10 Physics

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Subject: PHYSICS


The phenomenon of splitting of white light into its seven constituent colours when it passes
through a glass prism is called dispersion of white light. The various colours seen are Violet,
Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. The sequence of colours remembers as VIBGYOR.
The band of seven colours is called the spectrum. The different component colour of light bends
at a different angle with respect to the incident angle. The violet light bends the least while the
Red bends the most.

Recombination of white light: Newton found that when an inverted prism is placed in the path
of dispersed light then after passing through the prism, they recombine to form white light.

Issac Newton: He was the first, who obtained spectrum of sunlight by using glass prism. He tried
to split the spectrum of white light more by using another similar prism, but he could not get
any more colours.
He repeated the experiment using second prism in inverted position with respect to the first
prism. It allowed all the colours of spectrum to pass through second prism. He found white light
emerges on the other side of second prism.
He concluded that Sun is made up of seven visible colours VIBGYOR.

Rainbow: It is the spectrum of sunlight in nature. It is formed due to the dispersion of sunlight
by the tiny water droplet, present in the atmosphere.

Formation of the rainbow: The water droplets act like small prism. They refract and disperse
the incident sunlight, then reflect it internally, and finally refract it again when it comes out of
the raindrop. Due to the dispersion of light and internal reflection, different colours reach the
observer’s eye.
Red colour appears on top and violet at the bottom of rainbow.
A rainbow is always formed in a direction opposite to that of Sun.
At ‘A’ – Refraction and dispersion take place.
At ‘B’ – Internal reflection takes place.
At ‘C’ – Refraction and dispersion take place.

Atmospheric Refraction: The refraction of light caused by the Earth’s atmosphere (having air
layers of varying optical densities) is called Atmospheric Refraction.

Appearance of Star Position: It is due to atmospheric refraction of star light.

The temperature and density of different layer of atmosphere keeps varying. Hence, we have
different medium.
Distant star act as point source of light. When the starlight enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it
undergoes refraction continuously, due to changing refractive index i.e. from Rarer to denser. It
bends towards the normal.
Due to this, the apparent position of the star is different from actual position. The star appears
higher than its actual position.

Twinkling of Star: It is also due to atmospheric refraction.

Distant star act like a point source of light. As the beam of starlight keeps deviating from its
path, the apparent position of star keeps on changing because physical condition of earth’s
atmosphere is not stationary.
Hence, the amount of light enters our eyes fluctuate sometimes bright and sometime dim. This
is the “Twinkling effect of star”.

Why planets do not twinkle?

Planets are closer to earth and are seen as extended source of light i.e. the collection of large
number of point sized sources of light. Therefore the total amount of light entering our eyes
from all individual point source will nullify the twinkling effect.


Actual sun rise happens when it is below the horizon in the morning. The rays of light from the
sun below the horizon reach our eyes because of refraction of light. Similarly, the sun can be
seen about few minutes after the actual sun set. Thus the duration of, day time will increase by
4 minutes.
This is due to atmospheric refraction. Because of this sun is visible about 2 minutes earlier than
actual sunrise and about 2 minutes after the actual sun set.
Apparent flattering of the Sun’s disc at sunset and sunrise is due to atmospheric refraction.

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