Insti-Reviewer Midterm

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Institutional Correction respect thereby making him a law-abiding

Dr. Dario Z. Magpantay citizen after serving his sentence.

Lesson 2 (week 2) j. Safekeeping – the temporary custody of

a person for his own protection, safety or
I. Definition of terms: care; and/or his security from harm, injury
or danger for the liability he has committed.
a. Commitment order – a written order of
the curt or any other competent authority k. Carpeta - an institutional record of an
consigning an offender to jail or prison for inmate which consist of his commitment
confinement. order, the prosecutor’s information, the
decision of the trial court and other personal
b. Contraband – any article, item or thing circumstances.
prohibited by law and/or forbidden by
jail Rules. l. Inmate – either prisoner or detainee
confined in jail.
c. Escape - an act of getting out unlawfully
from confinement or custody by an inmate. m. Detainee – a person accused before a
curt or competent authority who is
d. Instrument of Restraint – a device, temporarily confined in jail while
contrivance, tool or instrument used to undergoing investigation, awaiting final
hold back, keep in, check or control an judgment.
inmate; e.g. handcuffs, leg irons.
n. Detainees Manifestation - it is a waiver in
e. Jail – a place of confinement for inmates writing, allowing prison authority to
under investigation, awaiting or undergoing consider him/her as sentence prisoner.
trial or serving sentence.
o. Diversification - administrative device of
f. Lock up - security facility for the temporary correctional institutions of providing
detention of person held for investigation. varied and flexible types of physical plans
for more effective control of the treatment
g. Mittimus/Writ of Mittimus – a warrant programs of its diversified population.
issued by a court bearing its seal and the
signature of the judge, directing the jail or p. Prisoner – an inmate who is convicted
prison authorities to receive inmates for by final judgment and classified as
custody or service of sentence imposed insular, provincial, city or municipal
therein. prisoner.
h. Penology – from "penal", Latin poena, q. Correction – a branch of the
"punishment" and the Greek suffix -logia, administration of criminal justice
"study of" that deals with the philosophy charged with the responsibility for the
and practice of various societies in their custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of
attempts to repress criminal activities, and
the convicted offender.
satisfy public opinion via an appropriate
treatment regime for persons convicted of
r. Good Conduct Time Allowance – a
criminal offences.
reward for good conduct, diligence and
i. Rehabilitation – a program activity
directed to restore an inmate’s self-
s. Control - involves supervision of 2. Burning at Stake - An execution wherein
prisoners to ensure punctual and the condemned person is tied in a pole
orderly movement to and from and then set on fire alive.
dormitories, places of work, church, 3. Feeding to the lion or wild
hospitals and other places inside the beads/animals - The condemned person
facilities. is thrown in a lion’s den or wild beast and
eaten alive by the lions or wild beast.
t. Diversion - a method of halting or 4. Garrote - The condemned person is
suspending formal criminal seated on an improvised chair with both
proceedings against a person who has hands and feet tied and the neck clamped
violated a statute in favor of processing by the iron collar. This attached in a scaffold
through non original disposition. It is also an and slowly tightened until the condemned
alternative to formal justice system, such as person dies.
deferred prosecution, resolution of citizen’s 5. Guillotine - Developed by Dr. Joseph Ignacio
dispute or other ways. Guillotin, a member of the French National
Assembly. He developed a device used for
u. Furlough - it is an authorization that beheading condemned persons.
permits inmate to leave place of 6. Musketry/Firing Squad - The condemned
confinement for emergency reasons. person is blind -folded with hands tied at
the back and shot in public by a firing
v. Deterrence - a crime control strategy squad composed of several shooters.
that uses punishment as means to 7. Flaying – the condemned person will be
prevent others from committing similar removed his skin to his body
crime. 8. Hanging – The condemned person will be
tied in the neck and stand in the flatform
w. Classification - it is the process of and suddenly open the flatform the caused
assigning or grouping of inmates the condemned person died.
according to their sentence, gender, age, 9. By whipping – The condemned person
nationality, health, criminal records and will be whipped in the public and set him
other pertinent facts as basis. free after receiving the number of whips
10. Pillory - The condemned person is place in
a device made of a wooden or metal
I. Forms of Punishment During Primitive Era framework erected on a post, with holes
for securing the head and hands, formerly
1. Death used for punishment by public humiliation
and often further physical abuse and
2. Corporal Punishment sometimes lethal.
11. Banishment - The offender is expelled
3. Public Humiliation from the society and forced to live in the
wilderness as punishment for a wrong
4. Banishment doing.

II. Examples of early punishment

1. Stoning - A form of execution where the
condemned person is pelted with stones
until his death.
III. Early Forms of Confinement
6. Prison of Ghent - It was established by
1. Galleys - In early century, convicted Jacques Vilain in the city of Ghent,
offenders became oarsmen or galley Belgium in 1771. He developed the
slaves who rowed the naval vessels. architectural design of the prison
They were chained to the benches to were the cell blocks radiate from a
propel the ship. It was practiced in single central court were the guards are
England and France. posted. Vilain is considered as the
2. Hulks - Used by the British as Father of Penitentiary Science.
confinement for criminals. The 7. Penitentiary Act 0f 1779 - In 1779 Sir
abandoned and unusable transport ships William Blackstone authored the
anchored in harbors and rivers Penitentiary Act of 1779 in England
throughout the Isles. based on published work of John Howard
with respect to prison reforms that
3. Eastern State Prison - Designed by program of work, education and religion
John Haviland and opened on October is best suited for reformation. This was
25, 1829, Eastern State is considered to the first law for the creation of
be the world's first true penitentiary. penitentiary houses.
Eastern State's revolutionary system of
incarceration, dubbed the "Pennsylvania 8. Indiana State Prison - A maximum
system" or separate system, security Indiana Department of
encouraged separate confinement as Corrections prison for adult males;
a form of rehabilitation. The warden however, minimum security housing also
was legally required to visit every inmate exists on the confines. The Indiana State
every day, and the overseers were Prison was established in 1860. It was
mandated to see each inmate three times the second state prison in Indiana. One
a day. of the most famous prisoners to be in the
Michigan City prison was bank robber
John Dillinger, who was released on
4. Devil’s Island - Opened in 1852, the parole in 1933.
Devil's Island system received convicts
from the Prison of St-Laurent-du-Maroni, 9. Alcatraz Prison - The main prison
who had been deported from all parts of building was built in 1910–1912 as a
the Second French Empire. It was United States Army military prison. The
notorious both for the staff's harsh United States Department of Justice
treatment of detainees and the tropical acquired the United States Disciplinary
climate and diseases that contributed Barracks on 12 October 1933. The island
to high mortality. The prison system became a prison of the Federal Bureau
had a death rate of 75% at the worst, and of Prisons on August 1934 after the
was finally closed down in 1953. buildings were modernized and security
increased. Given this high security and
5. Bridewell Institution - The Bridewell the island's location in the cold waters
Institution in Bridewell England was and strong currents of San Francisco
established in 1556. Under this System, Bay, prison operators believed the
vagrants and prostitutes were given Alcatraz to be escape-proof and
work while serving their sentences but America's strongest prison.
only the capitalist class can exploit this 10. Auburn System – A classical system in
kind of prison labor. the United State wherein inmates are
congregated to work at day with
complete silence and confined in single 4. Code of Solon was one who first
detention cell at night. proposed that a lawmaker had to make laws
11. that applied equally to all citizens. He also
12. Pennsylvania System - Another saw that the law of punishment had to maintain
Classical system in the United States proportionally to the crimes of which the
wherein inmates are confine in single offenders were convicted. He also repealed all
detention cell day and night. the laws of Draco excepts the law on homicide
I. Early Codes in correction 5. Justinian Code - In Ancient Greece
around 400 B.C., a philosopher from the city-
Many ancient cultures permitted the state of Athens by the name of Aristotle made
victim or a member of the victim's family to the first attempt to explain crime in the book
deliver justice. The suspect often fled to his or he has written with the title “Nicomedean
her family for protection. As a result, blood feuds Ethics,” in this book, he wrote something about
established in which the victim's family sought corrective justice stating, “Punishment is a
revenge against the offender's family. means of restoring the balance between
Sometimes the offender's family responded by pleasure and pain”.
fighting back. Revenge could continue up to the
time that families tired of killing or stealing from 6. Burgundian Code introduced the
each other or until one or both families were concept of restitution and punishments were
totally affected. As societies organized into meted according to the social class of the
tribes and villages, local communities offenders.
increasingly began to assume the responsibility
for punishing crimes against those violators. Lesson 5
Punishments could be brutal until such time that
I. Contributors of Correctional Reformatory
different codes were formulated to the crimes
and their respective punishments. The following
are some examples of codes:
Many personalities contribute the
development of prison system because they
1. Code of Hammurabi was introduced by
believe the capital punishment is not the answer
King Hammurabi in Babylonia in 1750 B.C., This
to law violator but instead, they have to reform
is the first formal law dealing with the imposition
and be considered as person with a problem.
of punishment, The “Code of Hammurabi” is
The following are some contributors in the
also known as “LEX Taliones”. Meaning “An correctional reformatory movement.
Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth”.
1. William Penn – he was the first leader
2. Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the to prescribe imprisonment as correctional
Holy Bible which contains the basis of the treatment for major offenders. Fight for
Jewish Laws. These laws were in the form of a religious freedom, individual rights of inmates,
Covenant between God and the people of Israel torture as form of punishment and abolition of
(i.e. The Ten Commandments) death penalty.

3. Code of Draco was the Athenian 2. Charles Montesiquieu – his famous

lawgiver known for the severity of his advocacy is reforming slavery as form of
punishment and the first known Athenian law. punishment and believed that harsh
His punishment was described as extremely punishment would undermine morality. He
harsh, and was 'written in blood. introduced the theory of “Separation of Powers”
of the legislative, judiciary and executive.
3. François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) – II. Classification of Detainees and Prisoners
known by his nom de plume Voltaire, he was a
French Enlightenment writer, historian, and Detainees
philosopher famous for his wit, his criticism 1. Undergoing Investigation
of Christianity—especially the Roman Catholic 2. Undergoing Trial
Church—as well as his advocacy of freedom of 3. Waiting for Final Judgement
speech, freedom of religion, and separation of
church and state. Prisoners
1. Insular Prisoner – Penalty of
4. John Howard – is the father of prison 3 years and 1 day to death
reform. He recommended the following for the 2. Provincial Prisoner – Penalty
good of prisoner: a. Single cells for sleeping; b. of 6 mos. and 1 day to 3 years
Segregation of women; c. Segregation of youth; 3. City Prisoner – Penalty of 1
d. Provision of sanitation facilities; and e. day to 3 years
Abolition of fee system by which jailers obtained 4. Municipal Prisoner – 1 day to 6 mos.
money from prisoners.
III. Creation of Bureau of Jail Management
5. Alexander Maconochie – a retired naval and Penology (BJMP)
officer in Australia. After his retirement, he
The Bureau of Jail Management of
served as superintendent of English Penal
Penology was created pursuant to Republic Act
Colony. His famous contribution was mark of
6975 signed on December 13, 1990 and
commendation as a system of tickets to leave or
become known as the DILG Act 1990. After few
right to move freely for good prisoners which is
years a portion of this act for BJMP and BFP
equal to the present time as parole.
was amended by R.A 9263 known as An Act
Providing for the Professionalization of the BFP
6. Sir Walter Crofton – is Chairman of
and the BJMP, amending certain provisions of
Directors of Irish Prison. He admires the work
RA 6975 Providing Funds Thereof and for other
of Maconochie and introduced the progressive
stages system. The first three months,
inmates were solitarily confine and reduce
Powers and Functions of BJMP
fed rations and did not work; in the second
The Bureau shall exercise supervision
stage, inmates are allowed to work to his co-
and control over all district, city and municipal
inmates with special closed supervision; the
jails to ensure “a secured clean, sanitary and
third stages is, inmates were allowed to work
adequately equipped jail for the custody and
with less supervision and the fourth stage is
safekeeping of city and municipal prisoners, any
parolees, meaning they can move freely without
fugitive from justice or person detained awaiting
any supervision.
investigation or trail and/or transfer to the
National Penitentiary.
7. Zebulon R. Brokway – he was the
prison superintendent of Elmira
IV. Evolution of Philippine Correctional
Reformatory in New York. He developed
offenders as good citizen thru education,
athletics, military, vocational & religious During the pre-colonial times, the
training. Elmira Reformatory is considered as informal prison system was community-based,
forerunner of modern penology. as there were no national penitentiaries to speak
8. Manuel Montesinos – he Organized of. Natives who defied or violated the local laws
prisoners into Companies and assigned were meted appropriate penalties by the local
Petty Officers in Charge for them to chieftains. Incarceration in the community was
supervised the offender. only meant to prevent the culprit from further
harming the local residents.
The formal prison system in the sell through the retail or barter their products.
Philippines started only during the Spanish About four years later, or on August 21, 1869,
regime, where an organized corrective service the San Ramon prison and penal farm in
was made operational. Established in 1847 Zamboanga City was established to confine
pursuant to Section 1708 of the Revised Muslim rebels and recalcitrant political prisoners
Administrative Code and formally opened by opposed to the Spanish rule. The San Ramon
Royal Decree in 1865, the Old Bilibid Prison was Prison and Penal farm was named in memory of
constructed as the main penitentiary on its founder, Ramon Blanco, a Spanish captain in
Oroquieta Street, Manila and designed to house the Royal Army. The facility, which faced the
the prison population of the country. This prison Jolo sea, had Spanish-inspired dormitories and
became known as the “Carcel y Presidio has originally set on 1,414 hectares.
Correccional” and could accommodate
1,127prisoners. When the American took over in 1900s,
the Bureau of Prison was created under the
The Carcel was designed to house 600 Reorganization Act of 1905 (Act No. 1407 dated
prisoners who were segregated according to November 1, 1905) as an agency under the
class, sex and crime while the Presidio could Department of Commerce and Police. It also
accommodate 527 prisoners. paved the way for the reestablishment of San
Ramon Prison in 1907, which was destroyed
Plans for the construction of the prison were first during the SpanishAmerican War. On January
published on September 12, 1859 but it was not 1, 1915, the San Ramon Prison was placed
until April 10, 1866 that the entire facility was under the auspices of the Bureau of Prisons and
completed. started receiving prisoners from Mindanao.
The prison occupied a quadrangular piece of
land 180 meters long on each side, which was
Before the reconstruction of San Ramon
formerly a part of the Mayhalique Estate in the
Prison, the Americans established the Luhit
heart of Manila. It housed a building for the
Penal Settlement (now Iwahig Prison and Penal
offices and quarters of the prison warden, and
Farm) on a vast reservation of 28,072 hectares.
15 buildings or departments for prisoners that
It would reach a total land area of 40,000
were arranged in a radial way to form spokes.
hectares in the late 1950s. It was located on the
The central tower formed the hub. Under this
westernmost part of the archipelago far from the
tower was the chapel. There were four cell-
main town to confine incorrigibles with little hope
houses for the isolated prisoners and four
of rehabilitation. The area was expanded to
isolated buildings located on the four corners of
41,007 hectares by virtue of Executive Order
the walls, which served as kitchen, hospital and
No. 67 issued by Governor Newton Gilbert on
stores. The prison was divided in the middle by
October 15, 1912. Today, this penal institution
a thick wall. One-half of the enclosed space was
is considered as one of the most open penal
assigned to Presidio prisoners and the other half
institutions in the world. It was from this facility
to Carcel prisoners.
the term “Prison Without Walls” had its
beginnings. Iwahig is divided into four sub-
In 1908, concrete modern 200-bed
colonies for a more colonies are Santa Lucia,
capacity hospitals as well as new dormitories for
Inagawan, Montible and Central.
the prisoners were added. A carpentry shop was
organized within the confines of the facility. For
Other penal colonies were established durin
some time, the shop became a trademark for
the American regime. On
fine workmanship of furniture made by
November 27, 1929, the Correctional Institute
prisoners. At this time, sales of handicrafts were
for Women (CIW) was created under Act
done through the institutions and inmates were
No. 3579 a law establishing the Correctional
compensated depending on the availability of
Institution for Women. This penal institution for
funds. As a consequence, inmates often had to
women was constructed on in 18 hectares piece
of land in what is now Mandaluyong City. Before The last penal facility to build by the
the establishment of this institution, women Bureau of Prison is the Leyte Regional Prison in
prisoners were confined in portion of the Bilibid Abuyog, Leyte on January 16, 1973 on the order
Prison. Today, the institute is run entirely by issued under Martial Law by President
female personnel with the exception of the Ferdinand E. Marcos.
perimeter guards who are male.
The Bureau of Prisons was renamed
On January 21, 1932 under Act No. 3732, Bureau of Corrections under the New
the Davao Penal Colony was opened in Administrative Code of 1987 issued on
Southern Mindanao. It is the first penal November 23, 1987 and Presidential
settlement founded and organized under Filipino Proclamation No. 495. It is one of the attached
administration. At present, the Davao Penal agencies of the Department of Justice.
Colony houses medium and minimum security
prisoners. The colony has two sub colonies; the References:
Panabo sub colony and the Kapalong sub
colony. BUCOR Operational Manual
BJMP Operational Manual
In 1941, the Bilibid Prison was transferred to Lesson 6 Republic Act 10575
Muntinlupa by virtue of
Proclamation 414 in 1931. The main reason of
the transfer is that Quiapo and Santa Cruz
districts were the principal trading and
as "The Bureau of Corrections Act of 2013″.
commercial center of the country and the Bilibid
Prison in Manila has become over crowded. The Section 9. Organization and Key Positions of
old Bilibid Prison was renamed in order to avoid the Bureau of Corrections.
confusion and became the site of Manila City
Jail. (a) The BuCor shall be headed by a
Director who shall be assisted by three (3)
The Bilibid Prison became New Bilibid Deputy Directors: one (1) for administration, one
Prison after the transfer in 1941. Outside the (1) for security and operations and one (1) for
compound and within the reservation, three reformation, all of whom shall be appointed by
other satellite prisons are situated. These are the President upon the recommendation of the
the minimum-security camp called Camp Secretary of the DOJ: Provided, That the
Bukang Liwayway, the name implying the Director and the Deputy Directors of the BuCor
coming release of prisoners detained. The shall serve a tour of duty not to exceed six (6)
second is Camp Sampaguita which houses the years from the date of appointment: Provided,
medium security prisoners and the third facility further, That in times of war or other national
is the Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic emergency declared by Congress, the
formerly Reception and Diagnostic Center that President may extend such tour of duty.
receives newly committed prisoners coming
from the different jails nationwide. (b) The Head of the BuCor, with the
rank of Undersecretary, shall have the position
After the American regime, two more and title of Director General of Corrections. The
penal institutions were established. On second officers in command of the BuCor, with
September 26, 1954, the President of the the rank of Assistant Secretary, shall have the
Philippines issued Proclamation No. 72 position and title of Deputy Directors of
allocating 16,000 hectares of land in Sablayan, Corrections. The third officer in command of the
Occidental Mindoro for the setting up of another BuCor, with the rank of Chief Superintendent,
penal colony. “The Sablayan Penal Colony and shall have the position and title of Corrections
Chief Superintendent. The fourth officer in f) Behavior Modification personnel-to-inmate
command of the BuCor, with the rank of Senior ratio is 1:150.
Superintendent, shall have the position and title
Section 11. Professionalization and
of Corrections Senior Superintendent. The fifth
Upgrading of Qualification Standards in the
officer in command of the BuCor, with the rank
Appointment of the BuCor Personnel. No
of Superintendent, shall have the position and
person shall be appointed as personnel of the
title of Corrections Superintendent.
BuCor unless one possesses the following
Section 12. Appointment of Personnel to the minimum qualifications:
BuCor. – The appointment of the BuCor shall
(1) A citizen of the Republic of the
be in the following manner:
(a) Corrections Officer I to
(2) A person of good moral character;
Corrections Chief Superintendent –
Appointed by the Director General of (3) Must have passed the
Corrections, and attested by the Civil Service psychiatric/psychological, drug and
Commission (CSC); and physical test for the purpose of
(b) Director General of Corrections determining his/her physical and mental
and Deputy Director of Corrections – health;
Appointed by the President upon the (4) Must possess a baccalaureate degree
recommendation of the Secretary of the DOJ, from a recognized learning institution;
with the proper endorsement by the Chairman (5) Must possess the appropriate civil
of the CSC. service eligibility;
Section 10. Increase of Personnel. (6) Must not have been dishonorably
The BuCor shall maintain the custodial discharged or dismissed for cause from
personnel-to-inmate ratio of 1:7 and reformation previous employment;
personnel-to-inmate ratio of 1:24. Hence, it is (7) Must not have been convicted by final
authorized to increase its manpower to meet judgment of an offense or crime involving
such ratio and may continue to increase moral turpitude; and
personnel per percentage rate increase of
committed inmates annually or as the need (8) Must be at least one meter and sixty-two
arises. centimeters (1.62 m.) in height for male,
and one meter and fifty-seven centimeters
The reformation ratio is broken down into the (1.57 m.) for female: Provided, That a
following: waiver for height and age requirement/s
a) Moral and Spiritual personnel-to-inmate may be granted to applicants belonging to
ratio is 1:240; the cultural communities: Provided, further,
That a new applicant must not be less than
b) Education and Training personnel-to-inmate twenty-one (21) or more than forty (40)
ratio is 1:120; years of age. Except for this particular
provision, the above-enumerated
c) Work and Livelihood personnel-to-inmate
qualifications shall be continuing in
ratio is 1:180;
character and an absence of any one of
d) Sports and Recreation personnel-to-inmate them at any given time shall be ground for
ratio is 1:225; separation or retirement from the service:
Provided, furthermore, That those who are
e) Health and Welfare personnel-to-inmate already in the service upon the effectivity of
ratio is 1:80; and this Act shall be given five (5) years from the
date of such effectivity to obtain the
minimum educational qualification and public administration, public safety, criminology,
eligibility with subsidiary assistance as penology, sociology, national security
provided for in this Act. administration, defense studies or other related
disciplines from a recognized institution of
Section 13. Lateral Entry of Officer into the learning, and must have satisfactorily passed
BuCor. the necessary training or career courses for
In general, all original appointments of such position as may be established by the
officers in the BuCor shall commence with the BuCor;
rank of Corrections Inspector wherein applicants Colony Superintendent – Should have the
for lateral entry into the BuCor shall include all rank of Superintendent, who must be a graduate
those with highly specialized and technical of Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a master’s
qualifications such as, but not limited to, civil degree in management, public administration,
engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical public safety, criminology, penology, sociology,
engineers, chemical engineers, chemists, national security administration, defense studies
architects, criminologists, certified public or other related disciplines from a recognized
accountants, nurses, physical therapists, institution of learning, and must have
dentists, social workers, psychologists, satisfactorily passed the necessary training or
sociologists, guidance counselors and teachers. career courses for such position as may be
Doctors of Medicine, members of the Philippine established by the BuCor: Provided, That in
Bar and chaplains shall be appointed to the rank prison and penal farms with an inmate
of Corrections Senior Inspector in their particular population of two thousand (2,000) but below
technical service. three thousand (3,000), the Colony
Section 14. Professionalization and Superintendent shall have the rank and
Upgrading of Qualification Standards in the qualification of a Colony Senior Superintendent;
Designation of Personnel of the BuCor to and
Key Positions. – Regional Superintendent – Should have the
No person shall be designated to the rank of Senior Superintendent or Chief
following key positions of the BuCor unless Superintendent, who must be a graduate of
one has met the qualifications provided therein: Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a master’s
degree in management, public administration,
Sub-Colony Supervisor – Should have the public safety, criminology, penology, sociology,
rank of Senior Inspector, who must have national security administration, defense studies
finished at least-second year Bachelor of Laws or other related disciplines from a recognized
or earned at least twelve (12) units in a master’s institution of learning, and must have
degree program in management, public satisfactorily passed the necessary training or
administration, public safety, criminology, career courses for such position as may be
penology, sociology, national security established by the BuCor: Provided, That in
administration, defense studies or other related prison and penal farms with an inmate
disciplines from a recognized institution of population of three thousand (3,000) but below
learning, and must have satisfactorily passed five thousand (5,000), the Regional
the necessary training or career courses for Superintendent shall have the rank and
such position as may be established by the qualification of a Colony Senior Superintendent:
BuCor; Provided, further,
That in prison and penal farms with an inmate
Colony Assistant Superintendent – Should
population of over five thousand (5,000), the
have the rank of Chief Inspector, who must have
Regional Superintendent shall have the rank
finished at least second year Bachelor of Laws
and qualification of a Chief
or earned at least twenty-four (24) units in a
master’s degree program in management, Superintendent.
Any personnel of the BuCor who is currently
occupying such position but lacks any of the
qualifications mentioned therein shall be given
five (5) years to comply with the requirements;
otherwise, the personnel shall be relieved from
the position.

Reference: RA 10575


➢ Quarantine Procedures – the newly
arrived inmates are grouped and
Lesson 7 Admission Procedure segregate from the rest. (5 days)
➢ Diagnostic Period – the inmate shall
undergo psychiatric, psychological,
sociological, vocational, educational and
religious and other examinations. (55
➢ Inmate Record System – Directorate for
Inmate Documents and Records
The summary of all diagnostic results and
evaluations are collated, prepared and generally
assessed to generate the individual case
management record which provide reference for
the Treatment/Rehabilitation Program and
Plans designed for each inmates rehabilitation
plans of inmates during the initial classification
board. At the prescribed diagnostic period,
inmates are classified according to the following
security status: maximum, medium and
➢ Type A Dormitory – above 500 inmate
capacity and lot area of more than 1.5
➢ Type B Dormitory – 101 to 500 inmate
capacity and lot area of 1.5 hectares
➢ Type C Dormitory – 1 to 100 inmate
capacity and lot area of 3,000 sq. m.
The recommended lot area per inmate is
30 sq. m.
Cell Capacity
➢ Ideal habitable floor area per inmate =
4.7 square meters
➢ Maximum number of inmates per cell
Classification of Inmates as to Security Risk = 10
➢ Maximum Security ➢ Maximum number of bunks beds = 5
units two level
➢ Medium Security
➢ Wash area (for utensils, hand
➢ Minimum Security
washing) = 1 unit
Transfer of Inmates ➢ Water closet (toilet bowl) = 1 unit
➢ Bath area = 1 unit
Upon the Director General's approval of the
minutes of the classification meeting, the Chief INMATE SERVICES
Overseer of the ARPDMD prepares the
Correction Order (transfer order) for approval of 1. Health services – Health care and
services shall be given to inmates similar to
the Chief ARPDMD. Inmates for transfer are
those available in the free community and
classified as to security status and transferred to
subject to prison regulations. A prison shall
BuCor Operating facilities (Maximum and
have at least one qualified medical doctor and
Medium Security Camps), where an inmate will
serve his sentence and comply to the program
designed and/or recommended for him. 2. Medical consultations and visiting
Rehabilitation Program Monitoring Process hours - Medical consultation and visiting hours
shall be established by the Penal
➢ Work and Livelihood Superintendent in consultation with the medical
➢ Education and Skills Training staff.
➢ Sports and Recreation
3. Pregnant CIW inmates - In the CIW,
➢ Moral and Spiritual Program
there shall be special accommodations for
➢ Behavior Modification Program pregnant women. Whenever practicable,
➢ Health Care Service however, arrangements shall be made for
FACILITIES OF THE BUREAU OF children to be born in a hospital outside of

Dormitory 4. Infant born to a CIW inmate – An infant

born while the mother is serving sentence in the
1. Classification of Dormitory CIW may be allowed to stay with the mother for
a period not exceeding one (1) year. After the
lapse of said period, if the mother of the infant
fails to place the child in a home of her own, the
Superintendent shall arrange with the DSWD or of an inmate who dies in prison may be turned
any other social welfare agency for the infant’s over to an institution of learning or any scientific
care. As far as practicable, the CIW shall have research center designated by the Secretary,
a nursery staffed by qualified personnel. for study and investigation, provided that such
institution shall provide a decent burial of the
5. Recommendation for release of remains. Otherwise, the Bureau shall order the
seriously ill inmate – The prison medical burial of the body of the inmate at government
officer shall visit all sick inmates and attend to expense, granting permission to the members
those who complain of any ailment. He shall of the family and the friends of the inmate to be
render a report to the Superintendent whenever present thereat. If the body is claimed by the
he considers that an inmate’s mental or physical family, all expenses incident to the burial shall
health has been or will be injuriously affected by be at the expense of the family.
continued imprisonment or by any condition of
confinement. 10. Adult education – all illiterate inmates
shall attend adult education classes. Literate
(Considering the condition, the seriously inmates may attend classes corresponding to
ill inmate/s may be released through clemency their educational level.
such as pardon.)
11.Educational programs for inmates – A
6. Notification of kin of sick or dead prison may offer any or all the following
inmate – Whenever an inmate is critically ill or educational programs:
dies, the prison medical officer shall report the
matter to the Superintendent who in turn shall a. Elementary education;
notify the inmate’s family by the fastest means
b. Secondary education
of communication available.
program to prepare students to
(Notifying the relatives or nearest kin as successfully pass the required tertiary
to the status of inmates to avoid the correctional level qualification examination and to
management of being accused of dereliction or receive a regular high school diploma. A
negligence in the care of prisoners.) student will have completed the program
when all the credits required for a regular
7. Meals in hospital/clinic – Meals shall be high school diploma from an accredited
served in a prison hospital/clinic while the food institution have been earned;
is served to the other inmates, unless directed
otherwise by the prison medical officer. Inmates c. College education; and
assigned to work in the hospital/clinic shall be
provided with food ration coming from the d. Vocational training.
General Kitchen.
8. Referral of inmate for outside medical
consultation/treatment – An inmate who
needs medical treatment or examination that
cannot be provided in the prison hospital may
be referred to a hospital/clinic outside the prison
for the needed examination, treatment or
hospitalization. The expenses for the outside
medical referral shall be borne by the inmate.
During said referral, the inmate shall be
accompanied by a member of the prison’s
medical staff.
9. Disposition of cadaver of deceased
inmate – Unless claimed by his family, the body

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