54118-mt - Advanced Digital Signal Processing
54118-mt - Advanced Digital Signal Processing
54118-mt - Advanced Digital Signal Processing
M.Tech. – I Semester Supplementary Examinations,
September, 2008
4.a) Explain the design of digital FIR filter band in wiener filter method.
1 1 1
b) Given a three-stage lattice filter with coefficients k1 = , k2 = , k3 = ,
4 4 3
determine the FIR filter coefficients for the direct form structure.
Code No: 54118/MT ::2::
6.a) What is the need for spectral estimation? What are the limitations of
non-parametric methods in spectral estimation?
b) Determine the power spectra for the random processes generated by
x(n)=w(n)-x(n-2) Where w(n) is a white noise process with variance σ 2 .
8.a) What is the need for quantisation? Obtain an expression for the
variance of the round-off quantization noise.
b) Explain the effect of finite word length in FIR digital filters.