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rr220106 Surveying II

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Code No: RR220106 Set No.

II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the detailed procedure, about the measurement of horizontal angle by
using theodolite. [10+6]
(b) What are the fundamental lines for a transit?

2. (a) What is meant by traversing? Describe the fast needle method of traversing.
(b) Following are the lengths and bearings of traverse ABCDE
Line Length in m Bearing
AB 229.0 1980 591
BC 131.35 2820 141
CD 80.00 3200 131
DE 199.25 350 131
Calculate the length and bearing of the line EA which could not be surveyed
due to an obstruction in the way.

3. (a) Describe the conditions under which tacheometeric surveying is advantageous.

(b) Staff readings observed with a percentage theodolite corresponding to angles
of elevation of 4% and 5% are 1.525 and 2.925 respectively. If the vertical
angle on sighting the staff reading equal to the height of the trunnion axis
above the ground was 4.5%. Calculate
i. the horizontal distance between the instrument and the staff
ii. the elevation of the staff station if that of the instrument station was

4. (a) Where are the reverse curves used? [4+12]

(b) A circular curve is to pass three points A,B and C. The chords AB = a, BC
= b and ABC √ = α are measured. Show that the radius of the required curve
is 2 Co sec α a2 + b2 − 2ab cos α

5. A transition curve is required for a circular curve of 220 metre radius, the gauge
being 1.6m and maximum super elevation restricted to 15 cm. The transition is to
be designed for a velocity such that no lateral pressure is imposed on the rails and
the rate of gain of radial acceleration is 28 cm / sec3 . Calculate the required length
of the transition curve and the design speed. [16]

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6. The following reciprocal observations were made from two points: P and Q : [16]
Horizontal distance between P and Q = 4860 m
Angle of elevation of Q at P = 10 5’ 21”
Angle of depression of P at Q = 10 0’ 50”
Height of instrument at P = 1.35 m
Height of signal at P = 6.10 m
Height of instrument at Q = 1.38 m
Height of signal at Q = 6.21 m

Find the difference in level between P and Q and the co-efficient of refraction. Take
R sin 1” = 30.88 m

7. (a) What are the factors that affect the selection of triangulation stations? [8+8]
(b) What are the various correction for the base line. Discuss in brief.

8. Find the most probable value of the angle A from the following observation equa-
tions: [16]
A= 30 28’ 40” weight 2
3A= 910 25’ 55” weight 3


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Code No: RR220106 Set No. 2
II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Two stations at elevations of α and β are sighted by a theodolite in which the
line of collimation is inclined to the trunnion axis at an angel (900 - e), where
‘e’ is small. [9+7]
i. Derive an expression for the error in the horizontal angel between the two
stations as given by the instrument.
ii. Show by a diagram the effect of the collimation error on the vertical circle
reading of one station.
iii. What is the effect of measuring the horizontal and vertical angles on both
(b) In a straight line ABC, AB measure 354.384 m, BC measures 282.092 m and
AC measures 636.318 m using a particular EDM reflector combination. A line
measures 533.452 m with this instrument reflector combination. What is the
correct length of the line?

2. (a) A man travels from a point A to due to west and reaches the point B. The
distance between A and B = 139.6 m. Calculate the latitude and departure
of the line AB. [8+8]
(b) For the following traverse, find the length of DE so that A, E and F may be
in the same straight line.
Line Length(m) Reduced Bearing
AB 200 S 840 301 E
BC 100 N 750 181 E
CD 80 N 180 451 E
DE ? N 290 451 E
EF 150 N 640 101 E

3. (a) Write short notes on the subtense bar and the anallatic lens. [8+8]
(b) A staff is held at distances of 30.395 m and 91.936 m from the axis of a
theodolite provided with fixed stadia hairs, the staff intercepts for horizontal
sights being 0.305 and 0.915 respectively. Determine the constant of the in-
strument. Find the horizontal distance of the staff from the instrument when
the intercept is 1.525 m if in this case the line of sight inclined at 100 to the

4. (a) What are the different instrumental methods available to set out a simple
circular curve. Explain in detail the Rankine‘s method of tangential angle to
set out a curve in the field. [8+8]

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(b) Using Perpendicular Offset from the tangents method, Calculate the offsets
at 20 m intervals along the tangents to locate a curve having a radius of 400
m, the deflection angle being 600 .

5. Two straights on the centre line of a proposed railways intersect at 1270.8 metres,
the deflection angle being 380 24′ . It is proposed to put in a circular curve of 320 m
radius with cubic parabolic transition curve 36 m long at each end. The combined
curve is to be set out by the method of deflection angles with pegs at every 20 m
through chainage on the transition curves and with pegs at every 10 m radius of
through chainage on the circular curve. Tabulate the data relative to the first two
stations on the first transition curve and the junctions of the transition curve with
circular arc. [16]

6. The following reciprocal observations were made from two points P and Q: [16]
Horizontal distance = 16440 m
Angle of depression of Q at P = 00 3’ 42”
Angle of depression of P at Q = 00 2’ 4”
Heights of instrument at both P and Q = 1.42 m
Height of signal at P and Q = 5.53 m

(a) the R.L. of Q, if that of P is 346.39 m; and

(b) The average co-efficient of refraction at the time of observation.
Take R sin 1” = 30.88 m.

7. (a) What are different types of arrangements used in triangulation? What are
their relative advantages and disadvantages? What is gridiron system? [8+8]
(b) What is the extension of the base? How is it done?

8. Adjust the angles α and β, observations of which give [16]

α = 200 10’ 10” weight 6
β = 30 20’ 30” weight 4
α + β = 500 30’ 50” weight 2


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Code No: RR220106 Set No. 3
II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Write short note on errors in theodolite surveying. [8+8]

(b) Explain how one could test whether the horizontal and line of sight of a theodo-
lite are perpendicular to the vertical to each other. Detail procedure for the
adjustment if they are not.

2. It is not possible to measure the length and fix the direction of line AB directly
on account of an obstruction between the stations A and B. A traverse ACDB was
therefore run and following data were obtained: [16]

Line Length in ‘m’ Reduced Bearing

AC 45 N 500 E
CD 66 S 700 E
DB 60 S 500 E

Find the length and direction of line BA. It was also required to fix a station E on
the line BA. It was also required to fix a station E on line BA such that DE will
be perpendicular to BA. If there is no obstruction between the stations A and E,
Calculate the data required for fixing the station.

3. (a) What are the different methods employed in tacheometric survey? Describe
the method mostly used. [8+8]
(b) A tacheometer is placed at a station A and readings on a staff held upon a
B.M. of RL 100.00 and a station B are 0.640, 2.200, 3.670 and 0.010, 2.120
and 4.230 respectively. The angle of depression of the telescope in the first
case is 60 191 and in the second case 70 421 . Find the horizontal distance from
A to B and R.L of station B. Assume the multiplying constant as 100 and
additive constant as 0.3 m.

4. (a) What are the different linear methods for setting out simple circular curves.
Explain the detailed procedure of setting out a curve by successive bisection
method. [8+8]
(b) A 200 m length straight connects two circular curves which deflect to the right.
The radius of the 1st curve is 250 m and that of the 2nd is 200 m. The central
angle for the second curve is 300 . The combined curve is to be replaced by a
single circular curve between the same tangent points. Find the radius of the
curve. Assume that the two tangent lengths of the earlier set are equal. Also

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i. central angle of the new curve
ii. Central angle of 1st curve of radius 200 m.

5. A railway siding is to be curved through a right angle. In order to avoid buildings,

the curve is to be compound, the radius of the two branches being 8 chains and
12 chains. The distance from the intersection point of the end straights to the
tangent point at which the arc of 8 chains radius leaves straight is to be 10.08
chains. Obtain the second tangent length, or distance from the intersection point
to the other end of the curve, and the length of the whole curve. [16]

6. The mean vertical angle from A, reading on to a target at B, is 24′ 30”. The height
of instrument at A is 1.5m and the height of the target at B is 1.2m. If the distance
between the two points is 30 Km, assume the usual value for the co-efficient of
refraction and obtain the difference of ground level between the two points. The
radius of the earth may be taken as 6370Km. [16]

7. How would you measure the horizontal angles at various triangulation stations
using a [8+8]

(a) Repeating theodolite

(b) Direction theodolite.

8. (a) Discuss the various methods of obtaining most probable values of observed
quantities. [8+8]
(b) Discuss the procedure for adjustment of a
i. triangle with a central station.
ii. quadrilateral with a central station.


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Code No: RR220106 Set No. 4
II B.Tech II Semester Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Show what errors are eliminated by repetition method. How will you set out
a horizontal angle by method of repetition? [8+8]
(b) What are the essential parts of a theodolite. Explain in detail.

2. Given below are the consecutive coordinates of a theodolite traverse ABCDEFA.

Balance the traverse and find the adjusted values and independent coordinates,
assuming that those of A are ( 0 N, 500 E) [16]
Line Latitude Departure
AB +762.00 +764.20
BC +499.00 -484.90
CD -278.40 -105.0
DE -440.00 -568.10
DF -187.30 +177.50
FA -357.00 +214.30

3. (a) Briefly discuss about errors in tacheometry. [6+10]

(b) Stadia readings were taken with a theodolite on a vertical staff with the tele-
scope inclined at an angle of 30 301 . The staff readings were 2.990, 2.055 and
1.120. The reduced level of the staff station is 100.000 and the height of
the instrument is 1.50 m. What is the reduced level of the ground at the

4. (a) What are the different instrumental methods available for setting out a simple
circular curve. Explain in detail one instrumental method of setting out a
curve in the field. [8+8]
(b) Calculate the ordinates at 10 m interval for a circular curve by ordinates from
the long chord, given that the length of long chord is 100 m and the radius is
250 m.

5. On a proposed railway two straights intersect at chainage 68+35 chains in 20m

units with a deflection of 400 30? (Right). It is proposed to put in a curcular arc
of 20 chains radius with transition curves 3 chains long at each end. The circular
curve is to be set out with pegs at one chain intervals and the transition curve with
pegs at 21 chain intervals. Make all the necessary calculations for setting out of the
combined curve by theodolite. [16]

6. The mean vertical angle from A, reading on to a target at B, is 24′ 30”. The height
of instrument at A is 1.5m and the height of the target at B is 1.2m. If the distance

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between the two points is 30 Km, assume the usual value for the co-efficient of
refraction and obtain the difference of ground level between the two points. The
radius of the earth may be taken as 6370Km. [16]

7. The altitudes of two proposed triangulation stations A and C, 100 Km apart, are
respectively 200m and 1000m above the level datum, while the heights of two
eminences B and D on the profile between A and C are respectively 300m and
600m, the distance AB and AD being respectively 35Km and 60Km. Ascertain if
A and C are intervisible and, if necessary, determine a suitable height for a scaffold
at C; given that A is a ground station. The earth’s mean radius may be taken as
6370Km, and coefficient of refraction 0.07. [16]

8. Adjust the angles α and β, observations of which give [16]

α = 200 10’ 10” weight 6
β = 300 20’ 30” weight 4
α + β = 500 30’ 50” weight 2


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