Paschal Triduum Preparations
Paschal Triduum Preparations
Paschal Triduum Preparations
Immediate Preparations:
1. Candles (2)
2. Cope
2. Humeral Veil
3. Altar of Repose
+ The place of reposition should not be set up in the sanctuary because the
Eucharistic Procession itself represents a distinct movement from one place, the
“Cena Domini”, to another place, the Garden of Gethsemane.
We call “good” this day when Our Lord loved us and
gave himself up for us, redeeming us from our sin and death.
The liturgical rites of the day are austere, they are marked
by the triumphant sign of Christ’s Cross,
and they glow with the color of his Precious Blood.
Fasting, silence and prayer is observed this day.
+ Before the homily follows, silence is observed briefly to allow the Passion of St.
John to speak for itself. The people may be invited to spend some time to
d. Solemn Intercession
b. Lamb of God
c. Communion
+ After Communion, the Blessed Sacraments are taken directly to the Place of
Reservation. The Eucharist is not to be placed at the Main Tabernacle.
+ The Altar Cloth, Corporal, Microphone stand and the missal are removed and the
altar remains bare.
+ A period of silence is observed. On the signal of the MC, all stand.
+ The presider will now say “Let us pray” facing the people and extends his blessing.
+ Without kissing the altar, he comes to the center of the sanctuary with the servers
and genuflects in silence.
+ After the celebration, the Cross and the candles remains burning for the faithful
who wishes to venerate and pray.
+ Bells are not rung at any moment.
This is the high point of the Christian year,
the celebration of the Paschal Mystery in
the great Easter Eucharist summit and
source of the liturgical action and life of God’s people.
The “holy night” is the “mother of all holy vigils”
that begins the “queen of feats.”
This is the solemn vigil and the First Mass of Easter.
It takes place at nightfall of Saturday.
The music should be carefully prepared to express joy,
festivity and the triumph of the risen Lord.
c. Solemn Procession
+ Everything is prepared for a Solemn Mass, with the presider, deacon, MC and the
full complement of servers: Cross and Candle (4) Bearers, thurifer, book bearer,
main servers, and well-prepared lectors and cantors.
+ The order of procession is as follows: the thurifer, deacon or the presider holding
the Paschal Candle, MC, servers and the faithful.
d. Paschal Proclamation
+ It is sung by a cantor, the deacon or the presider himself.
+ All candles are now extinguished, then all sit.
a. Readings and their Responsorial Psalms
+ Seven readings are to be read properly by the lectors and their respective
response by the cantors.
b. Gloria
+ The priest/cantor solemnly intones: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO! While the
bells are joyously rung.
+ The lights are turned on at this moment.
+ The Altar is covered with its cloth and the candles (6) are lighted from the
Paschal Candle.
+ The presider sings the opening prayer and all sit for the Epistle.
c. Epistle
d. Alleluia
+ After the reading, all stand, with the musical text, the presider intones the solemn
Alleluia three times in ascending tone.
e. Responsorial ALLELUIA
+ The cantor standing at the lectern sings the psalm and all responds with
f. Gospel
g. Homily