Scion Masks of The Mythos (Download)
Scion Masks of The Mythos (Download)
Scion Masks of The Mythos (Download)
From Chris Spivey
To Jill and Zora Spivey for all your support, keeping
my spirits high, and allowing me to burn away countless REQUIRES THE USE OF
hours while working. SCION ORIGIN AND SCION HERO
To Neall Raemonn Price for recommending me for
this gig.
To Eddy Webb and Richard Thomas for listening to
To the team of this book for your incredible work,
dedication, and vision.
To the people playing the game — your willingness
to engage in imaginary worlds makes this possible.
© 2022 Onyx Path Publishing. All rights reserved. References to other copyright-
ed material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of
that material. “Scion” and all characters, names, places, and text herein are copyright-
ed by Onyx Path Publishing.
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Table of Contents 3
Heroic Sage 49 Moon 54
Immortal Sage 49 Eerie Light 54
Heroic Trickster 49 Order 54
Immortal Trickster 49 Lawful Trespass 55
Heroic Warrior 49 Passion 55
Immortal Warrior 49 Lackluster 55
Purviews 49 Prosperity 56
Awareness Purviews 49 Eat the Rich 56
Artistry 49 Sky 56
Maddening Song 49 Fog Bank 56
Beasts 50 Stars 56
Snake Pit 50 Temporal Shift 56
Beauty 50 Sun 56
Distracting Beauty 50 Irradiation 57
Chaos 50 War 57
Walking Disaster 50 Incite 57
Darkness 50 Water 57
Shadow Minion 50 Tsunami 57
Death 51 Wild 57
Creeping Dead 51 Feral Traces 58
Deception 51 Mythos Signature Purview 58
Mental Prison 51 Arcane Calculus 58
Earth 51 Disturbing Visions 59
Stone Strike 51 Mouth of Madness 59
Epic Dexterity 51 ADDITIONAL RELICS 60
Clumsy Fool 51 The Alert (•••••) 60
Epic Stamina 52 Amulet of Dagon (••) 60
Infirmed 52 Amulet of the Hound (•) 61
Epic Strength 52 Der König in Gelb (•••••) 61
Wrath and Fury 52 Elder Sign Amulet (••) 62
Fertility 52 Erich Zann’s Viol (•••) 62
Verdant Fields 52 The Ivory Key (••••) 62
Fire 52 Masks of the Mythos (••• each) 63
Conflagration 53 Mi-Go Brain Cylinder (•••) 64
Forge 53 Smoking Mirror (••) 64
Transubstantiate 53 Sword of Kadath (••) 65
Fortune 53 Yithian Mind Stone (•••) 65
Twist Fate 53
Frost 53
Hibernate 53
Health 53 Arkham 68
Transference 54 History 68
Journeys 54 Modern Day 70
Labyrinth 54 The Mythos in Arkham 71
Table of Contents 5
Elder Things 129 Erich Zann 157
Ghoul 130 Henry Antonio Wilcox 158
Gnoph-keh 130 Lavinia Whateley 159
Great Race of Yith 131 Roberta Olmstead 160
Hounds of Tindalos 131
Mi-Go 132
Night-gaunt 133
Rival Scion 133 Y’ha-nthlei 166
Shoggoth 134 Mythos 166
Terror from Beyond 134 The Warm Gardens 169
Anri’kala 135 The Busy Waters 170
The Aubren Family 135 The Unbound Structure 171
Cats of Saturn 136 Dangers of the Deep 172
Child of Mist 137 Zathitho 172
Children of Theia 137 The Ichaatath Primacy 173
Dreamthieves 138 Shoggoth Uprising 173
Extradimensional Fauna 138 Mythos 174
Flying Polyps 139 Lost City of Iretah 175
Living Lightning 140 Lavender Sea 176
Lunar Dolls 141 Zath 177
Mirror Men 142 Realm Birthrights 179
Mrs. Moloch 142 Realm Effects 179
The Nameless 143
Proto-Coleopterans 144
Sentient Crystal 145 Gorgo,
Shantak 146 The Horror 180
Stellar Vampire 146 Hypnos 184
Triassic Penguin 147 The Maddening Music 185
New Qualities & Flairs 148 The Moon-Ladder 187
The Mythos 9
At first glance, it seems this Mythos world has little of unfathomable odds. They embrace the hard work of
meaning. It is full of beings, Gods, and Old Ones that do defending and thwarting and confronting threats from
not require worshipers and are generally uninterested humans and their Gods, steadfast against the weight of a
in humans, the plight of humanity or any of its related perilous cosmos.
affairs — aside from an active few. The crux of Mythos Storyguides should use these alien entities to add a
stories involves regular folks encountering things be- layer of complexity to the Scions’ journeys, a contorted
yond their keen and struggling against them, regardless lens through which they can look, and a specific atmo-
of the cost, which is frequently madness. Lovecraft cre- spheric flavor of otherworldly challenges with which
ated a literary version of madness that is not reflective Scions must contend. Unusual or conflicting descriptions
of real-world mental illness and other pain real people can help evoke this sense of otherness. Words that mask
suffer. We’ve taken the root of that idea and altered it. or obfuscate the horrors are often more effective than a
The impact of strangeness still remains. This otherness, picture painted in full vivid color. Put details just out of
while not of their own doing, causes the creatures and reach: Shadows passing a window, the sound of scuttling
those touched by the Mythos to disrupt our universe, in a closet, or a whiff of something tenebrous and foul
breaking the natural order and laws of reality. Think of are unsettling than a full-frame wide shot of some writh-
it as a clash between matter and anti-matter with fewer ing monstrosity. Reveal horrors slowly and indirectly.
explosions and more unpredictable side effects. This Engage the senses in unusual, illogical ways. Try using
creates the ability to find meaning in everything, and synesthesia in description; a smell that is frothy, a color
one’s place inside it. that is coarse, or a sound that casts shadows. Lean into
The Mythos is not an evil or enemy pantheon to the vastness of space and fallibility of the senses.
be battled by bastions of the light, but rather a traveler
into this dimension and these planets. Its creatures are
boundless. Their Scions’ otherness disrupts non-Mythos HOW TO
Scions by destroying the very Fate that fuels their ac-
tions. What makes a hero? The legend, the tales woven
into history about them, or the actual acts? Mythos
Scions illuminate that moral quandary.
M asks of the Mythos is a sourcebook for Scion:
Origin and Scion: Hero. While the majority of Scion
THEMES focuses on real-world mythologies and religions, Masks
of the Mythos is a step off that path into a more fictitious
Masks of the Mythos, much like the rest of the
World. The material presented here is as canonical to an
books in the Scion series, depicts humans touched by
ongoing Scion campaign as every individual Storyguide
something greater and more powerful than they are.
and group wish it to be.
They have been gifted, cursed, or born into a mythol-
ogy waiting for them to make their own paths. While The book includes the information needed to
the core Scion game focuses on bonding these humans create Mythos Scions and dive into the dread-soaked
into a group and sweeping others up into their legend; cursed towns that thrive under the insidious nature of
Masks of the Mythos is about the otherness of power. the Mythos. It’s possible for Scions of other deities to
fall under the sway of the Mythos and serve their alien
needs. The threats and encounters in this book have been
MOOD balanced to challenge those seeking Demigod-hood, and
An atmosphere of uneasiness, eeriness, and menace the Mythos Scions themselves seeking transcendence.
should loom over games that include elements of the
Mythos. Scions and mortals grappling with these forces
walk a knife’s edge between the poles of awe and fear,
disruption and resistance, wonder and dread. Despite
this flavor, Mythos forces do not negate the heroic,
mythic storytelling established in the world of Scion.
Scions who are aware of Mythos entities must grap-
T here is a huge volume of possible media to dive into for
a Mythos game. The below are some touchstones for a
fuller understanding of the Mythos, and they can illustrate
ple with the knowledge that humanity’s niche in the how to change it and apply it to your own Scion game.
universe is tenuous, a fragile mote swirling in a sea of
The Ballad of Black Tom, by Victor LaValle
overwhelming power. But heroism is not fearlessness.
Courage does not dismiss or ignore threats; it stands This novella follows a Black protagonist during
against them despite fear and horror. In this way, Scions the Harlem Renaissance as he struggles to get by while
touched by the Mythos have the singular opportunity caring for his ailing father, enduring racism, and getting
to show unfathomable heroism and sacrifice in the face swept up into the Mythos. What choice will he make
Media 11
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have
within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the
stars to change the world.”
— Harriet Tubman
Principle Members 13
Callings: Corruptor, Liminal, Trickster
Purviews: Artistry (sculpture), Beasts (dolphins),
Aliases: The Great Water Lizard and The Lord of
Beauty, Water
Bokrug was the God of the people of Ib, a race of
AZATHOTH voiceless humanoids characterized by their bloat-
Aliases: Nuclear Firestorm, The Eye of Madness ed, green-skinned flesh; bulging eyes; wide, flapping
At the center of infinity, a twisted God slumbers, cre- mouths; and small, oddly shaped ears. In prehistoric
ating bits of reality from its dreams and destroying them times, the people of Ib were butchered, their city was
when it wakes. This is Azathoth, the Demon Sultan of destroyed, and their lands were taken by the humans.
Chaos, head of the pantheon, dwelling with its court out- The occupiers built a new city called Sarnath where Ib
side time and space. Manifesting as a voracious black hole, once stood and prospered over the next 1,000 years. At
Azathoth is a God who knows only sensation and hunger, first, the people of Sarnath honored Bokrug, but through
gobbling up anything around it unless placated by a court the passing centuries Bokrug’s memory became more
of musicians, who beat drums and play airy pipes to soothe of a humorous jest as people passed on the street. Still,
Azathoth’s unrest. When Azathoth begins to awaken, its Bokrug gave the occasional reminder of its presence
attention is attracted to places where the walls between the by causing the waters of the lake that lay adjacent to
Outside and reality are thin, which often manifest as some Sarnath to emit a strange glow on the anniversary of Ib’s
sort of opening wherein the viewer can see the eternity of destruction.
space and hear the infernal piping of Azathoth’s court. The Great Water Lizard is a being in tune with and
Azathoth is head of pantheon not because it is inhabiting lands dedicated to it. These lands always
adored, but because it is the most powerful. Universes contain a swampy body of water and somewhere on
are born and destroyed as side effects of its dreams. or beneath these lands can be found an idol depicting
Azathoth is the embodiment of the chaotic and destruc- the God. Bokrug manifests through these idols when
tive nature of the universe but is also the music of the it is time for the God to rise. It is characterized by the
spheres. Scions of Azathoth are creative and destruc- desire to enact vengeance on behalf of worshipers who
tive. They might be experimental musicians exploring fall victim to those who would take their land, but also
new forms of aural expression. Other Scions emulate possesses great patience in taking this vengeance. It
Azathoth by being powerful and destructive influences sometimes allow many generations to pass before act-
at the centers of vast organizations. Unable to sate their ing against interlopers, but when vengeance comes it is
appetite for power and chaos, these amoral Scions act swift and complete. Strange lights glowing from beneath
on instinct rather than reason and can manage to rise the waters in its territories are a sign of Bokrug’s grow-
to positions of power and influence to the detriment of ing wrath and, when these lights are strongest, it is ready
everyone around them. Like Azathoth, they surround to strike.
themselves with toadying courts of followers who pro- Within the Miskatonic Hollow, the deity was be-
tect the rest of society by placating the Scion. lieved to have been venerated among Indigenous people
Among mortals, there are musicians who live in ob- as a spirit of the land. Few European settlers made the
scurity and squalor who are gifted by Azathoth’s power connection between legends about Bokrug from the
with the ability to compose and play exquisitely chaotic Old World to the New and themselves venerated this
music that at once attracts and placates Azathoth. One little-known deity. Knowledge of Bokrug is scarce and
such musician was the cellist Erich Zann, who, accord- worship of The Great Lizard even rarer. Still, Bokrug has
ing to a firsthand account, would play wild music that affinity for those who are attuned to places once dedi-
was at was at once magnetizing and loathsome. From cated to it and may choose to manifest through them
the single window in Zann’s attic apartment, the wit- to enact vengeance on those who would corrupt these
ness saw outside reality and realized it was Zann’s wild once-sacred spaces. Scions of Bokrug are avid protec-
playing that kept the beings who lived in this place at tors of the places they call home and all who dwell there
bay. The power of Zann’s drive was so great that he con- eventually lose their humanity as the power of Bokrug
tinued to play beyond death. Such musicians exist in the grows within them. Over time, they take on a reptilian
present, playing in small clubs and dive bars to eke out appearance, with wide mouths, bulging eyes, and small
a living while composing and playing music that saves ears. The most powerful of Bokrug’s Scions can no lon-
humanity during the hours of darkness. ger speak any human tongue and become alien even to
those who knew them.
Callings: Creator, Destroyer, Liminal
Callings: Guardian, Judge, Leader
Purviews: Artistry (Music), Chaos, Epic Stamina,
Stars, Sun
Principle Members 15
Purviews: Artistry, Darkness, Deception, Forge,
Aliases: Solstice Fire, Uncanny Light, The Gloaming
The Greenish Flame is a column of living energy
whose light reveals hidden things and subtly reshapes
Aliases: Nodens
the world it illuminates. It takes root in subterranean
reservoirs like wells, springs, or cenotes. Lacking the A parasitic interdimensional construct known as
ability to move easily, it reaches out to sentient minds, the Lord of the Great Abyss mimics Gods and other
emanating signals like a psychic beacon. The Flame calls targets of worship to feed on adoration. The entity
out to hosts for help providing protection and growing rarely appears in its true form: a lattice of shifting alien
its power. It has what humans would call rudimentary algorithms that can only be perceived as pure thought
intelligence: a seemingly simple reactor core with little with no sensory analog. To manifest a visual form, the
more than self-protective instincts or programming. entity probes the deepest corners of its target’s cortex
But the Flame carries out its higher, more sophisticated and projects figures from the host’s mythology, using
designs over generations and eons, working at a cosmic images like the luminous lures of angler fish to draw
pace that makes plans inscrutable to humans. believers. Some targets perceive entire courts of char-
acters and creatures gleaned from deep neural recesses.
The Flame can warp reality with its heatless radia-
The projections sometimes unravel, allowing underly-
tion. It bends perception and over time even shapes the
ing structures to peek through. The Lord’s particular
physical realm in its own image. For most, these effects
Fibonacci-like pattern often causes humans to interpret
may be minimal or impossible to detect.
spirals, whorls, helices, or spoked wheels at the entity’s
The Flame selects a particular number of hosts center. Common visual themes include chariots, sea-
within its range to act as its stewards, maintaining no shells, spiral stairways, or the vortices of storms. Some
more than a few dozen at one time. The stewards build merely perceive a clamor of strange repeating tones or
things. They tear things down. They choose unusual unearthly music.
decorations. The Flame inspires Sisyphean impulses in
The Lord of the Great Abyss tends to stay anchored
these chosen crew members, so each believes they are
to geographical “power” spots, such as summits, re-
acting under their own volition. They may have elabo-
mote valleys, or islands, where it can funnel the paths
rate personal justifications for the tasks they carry out.
of curious seekers. At the top of Kingsport Head in
For particular tasks, these jobs are done in a fugue-like
Massachusetts, one of the entity’s many roosting spots,
state of waking dreams.
residents have observed whole pageants of creatures
The actions of the stewards may seem eccentric, from the courts of Nodens and Poseidon, who considers
obsessive, or even artistic. Some actions appear munici- it an insult. In other parts of the globe, people have wit-
pal in nature: digging ditches in the middle of the night, nessed sea queens of island kingdoms, sun Gods in des-
spray painting strange markers on roads, or braiding ert canyons, or chariot-riding cherubim on snowy peaks.
telephone wires. Other activities look more like art in-
Even perceiving the Lord’s tailored, illusory, myth-
stallations or amateur science experiments.
ical forms can send witnesses into fits of dream-like
The Flame has taken root in many cities on Earth, reverie that leave them permanently changed. Followers
particularly those with subterranean networks. usually convince themselves that the Lord’s avatars
Kingsport, Massachusetts is a notable example. are manifestation of deities or myths to which they are
Like the Flame’s chosen stewards, Scions of the already attached. This is strong medicine. Such visions
Greenish Flame can be driven, and singular of purpose can disrupt core pillars of faith and existential stability.
to the point of obsession. They are trustworthy, but they Those under the Lord’s influence must maintain con-
work hard to gain trust from strangers. They tend to stant self-delusion to ignore and justify glitches that
be playful, affable, flamboyant, or quixotic, but are also belie its real form. People who experience this may
awkward and have trouble fitting in. Their plans and appear to grow detached and increasingly despondent
actions may seem eccentric or even absurd. They give as the mind weighs dull tones of mundane life against
generously and show kindness, but their help can take profound feelings of divine bliss and awe.
unusual or twisted forms. They hand out and stamp Scions of the Lord of the Great Abyss are excellent
“loyalty cards” after performing good deeds. The Flame’s storytellers or word smiths, embracing paradox and
Scions are not always silly, but their good intentions are allegory, walking a line between reality and illusion.
often misinterpreted. They tend to be seekers and travelers with restless life-
Callings: Liminal, Sage, Trickster styles. They are excellent mimics. They are convincing.
They deflect. They misdirect. They outrun. They can
Purviews: Darkness, Deception, Frost, Health Rhan-Tegoth has no peers, no family, and no friends.
Water It doesn’t need them. It’s tied to its pantheon, like many
of the Mythos Gods, only through loose association.
Rhan-Tegoth is unlike anything else, and by dint of its
NYARLATHOTEP uniqueness, it is more like the other alien beings than
Aliases: The Crawling Chaos, The Messenger anything from Earth.
Of all the pantheon, Nyarlathotep is most attuned to Its body is shapeless and ever-shifting, covered in
humanity. It is not clear whether this is because he finds millions of tiny, squirming filaments tipped with asp-
humanity interesting, enjoys corrupting those seeking like mouths. These are the mouths it uses to feed. Its
power beyond themselves, or has some reason beyond face is implied by a loose arrangement of features: a tri-
the ken of mere humans. What is clear is that he appears angle of three bulbous, fishy eyes; two sets of distended,
to people in a multitude of forms and is said to have bulging gills; and a drooping proboscis reminiscent of an
1,000 faces. In ancient times he was The Black Pharaoh; elephant’s trunk or a howler monkey’s nose. Its six limbs
to medieval witches he was The Black Man offering function as both arms and legs and terminate in paws
power in exchange for entering their name in The Black with black, crab-like claws.
Book. He is the showman, offering something new and Rhan-Tegoth is used to worship and devotion in
exciting to people bored with quotidian life. He is the the form of sacrifices. It lives in pursuit of its next meal
pseudo-scientist, offering new and outlandish theories but is alarmingly patient. It knows it will eat; it’s only
intended to overthrow the consensus truth of the es- a matter of when. Rhan-Tegoth doesn’t need speed or
tablishment and he is the politician, sowing dissent and desperation to hunt its prey. Its presence paralyzes its
hate. He is a Svengali, presiding over a worshipful cult or intended victims with fear and inspires devotion in
the gullible masses waiting to follow the latest fad and a others, who proceed to offer worship in the form of
movie star, attracting the adoration of millions. He is the live sacrifices. When confronted with obstacles, Rhan-
ultimate trickster — he is corruption and deception and Tegoth tackles them with single-minded determination
chaos personified. He does it all simply to undermine and self-assuredness. There’s no rush. There’s no wor-
what humanity perceives as reality. ry that it might go hungry. It doesn’t matter if its prey
It is impossible to provide a description of a typical escapes; everything is prey. Everything can and will be
manifestation of Nyarlathotep. His avatars are legion, consumed, crushed, and drained dry by Rhan-Tegoth’s
and he is more easily identified by what he does than by many mouths.
his appearance. By sowing chaos, he causes those who In the ancient Arctic, when Rhan-Tegoth first came
are aware of him to suspect anyone with similar traits to Earth, it was worshiped by towering, six-limbed
of being him. Many a would-be do-gooder has landed in primates. It sat on an ivory throne, awaiting eternal
prison believing they are thwarting the Crawling Chaos, tribute. Its worshipers gained no special status through
only to learn that what they thought was a God was a their devotion. Neither do its Scions. With a stroke of
two-bit con artist. His Scions are similarly challenging bad luck, even the most devoted follower could become
to identify as they have no common characteristic other Rhan-Tegoth’s next meal.
than a desire to cause chaos and to deceive. Strangely,
his Scions often work at cross purposes to one another, Despite this ever-present danger, Rhan-Tegoth’s
creating even greater chaos in the wake of their compet- strange brand of self-confidence appeals to its potential
ing schemes. Knowingly or not, they simply follow the Scions. Rhan-Tegoth attracts the desperate, the hun-
pattern of their progenitor, who could just as easily play gry. Its Scions may be literally or figuratively starving,
the part of the crusader against evil combating another desperate for something material or something more
avatar of himself. intangible. Whether acceptance, power, or wealth,
Rhan-Tegoth’s followers draw on its strength to acquire
Callings: Adversary, Corruptor, Sage whatever they desire.
Purviews: Chaos, Darkness, Deception, Epic Callings: Hunter, Leader, Torturer
Dexterity, Journeys, Order, Passion, Sky, War
Purviews: Beast, Death, Epic Dexterity, Epic
Stamina, Frost, Passion
Aliases: Terror of the Hominids, She of the Ivory
Throne, The Many Mouthed
Principle Members 17
and her presence disrupts things at a cellular level. She
SHUB-NIGGURATH will likely bring with her bounty and fertility and an
Aliases: The Black Goat of the Woods with a unparalleled act of creation: reviving and expanding the
Thousand Young, She of Endless Eyes field of a plagued crop, the spontaneous birth of a dozen
Shub-Niggurath is the all-mother. It is rumored, calves from a single cow, a forest where before only bar-
she is the creator and destroyer of all that is nature and ren land stood. It is also just as likely that the new field
of the Earth. From the largest mountain to the smallest will strangle the soil for acres all around, killing every-
bacteria, these are her spawn. Not only is everything of thing; that some of those calves may have two heads; and
her, she is in everything. There are those that believe she the valley you live in, under those two mountain peaks,
is the very creator of time, space and all that occupies is suddenly one mountain shy.
it. She is a cosmic being of unknown origin, calling no Little is known of her form, but these facts are true.
particular place home, but is seemingly everywhere at Before she is seen, the air becomes thick and clogged
once. She is worshiped across the stars. with the smells of earth and grass, loam and rot. She
Her devout must be counted in multitudes of multi- appears in a dense cloud as if she is surrounded by a
tudes. She transcends divinity. Unlike most of the Gods sandstorm. From this could extend tentacles from the
in her pantheon, she hears and feels the adulation of top and four goat-like, hooved legs from the bottom. Her
her worshipers and at times even rewards their fealty, most dedicated can peer into that storm to make out her
although not always in a manner they understand as one form, but no two accounts are alike. Some say she ap-
of appreciation. She may come when summoned but pears as you wish to see her, or that she merely reflects
few are prepared for what her manifestation will beget. yourself back at you. All who have gazed upon her are
While she may be in this world she is not of this world either horrified or enlightened.
Principle Members 19
these rituals or failed to find Yig’s forgiveness found Contact with Yog-Sothoth erodes the illusion of in-
themselves under the sway of the Curse of Yig: an effect dividual consciousness, imparting an expanded view of
whereby the victim slowly transforms into a snakelike sentient beings as part of a larger alien whole. The entity
creature “gifted” with long life. has been known to swap minds of sentient beings for
The most learned occult scholars know that venera- unknown purposes. The crusty, fungoid Mi-Go worship
tion of Yig predates humanity, going back to the hidden the entity as the embodiment of linked, faceted minds
people — the civilization of K’n-yan — who arrived on that work with a singular purpose.
Earth with Cthulhu and lived on the surface when the Scions under Yog-Sothoth’s influence stand in the
world was young. This hidden race now lives deep be- doorway to perilous knowledge of the universe and the
neath the surface in a subterranean world of decadence mysteries of its clockwork. Expanded perspective gives
and boredom. Scions an aura of outward calm and casts them as an-
Scions of Yig are uncommon. They are known for chors in times of crisis, stalwart in the eye of a storm.
their dispassionate, rational natures. Each Scion tends But on the inside, Scions experience a constant sense of
to take on the aspects of a specific snake species, at first unease as they stave off visions of the frothing, iridescent
manifesting attributes of that species in human form be- slipstream. They offer a quiet comfort to those around
fore eventually obtaining the ability to transform into a them, while grappling with the unsettling awareness of
snake. These Scions are not harbingers of cosmic horror the insignificance of mortal busywork. To function, they
like others in the pantheon and are similar in motivation suppress the fullness of their perspective and shield
and outlook to non-Mythos deities. those who are unprepared to cope. Flashes of insight
about past and future shine through the keyholes. This
Callings: Hunter, Leader, Warrior allows them to react with uncanny reflexes, and to intuit
Purviews: Beasts (Snakes), Earth, Epic Dexterity, correlations of cause and effect.
Fertility, Wild Callings: Judge, Liminal, Sage
Purviews: Epic Dexterity, Epic Strength, Epic
YOG-SOTHOTH Stamina, Journeys, Order, Stars
Aliases: Iagsat, The Beyond-One, Unlocking, Entity,
Supreme Archetype
Yog-Sothoth is a being of immense power that Aliases: The Amber Aristocrat, Inspired Madness,
dwells in interstitial spaces outside the reach of human The Stoic Patron
perception. When it takes form in the terrestrial realm,
a giant roiling cluster of glowing spheres materializes The origins of the King in Yellow are shrouded in
— growing, shrinking, and metastasizing, a protoplas- mystery. There is no formal church dedicated to the
mic mass that undulates with dizzying speed. It opens King and his worshipers are few and scattered. The King
abrasions in reality that spark fits of lightning, issue an in Yellow is a trickster and corruptor known for laying
unbearable stench, and peal foreboding shrieks from low the proud and destroying the minds of decadent
earth and sky. artists. The most well-known reference to the King in
Yellow is his namesake play. Readers of the play are driv-
Many Mythos sorcerers are drawn to Yog-Sothoth’s en mad by the content and see visions of death — usually
ability to bridge profound distances or scry into un- their own — and die within a matter of days. The King in
earthly worlds and dimensions. The entity is both Yellow is most often described as a figure wearing a mul-
gateway and key to alien realms. Those who call on its tihued and tattered mantle and a pallid mask. In other
power to peek through cosmic keyholes also invite the accounts, what appears to be a horrid mask is the King’s
Unlocking to manifest in The World. Direct contact with true visage. Others see the King as death, dressed all in
this being causes distortion of living flesh and hastens its black with pale flesh. He is sometimes known to visit
destruction. new victims through servants who may be the animated
With the help of sorcerers, Yog-Sothoth has been corpses of previous victims.
known to beget hybrid offspring with human hosts. Cults dedicated to the King in Yellow are often led
Sometimes the progeny is humanoid, though they ma- by a jaded artist or aesthete attempting to either find an
ture at an unusual rate and show strange characteristics, original copy of the play or trying to translate the play
such as elongated or hircine features. Other offspring to another medium. The advent of the motion picture
become formless entities invisible to human sight that led to multiple attempts to adapt the play to the screen
grow enormous as they slake a voracious appetite for and rumors fly about secret, underground viewings of
“Earth meat” — human flesh. these films that bring death and madness to those who
see them.
plans, fostering their own goals, but their intentions are
oblique compared to those of their human counterparts.
The reactions of fungiform Mi-Go might appear angry or
vengeful when explorers uncover one of their terrestrial
Mythos Birthrights 23
Erich Zanns Viol
The viol is a simple, yet high-quality, cello-like in-
strument found in a battered case. Playing it released MYTHOS ENTITIES
chaotic music out through time and space to the Court The relationship between a Mythos entity and their
of Azathoth and kept the Sultan of the Gods pacified at a Scion is unusual. Scions and traditional Gods share
cost to the musician. bonds that often have clear familial overtones, but the
link between Mythos and Scion also reflects the strange-
Idol of Bokrug ness of alien forces at work. Human Scions may project
Consecrating lands and waters to Bokrug involves parental qualities onto their sponsor, and the alien entity
placing a statue of the deity on the land and worship- may emulate human family bonds to help make the in-
ing Bokrug through this representation. Long after the teraction work. But the bond is also defined by irrevers-
people who placed the statue die off, the statue remains ible and potent changes of perspective, form, and reality
and maintains Bokrug’s influence even though these itself. In human mythology, analogous strange relation-
once-sacred lands may be under the physical control of ships crop up in stories of the twins Romulus and Remus
others. Mythos Scions may use these statues to reaffirm of Rome, raised by their wolf mother, or in the unknown
Bokrug’s dominance and take back control of its lands. beasts who raised Enkidu, sidekick of Gilgamesh. Their
family ties are between wild forces and Scions who are
human but changed by an inhuman parent.
The Al-Azif was penned by Abdul Alhazrad in Mythos entities, like warm sunlight or an angry
Arabic during the eighth century. The Al-Azif contained thunderstorm, can seem to show qualities of care or
all universal knowledge and truth. The original tome fury, but their true nature is that of elemental forces
was lost centuries ago after being translated into Greek that do not conform to human bonds. A Mythos-Scion
and became known as the Necronomicon. Dozens of relationship may seem like that of other Gods and Scions
other translations endured as the Greek was also lost. on the surface, but there will always be an uncanniness
Latin translations and fragments of an English transla- about the connection. When the illusion lifts, even for a
tion are tucked away in various libraries and collections moment, the effect can be disconcerting.
Whether Mythos Scions are Born, Created, Chosen,
Each translation of the Necronomicon lost more or Incarnate, the Mythos entity involved comes from
and more Awareness. The most common intact versions outside conventional myth. Communication between
are in Latin and can be found at various universities, Scion and entity is peppered with occasional awk-
including Miskatonic University’s Orne Library. The ward moments. Some entities have learned how to
quality and content of these vary, and it may be possible interact more gracefully with the human world, such as
to gain access to additional information by comparing Nyarlathotep and Lilith. Their relationships may more
different copies. The most common are the fragments of closely mimic parental roles for their Scions. Roiling
the John Dee English translation. This book was never cosmic entities like Azathoth or Yog-Sothoth navigate
bound or published and scattered when Dee’s personal human contact clumsily, barely able to conceal their
library was plundered. Fragments usually contain a sin- alienness and sometimes presenting a farce of human
gle Boon. relationships. They exist at much higher levels of energy,
and the subtle nuances of human interaction are beyond
Visitations from entities can leave a Scion con-
fused and shaken instead of comforted and supported.
M ythos Scions, like traditional Scions, are distinguished
by their relationships to others. The bond between
Mythos entity and Scion is crucial, but unconventional.
Filtered through a Scion’s understanding of human
relationships, Mythos Visitations may feel volatile or
Relationships among Mythos forces are strange and nonsensical, marked by dizzying shifts in the conversa-
incomprehensible, but they still provide plenty of building tion and charged with conflicting tones and emotions.
blocks for drama and mythic narrative. Indifference is But despite the off-kilter interactions, humans have a
a key theme of Mythos realms, but that does not mean talent for finding moments of kindness in chaos. Mythos
Scions, entities, or adversaries lack any of the bonds, Scions are those who are best suited among humanity to
animus, or alliances that contribute to vital stories. Evoking rationalize strangeness and integrate cosmic knowledge
idiosyncrasies of these relationships is a key ingredient in into their beliefs without falling apart. The essential
the flavor of a Masks of the Mythos game. bond between Mythos entity and Scion is durable, and
a Scion can learn to adapt to the challenges of a fickle
God. The strangeness strengthens the bonds, like that
Relationships 25
World and its elemental nature, Old Ones stem from scales of time and dimension that the nattering and
cosmic forces outside any earthly understanding. Titans mundanity of humankind fails to register against the
often represent a fierce natural order, possibly violent, colossal timpani of their senses.
but not malevolent. Mere contact with Old Ones begins But cosmic indifference doesn’t mean the entities
to unravel such earthly notions of balance, elemental have no occasion to manipulate or draw power from hu-
structure, and permanence in The World. Humans often man devotees. Eldritch forces pursue plenty of goals and
regard Old Ones as Gods because they have no other plots of their own, but they remain inscrutable to human
framework in which to place them. Any divinity humans intelligence. In the case of cults focused on Mythos
perceive is just an illusion to preserve the boundaries of Scions, humans find a welcome translator for the strange
fragile and finite minds. forces at work. That puts Scions in the absurd position of
Mythos entities share many qualities that are as- having to make it up as they go along, as interpreters of a
cribed to Titans. They have ancient, primordial origins fully idiosyncratic language or liaisons between devoted
that predate human myths. They appear to be in con- human throngs and aloof masters. That also puts Scions’
flict with the precepts of religion and undermine the feet on precarious ethical terrain. Due to the nature of
notion of pantheons entangled in the machinations of the Mythos, there is a great danger of sowing confusion
humanity. The term “monster” describes them more and misdirection among followers or tipping good in-
accurately than Gods. But the difference is that Mythos tentions over into destructive ones.
entities are not a counterweight to balance the mythic Cults are savvy, technological, sometimes-global
reality of Gods. They are not sides of the same coin; they industries that take advantage of everything modern
are an entirely different currency made of alien metals. society has to offer. Cultists have day jobs. Sometimes
Unlike Titans, Mythos entities are not trapped or sup- being in the cult is their day job. Corporations, large and
pressed by Gods, and are not dependent on them. The small, are some of the best, most efficient ways to run a
very existence of Mythos beings threatens the tenets of covert organization. Generally, people just do their jobs
traditional pantheons. and don’t ask why. You don’t have to know you are in the
Mythos entities may find opportunities to exploit cult to actually be in the cult.
Titans and titanspawn to further their particular goals. In our alienated, fragmented world, recruiting
Mythos creatures often find temporary value in human couldn’t be easier. Flash mobs, Facebook groups, online
worship and adoration, usually for some secondary stra- video game guilds, factions or clans waging perpetual
tegic purpose. They may see the fear and power Titans war — Azathoth doesn’t care whether the violence is re-
have over humanity as a tool for manipulating earthly al-life or virtual. Reality shows feature groups of people
realms, in the way a gardener uses pesticides and fer- sharing secrets, reinventing social norms, breaking them
tilizer to shape a landscape. Mythos entities that revel down, and then weeding them out. Which contestant
in chaos, like Nyarlathotep, could also exploit the rela- will our lucky star choose to marry? Can this arranged
tionship between Gods and Titans to sow confusion and marriage last? Who will manage to stay on the island?
disorder. Titanomachy is a tempting plaything for those
who might benefit from disrupted equilibrium. Mythos cults fall into the same categories as all hu-
man cults, though Covens, Family Traditions, Mystery
Societies, Reliquarians, Social Clubs, and Temples are
CULTS particularly well suited for groups devoted to Mythos
Tales of shadowy figures dressed in robes with Scions. Many of the Mythos cults are focused on col-
secret hideouts and altars hidden deep in ,the woods, lecting and uncovering knowledge of the Mythos, and
chanting and sacrificing by torch light — these notions the nature of that knowledge will tighten its grip on the
are millennia old. Then there are the helpful, protective minds of the curious. There are several other subtypes
cults: once-again hooded figures, traveling the world, that gather around Mythos forces.
sabotaging attempts to unearth the ancient and sacred.
They are individuals on quests to protect a person, place, BOOKHOUNDS
or thing that will ensure a prophecy and save their peo- Because so much of the ancient knowledge of the
ple. This may be what springs to mind when you hear Mythos is contained in moldy tomes, collecting such
the word, but the truth is those stereotypes are your work becomes the obsession of some groups. They tend
grandfather’s cult. to be connected with vast, global networks of collectors,
Many groups that worship Mythos entities are linguists, and experts who also seek the same knowl-
mired in self-delusion. Rituals, worship, and acts of faith edge. A particular group may be focused on hunting one
devoted to Mythos creatures are rarely reciprocated particular edition of a book, or a set from a particular
with favors or attention. This stems from the otherness author. They share qualities of other Historian cults.
of Mythos beings, which are operating at such different
Relationships 27
“People have the right to call themselves whatever they like. That
doesn’t bother me. It’s other people doing the calling that bothers me.”
— Octavia E. Butler
Masks of the Mythos characters come from all walks of life, with some embracing their abilities and others
fearing the horror they see coming. The Mythos entities lurk in shadows, just out of sight, but their touch is eternal
and with lasting implications. Some consider themselves chosen and others cursed; most never receive a Visitation
or any guidance before their nature begins changing the world around them.
Some are raised to become heroes, other villains, but all walk their own path — or the illusion of one until their
Old One parent requires a service.
Masks of the Mythos is tailored
toward Origin or Hero Scions. For
Origin Scions ascending to Hero,
follow the guidance on Scion:
Hero, p. 171.
If you are looking to dive directly into a horror-soaked investigative journey into the Mythos, no need to wait.
The book contains five Ready-Made Scions of different Great Old Ones and backgrounds to enable speedy play.
Ready-Made Characters 29
Quote: “…”
Leena was born and raised in Athens, Greece. Her parents moved to
Tampa, Florida when she was 17 and she choose not to move with them,
staying instead with her aunt Phoebe, who ran a boat-tour company with
her husband. Leena wasn’t particularly interested in marine life or boat-
ing, but Phoebe pushed to be able to join her on boat tours.
Leena was more interested in the tourists who made their way to the
city and, of course, their money. What started as simple flirtations
used to get someone to buy her a drink or an expensive gift turned
into elaborate cons. She eventually met her match in Daraja
Mohammad, an international art thief from Lagos. Daraja seduced
Leena with her extravagant lifestyle and easygoing attitude. Leena
lost sight of her own con as she became more entangled in Daraja’s
illicit trade. Leena started using her aunt’s boating business to
smuggle stolen art and artifacts between buyers and sellers. Daraja
took Leena on whirlwind trips across the world, which often ended
in Leena using her well-honed con-artist skills to steal important
Daraja had other motives, as she was deeply interested in the arcane
and otherworldly. Her personal art collection included a surprising num-
ber of religious relics, such images of the Gods from various pantheons,
and at least one magical Relic. Leena was unduly interested in Daraja’s
personal collection, and the woman gifted her lover with a tiny marble
bust of what appeared to be a Grecian boy with a crown of laurels. Leena
treasured the gift and vigorously investigated its origins. She was sur-
prised to find little to no information on the piece, including who the
bust was supposed to represent. What her investigations did reveal
was that this was not a lone piece, and at least a dozen others had
shown up in the hands of collectors and fishers alike around the area.
Leena doesn’t know what compelled her to take her aunt’s
boat out into the Mediterranean all alone that evening, or why she
brought extra oxygen for her scuba gear. Maybe it was the dream
of a lost city, or the pull of something deeper. She had been on the
boat for a full three days before the dolphins came for her. Another
six before the boat stopped moving of its own accord and she knew
she must now dive. By the time she reached Albtraum’s underwater
city, she should have run out of oxygen three times over and been
crushed by the pressure in the depths. Instead, she swam into the
glowing temple and came face to face with the horrid God. He clear-
ly saw something in her that pleased him, because he immediately
gave her a task back on land.
Description: Leena is a short, white woman with sun-kissed
skin, luscious brown hair, brown eyes, and a Rubenesque figure. She
often wears clinging dresses and pearl-studded jewelry, especially
when on a job. She knows how to talk a person up and learn what
they desire with only a few quick questions, then manipulate
that person into doing whatever she wants.
Character Creation 41
“Let me say this as clearly as I can. You cannot beat me. I am a part of
them. The Wolf, Ram, and Hart. Their strength flows through my veins.
My blood is filled with their ancient power.”
— “Not Fade Away,” Angel
For most pantheons, stories about various Gods and
their deeds make up the Legends surrounding them.
Traits 43
the character can take on a Mythos Deed in addition to GUARDIAN/CORRUPTOR
a Long-term or Short-term Deed but does not have to
The Guardian protects her charges and those around
complete all four Deeds to raise Awareness. Just like
her keeping them from harm, while the Corruptor instills
raising Legend, put a mark beside the Deeds as they are
herself into her charges, whispering poison in their ears
completed. Once a set is used to raise either Awareness
until they fall prey to her whims. The Corruptor takes
or Legend, erase the marks and start over. In this way, a
something or someone and infuses it with her own vile
player must choose if she wishes to increase her Legend
wants and desires until there is nothing left of the original.
or Awareness with a completed set of Deeds once the
Band Deed is completed. Example Keywords: Adulterator, debaser, exploit-
er, manipulator, nefarious, poison, savage, snide
A character may gain additional dots in Awareness
from special Mythos Relics. These raise her Awareness pool HEALER/DEFILER
as though she had raised her Awareness through Deeds, but
The Healer cures the sick; the Defiler keeps the sick
if she loses the Relic, either because it is lost, stolen, or de-
alive so that its pestilence can spread to more victims.
stroyed, she loses those dots in Awareness. If this happens,
It may heal a wound or repair the broken, but the end
she also immediately gains a Mythos Fatebinding.
result is always worse than the initial problem.
REGAINING AWARENESS Example Keywords: Deranged, decaying, decrepit,
A Scion may only regain Awareness by accepting a diseased, foul, ill, pestilent
special Mythos Fatebinding (p. XX). The energies gen-
erated by acting in accordance with the Mythos’ desires HUNTER
replenishes a single point of Awareness. The Hunter seeks out the weak, sick, and slow to
devour, ensuring only the strong remain. The hunt is no
longer about seeking out the impossible or gaining glory,
CALLINGS but breaking down the prey with fear and terror until it
The Mythos pantheon’s Great Old Ones are as eventually just gives up. The Hunter plays with its prey,
bound to their archetypes as any other pantheon’s Gods. catching it and releasing it repeatedly, using psychologi-
Cthulhu is a Destroyer and Cultist, and sometimes cal warfare to break it.
Trickster, but never a Guardian. These are immutable
Example Keywords: Driven, predator, pursuer,
truths as old and ancient as the Mythos themselves. The
ruthless, stalker
Mythos do not always follow the same Callings as other
Gods, though; their own Callings are strange and eso- JUDGE
teric reflections of the others. The Creator doesn’t just
The Mythos is run by strange, esoteric laws that
make new life and spread fertility; it overpopulates, it
govern its existence. Those who break those laws rare-
builds new structures for the sake of tearing them down
ly even know that they were in place. The Judge finds
again, and it becomes the Destroyer despite its Creator
transgressors and punishes them. It sometimes even
roots. The Healer no longer fixes and purifies but stiches
makes new laws, with the sole purpose of testing those
and putrefies wounds, cauterizing them for safety’s sake
who might encounter it. It makes and changes the rules
but planting pestilence as it goes.
at whim and catches any who are in violation.
Each of the Callings has an inverted version that
Example Keywords: Capricious, castigator, cruel,
gives it new keywords, which a Scion may incorporate
damned, disciplinarian, shrewd
into her Title.
The Leader inspires others to frenzy, fury, and action
Unlike the Creator, who was there at the beginning
beyond thought. He demands worship, dedication, and
using primordial forces to create life, the Destroyer will
above all obedience. To fail the Leader is to risk certain
be there at the end, using those same forces to wipe
death, he brokers no mistakes, and suffers not the fool.
the slate clean. When he rises, he will bring death and
destruction upon the land. The myths do not wonder Example Keywords: Despot, heavy-handed, op-
where the Destroyer came from, or why the world ends pressor, overlord, tyrant, usurper
upon its awakening. They only spread the portent of
destruction that comes in its wake. LIMINAL
The Liminal opens gateways into terrifying realms.
Example Keywords: Executioner, doom, murderer,
It steps between planes of existence, moving through
unbound, vandal, wrathful
the Mythos realms and dragging reality behind it as it
Traits 45
MYTHOS Avoidance: If the player chooses to ignore the com-
pulsion for a Mythos Condition, she suffers the avoidance
FATEBINDING result instead and the Mythos Condition does not resolve.
When the Mythos calls, those who are aware of The Mythos has instilled a dreaded knowledge into
its machinations have a hard time turning away. The you that you can barely contain, and for what ends, you
Mythos has a way of wrapping people up in it and push- do not know.
ing them to strange Fates they would have never chosen Invoke: The Scion gains a single use of a Heroic
for themselves. Sage Knack.
When someone finds themselves bound to the Fate Compel: That much knowledge is dangerous and
of the Mythos, they gain a Mythos Fatebinding. Much creates a mental break at the worst time. The character
like other types of Fatebinding, this is expressed with a automatically fails her next roll with a Consolation.
series of Conditions, but instead of a person performing
a role for a Scion, the Scion has a task she is fated to com- Avoidance: A character who holds on to the knowl-
plete for the Mythos, such as summoning a Great Old edge of the Mythos for too long suffers under the burden.
One, instilling chaos, or some alien service beyond her The character suffers +2 Complication to all actions for
comprehension. She is bound to this concept and driven each time she has avoided the Condition’s compulsion
forward until she completes it. This is not the same as a (cumulative) with a consequence of taking an Injury
Mythos Deed, as it isn’t something she chooses to do, but Condition if she doesn’t buy it off.
is instead part of her Fate until she completes it.
The Mythos plans to use you as a conduit to bridge
MYTHOS FATEBINDING their realms to the World.
BASICS Invoke: You are bound between this World and the
Awareness Limit: A player character may not have others. Invoke this Condition to gain insight into a plot point
more Mythos Fatebinding Conditions than she has dots or story element that directly relates to the scene you are in,
in Awareness. as though you used the Interpretation Stunt on a clue.
Acquiring Mythos Fatebindings: Once per session, Compel: The Mythos uses you to open a rift between
a character may can gain a new Mythos Fatebinding to realms. The character gains a Momentum and the area is
regain 1 point of Awareness. Additionally, they may gain flooded with Mythos creatures as they tear through the
a new Mythos Fatebinding if they use a Mythos Relic portal she created. These creatures immediately attack
multiple times, lose a Mythos Relic, or perform Marvels the character and her allies.
using Awareness instead of Legend. The player and the Avoidance: A character who prevents a rift from opening
Storyguide should work together to determine the ap- or ignores the Mythos suffers a disconnect from reality. She
propriate Fatebinding Condition. suffers an Injury Condition due to the stress and cannot travel
to another realm by any means for the rest of the session.
As it is the Mythos binding the person, any charac-
You are bound to serve the Mythos even if you don’t
ter (Scion or mortal) may find themselves bound to the
know what that means.
Mythos through Fate. The character takes on a Mythos
Condition when Fatebound to the Mythos. Mythos Invoke: The Mythos treats its servants well. Invoke
Conditions look similar to role Conditions (Scion: Hero this Condition after failing at a simple action to make it
pp. 197-201) with the following differences. Remember succeed as though you had 0 threshold successes. This
that invocations and compulsions can only happen once buys off Complications associated with the action as well.
per session. Compel: The Mythos demands your service in some
Compel: Once per session, the Storyguide may bizarre or esoteric way. The character’s next action is a
compel one of the character’s Mythos Conditions to mixed action: whatever she was originally trying to do,
introduce a setback or story complication related to the plus attempting to accomplish the task the Mythos has
Fatebinding. The character gains a point of Momentum set before her.
for his trouble. Avoidance: A character who ignores the Mythos’
Resolve: The Mythos Condition resolves immedi- requests finds herself out of its favor rather quickly and
ately after the player accepts a compulsion. it lashes out against her loved ones. Imperil one of her
KNACKS Rust and Decay: With a touch, you can corrode and
As the Callings the Mythos pantheon have access to destroy any item. Make a Creator Skill roll and apply
are the same as other Gods, though somewhat different, it successes to making the item decay. The item is broken
serves that the Knacks Scions have access to through their or destroyed if the successes equal its Size. If the item
Callings are the same. Scions can choose any Knacks associ- has a defensive Scale or armor that increases its Scale
ated with their Callings (Scion: Origin pp. 223-236), or any against Force, then you must match that additional Scale
of these additional Knacks which come from the inverted in successes. Size 0 items are destroyed instantly with-
version of the Calling. As always, a character can only have out a roll.
a number of active Knacks equal to her Calling dots.
Raze the City: Make a Creator Skill roll. With any
CALLING INVERTED KNACK successes, you can destroy a small building, structure,
Heroic Creator Rust and Decay or monument in a matter of minutes, as they crumble to
Immortal Creator Raze the City rubble and dust. To raze a building in an instant, spend
a Momentum.
Heroic Guardian Honied Words
Immortal Guardian Puppet Show HEROIC GUARDIAN
Heroic Healer Spread Disease Honied Words: Choose a person to be your charge.
Spend a Momentum and give them a direction or sug-
Immortal Healer Plague Bearer gestion. When they act on that direction, they gain +2
Heroic Hunter Scent of Blood Enhancement to do so as long as you are watching. If you
Immortal Hunter Baying of the Hounds have a Bond with the person, you can forgo the cost.
Heroic Judge Curse of Fragility IMMORTAL GUARDIAN
Immortal Judge Pronounce Guilt Puppet Show: You take command of your charge’s
Heroic Leader Harsh Words body and mind, directing her actions and guiding her
Immortal Leader Raise an Army
Heroic Liminal The Gate and Key
Immortal Liminal Among the Stars
Heroic Lover Sense Weakness
Immortal Lover Name Nemesis While horrific things can happen
in Masks of the Mythos,
Mythos, we’re
Heroic Sage Psychic Attack not here to make players experience
Immortal Sage Infinite Knowledge things they don’t want to portray.
Heroic Trickster Redirect
Using control Knacks such as Puppet
Show always require the consent of
Immortal Trickster Exposed the player targeted by them, and if
Heroic Warrior Twist the Knife anyone at the table is uncomfortable
with the action being dictated, the
Immortal Warrior Pain for Pleasure Storyguide should back up and find
an alternative.
Powers 47
thoughts. Roll your Guardian Knack Skill. Success al- If another guilty party is brought forward, it provokes a
lows you to direct your charge to take a single action. You Clash of Wills.
dictate how she takes the action, and even if she speaks
or talks while taking the action. You must be able to see HEROIC LEADER
your charge to use this Knack, though you do not have Harsh Words: Your orders are more than just an
to verbalize or speak the command out loud. This Knack impulse; they are a compunction with a threat of pun-
does not work unless you have a Bond to the target, and ishment if not followed. Give an order to a target and
they are a lower Tier than you. spend a Momentum. They suffer a Complication equal
to your Leader Calling rating to do anything other than
HEROIC HEALER what you ordered.
Spread Disease: When dealing with a patient who
has a disease, you can increase the Complication from IMMORTAL LEADER
the disease by a number of points equal to your Knack Raise an Army: Your command sways people to
Skill, or you may designate a number of nearby targets follow you, even those who barely know you. Spend
equal to your Knack Skill who also contract the disease a Momentum to raise an army of trivial targets which
at the original Complication rating. come to your call and fight by your side. No matter where
you are, people will come to fight for you, and if you are
IMMORTAL HEALER in a place without people, creatures of the Mythos come
Plague Bearer: Spend a Momentum to inflict a in their stead.
mythic plague upon an area, affecting everyone within
it. The disease’s Complication is equal to your Healer HEROIC LIMINAL
Knack Skill. You can spend an additional Momentum The Gate and Key: You may spend a Momentum
to exclude specific people from the plague’s effect. The to open a portal from one location to another as long as
disease is not supernatural in nature and can be cured it is through a literal portal (a door, window, manhole,
through normal means. etc.) to anywhere else of your choosing, including Terra
Incognitae. You must have visited the location you are
HEROIC HUNTER moving to for the portal to work.
Scent of Blood: You can smell the blood in the
water, and it drives you towards your goal. Gain +1 IMMORTAL LIMINAL
Enhancement on attacks made against targets that have Among the Stars: Roll your Knack Skill and spend
one or more Injury Conditions. a Momentum. For a number of turns equal to successes,
take on the form of star stuff, adopting the bleak void of
IMMORTAL HUNTER space and the pinpricks of light from distant stars. In
Baying of the Hounds: Spend a Momentum to doing so, you become intangible, but extremely dense.
set the hounds loose on your prey. These are not literal Matter bends around you, allowing you to pass through
hounds, but creatures of the Mythos that harry your en- the smallest of crack or shore up the largest of spaces.
emy, corralling them for you to collect later. Your target Weapon attacks bend away from you, metal wraps
suffers a Complication equal to your Knack Skill on all around the density of your shape, and attackers find
actions, taking an Injury Condition as a consequence for their fists slowed to nothing as they enter your radius.
not buying it off as the hounds chase them. The hounds When the effect ends, your body reverts to normal, but
do not stop bothering the person until they fall uncon- the matter you twisted remains as you moved it.
scious, or you catch up to your prey.
HEROIC JUDGE Sense Weakness: After you have made an attack,
Curse of Fragility: Pick a target in a combat situ- or someone has attacked you, you may analyze them for
ation and spend a Momentum. For the rest of the fight, a weakness. Gain a +1 Enhancement on attacks against
all enemies attacking your target are considered to have them and a +1 to Defense until the fight is over. Only one
the Brutal Tag. enemy can be analyzed this way per scene.
Purviews 49
The Mythos flows through you and into your audi- their action as you continue to distract them. This isn’t
ence. When you deliver an oration (song, speech, always born of desire, it can be jealousy or disgust,
poem, play, etc.), any who hear you are filled with depending on their Attitude when the Boon is used.
fear and despair. Shift the attitude of all affected
characters who witness the performance to fearful.
Additionally, characters have a +3 Complication to CHAOS
do anything other than run in fear. This Purview belongs to Great Old Ones who em-
body disorder, disruption, and unknowable motives.
BEASTS Innate Power: Chaos follows you wherever you
Beasts are associated with Great Old Ones that have go, rippling away from you and upending normally
animals as minions, children, or hordes. It also applies to ordered things. Electronics tend to malfunction when
those who have animalistic traits. you’re near, cars backfire, engines fail, and people trip
on sidewalks — all creating a +1 Complication for anyone
Innate Power: Animals recognize you as one of attempting to act while in close range of you. You are, of
their own. Your character can form Bonds with animals course, immune to your own chaos.
in the same way she can people.
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
Duration: One scene
Duration: One scene
Subject: All characters
Subject: Self
Clash: Awareness + Cunning vs. Resolve + Legend
Action: Simple
Range: Short
A horde of creatures answers your call. When this
Boon is activated, creatures associated with your Action: Reflexive
Purview surround you. Snakes slither through the You create a field of chaos that you can tap into
grass, spiders carpet the floor, and lizards cover the if people around you aren’t extremely careful.
walls. They count as a +2 Complication to move or Everyone within range suffers a +3 Complication
attack for everyone except you. The consequences to physical actions. As a consequence of failing to
of failure can be an Injury Condition, being buy off the Complication, you can do one of the
knocked down, or becoming poisoned, depending following (chosen when the Boon is activated): toss
on the creatures. someone one range band, disrupt all electronics
they are carrying, or knock them prone.
This Purview is associated with Great Old Ones who DARKNESS
embody terrible beauty and those who lay bare anyone The Darkness Purview belongs to Great Old Ones
who uses superficial beauty as a shield. who hide within shadows and dreams. Also, those who
Innate Power: You gain a buffer against anyone at- embody misdirection, confounding thoughts, and un-
tempting to use their looks to sway you. Your Scale is con- seen terror find use of this Purview.
sidered 1 higher for the purposes of resisting such attempts. Innate Power: You are always a lucid dreamer, able
to control the topic and direction of your own dreams.
DISTRACTING BEAUTY You can watch another person’s dreams while they sleep
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness and insert yourself into them if you come into physi-
cal contact with them (either in the dream or the real
Duration: One scene
world). Doing so puts that person into a lucid dreamer
Subject: One character state as well, allowing them control over their own
Clash: Awareness + Presence vs. Composure + dream. While in the Dreamlands, you are considered to
Legend have +1 Leadership Scale.
Range: Medium
Action: Reflexive
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
Your beauty entrances a person, preoccupying
them to the point of distraction. Your target becomes Duration: Indefinite
obsessed with you and cannot concentrate on other Subject: Self
tasks, suffering a +3 Complication to Mental or Action: Simple
Social actions. The consequence of failure is they lose
Purviews 51
You steal someone else’s grace, leaving them You make an attack so powerful that it radiates out
clumsy and bumbling. This Boon inflicts a Condition from you with enduring force. You make an attack
on your victim that imposes a +2 Complication to at close range on a single target as normal. That
all actions that require Dexterity, such as balancing, attack creates a Shockwave (Scion: Origin, p.
aiming, running, or even just not falling over. While 66) that radiates out from your target.
they suffer from this Condition, you gain a +1
Enhancement on the same kinds of actions. This
Condition ends when you reclaim your Awareness, FERTILITY
or the victim spends a basic action which cannot be Old Ones who have the Fertility Purview have agency
part of a mixed action to reset themselves. over sex, carnal acts, virility, and family bonds. Great Old
Ones often lead to either unchecked reproduction or infer-
tility as the two extremes, with crops overgrown or filled
with blight and not much in between.
Epic Stamina is the Purview of the enduring Old
Ones who have weathered and resisted all The World’s Innate Power: Once per session you can radiate a wave of
changes from extinction events to plagues and more. sterility, killing plants, stopping growth, and ending the lives
These Gods are immutable, vital, resilient, and robust. of fast-growing organisms. Within your Field, plants die, and
anyone there with you is immediately cured of all diseases,
Innate Power: Whenever you are suffering Injury and for the rest of the scene they stop suffering Complications
Conditions, reduce the Complication imposed by the
from any physical Conditions they suffered. They do not suffer
Condition by 1. the Conditions, but it does not resolve them.
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
Duration: Condition Duration: Indefinite
Subject: One or more characters Subject: Self
Clash: Awareness + Stamina vs. Resolve + Legend Action: Simple
Range: Short Plants grow around you at a rapid pace. Your Field
Action: Simple is filled with the growth which slithers and grows
The Mythos wraps around your enemy, weakening around everything in sight. The effect is centered on
them and making them susceptible to viler actions. You you, and moves as you do, leaving behind wilted
can target a single character, or all trivial characters in and decayed plants as you move out of range. You
range with this Boon. Inflict a Condition that increases the control the growth completely and can do any of the
Difficulty to resist disease and poison by 2, prevents the following with it as a reflexive action:
character from using any healing or regeneration abili-
ties, and doubles Complications imposed from physical • Allow safe passage to an ally attempting to
Conditions and Injury Conditions. The Condition ends pass through it, including having the plants
when you reclaim your Awareness or when the character clear the path of objects that might have
suffers from two Injuries while affected by this Condition. been blocking the way.
• Create difficult terrain for an enemy. They suffer
EPIC STRENGTH a +3 Complication to move through the area,
which has a consequence of loss of movement.
Great Old Ones with Epic Strength exhibit power and
force unlike any other. Their might and wrath are terrible • Create a wall or barrier that creates a new
to behold, causing pain and destruction in their wake. separation for your Field.
Innate Power: When you use Might to impress or • Form a crude armor from your plants for you or an
intimidate others, your allies gain a +1 Enhancement to ally, which confers a single point of Soft Armor.
their next action and enemies suffer a +1 Complication the
next time they attempt to act against you or your allies.
From the depths of the molten earth reign Old Ones
WRATH AND FURY of Fire. They control flames and the heat and passions
Cost: Spend 1 Awareness that move the whims of mortals.
Duration: Instant Innate Power: You can control your anger and
fury, keeping it always tamped down. You are immune
Subject: Self to Influence that would turn your Attitude to angry and
Action: Reflexive
The Fortune Purview deals in happenstance and inci- Great Old Ones rarely embody good health, though
dence. Great Old Ones imbue bad luck or odd coincidences, they have dominion over it and illness alike. This Purview
and bend what would be incidence into their own good luck. is usually the dominion of Gods for whom pestilence and
Innate Power: You are the master of your own fate. plague follow like lapdogs.
Attempts to change your luck, fate, or otherwise alter Innate Power: You are always in good health. You
your trajectory suffer a +2 Difficulty. You can, of course, are immune to the effects of mundane diseases, though
meddle with your own fortune as much as you like. divine or magical diseases affect you normally. If you’ve
come into contact with a disease, you can alleviate that
TWIST FATE disease in others with a touch.
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
Duration: Condition
Subject: One character
Purviews 53
TRANSFERENCE You turn a single field into a labyrinth of which there
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness is no escape. All directions lead back to the center,
all turns lead back in, and all attempts to escape
Duration: Condition (see below) just leave people confounded and confused.
Subject: One character People can enter the field without problems; they
just can’t leave until the Boon’s effect ends. If the
Clash: Awareness + Intelligence vs. Stamina + Legend victim has an ability that allows them to never get
Range: Close lost, it provokes a Clash of Wills.
Action: Reflexive
You touch your target and mingle your life force with MOON
theirs, for good or ill. When you touch your target,
The Moon Purview gives dominion over the night
can choose to do one of the following. To impart
these effects during combat, you must touch your sky, the warped reflections of truth, the ever-changing
enemy with an unarmed combat attack and choose nature of the moon, and the wan light that does not shed
this Boon instead of normal Stunts. Any Conditions light so much as create more questions.
imparted by this Boon resolve when you reclaim Innate Power: You are mutable and ever-changing.
your Awareness, or the Condition resolves normally. Once per session, you may reshape your body as you see
fit. Doing so is a simple action that cannot be combined
• Transfer an Injury Condition between you into a mixed action. You can twist flesh into a new shape,
and the target. For example, if you have rearrange bones, or even remove parts and save them for
a broken leg, you resolve the Condition later. You may make yourself look completely different,
immediately and the target now has the changing your bone structure and physical features, or
Condition, or vice versa. turn yourself into a nightmare amalgam. You gain a +3
• Transfer a Poisoned or Diseased Condition Enhancement to actions that would be enhanced by
between you and your target. You may your changed nature (such as seduction, intimidation,
transfer both mundane and magical diseas- or deception).
es and poisons this way.
• Transfer a single dot of Legend or EERIE LIGHT
Awareness between yourself and the target. Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
You may only impart or steal a dot from Duration: Condition
someone who also has access to the Trait.
You cannot give Awareness to someone who Subject: All characters
has not accepted the blessing of the Mythos Clash: Awareness + Manipulation vs. Resolve +
Pantheon or give Legend to a normal mortal. Legend
JOURNEYS Range: Short
The Great Old Ones of Journeys hold sway over Action: Simple
twisting paths, overgrown tracks, and secret passages. You create a wave of moonlight that fills all spaces
They govern both the paths themselves and the mode of within range. Anyone caught in the light begins to
transportation to get you there. hallucinate. These hallucinations are based on their
own knowledge and experiences but are twisted
Innate Power: You always know a back passage, a and strange. It becomes impossible to discern truth
secret route, or a hidden portal to get where you’re go- from lies, or hallucination from reality. This serves
ing. If a secret door or hidden passage exists, you find it as a Condition in which the characters have +2
immediately without having to roll, unless it’s obscured Complication to discern fact from fiction, truth from
by magic. If you need a secret route through or out of a lies, or find clues during a Procedural. The Condition
place, you find one, even if one did not exist before. ends when you reclaim your Awareness or when the
afflicted person suffers an Injury Condition.
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
Duration: One scene The Order Purview doesn’t just concern civiliza-
Subject: One field tions and societies, but also the natural laws of physics
Range: Medium in which materials and elements order themselves.
Action: Simple Innate Power: You embody entropy, sapping use-
ful energy from spaces and creating randomness and
Purviews 55
PROSPERITY even if you can’t see out the windows) in which to
Prosperity is the Purview of wealth both individual
create a fog bank. The fog is so thick that it reduces
visibility, creating a +3 Complication to attempt
and on a civilization basis. But it also deals in overabun- actions with a range beyond close. Sound is
dance, excess, greed, and gluttony. muffled and muted in the fog bank, imposing a +3
Innate Power: You always have some currency of Complication to track or follow someone via sound
the correct kind, even when you reasonably shouldn’t. through the fog.
You don’t have stocks, bonds, or a large bank account,
but you always have enough cash to buy someone dinner
or grease some palms. Even completely naked in the
desert, you’d be able to present cash to your ride for gas. Great Old Ones with dominion over Stars bend both
time and space around themselves. They are as vast as
EAT THE RICH the space they occupy and tied to the movements of The
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness World as large, arcane, unknowable forces.
Duration: Condition Innate Power: Once per scene, you can divine the
unknowable from the stars. You can ask your Storyguide
Subject: One character a single question about the possible outcomes of an ac-
Clash: Awareness + Presence vs. Composure + tion you or one of your Bandmates is about to take, and
Legend the Storyguide must answer you truthfully.
Range: Medium
Action: Simple
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness
You fill someone with an insatiable desire — be
it for food, wealth, or worldly objects. This Boon Duration: Indefinite
confers a Condition on the target that makes the Subject: Self
character seek out whatever she desires. People
take notice of her desire, and find it disgusting, Action: Reflexive
imposing a +2 Complication to all social actions. For as long as you have Awareness imbued, you
The character is obsessed with her desire, suffering can slow down or speed up time for yourself. If you
a +2 Complication to take actions that don’t further slow time for yourself, everything happens around
her goal for more. This Condition ends when you re- you at an advanced pace. You may blow through
claim your Awareness or when the character suffers a boring waiting period or pass forward in time to
a major setback due to her obsession. an anticipated event. If you speed time for yourself,
then everything around you appears to happen at
a glacial pace. You can walk past an attack, sleep
SKY a full eight hours in just a few minutes, or pluck a
The Old Ones who have Sky as their Purview control slow-moving bullet from the air. While you do not
all aspects of the sky from the winds, rain, hail, and light- leave the plane of reality on which you are, you
ning to the unfathomable depths of its vast expanses.
seem to disappear to onlookers while out of time.
Actions that would benefit from slowed or sped-
Innate Power: You can control the natural weather up time gain a +2 Enhancement, at Storyguide
patterns in your area. You can lessen or heighten a storm, discretion.
push a cold front far north to miss the city you’re in, or
drag a nearby storm into the area, rapidly turning blue
skies stormy gray. SUN
The Sun Purview has dominion over life, rebirth,
FOG BANK hope, and the dawning light that reveals all within
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness darkness. It also has dominion over draught, radiation,
the loss of hope, and the death of dreams in the harsh
Duration: Indefinite
noonday sun.
Subject: One field
Innate Power: Your presence is polarizing, causing
Action: Simple people gain or lose hope at your whim. You are a walking
Warm winds blow dense fog into your area, atmosphere (Scion: Origin p. 78), which you can make
decreasing visibility and dampening sound. Choose either positive or negative as you like, with a rating equal
a field that your character can see or knows is there to half your Legend that affects anyone in the same Field
(such as inside the room, or outside the building as you.
Purviews 57
FERAL TRACES animal you have possessed, sensing though it and
Cost: Imbue 1 Awareness commanding it as though it were your own body.
You can possess a single large animal, such as
Duration: Indefinite a dog, wolf, bear, or elephant or multiple small
Subject: Multiple animals animals such as crows, mice, or cats. If you are in
multiple animals, you can perform tasks with all of
Action: Reflexive them using a mixed action. The animals can only
You can take control of a wild animal by imparting perform tasks that make sense for their anatomy
your consciousness into its. While using this Boon, and physical limitations, but you can do things you
you are inert and cannot sense your own body. couldn’t normally, such as communicate with other
Instead, you have complete control over the animals of its kind.
THE ALERT (•••••) Knack: The Alert never runs out of fuel in an emer-
gency; during moments of crisis, she runs regardless of
Purview: Journeys
how much coal remains on hand, like a human being
Motif: The person at the end of the voyage is not the running on adrenaline. She possesses at least some form
person from the beginning of the voyage. of sapience, and will attempt to steer away from imme-
The epistolary evidence which surrounds the ship diate danger, though she can be coaxed to head toward
Alert suggests a strange and winding history: the Alert’s something which will damage her or her crew. Once per
journeys across the oceans brought it to its current berth week, the Alert can be asked to direct herself toward any
in Oslo, through direct encounters with Cthulhu and a location where she has already traveled (including R’ly-
few days (A few years? A few eons? One cannot know) an- eh) and she will take over navigation; by some strange
chored off R’lyeh. Just as people who meet the Great Old mechanism, no matter how far away the location, the
Ones do not escape unscathed or unchanged, so the Alert Alert always arrives at her destination within one hour.
came out of the other end of this epic journey different. She may also travel to a Terra Incognita which is new to
her, provided the helmsman knows the way or possesses
The first person to notice this change was her own-
something belonging to that Terra Incognita.
er at the time, Gustaf Johansen. His letters home to his
now-widow detail strange journeys; he claims that his Flaw: The Alert has been deeply mistreated in her time
prior ship, the Emma, was set upon by the crew of the and has seen great violence and misfortune. If she is not
Alert for no reason, and the crew of the Emma killed well-treated – this usually means keeping her in good re-
them. However, Anna Johansen has since admitted in pair, well-stocked, and not running her crew ragged, though
letters to researchers that her husband’s state of mind more obscure requirements seem to surface now and again
upon return, and his aggressive behavior toward family – she will try to cause misfortune to, or outright murder,
and friends, places great uncertainty upon the reliability her captain. This mechanism is not absolute and should be
of his narrative; it is just as likely that the crew of the handled by discussion between Storyguide and player.
Emma simply commandeered the vessel, or that the
crew of the Alert came upon the Emma adrift and res-
cued them only to find their kindness rewarded with vi-
Purview: Chaos
olence. In any case, the Emma has never been recovered
and most parties agree it was lost in the South Pacific. Motif: You don’t know what you don’t know.
Whatever the truth of the narrative, Johansen’s writ- No one knows where the Amulet of Dagon comes
ings after his return to Sweden indicate that the Alert from, and no one knows to whom it originally belonged. It
Additional Relics 61
Knack: The fact that Langfrett was an adamant anybody clutching this amulet in their palm gains a 2 Enhance-
cultist in service to ancient entities from Aldebaran is ment to concealment so long as they remain still and hidden.
unsurprisingly missing from film history. In practice,
the recording perfectly captured the ritual of The King
in Yellow, sealing the rite’s mystical properties within a
cage of celluloid. Viewing both reels of the film in their Purview: Artistry, Chaos, Darkness
entirety has the same effect as a performance of the play, Motif: Give of yourself to hold back the dark.
but without the necessity of actors or scripts. All that is The battered case of Erich Zann’s viol contains a
required is a film projector of an appropriate age; no dice simple viol (also known as a cello) created by an expert
rolls are required to perform the ritual in this manner. craftsperson; her smooth, honey-colored wood seems to
Flaw: Perhaps mercifully, both reels are required glow subtly, as if stage lights strike her, no matter what the
for this performance; the second has been lost for al- current lighting. If the instrument were smaller, it might
most a century. Should it be found, upon completion of make a decent emergency light, perhaps. Oddly, no matter
the ritual (namely viewing the film), the Herald of the if the viol is transferred to a new case, said case becomes
King becomes manifest. Most people with any sense of worn and battered within a week; the cello’s owner finds
self-preservation have little interest in being present for himself bumping the case against walls, dropping it down
such an arrival or its subsequent bloodbath. a full flight of stairs, or scuffing it against the sidewalk
until the new case looks just as worn as the old.
ELDER SIGN AMULET (••) In service to Hypnos, Zann used this cello to keep
Purview: Guardian the Sultan of the Gods sleeping; Hypnos serves Azathoth
(at least in theory, see Hypnos, p. XX) and they direct
Motif: Holding the dark at bay their followers and servants to keep the Great Old One
This small, minted amulet of metal is typically no always slumbering, lest he wake and cause great and
smaller than half the circumference of one’s palm. It is in- irreparable harm. This work demands a great deal of
laid with a marking that, although unsettling to look upon, energy from the viol’s owner.
is nevertheless beneficial for those who know how to wield Knack: By spending 1 Momentum, the user may im-
it. These amulets are not made of any particular type of bue his music with a chaotic energy which soothes even
metal and there is nothing especially unique about its con- Great Old Ones. Choose from either of the following
struction; instead, the potency relies upon the marking en- options upon activating the viol. The user enters a Clash
graved upon it. In order to create these amulets, significant of Wills with an opponent; success causes the opponent
knowledge of the occult is required; creating the symbol to fall asleep regardless of other circumstance; the user
even slightly incorrectly nullifies its mystical properties. gains 2 Enhancement to this roll. However, attacking or
Few scholars recognize why this emblem can seem- otherwise damaging the subject of the Knack causes him
ingly repel the inhuman spawn of the Great Old Ones to immediately wake.
in the way that it does. What matters, though, is that it Alternately, the cello’s user may choose to seal shut any
works. Its function is not based on visual senses (not all portal, door, or other opening for a scene. There is no outer
entities possess what we recognize as eyes, after all), but limit to the size of portal which can be closed, but it must
some other cosmic means entirely. be surrounded by a continuous boundary. Technically, yes,
Knack: The Amulet functions in one of two ways. First- you could seal off the Earth from space by doing this, but
ly, when physically placed between a Mythos entity and a don’t be ridiculous. The Storyguide is the final arbiter of
target (often the wielder) it prevents the creature from whether the viol’s music may seal a given doorway.
moving past or touching anything behind the amulet. Doing Flaw: Practice makes perfect, and the viol requires
so requires the wielder to spend One Momentum; holding constant attention in order to function. The viol only
the amulet in an outstretched hand while doing so is enough works for someone who has practiced upon it for at least a
to repel the creature. The wielder may, if they choose, place half-hour in the previous twenty-four hours. Owners of the
the amulet somewhere (hanging it in a window or around viol report this practice tires them more than they expect.
the neck of a loved one) to extend that protection to wher-
ever or whoever he has placed the amulet. Be aware that this
use is unidirectional; holding out the amulet to one creature THE IVORY KEY (••••)
will not protect you from attack by a second creature behind Purviews: Journey
you, and placing the amulet on a window will not prevent Motif: Though the Gates of Horn and Ivory, and into
the creature from crashing through the doorway instead. the realms beyond the dream
As a second use, the amulet grants temporary, limited The Ivory Key is a bulky object, far too impractical
concealment from the forces of the Mythos. While hiding, to mistake for an actual key. It is a long object comprised
Additional Relics 63
While wearing the mask, all sounds the wearer however contains an inner glass tubing. This surface is
hears become a muffled echo. removable; doing so allows for the cables surrounding
• The Toad Mask: These masks are created from the glass to connect to additional devices that allow
metal, typically thin sheets of steel, hammered for vocalization. This permits specific two-way verbal
into shape to create a bulbous and mottled effect. communication, although this is rarely required; de-
When worn, these faces cause the wearer to feel spite lacking sensory apparatus, the alien consciousness
sensations all across their body, as though unseen kept alive in this cylinder is still acutely aware of their
invisible damp fingers are gently touching them. surroundings, and more than capable of ‘whispering’ di-
The wearer finds that cold temperatures cause rectly into the mind of whoever is holding the cylinder.
them no harm, rendering them immune to dam- Knack: Spend 1 Momentum to add one success to rolls
age from physical exposure to freezing tempera- involving recalling or learning new information, as the
tures, and they gain a 3 Enhancement to recogniz- mind within the cylinder whispers things you could not
ing their position based on and navigating by the otherwise know. In addition, you can Spend 1 Momentum
stars. While wearing the mask, they are unable to gain one success to rolls involving reaction speed, as the
to see anything around them in their immediate mind cautions you of dangers before you are aware of them.
vicinity; although the night sky above is as clear as Flaw: The mind seeks to find other bodies to house
day (even if the wearer is indoors). itself, and it makes no secret of the fact that its protection
• The Pale Mask: No two copies of these masks are and foreknowledge come at a price. This cost is typically
the same; they depict a human face in a variety of to be paid at some future point, and is doubtless consid-
emotional states (or sometimes none at all). They erably high; if the sentience begins to feel that its price
are made from bone, although ebony and china will not be paid, it becomes quite adversarial.
are also used, and are all painted white. Especially
potent ones bear a cracked motif across their
surface. This face, when worn, instills the wearer
Purview: Death, Psychopomp
with feelings of vertigo and a sensation of falling.
The wearer may spend One Momentum to know Motif: The most direct means of communication with
the name, ambitions, and intent of any living per- the spirits of the dead.
son they set their eyes on; even a total stranger, This mirror is surprisingly small, a roughly twelve-
or somebody only seen through a photograph or inch diameter circular piece of strongly polished obsidian.
image. While wearing the mask, the user expe- The source of its construction is volcanic in nature, but
riences the urge to create some work of artistic relatively mundane. The polish applied to its surface, how-
meaning or expression. ever, is alchemical in nature, causing this particular obsid-
ian mirror to possess unique capabilities not shared with
MI-GO BRAIN CYLINDER others of a similar design. John Dee, philosopher and chief
occultist to the court of Queen Elizabeth the First, claims
(•••) fame as the mirror’s creator. In reality the mirror hails
Purview: Star, Illusion from the Mēxihcah, being first pilfered by the Spanish and
Motif: Exceptional intellect constrained and bound. then making its way to British hands via theft. The mir-
ror’s history has been eventful, one may even say cursed,
This canister is small, often bound in an interwoven me-
with various owners including Dee reporting hauntings.
tallic case that resembles brass. Prying away its casing reveals a
If there’s a way to use the mirror without trapping ghosts
variety of thin cables that contain and regulate fluids and elec-
and causing a haunting, only the Mēxihcah knew it.
trical currents in equal measure. The cables themselves run
into the cylinder’s liquid interior, which houses the object’s Knack: This relic grants a 2 Enhancement to both
true purpose; to house the organic matter of an alien being, summoning the soul of any dead, regardless of how long
complete with sentience. The cylinder’s surface appears con- ago they died. The deceased manifests as a hazy, fog-like
ductive to human skin, and although the mind housed inside figure in the polished reflection of the mirror for one scene.
cannot communicate verbally without additional mechanical Flaw: The mirror’s fabled function is not entirely
functions, thoughts occasionally ‘slip’ through the canister’s true. Rather than reflecting the souls of the dead for
shell, creating whispers in the mind of those who carry it. conversation with the living, the mirror actually cap-
Inside the cylinder is a fully functional alien brain, tures them. The dead summoned into the mirror remain
kept in a living state by means of continually rotating trapped within it, essentially existing within an oubliette
levels of various fluids and regulatory electrical charges. of obsidian, and come out to haunt the mirror’s owner.
The casing around the cylinder’s outer surface is opaque,
Additional Relics 65
“What I say is, a town isn’t a town without a bookstore. It may call itself
a town, but unless it’s got a bookstore, it knows it’s not foolin’ a soul.”
— Neil Gaiman, American Gods
Population: 46,298
Active Pantheons: Nyarlathotep, The King in Yellow
71% White
10% Hispanic or Latino
9% African American
7% South Asian,
2% Indigenous peoples
Median Age: 38
Median Income: $63,867
Cost of Living: 125% composite index compared to national average. (Boston, MA is 132%)
Major Town Mascot/Sculpture: Jeddediah Houston’s Sacrifice
Fields:: 1e Research. 1c Investigations
Arkham 69
not because Arkham could be declared free of sinister bustling, steady population of over 40,000 citizens,
influence or void of evil. There were too many strange around 15 percent are students and faculty at Miskatonic
goings-on. Too many rumors, whispers, and odd folks University. Something about the small-town vibe, re-
with even odder unexplainable behaviors. gardless of the crime, makes Arkham feel strangely safe
Every Arkhamite knew and was rightly leery of the to young residents. That youthful energy and money
Witch House on Pickman Street. With its strange sounds, have led to the town having an active nightlife scene.
terrifying smells, and the unsettling way it seemed to The latest tunes float out of clubs to those looking for
affect its lodgers, it was best avoided at all costs. While fun, music, and good food.
everyone was concerned about what unholy happenings Arkham provides well, since, like all small universi-
went on inside, no one dared cross its bounds and knock ty towns, it has its share of contemporary conveniences.
on the door to inquire. It seemed every citizen breathed Multiple coffee shops and bakeries abound, including
a sigh of relief when the news came of Keziah Mason’s the best doughnuts in New England. There are a couple
arrest and trial in Salem, as she was the house’s owner. of medium-sized butchers and grocers. There is a frozen
Then they quickly sucked in and held their breath at the yogurt store, the bubble tea shop, a few hotels, and many
news of her disappearance from her locked cell. No, it restaurants ranging from diners to upscale eateries with
was not that the people of Arkham heeded their God tablecloths — and while the town has managed to keep
less. Perhaps it could be said, however, that they had out every other national chain, there is, much to the dis-
a keen sense of the forces at play and could recognize may of many, a single Starbucks. On the main street, you
that which was beyond the laws of mortals when they can find just about anything you might be looking for
brushed against it. including practical things like a hardware store, several
Like most of New England, the redcoats marched bank branches, a locksmith, car mechanics, a used-car
through during the war and even managed to burn dealer, and a drug store.
down quite a bit of the town. Unlike other towns, multi- For fun, there is the local comic-book shop and
ple reports of regiments who wandered into the woods game store, plus the music store where you can rent
surrounding Arkham and were never heard from again. or buy an instrument and learn to play it. There is a
Individual soldiers who left the safety of numbers to nine-hole mini-golf course, a two-screen movie house, a
make chase into the trees did not return; a search found playhouse that shares space with the university and way
only empty, lifeless uniforms, still whole and intact as more bars and music venues that rely heavily on alcohol
if the bodies had been simply sucked out of them. The sales than the much of the local populous would like. Of
forests eventually proved unnavigable. Soldiers swore course, all of this means that the students leave campus
that north would “drift” and they would end up lost, and spend their money, which, considering what a year
nowhere near where they should be. These events and at Miskatonic University costs, is far more than the
the strange, inhuman sounds that came from the trees average 20-year-old Arkhamite has in walking-around
meant the British soon stopped coming through at night money. The locals love it here, except for the part where
and eventually stopped coming through at all. Stories of the students leave campus. Like all good Puritan towns,
large armies marching their way around the coast, cut- there are no fewer than a dozen churches to save the
ting wide and circuitous paths to avoid Arkham and its souls of Arkham sinners. However, most churchgoers
surroundings all together, bandied about the towns. don’t think those who need it most ever attend services
The 1900s were prosperous for Arkham. With the at all. The fact that all the students seem to sleep in on
exception of a typhoid outbreak in 1905, Arkham thrived. Sunday mornings or attend on-campus church sits with
Like all towns, it lost its share of boys and men to two everyone just fine.
world wars, but the opening of Miskatonic University One of the ways Arkham holds fast to its history is
in the early part of the century meant more youth and that it’s governed by the same town council that was put
vibrancy than most towns had during war. Shortly after, in place almost 300 years ago. One of the few and most
the Arkham Sanitarium opened. These two institutions important changes came around 40 years ago, when
brought in professors, doctors, and researchers of all the council changed the bylaws to allow one non-na-
stripes. While Arkham was considerably smaller, its tive-Arkhamite member of the board. With the closing of
reputation was comparable to the great institutions of paper mills and other port-based industries leaving the
Boston in educational, medical, and otherworldly affairs. greater area and many leaving the US altogether, there
were growing concerns about the health of a small town
with very little industry of its own. As a gesture of good-
MODERN DAY will and to show appreciation for the role the university
Despite trying, the city of Arkham was never quite plays in the Arkham community, a new seat was created.
able to shake its small-town, Puritan roots. It has a
Arkham 71
erected to his great deeds 100 years later, no one seems for nearly 10 years. When it was done, it was state of
to know or can recall ever hearing about who he was, the art and the envy of every small town up and down
what he did, from what he saved Arkham, or why he the coast. These days, Arkham Sanitarium’s staff has a
would be honored. Yet, every attempt to remove it and reputation for tenacity. They are sent the most difficult
have it replaced with a more modern figure is denied cases because they never give up on a patient. To say that
before the ink dries on the application. there is a bit of a direct chute between Miskatonic and
Arkham is unlike any other location. It is draped the sanitarium would be understating it.
in legends, stories, and tales beyond human imagining. University faculty and staff have always made up a
Those stories passed down from family member to fam- peculiarly consistent number of the patients, far more
ily member shape the foundation of the city of whispers. than really is reasonable for the size of the sanitarium or
the size of the university. Professors and students venture
off into untamed and strange places in search of secrets,
ARKHAM SANITARIUM secrets some say humanity is not meant to know. The say-
In one form or another, Arkham Sanitarium is near- ing goes that Miskatonic is the place you end up when you
ly as old as Arkham itself. During the Revolutionary War, are searching for answers. Arkham is where you end up
a makeshift jail was built to house found and captured once you’ve found them. There are people who die there
British soldiers. It maintained its usefulness after the but no funerals are ever performed. There haven’t been
war, as not really a jail, but a kind of less formal, out- any new graves in the adjacent cemetery in decades.
of-the-way place to keep troubled or problem citizens
of Arkham. As long as the people stowed there weren’t There are stories of snarling, upright beasts that
missed, no one paid much attention to exactly who the are glimpsed on the grounds, always seen running away
detainees had been a problem to or in what way they toward the graveyard. The sanitarium graveyard is off
were troubled. The actual building that became the limits to everyone, especially at night. The terrifying
sanitarium was built on that same site, sometime in the screams that come from the building at night can be
early 1800s, and Arkham Sanitarium was both hospital heard in Arkham proper, carried on the wind. This did
and institution. A fire, rumored to have been started by not seem to alarm anyone until in the 1950s, when the
one of the patients trying to “keep away the shadows,” entire building was evacuated for two days, to nearby
toward the end of the century, burned half the building Sefton Asylum, due to a gas leak. Lights off and empty,
to the ground, sending the wing with all the records up what should have been a still and silent building rang
in smoke. Its rebuilding was interrupted by the typhoid still with the same terrified screams, perhaps even a
outbreak of 1905, so the new facility wasn’t completed little louder.
Attendance Population: 11,851
The school has an eight to one student-to-teacher ratio. Sixty-three percent of students are
considered in-state residents, with 24% of the student body comprising foreign nationals and
exchange students.
Student Body Demographics:
52.5% White
19% African American
11% Hispanic or Latino
5% West Asian
5% East Asian
4% Middle East or North African
3% South Asian
0.5% Other
Number of Accredited Colleges: Medicine, Public Health, History, Clinical Psychology,
Nursing, Science, Physics
University Mascot: Astroscopus Guttatus, commonly called the Northern Stargazer.
Fields: 1e Academics and Occult; 1 c Technology
Miskatonic University 73
In the early years of Miskatonic University, it served physics to journalism, theology, or creative art. The
as a medical school and research center. The university Miskatonic University Press publishes articles of note to
was considered Ivy League and attendance was elite the university, but also details the activity of alumni out
and highly paid for. The result of this was a low stu- in the world. Often, journalism students use past gradu-
dent-teacher ratio and a hands-on approach not seen at ates as the subjects of their graduate thesis.
any other university. Students engaged in deep scientific
research from year one and were encouraged to set up
their own lines of inquiry with professorial oversight.
Medical students were allowed to sit in on patient LIBRARY
visits as part of their coursework and laboratories were The Miskatonic University Library is housed in the
open around the clock if the fancy for experimentation new Henry Armitage Library building. It once stood
struck. Over the years, such lenient policy has necessar- in the old Miskatonic College building, the original
ily been made stricter. One notable incident that caused structure that started the colleges in Arkham dating
students to need to reserve laboratory space with pro- back to the 1600s. The building was updated through
fessor oversight was Hebert West’s line of inquiry into the years, and when the medical college moved into the
the nature of death in the 1920s. Accreditation require- Dr. Allen Halsey Building in 1945, the library moved in.
ments in the 1970s caused even more restrictions on the Construction on the Henry Armitage Library building
hands-on approach to teaching. started in 1998 when damp conditions in the Miskatonic
College building led to the loss of several ancient texts.
The university quickly grew to include new pro-
The library moved into its new home in 2000.
grams. A general college of science was added in 1901
that included chemistry, archeology, and biology. That The Miskatonic Library is home to thousands of
coursework extended to include physics in 1910. A small original texts, first editions, and sole copies of works
engineering department was added in 1936, and a teach- that have barely been seen by the world. These texts
ing program was added in 1950. are almost uniformly donated from researchers, alumni,
and friends of the university out of travels. Miskatonic
The university was resistant to allowing integration,
University houses the largest occult library in The
with the first Black person was accepted in 1918 and
World, and possibly in all of creation.
woman in 1943. Now the university is home to a diverse
marginalized population which includes attendees from Through the years, the library has made efforts to
nearly every nation in the world. digitize its collection. Some works are too fragile for
heavy use, and library staff hoped to preserve as much as
they could. But the digitization process suffered several
WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? setbacks such as loss of information, broken machines,
Miskatonic University maintains its prestigious dead librarians, one theft, and a slew of minor setbacks
position as an Ivy League University with its medical all seemingly random and unrelated. Efforts to fully dig-
school being recognized worldwide as a place for ad- itize started in earnest in 2014, and about a third of the
vanced medical procedures, research, and award-win- collection can be found on the library’s website. Much of
ning graduates. Graduating from the university carries the collection sits behind paywalls or university logins,
with it an honor, regardless of grade-point average, and but more popular texts are available for free if you know
it especially endears graduates to the Arkham residents. what to search for.
The university continues with its hands-on ap- Despite this, people still come from all over to study
proach. Each student must complete a research project at the library, gaining academic passes and temporary
as a requirement for graduation, even those studying enrollment in order to study what can be found there.
such mundane coursework as library science or jour- And the people who come are always a little bit stranger
nalism. The university prioritizes laboratory time (with than normal.
professor oversight, of course) over recreational time
and the various deans take a personal interest in their
student’s activities. That isn’t to say the atmosphere is MISKATONIC MEDICAL
stifling. Instead, the amount of focus on academic pur-
suit gives the students the necessary impetus to not only
The Miskatonic Medical School is still the largest
succeed but excel.
aspect of the university grounds and contains over 60
Students attending Miskatonic University can earn percent of the student population. Miskatonic University
degrees in anything from microbiology, chemistry, and was second in the race to create a model for DNA, the
Miskatonic University 75
“Dunwich is indeed ridiculously old—older
by far than any of the communities within
thirty miles of it. South of the village one
may still spy the cellar walls and chimney
of the ancient Bishop house, which was
built before 1700; whilst the ruins of the
mill at the falls, built in 1806, form the
most modern piece of architecture to be
seen. Industry did not flourish here, and
the nineteenth-century factory movement
proved short-lived.”
— H.P. Lovecraft, “The Dunwich Horror”
Population: 3,517
Ninety-seven percent of Dunwichians are U.S. citizens, and four percent are foreign-born, less
than half the national and state average of 16 percent.
Active Pantheons: Yog-Sothoth, Rhan-Tegoth
94% White
1.9% Hispanic or Latino
3.98% Black
.0113% East Asian.
Note: Dunwich has never particularly welcomed non-white residents.
Median Age: 47
Median Income: $28,327
Cost of Living: 111% composite index compared to national average; single-family home
cost 65.5%.
Major Town Mascot or Statue: The Foundryman, which was destroyed.
Fields: 1e Subterfuge. 1 c Empathy
and fishing grounds, and the poplar trees that grew along
BACKGROUND the Minnechaug River made excellent canoes. In 1636,
Prior to the arrival of English colonizers in what William Dunwich and his brother Noah settled along
would become Dunwich, the Indigenous Algonquin the Minnechaug terrorizing the Algonquin. The ongoing
people did not support villages in the area; they’d set colonization ended with the Algonquin entirely driven
aside the area now known as Dunwich State for hunting out of the area by the end of the French and Indian War.
Dunwich 77
crashed across the road in front of their truck, and all county-wide district. Its brick exterior spattered with
five died. graffiti, windows broken, Dunwich High sits desolate
That night, a light in the window of the old Whateley in the middle of a patchwork of basketball courts and
could be seen for miles around, though no one lived there. parking lots disrupted by weeds. The wild areas around
Dunwich slowly reclaim what men built during the
Something slept beneath Dunwich Steel. Something town’s industrial era.
no longer sleeps.
Dunwich Elementary School serves now as both el-
ementary and junior high schools; high-school students
MODERN TIMES endure an hour-long bus ride to Consolidated Eastern
Small towns like Dunwich populate the northeast- High School, dragging themselves to the bus stop before
ern United States. At one time or another, some indus- dawn and slouching home mid-afternoon with piles of
try made its home in the town, building up homes and homework. Most high-school students must also help
shops around itself like a protective cocoon. When that their family with income, working at either gas stations,
business migrated overseas or simply failed, the cocoon the one remaining grocery store, or the massive discount
cracked open, leaving people and shops and homes supercenter 20 minutes up the highway. As a result,
abandoned, capitalism’s errant effluvia. Consolidated Eastern’s high-school graduation rate
Dunwich Steel lingered much longer than the plummets year over year, and the tying of funding to test
textile mills of North Carolina or Bethlehem Steel in scores and graduation rates further penalizes Dunwich’s
Pennsylvania. The foundry lurched onward, zombie-like, few remaining families.
until finally giving up the ghost in 2002, and even then, Those families that remain often do so because no
the buildings sat empty for almost 20 years before dem- other alternatives are open to them. Property values
olition. Something watched over Dunwich Steel as long decline, trapping older and disabled residents, or impov-
as possible, until the fight was lost, and whatever curled erished families, in homes no one will buy because no
beneath the concrete finally broke free. one wants to move to Dunwich. No one really chooses to
At one time, Dunwich had enough residents to move to a creepy, failing town increasingly isolated from
support its own high school. The building stands aban- even the nearest cities by its foundering economy and
doned after the school district’s consolidation into the failing infrastructure. As more people leave, the process
Dunwich 79
tending her roses. Once upon a time, those roses won family’s farm when he began to tabulate numbers for said
prizes, when Dunwich had prizes to give for anything. census without her permission. That “leave us alone, we
The Nashes own almost as much of Dunwich as the neither need nor want your help” attitude persists as a
Longseers do. While Landon’s play at control comes strong through line of Dunwich thought to this day. No
from ruling over the borough council, Judy chose the one else could possibly understand what this town has
school board, local district courts, and social events as been through in the last 100 years, and why would they
the angle for her stratagem. Her grandnephew Mitchell trust anyone to try?
Nash, Dennis’ son, oversees the local district court, han- Steel injuries mark the vast majority of older men
dling matters both civil and criminal at the local level. in Dunwich as well as some of the oldest women — who
The fact that the school district has largely slipped out worked at Dunwich Steel during World War II, but some
of her grasp distresses Judy and makes her rather ob- of those women still live, though fewer every year. The
streperous whenever the topic comes up — however, the oldest woman in Dunwich, Ada Nolan Campbell (the
establishment of Dunwich State Park was her coup, a daughter-in-law of Shotgun Shorty), worked at Dunwich
fact she doesn’t let anyone forget. Steel during the war and can be persuaded to tell almost
Every few years, Judy picks another one of her anyone about the superstitions the foundrymen had.
grandnieces and shoves them into attempting to re-es- Shrunk almost to nothing, with short, curly, stark-white
tablish some sort of social calendar in Dunwich. She hair, Ada can no longer see, and can barely hear, but at 98
can’t accept the events calendar Dunwich hosted in its years old, her mind remains sharp as a tack.
heyday won’t ever return; USO dances, Fall Festivals, She could tell the stories more concisely; she just
even a local theater company please the Nash matriarch. likes the company. She’s also prone to “accidentally”
The lack of available public funds for such undertakings swatting young men with her white cane while smiling
inevitably dooms her proxy’s efforts, and she circles her beneficently. Her granddaughter Catherine, who looks
family like a shark, looking for the next sacrificial victim after her, spends an awful lot of time apologizing for the
while the grandniece previously responsible falls from harassment her grandmother seems to be able to get
favor until she does something fantastic like produce away with due to her age. Cathy and Ada keep a clean
another child. little cottage on the outside edge of Dunwich proper
Everyone else in town regards Judy’s grandnieces with Cathy’s trio of black cats.
as almost entirely interchangeable: harried like a poorly
driven team of sled dogs, herding around a flock of their MYTHOS INFLUENCE
own children as well as the currently elementary-age A hundred years ago, three professors traveled from
nieces and nephews, more worn out every year. Most Miskatonic University, following the chain of incidence
of them quietly urge their children to leave the nest as and evidence left by Wilbur Whateley’s dissolving
quickly as possible and make good the exit their mothers corpse. They worked in secret, knowing the ancient
never managed. thing that sought to defeat could easily destroy them
Both families have plots in the cemetery of Dunwich and then rampage across Dunwich, and how Wilbur’s
Episcopalian, with old tombstones in the graveyard go- brother had shed his skin, taking on a form more suited
ing back over two centuries. Most of the limestone slabs to his father, Yog-Sothoth. They swore they’d killed the
no longer bear names or dates, but each family knows thing, but they marked stones with sigils carefully and
their plots from the other’s, and they upkeep the grave- left them buried ever-so precisely in the earth outside
yard as competitively as they do everything else. Dunwich. Dunwich Steel’s concrete floors kept the sigils
entombed, and the stories kept the thing sleeping.
EVERYONE ELSE Concrete cracked by controlled explosions releases
Caught in the crossfire, the rest of Dunwich’s popu- toxic dust, asbestos, and stink into the air, but the dis-
lation generally attempts to keep well out of the way of ruption of sigils and the death of the stories holding
the warring families, either by insulating themselves in the thing in place have left Dunwich a horror, waiting.
their own little familial bubbles or by leaving Dunwich Hungry. Yog-Sothoth and its spawn never left Dunwich;
entirely. It’s impossible to entirely avoid the Longseer- the men from Miskatonic University bound the Great
Nash feud, but people try. Old One’s child, broken free from the Whateley human
Intolerant of outsiders and protective of their slow- skin in which it had incubated. All manner of things in
ly disintegrating way of life, Dunwich’s residents skew Dunwich have played out according to the machina-
extremely conservative. An old story of some pride to tions of the Old One whose child lay sleeping, gaining
the older residents recounts how “Shotgun Shorty” its strength tenfold beneath the foundry. The rise of
Campbell, a tiny Scottish immigrant of the same era as both families and their endless war played out for its
the Whateley family, chased a census taker off of her amusement. The ascendance and crash of Dunwich
Dunwich 81
“What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?
I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in
the year, the gross injustice and cruelly to which he is the con-
stant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted
liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity;
your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denuncia-
tions of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty
and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your
sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and so-
lemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and
hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a
nation of savages.”
— Fredrick Douglass
Population: 25,000 (35,000 with the surrounding area)
Active Pantheons: Ghatanothoa, Manitou, and Nyarlathotep
48% White
18% African American
12% Indigenous peoples
10% Hispanic or Latino
7% East Asian
3% Middle East or North Africa
2% South Asian
Note: 12% of Havenspoint residents are foreign born, 4% less than the national average of 16%.
Median Age: 44
Median Income: $45,786
Cost of Living: 95% composite index compared to national average. (Boston, MA is 132%)
Major Town Mascot/Sculpture: Statue of Achac and Abe, acknowledged as the city
Fields: 1e Culture. 1c Survival
Havenspoint 83
• Community first and foremost.
• Live freely according to the dictates of your conscience to the
benefit of the community.
• Do no harm to others except in defense of the community.
• All members of the community are equal.
From the beginning, music was an important part the council and their efforts to develop the tenets were
of Havenspoint’s culture and the celebrations incorpo- a success and became the model for future governance.
rated an amalgamation of traditional hymns, Western Following a vote by the populace, the council continued
European folk music, and the music of the Indigenous to serve as the governing body. It took a few years to es-
people who joined the village. This grew into a new tablish how the council would function but, eventually,
genre of music that is the antecedent of music played in they settled on having four members rotating off the
Havenspoint and the surrounding area to this day. Music council each year to be replaced by residents selected at
was not the only cultural intermixing that occurred. random. The 12 general members would then elect the
One year after the founding of Havenspoint, Achac and 13th member from among the remaining townsfolk.
Honesty married. Their union symbolized the ethos of January 14, 1697 was The Day of Prayer and Fasting
the town: All were welcome who would accept the be- as the people of Massachusetts remembered the horrors
liefs, ways, and lives of the other inhabitants. The entire of the Salem Witch Trials and the fate of those falsely
town poured out in celebration of the event with one accused. Public figures involved in the atrocities apolo-
notable absence. The Smiths, a large family of relative gized publicly for their roles in sentencing innocents to
newcomers, did not attend the event. death. The people of Havenspoint honored the day by
What should have led to days of celebration instead remembering those who were lost and reaffirming their
turned to tragedy. The Smith family, recent arrivals in respect for The Four Tenets. Even though the town had
Havenspoint, was found dead in their home. The scene existed for less than five years, it was known through-
was grisly and those who saw the bodies swore the act out the region as an oddity. The ecumenical attitude
was not done by the hand of any human. The only sur- toward religion and willingness to live alongside and
viving member of the household was an enslaved person among Indigenous Nations made the colony’s govern-
named Hezekiah, who had been beaten almost beyond ment uncomfortable. The introspection on the part of
the point of recognition. the colony’s leaders regarding the witch trials benefited
The fact that the Smiths had heretofore refused to Havenspoint and the people continued their odd ways
free Hezekiah had been the source of much gossip and with little interference. The village continued to wel-
consternation around the town and threatened to divide come outsiders and with few exceptions.
the community. Some believed that the Smiths should
be free to manage their household as they wished, while
others believed that keeping an enslaved person violat- The town continued to grow over the following de-
ed the spirit of the town. Threatened with permanent cades. The economy depended on agriculture first from the
division, a council comprising 13 randomly selected forests and, once they were cleared, from farms. The town
residents met to discuss the issue and, after several days, charter codified and enforced an agreement made between
announced that the governing principles of Havenspoint tribal elders and the council to preserve hundreds of acres
would be The Four Tenets. of forest north of Havenspoint called “Nigamo.” These
lands were sacred and could not be settled. Any who tried
Prior to the Smith incident, Goodman Havens and a despite the charter were run off, but the few who persisted
loose group consisting of Achac and some of the earliest in encroaching on Nigamo simply disappeared.
settlers formed a quasi-government for Havenspoint.
Matters that required public attention were discussed Legends grew about the cause of these disappear-
openly and decided communally. As the village grew, ances. An old trapper claimed to have found a great pit
this approach became unmanageable. The selection of deep inside the forest and when he looked inside, he saw
Havenspoint 85
This led to several attacks by slave catchers. One and is sold on everything from t-shirts to coffee mugs.
account features an outlandish tale that after clashing The festival features a parade and reenactment of the
with armed townsfolk, they sent out an invisible being skirmish between the defenders of the forest and the
to dispatch the fleeing slave catchers. The sole survivor townsfolk followed up with a three-day music festival
was given little credence because he made the claims called FuseFest, featuring top fuse bands.
several years after the supposed encounters and was Havenspoint also faces a great challenge. Attracted
confined to a sanitarium. by the openness of the community, the artsy atmo-
sphere, and low housing prices, an influx of retirees and
MODERN TIMES other transplants from the coast are moving in. Some
Havenspoint continues to grow and has established are Havens College alumni who recall the flavor of
itself as a community of musicians, artists and artisans. Havenspoint in their youth and want to return there to
The population is ethnically diverse, comprising the relive those days. These newcomers and returnees buy
descendants some of the first residents (Indigenous peo- run-down rental properties, evict the tenants, renovate
ples, Freed people, and former white colonizers). The city the homes to their former glory, and move. While this
is the home of a unique genre of music called “Fuse” that helps ensure these old homes continue with a new life,
mixes traditional Algonquin music with that of the early it also means the people who lived in those homes are
settlers and goes back to the city’s founding. As was tradi- left with nowhere to go. Many families who first settled
tional in the beginning, all are welcome in Havenspoint. in the area more than a century ago have moved on, un-
The humble beginnings as a settlement for outcasts and able to live in the only homes they’ve known. With these
those seeking solace was not forgotten. Newcomers are changes, the newcomers bring demands that would see
asked to adhere to The Four Tenets as was expected of more of their type come to Havenspoint and destroy the
new arrivals in centuries past. Local farmers provide very things that attracted them to the city in the first
most of the city’s food and Havens College is a small and place. Some of the newcomers are insisting the city vi-
reputable institution of higher education. Tourists fill the olate the centuries-old pact with the descendants of the
streets from spring to fall, enjoying the scenery and out- Indigenous Nations allowing development in Nigamo
door activities, visiting craftworks and galleries by day Forest. Others have filed numerous complaints trying to
and spending evenings enjoying the local music scene at silence local music performances. The regentrification
one of the outdoor venues. It is an idyllic place with a of Havenspoint could destroy the city and change it
touch of seediness that makes it even more interesting. from the place it was founded to be centuries ago. These
Still, Havenspoint is not a wealthy town. Most residents changes have also raised the interest of land developers
live and die by the tourist trade and go the winter months who are using legal means to have the government seize
with little-to-no income. land from those that won’t sell. They are most interested
in the Nigamo Forest and the neighboring farmsteads.
Havenspoint School and Havens College continue
to thrive. Havenspoint School evolved into the local In recent months, the newcomers have managed to
public-school system, but continues to focus on provid- wield The Four Tenets as a club against what they see as
ing a strong, multi-faceted education. Havens College is threats to their property values and peace of mind. The
a well-regarded liberal arts college with around 3,000 most noticeable change is that the ever-present music
students. Relations between the town and the college are that once poured from the small cafes, bars, and shops
good, but as with any large institution in a small town around the town has diminished and, in some cases,
there are times when the college exercises undue influ- gone silent.
ence on local politics. The college president, Dr. Ananya
Acharya, Ph.D., is a stalwart defender of the school and MYTHOS INFLUENCES
works hard to raise money and grow the influence of Havenspoint and its environs have always felt odd,
Havens College. The faculty and student body are diverse mysterious, and bizarre. Before the first white settlers en-
and hail from all over the world. She has broadened the tered the region, Indigenous peoples stood as a bulwark
influence of the school over the past year through dig- against an incursion of chaos. Since time immemorial,
itizing the school’s selection of rare and occult books they’ve stood vigil at the mouth of a seemingly bottomless
and making them available online to the delight of occult pit that lies deep in the forest. On certain nights, strange
scholars and practitioners around the world. piping music can be heard resounding from the depths of
The Founders Day Festival is the main event of the the blackness and those who dare to look inside can see
year and includes a street fair, art festival and music the stars. Any who ventured into the pit were slaughtered
festival. The celebration balloons the population and by strange, shapeless masses of violence and destruction
brings in significant tourism revenue. The most promi- guarding the depths of the great hole. The elders devised
nent symbol of the event is the statue of Achac and Abe.
An image of the statue is part of the town’s branding
Havenspoint 87
“There were vague statements about disease and
concentration camps, and later about dispersal in various
naval and military prisons, but nothing positive ever
developed. Innsmouth itself was left almost depopulated, and
is even now only beginning to shew signs of a
sluggishly revived existence.”
— H.P. Lovecraft, “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”
Population: 2,362
Note: 12% of Innsmouth residents are foreign-born, and 100% of the population are U.S.
citizens, an outlier for other cities within the state.
Active Pantheons: Cthulhu
Population Demographics:
68% White
15% African American
6% South Seas Island
5% East Asian
3% Latino
Median Age: 37
Median Income: $31,000/year
Cost of Living: 80% composite index compared to national average. (Boston, MA is 132%)
Major Town Statue: A statue of Obed Marsh in the Old Town Center
Fields: 1e Subterfuge. 1c Academics
Innsmouth 89
period, which was no easy task as the highest levels of established families in Innsmouth running out the few
the government had record of what had happened. They diverse voices struggling to survive in the city.
infiltrated everywhere in order to preserve their own.
The Order’s efforts took nearly 20 years, and in that
time the steel industry moved on, leaving only one work- For the next 40 years, Innsmouth was a town forgot-
ing refinery. Fishing remained the staple for the town, and ten by time and its neighbors. People avoided the place as
its population dwindled even as the order began to re-es- much as possible, those from Innsmouth avoided leaving
tablish themselves in the city. The old Innsmouth families the town as much as possible, and it grew more insular and
remembered the time when the order was in charge of xenophobic as time passed. In 1986, a highway between
the city and made space for them once more. Innsmouth Newburyport and Arkham completely bypassed the city,
returned to its status as an isolated, backwater town. The and the only people coming and going were people in the
1950s brought with it more isolation and fear as the most shipping industry bringing goods in and fish out.
Innsmouth’s fishing industry has always been its
lifeblood. Commercial fishing conglomerates have taken
The last 30 years have proven hard for Innsmouth note of Innsmouth’s fertile waters and have tried sev-
as technology advanced and left them behind. Tradition eral times in the past few years to open fisheries in the
strangles the town, and the Esoteric Order of Dagon harbor and open processing plants on the river. The city
likes it fine that way, as long as no one looks too hard at is resistant to these advances, but the money they bring
what happens there. People not tied to the order moved in is more than the town can really afford to turn away.
away, and those lost and scattered came home to roost. With the influx of outside fishers, the Esoteric Order
The city slowly reverted to a majority of the people be- of Dagon is dangerously close to losing their cover and
ing in bed with the Order, literally. their control over the city.
WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? The Order has tried to prevent large corporations
The Esoteric Order of Dagon controls the city, even from moving into Innsmouth by refusing to sell land or
if they allow outsiders as government officials to keep accept agreements. Keeping corporate influence out of
suspicion from them. Instead of worshiping out in the Innsmouth has been harder than it sounds as companies
Innsmouth 91
have strangled fish exports from Innsmouth by lobbying Halloween is a similar affair, but instead of the nor-
for legislation and regulations that make their fish un- mal one-night celebration other towns partake in, the
sellable in its current state. entirety of October is converted into a celebration for
Innsmouth also suffers from a population who are the occasion. The old town is decorated in strand lights
universally disliked by outsiders and therefore suspicious and eerie music. Haunted tours take visitors past houses
of anyone who comes through town. Residents know that with strange sounds emanating from them — often the
despite all the changes Innsmouth has gone through over sounds of sleeping shoggoth. Each night people drink
the years, the racial stigma from the Obad Marsh’s day and revel. The spectacle brings in more visitors than any
still lingers through the region. As a result, the white other event of the year.
inhabitants exhibit extreme prejudice and racism against On both May Eve and Halloween night, children go
anyone of color to prove that they are worth their white door to door in costumes well before the sun sets. Adults
neighbors’ attention. Little do they know or care that put on their own costumes, with fish-frog people being
their neighbors will never see them in a favorable light. the most common one. The night allows to residents
This makes Innsmouth a dangerous place to live, who are farther gone than the others to go out and min-
even for the older Order families. Those who have the gle with their family and friends. Fireworks meet the
Deep One transformation are somehow fine, but anyone setting sun, and once the sun goes down completely, the
else who looks different they shun. They especially don’t streets empty.
take kindly to strangers, and after sunset it’s a dangerous Of course, visitors don’t know this, but the residents
place to be outside, not just because that’s when the all pack themselves away safely, knowing the Dagon will
Dagon come calling. arrive on Devil’s Reef and seek their sacrifices. Sacrifices
The town’s xenophobia and racism keep it in isola- are chosen wisely. Many are willing sacrifices, the old
tion and keep the people poor. The town itself is near who never fully changed to Dagon, the young who are
destitution. Buildings sit in disrepair or unused, the city wrapped up in the idea of the revel, and more than a few
streets are dirty and broken, and even the few restau- celebratory visitors who happen too close to the harbor
rants and groceries dotting the small town are dives. as the Order takes their sacrifices out.
Corporate money has the chance to revitalize the place, And if visitors see shapes moving and undulating
but the fear and resentment toward outsiders keeps peo- out of the reef, then they just think that there’s a big
ple from fully accepting that truth. party they weren’t invited to. And it is a party in the eyes
What’s worse is that the people of Innsmouth do of the residents. The Dagon drink, fuck, and feast upon
not view themselves as poor. Nearly every person owns the sacrifices and revel in the bounty their humans have
several pieces of strange golden jewelry worth a small brought them.
fortune a piece. And while they would never sell their
precious Dagon heirlooms, they believe the trinkets
are proof of their personal riches. Even as families go • A Mythos Scion has a Bond to visit Innsmouth
without food or children go without new clothes, the for its Halloween celebrations. They haven’t re-
Innsmouth residents look down on the rest of New turned, and the Band must go there to try to find
England, and the United States, for their inferiority. out what happened to them, or exact revenge for
their sacrifice.
Innsmouth 93
“… and Kingsport, nestling uneasy on its lesser cliffs
below that awesome hanging sentinel of rock, sees
oceanward only a mystic whiteness, as if the cliff’s
rim were the rim of all earth, and the solemn bells of
the buoys tolled free in the aether of faery.”
— H.P. Lovecraft, “The Strange High House
in the Mist”
Population: 70,500
Active Pantheons: The Greenish Flame, The King in Yellow, Lord of the Great Abyss
52% White
18% Hispanic or Latino
13% African American
7% East Asian
3% South Asian
2% Indigenous peoples
2% Middle East or North Africa
Note: 35% of Kingsporters are foreign-born, more than double the national and state average
of 16%. In the 80s and 90s, refugee communities came mostly from Southeast Asia, the former
Soviet Union as well as Serbia, Bosnia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. Nowadays,
arrivals are coming from Iraq, Syria, Burundi, Rwanda, the Congo, Angola, Djibouti and Ethiopia.
Median Age: 34
Median Income: $53,500
Cost of Living: 120% composite index compared to national average. (Boston, MA is 132%)
Major Town Mascot/Sculpture: Rusty, a North American Porcupine
Fields: 1e Integrity.1c Technology.
Kingsport 95
Sudanese, Somali, Afghan, Angolan, East Timorese, ADDICTION
Uyghur, and many other small communities. Some
Kingsport is no stranger to drug addiction.
neighborhoods feel like windows into far-flung nations.
Massachusetts has been hit hard in recent years in a
In the 80s and 90s, refugee communities came mostly wave of opioid use, and methamphetamines and design-
from Southeast Asia and the former Soviet Union as well er “club” drugs have lingered for years. The state has
as Serbia, Bosnia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. recognized Kingsport’s higher rates of addiction, and
Nowadays arrivals are coming from Iraq, Syria, Burundi, the city receives extra funding for treatment. Miskatonic
Rwanda, the Congo, Angola, Djibouti and Ethiopia. University’s school of public health has launched several
experimental pilot programs to collect data and explore
REFUGEES AND ASYLEES alternatives. Kingsport generally welcomes the supple-
In 1985, Kingsport’s chapter of Catholic Charities mental funding, but none of the experimental programs
launched a refugee resettlement program that was en- have shown much success.
abled under the Refugee Act of 1980. Over the years, the
group has supported waves of immigrants and asylum HOMELESSNESS
seekers fleeing conflict or disaster, and the municipal Homeless shelters and centers in Kingsport are
government has supported these arrivals with services overflowing, and services are strained. Several factors
of their own. Kingsport has refugees and asylees from may cause unusual rates, including the city’s reputation
more than two dozen countries, and students in the for providing meals and beds, the copious hidden spaces
city’s public-school system speak more than 60 languag- and sheltering overhangs that pepper the city’s chaotic
es other than English. The city provides special services design, and a historically accommodating law-enforce-
for health, adult education, and other resources to help ment approach. It’s also possible that the Greenish Flame
newcomers to get on their feet. has been calling out to wandering minds. Whatever the
While many Kingsporters welcome new arrivals, cause, homeless numbers are peaking, and camps have
some resent the city’s support for refugees as a drain on cropped up in tucked-away spots.
taxes and a threat to “American” traditions, code for the
status quo of white New Englanders. There is a small but
outspoken xenophobic minority that expresses opposi- Circle Square
tion in demonstrations and newspaper editorials. These In the approximate center of the city, between the
voices have recently ramped up their public rhetoric, Three Sisters, is the old town commons where colonists
and there have been increasing incidents of violence and held public markets, previously known as Circle Court.
harassment in the city. The shape of this area has changed over the years, lead-
Refugees and asylees often face difficult men- ing residents to start calling it “Circle Square” as an in-
tal-health issues and cultural shock when they arrive, joke. The name was officially changed in the 1970s, when
adapting from harrowing struggles in countries of origin the area was the stage of many public demonstrations.
to an alien world, shattered identity, onset of PTSD, The square, now more of a rhomboid, remains cobbled
overall displacement, and discrimination. and has been preserved as a pedestrian-only zone to
encourage people to patronize downtown businesses, an
STRATIFICATION effort that has only been modestly successful. Many of
Successive waves of newcomers in Kingsport over the city’s oldest buildings ring the border.
the years have stratified the town into groups of new Circle Square is home of the city’s chapter of the
residents and old residents, legacy communities and new Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants,
communities, insiders and outsiders. Some of the oldest known as ORI, which resides in an ancient-looking
families with ties to colonial founders harbor a sense of storefront with diamond-paned windows where the up-
entitlement and privilege over new arrivals. While many per story overhangs the square in a mock medieval style.
town elders embrace what they see as a welcoming atti- This office is a center of activity and community for
tude toward immigrants, contributing generously to char- many foreign-born residents, where free English classes
ities or opening the doors of their homes to host displaced are conducted most weekday evenings.
people, “good deeds” come with strings and expectations.
New arrivals often struggle with feelings of being lost and Rusty
stuck in an alien world. The cycle of more established On a pedestal in the center of the square, there is a
Kingsporters discriminating in subtle ways against newer hunched, strange-looking anthropomorphic figure made
communities has repeated over generations. Less subtle of wrought iron mounted on a pedestal of pink granite.
tensions sometimes escalate to violence. The sculpture, nicknamed Rusty, depicts in crude detail
Kingsport 97
Minuteman Casino dumps a load of swordfish bait into a sewer. Other sleep-
walkers may be more active, retaining memories of their
A crushing economic slump hit Kingsport in the 80s
relationship with the Flame. A trio of substitute teachers
and 90s, shuttering downtown businesses and turning
gathers in the Nethermost Caverns for a council, digs up
the once-thriving city center into a gallery of abandoned
the graves of four town elders, and then buries them on the
buildings. The city teetered on the edge of solvency.
same night. Whole councils of Stewards meet in the attic
Town leaders, desperate for investment, accepted one
of the old Market Building for a secret congress or gather
sketchy tax abatement scheme after another. None bore
to paint eldritch symbols on police cars or perform a small
fruit. The most recent is a grand hotel and casino, built
sacrifice ritual around the pylons of a new bridge.
on a peninsula on the south end of Kingsport’s harbor.
The project involved a long saga of community division, Scions share a much stronger connection to the en-
public outcry, and statehouse shenanigans to get the gam- tity but are not in its thrall. Some sleepwalkers are aware
ing license approved for the newly named Minuteman of Scions of the Greenish Flame and form the backbone
Casino. Historians and Kingsport’s old timers roll eyes of a cult devoted to them.
over the marketing; Kingsporters largely abstained from Kingsport Glitches
the Revolutionary War. Complaints persist, but the casino
has added jobs to the city for the first time in many years. For most Kingsport residents, the quirks and tears
The addition has also drawn a new population of lost in the fabric of Kingsport’s reality remain mostly hidden
residents. Slot machines attract rows of hopeful gamers, from view. Some may spend a lifetime without noticing
retirees, and those with stubborn compulsions, whose eccentricities. Others quickly forget the ones that they
fortunes slowly drain into the seductive flashing lights. witness. Some may notice easily dismissible phenomena;
unusually frequent déjà vu, peripheral hallucinations,
The casino’s greenlight also sparked outrage from conflicting memories, moments when time stands still, or
a Wampanoag Nation that was not federally recognized a whole afternoon that seems to pass in just a few minutes.
until 2007. They applied for a casino on Cape Ann and
do not appreciate the competition or the fast-track speed More observant residents start to see patterns emerg-
with which Kingsport’s Minuteman project was handled. ing. Some take notes. Others use digital tools to build the-
ories and connect with groups who share observations.
The glitches are irregular and contradictory, defying clear
MYTHOS INFLUENCES patterns. Theories proliferate. Government experiments
Kingsport is under the thrall of a powerful Mythos gone wrong. Alien technology. The terrorists.
force, the entity known as the Greenish Flame. The Flame is Those who experience intrusive projections suffer a range
an alien column of living energy that carries out inscrutable of side effects. Most forget or compartmentalize. Memory fades
plans at a geological pace, using subtle, nearly undetectable quickly if the witness does not speak about the experience
mind-altering powers to bend the community toward its with someone or somehow record it. Depression, mania, and
ends. The Flame took up residence in one of Kingsport’s loss of concentration are not uncommon responses. Some may
underground grottoes generations before the arrival of self-medicate for the intrusions, in the form of drugs, alcohol,
English colonists. Before that, it managed to influence a or compulsive behavior to outrun unsettling memories.
few Indigenous residents who cultivated food sources in
Kingsport Bay, but it wasn’t until the arrival of English Uncanny Corners
castaways in the early 17th Century that the Flame began to Sometimes the fabric of Kingsport’s reality tears,
establish a network and allies to carry out its odd errands. and the Flame throws up a hasty simulation to cover the
flaw. A new street, a new alley, or a new stairway appears
STRANGE TIMES in an unexpected place. Such glitches vary from unnerv-
Stewards of the Greenish Flame ing or uncanny to utterly bizarre.
The Flame that nests in Kingsport’s underground cav- There was only one cellar door a moment ago, but
erns forges special ties with select residents. This influence now there were too many to count.
is limited to one or two dozen people. The Stewards spend
their lives connected to the entity by an unconscious link,
occasionally performing small tasks as if sleepwalking. Residents who are deprived of sleep are prone to find
Some Stewards only carry out a few requests during their themselves thrust momentarily into a version of Kingsport
whole lifespan and remain in the dark about their roles. A that is out of step with time, suddenly thrust into a portion
firefighter finds herself adjusting the pressure of a steam of town that has long been changed or buried. The archi-
pump in the basement of City Hall. A librarian sets fire to tecture of buildings becomes old fashioned, pavement gives
an equipment shed at a city park. A Marine Patrol officer way to cobblestones, and phantom sounds of horse carts
Kingsport 99
“Sometimes you want to say things, and you’re missing an idea to make
them with, and missing a word to make the idea with. In the beginning
was the word. That’s how somebody tried to explain it once. Until some-
thing is named, it doesn’t exist.”
— Samuel R. Delany, Babel-17
That lack of agency robs the Scion, Demigod, or in some
cases a literal God, the chance to act.
companion was possibly consumed, and survive tormented
by the experience. Masks of the Mythos protagonist
come from all walks of life; people of color, all genders
and sexuality spectrums, and are a true representation
of our world. HEROIC MYTH
The narrative steps are incident, investigation, reso-
lution, and insight or denial. Despite the Mythos Scions’
connection to the Mythos, there is a parallel to the stan-
dard Lovecraft protagonist. The focus of the storytelling A standard Scion game is about Gods, humanity, and
is investigating the strange and unusual. Masks of the forging a destiny with the power of Fate. You were born,
Mythos borrows from the narrative structure of mod- blessed, and infused with divine abilities to battle the
ern Mythos stories by LaValle, Emrys, Butler, Wilson, ancient enemies, the Titans. It’s a tale in the vein of the
and Gaiman by providing an inciting incident that takes African medicine man who traveled to the land of the dead,
the character out of their routine. They may stumble Kalunga, for his king; of Beowulf who battled Grendel; or
on an old fishing village while backpacking, discover of John Henry who bested the machine to prove humanity
their ancestry links them to government-sanctioned can’t be stopped. Those stories are legends bound by Fate
imprisonment, suddenly inherit something strange from
The Mythos is, by nature, something that cannot be
understood by mortal and divine minds. The creatures
within it — their powers, physical forms, and their
(AND AWARENESS are unknown, and the unknown is frightening, but also
because their wants and desires are so far removed from
OF IT) our own. They don’t lack morals, but rather operate on
an entirely different playing field.
Beings within the Mythos are greater than humans not
information. Investigations involve finding clues and
most of the time they are either recorded somewhere or
known by someone. Use the Mental Arena to seek infor-
mation in dusty old tomes or on the dark web, and the
Social Arena is useful to help persuade a witness to tell
you everything they saw that night in the woods when
things got strange.
T he target number of skill rolls during mysteries are
influenced by the age or obscurity of the information.
Old mysteries are more difficult to solve so for every
hundred years that has passed since the incident under
Any Approach is useful in an investigation, but
investigation happened the target number increases by
Finesse and Resilience may work better than Force.
+1 up to 10. At which point, the target number increases
Use of Finesse in an investigation could involve taking
the difficulty by 1 for every 200 years.
a targeted approach to obtaining information, such as
narrow searches for information or targeted questions If agents are actively operating to keep the mystery
for a witness. A Mythos Scion using Finesse quickly gets from being resolved, the difficulty for skills rolls that
the specific information they seek but may inadvertently agents could influence should increase by +1 to +4 based on
bypass other clues. Use of Resilience in an investigation their influence and resources. If a Scion is involved in ob-
represents the long, hard slog through thousands of scuring the mystery, the difficulty of skill rolls in attempts
records, hours of conversation with witnesses, and ex- to find information about the mystery increases by +1 per
haustive evaluation of all of the information obtained for point of Awareness or Legend they possess representing
every scrap of data pertaining to the investigation. This their interference per mystery. The increases in difficulty
Approach is great if you have time but may not work as are cumulative. For Mythos or Divine beings interfering at
well when there’s a deadline. a different Scale also impart a Narrative multiplier on skill
rolls up to their Awareness or Legend score.
Failing to obtain a critical clue is a huge stumbling
block for an investigative game. The Storyguide should
structure scenarios to provide multiple ways to get to CONSPIRACY OF MYSTERIES
the final scene. One of the best ways to achieve this is by Storyguides create a grand mystery or a Goliath
allowing characters to fail forward. Instead of outright Mystery that requires overcoming multiple mysteries
failing to obtain a clue, perhaps the Storyguide provides to resolve and may have active opposition. This may
a partial clue and a hint at what other information the include rival cults, rival Scions, Mythos entities, or even
characters need and where to get it. This approach is time itself. Their Threat represents the degree to which
built into the Storypath system through Consolation opponents work to undo progress or achieve their own
(Scion: Origin p. 70). victory, detect or capture the player characters, or sty-
Fateful Encounter. Failure reveals another approach mie the investigation.
to the character’s goals, through new information or Characters opposing a Goliath must overcome any
sheer coincidence. For example, a Scion of Rhan-Tegoth number of mysteries (Milestones) equal to the Goliath’s
links a number of clues together on their murder board relative Size + Awareness + Threat, to uncover the truth.
but fails to see the pattern. In a rage, they fling papers The difficulty of each Milestone is equal to the Goliath’s
off their desk and a key photo floats on top of the pile of Scale and represents scenes equal to the Goliath’s
papers that links the clues together. Size. Failure on Milestones may inflict Conditions.
“The Scion Job” is an introductory scenario for pre-Vis- Nancy Thomas, Ben Moore’s neighbor
itation Bands or newly empowered Scions experiencing the
Nancy is a Kingsport native, having lived in the
Mythos for the first time. The sidebars provide additional
building for as long as there’s been a building. She’s not
details to scale up the scenario and increase the horror. It is
the landlord but might as well be. She reports everything
a relatively straightforward affair to show the players and
back to him — and to everyone else, whether they like it
Storyguide how a Mythos investigation operates: investigat-
or not. The police no longer take her seriously.
ing clues, following the horror, and eventual exposure to the
Mythos. The actual greater Mythos moment is presented as Whispers, collector and auctioneer,
initially more narrative in nature here than with hard me- Legend 3, Awareness 2
chanics. This is an opportunity for the Band to make a few
Whispers recreated themself five years ago after
connections and a possible ally in the Miskatonic Hollow
losing interest in the Fate they were cast. They sought
and determine the fate of a powerful Mythos relic.
out new patronage from Donn to change the trajectory
of their life. Whispers now spends their days as a collec-
tor of information and host of the Whisper Auction.
Glass, a.k.a. Heather Green,
wannabe-academic heiress
B en Moore is a world-weary Scion who is living down
to his recently soured reputation with vigor. Ben, a
Scion of Odin, performs a fruitless act of valor and acquires
Heather is the heir to a toothpaste empire, has been
groomed for the job of CEO from birth, and wants none
a mysterious painting for his efforts, then calls his fence
of it. Her real passion lies in research, but her parents
Whisper on the way home to make a much needed few
have pulled strings to keep her out of academia. Recently,
bucks. The sale would help pay the interest on his ever-
her unfulfilled dreams have attracted some Eldritch at-
increasing gambling debts. That plan fell to the wayside
tention. Pre-Visitation Scion of Cthulhu.
after a few hours with the painting. He called the players’
Band to recover the painting but decided to act with Bones, a.k.a. Dr. Frank Mason,
valor again only to meet his end. Ben’s blood-splattered double-dealing archaeologist
apartment awaits the Band with the art nowhere to be seen.
Mason might have been scrupulous once, but years
The Band now face a race toward the truth — and of mediocrity have rubbed the sheen off his dreams of
the missing painting. academic glory. He now makes a handsome living steal-
ing artifacts from other archaeologists’ dig sites and
cheap, no one pays him any mind, and there are easy-
to-access semi-trucks. It’s a large warehouse, as they go:
about 8,000 square feet of the concrete floor and brick
The scenario can be moved to any town but is pre- walls, filled with shelves and shelves of crated artifacts.
sented as being in Kingsport. The dreamy nature of the Dr. Mason is in his makeshift office in the center of the
city dovetails nicely with The Dreamlands painting. A warehouse. It’s a large room made of tin walls. He has
devious Storyguide may amplify the painting’s abilities motion detectors set up throughout the warehouse that
reflecting the location or to add additional obstacles for feed to his cellphone and laptop.
the Band, possibly releasing other creatures or friendly
Dreamland beings trapped on Earth in need of aid. KINGSPORT
Ben Moore’s Apartment (Armstead Spire — 209
ARKHAM Gaiman Lane, Kingsport, MA)
Dr. Mason’s Apartment (Arkham, MA — 2 Blocks Moore’s apartment has historically been a mess,
from Miskatonic University) even on its better days. Today is not one of its better
Dr. Mason’s apartment is a messy crash pad near days. Claw marks ravage the walls, floor, and furniture.
Miskatonic University. The building is old but well-kept. Blood is spattered across the length of the corridor style
His apartment is decidedly less so, a beat-up couch here, apartment, mainly the living room, but there is no body.
a dark stain on the ceiling there. The fridge still keeps The Dreamlands painting is also gone.
things cold but emits a constant grinding noise as it does The Whisper Auction and Townhouse
so. He is not here and rarely is, spending most of his (1811 Elm Street, Kingsport MA)
waking hours at the warehouse in Dunwich.
A study in normalcy-for-show. Whispers doesn’t use the
townhouse itself much, except as a façade for the Whisper
BOSTON Auction. Guests who arrive early or late must figure out the
Trent’s Condo secret way downstairs for themselves. The library is the only
(The Kilroy — 25 Northern Ave, Boston, MA) other room Whispers uses with any frequency.
Trent Santos’ official residence is a condo in uptown The Whisper Auction is a party first, and an auction
Boston, but he uses it for little other than sleep. The second. There are tables of drinks and refreshments set
building is a new high rise. Santos is too practical for against the walls of the show floor, and gauzy draper-
the penthouse; he lives a few floors down in a simple ies hang in arcs across the ceiling. The items up for bid
but classy two-bedroom. It’s barely decorated, and what are represented by placards and photographs set atop
décor there is carries a distinctive red-and-black scheme pedestals around the show floor. The exact presentation
— a nod to his patron, Éshu Élégbara. varies depending on the item.
the scenario. When rolling, the number in parentheses
represents the baseline success for the task. Occult +
Resolve (2) means the player needs to rule at least two
This scenario largely transpires over the course of successes to succeed at the task.
48 hours, following “The Dreamlands” prolonged se- Some tasks may have a Complication (something
questration in a private collection. making the task harder) or Enhancement (something
March 2nd, 1929 making the task easier) associated with it. These also
range from 1 to 5 and are written as 2c or 2e.
Pickman’s latest piece, “The Dreamlands,” is reject-
ed by the Boston Art Society and he leaves Earth for the Example: Josiah rushes into Miskatonic
Dreamlands permanently. University Library with the thing hot on their
September 19th, 1929 heels. The smell of acid feeling the air, they
know that one of the tomes is the only way to
The landlord claims Pickman’s studio and all his banish it. Josiah grabs the book off of the dusty
remaining works. shelf and steadies themself. The Unnamable
Thing destroying everything in its wake dives
1929-1972 towards them. Hand extended, Josiah shouts
from the book to intone the ritual in the dark-
The Dreamlands passes through twelve collectors. ness. Casting requires an Occult + Resolve (2)
April 2nd, 1972 with 2c (no light in the library) and 1e (Josiah
is familiar with the book). To effectively cast the
Sarah Levy purchases “The Dreamlands” to add to spell, they needs three successes.
her collection.
August 11th
• 7:30 P.M. Sarah’s granddaughter, Alexa, acciden-
tally activates “The Dreamlands,” releasing a pack
of ghouls.
• 7:20 P.M. Moore arrives at the Levy estate and
eliminates the remaining ghouls. Location: Armstead Spire, Apt 406
• 8:30 P.M. Moore contacts Whispers on the way Following the Path: Opening Scene
home. Whispers is only interested in the painting The Road: Crooked Law, What the Neighbors Saw,
and a jeweled frog. Hollow Halloween, The Golden Gilman
• 11:45 P.M. Moore calls the Band, leaving a voice The Band receives Moore’s delayed voicemail at
message. 7:15 A.M. The man’s voice is nearly panicked and is more
August 12th screaming than talking. “Hey, mate. I need your help.
I fucked up big time. This damn painting. It’s… it’s….
• 2:00 A.M. Moore attacks “The Dreamlands,” acti- Please come tomorrow morning at eight. I just can’t…
vating a portal and is killed. I can’t…. I am ...Armstead Spire, and the code is 6125,
apartment 406.” Then the message ends. Anyone check-
• 2:03 A.M. Thomas alerts the police and is ignored.
ing the timestamp notices the message reads last night at
• 4:30 A.M. Heinz reports the call to Whispers. 11:45 P.M. Moore is expecting them to come right away.
• 6:45 A.M. Whispers acquires The Dreamlands, It’s obvious Moore is frantic and near the point of
disguised as a police officer. breaking. If pre-Visitation, the Band knows Moore as
an old family friend, co-worker, or drinking buddy that
was always a loser. If they are already Scions, they know
“What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
It would be like sleep without dreams.”
— Werner Herzog
many times but only a single encounter was ever recorded. This
incident occurred in rural reaches west of Arkham, MA around
the 1920s, in an area that now comprises Arkham Reservoir.
Masks of the Mythos expands flairs with a few The Colour crashed down on Earth via a meteor, landing near
specific Mythos-themed ones: the well of an isolated farmstead. Slowly, over the course of a
year, the aftermath saw the mutation and eventual death of
the people, livestock, and crops that occupied the farm. It also
SUFFOCATE caused the deterioration of all structures and the land itself into
Cost: None what locals called the “blasted heath,” illuminated at night by a
Duration: Instant silvery glow that marked the extent of the Colour’s influence.
Subject: One character In the first few hours after arrival, the Colour ap-
pears as a cluster of small globules of an unidentified
Range: Close hue and material. The globules and the stone vessel in
Action: Simple which they arrive diminish in size and disappear into
Cooldown: End of grapple, or end of scene the atmosphere and surrounding soil. The absorption
of this material gives the appearance of robustness to
While grappling someone with a lower Size Scale, fruits and vegetables grown in nearby soil, but this ap-
the attacker gains access to the following Stunt: pearance is merely an illusion of health. The produce
Suffocate (Success equal to opponent’s Stamina): tastes like ash and provides no sustenance. People and
You smother your opponent, preventing their ability to animals in proximity to the contamination deteriorate
breathe. Attempts to take any action in the subsequent physically and mentally until they simply turn to ash and
round has a +3 Complication with a consequence of 1 die. Contemporaneous accounts regarding the Arkham
Injury Condition if not bought off. incident indicate the family said they knew they should
move away but just couldn’t bring themselves to leave.
BEYOND DESCRIPTION The Colour does not attack like other antagonists; instead
it is a contamination that corrupts any living thing around it,
Cost: 1 Tension per character effected
drawing energy from other lifeforms until it reaches enough
Duration: 1 scene size and strength to travel back to space and continue its jour-
Subject: One Character ney. It leaves a remnant behind — perhaps offspring — that
continues to siphon life from the surrounding area, slowly ex-
Range: Upon seeing it
panding the region of corruption. Combat against the Colour
Action: Simple is fruitless. It may be possible to contain it for the few hours or
Cooldown: End of the Scene days it remains in the stone module it used to travel to Earth.
The best strategy for battling the Colour is to contain it early
The antagonist is so frightening it shakes the viewer
and return it to space as fast as possible.
to the core. Their mind is unable to accept this thing
exists. Its very presence breaks reality, causing mundane
characters to flee, pass out, or temporarily act irrational- COLOUR OUT OF SPACE
ly out of fear.
Archetype: Titanspawn
The Mythos creature imparts 1 Terror Condition.
Additionally, Scions’ Legend scores are considered one Qualities: Flight, Institutional Disbelief, Toxic,
point lower until the end of the scene. Miasmic Presence
Antagonists 125
Flairs: Beyond Description, Penetrator, Plague Initiative: 6
Extras: +2 Enhancement for Stunts other than
Drive: Feed me Inflict Damage
Primary Pool: (13): Miasmic Presence, Survival,
Siphon Life CULTIST
Secondary Pool: (11): Flight From the people running small organizations de-
Desperation Pool: 7 voted to monsters of the Mythos to those belonging to
large cults formed in the name of the Old Ones, cultists
Health: 10 are bound to cause problems for divine and Mythos
Defense: 4 Scions alike. Cultists are defined as anyone who has a
connection to the Gods and either has a fanatical belief
Initiative: 10
or willingly performs deeds on the God’s behalf. This is
Extras: Apocalyptic Presence usually a Great Old One, but cults to Gods from different
pantheons can be as problematic. A Band may often find
CTHULHU SPAWN a momentary ally in an enemy of the cult, if they dared
to bargain with a fanatical group with alien motivations.
In the time before time, to maintain a balance never
understood by humans, Cthulhu’s star spawn filtered Mythos cultists are generally more empowered than
down from the infinite cosmos to earth. Their legacy as normal mortals. Great Old Ones rarely care to whom
fierce, bloodthirsty warriors is well documented and for they bestow gifts, or what people do with those gifts.
a time they reigned supreme. Then, their Pacific para- Cults form naturally around one or two people who have
dise sank to the bottom of the ocean never to rise again such gifts, meaning the whole cult may have access to a
— yet. Over the millennia, many an ambitious Cthulhu Mythos Relic or the ability to summon a Mythos crea-
cult tried to summon the Eternal Slumbering One or its ture to fight alongside them.
spawn to raise R’lyeh from its watery depths. Cultists prefer to convert rather than to kill. The
Most failed. However, if the stars align correctly and general thought is the more people to worship, summon,
the chants are clear enough, a few of these rituals may or generally feed their Gods, the better. Initial inter-
manage to stir the seas, bringing in bad weather and a actions with cultists usually involve their attempts to
path for a number of Cthulhu Spawn. At first glance, the control or convert people, especially loved ones, to sway
Cthulhu Spawn resembles your garden-variety octopus a powerful Scion to their side. That isn’t to say a cultist
under the waves. However, their humanoid, bipedal gait; won’t fight; they’ve already given their lives over to their
stout, and squat-but-towering stance; and the ease with Gods and will fight until death to preserve what they
which they traverse the land quickly give them away. built or continue their actions.
As they clear the way for their Great One to come, they When creating cultists, create the bulk as Foe char-
wreak havoc, death, and destruction that to humankind acters with the stats below, and create a single leader as
appears chaotic and without direction or method. a Rival Archetype with the same Qualities and Flairs,
Fortunately, despite their size and the excessive tenta- except the leader also has the Mystical Arsenal Quality
cles underneath their thick hide, they are still mostly squishy. to represent possession of a Relic. While rare, some cults
may be led by Scions.
Archetype: Nemesis
Archetype: Foe
Qualities: Mystic Arsenal, Regeneration, Tough as
Nails Qualities: Group Tactics, Institutional Disbelief,
A Cage of Words
Flairs: Beyond Description, Second Wind, Sorcery
Flairs: Sorcery (Pick One: Arcane Calculus,
Drive: To Serve Chaos, Deception, Stars, or Moon)
Primary Pool: 9 Drive: Loyalty to their chosen God
Secondary Pool: 7 Primary Pool: 7 (Research, Sorcery, Persuasion)
Desperation Pool: 5 Secondary Pool: 5 (Melee or Ranged Fighting,
Health: 3 Stealth, Tactics)
Defense: 3 Desperation Pool: 3
Antagonists 127
Initiative: 10 among bones and dirt. They’re also found in places touched
by the Mythos. This includes anything from an old ritual
Extras: Dagon has a Size Scale of 3.
site to an ancient sleeping place of a Mythos creature.
Dholes live their lives completely in the dark, lending
DEEP ONES their flesh its pale, almost white, appearance. They do not
Deep Ones are creatures of the sea, appearing like have eyes, but have giant mouths, and their skin serves as
human-sized frogs with articulated hands and feet, more their primary sense organ. The flesh is coated in a slimy
like a person, but with gills and fins like a fish. They are substance that conveys electrical currents to the brain,
immortal in the sense that they won’t die naturally of old giving them acute awareness of their entire surroundings.
age. They have few predators and tend to live in large, un-
These creatures are not intelligent and are driven
derwater communities that afford them safety from attack.
mostly by the basest instincts to eat and reproduce. They
Deep Ones are capable of living either on land or in feed on subtle electrical current, usually found in the
the sea but prefer to live underwater for safety and because flesh of animals, but also as residual mystical energies
they have more freedom there. Most are loyal to and wor- left over from the use of magic. Dholes are not solitary
ship Cthulhu, Father Dagon, and Mother Hydra. It’s not creatures and usually infest an area, living under the sur-
uncommon for them to pray to the entirety of the Mythos face of a mountain or hill, or infesting a town and slowly
pantheon. Their agelessness and continued growth over sapping energy from the nearby creatures and eating
the centuries have led to numerous deep ones becoming unfortunate people who get too close to their lairs.
subaqueous ones, who are stronger and larger. For every
century a deep one survives it grows a few inches taller
and one of its pools or abilities increases by 1 point. DHOLES
Deep Ones have a relationship with shoggoth, and Archetype: Titanspawn
when living on land tend to bring them into their com- Qualities: Apocalyptic Presence, Invulnerability
munities and keep them for strange rituals and the hopes (electricity), Subterranean Movement, Vulnerability
to prepare the way for the rise of Cthulhu or other Gods. (fire), Unstoppable
Deep Ones are hostile towards people, and attack if Flairs: Dread Gaze, World Shaking
they feel threatened or hungry. Sometimes, they are a source
of information or assistance for Scions, but always at a cost.
Drive: Hide and feed.
Primary Pool: 13 (Hunting, Biting)
DEEP ONES Secondary Pool: 11 (Sensing, Burrowing)
Archetype: Rival Desperation Pool: 7
Qualities: Natural Weapon, Regeneration, Health: 5
Swarm Defense: 4
Flairs: Here I Come (in the water only), I Have Initiative: 10
Friends, Suffocate
Extra: Dholes have three segments (head, main
Drive: Eat and worship. body, and tail), each one with five health boxes.
Primary Pool: 9 (Grappling, Swimming) All three segments can take actions, but if all boxes
are filled on one segment, it can no longer act
Secondary Pool: 7 (Socializing) unless at least one box is healed. Dholes are Size
Desperation Pool: 5 Scale 5. For each point of Size above 5, they have
one additional segment. Rumors abound that in
Health: 3 the Dreamlands there is a massive Dhole some 20
Defense: 3 segments long.
Initiative: 6
Extras: +2 Enhancement to Stunts other than Inflict
Damage. The Horror at the Museum, the dimensional sham-
bler, is an intelligent monster that can cross dimensions
of reality and beyond. They appear as a cross between
DHOLES an ape and an insect, with large, shaggy-furred bodies,
Dholes — sometimes referred to as bholes or dûls — bulbous heads with a long proboscis, and large, clawed
are huge, worm-like creatures with pale, slimy skin. These forelimbs. They are roughly the size of an adult grizzly
creatures dwell in most Mythos Terra Incognitae, hiding
Antagonists 129
their territory, and should also be sure to have a power- In combat, ghouls attack with powerful claws and
ful ace up their sleeve. a savage bite, attempting to grapple opponents and take
them down. When multiple ghouls are engaged in a fight
they act cooperatively, with one trying to grapple an op-
ELDER THINGS ponent while others move in for the kill. They also act to
Archetype: Rival protect each other to an extent, but each knows that if
they fall, they become a meal for the rest.
Qualities: Armor Piercing, Disembodied, Mystic
Arsenal, Wall Walker
Flairs: Mastermind, Knock Out, Retcon, Second GHOUL
Wind Archetype: Foe
Drive: Scientific Extermination Qualities: Group Attack, Natural Weapon,
Primary Pool: 9 Institutional Disbelief, Imperfect Disguise, Shroud,
Unnatural Hunger
Secondary Pool: 7
Flairs: Here I Come, I Have Friends,
Desperation Pool: 5 Selfless Shield (only for other ghouls)
Health: 3 Drive: Supper’s ready
Defense: 3 Primary Pool: 7 (Combat, Hunting)
Initiative: 6 Secondary Pool: 5: (Dreamlands Knowledge,
GHOUL Desperation Pool: 3
Ghouls are bestial humanoids who dwell in cata- Health: 1
combs, tunnels, and other dark hidden places where
they can avoid contact with the living and are likely to Defense: 1
find their favorite repast: the rotted corpses of humanity. Initiative: 4
They have rubbery skin and doglike facial features that
Extra: +1 Enhancement
range in appearance from near human to beastlike. Some
ghouls pass as humans, at least for a time, but slowly The stat block above represents fully transformed
transform into their final ghoulish form. Humanlike ghouls, however, human-appearing ghouls could be
ghouls live among people but have telltale features that represented using the Mook stat block instead (Scion:
can give them away, such as a sickeningly sweet odor or Origin, p. 145). For mooks, remove the Natural Weapon
strange pallor. quality, the Selfless Shield Flair, and the Dreamlands
Knowledge Secondary Pool. There are also legends
The origin of ghouls is uncertain. There is some
about ghouls of enormous size and power surpassing
evidence that they are a species unto themselves, but
their monstrous kin. These beings present a challenge
some suggest all ghouls were once humans who chose to
even to Heroes and can be represented using the Rival,
prey upon the living and slowly transformed into ghouls
Nemesis, or even Titanspawn stat block with advanced
due to their actions against other humans. Some ghouls
Qualities, Flairs, and Skills.
who live among humanity were essentially changelings
who were swapped at birth for a human child. The fate
of these human children is unknown. These changelings GNOPH-KEH
eventually begin to transform into ghouls, but it’s not This highly intelligent, ancient race, of large, sharp-
clear whether all who undergo this transformation were horned, hair-covered beasts are originally from Iceland.
always ghouls, or whether humans can transform into While they are known to have six legs, their frequent
ghouls due to a predilection for the morbid, preying on bipedal travel is presumed to be the origin for stories of
other humans, or simply from associating and befriend- Yeti and The Abominable Snowman. They are hunters
ing other ghouls. extraordinaire, able to track their prey across long dis-
Ghouls also inhabit portions of the Dreamlands tances in the coldest, harshest weather, even in blinding
where they have a rich and distinct culture and can be snowstorms. This allows them to thrive in conditions
roused to aid those who treat them with cautious kind- that force other creatures to shelter, making sightings
ness and respect. It is unwise to place too much trust in a rare by even the most skilled seekers. If you are trying
ghoul because to them you will always be a breath away to find one, it’s best to ask a local who can separate the
from being their next meal. facts from the fakes, or better yet, don’t go looking at all.
Antagonists 131
time, the Hounds of Tindalos awaken and track down
intruders across the expanse of temporal realms.
They have been called dragons,
salamanders, three-headed dogs, and
even the Serpent of Eden. The crea-
tures are sometimes called “hounds”
only because they track and hunt; their
true form is no more canine than a gout
of sulfur dioxide or the burst of a solar
flare. Rare survivors have described them as
lean and hungry creatures that exude hot and
unfathomably foul breath. Their attacks often
leave a strange bluish film behind. This sub-
stance is a parasitic colony of cells that neither
divides nor dies.
The Hounds of Tindalos have been intertwined with
humanity since the species first gained awareness of
the mysteries of time and its paradoxes. People with
knowledge of these temporal guardians have long
believed they harbor malice toward humankind,
ascribing them a jealous desire to destroy human Pe r i o d .
“purity.” This is nonsense. They are more like a cosmic They con-
maintenance crew than vengeful beasts, simply tending sider themselves su-
and weeding the gardens of time. perior to — and more
The smallest ripple in the temporal slipstream at- intelligent than — any
tracts the Hounds of Tindalos attention. Because unnat- other beings. They stand at five feet tall and their pink
ural angles in architecture and other works are the mark bodies are crustacean-like, with many pairs of claw-footed
of sentient beings, they have adapted to exploit these an- legs and a large ellipsoid-shaped head covered in anten-
gles, slipping through shortcuts across space and time to nae, with no eyes or mouth. They come in many varieties,
chase down temporal intruders. This journey may take each with different skills and specializations. Those wit-
years or mere hours to complete, but once the target is nessed on Earth have large, bat-like wings which are the
“scented,” the Hounds of Tindalos move with dogged method they use for interstellar travel, not just to Earth
inevitability toward their quarry. but all through the cosmos. They are organized, clever,
methodical, and capable of all manner of subterfuge and
deception. They usually have human allies who work for
HOUNDS OF TINDALOS them, furthering their access and information gathering
Archetype: Nemesis — although dogs don’t like them. They are a scientifically
minded society interested in research and experimenta-
Qualities: Miasmic Presence, Incorporeality,
Natural Weapon (piercing “tongue”), Regeneration tion. Unfortunately, one aspect of that research is gather-
ing interesting brains to add to their collection. Preserved
Flairs: Beyond Description, Penetrator in steel cylinders, each being is alive indefinitely and the
Drive: Destroy temporal intruders. Mi-Go have the technology to allow them to speak and
see. Perhaps they could be a potential bargaining chip if
Primary Pool 9 (Piercing, Chasing)
one can be stolen.
Secondary Pool: 7 (Tracking, Stealth) Among them are also disciplined and well-trained
Desperation Pool: 5 soldiers. They usually work in groups and are best con-
Health: 6 fronted with skills, a plan, and sufficient numbers.
Defense: 3
Initiative: 6 MI-GO
Archetype: Rival
MI-GO Qualities: Arm Piercing, Baleful Touch, Flight,
Regeneration, Tough as Nails
These mostly fungous creatures are natives of Pluto
(Yuggoth) and have been on earth since the Jurassic
Antagonists 133
Health: 3 Flairs: Beyond Description, Making Space,
Second Wind, Spray and Pray, Under Pressure
Defense: 3
Drive: We shall be free!
Initiative: 6
Primary Pool: 13 (Combat, Feats of Strength,
Extras: +2 enhancements for stunts other than to Close-Quarters Combat)
inflict damage
Secondary Pool: 11 (Endurance, Survival)
SHOGGOTH Desperation Pool: 7
These beings are roiling masses of protoplasm and Health: 10
they can reshape themselves into many forms. While they Defense: 4
can resemble other creatures, they lack the ability to form
fine details and never look quite like the creature they try to Initiative: 10
mimic. Shoggoths were created by the Elder Things using Segments: 3
their vast knowledge of science and cellular material from
Size: 3
defeated foes. They were intended to be servitors, used to
do the heavy lifting needed to build Elder Thing cities. Extras: Apocalyptic Presence, Decapitation
After millions of years in servitude to the Elder Things,
the shoggoths rebelled, killing their masters and driving TERROR FROM BEYOND
them into small enclaves of safety. The Elder Things fear Winged horrors are some of many strange and inde-
the shoggoths, who take great delight in killing them by scribable creatures in service to the pantheon. They are
ripping off their heads. Millions of years later, shoggoths summoned from outside space and time to do the bid-
exist in small numbers in isolated places that were Elder ding of sorcerers and Mythos Scions. The appearance of
Thing cities. They also serve as guardians to those who winged horrors may vary depending on where they are
know how to trap them into servitude, but a master who summoned from, but regardless of appearance they all
loses control of this guardian comes to regret it. share the same purpose of transporting the summoner
Those who have survived a shoggoth encounter to a desired location even, or perhaps especially, if that
say the first indication is a roaring sound akin to a train location is outside the realms of reality.
followed by something that looks like dark, billowing Winged horrors have a variety of appearances with
clouds and rage personified. These creatures never stop large, membranous wings being the sole physical feature
to parlay or take stock of the situation; shoggoths charge they share. Some are big and strong enough to carry an
into the fight and destroy anyone and anything in the adult human along with a small amount of gear, while
way. In combat, they attack using appendages that spring others are barely able to lift a small child. Their strange ap-
from the mass of their body to seize and smash, punch or pearance is frightening, but they are not good combatants.
crush their opponents. They may also maneuver to slam On the ground, they are clumsy and barely able to move
down on top of an enemy or even try to envelop them around, but they are agile in the air and able to fly quickly
within their own body mass, perhaps suffocating the enough to avoid aerial battles with all but the fastest fliers.
target or even absorbing them into the shoggoth.
Skilled shoggoths have learned to disguise them-
selves by appearing as a group of separate objects or crea- Archetype: Monster
tures. For example, a shoggoth may appear as a copse of Qualities: Natural Weapon, Flight, Institutional
trees. thinning out portions of its body to form the grass Disbelief
between them. In this way they can make surprise attacks
Flairs: Beyond Description, Here I Come
against unwary opponents. Careful observers may notice
that something is amiss, since shoggoths have difficulty Drive: Need a lift?
mastering these alternate forms and lack fine detail. Primary Pool 11 (Combat, Dread Gaze)
Secondary Pool 9 (Survival)
SHOGGOTH Desperation Pool: 5
Archetype: Titanspawn Health: 6
Qualities: Unstoppable, Regeneration, Natural Defense: 4
Weapon, Stand Tall, Sure Footed, Institutional
Disbelief Initiative: 9
The human brain is an electrochemi-
cal network, where signals fly back and forth
at tremendous speeds, combining to form
a singular perspective on the world in
nothing less than a miracle of chemistry
and physics. For years, we’ve attempted
to duplicate this miracle in the realm of
technology, crafting neural networks and
expert systems but never quite achieving
what we sought out to create. All over the
planet, increasingly complex proces-
sors await just the right kind of spark
from the heavens, a bolt of lightning
that courses through electronics and
rips life from its smoldering, acrid
Living Lightning is a sentient pulse of electromagnetic
radiation embodied in what seems to be a constant arc of
beneath the Earth. Now,
electricity leaping from surface to surface. While it’s per-
humans tunnel and burrow and
fectly capable of scorching its way through the World (in-
mine, heedless of the existential
cluding people), doing so expends the Living Lightning’s
threat that dwells below.
energy at a frightful rate, severely weakening the entity in
Flying Polyps are able to render the process. Instead, Living Lightning prefers to leap into
themselves invisible, especially while hunt- complex machines and “possess” them; it is important to
ing. When visible though, their swollen, tubular bodies note here that the human brain is one of the most complex
protrude with eyes, mouths, and other nameless organs. machines on the planet, and very vulnerable to precisely
Enormous feet periodically emerge, reaching out on this effect. In this form, the Living Lightning is able to
tendril-thin limbs, stamping the earth beneath them perceive and interact with the World on a meaningful
with tremendous force and leaving radially-symmetri- timescale — in its lightning form, as a stream of electrons, it
cal five-toed footprints. These footprints, along with a perceives all time as happening at once.
piercing whistle that the Polyps emit, are often the only
Living Lightning’s drives are deeply alien and fre-
sign of their presence — at least, until the Polyp catches
quently incomprehensible, but usually seem to revolve
whatever it’s hunting.
around technology. Sometimes, they smash it in a fit of
rage; other times, they construct machines that seem to
FLYING POLYPS have no purpose. Rarely, they build machines with a pur-
pose, and these instances are by far the most dangerous
Archetype: Titanspawn — Living Lightning has little interest in humanity apart
Qualities: Apocalyptic Presence (Hero, p. 289), from as a means to an end, and such machines are often
Flight (Hero, p. 288), Miasmic Presence (Origin, thoroughly inimical to human life.
p. 148), Unseen (Hero, p. 288)
Flairs: Beyond Description, Weather Tyrant
Drive: Escape. Conquer. Revenge. Archetype: Nemesis
Primary Pool: 13 (Smash, Grapple) Qualities: Imperfect Disguise: Static Electricity
Shocks (Origin, p. 148), Incorporeality (Origin,
Secondary Pool: 11 (Swallow whole, Tracking) p. 148),
Desperation Pool: 7
In the Archives of Yith, the future is known, for
the Yith have been there and recorded all that they Archetype: Foe
have seen. One day, humanity will fail. Our cities will Qualities: Group Tactics (Origin, p. 146),
crumble, our technology will fail, and we will pass out Heavily Armored (Origin, p. 146),
of history as have so many others before us. And when Wall-Walker (Hero, p. 288)
we are gone, and the Earth shows no signs of our ever Drive: Survival.
having existed, Earth will play host to a new ascendant
species: the beetle-like Coleopterans. One day, when Primary Pool: 7
their civilization is established and thriving, the Yith Secondary Pool: 5
will invade across time, sentencing the Coleopterans to
Desperation Pool: 3
endure the Precambrian catastrophe that would have
destroyed them. But that day is far in the future, and in Health: 1
modern times the ancestors of the Coleopterans still live Defense: 1
deep beneath the Earth.
Initiative: 4
These Proto-Coleopterans are similar to early hom-
inids; they’re capable of problem solving, have emotions
and a rudimentary language, but true understanding THE RED
of themselves and their environment still eludes them. The Red is a creature of mist, lacking any specific
Wary of the Flying Polyps, they maintain carefully gat- physical characteristics aside from its virulent hue of
ed tunnel nests, feeding on fungus and detritus. When crimson. It’s tangentially similar to gaseous entities, but
food grows scarce, they venture up to the surface, where exhibits far more aggressive tendencies. The Red is an
humanity wastes plenty more than provides for their inter-dimensional entity, existing in no one particular
The near-extinct albino penguin is an ancient
creature, and the ancestral forefather of the modern
emperor penguin. Dating from as far back as the days of
the Elder Gods, these creatures were once native to the
Antarctic regions their descendants now occupy. The al- state of threat from the shoggoths of that region, but it’s
bino penguins are notable primarily due to their height, evident the penguins consider this to be the lesser threat
averaging at six foot. They possess a strong elongated compared to humanity.
beak and powerful arms.
The Triassic penguins are a docile species. Their
large stature does little to scare off potential predators
and the birds are often prey to larger seafaring preda- Archetype: Foe
tors, and even the occasional shoggoth to which these Qualities: Group Tactics (Origin, p. 146),
penguins react with instinctual horror. Albino penguins Natural Weapon (Origin, p. 146)
are even docile toward humans, and often act more of a
Drive: Nurture the young.
hindrance than a threat to explorers. The only recorded
incidents of attacks from albino penguins are made by Primary Pool: 4 (swim)
birds striving to protect their young. Secondary Pool: 2
The penguins perceived “exotic” nature made them Desperation Pool: 1
prized by hunters, causing their already small population
to plummet to near-extinction. The few surviving albino Health: 1
penguins are located in the center of the ancient Elder Defense: 1
God cities, at the most inhospitable reaches of Antarc-
Initiative: 2
tica. This does put these calm creatures in a perpetual
an Injury Condition, no airquotes. If you die in the
dream, you die for real.
The Antagonist’s physical substance is of a form Duration: Indefinite
of matter alien to the World in some way, whether it’s
from another part of the universe or a different universe Range: Short
altogether. This alien matter reacts in strange ways with Action: Simple
normal matter, often either consuming or replacing it on a
Cooldown: The Flair’s effects are broken or the
cellular level like a disease of chemistry. Areas the Antago-
scene ends, whichever comes first.
nist has spent more than a scene in acquire an increasingly
otherworldly cast that deepens the longer it spends there
— eventually, the locale will come to look completely alien.
The Antagonist doesn’t bleed, doesn’t give any signs of Duration: One Scene
injury, and otherwise has no outward indicator of how Subject: Area
close to defeat they are, making it hard for characters to Range: Medium
tell if they are truly dead or not. Any time an Antagonist
takes damage and isn’t Taken Out, the Antagonist may Action: Simple
act as though it was. It may return to the fight at any Cooldown: One Session
time; if it does, its next attack counts as a Surprise At- Prerequisites: Nemesis Archetype
tack. A character may attempt to determine whether the
Antagonist is truly dead or not, which requires a Medi- The Antagonist designates a certain element of the
cine + Cunning roll opposed by the Antagonist’s Desper- scene, such as a character or part of a room. Any charac-
ation Pool. If the character succeeds at this roll, the next ters occupying or existing within that element becomes
successful attack made on the Antagonist currently using the victim of this attack. For every turn the target remains
this Flair gains an additional Injury Condition. within that area, the character’s Armor is reduced by 1. If
the target has no Armor remaining, inflict 1 Injury Condi-
PSIONIC INVASION tion to the target. If the target of this Flair is a character,
forcing themselves out of the Antagonist’s corrosion re-
Cost: 2 Tension
quires an Athletics + Stamina roll opposed by the Antag-
Duration: Instant onist’s Desperation Pool. The Antagonist can target one
Subject: One Target additional target for each point of Tension spent.
Sancta and
Terra Incognitae
timeline or slowing to a crawl while the World
rushes on by; the exact ratio is left to player dis- REALM BIRTHRIGHTS
cretion and Storyguide approval. Characters iso- Like divine Demigods, Scions touched by the
lated within a Sanctum where time moves slower Mythos can develop Fatebindings with entire Realms,
may gain the Rip Van Winkle Condition (below). granting them access to Realm Birthrights. These Birth-
rights draw a little of the Realm’s power with the Scion
• –1 dot: Your Sanctum overlaps several other di-
wherever she goes, allowing her to use them wherever
mensions, making it a magnet for creatures that
she finds herself. Naturally, from others’ perspectives,
exist in these alternate dimensions that normally
this frequently means that the Scion is surrounded by a
exist side-by-side with our own. Normally invis-
nightmarish susurrus of Things That Shouldn’t Be.
ible and intangible, within your Sanctum they
manifest materially, and may act according to their Mythos Scions who purchase a Realm Birthright
alien drives. You have a measure of control over gain a Field reflecting the Realm they’re Fatebound
these creatures while they’re in your Sanctum; to. This Field does not replace, but overlays whatever
they won’t attack you unless provoked, and while Field may exist in the World around the Scion — if the
you can’t command them outright, enterprising two conflict somehow, favor the Scion’s Field. Players
Demigods might train these otherworldly beings and Storyguides should collaborate to design this Field
to respond to certain stimuli. Characters who based on the Realm in question, but all such Fields have
spend too much time in your Sanctum may find the following effects:
that it stimulates their pineal gland, allowing • Disquieting Aura: Characters of lesser Tier or
them to perceive and interact with such creatures whose Awareness is less than the Scion’s perceive
(and vice versa!) even outside the Sanctum, but the Field as, for lack of a better term, otherworld-
this is left to player and Storyguide’s discretion. ly — it either puts people on edge, or gives them
the sense of an epiphany just out of reach. While
such characters can’t automatically tell that it’s
the player character causing the effect, if they see
PERSISTENT CONDITION: her and get the same feeling multiple times they’ll
start to put two and two together. How they react
RIP VAN WINKLE depends on the individual; some may be revolted,
The World has passed you by, making you others fascinated. At Storyguide’s discretion, this
a relic of a bygone age overnight. What was may translate to Complications or Enhancements,
familiar is gone or changed at best. Friends as appropriate.
and loved ones have moved on or have • Intrusion: When the Scion expends Legend, her
aged and passed on. You are isolated, you Field Condition manifests physically as her Realm
cannot go back, and you have the strangest is tied, however briefly, to the World through that
feeling of being watched. Legend. This is not a subtle effect — walls shift
Effect: Suffer +3 Complication on position and even substance, fires burn strange
any roll to engage with things of the new colors, and even the might stars slip ever so slight-
future (televisions, computers, hyperspace ly out of position. Characters without Awareness
difference engines, and so on, depending on must succeed on a Composure + Integrity roll
when you’re from). Gain +2 Enhancement on to remain active; if they fail, they either flee or
any Culture or Academics rolls related to the faint. If they succeed, they may gain Awareness at
period you originate from; it’s as fresh in your Storyguide’s discretion. Whatever Field may have
mind as yesterday, because to you it was
been in place before is overlaid, and no longer ap-
yesterday. You are under close observation
plies. Intrusion lasts for a number of hours equal
by the Hounds of Tindalos, but unless you
to Legend spent in a single scene.
attempt to return to your native time, they’ll
leave you to your fate. • Hitch-hikers: If, while an Intrusion is active,
the Scion botches any roll, it summons creatures
Momentum: Gain 1 Momentum when
native to that Realm. The kind and number de-
you reveal yourself to be obvious out of your
pend on the Realm in question; a Realm similar
depth, befuddled by things everyone else con-
siders ordinary, or otherwise encounter serious to the World’s logic may simply generate a swarm
difficulty due to being a temporal refugee. of curiously oversized rats bound together in a
hive-mind, while a Realm that largely functions
as a temple to a nameless horror spawned by the
character’s Mythos patron might call down that
self-same horror. Whatever is summoned, it is not
Cosmic Scion:
Caelum Incognita 155
human mask, choosing other, more terrible visages to walk Health: 5
among his peers and attend his mindless master. Those who
Defense: 5
make the journey here can claim great knowledge and pow-
er, assuming they survive the process intact. Initiative: 6
Extras: The Dunwich Horror has a Size Scale of 3.
ANTAGONISTS Revered ancestor of the near-human species, the El-
dest Ghoul is ancient but unbowed. An archetypal figure
either tremendously long-lived or nigh-immortal, it has
Archetype: Transcendent The High Priest Not to Be Described has been asso-
ciated by various authors with almost as many entities of
Qualities: Miasmic Presence (Origin, 148), the Mythos, most notably Hastur and Nyarlathotep. The
Unseen (Hero, 288) Storyguide is encouraged to add to that fine tradition
Flairs: Beyond Description, when revealed with the however best fits her own chronicle.
powder of Ibn Ghazi.
Drive: To successfully summon its father,
Archetype: Avatar
Primary: 9 (Crushing, Climbing, Devouring)
Qualities: Apocalyptic Presence (Hero, p. 289),
Secondary: 7 (Hunting & Tracking) Astride the World (Demigod, p. 210),
Desperation: 5 Physiological Void (Demigod, p. 211)
entire body still of breath but not of movement as the
music continued to play.
By the student’s account, Erich Zann was dead.
Now: It was a heart attack that took Erich Zann
at last, after nearly seventy years of playing the viol to
Quote: “You cannot create without destroying Now: Henry has always been touched by the Mythos
something else. Destruction, too, is an act of creation.” and was, in fact, wholly responsible for the death of Pro-
fessor Angell. It wasn’t until after the incident with the
Aloof and somewhat antisocial in a polite sense, professor that their true parentage was revealed to them
Henry Antonio Wilcox was always the odd one in their — their muse, their patron, and their secondary parent
otherwise renowned family. Where other Wilcox’s were was none other than The King in Yellow, who used Hen-
urbane, articulate, and of practiced social graces, Henry ry as a vessel to bring chaos and insight to others from
was more reclusive, sensitive, and preferred the compa- a young age onward. While many Scions of the Amber
ny of themselves and their artistic endeavors than any- Aristocrat find themselves dying gruesome and prema-
thing else. Quiet and unassuming, Henry’s dedication to ture deaths, Henry managed to endure. Perhaps it was
their craft has almost a religious fervor. It has, in turn, all those years growing up being the odd one out, forging
garnered an almost cult-like patron base desperate to themselves through the fires of adversity through both
see Henry’s next creation. their art and in their personal relationships with others
Then: Henry was an heir of the well-to-do Wilcox who defied gender conventions and sought the divine
family of Providence, Rhode Island, though albeit one artistic expression within themselves.
often overlooked and considered strange by the rest of a After years of being the outcast of the family on ac-
success-oriented group. A precocious youth, Henry was count of their birthright and artistic proclivities, Henry
considered a genius, but their great eccentricity set them is now more confident than they have ever been. Fully
apart from the rest of the Wilcoxes. While their family committed to the work of The Stoic Patron, Henry will-
blamed a lack of good sleep as cause for their troubled ingly acts as a vessel through which their Patron works,
mind, it so happened that it made for incredible art — creating art that incites terror in some and insight in
a discipline Henry took an early liking to, even if the others. Owning several art galleries across four con-
otherworldly subject matter of their pieces left others tinents, Henry is always on the lookout for others like
baffled or disturbed. them who might be talented enough to become one of
It wasn’t until 1925, after Henry was enrolled at the King’s chosen, and is slowly growing their own cult-
the Rhode Island School of Design, that his art began like following.
to be noticed. George Gammell Angell, a professor of
Semetic Languages at Brown University, first made note
� Art � � � � �
� � �
� Patronage � � �
� The Art Scene � � � � �
� � Physics � � �
� � �
�� � �
���� ��� ����
�� � �
� �
Nihilism � Humanity
Creator � � �
Corruptor � � �
Leader � �
Mental Prison
Birthrights: Elder Sign Amulet, 4
� � �
Talisman of K'n-Yan 2
Lavinia Whateley
Yog-Sothoth (Mythos)
� Home Remedies � � �
� Books � � � � �
� Forbidden Knowledge � �
� Outcasts � � �
� Mother Knows Best � � � �
� Pride � � � � �
� ��
���� ��� ����
�� � ��
� � � � �
Nihilism � Humanity
Corruptor � �
Liminal � �
Sage � � � �
Birthrights: Mi-Go Cylinder, The Orne 4
� �
Manuscripts, Whateley's Journal 2
Roberta Olmstead
Cthulhu (Mythos)
� Genealogy � � �
� � � Portents � � � �
� �
� �
� � �
� Whispered Secrets � � �
� �
�� �� ��
��� �� �
��� �� ��
Shadow of Innsmouth
Cosmic Genealogist
Mythos, Herald of the Sleeper
� � �
Nihilism � Humanity
Judge � � �
Liminal � � �
Warrior � � �
Birthrights: Amulet of Dagon, 5
� � �
Viseage of the Old Ones 3
“If there’s a way into hell, someone will always find it.”
— T. Kingfisher, The Hollow Places
with a need to speak of their relatives in more than gen- flooding, continually crumbling expanse of lost ground,
eralities, or who have dared to mingle with their rising locals blame continued over foresting in the area for the
relatives, often refer to them by nickname and moniker, land’s collapse. Attempts at development seem notori-
assuming they survive the experience. Visiting tourists ously cursed. Workers come down with awful stomach
occasionally find the habit of calling one’s distant aunt ailments from tainted groundwater, suddenly shifting
Sickle Teeth cruel, or one’s long departed sister Waddle earth damages or destroys construction machinery as
Walk strange, but the Deep Ones care little what the another dozen feet of dirt slide the Sink’s mouth. Only
tourists think when it comes time for the seasonal festi- a few know its true secret: when Hooper’s Sink fills due
vals. Sometimes this leads the Esoteric Order of Dagon to rainstorms or increasingly rare winter meltwater, its
to ascribe particular importance to repeatedly seen or murky depths become a direct passageway to the salty
particularly active Deep Ones, offering prayers to the water of Y’ha-nthlei. Such a passage is invariably lethal
towering matron known as Old Kindness, or even sug- to humans unprepared for the suddenly change of pres-
gesting in their occult writings that she may be on a path sure and lack of air, but offers those who wish to com-
to greater prominence in Y’ha-nthlei’s flooded halls. municate with Y’ha-nthlei’s population without risking
The area’s penchant for disappearances combined Innsmouth an attractive, if dangerous option.
with Innsmouth unsavory reputation and unfriendly in- A far stranger gate connects Y’ha-nthlei to points
habitants lead to many communities across Miskatonic south, such as several ill-fated islands in Polynesia. Im-
Hollow to develop their own stories and tales of what perfectly translated from the tongue of the Deep Ones
lies beyond the shoreline. Generations of old stories of as the Quaking Tunnel, it manifests as a gelid current
giving up offerings of food or personal valuables in re- of water and mucus coursing from Y’ha-nthlei’s out-
turn for the remains or personal possessions from those er precincts to unfortunate shores across the World.
lost at sea still persist in some places. Stories of a great- Often the Tunnel opens its mouth near the Antarctic,
aunt or uncle finding their loved one’s waterlogged sea allowing long-separated individuals and kinships of the
chest or monogrammed keepsakes are common enough Deep Ones to meet each other in the flesh once more.
for most residents to know of them. Persistent rumors Other times, an unseasonal chill announces the Tunnel’s
suggest that one just has to find the right place along opening near Australian beaches or Baltic shores. Dis-
Innsmouth’s coast or the right time in the muddy dark- appearances and strange infrastructure collapses often
ness before dawn to drop meat and silver into the water… follow, but without the signs of Deep One incursion.
and then the ocean will offer up evidence of the lost’s For the Quaking Tunnel is not their doing nor a cosmic
fate. The Innsmouth authorities try to discourage such accident; instead, it is formed and traveled by Y’ha-nth-
behavior. Some of this is for practical reasons; no reason lei’s shoggoths, questing across the World for access to
to have more outsiders poking around, especially when the Lavender Sea of Zathitho. The Deep Ones evince
they might see something they shouldn’t. But some of little interest in how or why the woken shoggoths do
the Esoteric Order’s objections are almost ideological: this; they can utilize the Quaking Tunnel for safe trav-
outsiders obviously can’t offer up such offal ignorantly el, their mastery over their living relic servants usually
and reap any weal from the ocean. For if they could, it protecting them. Others who might wish to enter or flee
would bring into question the position of prominence Y’ha-nthlei through the chill of whirling water and cast
the Esoteric Order and ruling families of Innsmouth off protoplasm must find their own methods to survive
believe they possess. its shoggoth creators, and might do well to consider what
the alien, incredibly dangerous tool-creatures are using
GATES the Quaking Tunnel to search for across the World.
Beyond the strangely-angled descent from Devil’s On most days, the Basalt Turn lies inert, as merely
Reef, gateways to Y’ha-nthlei reach out across locations a strange bulging curve of stone in the deepest, darkest
across New England and beyond. The Deep Ones and corner of Y’ha-nthlei. Every few weeks, some cosmic
their Gods created some particularly useful passage- alignment turns around it, a key formed from the partic-
ways, while others emerge as a function of the other- ular geometries of the moment. Deep Ones engaged in
worldly geometry of the sunken city. And while Scions worship, feeding, or what passes for Y’ha-nthleian daily
usually encounter those portals facing the World first, life avoid the Basalt Turn then, for to travel beyond it is to
many passages in deep’s darkness lead to wholly other leave beyond such sureties that their endless lives offer
realms and locations. them. It is a door to a stranger ocean, where Father Da-
Hooper’s Sink shares much in common with many gon and Mother Hydra would be but another impressive
such doorways in and around Miskatonic Hollow. Lo- predator, where aeon-long veneration of the Old Ones
cated in ill-fated fields owned by a family of the same becomes no more useful a ward against doom than an
name near Havenspoint, the fetid sinkhole retained the air-breather’s recitation of a child’s poem. For those Sci-
moniker long after they departed in despair. An often ons, Deep Ones, or others who dare, the Ocean Beyond
to the Warm Gardens inhabitants attempting to aggressive followers of Mother Dagon fall upon young
call up or recreate a brood of shoggoths with par- arrivals who breach unspoken rules in their Esoteric
ticular appetites for surface flesh. Can the Band Order of Dagon-inspired worship, finding some flaw in
intervene to stop it, preventing unfortunate towns obeisance that still reeks of the surface.
up and down the coast from being wiped out in While visitors from the surface may be surprised by
a single horrific mealtime? And do so without such casual carnage, no visitor to the Busy Waters is truly
drawing the attention of even more dangerous safe. Visitors find themselves casually pulled apart and
inhabitants of Y’ha-nthlei? devoured as a matter of course; Deep One disagreements
minutes or decades in the making become suddenly and
THE BUSY WATERS violently escalated in brutal moments; elders devour
younger creature fits of hunger or pique. Sometimes,
Y’ha-nthlei’s columns stretch from the waters near
the entrance at Devil’s Reef to the very depths of its oth- both parties survive, to nurse their wounds or missing
erworldly abyssal floor. Fashioned from ancient stone limbs until time restores their powerful forms. Other
ignorant of sunlight and unmoving across geological times, they are fatally final. For Y’ha-nthlei’s inhabitants,
epochs of time, the pillars stand impervious to even the this is the natural conclusion of so many bodies exist-
passage of Y’ha-nthlei’s gods and deep ages. That there ing in close proximity, the constant companion to the
are sections marked by webbed touches and piscine bod- eternity stretching ahead of them. Even the oldest Deep
ies scratched into their implacable structure speaks both Ones, the greatest killers, the most devoted to worship,
to how long the Deep Ones have inhabited Y’ha-nthlei, and the cleverest in sorcery know that should they swim
and how popular these places have been among them. through the Busy Waters when Father Dagon comes to
visit, they could disappear in a single bloody moment.
Called the Busy Waters by those hybrids who bother
to refer to them in human language, the long stretches PILLAR HORRORS
serve as both concourse and forum for many of Y’ha-nth-
The Deep Ones have mastered or driven away any
lei’s inhabitants. They offer slightly safer transit from
creatures of the terminal Abyss that could threaten their
the depths to what passes for the place’s shallow climbs,
adult forms. Those who remain are still dangerous to
generally free of horrors which threaten even the Deep
visiting Scions or other creatures less durable or adapt-
Ones past the city’s limits. Those creatures who wish
ed to Y’ha-nthlei’s climes. Corkscrewing sanguinator
conversation or communion with their fellows may
worms cannot successfully penetrate healthy Deep One
most easily find it hanging off aeon-old outcroppings,
flesh, but are quite capable of draining a human or relat-
indicating a desire (or at least a willingness) to share
ed surface dweller of blood in moments. Flenser Crabs
submerged fellowship.
strip carcasses free of flesh in mere minutes; Deep Ones
Clouds of blood mark partnerships sealed through cultivate them for keeping columns clean of carrion or
shared slaughter of a meal. Echoing benthic howls echo other detritus, but soft human flesh presents as a deli-
as companions pull parasites or unwelcome growths cious snack for the creatures. Deep Ones have similarly
from one anothers’ bodies. Dim living illumination bred Idle Jellies for the pleasant sensation their stings
spreads across niches as enthusiastic partners in mysti- induce in Deep One flesh. Those foreign stock who run
cism prepare an impromptu ritual space with the glow- afoul of their soft forms and undulating tentacles suffer
ing guts of an unfortunate lamp creature. terrifying hallucinations, which seem to attract the at-
Others Deep Ones come to the Busy Waters to tention of other, often immaterial threats which lurk in
practice worship and offer obeisance to the Old Ones in the ocean’s dark.
public view. While there are numerous places dedicated
either to the ancestral Father Dagon and Mother Hydra STORY HOOKS
or the wider pantheon of Old Ones across Y’ha-nthlei, • The Scions need to track down a specific Deep
great and ancient powers and individuals claim many. One in order to obtain its centuries old knowledge
A Deep One who wishes to lead worship without mil- of a weakness their Mythos enemies hold, but lose
lennia of preparation, or whose views of their Gods the trail as the reach Y’ha-nthlei. The Busy Waters
somehow offend their elders can do worse than to may be the only place the Scions can hope to sim-
present devotional adulation in the Busy Waters. Such ply see the Deep One passing by, but the longer
modern Deep One prophets occasionally find their pub- they wait for their quarry, the greater chance that
lic demonstrations bring them like-minded followers, some other inhabitant of Y’ha-nthlei objects to
or invitations into obscure clades of their fellows who their presence. Can they convince another local
share the same outré beliefs. Other times, it gets them to help them, or at least point them in the right
torn apart and devoured before their peers, which is but direction?
another form of worship for the Old Ones. Particularly
its halls it becomes apparent that major rituals sanguinator worms as guard animals or assassins. This is
are underway that may summon dangerously de- much more dangerous to hybrids who haven’t come ful-
structive forces, threatening the arrival of enough ly into the unnatural health native to fully mature Deep
Predecessor Parasites to drain the life from a Ones, as the worms can still feed off their not-yet-invio-
Massachusetts town or a sanguinator worm large lable blood if given the chance.
enough to simply devour it. Do they stop whatev-
er is summoned, or remain hidden in their tempo-
rary safe haven? SANGUINATOR WORM
• The rest of Y’ha-nthlei is readying for the sea- Archetype: Foe
sonal rites which claim many lives in Innsmouth Qualities: Life Drain (Hero, p. 287)
and elsewhere on the surface. If the Deep Ones of
Drive: Feast on Blood and Grow Fat
the Unbound Structure can be convinced to turn
against their brethren shortly before the event, Primary Pool (7): Ambush Prey, Feed on Blood
much of the killing on the surface could be avoid- (+1 Enhancement), Slither Along Submarine
ed. Can the Scions figure out a way to convince Structures
the elders in the Structure to make a move, with- Secondary Pool (5): Drawn Out Conflict, Pursuit
out tripping across some ancient taboo against Through Open Water
surfacer interference that raises their ire? Desperation Pool (3): Moving Outside of Water
• An ally of the Scions needs information about Health: 1
events that happened thousands of years ago.
Deep Ones witnessed whatever happened, but Defense: 1
Y’ha-nthlei’s ancients are unlikely to be helpful. Initiative: 4
The Unbound Structure seems a likely place to
Special: Sanguinator Worms can’t use their Life
find useful information. When the Scions arrive, Drain quality against targets with the Regeneration
however, the Deep Ones there are already en- Quality or Heavy Armor.
gaged in immediate and lethal ideological conflict
with Y’ha-nthlei’s elders. How do the Scions get
the information they need in the middle of an
alien sectarian struggle?
Zathitho 173
sapient creatures as though they were nothing more Dyer and the Miskatonic University expedition to Ant-
than beasts would not go well for them. It took time, but arctica in the early 1930s. While this account details the
the shoggoths eventually rose up against their creators trials the Elder Things encountered when they entered
and fought a long and bloody battle for their freedom. the World, it recounts little of Zathitho, other than to de-
Shoggoths had a distinct advantage. They could scribe the incredible science the Elder Things once had
change their form for various functionality far faster access to but is now lost. Dyer’s team recorded a great
than the Ichaatath could respond with genetic manipu- deal of story through elaborate artworks left by the El-
lations. By the time the race of Elder Things produced a der Things in their recounting of their history. Embed-
way to contain and control the shoggoths, it was too late. ded in these art works are the angular geometric designs
Shoggoths all around the universe rose up against the necessary for understanding how to get to Zathitho.
Elder Things and forced them into hiding on the plan- Walter Gilman visited Zathitho while in a sleeping
ets they had inhabited. Most Elder Things planets had state. His visits to the Terra Incognita were disjointed in
no connection to Zathitho and had long lost the level of his own mind, but his recollection of the landscape and
technology it would take to effectively combat shoggoths. the abandoned city he visited were superb. Gilman’s ram-
On Zathitho, the Ichaatath retreated to a single blings describe the arcane geometries and esoteric math
sprawling city, Zath, which became both their refuge required to enter the dreaming state necessary to travel
and prison. Within the city, they were able to mount to Zathitho, though he never calls the place by that name.
defenses that the shoggoth could not penetrate, and His writings and the small artifacts he took from the
there they developed a weapon that could destroy the Terra Incognita now reside in the Miskatonic University
shoggoths who got too close. The shoggoths feared ex- library, though few connect his writings with Zathitho.
tinction and walled the Ichaatath into their home with Initiates of Nyarlathotep know of the Terra Incognita
a self-replicating wall made of non-sentient shoggoth as a stopover to the infinite chaos where Azathoth resides.
flesh. It didn’t work as intended, but the shoggoths were Nyarlathotep uses the space as a place most connected
able to maintain the perimeter long enough to flee. between the World and Azathoth’s realm, and will often
Now Zathitho is a desolate place. The shoggoth’s meet Scions there, or guide them there, to do business
flesh wall keeps most of the Ichaatath inside their last with them. Though Azathoth’s Scions and followers must
city, and the remnants of their failed genetic experiments visit the Terra Incognita on their way to visit their Outer
roam the abandoned places. A few shoggoths remain in God, they stay for such a short time, they know little of
Zathitho as protectors, ready to attack anyone who might the planet other than the Lost City of Iretah.
try to follow their brethren. They keep sentinel still, eons
after their uprising and exodus from the World. GATES
Only a few gates open into Zathitho from the World.
The Ichaatath on Zathitho desperately wish to open
MYTHOS gates to the World, and the shoggoths there are intent
Zathitho is the origin of all Elder Things and shog- on opening their own gates to recruit reinforcements. As
goth. Elder Things feel a strong connection to the Terra of yet, they have failed to open anything permanent.
Incognita and seek to return there at all costs. It doesn’t
Keziah Mason, a Scion of Nyarlathotep, built a gate
help that the Ichaatath still living in the Terra Incognita
to Zathitho in Arkham during her stay there in the late
actively seek to open portals between their realm and the
1600s. The gate remained in the house until Walter
World in an attempt to relocate to the more fertile place.
Gilman, an occult researcher and Miskatonic University
The shoggoths that live there are actively attempting to
student, reopened it in his search for information on
stop this incursion, but they are not strong enough to
what happened to Keziah. Later, the city removed the
mount a full assault.
house after storm damage destroyed its roof, but the gate
Knowing they don’t have the forces in Zathitho they remains in its location. Today, the site of Keziah’s house
need, the shoggoths are actively recruiting shoggoths is dominated by a small, local owned bakery. The gate’s
from around the universe, but especially in the World, to strict geometric pattern requirements remain fulfilled in
deal with the Ichaatath and any who would help them. the bakery’s brickwork, inexplicably designed with just
Their activity has increased shoggoth activity all over, the right angles.
and Scions who visit Zathitho are bound to encounter
An older, and much harder gate to access is in the
hostile shoggoth forces who fear they are there to help
Elder Thing city in Antarctica. Up until recently, the
the Ichaatath.
gate was frozen over and inaccessible, but recent climate
shifts have uncovered the gate and allowed the shog-
LEGENDS goths to traverse to and from Zathitho.
Humans know the story of the Elder Things after
they came to the World through the writings of William
Zathitho 175
BROWN JENKIN Tough as Nails (Hero, p. 288), Unseen (Hero, p.
Brown Jenkin is no more a regular rat than Keziah
is a witch. Brown Jenkin was originally a guide given to Flairs: Beyond Description, Petrifying Gaze
Keziah by Nyarlathotep but has become entirely Fate- (Hero, p. 290), Sorcery (Origin, p. 151)
bound to her as her familiar and servant. Drive: Devour consciousnesses.
Primary Pool: 11
BROWN JENKIN Secondary Pool: 9
Archetype: Paragon Desperation Pool: 6
Qualities: Indestructible (Bashing) (Demigod, p. Health: 5
210), Life Drain (Hero, p. 287),
Natural Weapon (Bite) (Origin, p. 147) Defense: 4
Flairs: Shadow-Strike (Demigod, p. 213), Initiative: 9
Transformation (Demigod, p. 213)
Drive: Protect Keziah Mason. STORY HOOKS
• An ally has been traveling to Zathitho in their
Primary Pool: 8
dreams for weeks now. But recently, they’ve dis-
Secondary Pool: 6 appeared completely, failing to return from their
Desperation Pool: 5 last late-night sojourn. Now, the Band must travel
to Zathitho and find out what happened to their
Health: 1 friend. When they arrive, they find signs that
Defense: 3 spawn have attacked their friend. She is resource-
Initiative: 4 ful and might still be alive somewhere in the city.
Extras: Brown Jenkin is Tier 1. • Tales of an important Relic have made their way
to the Band. A mysterious woman asks them to
SPAWN assist her in finding it, offering her resources, and
promising access to the Relic once recovered. The
Despite having perfected genetic manipulation in the
Band’s mysterious benefactor is Keziah Mason,
sentient and self-correcting species of the shoggoth, the
and she has no intention of making good on her
Ichaatath prided themselves on their constant devotion
promises, and instead is going to feed them to the
to experimentation and development. Spawn are what
spawn and make off with the Relic herself once
resulted from years of experimenting with stolen genetic
they locate it.
material, and then left to evolve for millennia after the
shoggoth revolution. Spawn are genetic amalgamations • The Ichaatath kept all their most dangerous and
of Star-spawn of Cthulhu and Mi-go mixed with the ge- deadly devices openly on display in Iretah. They
netic template of the shoggoth. The resultant creatures reveled in their own genius and needed everyone
are terrifying predators with a single-minded desire to to recognize their prowess in science and exper-
consume any living consciousness they come across. imentation. Unfortunately, the Spawn roaming
the city have taken over a biological weapon. The
When Keziah Mason first arrived in Iretah, she ex-
bioweapon’s powerful reality bending capabilities
plored the city and found several Ichaatath experiments
start causing ripples in the World, which has in-
that had been left untouched, but still viable. She left most
flicted a magical illness on one of the Band’s allies.
alone, but her presence awakened the telepathic spawn
Now they must travel to the source of the illness
who were able to manipulate her into releasing them. She
to find a cure.
was able to save herself, but only just, and she avoids them
at all costs. Now, they roam the Iretah’s streets, complete-
ly uncontrolled and hungry for minds to devour. LAVENDER SEA
Zathitho’s oceans and seas house some of the most
beautiful of its strange architecture. After the shoggoth
SPAWN uprising, they retreated to these underwater homes,
Archetype: Nemesis feeling more comfortable there than on land. In the in-
Qualities: Baleful Touch (Hero, p. 289), tervening years, the shoggoths diverged from their orig-
Flight (Hero, p. 288), Life Drain (Hero, p. 287), inal genetic form, and took on various traits to help them
Regeneration (Hero, p. 288), better survive their environs. Now, water shoggoths in
Zathitho 177
If they catch a trespasser in the city, they will kill Scions traveling through Zath may encounter any of
them on sight at best, and feed them to one of their many the following field effects which impose a Complication
genetic experiments at worst. equal to their rating:
See p. XX for Elder Thing stats. • Pit of Existential Death (3): Not exactly pits,
these zones are covered in a chemical residue
SENTINELS that enters through the skin. Anyone that comes
Experimentation is a way of life for the Ichaatath, into skin contact with the stone or metalwork
and despite their failure with the shoggoth, it has not in the area must buy off the Complication when
stopped them from continuing to create horrific crea- performing any action. Failure to buy off the
tures to serve them. Collectively, these creations in Zath Complication results in a crushing dread that
are simply referred to as Sentinels. Their sole purpose is leaves the character without a drive to live or sur-
to protect their slumbering charges and are engineered vive. While she can still take subsequent actions,
to seek out anything that could pose a threat. she will do nothing to help herself or prevent
The Elder Things initially created the Sentinels to harm to herself.
seek out shoggoths and gave them the ability to see past • Invisible Snare (2): Invisible snares are form-
whatever shape shifting trick a shoggoth might use. Sen- less and cannot be detected until triggered. The
tinels have a highly developed sense of smell that verges snare creates a temporal and spatial anomaly
on telepathy. They can smell Fate and Legend equally that makes movement unpredictable. Anyone
well as the pheromones people give off when they are attempting to move through the snare must buy
afraid and use that information to manipulate their prey. off the Complication. Failure results in the char-
Sentinels roam Zath’s streets seeking out intruders. acter being knocked prone, being moved against
Shoggoths they murder on sight, but anyone else they their will in another direction, or being instantly
bring to their Elder Thing masters for interrogation and teleported into a different Range Band at the
possible dissection. Storyguide’s discretion.
SENTINELS • Elder Things have been awakening in the World
Archetype: Rival with a singular drive to return to Zathitho.
While many flock to Antarctica to return home,
Qualities: Perfected Soldier (Hero, p. 287),
others are attempting to build gates to the Terra
Regeneration (Hero, p. 288), Wall Walker (Hero,
p. 288) Incognita from wherever they are. The psychic
impulse has grown so powerful that its affected
Flairs: Beyond Description, Knock Out (Hero, p. those with Awareness. A Scion associated with
292), Mirror, Mirror (Hero, p. 291), Shadow Step the Band has been infected, and is trying to con-
(Hero, p. 291) tact an Elder Thing to assist in building a gate in
Drive: Protect and serve our masters. the middle of their city.
Primary Pool: 9 • The technology the Ichaatath used to hold
Secondary Pool: 7 Zathitho’s tectonic plates stable have given out,
and earthquakes shake the mountains surround-
Desperation Pool: 5 ing Zath. These tremors have awoken several
Health: 6 (+3 from Perfected Soldier) Elder Things and driven them out of the city.
Their search for a new place to live is a desperate
Defense: 4
imperative, and they are sending agents to the
Initiative: 6 World to make way for their imminent invasion. A
Extras: +2 Enhancement to Stunts other than Inflict nest of Elder Things has started reshaping a Band
Damage. +2 Enhancement to close combat attacks. member’s hometown, their friends and family
have already succumbed to the invasion force.
WARDS AND TRAPS • The Scions need the help of a shoggoth to navigate
In addition to the Sentinels roaming the city streets, some dangerous oceanic areas of Zathitho. Their
the Ichaatath survivors have laid out traps and wards guide is willing to help them but has negotiated
designed to prevent shoggoths from invading the city. that they first find the original shoggoth genetic
While many of these wards are now defunct, plenty re- blueprints. The Ichaatath took all such secrets
main and can cause a bad time for anyone entering them, with them to Zath and have likely locked them
not just shoggoths. away in their resting areas.
Zathitho 179
They say history is written by the victors.
They forget to say it is rewritten over time. Transformed by books.
Reinvented by those who didn’t live through it. You’ll probably
think what I’m about to tell you is false. That it’s a nightmare of a
child lost in a chaotic world. That there was never a disease.
That the dead do not come back to life.
My name is Madeline de Montargis, and this is my testament.
– Madeline de Montargis, La Révolution
Purviews: Artistry (Sculpture, Painting), Epic
Dexterity, Journeys, Passion, Sky, Stars, Wild
— Jean Toomer
For convenience, we’ve reprinted the character pantheon, how they relate to the gods and myths of their
creation rules from Scion: Hero here, incorporating the patron’s pantheon.
changes listed in Chapter Two (which are listed in ital- Each Path consists of the following elements:
ics). You will still need Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero
to reference specifics, such as Knacks and Boons, but • A short description of the Path (e.g. “Moscow
hopefully this appendix will help reduce the amount of Ballet Veteran” or “Field Primatologist”)
cross-referencing between books. • Three Skills associated with the Path. Which
Character Creation has nine steps: concept, Paths, three Skills you choose are up to you, but you
Skills, Attributes, Callings and Knacks, Purviews, Birth- should be prepared to justify non-obvious choices
rights, Boons, and finishing touches. like Culture for “Raised by Wolves.” Two of the
Skills you choose for your character’s Pantheon
Path must be the Pantheon Skills for divine pa-
STEP ONE: CONCEPT tron’s pantheon. Any given Skill can be associated
The first and most basic element of your character is with at most two of your Paths.
their concept. Think of this as a short phrase encapsulat-
ing the basic essence of the character — the sort of thing • A Path Condition that triggers when you invoke
you might see in a movie synopsis or on the back cover the Path too often. You can choose one of the
of a novel. Maybe they’re a “Mercenary to the Gods” or example Conditions or use them as a template to
“High Priestess of Santa Muerte.” create your own.
All at once he was alone in the dark of the Inside the lounge was a single room of lush
storage unit, shaking and damp with sweat. The reds and mahogany, a baker’s dozen of small
Music was gone, leaving him cold and empty, tables around the stage with a bar along the left
lesser than he was, sore and used. He sat there side. Few sat watching the band, fewer human
for a moment, catching his breath. His body dreamers. One was a waking human, their mark
ached as he returned the cello to the case, limp- of the Mythos buzzing for Zann through his con-
ing out of the unit and locking it behind him. nection to the Music, arriving through one of the
As Zann lay in the hotel bed, dressed only many gates, while a ghoul sat quietly gnawing
in the robe provided and the last vestiges of on a series of bones. At the bar sat a pair of the
the shower’s dampness, he sighed. He couldn’t hidden Lengese, conversing with the tall finely
continue this. As he played connected to the dressed pale man behind the bar, whose hon-
things that were either never human or else ey-colored eyes looked to Zann when he entered.
haven’t been in so long that they once were The rest of the band were dreamers seem-
no longer mattered, he could feel the pull to ingly caught in nightmares in the face of the
join them, to take his cello to and through the horrors of the otherworldly while playing
portal. That attraction had always been there, their illusory instruments, but the cellist, she
since he first joined the company of eldritch hummed with the same energy as Zann himself,
lullaby players, but only as he grew in power the resonance of the Music. Dressed in a black
did the Music inhabit him, and only then did he and ruby flapper dress, her mass of deep brown
realize that he would eventually join them. It curls crowning her head. Hers was the only real
was a matter of when, not if. instrument there, the sounds she pulled from
He has to find someone to continue his work it deep with pathos. Her eyes were closed, her
here. Earth is one of the central worlds, a site head moving along with the tempo. He knew
for many a conflict between beings that would that look; he wore it often. No one else was
otherwise not realize the third planet from this present for her, no one else existed in this room
unimpressive sun was inhabited at all. Because but her in her mind. This music was for herself.
of all that attention, Earth rang with resonance The bartender, shooing the people from
that could be channeled and directed to this Leng away, nodded beckoningly to Zann. He
task, exactly what he’d been puppeteered by the smiled wide, spreading his arms wide.
Music to do. Without him, or someone like him, “Welcome to the Cleft Hanger, Herr Zann.
the Demon King may wake. As Zann drifted Your reputation precedes you.” The bartender’s
off to sleep himself, his course seemed clear. voice, smooth like silk, moved under the music
Another player must be found. without interrupting it.
*** Zann signed back his reply. Who is that
playing the cello?
The night sky above blazed with different The bartender’s smile widened, nodding ap-
constellations, and Erich Zann walked down a preciatively. “Yes, our star here, Miss Márquez
black cobblestone street, flanked on either side Jimenez. Exquisite, is she not? It’s amazing
by dark gray skyscrapers that reached up like so what one can create when she is fulfilling her
many dagger-like fangs. People passed him, but dreams?” He chuckled to himself.
they were barely humanoid shadows. Here in the
Zann didn’t reply, turning his back on the
Dreamlands, those who only dreamed shallowly
bartender to watch the performance. Jimenez
barely appeared here. No, they wouldn’t do.
played as though the cello was one with her
Overhead, the flapping of flabby wings as a body, as if her heart’s blood poured out into
pack of nightgaunts passed. He passed a family the air. There was beauty there, love, and joy,
of ghouls carrying a large headstone between but also pain, so much pain. Torment and rage
them, gibbering among themselves in their danced alongside the positive emotions, and by
tongue. He understood them here, though only time she lifted the bow from the strings, no one
because dreams are universal. escaped her enthrallment.
He passed a music club, The Clef Hanger. She bowed, along with her dreaming ensem-
People, real people who dream deeply and thus ble members. She spoke with a slight Hispanic
present as such, came in and out of it as he drew accent that Zann couldn’t place.
near, and with the door open, he could hear the
“We’re Los Llaveros de Plata, the next show
jazz playing within. Most of it was passable,
is in half an hour, thank you.”
but the ensemble played a cellist whose notes
filled his heart with both hope and dread. The She walked off the stage with the others,
chord of the Music that lived with him since his breaking from them to walk over to the bar.
Visitation, a simple beat that played alongside Before she arrived, the bartender placed two
that of his heart, thrummed in his chest. glasses on the bar, filling a glass with water and
a rocks glass with ice and dark rum.
Paying for his uneaten breakfast and Hank held what appeared to be a portable
checking out of the Philharmonic’s room, Zann phone charger, brandishing it with all the mal-
turned down an alleyway between two tall ice as a pistol. The bolt of lightning bounced
buildings and began to hum a tune. The Music from the pavement to a streetlight across the
swelled, echoing his tune of the concrete and street, which exploded, then back to the char-
marble around him, swiftly encasing him in a ger. The Scion of Nyarlathotep wound back
cacophony that only he could hear. The stone as if he was casting a fishing rod, loosing the
vibrated, then his cells did, then the atoms that living lightning at Zann.
made them up. He screamed out wordlessly, rolling away
Pain racked his body as it fell apart for a from the malevolent energy creature, regaining
split second and was put back together else- his feet and fleeing into an alley. Zann had no
where. The tune ended, and Zann was no longer idea where he was, where he was going, but he
in New York City. Pulling out his phone, its had to get away from Hank if he was going to
GPS informed him that he was in Michigan, do anything about his pet. The alley emptied
not far from Detroit. Limping for a moment, into a dead-end loading dock. Zann pressed his
he moved westward, feet guided by the song in back to the brick of the building as the elec-
his heart. tricity arced from a transformer on a power
“Herr Zann, it’s good to see you again.” line to an abandoned car. The sedan roared to
Zann turned to see a tall, narrowly built man, life, awkwardly reversing and pointing its red
the bartender from the night before but now headlights at him.
dressed in a Pistons basketball jersey, dark Zann whistled, drawing on the power of the
jeans, and sneakers. Music that lived within him. He drew the mne-
What are you doing here, Hank? Zann monic melody that was his heartbeat, the pulse
signed. of his breathing, the buzz of thought between
the synapses of his mind, and channeled them
“Nothing, just seeing an old friend, but now into a simple song. He didn’t know if a creature
that I’m here, maybe we can talk about this. of electricity could hear, but it was alive, and
Must you do this?” all things alive moved to the Music.
Zann blinked. Do what? The car revved, tires burning rubber. It
“Bother our friend, Miss Jimenez.” Zann’s lurched forward for half a foot before slamming
eyes narrowed, and Hank’s smile broadened, to a stop. Zann kept up the whistle, like a snake
too white teeth catching the morning sun. “I charmer to a cobra, controlling the monster
know what you want to do, Herr Zann, and I within the machine. It was his, like he was the
simply can’t have it.” Music’s, a dancer to his song. The door opened
to a high-pitched trill, and when he drew the
Why the hell not? There must always be a song to a close with a hum, he locked the living
Player. lightning in the car’s battery.
“Is that what that insipid tune of yours tells Still on, Zann reversed, exiting the alley at
you? Why? So old grandfather doesn’t awak- speed but Hank wasn’t on the street when he
en? He’s been slumbering long before you and pulled out. That didn’t matter, Zann knew, a
your ridiculous noise came around, and besides, spawn of the Crawling Chaos he could be any-
what’s wrong with him walking up and shaking one at any time. He only knew one person in
up the status quo anyway?” this city whose identity he could trust, Márquez
Grandfather. Zann’s eyes widened. You’re…. Jimenez. Pulling on the power within him
Hank’s eyes went dark, his smile widened again, he sat silently and listened.
further, too far. His teeth, between one blink He put out the car noises and the low-grade
and another, became fangs, his already tall and hum of the creature still struggling against
narrow form grew, towering over Zann. his magic. He ignored the sounds of the city
“Whoops, it’s my big mouth, always getting around him and tuned himself fully to the Mu-
me in trouble.” His voice distorted, becoming sic. There, he heard her, faintly. Following the
thinner. “The Crawling Chaos sends his regards, Music in his heart as it synchronized with her
Player. He wants Azathoth to wake up. It’s time song, he made his way to her.
to rise and shine, music man, so I can’t have
you finding someone else to take up the lullaby ***
when you make your way through the portal.”
Márquez Jimenez worked as a personal care
Zann turned and ran, as Hank laughed ma- assistant in a nursing home when not being the
niacally behind him. The smell of ozone filled headliner of a jazz club in the Dreamlands.
his nose as a bolt of sanguine lightning struck Zann had to whistle and tap his leg into another
the concrete sidewalk just behind him, throw- song, this one meant to make the security and
ing Zann to the ground. staff ignore him. They didn’t see him when they
of it, to make beautiful sounds come from the “Ah. Okay, yeah.” She said, rising. She sud-
voiceless, but she didn’t take your voice.” She denly was next to him, sitting down in a metal
nodded, certain. Zann heard the ring of truth in folding chair, the cello he’d watch her play
what she said and a knot that had laid in his when he first encountered her in hand. Behind
heart for almost his entire life slid undone. “So, him was another such chair, a cello case next to
I’m supposed to play something important.” it. “Let’s get started then.”
Only if you think keeping a mad alien God
from waking up and destroying the reality that
is its dream is important.
Legendary Title:
Bruised +1
Bruised +1
Movement Dice:
Defense Roll:
Academics: Medicine:
Athletics: Occult:
Close Combat: Persuasion:
Culture: Pilot:
Empathy: Science:
Firearms: Subterfu e:
Inte rity: Survival:
Leadership: Technolo y:
Mortal Immortal
Bruised +1
Bruised +1
Bruised +1
Movement Dice:
Defense Roll:
The Mythos is older than humanity, Gods, and
Titans, with an unknowable otherness that can shatter
them all. This slumbering horror lurks in the shadows,
carrying out its alien machinations with little regard for
those beneath it until it requires pawns.
Those that touch the Mythos are forever altered. The
World explodes into full view for them, leaving some
shattered, others power-mad, and still others knowing
only secrecy protects humanity. Mythos Scions fair little
better, empowered by these alien beings that alter
their very essence, the ability to break Fate and leave
the walls of reality weaker in their wake. These human
embodiments of the Mythos are not good or evil; such
easily definable morality is for lesser beings. What does
one do when their power comes with a cost?
Some highlights of Masks of the Mythos include:
• An entire new pantheon: the Mythos
• A trove of new Callings and relics
• Expanded investigation rules
• A detailed tour of the Miskatonic Hollow, including
Arkham and Innsmouth
• An introductory scenario for a new band of Scions
Do you have the willpower to face the Mythos? To
become the Mythos…?