Team Case Write-Up Analysis

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An Indian consumer products and services in the areas of health, beauty and wellness provider established in
Founder: Harsh Mariwala
Location: Operate in India, and serve overseas.
Mission: to Inspire, Impact and Involve
Value: trust, empathy, faith, fairness and resources for experimentation and invest in respect
Core competency: Using distribution channels and product availability to deliver to customers.


Over the course of its history, Marico has been responsible for the development of over 25 reputable brands
in the fields of hair care, skin care, edible oils, healthy foods, male grooming, and fabric care.

They divide products into a number of well-known household brands such as Parachute, Parachute
Advansed, Saffola, Hair & Care, Nihar, Nihar Naturals, Livon, Set Wet, Mediker and Revive. These products are
not only purchased by customers, but they also improve the quality of their life. Marico is currently involved
in the lives of 33 percent of Indians.

1862 1948 1990 2007
Export paper Produce oil Founded Marico Became the fast
& ginger moving consumer
goods industry

This part uses strategic management to examine
Marico's primary and secondary value-
generating activities utilizing the Porter supply

Primary Activities
Inbound Logistics
Producers select high-quality raw materials from in-house production and third-party contractors. These raw
components are transferred to storage facilities where the company manufactures items.

Directly or indirectly, Marico operates globally. The company owns offshore stores and supplies other stores.

Logistics Outbound
The company has agents overseeing product sales. Most products are sold directly to local and global
licensed merchants and stores.

Marico invests in luxury items. Customer service and marketing are priorities and marketing strategies are
based on research and statistics.

Marico focuses on customer service to build client loyalty. They gathers and implements client feedback and
resolves consumer difficulties.
Support Activities
Management, finance, and legal work for Marico. These keep the company running.

Human Resource Management

Marico Industries Ltd Central Sales Organization's devoted and trained personnel is considered as a
precious and inimitable resource. Motivated, professional, and trained, the company's employees
support its mission and goals.

Technology Development
Marico is acknowledged for using effective technology in production, sales, and in-house production.
Technology helps the company engage and connect with customers.

This involves sourcing raw resources. The corporation has agents in several countries to source high-
quality raw materials so it can make the greatest products for consumers.

The Ansoff's Product Matrix

Marico has successfully used this tool to establish a strategy for
gaining a competitive advantage in the industry and numerous
areas in which it operates. Marico Industries Ltd Central Sales
Organization recently used the four Ansoff matrices techniques to
sustain its competitive edge and leadership position.

and the tale of responsible growth. It clarifies

COMPETITION ANALYSIS our mission and increases our impact creation
Marico faces intense competition on the
potential for the stakeholders who drive the
market. Because there are so many
firm's survival and growth. The pandemic's
participants, there is fierce competition and
enormous alterations have resulted in lasting
rivalry in the market. Similar items are offered
changes in our lives. As always, the firm
by all players, which lowers customer costs and
prioritized the interests of our stakeholders so
fosters competition.
LIFE CYCLE that they could progress together in this journey
of building resilience, agility, and responsible

Excellent distribution and Fewer sales than comparable
product availability. strong FMCG brands.
Powerful distribution network Strong domestic and
The variety of products. worldwide competition for
Strong brand loyalty products.
Misallocated monies.
Due to its scale, which is now larger than it was Great management and R&D.
Marico has a million stores and The fall in EPS
The stockholders' dividends
in the growth stage and is more dominant over a hundred million customers.
are not correct.

players if it succeeds, Marico is now in the

maturity stage. Though they are steady and not
radical, innovations nevertheless happen. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS Expanding in rural and

urban sectors.
Fierce rivalry in the market.
International brands are
allowed more due to FDI in
Merge with foreign and
Marico has prioritized safeguarding domestic enterprisesfor
Unbranded and local brands
stakeholders' interests and futureproofing the improvement. imitability.

value supplied to each of them. Stakeholder Incorrect dividend payment

could threaten the company.
capitalism is central to business vision, strategy,
BE AT THE TOP OF THE MARKET Create one-of-a-kind marketing strategies
The company uses strategic group analysis Increased penetration
to study industry stakeholders in specific This strategic advice will assist the
situations. An organization's profitability will organization in reaching a larger number of
be assessed by examining all players, and it consumers and gaining a deeper
will be impacted by the industry's understanding of target consumer segments.
competition. Comparative criteria group Furthermore, this plan will enable the
players tactically. organization to improve product trial,
consumption, and sales.
Before meaningful measurements can be
checked, it frequently necessitates trial and Creating a consumer partnership
error. It therefore costs a lot of money to New and informed strategic techniques of
trash. communicating with consumers and engaging
them with the brand will be used in unique
This strategic alternative comprehen almost marketing tactics. Making consumers co-
every aspects, including Specialization producers for the brand is one approach to
Brand identification, Push versus pull accomplish this. Marico Industries Ltd Central
strategies, Channel determination, etc. Sales Organization can also achieve this via
co-branding with other comparable, yet
EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES dissimilar brands and firms in order to increase
STRATEGIC SECRION: market visibility among target consumers.
Eliminate competitors and gain an edge over Adjust to the various cultural features of
the market to become a leader. diverse markets
INTEREST FINDING Recognize various customer group
Based on the statistics in Appendix 1, we characteristics
discovered that revenue is consistently Each market and target demographic has
increasing, whereas R&D investment is unique qualities. This proposal is made so that
increasing linearly. Even though the editor the organization can connect with distinct
margin has decreased, not significantly , target groups in different marketplaces more
profits, share and others are constantly effectively.
Adapt to and respond to traits

RECOMMENDATIONS By adjusting to distinct cultural and regional

traits, the company will be able to better
Expand distribution network portray itself to target consumers, who will
Control sense a stronger attachment and are more
This is an important strategic proposal since likely to purchase the product and service.
it will provide the corporation greater control
over its products in different markets. The Expand into new markets
corporation will be able to decide where its Market growth
products are put, allowing it to improve the Marico Industries Ltd Central Sales
accessibility and availability of its products. Organization could also consider expanding
into additional regions and markets. To begin,
Improved consumer relations this might be accomplished by extending into
Simultaneously, the expansion of the new markets. This growth will expose the
distribution network will enable the company corporation to new consumer segments.
to interact more closely with end consumers Increase overall spending while diversifying
by providing them with the same high- revenue streams. It will also provide the
quality products across other markets. organization with exposure for regional and
international expansion.
To "make a difference" to the lives off all its Realign the business strategy with relevant
stakeholders to help them achieve their full product innovations and go-to-market
potential. models in line with emerging consumer
needs and preferences.
To provide the nation with first: a belief that
Price : Added and inelastic prices
Innovation is possible and is the way to
Place : Urban, high value outlets and
leapfrog India into the center stage of global
business leadership, and second: a
Promotion : Promote on offline and online
framework to leverage innovation for
quantum growth.
Product : Wide length, focused on health
GOALS and beauty products

Eliminate competitors and gain an edge over

the market to become a leader.




Niche via Customer

storytelling Marketing team awareness, 1 Year
and specialization.

Expand sales on Marketing awareness,
1 Year
existing domestic & interaction,

online platform Operation team consideration,


great customer HRM & productivity. Quarterly
service Operation teams Employee 1-3 Year

retention rate

Metrics for
profit and loss
They were able to
continue to achieve on
the business front,
resulting in an increased
net profit, thanks to a
healthy top line and
margins that were
comparable to levels
seen the previous year.

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