Module 1

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What is science technology and society?

Is an interdisciplinary field that studies the conditions under which the

production, distribution and utilization of scientific knowledge and technological
system occur; the consequences of these activities upon different groups of people.
STS builds on the history and philosophy of science and technology, sociology and
anthropology, policy studies, and cultural and literary studies; all of which shape the
modes of analysis deployed in the field.

STS is a new subject. Like interdisciplinary programs, it emerged from the
confluence of a variety of disciplines and disciplinary subfields, all of which had
developed an interest – typically, during the 1960s or 1970s – in viewing science and
technology as socially embedded enterprises. The key disciplinary components of
STS took shape independently, beginning in the 1960s and developed in isolation
from each other well into the 1980s, although Ludwick Flecks monograph (1953)
Genesis and Development of a Science Fact anticipated many of STS Key themes. In
the 1970s Elting E. Morison founded the STS program at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), which served as a model. By 2011 STS programs were counted.

History of technology that examines technology in its social and historical

context. Starting in the 1960s some historians questioned technological determinism,
a doctrine that can induce public passivity to technologic and scientific natural
development. At the same time some historians began to develop similarly
contextual approaches to the history of medicine.


The subject has several professional associations.

Founded in 1975, the society for Social Studies of Science initially provided
scholarly communication facilities, including a journal (Science, Technological and
Human Values) and annual meetings that were mainly attended by science studies

In Europe the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology was
founded in 1981 to stimulate communication, exchange and collaboration in the field
of studies of science and technology.

In Asia several STS associations exist. In Japan, the Japanese Society for Science
and Technology Studies was founded in 2001. The Asia Pacific Science Technology
and Society Network primarily have members from Australasia, Southeast and East
Asia and Oceania.


Notable peer-reviewed journals in STS include: Social Studies of Science;

Science, Technology and Human Values; Science and Technology Studies;
Technology in Society; Research Policy; Minerva: A Journal of Science, Learning and
Policy; Science, Technology and Society; Science as Culture; Technology and
Culture; and Science and Public Policy.

Students journals in STS include: Intersect: the Stanford Journal of Science,

Technology, and Society at Stanford; DEMESCI: International Journal of Deliberative
Mechanism in Science; and Synthesis: An Undergraduate Journal of the History of
Science at Harvard


1. Deliberate democracy
2. Tragedy of the commons
3. Alternative modernity
4. Pace of innovation
5. No innovation without representation
6. Privileged positions of business and science
7. Legacy Thinking
8. STS social construction
9. Techno science
10. Gentle tyranny

Deliberate democracy – is a reform of representative or direct democracies which

mandates discussion and debate of popular topics which affect society. Also it is a
tool for making decision.

Tragedy of the commons – In 1968, Garrett Hardin coined the phrase “Tragedy of
the Commons.’’ It is an economic theory where rational people act against the best
interest of the group by consuming a common resource. It is used to symbolize the
degradation of the environment whenever many individuals use a common source.

Alternative modernity – is a conceptual tool conventionally used to represent the

state of present western society. Modernity represents the political social structure
of the society, the sum of interpersonal discourse and ultimately a snapshot of
society’s direction at a point in time.

Pace of innovation – is the speed at which technological innovation or advancement
is occurring, with the most apparent instances being too slow or too rapid. Both
these rates of innovation are extreme and therefore have effects on the people that
get to use this technology.

No innovation without representation – is a democratic ideal of ensuring that

everyone involved gets a chance to be represented fairly in technological

Privileged positions of business and science – it is referring to the unique authority

that persons in these areas hold in economic, political, and techno social affairs.
Businesses have strong decision – making abilities in the function of society,
essentially choosing what technological innovations to develop. Scientist and
technologist have valuable knowledge, ability to pursue the technological
innovations they want. They proceed largely without public scrutiny and as if they
had the consent of those potentially affected by their discoveries and creations.

Legacy thinking – is defined as an inherited method of thinking imposed from an

external source without objection by the individual, due to the fact that it is already
widely accepted by society. Legacy thinking can impair the ability to drive
technology for the betterment of society by blinding people to innovations that do
not fit into their accepted model of how society works.

STS social construction – are human created ideas, objects or events created by a
series of choices and interactions. These interactions have consequences that
change the perception that different groups of people have on these constructs.
Some examples of social construction include class, race, money, and citizenship.

Technoscience – is a subset of Science, Technology and Society studies that focuses

on the inseparable connection between science and technology. It states that fields
are linked and grow together, and scientific knowledge requires an infrastructure of
technology in order to remain stationary or move forward. Technoscience excels at
shaping human thought and behavior by opening up new possibilities that gradually
or quickly come to be perceived as necessities.

Gentle tyranny – is a sociological concept that describes the unintended restrictions

placed on a population through social construct. Some hallmarks of gentle tyranny
include restriction on choice and is typically very subtle.

Example of Gentle Tyranny can be found in virtually every social and

technological sector. Some such as environmental pollution and “brown chemicals”,
do not involve an explicit choice by the affected population whatsoever. These waste

generated as a side effect of large-scale manufacturing is a prime example of this
form of gentle tyranny.


The study of Science Technology and Society (STS)is an interdisciplinary

investigation of the relationship between scientific progress and societal force, and
the role of technological innovation in both. Many educational and vocational paths
are available in Science technology and society.

What is the relationship of Science and Technology?

Science contributes to technology in at least three ways:

1. New knowledge which serves as a direct source of ideas for new

technological possibilities.
2. Source of tools and techniques for more efficient engineering design
and knowledge base for evaluation of feasibility of designs.
3. Research instrumentation.

What is main different between science and technology?

The word science and technology can and often are used interchangeably. But
the goal of science is the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake while the goal of
technology is to create products that solve problems and improve human life.
Simply put technology is the practical application of science.

What are the example of Science and Technology?

Science and technology helps each other advance. Scientific knowledge is

used to create new technologies. New technologies often allow scientist to explore
nature in different ways and make discoveries. Ex. Microscope.

Science Technology

Science explores new knowledge Technology is the application of scientific

methodically through observation and knowledge of various purposes.

It is always useful. It can either be useful or harmful.

Ex. Computer, which can be useful
whereas a bomb can be harmful.

Why the technology is important?

Technology, which brings together tools to promote development use and

information exchange, has its main objectives of making task easier and the solving
of many problem of mankind. When technology progresses and makes one lives
even more convenient, we must stress how beneficial it is to one lives.

What is Science and its importance?

Science is about a whole lot more than that and to sum it up we believe that
science is a way of helping the brain grow in finding new knowledge and helps us
defeat our curiosity of how the world develops work today.

Difference between Science and Engineering

Science is the body of knowledge that explores the physical and natural
world. While, engineering is the application of knowledge in order to design , build
and maintain a product or a process that solve a problem and fulfills a need.


Technology, knowledge and science are fundamental in modern

contemporary society. The understanding of how social, cultural and material
elements influence the production of new practices, new ways of understanding and
new institutions is vital in our understanding of contemporary postmodern society.

1. What concepts do you find constricting? Explain why these concepts used in
2. Discuss about Science, Technology and Society in Modern World.
3. How do we prefer our society into this pandemic?
4. Cite two to three similarities between Science, Technology and Society.


1. Make your own opinion about the following topics:
a) STS social construction
b) Deliberate democracy
c) No innovation without representation
d) Privileged positions of business and science

2. Read and understand the lecture. Answer these questions in not more than
three (3) sentences: How important is Science, Technology and Society in the
community? What is most important? Science? Technology or Society?

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