Just Read The Below Instruction and These Crack Isn
Just Read The Below Instruction and These Crack Isn
Just Read The Below Instruction and These Crack Isn
The crack inside the building that is kitchen and internal area is not of any danger. You can fill these
crack with paste and it will work. There will be no danger if you filled these crack with paste properly.
These cracks are due to moisture changes and overloading on structure.
1. Repair the dormant cracks in the wall by raking the joint and filling with mortar of CM 1:6 which
contains synthetic fibers.
2. If the cracks are between 2 mm to 5 mm in width, then repair the crack by injecting the flowing
grout in the proportion of cement 1 kg, grout polymer 0.1 kg, and 1-litre water. Drill the hole at
a spacing of 350 mm c/c for fixing the nipple with the sealant. Use pressure pump for injecting
the grout mixture with the pressure of 3 kg/cm2.
3. Remove all the loose materials from the crack and remove the plaster up to 450 mm on both
side of the cracks. Fill the cracks with CM 1:3 with 10% polymer by weight of cement.
4. Furthermore, fix the weld wire mesh of galvanized steel wire fabric 3 mm thick and welded by
square of 50 mm * 50 mm on both side of the wall and stretched and fixed with nails.