Cover Page & Others - 2yitay
Cover Page & Others - 2yitay
Cover Page & Others - 2yitay
Specialization: ACCOUNTING
Yitayeshe Biresaw Demeke
Id no --DE/Grd/BA/ 4505/09/04
August 2019
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Submitted to:-
August 2019
I, Yitayeshe biresaw declare that, this paper prepared for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for MBA. Degree in Accounting entitled”Tax audit practice in Ethiopia and its
significance in increasing revenue the case of Arada Sub city Small tax Payers Branch office” is
prepared with my own effort. I have made it independently with the Close advice and guidance
of my advisor.
Signature –––––––––––––––––––––––
Date –––––––––––––––––––––––
The Thesis Has Been Submitted Examination with my Approval as University College
Signature ––––––––––––––––
Date ––––––––––––––––––
The undersigned certify that they have read and hereby recommend to the Leadstar university
College to accept the thesis submitted by YITAYESHE BIRESAW DEMEKE and entitled ”Tax audit
practice in Ethiopia and its significance in increasing revenue the case of Arada Sub city Small
tax Payers Branch office in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of a Masters
Degree in Business Administration Specialization Accounting
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The prevalence of poverty in developing countries like Ethiopia demands improvising internal
revenue generating projects particularly the tax administration to reduce dependence on foreign
aid and borrowing. The goal of this study is to investigate tax audit practice and it’s significant in
revenue and the causes with regard to small tax payers found in Arada sub city. To achieve this
objective, the researcher used in-depth interview with selected tax officers of Arada sub city
Finance and Economic Development Bureau. The researcher also distributed self administered
semi structured questionnaires to book keeper taxpayers found in Arada sub city.
The information gathered witnessed that there exist inefficiency and insufficient number of tax
assessment and collection officers in the Arada sub city Finance and Economic Development
Bureau. Moreover, most taxpayers lack sufficient knowledge of tax assessment and collection
procedures. Thus, most of taxpayers do not know why they are paying taxes; what types of taxes
are expected from them; and the applicable rules and regulations. Due to this and other factors
mentioned in the analysis of this study, negligence, delay in tax payment and evasion are taken
by taxpayers as solution to escape from payment of taxes.
First and for most, I would like to praise almighty God for his forgiveness, charity and
Strength he has given to me.
Secondly, I would very happy to express my heartfelt deepest gratefulness to my advisor
Ast. Professor Teshale Getu for his priceless and unreserved support through his continuous
I am also greatly indebted to those, who are employees of Arada sub city small tax payer branch
office specially tax auditors and most book keeper taxpayers found in Arada sub city for their
invaluable cooperation.
My deepest thanks go to, for all my friends for their beyond price
Table of Contents Page No
4.9. Prevailing extent of assessment & Audit in the branch office ------------------------------------34
4.10. Coverage and types of tax audit in Ethiopian context ---------------------------------------------------
BIBILOGRAPHY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44
List of Tables Page No.
Table4.1 The Share of Domestic Indirect Taxes from Total Revenue For selected Countries. --------26
Table 4.2 Government Finance .................................................................. 28
Table 4.3 Five years financial report of tax audit .............................. 30
Table 4.4. Types of Assessment ..................... 56
Table 4.5 Tax Assessment and audit performance of Arada Sub city small tax payer branch office
................................................................................................................. 35
Table 4.6. Employees of Arada Sub city small tax payer branch office
Table 3.7 Table 4.7 Question: How do you measure the effectiveness of tax audit operation? -----------