Med Surg Cardiovascular Flashcards - Quizlet

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10/25/22, 10:51 PM Med Surg Cardiovascular Flashcards | Quizlet

Med Surg Cardiovascular

Terms in this set (81)

The heart is located ? in the mediastinum

Fibrous pericardium -Outer layer

What are the three layers in the

Parietal pericardium- Middle layer

pericardial sac ?
Visceral pericardium- Inner layer

What is between the inner Serous fluid

layers of the pericardial sac to
prevent friction ?

What are the four chambers of Right/Left Atrium and Right/Left Ventricle
the heart ?

What are the Cardiac layers ? epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

What part of the Cardiac layer Endocardium

is the smooth epithelial tissue
that prevents abnormal

What part of the Cardiac layer Epicardium

covers the valves of the heart
and continues into blood
vessels ?

What are the valves in the heart Right side- Tricuspid & pulmonic

called? Left side-Mitral & aortic 1/2
10/25/22, 10:51 PM Med Surg Cardiovascular Flashcards | Quizlet

What is the SA node ? pacemaker of the heart

If the SA node becomes non AV node

functional what will kick in to
initiate each heartbeat but at a
slower rate of 40-60 beats per

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