18625-Article Text-65207-1-10-20180821
18625-Article Text-65207-1-10-20180821
18625-Article Text-65207-1-10-20180821
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-5314563210; fax: +90-326-6135613.
E-mailaddress: [email protected] (M. Karaaslan)
24 mm × 24 mm in X and Y dimensions and it has a Fig. 3. According to simulation study results, best
thickness of 3.2 mm to increase absorption and bandwidth. bandwidth has been obtained in 325 ohm lumped element
Resonator is made up of copper that has a conductivity of resistance value. As shown in Fig. 3, lumped element
5.8 · 107 S/m and it has a thickness of 0.035 mm. resistive load values have been analysed between 200 ohm
and 1000 ohm values at 10 different values. Since perfect
absorption together with desired bands have been supplied
when 325 ohm resistive load, this value becomes the design
input of the proposed structure.
1 mm in change result with 1 GHz shift in the resonance and obtained results are given in Fig. 8. As shown in Fig. 8.,
frequency which is good tuning option for changing wideband property of the proposed structure under TEM
absorption frequency. and TM modes cannot be seen between 3 GHz and 7 GHz.
Single resonance points occur at 6 GHz at 97 % absorption
with a bandwidth of 100 MHz.
Fig. 6. Parametric results for the gap (mm) with 325 ohm resistive
absorption value is simulated between 3 GHz and
7 GHz.These change in phi angle under the TE, TM and
TEM mode applications, do not result with a change in
absorption that is a wanted situation for absorber
studies.According to Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, it is clear
now that the proposed structure, polarization angle
independent under TE, TM and TEM modes.
by polarization change of the applied signal which is also
important for energy harvesting applications.
In order to support the energy harvesting application of
the proposed structure, we have experimentally tested the
proposed structure for reflection coefficient measurements.
Results of the experimental study can be used for checking
the accuracy of the simulations of the proposed octagonal
shape metamaterial absorber. The fabricated structure has
49 unit cells in 7 × 7 array shown in the Fig. 15. Promat
LPKF E33 CNC controlled PCB production machine is used
for the fabrication of the sample which is given in Fig. 15.
can be used for energy harvesting application in WIMAX REFERENCES
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