Week 7 Grade8 DLL Edited NPF

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ROSEMARY B. LANDAN Learning Area: SCIENCE

Teaching Dates and 2:10-3:00(MASUNURIN); 3:20-4:10(MATIYAGA);
Time: 4:10-5:00(MAGALANG) (Week No) 7 Quarter: FIRST QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of current-voltage-resistance relationship, electric power, electric energy and home circuitry

B. Performance

C. Learning Infer the relationship between current and charge 

D. Enabling

E. Specific Objectives After 50 minutes, the After 50 minutes, the learners A. Determine the relationship A. Identify the difference A. Review the topics about
learners will be able to: will be able to: between electric current and between series and parallel electric current and charge,
resistance circuit. current and voltage, electrical
A. Recall the concept of A. Recall the formation of B.Identify materials with high and B. Compare the resistance of resistance, series and parallel
electric current as learned electrical charge in objects. low resistance to the flow of bulbs connected in series and circuit
from Grade 7. B. Determine the relationship electric current. parallel. B. Answer the given activities
B. Determine the law of between electric current and C. Calculate the resistance of C. Describe the effect of low about electric current and
charges voltage. appliances connected to the and high resistance to the charge, current and voltage,
C. Explain the law of B. Calculate for unknown source of electric current. brightness of the bulb electrical resistance, series and
charges quantity of current, voltage, C. Give electrical energy saving connected in series or parallel circuit
D. Describe and differentiate time and number of electrons tips in using high resistance parallel. C. Develop the value of
the electrical quantities. flowing in a circuit. electrical devices. responsibility and honesty.
E. Infer the relationship C. Measure the electric
between current and charge. current and voltage in a
F. Give ideas on how to circuit using an ammeter and
identify strong and weak voltmeter respectively.
electric current sources. D. Share ideas how to avoid
G. Appreciate the being electrocuted.
significance of the principle E. Appreciate the
of electric current and significance of the principle of
charge in our daily life. current and voltage in our
daily life.
II. CONTENT Electric current and charge  Current and Voltage Electrical Resistance The Difference Between Electric current and charge /
Series and Parallel Circuit Current and Voltage / Electrical
Resistance / The Difference
DLL Template: CID_IMS
Between Series and Parallel

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Science 8 TG pp. Science 8 TG pp. Science 8 TG pp. Science 8 TG pp. Science 8 TG pp.
2. Learner’s Materials Science 8 Learner’s Module Science 8 Learner’s Module Science 8 Learner’s Module pp. Science 8 Learner’s Module Science 8 Learner’s Module pp
pages pp 54-55 pp 54 - 57 58-61 pp 61-68 54-68
3. Text book pages Practical and Explorational Physics Modular Approach pp. 245-271

Science Links 8 (Revised Edition) pp 107-108

4. Additional Materials
from Learning PIVOT IV-A Learners Material Quarter I First Edition, 2020
B. Other Learning Google illustrations (insert link here)
Resources for 1 ammeter, 1 voltmeter, 2pcs 1.5 V dry cells, 4 connecting wires,1 bulb, 2 dry cell holder, 1 switch, 1 bulb holder
Development & Engagement
Introduction What I The learners will recall the Review the students about Review the lesson about current Review the lesson about The learners will review about
need to concepts on the particles of the formation of electrical and voltage. electrical resistance the previous topic.
know? atom: electrons, protons, charge in objects.
and neutrons.

What’s The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask The teacher will show a picture The teacher will show to the The teacher will give some
new? students to rub a plastic questions about the of a bird perching on a high- learners an illustration of two important term of the topics.
cover with glass in one importance of electric current. tension electrical wire and ask bulbs connected in series and
direction only and bring the the following questions: parallel.
plastic cover close to the 1.Why birds perching on a high  
hair. voltage wire does not get Ask the students of the
Inquiry Based Approach electrocuted? following questions:
using Demonstration 2.Why incandescent bulb 1. Which of the two bulb
generates much heat compared connections will give bright
The learners will explain to LED bulb? light?
what they observe. 2. Which of the circuits give
dim light?

Development What I The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the learners The teacher will ask the The teacher will give the
know? learners what comes in their learners on their to give examples of materials learners to sight series or instruction about the activities
mind when they hear or read understanding about the word that an electricity can flow. parallel connection at their that need to accomplish
the word electric current and is current and voltage home.
DLL Template: CID_IMS
What’s in? The teacher will explain the The teacher will discuss to The teacher will discuss to the The teacher will explain to the Activities about the previous
law of charges and law of the students the following students the following concepts students the difference of topic
conservation of charge concepts about current and about electrical resistance. parallel and series
charges. connection.
Integrative Approach using Integrative Approach using Integrative Approach using the
the lecture method the lecture method lecture method Integrative Approach using the
lecture method
What is it? The learners will identify the The learners will derive The learners will derive The learners will apply their Concepts, terminologies and
unit of electrical charge and equations on current and equations in finding electrical knowledge about usage of computations about the
the unit in measuring voltage. resistance and the factors that batteries. previous topic
current. affect electrical resistance in
The learners will answer a wire.
sample problem involving
current and voltage. The learners will be guided in
solving a sample problem in
finding the electrical resistance.
Inquiry Based Approach using
the demonstration method
Engagement What’s The learners will answer a The learners will do activity Learners will do a board work on The teacher will give a five- The learners will answer the
more? sample problem involving on Current and Voltage (LM answering a worded problem item assessment about series given task honestly and with
electrical charges. pp 55-57) and parallel connection. less supervision of their
(Please refer to the The teacher will give Reflective Approach using the (Please refer to the teacher.
assessment notebook) demonstration on the activity. Drill and Practice assessment notebook)
The teacher will construct a Answer the following in an
simple circuit using intermediate paper
1.Ammeter connected in a: 1. Find information about
a. Circuit with 1 dry cell electric hazards and
b. Circuit with dry cell electric shock. Know
2.Voltmeter connected in a: the effects of electricity
a. Circuit with 1 dry cell on the human body.
b. Circuit with dry cell
Inquiry Based Approach
Constructivist Approach
using the Activity Based
What other The students will solve a The learners will answer the The students will solve a given The students will solve a 2. Inspect the electrical
enrichment given problem about given guide questions on the problem about electrical given problem about series safety devices installed
activities electrical charges. ((Please Activity and present it to the resistance. (Please refer to the and parallel connection. at home and in school.
can I refer to the assessment class. assessment notebook) (Please refer to the Take a picture of this
engage it?
notebook) Please present assessment notebook) devices and explain in
the Quiz NB to validate the your class what they
answer on the given do.
Inquiry Based Approach
DLL Template: CID_IMS
Assimilation What I The learners will explain The learners will answer a The learners can apply their The learners understand that Outputs will be presented in
have why it is not advisable to short quiz. knowledge on how they would energy consumption can be school in the next meeting
learned? overcharge batteries in cell Refer to the Quiz NB reduce the resistance of their reduced by limiting the time in
phones. extension wire when in used at using the appliances.
What can I

V. REFLECTION          
A, I understand that

B. I realized that

C. No. of learners who        

earned 80% on the formative
D. No. of Learners who        
require additional activities
for remediation
E. No. of learners who have          
caught up with the lesson.
F. No. of learners who          
continue to require

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I- Science Dept. Head Teacher I-Science Dept.

DLL Template: CID_IMS

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