Theme 1.3 - REAL NUMBERS
Theme 1.3 - REAL NUMBERS
Theme 1.3 - REAL NUMBERS
Real Numbers
Mathematical theories, as a rule, find uses because they make it possible to transform one
set of numbers (the initial data) into another set of numbers constituting the intermediate
or final purpose of the computations. For that reason numerical-valued functions occupy a
special place in mathematics and its applications. These functions (more precisely, the so-
called differentiable functions) constitute the main object of study of classical analysis. But, as
you may already have sensed from your school experience, and as will soon be confirmed, any
description of the properties of these functions that is at all complete from the point of view of
modern mathematics is impossible without a precise definition of the set of real numbers, on
which these functions operate.
Numbers in mathematics are like time in physics: everyone knows what they are, and only
experts find them hard to understand. This is one of the basic mathematical abstractions,
which seems destined to undergo significant further development. A very full separate course
could be devoted to this subject. At present we intend only to unify what is basically already
known to the reader about real numbers from school, exhibiting the fundamental properties of
numbers. Particular attention is paid to their property of completeness or continuity, which
contains the germ of the idea of passage to the limit - the basic nonarithmetical operation of
Remind that fractions mn
, where m and n are integers and n ̸= 0, are called rational numbers.
Each rational number can be expressed as periodical infinite decimal fraction:
7 = 7, 000 · · · = 7, (0); = 0, 5000 · · · = 0, 5(0);
1 433
− = −0, 333 · · · = 0, (3); = 1, 3121212 · · · = 1, 3(12).
3 330
The set of rational numbers is denoted by Q.
Rational numbers are not sufficient to measure several quantities in mathematics, for exam-
ple, the diagonal of a squire with the side length equal to 1 and the length of a circle with radius
1. This and other cases rational numbers’ fail to measure quantities led to enlargement of the
number system by introducing so called irrational numbers. Such numbers successfully solve
above mentioned two problems and together with rational numbers give very effective basis for
measurement of various quantities arisen in mathematics in general. Irrational numbers are
defined as non-periodical infinite decimal fractions. Rational and irrational numbers are called
real numbers. The set of real numbers is denoted by R.
The fundamental properties of the set of real numbers R are the following:
2+ . For every element x ∈ R there exists an element −x ∈ R called the negative of x such
x + (−x) = (−x) + x = 0.
for all x, y, z ∈ R.
We remark that by the commutativity of multiplication, this equality continues to hold if
the order of the factors is reversed on either side.
If two operations satisfying these axioms are defined on a set G. then G is called a field.