FCE Types of Writing
FCE Types of Writing
FCE Types of Writing
-ESSAY For and against essay
Structure: (read carefully what they want you to read about and if you need
to put some ideas to write about)
2. Positive aspects
3. Negative aspects (First do a list of words you want to use and then use them in
the essay)
4. Conclusion
(read carefully what they want you to read about and if you need to put
some ideas to write about)
1. Introduction
(Appropriately formal style)
2. Reason - 1
3. Reason -2 (Before writing do a brainstorm in another piece of paper so you
can clarify better your ideas)
4. Reason -3
(Use liking words and phrases)
5. Conclusion
Structure:essay (read carefully what they want you to read about and if you need to
put some ideas to write about)
(Phrasal verbs)
Structure:essay (read carefully what they want you to read about and if you need to
put some ideas to write about)
1. Introduction
(Before writing do a brainstorm in another piece of paper so you
2. Positive points can clarify better your ideas)
3. Negative point
(Use liking words and phrases)
4. Recommendation
(Phrasal verbs)
2. Opening sentence You often have to give advice based on your experience,
relevant to the title don't worry if you're not an expert, in fact, it makes it
much more interesting.
3. A lively informal
style throughout the Try to use a mixture of structures, Use informal linking
article if you over-use one, it doesn't devices and direct
sound natural. question to the reader.
4. A closing comment
Useful language:
Involving the reader: Can you imagine...? Have you ever...? Just think...
Attitude adverbs: naturally, personally, worryingly, (un)fortunately...