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English 6 - Q2 - M10

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English 6

English – Grade 6
Quarter 2 – Module 10: Recognizing Evaluative Words to Detect Biases and
Propaganda Devices
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education - Schools Division of Pasig City

Development Team of the Self-Learning Module

Writer: Bonifacio A. Matondo Jr.

Editor: Michelle L. Mercado/ Bonifacio A. Matondo Jr.
Reviewers: Michelle L. Mercado
Illustrator: Edison P Clet
Layout Artist: Marisol Aspuria Baguisi
Management Team: Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin
OIC-Schools Division Superintendent
Aurelio G. Alfonso EdD
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Victor M. Javeña EdD
Chief, School Governance and Operations Division and
OIC-Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Education Program Supervisors

Librada L. Agon EdD (EPP/TLE/TVL/TVE)

Liza A. Alvarez (Science/STEM/SSP)
Bernard R. Balitao (AP/HUMSS)
Joselito E. Calios (English/SPFL/GAS)
Norlyn D. Conde EdD (MAPEH/SPA/SPS/HOPE/A&D/Sports)
Wilma Q. Del Rosario (LRMS/ADM)
Ma. Teresita E. Herrera EdD (Filipino/GAS/Piling Larang)
Perlita M. Ignacio PhD (EsP)
Dulce O. Santos PhD (Kindergarten/MTB-MLE)
Teresita P. Tagulao EdD (Mathematics/ABM)

Printed in the Philippines by the Department of Education – Schools Division of Pasig City
English 6
Quarter 2
Self-Learning Module 10
Recognizing Evaluative Words to Detect Biases
and Propaganda Devices
Introductory Message

For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the English 6 Self-Learning Module on Recognizing Evaluative

Words to Detect Biases and Propaganda Devices.

This Self-Learning Module was collaboratively designed, developed, and

reviewed by educators from the Schools Division Office of Pasig City headed by its
Officer-in-Charge Schools Division Superintendent, Ma. Evalou Concepcion A.
Agustin, in partnership with the City Government of Pasig through its mayor,
Honorable Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto. The writers utilized the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum using the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) in
developing this instructional resource.

This learning material hopes to engage the learners in guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st-century skills especially the 5 Cs, namely: Communication,
Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Character while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:

Welcome to the English 6 Self-Learning Module on Recognizing Evaluative

Words to Detect Biases and Propaganda Devices.

The hand is one of the most symbolized parts of the human body. It is often
used to depict skill, action, and purpose. Through our hands, we may learn, create,
and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a
learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies
and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an active

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Expectations - This points to the set of knowledge and skills

that you will learn after completing the module.

Pretest - This measures your prior knowledge about the lesson

at hand.

Recap - This part of the module provides a review of concepts

and skills that you already know about a previous lesson.

Lesson - This section discusses the topic in the module.

Activities - This is a set of activities that you need to perform.

Wrap-Up - This section summarizes the concepts and

application of the lesson.

Valuing - This part integrates a desirable moral value in the


Posttest - This measures how much you have learned from the
entire module.

This is your self-instructional learner module in English 6. All the

activities provided in this lesson will help you learn and understand:
Recognizing Evaluative Words to Detect Biases and Propaganda Devices.


Choose the letter of the correct answer in the box that corresponds to the
statement given in each number. Write your answer on the blank before each

A. bandwagon D. name calling

B. bias E. propaganda
C. plain folks F. testimonial

______ 1. You are convinced to use the product because it is endorsed or

confirmed by a well-known personality.
______ 2. You are creating negative opinion about someone or something
because of bad opinion you hear of the person or things.
______ 3. You are encouraged to use a product because it is what “folks
at home” are using.
______ 4. You are fascinated to use a product or join an activity because
“everyone” is doing it.
______ 5. Your judgment is plainly based on a personal point of view.

Figure 1: A common medium used in

providing information to the public/consumers.

People patronize products or services maybe because it is introduced to

them through media, social platform, or somebody else. They are convinced
to use the product or avail of the service.
What made them convinced to use the services being offered is now the
things that we are going to analyze. Does the information given to a consumer
state a fact or bias or a propaganda?


Propaganda - may be defined as a deliberate attempt to influence the

point of view or line of action of others. As for bias, it may also be defined as
writing which is slanted toward one opinion or an article that shows only one
side of it.
It is an attempt to persuade someone to decide to use or patronize the
product or avail of the services or make a choice for a certain candidate.
Looking for facts to back up your choice is an excellent idea but find out who
is presenting those facts. Are they facts, or is the advertiser using propaganda
techniques to persuade you?

Recognizing Bias and Propaganda Devices

A bias is a judgement based on a personal point of view. Propaganda
refers to the spreading of information, ideas, or rumor. It is meant to make
people accept them. The ideas are usually false or misleading. Bias and
propaganda are used to influence people to believe, buy or do something.

Look at the given statements below.

“I love this dress,

I’m now wearing.
“I love my
This is beautiful. I
hairstyle! This
bought this because
is the hairstyle
it is on 20% off sale.
of my idol. I am
What are you
pretty much
waiting for? Buy
sure that my
now, for you to
friends will like
experience this
it too. I feel that
comfortable dress”
I’m in.”

Figure 2, an example of a scenario

using bias and propaganda devices.

The italicized sentence was using The italicized sentence was using
bias because it states judgment propaganda, because it states an
based on her point of view. idea that is meant to make people
accept them.
I am pretty much sure that my
friends will like it too. I feel that I I bought this because it is on 20%
am in. off sale. What are you waiting for?
Buy now, for you to experience this
comfortable dress.
Kinds of Propaganda Devices and its functions:
1. Bandwagon. You are attracted to use a product or join an activity
because “everyone” is doing it.
“You are so lucky! Our store is selling comfortable clothing’s
and other apparels for girls and boys that are on discounted prices.
Selected items are on 50% sale. Also, our pants are in “Buy 1 Take
1”. Come visit our store now, experience the grand sale we are

2. Plain Folks. You are encouraged to use a product because it is what

“folks at home” are using.
“Feel the comfy unique style of MNL clothing line. An extra
ordinary clothing that supports your lifestyle.”

3. Testimonial. You are convinced to use a product because it is

endorsed or confirmed by a well-known personality.
“Alvin Santos a model and a well-known media personality,
says that when you wear MNL clothing, you will have an extra comfy
unique style of clothing. He always chooses MNL clothing line, for
him it is his favorite brand of clothing.”

4. Name calling. This causes you to create a negative opinion about

someone or something because of bad opinions you hear of the person
or things. You make a conclusion without basis.
“People who are not patronizing the product of MNL clothing
line, are totally out of fashion.”

As a proficient reader, we should always be aware of words and

expressions that can lead us to telling whether what we read or listen to is
biased or not. There are kinds of words that writers use to indicate biases and
propaganda devices such as those used in the given examples above.
Guided Practice
Read and understand each statement in the box:

A. The famous singer-actress Aryanna Cruz says that when it comes to

clothing, she chooses to buy and wear MNL clothing line.
B. Feel an extra-ordinary comfy living. Feel MNL clothing line. Buy it,
wear it, you will have an extra ordinary comfy lifestyle.
C. Finding new clothes that are “in-style” or “affordable to your budget”.
D. Experience now the 50% sale of MNL clothing line. You can buy 1 and
take 1 on selected items that are suitable to your taste of fashion.
E. Men and women who are not wearing or using MNL clothing are
simply not in style.

Identify the propaganda device used in each of the sentences. Choose the
answer from the list in the box. Write the answer on the blank provided before
each letter.

bandwagon name calling plain folks testimonial

_____________ A. The famous singer-actress Aryanna Cruz says that when it

comes to clothing, she chooses to buy and wear MNL
clothing line.
_____________ B. Feel an extra-ordinary comfy living. Feel MNL clothing line.
Buy it, wear it, you will have an extra ordinary comfy
_____________ C. Finding new clothes that are “in-style” or “affordable to your
budget”. Experience now the 50% sale of MNL clothing line.
You can buy 1 and take 1 on selected items that are
suitable to your taste of fashion.
_____________ D. Men and women who are not wearing or using MNL
clothing is simply not in style.
A. Answer: testimonial
Very Good, its correct! The statement used propaganda device as
testimonials, it clearly states convincing words to use the product
because it is endorsed or confirmed by a well-known personality.
B. Answer: plain folks
Excellent! The statement used propaganda device said as plain folks,
since it encouraged to use a certain product because it is what “folks
at living” are using.
C. Answer: bandwagon
Great! The statement used bandwagon as it is using attractive
wordings just to make sure that the customer uses the product or
services they are offering and to somehow attract “everyone” to use it
D. Answer: name calling
Very nice! You all made it! The statement was using a propaganda
device said as name calling. Because the statement causes to create
a negative opinion about someone or something in a form of bad
opinions heard of the persons or things. Making conclusions without
any basis.

Activity 1
Write B if the statement refers to bias and P if it uses propaganda devices.
Write the answer on the blank before each number.

______ 1. I bought a cake, and it was tasteful that totally satisfies me with
my cravings.
______ 2. Intelligent men and women are the one who is only using and
patronizing e-phone.
______ 3. Buy 1 large size of cake and you will take 1 small size of it. Grab it
now because we only have limited stocks.
______ 4. The clothes you are wearing now is very beautiful among the
others here.
______ 5. The TV host Mel Divina tells that when you are about to buy cake
for an occasion buy at RNG’s Bakeshop. She always chooses RNG’s
Bakeshop cake because it is her favorite.

Activity 2
Classify what propaganda device is used in each of the statements below.
Write your answer in the box provided in each number.

1. “Go beyond limits of having amazing taste! Experiencing best foods in

town, where to find it? Only here at RNG’s Food Shop.”

2. Trina Santos, one the famous singer and a mother of two kids says that
if you wish to experience shopping best foods, choose only RNG’s Food
Shop. She also added that she herself is a shopper of the food store.

3. People who are not shopping foods at RNG’s Food Shop, are simply not

4. RNG’s Food Shop is on sale. Selected products are in 25% off. Hurry!
Shop now!

5. Shopping foods at RNG’s Food Shop is really an amazing experience

said by Alex Cruz a well-known basket player and a model. For him, he
enjoyed shopping foods here because the store offers varieties of food
products in a most reasonable price.
Activity 3
Write TRUE if the underlined word/s in the statement is correct, and if is
incorrect, replace it with the proper word/s to be used to make the sentence
right. Write the answer on the blank provided before each number.

____________ 1. A bias is a judgment based on the personal point of view.

____________ 2. A propaganda device is used to discourage consumer
patronizing the product or services a certain company is
offering to them.
____________ 3. An advertisement usually used bias and propaganda device to
make people believe to the product they are selling to the
____________ 4. A statement that is uttered by a well-known personality to
convince costumers is using propaganda device said as name
____________ 5. A statement using encouraging words to a certain product
because it is what “folks at home” are using is plain folks.


Fill in the blank with the right word/s to complete the thought of the
statement. Choose your answer from the list in the box.

point of view make people accept

ideas or rumor misleading
influence educate ones

A bias is a judgement based on a personal ____________________.

Propaganda refers to the spreading of information, ____________________. It is
meant to ___________________them. The ideas are usually false or
____________________. Bias and propaganda are used to __________________
believe, buy, or do something.
As a viewer, we tend to know whether an advertisement is factual and
non-factual. We also analyze information they are telling us. Advertisers are
creative enough to convince their viewers patronize their products or services
or choices to be made. As viewers, we must also be creative and critical in
analyzing their statements.
In this time of pandemic, people are creative in terms of approaches
and styles in communication just to survive the situation. They use different
platforms as means of communication because life must go on. As a saying
goes, “We don’t need to put burden to anyone else on the things we know, but
instead, we must be creative at all times in approaching lives on the way we
live every single day.”- BMJ

On the following situation, how will you show creativity in your daily
living in terms of communication?

Draw a heart shape ( ) if you agree with the statement and circle ( ) if
you disagree with the statement given.

______ 1. I will always observe politeness the way I talk to others.

______ 2. I will always use polite words when I am communicating to people
older than me.
______ 3. I will also be rude if others are disrespectful.
______ 4. I will only tell information that are true and real in a tactful
______ 5. I will create negative opinion to others most especially if this will
favor me.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer in the box that corresponds
to the statement given in each number. Write your answer on the blank before
each number.

A. bandwagon D. name calling

B. bias E. propaganda
C. plain folks F. testimonial

______ 1. “Have this chicken nuggets! After you eat this, you will never
forget it. It’s the taste of a lifetime!”

______ 2. “If you will ask me about their frozen products, it was very good!
Especially their chicken nuggets.”

______ 3. “PBA player and product endorser Alvin Santos said that their
frozen products are a must to buy. It is also his favorite.”

______ 4. “People who don’t buy this chicken nuggets are simply not in.”

______ 5. “Surely! You will enjoy the taste of this BUY 1 TAKE 1 chicken
nuggets. Have it now!”

testimonial 4.
encourage 2.
Activity 3

A 5. testimonials 5.
C 4. bandwagon 4.
F 3. name calling 3.
B 2. testimonial 2.
D 1. plain folks 1.
Posttest Activity 2
B 5. influence  P 5.
A 4. misleading  B 4.
C 3. accept P 3.
D 2.  make people B 2.
F 1.  ideas or rumor
B 1.
 point of view
Pretest Wrap-up Activity 1


Galapon, Agnes P, Relente, Carmelita A. And Angeles, Evelyn B., Joy in Learning

English,pp. 184-185, Vibal publishing House Inc. Manila, DEPEd, Beareau of

Learning resources (DEPEd-BLR), Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600




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