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Octagonal Shaped Metamaterial Absorber Based Energy Harvester

Fatih Ozkan ALKURT 1, Olcay ALTINTAS 1, Mehmet BAKIR 2, Ahmet TAMER 1,

Faruk KARADAG 3, Mehmet BAGMANCI 1, Muharrem KARAASLAN 1 , Emin UNAL 1,
Oguzhan AKGOL 1
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Iskenderun Technical University,31200, Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey
Department of Physics, Cukurva University, Adana, Turkey
Received 20 July 2017; accepted 10 November 2017
In this study, a novel octagonal shaped metamaterial based broadband absorber is proposed for energy harvesting at
WIMAX wireless communication band. The proposal has an absorption of 99.97 % at 5.5 GHz with a bandwidth of 1 GHz
between 5 GHz and 6 GHz in Transverse Electric (TE) mode. Transverse Electric (TE), Transverse Magnetic (TM) and
Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) modes are studied numerically in this paper. In TM and TEM modes, proposed
structure has absorption of nearly 96 % and 98 % respectively at 6 GHz. The proposed structure is polarization angle
independent which is important for energy harvesting applications. Energy harvesting application is realized by using
resistive loads on the design, simulations are parametrically studied on resistive loads and experimental study is realized
for reflection coefficient measurement and compared with simulated results. Both experimental and simulated results are
complying with each other. The proposed structure has different usage areas in stealth areas, detection and imaging.
Keywords: metamaterial absorber, energy harvesting, wireless communication.

1. INTRODUCTION subwavelength resolution microwave camera based on a

metamaterial absorber and they investigated microwave
Metamaterials (MMs) are artificially engineered imaging techniques.
materials which show specific electromagnetic (EM) In this paper, a novel octagonal shape metamaterial
properties that cannot be found inherently in the nature. based absorber and energy harvester is designed for
After the proposal of the Victor Veselago in 1967 [1], in Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
2000, first metamaterial was developed artificially with (WIMAX), wireless communication band with wide band
negative permeability and negative permittivity [2] by using absorption nearly 1 GHz in the resonance region have been
periodic metal resonators. MMs have potential applications proposed. Absorption has been verified by simulation and
in cloaking [3, 4], super lensing [5], antennas [6 – 8], sensors experimentally and results are compliant with each other.
[9 – 12], metamaterial based harvesters and absorbers Simulation part of study have been realised by Finite
[13 – 16]. In brief, varied kinds of metamaterials with many Integration Technique (FIT) based Simulator that supports
applications were analyzed for various applications under Transverse Electric (TE), Transverse Magnetic (TM),
[17 – 20]. First metamaterial based absorber was introduced and Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) modes. The
by Landy in [15] which is an investigation of unity proposed structure provides a wide bandwidth and has
absorption by using two resonators to captive radiated polarization angle independency.
electromagnetic field. Perfect absorption can be
accomplished by arranging the periodic structures in a way
that by modification of complex permittivity and
permeability for fully absorb electromagnetic energy [21]. Design of the proposed structure have been realised by
Actually, there are several important works in the literature CST Microwave Studio and experimental study results by
[22 – 25] that is related with perfect absorption. For using parametric and genetic algorithm tools. For the TE
example, Bilotti et al. [22] proposed split ring array and TM mode simulations, boundaries are chosen as unit
resonator to absorb microwave energy. Zu et al. [23] cell in both X, Y directions and open (add space) in the Z
suggested that polarization insensitive metamaterial direction. For TEM mode simulation, boundary condition of
absorber and this study includes fabrication. In another simulation program has been set to Electric, Magnetic and
study [24], polarization and incident angle insensitive dual- open add space in simulation. Design details of the proposed
band metamaterial absorber is investigated which is based structure is given in Fig. 1 a and Table 1. In Fig. 1 b., unit
on isotropic resonators. Cheng and Yang proposed a cell of view of the proposed structure is seen. Back side of
metamaterial absorber composed of two resonators and a the proposed design is covered by couple layer to prevent
metal wire for increasing the absorption rate in the transmission and reduce reflection coefficient level.
microwave region in [25]. Yunsong, et al. [26] proposed a Proposed structure is placed on FR4 substrate which is

Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-5314563210; fax: +90-326-6135613.
E-mailaddress: [email protected] (M. Karaaslan)

24 mm × 24 mm in X and Y dimensions and it has a Fig. 3. According to simulation study results, best
thickness of 3.2 mm to increase absorption and bandwidth. bandwidth has been obtained in 325 ohm lumped element
Resonator is made up of copper that has a conductivity of resistance value. As shown in Fig. 3, lumped element
5.8 · 107 S/m and it has a thickness of 0.035 mm. resistive load values have been analysed between 200 ohm
and 1000 ohm values at 10 different values. Since perfect
absorption together with desired bands have been supplied
when 325 ohm resistive load, this value becomes the design
input of the proposed structure.

Fig. 1. A novel octagonal metamaterial based absorber design with

resistive loads with incident angle phi (ɸ) 90 deg: a – unit
cell structure; b – metamaterial full structure
Table 1. Parameters of the proposed structure Fig. 3. Parametric study for the resistive load between 200 ohm
and 1000 ohm at 6 different points between 3 GHz and
Load K, mm L, mm m, mm n, mm g, mm 7 GHz
325 ohm 105 7.6 6 4 1.2
Another simulation study has been realized to give more
The absorption 𝐴(𝑤)term can be defined according to information about design parameters of the proposed
equation 𝐴(𝑤) = 1 − 𝑅(𝑤) − 𝑇(𝑤), where R(w) and T(w) structure that absorption value according to K and L values
indicates reflection and transmission coefficients of the of the proposed structure is studied. Obtained simulation
proposed structure. The absorption formula can be results are presented in Fig. 4. and Fig. 5. First of all, L value
minimized by using a metal back plate to prevent and resistive load values have been fixed to 10.5 mm and
transmission, so 𝑇(𝑤) = |𝑆21 |2 = 0. As a result of using 325 ohm to see effects of L parameter in absorption. L
metal back plate, absorption formula revised to 𝐴(𝑤) = 1 − parameter is now adjusted between 6.8 mm and 8.4 mm in
𝑅(𝑤) = 1 − |𝑆11 |2 . From the revised formula, when the 5 different values as will be presented in Fig. 4.
reflection is minimum so the absorption will be maximum
and transmission coefficient is assumed to be zero in this
study. In order to explain design properties of the proposed
structure, first of all effect of the resistive load which is used
as a lumped element on absorption have been investigated.
Absorption versus frequency between 3 GHZ and 7 GHz
when resistor is not used on the structure has been given in
Fig. 2. In this usage, simulation results show that the
structure has low absorptivity nearly 33 % between 5 GHz
and 6 GHz band in the TE mode.

Fig. 4. Parametric result for the K value, L = 10.5 mm,

R = 325 ohm
According to simulation study results, K value is
decided to be 7.6 mm due to perfect absorption and desired
frequency bands. After simulating K parameters, L value in
the proposed structure has been shown in Fig. 5. when
lumped element resistor value is fixed to 325 ohm and K
value is fixed to 7.6 mm.
After these pre adjustments, L value is simulated
between 9.5 and 11.5 mm in 5 different values and obtained
Fig. 2. Absorption of the octagonal metamaterial absorber without
resistive loads results are given in Fig. 5. As shown in Fig. 5., absorption
frequency has been shifted from 4.9 GHz to 6 GHz when L
In order to find proper resistive load values a parametric value is increase from 9.5 mm to 11 mm. This value is
study have been realised by simulation program as shown in acting an important role on absorption frequency since

1 mm in change result with 1 GHz shift in the resonance and obtained results are given in Fig. 8. As shown in Fig. 8.,
frequency which is good tuning option for changing wideband property of the proposed structure under TEM
absorption frequency. and TM modes cannot be seen between 3 GHz and 7 GHz.
Single resonance points occur at 6 GHz at 97 % absorption
with a bandwidth of 100 MHz.

Fig. 5. Parametric result for the L value, K = 7.6 mm,

R = 325 ohm
Fig. 7. Absorption and scattering parameter S11 of the proposed
Another parameter has been studied by simulation to structure under TE mode wave
give more information about design details that is gap value.
In this part of study, resistive loads and the dimensions of
outer octagonal ring were chosen as R = 325 ohm,
K = 7.6 mm and L = 10.5 mm and gap value is changed
between 0.4 mm to 2 mm in the same frequency band. As
presented in Fig. 6., gap values have been changed from
0.4 mm to 2 mm and this change in the gap value results
with an absorption frequency shift from 5 GHz to 5.7 GHz.
After giving information about design details in the
proposed structure’ usage for WIMAX frequency band
operations, In the next section, microwave energy
harvesting applications of the proposed structure is

Fig. 8. Absorption of the proposed structure under both TM and

TEM modes

Polarization angle independence is another important

factor for metamaterial absorber in different polarization
angle applications. In order to show the polarization angle
effects on absorption, following simulation studies have
been realized in TE, TM and TEM mode applications.
Obtained results are presented in Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11,

Fig. 6. Parametric results for the gap (mm) with 325 ohm resistive


In this section, the behavior of the proposed octagonal
shape metamaterial absorber is investigated in TE, TM and
TEM modes. First of all, S11 value is investigated when TE
polarization is applied to the proposed structure. As shown
in Fig. 7., wideband perfect absorption is seen between
5 GHz and 6 GHz which is also WIMAX operation
frequency. Absorption value increases to 99.97 % value at
Fig. 9. Absorption under various polarization angle phi for TE
5.5 GHz in TE mode.
In order to show the absorption properties of the
proposed structure in other modes as TM and TEM modes, When we look at these graphs, we see that phi angle has
these modes have been simulated by simulation program been adjusted between 0° and 90° in 7 different points and

absorption value is simulated between 3 GHz and
7 GHz.These change in phi angle under the TE, TM and
TEM mode applications, do not result with a change in
absorption that is a wanted situation for absorber
studies.According to Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, it is clear
now that the proposed structure, polarization angle
independent under TE, TM and TEM modes.

Fig. 10. Absorption under various polarization angle phi for TM


Fig. 12. a – electric field distribution for TE mode; b – electric field

distribution for TM mode; c – electric field distribution for
TEM mode
In TM and TEM modes, electric field distribution is
concentrated at left and right side of the structure according
to the dimension of the electric and magnetic field.
Fig. 11. Absorption under various polarization angle phi for TEM Surface current distributions of the proposed structure
mode at the resonance frequency of 5.5 GHz, is given in
Fig. 13 a,b and c, respectively for TE, TM and TEM mode
In addition to the polarization angle independency,
wide band absorption in TE mode is still protected. These
The electric field component of incident wave excites
simulation results prove that the proposed structure is a good
free electrons as a surface current, surface charge oscillates
choice to use in WIMAX frequency portion of microwave along the external electric field and this field causes
spectrum. magnetic dipole moment and the dipole moment creates
resonance absorption. As it seen from Fig. 13 a, for TE
4. ELECTRIC FIELD AND SURFACE mode, there are parallel and anti-parallel surface currents on
CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS the structure. While parallel currents induce electric field,
anti-parallel currents result in magnetic field. These
In this part of the study, electric field and surface responses couple with E and H components of the incident
current distributions have been simulated in TE, TM and electromagnetic wave and produces strong localized
TEM mode operations. Obtained results are presented in electromagnetic field at the resonance frequency. Similar
Fig. 12 and Fig. 13. In Fig. 12, electric field distribution is simulation results for TM and TEM mode are also obtained
shown under TE mode at 5.5 GHz which has the maximum with TE mode operations. According to simulated electric
absorption nearly 99.97 % absorptivity at that frequency. and surface current distributions strong magnetic fields can
Then, Fig. 12 b and Fig. 12 c, electric field distributions are be seen at the resonance frequencies which is important for
shown in TM and TEM modes respectively. All graphics are energy harvesting applications. In the next sections, energy
shown in the same scale (130-190 dB-1uV/m) to see the harvesting performance of the proposed structure and
differences. experimental study for reflection coefficient is given.
When we look at the Fig. 12 a, electric field is Resistive elements that have been used as a lumped
concentrated around the splits of the proposed structure network element can be used for energy harvesting. For
which is complying with the direction of electric field simulation, power on the 325 ohm resistor is chosen as
electric field is weakening as getting away from centre. example in TE mode and results are presented in Fig. 14.

by polarization change of the applied signal which is also
important for energy harvesting applications.
In order to support the energy harvesting application of
the proposed structure, we have experimentally tested the
proposed structure for reflection coefficient measurements.
Results of the experimental study can be used for checking
the accuracy of the simulations of the proposed octagonal
shape metamaterial absorber. The fabricated structure has
49 unit cells in 7 × 7 array shown in the Fig. 15. Promat
LPKF E33 CNC controlled PCB production machine is used
for the fabrication of the sample which is given in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15. Fabricated structure

In order to measure reflection coefficient, fabricated
sample is placed in front of a horn antenna as shown in
Fig. 16 and vector network analyser.

Fig. 13. a – surface current distribution for TE mode; b – surface

current distribution for TM mode; c – surface current
distribution for TEM mode at 5.5 GHz

Fig. 16. Experimental setup for TEM mode wave

The free space measurements are obtained by using a
horn antenna and a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The
distance is set to 12.5 mm which is about 2.5 𝜆 at 6 GHz.
Since back side of the structure is covered by copper no
transmission occurs on the proposed model. For this reason,
measurement of the reflection (S11) is enough for the
calculation of the absorptivity of the structure. In the
experimental setup, only TEM mode measurements have
Fig. 14. Simulated power input and energy harvesting efficiency been completed because of the laboratory capabilities.
of the proposed structure between 3 and 7 GHz under the
While measured and simulated reflection coefficient is
TE mode
presented in Fig. 17, absorption values 𝐴(𝑤) is given in
As it seen from the figure, while 0.5 W power applied Fig. 18.
by simulation program between 3 and 7 GHz, 0.45 W of the The simulated and measured reflection coefficient
applied signal is harvested again across the lumped element resonance frequency have been observed at 6 GHz.
resistor at the frequency of 5.5 GHz. Simulated energy Simulation and experimental study results are complying
harvesting efficiency is found as 90 % at the resonance with each other and similar results have been obtained.
frequency of 5.5 GHz and it is more than 80 % between 5 While simulated reflection coefficient in dB is -17 dB
and 6 GHz. This value decreases to minimum 5 % at 4 GHz. in simulation, the measured reflection coefficient level is
Thus, the power on the resistive elements can be used in the defined as -16 dB at 6 GHz as expected. In that frequency,
harvesting system in microwave frequency region such as, 𝐴(𝑤) term is calculated as 0.98 which means that 98 % of
WIMAX bands. In addition to the energy harvesting the incident wave have been absorbed. The simulated and
efficiency between 5 and 6 GHz, this values are not affected experimental study results show that the proposed structure

can be used for energy harvesting application in WIMAX REFERENCES
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