipitation Groundwater Discharge
Culvert Method of Flow Effective Rainfall Groundwater Runoff
Measurement Effluent Gutter
Cumulative Conveyance Elevation Head Head
Current Emergency Spillway Headloss
Current Meter Energy Grade Line Headwall
Cut Bank Energy Gradient Headwater Depth
Cutoff Energy Head Headwaters
Cutoff Wall Entrance Head High Water Elevation
D16 Entrance Loss High Water Mark
D50 Equalizer Hydraulic Bore
D85 Equivalent Cross Slope Hydraulic Friction
Daily Discharge Erosion Hydraulic Gradeline
Dam Estuary Hydraulic Gradient
Dam-Break Analysis Exfiltration Hydraulic Jump
Dam Method of Flow Expanding Reach Hydraulic Performance
Measurement Fish Ladder Curve
Debris Basin Five-Hundred-Year Hydraulic Radius
Debris Dam Flood Hydraulic Roughness
Deep Water Fixed Bed and Banks Hydraulics
Degradation (Model) Hydric Soil
Dentated Sill Flanking Hydrograph
Deposition Flanking Inlet Hydrologic Model
Depth of Scour Float Gauge Hydrologic Soil Group
Design Capacity Flood Envelope Curve Hydrologic Unit
Design Fish Flood Index Hydrology
Design Highwater Flood of Record Hyetograph
Elevation Flood Plain Impermeable Strata
Design Storm Flood Plane Impervious
Detention Basin Flood Profile Incised Channel
Detritus Flood Stage Incised Stream
Dike Floodway Indurated Bed
Direct Runoff Floodzone Infiltration
Discharge Flow Infiltration Capacity
.- 142.-
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Infiltration Index Overtopping Flood Sag Culvert

Infiltration Rate Peak Discharge Saltating
Inflow Percolation Saltation Load
Initial Abstraction Permafrost Saturated Soil
Inlet Time Pervious Soil Scoured Depth
Intensity Phreatic Line Secchi Disk
Intercepting Channel Piezometer Sediment
Invert Piezometric Head Sedimentation
Lag Time Porosity Sedimentation Basin
Laminar Flow Pressure Flow Sediment Concentration
Laminar Velocity Pressure Head Sediment Pool
Lateral Erosion Probable Maximum Sediment Yield
Launching Flood (PMF) Seepage
Launching Apron Probable Maximum Side-Channel Spillway
Levee Precipitation (PMP) Significant Encroachment
Littoral Drift Rack Sill
Load Railbank Protection Silt
Local Average Velocity Rainfall Excess Silting
Longitudinal Profile Rainfall Intensity Slope-Area Method
Low Flow Channel Rapid Drawdown Sloughing
Lysimeter Rate of Rise Sluice Flow
Main Stem Rating Curve soffit
Manometer Reach Specific Energy
Mattress Recharge Spillthrough Abutment
Mean Annual Flood Recharge Basin Spillway
Mean Annual Flow Regional Flood of Spread
Mean Daily Discharge Record SpurDike
Mean Velocity Regulatory Flood Stable Channel
Measuring Point Regulatory Floodway StaffGage
Measuring Weir Reinforced Earth Stage
Minimum Energy Line Retaining Wall Standard Project Flood
Moisture Equivalent Reinforced Revetment Standard Project Storm
Natural Scour Relief Bridge (SPS)
Nonuniform Channel Residence Time Standing Wave
Nonuniform Flow Restorable Surface Static Head
Normal Depth Waters Steady Flow
Normal Flow Retaining Wall Steep Slope
Normal Stage Retarding Reservoir Stilling Basin
Normal Velocity Retention Basin Storm Hydrograph
Normal Water Surface Riparian Storm Water
One-Hundred-Year Flood Riparian Spur Dike Streamflow
Open Channel Riparian Water Stream Gauging
Open Channel Riprap Subcritical Flow
Constriction River Training Submerged Inlet
Open Channel Flow River Training Structure Submerged Outlet
Outfall Rod-Float Subsurface Runoff
Outlet Control Runoff Supercritical Flow
Over-Bank Flow Runoff Coefficient Superflood
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Surface Runoff Faulting

Surface Slope HIGH WAY Finish Coat
Suspended Sediment TRANS PO RTAT I ON FinisherlRodman
Discharge -PAVE M EN T S Flashcoat
Suspended Sediment Flexible Pavement
Load Absorption Test Flushing
Swale Admixture Fog Seal
Synthetic Hydrograph Alligator Cracking Frost Heave
Tailwater Base Course Gap-Graded Hot Mix
Tetrapod Base Length Asphalt
Thalweg Binder Course Hot Mix Asphalt
Toe Bituminous Bleeding Hydroplaning
Total Head Bituminous Concrete Isolation Joint
Total Sediment Bituminous Macadam Joint
Discharge Bituminous Pavement Jointed Concrete
Tractive Force Blanking Band Pavement (JCP)
Training Dike Bleeding Jointed Reinforced
Trash Rack Block Cracking Concrete Pavement
Turbidity Blowup (JRCP)
Turbulence Brooming Joint Seal
Turbulent Flow Bulking Load-Transfer Device
Turbulent Velocity Checking Longitudinal Cracking
Uncontrolled Spillway Coefficient of Skid Longitudinal Joint
Uniform Channel Resistance Longitudinal Profile
Uniform Flow Compaction Macadam
Unit Discharge Concrete Map Cracking
Unit Hydrograph Construction Joint Mean Panel Rating
Unsaturated Zone Continuously Reinforced (MPR)
Unsteady Flow Concrete Pavement Mean Roughness Index
Uplift (CRCP) (MRI)
Velocity Head Contraction Joint Mean Slope Variance
Velocity of Approach Control Strip Mixture Design
Vertical Velocity Curve Core Moderate Exposure
Wash Load Core Depth Condition
Water Cushion Corner Breaks Modulus of Subgrade
Watershed Corrugation Reaction (k-Value)
Water Surface Profile Cracking Monofilament
Water Table Dense Graded Aggregate Net Depth
Waterway Density Network-Level Analysis
Waterway Opening Diagonal Cracking Nonexpansion Joint
Wave Run-Up Distortion Open Graded Aggregate
Weir Dynamic Hydroplaning Panel
Weir Flow Edge Cracking Partially Prestressed
Windrow Revetment Empirical Model Concrete
Wire-Enclosed Riprap Entrained Air Pavement Condition
(Gabion) Entrapped Air Pavement Condition
Zone of Aeration Expansion Joint Indicator
Zone of Saturation Fatigue Cracking Pavement Distress
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T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Pavement Macrotexture Roadbed Material Structural Mass Concrete

Pavement Management Road Meter Structural Overlay
Pavement Management Roadway Width Structural Weakness
Systems (PMS) Road Weather Cracking
Pavement Microtexture Information Systems Subbase
(Micro-Rugosity) (RWIS) Subgrade
Pavement Performance Rod Subgrade Treatment
Pavement Performance Roughness Superimposed
Prediction Model Roughometer Deformation
Pavement Preservation Rut Superpave
Pavement Structure Rut Depth Surface (Auger) Shadows
Portland Cement Rutting Surface Course
Concrete Pavement Salvage Value Surface Distress
Predampening Sand Pocket Surface Treatment
Precast Concrete Scaling Surface Veil
Precast Member Scarify Surface Waves
Present Serviceability Scratch Coat Swell
Present Serviceability SealCoat TackCoat
Index (PSI) Segregation Tearing (Streaks)
Present Serviceability Settlement Tender Mix
Rating (PSR) Severe Exposure Thermal Mapping
Prestressed Concrete Condition Tie Bar
Pretensioning Shadow Tire Forces
Primary Prediction Sheet Asphalt Surfacing Transverse Cracking
Relationship (or Primary Shotcrete Transverse Profile
Relationship) Shoving Ultra-Thin Whitetopping
Profile Depth Shrinkage Cracking Wheel Track
Profile Grade Skid Number (Friction
Profilometer Number) HIGH WAY
Punchout (CRCP only) Skid Resistance TRANS PO RTAT I ON
Random Cracking Skip-Graded Aggregate -TRAFFIC AND
Rate of Roughness Slab OPERATIONS
Raveling Slippage Cracking
Reflection Cracking Sloughing Accessible Pedestrian
Reinforced Concrete Slugging Signal (APS)
Reinforcement Slurry Seal Access Point
Reinforcing Steel Solar Flux Adjustment Factors
Remaining Life Spalling Advanced Public
Reprocessing Splitting Tensile Strength Transportation Systems
Required Strength Static Load Deflection (APTS)
Resurfacing Device Advanced Rural
Rideability Stay-in-Place Formwork Transportation Systems
Rideability Index (RI) Steady-State Vibratory (ARTS)
Ride Number (RN) Deflection Device Advanced Traffic
Ride Quality Rating Stiff Mix Management System
Rigid Pavement Stone Matrix Asphalt (ATMS)
Rigid Slab (SMA)
Roadbed Structural Capacity
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Advanced Traveler Clear Runout Area Flasher

Information Systems Cloverleaf Interchange Flow
(ATIS) Commercial Vehicle Free Flow
Advanced Vehicle Operations (CVO) Full Actuated Operation
Control and Safety Concrete Barrier Full Control of Access
Systems (AVCSS) Concurrent Flow HOV Gap
Angle of Turn Lane Gap Acceptance
Annual Average Daily Congestion Pricing Gating Device
Traffic (AADT) Contraflow Lane General Purpose Lanes
Annual Average Controller Assembly Glare Screen
Weekday Traffic Control of Access Gore
(AAWDT) Crash Cushion Grade Crossing
Annual Vehicle Crosswalk Protection System
Kilometers [Miles] Curb Extension Green Time
Traveled (AVkmT) CurbRamp Gross Vehicle Weight
[AVMT] Cycle Guardrail (Guiderail)
Approach Cycle Length Guidestrip
Arrow BoardIArrow Daily Vehicle Miles Headway
Panel Traveled (DVMT) High-Level Lighting
Automatic Vehicle Deflection High Occupancy Toll
Classification (AVC) Delay Lane (HOT Lane)
Automatic Vehicle Density High Occupancy Vehicle
Identification (AVI) Desire Line (HOV)
Automatic Vehicle Detectable Warning Highway Advisory Radio
Location (AVL) Detour (HAR)
Average Daily Traffic Diagonal Curb Ramp Highway Capacity
(ADTI Diamond Interchange Hydroplaning
Average Running Speed Differential Pricing Induced Traffic
Average Spot Speed (Variable Pricing) Inscribed Circle
Average Travel Speed Direct Connection Intelligent Transportation
Average Vehicle Directional Distribution Systems (ITS)
Occupancy (AVO) Directional Interchange Interchange
Bandwidth Directional Split Intersection
Barricade Divisional Island Intersection Angle
Berth Dynamic Envelope Intersection Leg
Betterment Dynamic Hydroplaning Interval
Bottleneck Dynamic Pricing Interzonal Trip
Brake Check Area Edgeline Landing
Calibration Electronic Credentialing Lane Line
Call Box Electronic Screening Lane-Use Control Signal
Centerline Electronic Toll Level of Service
Central Island Collection Line Haul
Changeable Message Emergency Escape Ramp LinkedTrip
Sign Emergency-Vehicle Locator Tone
Channelization Traffic Control Signal Longitudinal Channelizer
Channelized Intersection Engineering Judgment Loop
Clearance Interval Flare Loop Detector
Clearance Time Flared Intersection Luminaire
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Manual Count Raised Pavement Marker Speed-Change Lane

Median Ramp Control Signal SpeedLimit
Median Barrier Ramp Metering Speedzone
Median Opening Recoverable Slope Splitter Island
Midblock Crossing Recovery Area Structural Support
Minimum Clearance Recreational Vehicle Tactile Warning
Width Refuge Island TaperArea
Minimum Turning Rest Area Temporary Barrier
Radius Retroreflectivity Throughput
Minor Street Reverse Commuting Time of Opening
Moped Reversible Lane Tractor
Motorcycle Ridedown Acceleration Traffic
Multileg Intersection Right-of-way Traffic Actuated Signal
Network Right Turn on Red Traffic Assignment
Node (RTOR) Traffic Assignment Zone
Nonrecoverable Slope Road Pricing Traffic Barrier
Nowcasting Roadside Barrier Traffic Control Device
Off-Peak Direction Road Weather Traffic Island
Off-Premise Sign Information Systems Traffic Operation Plan
Offset (RWIS) Traffic Sign
On-Premise Sign Rotary Intersection Traffic Signal
Operating Speed Route Traffic Signal
Origin Rumble Strip Preemption
Outbound Trip Running Speed Traffic Signal Priority
Parallel Curb Ramp Running Time Traffic Volume
Parking Lane Saturation Flow Rate Trailer
Partial Control of Access Screen Line Transponder
Passenger Car Seasonal Factor Travel Speed
Passenger Car Equivalent Semiactuated Operation Travel Time
Pavement Markings Semitrailer Traversable Slope
Peak Direction Service Flow Rate Tree
Peak Hour Severity Index (SI) Trip
Peak Hour Factor Shielding Trip Matrix
Peak Period Shock Wave Trip Purpose
Pedestal Pole Shy Distance Trip Table
Pedestrian-Access Route Sight Distance Truck
Pedestrian Change Sight Line Easement TruckApron
Interval Sign Truck-Mounted
Permissive Mode Signal Head Attenuator (TMA)
Permit Vehicle Signal Indication Truck Tractor
Perpendicular Curb Signal Phase Trumpet Interchange
Ramp Signal Preemption Truncated Domes
Platoon Single-Occupant Vehicle Turning Movement
Pretimed Operation (SOV) Turning Path
Prevailing Condition Single Point Urban Turning Roadway
Progressive Signal Interchange (SPUI) Turning Track Width
System Spacing Turnout
Protected Turn Speed Two-way Left-Turn Lane
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Underpass Corridor Rotary Intersection

Uninterrupted Flow Cul-de-sac Roundabout
Facility Dead-End Street Setback Line
Unlinked Trip Diamond Interchange Shared Roadway
Utility Directional Interchange Shared Use Path
Value Pricing Divided Highway Shoulder
Variable Message Sign Driveway Sidewalk
(VMS) Expressway Single-Point Urban
Vehicle Federal-Aid Highway Interchange (SPUI)
Vehicle Classification Federal Lands Highway Slip Ramp
Vehicle Detector Flared Intersection Street
Vehicle Kilometers Freeway Three-Leg Intersection
[Miles] of Travel Frontage Road or Through Highway or
(VkmT) [VMT] Frontage Street Street
Vehicle Trip Guideway T Intersection
Vertical Clearance General Purpose Lanes Toll Facility
Violation Rate High Occupancy Vehicle Traffic Island
Warrants Lane (HOV Lane) Transit Center
Weaving Highway Transitway
Weaving Segment Interchange Traveled Way
Weigh Intermodal Facility Trumpet Interchange
Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Intersection Uninterrupted Flow
Weigh Station Interstate Highway Facility
Welcome Center System Very Low-Volume Local
WorkZone Lane Road
Y Intersection Local Road or Street Walkway
Loop Weigh Station
HIGH WAY Managed Lane Welcome Center
TRANS PO RTAT I ON Minor Street Y Intersection
-TYPES OF Multileg Intersection
Alley Outer Separation
Arterial Highway Overpass Accessible Pedestrian
At-Grade Intersection Parkway Signal (APS)
Auxiliary Lane Pedestrian-Access Route Bicycle
Bicycle Route System Preferential Parking Bicycle Facilities
Bikeway Priority Lane Bicycle Lane or Bike
Bus Bay Public Lands Highway Lane
Bus Lane Public Road Bicycle Route System
Busway Radial Highway Bikeway
Bypass Railroad Grade Crossing Closed Joint
Causeway Ramp Combination Railing
Central Island RestArea Crosswalk
Channelized Intersection Reversible Lane Curb Extension
Cloverleaf Interchange Road Curb Ramp
Collector Roadside Detectable Warning
Contraflow Lane Roadway Diagonal Curb Ramp
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Feasible Automatic Fare Deadhead Traffic

Guidestrip Collection (AFC) Deadman Control
Landing Automatic Train Control Demand-Responsive
Locator Tone (ATC) Dispatcher
Midblock Crossing Average Fare DownTime
Minimum Clearance Base Period Fleet Dual-Mode Vehicle
Width Base Period (Off-Peak) Dwell Time
Moving Walkway Base Period Service Electric Locomotive
Parallel Curb Ramp Base Run Electrified Track
Pedestrian Base Time Exclusive Lane
Pedestrian-Access Route Basic Fare Exclusive Transit Facility
Pedestrian Change Berth Express Bus
Interval Bi-level Rail Car Express Service
Perpendicular Curb Block Extraboard
Ramp Bus Fare
Refuge Island Bus Bay Farebox
Shared Roadway Bus Lane Fare Collection System
Shared Use Path Buspool Far-Side Stop
Sidewalk Bus Priority System Feeder Service
Tactile Warning Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) First Track (Line
Traffic Island Bus Shelter Kilometers)
Truncated Domes Bus Stop Fixed Guideway
Vertical Clearance Busway Fixed Route
Walkway Cab Graduated Fare
Wayfinding Captive Guideway
Captive Transit Rider Headway
PUBLIC Carpool Heavy Rail Transit
TRANSPORTATION Car Sharing High Occupancy Vehicle
Catenary Lane (HOV Lane)
Absolute Block Charter Bus Home-Based Trip
Absolute Permissive Charter Service Inbound
"A" Car Clearance Time Intercity Transportation
Accessibility Commuter Intermodal
Access Time Commuter Bus Intermodal Facility
Advanced Public Commuter Rail Car Intrazonal Trip
Transportation Systems Commuter Rail Service Jitney
(APTS) Concurrent Flow HOV Kiss and Ride (Kiss and
Alight Lane Ride)
Allowance Conductor Latent Travel
Area Coverage Connectivity Lateral Motion
Arterial Service Construction Capital Layover Time
Articulated Bus Continuous Inductive LeaderRun
Articulated Car Train Control Light Rail Transit
Assignment Sheet Contraflow Lane Light Rail Vehicle (LRV)
Auto-Free Zone (AFZ) Corridor Limousine (Livery)
Automated Guideway Crush Capacity Line Haul
Transit (AGT) Cycle Time LinkedTrip
Deadhead Load Factor
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AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Local Bus Passenger Standing Route Deviation

Local Operation Count Run
Low Floor Bus Peak Base Ratio Run Cutting
Magnetic Levitation PeakHour Running Rail
Managed Lane Peak Period Running Time
Manual Traffic Control Peak Service Schedule
(MTC) Penalty Scheduling
Many-to-Few People Mover Shuttle
Many-to-Many Personal Rapid Transit Shuttle Loop Transit
Market (PRT)
Mass Transportation Person Trip Skimmed Tree
Match Pick Skip-Stop
Maximum Load Point Piece of Work Special Transit Fare
Midblock Stop Pilot Split Run
Minibus Platform Labor SpreadTime
Modal Split Platform Time (Station Standard Urban Bus
Mode Time) Stopped Time
Mode Shift Point Deviation Streetcar
Monorail Preferential Treatment Subscription Bus Service
Moving Walkway Preparation Time Subscription Van Service
Multimodal (Check-Out Time) Suburban Transit Bus
Near-Side Stop Public Service Vehicle (Suburban Coach)
Network Public Transportation System Planning
Node Pull In Taxicab
Non-Home-Based Trip Pull o u t Terminal
On-and-Off (Ride) Check Queue Jumper Terminal Time
One-Piece Rail Rapid Transit Car Terminus
One-to-Many Rail Shuttle Theoretical Time
Open Cut Registering Farebox 3C Process
Open Run Regular Passenger Throughput
Outbound Trip Regular Run Through Routing
Paddle Relief Point Time Off
Pallet Relief Run TimeOn
Paratransit System ReliefTime Time Point
Park and Ride Lot ReportTime Timetable
Part Trip Revenue Passenger Token
Passenger Revenue Service Total Operating Revenue
Passenger Controls Revenue Track Track
Passenger Count Kilometers (Miles) Track Schedule
Passenger Fares for Line Revenue Vehicle Track Signal
Service Rider Trackwork
Passenger Flow Ridership Traffic Signal
Passenger Kilometers Ridesharing Preemption
(Passenger Miles) Riding Frequency (Habit) Train
Passenger Load Coefficient Transfer
Passenger Locomotive Right-of-way Transfer Center
Passenger Riding Count RoundTrip Transfer Fee
Route Transit Capacity
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Gloss a r y

Transit Center CCar Hi-Cube

Transit Dependent Centralized Traffic High Platform
Transit System Control (CTC) High Rail
Transi tway Class I Home Signal
Transportation Brokerage Class I1 Hoppercar
Tree Class 111 Horizontal Split Head
Tripper (Extra) Class 1 through 6 Hot Box
Trip Sheet Classification Yard Hump
Trip Table Closure Rails Hump Yard
Trolleybus Compound Fissure Inland Carrier
Trolley Pole Compromise Joint (Bar) Insulated Joint
Vanpool Compromise Joint (Rail) Interchange
Vehicle Kilometers Compromise Rail Interline
[Miles] of Travel Conductor Interlocking
(VkmT) [VMT] Consignee Intermodal
Wait Time Consignor Intermodal Car
Wheelchair Lift Consist Joint Gap
Yard Constructive Joint Rate
Yaw Continuous Welded Rail Junction Point
Zone Fare (CWR) Lading
Corrugated Rail Less than Carload (LCL)
RAILROAD Coupler Light Engine
TRANS PO RTAT I 0 N Creep Line Haul
Crib Local Traffic
Anchors Crossover Locomotive
Approach Signal Cushion Underframe Low Platform
Automatic Block Signal Demurrage Low Rail
Control System Derail Main
Back Haul Detailed Fracture Main Line
Ballast Double or Multiple Track Manual Block Signal
Batter Dynamic Envelope Mileage Block
BCar Electrification Mini
Belt Line Railroad Engine Burn Fracture Multiple-Unit Electric
Bi-level Rail Car Engineer or Engineman Locomotive
Block Fixed Signal Multiple-Unit Rail Car
Block Signal Flagman Narrow
Box Flange Passenger Locomotive
Branchline Flasher Peddler
Break Bulk Point Flatcar Permissive Block
Bridge Traffic Freight Car Piggyback
Broken Base Frog Pilot
Cab Gondola Platform
Cant Grade Crossing Point
Car Float Protection System Point of Origin
Car Hire GuardTrack Private Car
Carload HeadEnd Private Siding
Carrier Helper Engine/ Pusher Engine
Catenary Locomotive Radio-Controlled Engine
AASHTO T h e V o i c e of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n

Rail Terminal Time Buoy

Rail Banking Third Rail Cabotage Laws
Rail Joint Through Rate Camel
Rail Motor Through Train Cargo
Railroad Tie Cargo Crane
Railroad Grade Crossing Tie Plate Confined Disposal
Rate Timetable Facility (CDF)
Rectifier Electric Motor Track Container
Refrigerator Car TrackApron Container Freight Station
Regional Rail Line TrackCar (CFS)
Regular Train Track Crossing Crane
Restraining Rail Track Schedule Datum
Restricted Speed Track Signal Daymark
Retarder Trackwork Deadman
Retarder Yard Tractive Force Deadweight Tonnage
Road Locomotive Trailer (Trail Car) (DWT)
Rolling Stock Train Deep Draft Waterway
Roundhouse Transverse Fissure Dock
Running Rail Trip Dockage
Run-Through Train Truck Dolphin
Scale House Trucking Platform Draft
Section TurningLoop Feeder Service
Service Track Turnout Fender
Short-Line Railroad Unit Train Ferryboat
Siding Waybill Fill
Single Track Wayside Signal Fleeting Area
Single-Unit Rail Car Wheel Set Gantry
Slow Order Wye Gross Registered
Spike Yard Tonnage (GRT)
Split Web Yaw Hinterland
Standard Rail Hopper
Station WATER Hustler
Station Platform TRANSPORTATION Import
Steam Engine Inland
Stock Rail Amidships Inland Carrier
Superelevation Anchorage Intermodal Facility
Switch Apron Internal Shipment
Switch Stand Ballast Landbridge
Switch (Switcher) Barge LASH (Lighter Aboard
System Car Beam Ship)
Tamper Berth Length on the Waterline
Tangent Bill of Lading (LWL)
Tank Car Bow Length Over All (LOA)
Tare Weight Breakwater Less Than Container
Tariff Bridge Load (LCL)
Team Track Bulk Levee
Terminal Bulkhead Lighted Buoy
Terminal or Switch Line Bunker LiquidTank
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Load-Center Port Pier Stevedore

Load Line Pilot Straddle Carrier
Lock Pilotage Terminal
Long Ton Port Tidewater Port
Low Water Port Authority, Port Time of Vessel Passage
Marine Terminal District Towage Service
Metric Ton Port Capacity Towboat
Micro-Bridge Project Cargo TrackApron
Mini-Landbridge or Project Depth Traffic
Mini-Bridge Protection Tramp
Modal Split Rake Transit Shed
Mode Shift Roll-On/Roll-Off (ROi Tugboat
Moorings RO) Turning Basin
Nautical Mile Seabee Twenty-Foot Equivalent
Navigable Waters Self-Unloader Unit (TEU)
Navigable Waterway Shallow Draft Waterway Unit Tow
Navigation Channel ShortTon Waterway
Net Registered Tonnage Silting Wharf
(NRT) Spoil Wharfage
Non-Vessel Operating Starboard Yaw
Common Carrier Stern

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