CX500 EM243-ADOP6-1 Operation's Manual

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PART No. EM243-—ADOP6 — 1 Operator’s Manual CX500 Hydraulic Crawler Crane (Assembling and Disassembling) Serial No. 002244 and up H ITACHI INTRODUCTION Read this manual carefully to learn how to operate ‘and service your machine correctly. Failure to do so ‘could result in personal injury or machine damage. ‘This manual should be considered 2 permanent ‘part of ycur machine and should remain with the ma- chine whan you sell it ‘This machine is of metric design. Measurements in this manual are metric. Use only metric hardware and too's as specified. + SI Unils (International System of Units) are used in this manual. For reference MKS system units and English units are alco indicated in parentheses after the SI units. Example : 24.5 MPa (250 kgticm?, 2560 psi) Right-hand and left-hand sides are determined by facing in the direction of forward travel Write product identification numbers in the Machine Numbers section. Accurately record all the numbers to help in tracing the machine should itbe stolen. Your dealer also needs these numbers when you order parts. If this manual is kept on the machine, also fle the identfication numbers in a secure place off the machine Warranty is provided as part of Hitachi's support pro- {gram for customers who operate and maintain theie ‘equipment as described in this manual. The warranty is explained on the warranty certificate which you should have received from your dealer. This warranty provides you the assurance that Hitachi will back its products where defects appear within the warranty period. In some circumstances, Hitachi also provides field improvements, often without charge to the customer, even if the product is out of warranty. Should the equipment be abused, or modified to change its performance beyond the original fac- tory specifications, the warranty will become void and field improvements may be denied. Setting fuel delivery above specifications or otherwise overpower ing machines will resut in such action ‘The yellow pages in this operator's manual contain IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. Read these pages thoroughly and familiarize yourself with the safely standards and recommendations set forth in these yellow pages of the manual. Follow all safety instructions prior to and while operating the machine. Only qualified, experienced operators offically licensed (according to iocai law) should be allowed to operate the machine, Moreover, only officially licensed person- nel should be allowed to inspectiservice the machine. All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice. (2000 Hitachi Consiucion Machinery Ca, a ‘Allright reserved. CONTENTS SAFETY Recognize Safety Information Understand Signal Words Follow Safety Instructions. Prepare for Emergencies Wear Protective Clothing... Protect Against Noise. Inspect Machine ...-.- Use Handholds and Steps. Adjust the Operator's Seat. Fasten Your Seat Belt Operate Only from Operator's Seal Jump Starting .. Keep Riders Off Machine Investigate Job Site Beforehand.... Provide Signals for Jobs Involving Multiple Numbers of Machines Confirm Direction of Machine to be Driven.. Drive Machine Safely. ‘Avoid Accident. ‘Always Operate the Machine Safely with Direct Line of Sight Visibility. ‘Avoid Injury from Back-Over and Swing Accidents. ‘Avoid Tipping. Keep Personnel Clear from Working Area... ‘Avoid Power Lines. Do Not Leave Machine with a Load Lifted and/or Engine Running. a Correct Machine Pose for Operation. Safety Devices’ Capacities are Limited recaution fr Laed Hott ‘Avoid Overloading ‘Avoid Hitting Bucket or Load against Boom or Jib Never Allow Anyone to Ride on a Lifted Load. Never Operate wit» Song Wind Blowing, Lightning ‘Charged Hook Precautions Precautions for Boom Disassembly. Protect against Flying Debris, Park Machine Safely. Handle Fluids Safely — Avoid Fires. Safe Transportation Towing Machine Practice Safe Maintenance Warn Others of Service Work ‘Support Machine Properly ‘Stay Clear of Moving Parts, Prevent Paris from Flying. Store Attachments Safely Prevent Burns... Replace Ruboor Hoses Periodically Avoid High-Pressure Fluids. $9 S410 Sit S42 S412 S13 $13 S14 S14 S15 $415 Never Attempt to Modify Safety Devices, Hydraulle Components, or Electrical Wiring 8-25 Prevent Fires. = 8-26 Evacuating in Case of Firé..vsssssesnsnssvsee S27 Boware of Exhaust Fumes. S27 Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines ... S-28 Avoid Applying Heat to Lines Containing Flammable Fluids 8.28 Remove Paint before Welding or Heating ...... S-28 Prevent Battery Explosions... $29 ‘Service Air Conditioning System Safely. $29 ‘Avoid Harmful Asbestos Dust. 8.30 Handle Chemical Products Safely $31 Dispose of Waste Proper $31 SAFETY SIGNS 8-32 ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY Precautions for Boom Assembly and Disassembly Precautions for Pin Hole Alignment Precautions for Boom Connection. Recautions for Rope Socket and Cotter Installation. 1 Precautions for Moving the Machine. 16 Precautions for Sling Work 18 Precautions for Using Suspension Lugs. 1.9 Precautions for Front Attachment Assembly.....1-10 Disassemble and Assemble Front ‘Attachment ea ASSEMBLY ‘Assembly eee Operational Conditions on Partially Disassembled Machine 22 Extending Crawler... 25 Installing Lower Boom. 27 Installing Boom Stop... 2.9 instaling Bridle Temporarily. 210 Installing Boom Hoist Wire Rope. 244 Winding Boom Hoist Wire Rope 09 Drum .....2-15 Extending/Retracting Gantry 247 Raise Lower Boom. 248 Installing Counterweights. 2-19 Installing Upper Boor. 2-24 Installing Boom Pendant Rope ... pn BBS Rewinding Boom Hoist Wire Rope 2.28 Installing Extension Booms 2.27 Pendant Rope Connection Procedure rr 232, Rewinding Boom Hoist Wire Rope 2-34 Connecting Boom and Pendant Rope 2-36 Instaliing Aux. Jib... gr. Install Hoist Wire Rope... 2-39 Wiring 2-48 CONTENTS DISASSEMBLY Precautions for Disassembling Work 34 DisassembliAg renner 33 Laying Boom, 4 Removing Main Hoist Wire Rope and Hook. Removing Hamesses. 36 Removing Upper Boom, Exiension Boom, and Pendant Rope Removing Counterweight Retracting Gantry Removing Boom Hoist Wire Rope... Removing Boom Stop . Removing Lower Boom Removing AUX. Jib... Removing Crawer. WIRE ROPE Wire Rope Construction and Handling at Wire Rope Types and Their Characteristics ....4-3 ‘Standard Wire Ropes. 45 ‘Specifications for Standard Wire Rope Installed on New Machine. Precautions for Wire Rope Handiing.. Precautions for Wire Rope Windings ‘on Drums. 4.10 TRANSPORTING ‘Transporting on Public Roads. Transporting the Machine by Trailer. Folding Rear View Mirror... Loading/Unioading ‘Transporting INDEX, et SAFETY RECOGNIZE SAFETY INFORMATION ‘* This is the SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL. + When you see this symbol on your machine or in this| ‘manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury + Follow recommended precautions and safe operating practices. UNDERSTAND SIGNAL WORDS ‘+ On machine safely signs, signal words designating the degree or level of hazard - DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION - are used wit the safety alert symbol + DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious in- jury. WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, iFnot avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. + DANGER or WARNING safety signs are located near specific hazards. General precautions are listed on CAUTION safety signs. '* CAUTION also calls attention to safety messages in this manual '* To avoid confusing machine protection with personal ‘safety messages, a signal word IMPORTANT indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in damage to the machine. * NOTE indicates an additional explanation for an element of information. A DANGER A WARNING A CAUTION IMPORTANT @ NOTE SAFETY FOLLOW SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS = Carefully read and follow all safety signs on the machine and all safety messages in this manual ‘* Safety signs should be installed, maintained and re- placedwhen necessary. + Ifa safety sign or this manual is damaged or missing, order a replacement from your authorized dealer in the same way you order other replacement parts (be sure to state machine model and serial number when order- ing). * Learn now to operate the machine and its controls cor- rectly and safely + Allow only trained, qualified, authorized personnel to op- erate tre machine, © Keep your machine in proper working condition * Unauthorized modifications of the machine may impair its function and/or safety and affect machine life. «The sefety messages in this SAFETY chapter are in- tendec to ilustrate basic safety procedures of machines. However itis impossible for these safety messages to cover every hazardous situation you may encounter. If you have any questions, you should first consult your sux pervisor andior your authorized dealer before operating or performing maintenance work on the machine. PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES ** Be prepared ifa fire starts or if an accident occurs. Koo a first aid kit and fre extinguisher on hand, + Thoroughly read and understand the label attached on. the fire extinguisher to use it properly. Esteblish emergency procedure guidelines to cope with fires and accidents, Kees emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance sence, hospital, and fire department posted near your telephone. S2 SAFETY WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING eee Se priate to the job. — ® ‘Anorahat Story shoes Safety lasses, goggles or feo shits a Hoa gloves Hearing protecton @ Reflective clothing Wet weather gear aun Respirator or fiter mask. Be sure to wear the correct equipment and clothing for the job. Do not take any chances. PSLS + Avoid wearing loose clothing, jewelry, or other items that can catch on control levers or other parts of the machine. '* Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones, while operating the machine. ‘PROTECT AGAINST NOISE + Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment or loss of hearing, + Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable (or uncomfortably loud noises. INSPECT MACHINE ‘+ Inspect your machine carefully each day or shift by walk- ing around it before you star il to avoid personal injury * In the walk-around inspection, be sure to cover all points described in the “PRE-START INSPECTION” chapter. 83 SAFETY ‘USE HANDHOLDS AND STEPS. * Falingis one of the major causes of personal injury | | ¥ macrine and mainain a tnee-peint contact wt ho SG | steps and handrails, * Do rot use any controls as handholds, Never jump on or off the machine. Never mount or dismount a moving machine. Be careful of slippery conditions on platforms, steps, ‘and handrails when leaving the machine. ADJUST THE OPERATOR'S SEAT e ‘= A poory adjusted seat for either the operator or for the ‘work ai hand may quickly fatigue the operator leading to misoperations. + The seat should be adjusted whenever changing the ‘operator for the machine. + The operator should be able to fully depress the ped- als znd to correctly operate the control levers with his back against the seat back. + Ifnot, move the seat forward or backward, and check see again S-4. SAFETY FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT (IF EQUIPPED) « tw machin shoud over, the operator maybe Some npr ane tow font io eab, Ana te spurl maybe es ye avetaing marie Tatg Petes errocoath JOEL + Prior to operating the machine, thoroughly examine webbing, buckle and attaching hardware. If any item is damaged or worn, replace the seat belt or component before operating the machine. + Be sure to remain seated with the seat belt securely fastened at all imes when the machine Is in operation {to minimize the chance of injury from an accident. + We recommend that the seat belt be replaced every three years regardless of its apparent condition. OPERATE ONLY FROM OPERATOR'S SEAT ‘= Inappropriate engine starting procedures may cause the machine to runaway, possibly resulting in serious injury or death, + Start the engine only from the operator's seat. ~ NEVER start the engine while standing on the track or ‘on ground, + Do not start engine by shorting across starter termi- nals. + Before starting the engine, confirm that all control lev- ers are in neutral 85 SAFETY JUMP STARTING ‘© Battery gas can explode, resulting in serious injury + Ifthe engine must be jump started, be sure to follow the instructions shown in the ‘OPERATING THE EN- GINE” choptor. * The operator must be in the operator's seat so that the machine will be under control when the engine starts. Jump starting is a two-person operation. Never use a frozen battery, Fallure to follow correct jump starting procedures ‘could result in a battery explosion or a runaway ma- chine. KEEP RIDERS OFF MACHINE '* Riders on machine are subject to injury such as being struck by foreign objects and being thrown off the ma- chine. + Only the operator should be on the machine. Keep rid- ers off + Riders also obstruct the operator's view, resulting in the machine being operated in an unsafe manner. sé SAFETY INVESTIGATE JOB SITE BEFOREHAND '* Soft ground may collapse when operating the machine ‘on it, causing the machine to tip over, possibly resulting in serious injury or death. Investigate and record geographical and geological features in advance to prevent the machine from tio- ping over and the ground from collepsing, Aways operate on a firm, level surface. {f operation on soft ground is required, sufficiently rein- force the ground with large steo! plates of required strength to prevent the machine from tipping over. Ground where underground embedding exists poses a danger of ground collapse. Be sure to sufficiently rein- force such ground, + Frozen ground becomes softer as air temperature in- creases. Be careful of footing when operating on fro- Zen ground, and reinforce the ground if required. + Where flowing water or infitration water is observed, the resultant is often soft ground. Avoid operating on such ground. If unavoidable, be sure to sufficiently re- inforce the ground, PROVIDE SIGNALS FOR JOBS INVOLVING MULTIPLE NUMBERS OF MACHINES * For jobs involving multiple numbers of machines, provide signals commonly known by all personnel involved. Also, appoint a signal person to coordinate the job site. Make sure that all personnel obey the signal person's direc- tions. 87 SAFETY CONFIRM DIRECTION OF MACHINE TO BE DRIVEN «+ Incorrect travel lever operation may resultin serous in- jury death + Before driving the machine, confirm the position of the undercarriage in relation to the operator's position. If the travel motors are located in front of the cab, the ‘machine wil move in reverse vinen travel levers are > operated tothe front, DRIVE MACHINE SAFELY ** Clear all persons from the work area. wx + Before moving the machine, find out which way to move the travel levers for the direction you wish to go. + Do not approach precipices or weak road shoulders. S38 AVOID ACCIDENTS ‘= Failure to obey signs used on the job may result in serl- ‘ous injury or death, + Learn the meaning of all signs used on the job and who has the responsibility for signaling, + Always be alert for by standers moving into the work area. Use horn or other signal to warn by standers be- {ore starting the engine, driving, or swinging the ma- chine. ‘+ Failure to follow basic operation procedures and precau- tions may result in serious injury or death, + Avoid sudden starts and stops while operating, After liting a load 50 to 60 mm (2 to 2.4 inches) above the ground, stop hosting and check the brake and. clutch for correct function. Also, check that the ma- chine remains stable. * Constantly pay attention to overhead and surrounding obstacles. + Do not move a lifted load over anyone. Always confirm that the hoist line is vertical before starting the lit NEVER lift a load by raising the boom only. NEVER drag a load using the swing function. + NEVER use the swing parking brake to stop swing mo- tion, Always stop swing motion by slowly moving the ‘swing contro! lever into the reverse swing direction. Be sure that al safety devices, such as the overload prevention device, overload warning device, ete., are activated before operating ALWAYS OPERATE THE MACHINE SAFELY WITH DIRECT LINE OF SIGHT VISIBLITY + Visibility may be distorted by refraction at the curved sec- tuon of the windowpane. + Avoid operating the machine with your visibility dis- torted + If visibility is distorted, change your eyes to a position ‘80 that direst line of sight visibility can be obtained. $9 SAFETY AVOID INJURY FROM BACK-OVER AND SWING ACCIDENTS. + Ifany person is present near the machine when backing fr swinging the upperstructure, the machine may hit or run over that person, resulting in serious injury or death. To aveid back-over and swing accidents: + Always look around BEFORE YOU BACK UP AND SWING THE MACHINE, BE SURE THAT ALL BY- STANDERS ARE CLEAR. + Keep the travel alarm in working condition (it equpped) ALWAYS BE ALERT FOR BYSTANDERS MOVING INTO THE WORK AREA. USE THE HORN OR (OTHER SIGNAL TO WARN BYSTANDERS BEFORE MOVING MACHINE. « USE A SIGNAL PERSON WHEN BACKING UP IF = ‘YOUR VIEW IS OBSTRUCTED, ALWAYS KEEP THE SIGNAL PERSON IN VIEW. Use hand signals, which conform to your local regula- tions, when work conditions require a signal person. No machine motions shall be made unless signals are leery understood by both signalman and operator. sas + Learn the meanings of all fags, signs, and markings used on the job and confirm who has the responsibilty for signaling, Keep windows, mirrors, and lights clean and in good condition, Dust, heavy rain, fog, ete, can reduce visibility. As visibility decreases, reduce speed and use proper light- ing, Reed and understand all operating instructions in the operator's manual S10 SAFETY AVOID TIPPING ‘* Soft ground may collapse when operating the machine ‘on it, causing the machine to tip over, possibly resulting in serious injury or death. + Investigate and record geograpnical and geological features in advance to prevent the machine from tip- ping over and the ground from collapsing, + Always operate on a firm, level surface. operation on soft ground is required, sufficiently rein- force the ground with large steel plates of required strength to prevent the machine from tipping over. Ground where underground embedding exists poses a danger of ground collapse. Be sure to sufficiently rl force such ground. Frozen ground becomes softer as air temperature in- ‘creases. Be careful of footing when operating on fro- Zen ground, and reinforce the ground if required. + Where flowing water or infitration water is observed, the resultant is often soft ground, Avoid operating on. such ground. If unavoidable, be sure to sufficiently re- inforce the ground, SAFETY KEEP PERSONNEL CLEAR FROM WORKING, AREA + Serious injury or death may result if anyone comes near the machine or under a lifted load. + Before operating the machine, sot up barriors to the sides and rear area of the load swing radius to prevent anyone from entering the working area. + Kees all persons clear from the area of operation and machine movement + NEVER allow anyone underneath a lifted load. AVOID POWER LINES ‘* Sorious injury or death can result if the machine or front attach nents, oF iting load are not kept a safe distance ‘from dectrical tines. +f operation near power tines is required, be sure to cconiact the utility company beforehand to take appro- priae measures. + Never any part of the machine, including the hook or load, approach powerlines nearer then specified. For detzis, refer to the BASIC CRANE OPERATION sec- tion in the manual, ~ Ifoperation near power lines is unavoidable, be sure to have @ signal person observe crane proximity to power Tines. Never allow any bystanders to come in the work site, + Wel ground will expand the area that could cause any Person on itto be affected by electric shock. Keep all oe bystanders or co-workers away from the site. For de- tails, refer to the BASIC CRANE OPERATION section in this manual S12 SAFETY DO NOT LEAVE MACHINE WITH A LOAD LIFTED AND/OR ENGINE RUNNING = Do not leave the machine with a load lifted andior the engine running. Serious injury or death may result. When leaving the machine: + Park the machine on a firm, level surface. . + Lower the load to the ground. + Securely engage ail brake and drum locks. + Stop the engine. + Remove the key from the key switch. + Lock the cab door and all access doors, CORRECT MACHINE POSE FOR OPERATION ‘+ Incorrect machine pose operation may cause the ma- chine to tip over, possibly resulting in serious injury or death. Confirm that the machine is posed as follows before. starting operation. + The required counterweights are mounted, , + The side frame is fully extended and pin-locked. y YY + The ganty i inthe HIGH ganty poston + Also, confirm that the machine is on a firm, level sur- face. Use a level to confirm that the machine is posi tioned correctly, Moreover, be sure to periodically cal brate the level SAFETY SAFETY DEVICES’ CAPACITIES ARE LIMITED ++ This crane is equipped with safety devices, such as a moment limiter, boom and hook overhoist prevention de- vices. However, these safety devices cannot devices. However, These safety devices cannct detect if the ma- chine is assembled improperly or maladjusted, ifthe foot- ing is loose, nor can they automatically adjust the ma- cchine position or pose to neutralize the effect of change of the wind, + Learn the capacities and limitations of the safety de- vices before ever operating the machine. + For the areas that cannot be compensated with the safety device capacities, thoroughly read the instruc tion in this manual and take appropriate measures to prevent accidents from occurring, PRECAUTIONS FOR LOAD HOISTING ‘+ Accidental falling loads may result in serious injury or death, * Follow local regulations for hoistingssinging opera- tions. + Never come or work under a lifted load. + Never move a lifted load over a person’s head. * Always use hook(s) with a detachment prevention latch, + Use wire ropes, hooks, sling chains and shackles of appropriate sizes and sufficient strength, S14 SAFETY AVOID OVERLOADING + verlading me cause he machine to ip over or dam NX goth bosn is roaungnotaus Pry roth + Never ita load heavier than the rated load at its work- ing radius, CCraning capacities for this machine Is listed on the rated load table in the cab. The rated loads are determined tak- ing both structural strength and stabiity of the machine . into consideration, bd Never exceed restraints (working radius and rated load) show on the rated load table, nee ‘The machine may tip over and/or the frame may deform if aload exceeding the rate load is lifted, or it the boom is lowered to exceed the specified working radius. ‘AVOID HITTING BUCKET OR LOAD AGAINST BOOM OR JIB ‘+ Abend or other damage to the boom or jib reduces the strength and may cause bucking, possibly resulting in 2 break, + Ifthe boom or jib is bent or otherwise damaged, con- tact your authorized dealer immediately, + Ifa bent or otherwise damaged boom is lowered, buck- ling may occur, possibly leading to a break at some point before the boom is lowered to the ground. For that reason, be sure to secure the boom using an ‘other crane if the bent or otherwise damaged boom is lowered to the ground, S15 SAFETY NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO RIDE ON A LIFTED LOAD ‘© Falling from a ifted load may result in serious injury or death. + NEVER allow anyone to ride on a lited load. + NEVER attempt to ift a person. NEVER OPERATE WITH A STRONG WIND BLOWING '* Operating with a strong wind blowing, the machine may tip over, possibly resulting in serious injury or death, + NEVER operate with a strong wind blowing, + Before starting operation, pay attention to the weather forecast and observe the wind direction and speed in ‘order to decide whether to start or to postpone the op- ‘ration, If the wind direction and/or speed changes while oper- ating so that strong winds may occur, immediately stop operation. Especially, be more cautons about changes in wind conditions when operating in a “valley’ be- tween tall buildings as wind conditions tend to change ‘more unexpectedly and suddenly. * Depending on wind speed, follow the suggested ‘measures stated in the "WIND" section in this manual S16 SAFETY LIGHTNING * Tall objects such as crane booms are vulnerable to light- ning strikes. + In the event of an electrical storm, immediately stop ‘operation and lower the boom to the ground. Do not remain on the machine. Evacuate to a safe place away from the machine. + After the electrical storm has passed, inspect the ma- chine, especially the safety devices. Repair any faulty (or malfunctioned parts before putting the machine back to service, CHARGED HOOK PRECAUTIONS ‘+ The hook may become charged with extremely high volt- lage by radio waves from a nearby radio or TV station, e possibly causing co-worker(s) to be electrically shocked ‘and the safety devices to malfunction, + Be sure to ground the hook before starting slinging work, For details, refer to the BASIC CRANE OPERATION section in this manual. S17 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR BOOM DISASSEMBLY ‘* Prevent the boom(jib from falling; the boom or ji may fal if disassembled with joint pins removed in the wrong or- der, possibly resulting in serious injury or death, Be suet folow te precautions below to prevent the boom rm fling e + Select a leader from the disassembly team, Take o- ders only from the leader. + Support the boomijib on blocks of required strength, . * Do not allow anyone underneath the boomyjib. on PROTECT AGAINST FLYING DEBRIS * If fying debris hit eyes or any other pert of the body, seri- us injury may result. + Guard against injury from flying pieces of metal or de- bris; wear goggles or safety glasses. + Keop bystanders away from the working area before striking any object, SAFETY PARK MACHINE SAFELY To avoid accidents: + Park machine on a firm, level giound. + Lower the boom to the ground. + Ina work site where the boom cannot be lowered fo the ground, secure the boom using guy ropes so as to minimize the wind effect on the boom, + For measures to be taken against strong winds, refer to the section “WIND” (BASIC CRANE OPERATION} in this manual + Run the engine at slow idle for fve (5) minutes to cool the engine down: + Engage all brake and drum locks. Stop the engine. + Remove the key from the key switch, Lock the eab and all access doors. HANDLE FLUIDS SAFELY—AVOID FIRES * Do not refuel the machine while smoking or when near ‘open flame or sparks. + Always stop the engine before refueling the machine, + Fill the fuel tank outdoors. '* All fuels, most lubricants, and some coolants are flam- able. + Store flammable fuids well away from fie hazards. + Do not incinerate or puncture pressurized container. (‘Z 4, + Do not store oly rags; they can ignite ard burn spon- , taneously. 8-19 SAFETY SAFE TRANSPORTATION ‘© The danger of tipping is present when loading/unioading, machine ontoffrom a truck or trailer bed. + Be sure to observe local regulations when transporting the machine on public roads. * Be sure to have a signal person when loading/unload- ing the machine. + Provide an appropriate trailer for transporting the ma chine. ‘Take the following precautions when leading/unloading the machine: 0 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7 8) Select firm, level ground. Be sure to use a loading dock o° ramp. When using a loading ramp, use one which has antislip bands on the surface. Drive the machine at very slow speed. Avoid steering while driving up or down the ramp as itis extremely dangerous. If steering is un- avoidable, first move back to the ground or flatbed, ‘modily traveling direction, and begin to drive again Do not operate any levers besides the travel levers. when driving up or down the ramp. ‘The top of the ramp where it meets the flatoed is a sudden bump. Take care when :raveling over it ‘Securely fasten chains or cables to the machine frame. Refer to the “TRANSPORTING” chapter in this manual for details. TOWING MACHINE ‘+ When towing the machine, be sure to attach tow wire ropes around the track frames as illustrated. To prevent the wire ropes from being damaged, place protective ma- terial between the track frames and the wire ropes. Lessin 15 $-20 SAFETY PRACTICE SAFE MAINTENANCE To avoid accidents: Understand service procedures before starting work, Keep the work area clean and dry. Do not spray water or steam inside cab. Never lubricate or service the machine while itis mov- ing, Koop hands, feet and clothing away from power-driven parts. Before servicing the machine: 1) Park machine on a solid, level surface. 2) Lower the boom the ground. If the boom cannot be fully lowered, secure the boom with guy ropes to prevent the boom from being blown by wind, 3) Run the engine at slow idle speed without load for 5 minutes. 4) Apply all brakes and locks. 5) Turn the key switch to OFF to stop engine. 6) Remove the key from the switch. 7) Move the pilot shut-off lever to the LOCK position. 8) Attach a "Do Not Operate" tag on the cab door. fa maintenance procedure must be performed with, the engine running, do not leave machine unattended. ‘Securely support any machine elements that must be raised for service work. Ifthe machine must be raised, place supporting blocks under the frame Inspect certain parts periodically and repair or replace ‘as necessary. Refer to the section discussing that part in the “MAINTENANCE™ chapter of this manual. Keep all parts in good condition and propery installed, Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts. Remove any buildup of grease, oll or debris, Disconnect battery ground cable (~) before making ad- justments to electrical systems or before performing welding on the machine. S24 SAFETY WARN OTHERS OF SERVICE WORK ‘+ Unexpected machine movement can cause serious in- jury. + Before performing any work on the machine, attach a “Do Not Operate” tag on the control lever. This tag is available from your authorized dealer. SUPPORT MACHINE PROPERLY ‘* Never attempt to work on the machine without securing the machine first. + Always lower the attachment to the ground before you work on the machine, + Ifycu must work on a lifted machine or attachment, securely support the machine or attachment. Do not support the machine on cinder blocks, hollow tres, or ‘props that may crumble under continuous load. Do not ‘work under a machine that is supported solely by a jack. STAY CLEAR OF MOVING PARTS + Entanglement in moving parts can cause serious injury. + To prevent accidents, care should be taken to ensure thathands, feet, clothing, jewelry and hair do not be- ‘come entangled when working around rotating parts, NOT OPERATE 8-22 SAFETY PREVENT PARTS FROM FLYING ‘© Grease in the track adjuster is under high pressure. Failure to follow the precautions below may result in se- rious injury, bindness, or death, * Do not attempt to remove COUPLER ASSEMBLY. + As pieces may fly off, be sure to keep body and face away from coupler. + Travel reduction gears are under pressure. + As pieces may fly off, be sure to keep body and face away from AIR RELEASE PLUG to avoid injury. GEAR OIL is hot + Wait for GEAR Olt to coo}, then gradually loosen AIR RELEASE PLUG to release pressure. STORE ATTACHMENTS SAFELY + Stored attachments such as buckets, can fall and cause serious injury or death. + Securely store attachments and implements to prevent falling. Keep children and bystanders away from stor- age area, 8-23 SAFETY PREVENT BURNS Hot spraying Mids: ‘© Alter operation, engine coolant is hot and under pressure. Hot weter or steam is contained in the engine, cadiator and heater lines. Skin contact with escaping hot water or steam can cause severe burns, * To avoid possible injury from hot spraying water. DO NOT remove the radiator cap until the engine is. cool. When opening, turn the cap slowly to the stop. Allow all pressure to be release before removing the cap. + The hydraulic ol tank is pressurized. Again, be sure to release all pressure before removing the cap. Hot fluds and surfaces: '* Engine oil, gear oll and hydraulic oll also become hot dur- ing operation. ‘The engine, hoses, lines and other parts become hot as well + Wai: forthe oil and components to coo! before starting any maintenance or inspection work. REPLACE RUBBER HOSES PERIODICALLY _ ‘* Rubber hoses that contain flammable fluids under pres- Sure may break due to aging, fatique, and abrasion. Itis very difficult to gauge the extent of deterioration due to aging, fatigue, and abrasion of rubber hoses by inspec- tion alone. + Periodically replace the rubber hoses. + Failure to periodically replace rubber hoses may cause a fire, fuid injection into skin, or the front attachment to fall (on a person nearby, which may result in severe burns, gangrene, or otherwise serious injury or death. “i a 8-24 SAFETY AVOID HIGH-PRESSURE FLUIDS '* Fluids such as diesel fuel or hydraulic oil under pressure can penetrate the skin or eyes causing serious injury, blindness or death. + Avoid this hazard by relieving pressure before discon necting hydraulic of other tines. + Reliove the pressure by moving the control levers sev- eral times, Tighten all connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard; take care to protect hands and body from high-pressure fluids, Wear a face shield or goggles for eye protection. Wan accident occurs, see a doctor familiar with this type of injury immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. NEVER ATTEMPT TO MODIFY SAFETY DE- VICES, HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS, OR ELECTRICAL WIRING + Incorrect modification or adjustment may cause acci- dent. + Do not modify or adjust the preagjusted parts of hy- 30 m (98 1) + Wooden Blocks (100mm (4 in) square cross section}: ‘Number of basic booms (3) + Number of extension booms x2 + Pry Bar 1m (31) long + Sledgehammer (10 pounds) ‘Standard Tools + Grease Grease with Molybdenum Disulfide: NISSEKI MORI- NOK GREASE No.2 General Purpose Grease: Refer to the Lubricant Chart in operation's manual ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY Preparations 1 Wear Protective Clothing ‘Wear close fiting clothing and safety equipment ap- propriate to the job. Assign Personnel to the roles needed for the work, such as crane operator, assembly team, signal per- son, ete, Assign the Leader for the work Have all personnel concerned follow the leader's di- rections. Determine Signaling Method and Appoint A Respon- sible Signal Person Have mutual understanding of the signals and signs Used for the work between all personne! concerned. Be sure to have only one signal person for the work and follow only his signals and signs. More than one signal person can cause confusion, possibly resulting in an accident. ‘Never Allow Bystanders in the Work Area Place notices around the work area, stating that no bystanders are allowed in the work area, Make Work Plan Explain to all personnel concerned, the work plan, procedures and each person's role including ali safety precautions to be taken. ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY MEMO 1-14 ae _ ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ‘The assembly procedure consists ofS steps as shown be- low. Perform steps 1 to 5 in order. IMPORTANT: Bofore assombling, perform the Pre-Start Inspection. wantoversoom — [1}——»[3} »[4} = [5 witout LoverBoon [T}={2}-=[3}—[4}-=[5 Rice the gariry to the HIGH postion Instat to upper boa, pendant 5 | sop hack ana ites, Instat the aver boom, boom eit 2 | sire rope, and boom Sop. 4 | Meurt ne courtorwoirts 4 | eter the crs. ctor ASSEMBLY OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS ON PARTIALLY DISASSEMBLED MACHINE Machine stabilty is greatly affected depending on how many counterweights are mounted, or whether the boom is, altached or the crawlers are extended. Refer to the follow- ing pages for the operational conditions on partially disas- sembled machines. Seliger conse ieee eas oa the following pages, the machine will tip over. FORWARD TRAVEL Never operate the machine under the conditions: neat 07-188 Terminology used in the charts means as follows: ‘When expressed by “with Crane Boom”, the boom ‘must be held horizontally. The maximum gradeatilty is 15°. Never attempt to travel a surface with more than 15° slope angle. “Forward Travef" when climbing a slope means travel- ing with the cab facing uphit. + “Reverse Travel” when climbing a slope means travel- ing with the cab facing downhill, REVERSE TRAVEL ‘Swing operation should be performed on solid and level ground. ASSEMBLY AB caution: Never operate tie machine under the conaitions shown with “x” mark in the charts, Do not operate the machine withthe lower boom angle between O° and 30° when the lower boom Is attached with gantry retracted. ©: Operational 4: Operational under certain conditions. x! Not Operational Partially Disassembled Machines and Restrictions on Their Movements Crane Movement Slope Travel Sing = Lovel Fe | side Frame aie Sitece | Forara | Revere | PASH | WARIS | ytencon ae Travel | Travel | Travel | Frame le | FrameRe- | Raracton ‘an Basi Booms: i ° ° ° ° ° ° wats Siceo RS [9600 kg (21160 Ib) eee With tower Boom, Wie A BSA. Ropos and Only on a Camewect | | graiect | O ° x x B degree (42000) eae orlesé With Lover Boom, Wire Ropes and cao | O ° ° ° ° ° sstoneor (6240016) ° ° ° ° ° ° vearonon —— (D4I0KG) _1No Counterweight) {ero @ NOTE: 1. Weights indicatod in { —} are ofthe counterweights and those in (_) are o the whole machines 2. The boom angle should be 20° except when LA marks ae indicated. When a A. marks indicated, the boom ‘should be parallel fo the ground. Swinging is allowed only on a fr, level surface. Weight of each counterweight is as follows: Inner Counterwoight: 6000 kg {13230 It) Outer Counterweight: 3600 kg {7940 i) One forth ofthe fuel capacity (75 L (19.8 US gal), 65 kg (143 It) i included within the base machine weight Also. the specified amount of hydraulic of and gear of are included. Whew Wilh Wire Ropes is dicted inthe lable tie icoted wire 1yzes ae Une main an aux. wire ropes. 23 ASSEMBLY A casron: 1. Never operate the machine under the conditions shown with "x" mark in the charts. 2. Do not operate the machine with the lower boom angle between 0° and 30° when the lower boom is attached with gantry retracted. Q: Operational A: Operational under certain conditions. 2X! Not Operational Partially Disassembled Machines and Restrictions on Their Movements, Trane Movement Shope Tel Sw ose Partially Level Sur With Side | With Side | Ue "Tame Disassontiod face Treva} Famers | Reverse | re” | erana | Exenton! Machines sin sce Extended Retracted sc Bass hoate Simcoe von oO x oO oO x x (39200 kg) vecvoun (aot {9600 kg (21160 1b) Bas achive Panic oon : Le eee ‘Only ona O liga) O | o x x 1 coer vewvon et ons [6000 kg (13230 )] Gna Base nachna Sie Coote weight Ol o 1 o | 6 ° ° pe lo Counterweight ee NOTE: 1. Weights ndoatedin (are ofthe counterweights and inose n( are offhe whole machines 2. Tho boom angle should be 30° except when A. marks aro indicated. When a A. mark is indicated, the boom should be parallel to the ground. Swinging is allowed only on a firm, level surface. 3. Weight of each counterweight is as follows: ‘Inner Counterweight {6000 kg (13230 ib) Outer Counterweight: 3600 kg (7940 Ib) 4. One forth of the fuel capacity (75 L (19.8 US gal), 65 kg (143 1b) is included within the base machine weight. Also, the specified amount of hydraulic ol! and gear oil are included. 24 ASSEMBLY EXTENDING CRAWLER Use crawer extondiretract lever (1) located on the left con- sole fo extendiretract the crawler. Acuno ee ecasteciie: aeiea iaacnae ner ment is allowed. If the base machine is moved es ema en a ee Guonce ea ccmaneges ames a Soe cumvaseeas 2. Be sure to extend the crawler before mounting the counterweights. Ny VY 3. When extending the crawler, the tracks are ‘moved via a shaking motion and the center of ‘gravity will shift, causing the machine to be- ‘come unstable, possibly resulting in the tip ‘over of the machine. Clear the area be- fore extending the crawler. IMPORTANT: Clean the sliding surfaces between the side frame and track frame. Then, apply oil to the sliding surfaces for smooth crawler extension. Side Frame Extension Procedure 1, Select a firm, level surface to park the base machine. ‘Swing the superstructure perpendicular to the tracks, 25 ASSEMBLY 2, Remove pin (3) from hole (2) located on the extending side of the track frame. @ NoTE: tr pin (3) cannot be removed, sightly move the crawler extension/retraction switch to the retrac- tion sie. 3. Move the crawler extensiontretraction lever (1) to the ‘extension side to extend the side frame. @ NOTE: ifthe crawler is not fully extended, sightly move the travel lever back and forth while operating the crawler extension/etraction switch to the crawler side 4. After the crawier is fully extended, insert pin (3) into pinhole (4). @NOTE: tf pin (3) cannot be inserted, slightly operate crawler extensionretraction ever (1) to align the holes. 5, Insall the ring pin into pin (3). ean 6. Swing the superstructure 180 degrees. Extend the ‘other side of the crawler, referring to steps (1) to (5). ASSEMBLY INSTALLING LOWER BOOM 1. Remove boom foot-pin (1) and shim (2). Clean the boom foot pin holes and the boom foot mounting holes, and apply grease with molybdenum disuiide to them, A carton: 4. Never allow anyone to enter or work under the boom. 2. Use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 2, Put protectors (soft materia) (3) between the lower boom and sling wire ropes. Lift the lower born with an assistant crane near the boom foot-pin hole. Lower Boom Weight : 840 kg (1850 Ib) Wire Rope Dia.14 mmx5 m (17 1) ~ 2pleces BA caution: Nover insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be sev- ered. 3. Align the pin holes using a tool, such as a pry bar. Bi caution: Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be sev- ered. IMPORTANT: 1. Use only genuine Hitachi shims. Be sure to insert shims on both sides of the boom foot. 2. Reduce both right and loft sides {gaps of the lower boom to 3mm. (118 in) of tess by adjusting shim thickness at the boom foot. 4, Be sure to install shims (2), to prevent the bushings ‘rom corning out, on both sides of main frame (four places), as illustrated. Measure each clearance be- ‘ween the main frame and lower boom bracket (four places). I the clearance is 3 mm (1/8 in) or more, in- stall shims (4) next to shim (2) on the lower boom bracket side, Securely hold shims using screwdrivers. Shim (2) thickness = 4.6 mm (0.063 in) (4 pieces} Adjustment Shim (4): thickness = 1.2 mm (0,047 in) (2 pieces) Less than’ Loss than 3 mm (18 rm (8 7) nthe bah Sesotho ‘ain ame ‘joni bh sees ‘tthe main ras ASSEMBLY 5. Apply grease with molybdenum disulfide to pin (1). Ine sert pin (4) and secure it using plate lock (5), washer spring (6) and bot (7). Wrench Size 320mm Tightening Torque: 390 N-m (40 kgf, 290 sbFt)) 6. Slowly lower the lower boom onto a wooden block (400 mm (4 in) square). @ NOTE: Use a wooden block with the size as ilustrated. ope. 18000 1700 men GRInbostT my ‘Wooden Block Approx 100 (Ain) 2-8 ASSEMBLY INSTALLING BOOM STOP Install the boom stop one side each in the following steps: 1. Clean the mounting holes (shown with ‘of boom stop (1) and apply grease to them, BA carton: 4. Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be severed. 2, Use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 3. Take care not to fall on oF fall off the machine. 4. Securely tie the inner support and spring to the outer supports so that the inner support and spring do not come off. 2, Lift boom stop (1) with an assistant crane. Insert pin {2) into the lower boom inside out. Secure pin (2) with cotter pin 3). Boom Stop Weight: 130 kg (290 Ib) ‘Wire Rope Dia.10 mm m (17 1) -2pieces Q@NOTE: Open the end of the cotter pin 30 to 90° bons A cation: 4. Install the boom stop in the gantry as illus- trated. Insert the pin into the hole inside out. 2. When aligning pin holes, never insert your finger into the hole, The finger may be sev- ered. 3. Extend boom stop (1) to align the hole on the boom stop end with the boom stop mounting pin hole on the base machine side. Insert pin (2) from the center side of the machine, Secure the connection with cotter pins (3), CAUTION: Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be sev- ered. 4, Install the other boom stop (1) referring to the proce- dure above. 5. Apply arease tothe exposed part of boom stop inner support (4). Tower top Mounting Hale (For Tower Stop Used'on Tower Crane) Wieoden Block Wesien Block Boom Stop Mounting Hake (For Boom Siop Use en Crater Crane) ASSEMBLY INSTALLING BRIDLE TEMPORARILY IMPORTANT: Install the boom hoist pendant rope For Tower Gane ForCrene For Crana holding link in the crane position. Check that the holding link is in the position as illustrated. Fox Tome Crane items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 2. Take care not to fall or fall off the machine. 3. Use the suspension lugs on the top of the boom bridle to lift only the boom bridle. if the boom bridle is lifted (using the suspension lugs on the top of the boom bridle) with the boom hoist wire rope installed, the suspen- ‘sion lugs may be damaged, causing the boom bridle to fall, resulting in serious personal in- jury and/or death. Be sure to lift the boom bri- die in the position as illustrated. 1, Clean and apply grease to the pin holes on bridle (1) ‘and on the lower boom, 2, Lift bridle (1) using a erane. Bridle Weight: 240 kq (530 Ib) Sling Wire Rope’ Dia.10 mmX5 m (17 fl) (pieces) 3. Align pin holes using a tool, such as a pry bar. Insert pin (2) into the pin hole outside in, Insert cotter pin (3) veterans to secure pin (2), K [vv 2-10 ASSEMBLY INSTALLING BOOM HOIST WIRE ROPE BA cares: 4. Take care not to pinch your fingers be- tween the wire rope and sheaves. 2. Take care not to fall on or fall off the ma- chine. 3, Use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 1. Start the engine. Place the pilot control shut-off lever to the UNLOCK positon, CAUTION: Use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 2. Lift the wire rope drum with an assistant crane. Then, hold the lifted drum at the rear of the base machine or lay the drum on a supporter. @ NOTE: When wire 1ope is colled, be sure to use a rotary tabla ASSEMBLY BA caution: 1 Take care not to pinch your fingers be- tween the wire rope and sheaves. 2. Take care not to fall on or fall off the ma- chine. 3. Use protective items such as heavy gloves. when handling wire rope. IMPORTANT: Confirm that all sheaves turn smoothly. 3. Thread wice rope through the boom bridle sheaves and gantry hanger sheaves as ilustrated while paying out wire rope as necessary. Boom Hoist Wire Rope Wire Rope Breaking Force Wire Rope | Wire Rope Construction Diameter Length kN (bi) mm. m (ft) TWRCGXWS(ST) | 168 KN (42.3 Ibip10" 18 735 (443) @ NOTE: wire rope indicated by “--" al section is installed under sid. ASSEMBLY CAUTION: 4 1. Be sure to use the correct cotter suited to the Vee cotter groove size on the drum and the wire rope diameter. Failure to use the correct size ‘and taper angle may cause wire rope to come off and the boom to fall. Make sure the cotter size by checking the indication stamped on it. 2. Metal fragments may fly off when a hammer is Used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items such as goggles, saceareon hard hat, ete. 3, Use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. ‘opr 26mm (Won incall by hand) a, 16mm 4. Attach the rope socket to the end of the wire rope. Rope Socket Sie: 16-148 ike Rope Da 7 Tope (Ms socketisappicate tooth pes) Cotter Size: 16 - 114 oer Wie Rope Da B caution: te aware of he installation position of a wire clip. H installed in reverse position, seer damage to the wire rope my result, possibly causing the wire rope to break 5. Install a wire clip in the location as illustrated. (A socket and cotter are not drawn in the figure shown to the upper right.) Wrench Size :22 mm Tightening Torque : 88 N-m (& kgf-m, 65 IbFft) NOTE: instal the wire clip inthe postion as ilustrated to the righ soatsrat Wie op NOmm St 213 ASSEMBLY @ caumon: never sent your FinceRs into THE PIN HOLES WHEN ALIGNING PIN HOLES. 6. Securely connect rope socket (1) to the gantry hanger using pin (2) and cotter pin (3). @ NOTE: Open the cotter pin ends 30 t0 90°. L ASSEMBLY WINDING BOOM HOIST WIRE ROPE ON Paton the cru wh the ctrl onthe top DRUM Qo oe ee rete aes 1. Operate the boom hoist lever to rotate the boom hoist {rum so that the cotter hole on the drum is positioned at the top, BA caution: 4. Use a cotter matching the drum groove size and wire rope diameter. If the cotter size and taper angle do not match the wire rope siz the wire rope may come off, causing the boom to fall. Check the cotter size referring to the marks imprinted on the cotter. 2. Wire rope end may be unexpectedly freed. Take care not to be hit by the rope end. 3, Wear protective items such as safety glasses and a hard hat when using a hammer. Metal fragments may fly out, possibly resulting in Cotterfor 18 mm Wire Rope wma. personal injury. 4, Always use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. oper 2. Thread wire rope through the cotter hole on the drum, Install the cotter and tightly pull the wire rope to se~ ure it. Drive the cotter end using a bar and hammer into the cotter hole. Q@NOTE: Refer to “Wire Rope Winding Procedure” in the “Wire Rope® section ASSEMBLY A curs, 1. Take care not to pinch your fingers between the drum and wire rope. 2, Take care not to fall on or off the machine. 3. Always use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 3. Operate the boom hoist lever to wind the boom hoist wire rope on the boom hoist drum while taking care to vind the wire rope uniformly. 2-16 ASSEMBLY EXTENDING / RETRACTING GANTRY A carrion: 1. Ifthe machine is operated with the gantry re tracted, excessive loads are applied to the boom (tower) holst wire rope, pendant rope, gantry, and boom bridle, possibly causing them to break. Never operate the machine with the gantry retracted. 2, Don't raise the lower boom off the ground with the gantry retracted. Damage to the boom hoist wire rope, or deformation of the brake ‘cover may result. 3. Don't retract the gantry even when traveling the machine under power 4. Never enter or work under the gantry. 5, Take care not to fall on or off the machine. 4. Attach the gantry to a crane. Take up the slack of the sector wire rope to securely support the gantry. Remove ring pins (1). Then, remove pins (2) from holes (4). < Sling Wire Rope: Dia. 14 mmxS m (17 ft) (1 piece) Pin Hole CAUTION: Never put a finger in the pin holes to 2 align them. The finger may be severed. 2. Slowly raise the gantry until the pin holes are aligned at the end of frame extension. Insert pin (2) into the. I pin hole outside in. Secure pin (2) using ring pin (1), eosarsar @ NOTE: As the gantry is raised to the HIGH positon, the boom hoist wire rope wil slack. Take out this slack while guiding the boom hoist wire rope conto the drum, ASSEMBLY RAISE LOWER BOOM Raise the lower boom until itis horizontal as ilustrated. New wire rope tends to result in disorderly winding. Be sure to check drum winding after the lower boom has been raised, ASSEMBLY INSTALLING COUNTERWEIGHTS, B cx0: 4. Be sure to lower the lower boom to the ground, before mounting the counterweights. Keep the boom hoist rope taut with the lower boom po- sitioned on the ground. 2. Never swing the superstructure after the coun- terweights are mounted. Positioning the su- perstructure at an angle to the undercarriage with the counterweights mounted at this stage cause the machine to tip ove 1. Clean the counterweight mounting bolt holes and ‘mounting surfaces (indicated with "¥8" marks). B caution: 1. Be sure to wear a pair of protective gloves when handling the wire rope by hand. 2, Take care not to fall on or off the counter- weight or the base machine, 3, Bofore mounting the Inner counterwot erate the boom hoist lever to raise the lower boom unti itis horizontal. 2. Apply grease to threads of bolts (1) Lift and position the inner counterweight (2) in place Using @ crane. Install bolts (1). Inner Counterweight Weight ; 6000 kg (13230 Ib) Sling Wire Rope: Dia, 20 mm or larger (6 m (17 f) long, 2 pieces) Shackle Size: SC 26 or larger Wrench Size: 46 mm. Tightening Torque: 590 N-m (60 kgf-m, 434 loft) @ NOTE: Confirm that the clearance at any point between the counterweight and the base machine is, even and the rightfeft sides of the counter- weight are equally flush with the base machine sides. ASSEMBLY B caution: 1. Be sure to wear a pair of protective gloves ‘when handling the wire rope by hand. ‘Take care not to fall on or off the counter- weight or the base machine. 3. Apply grease to the threads of bots (3). Lift and position outer counterweight (4) in place using a crane. Install bots (3) to the main frame bracket through the inner and center counterweights. (Outer Counterweight Weight : 3600 kg (18740 Ib) Sling Wire Rope: Dia. 16 mm (6m (17 ft) long, 2 pieces) Shackle Size: SC 22 or larger aearone Wrench Size: 46 mm. Tightening Torque: 590 Nem (60 kgf'm, 434 Ibfft) @ NOTE: Confirm thet the clearance at any point between the center and outer counterweights is even and the rightfeft sides of the outer counterweight are equally fish with the inner, center counter- weight and the base machine sides, CCorrecty Mounted inner and Outer Couterweights 2-20 ASSEMBLY INSTALLING UPPER BOOM 1. Clean the upper and lower boom connection pins. and pin holes(indicated with * ==>” marks) and ‘coat them with grease. 2. Start the engine. Move the pilot control shut-off lever to the UNLOCK position. Operate the boom hoist lever to hoist the boom. 3. Raise the tip of the lower boom above the ground approx. 100 to 200 mm (4 to 8 in). 4, Put protectors (1) (soft materials) between the ‘upper boom and wire rope. Attach wire rope to the iting mark locations. Lift the upper boom with, an assistant crane. Upper Boom Weight : 890 kg (1960 tb) Wire Rope Dia. 14 mm x 5 m (17 f) ~ 2 pieces BA caution: 4. Nover enter or work in or under the boom ‘when installing pins. 2. Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be sev- ered. 3, Metal fragments may fly out when a ham- ‘mer is used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items Such as goggles, hard hat, etc. IMPORTANT: Install the pin into the boom so that the lock pin hole is positioned up- right. 5. Using a bar, align the upper side pin holes on the lower and upper booms, insert flanged pins (2) (2.used) from the outside in, Install lock pins (3). LI Boom Stop Bie 100 200m 2-24 ASSEMBLY B carton: 1, Never enter or work in or under the boom when installing pins. 2. Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be sev- ered. 3. Metal fragments may fly out when a ham- mer is used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items such as goggles, hard hat, etc. IMPORTANT: Install the pin into the boom so that the lock pin hole is positioned up- right. 6. Reattach the upper boom holding sling wire rope to the position as illustrated. Usingan assistant crane, stowly hoist the boom until he lower side pin holes on the upper boom align Insert both side tapered pins (4) (2 used) from the outside in Install look pins (5), 7. Place wooden block (100 mm (4 ir) high or more) under the tip of the boom. Lower the assistant crane hook and slacken the boom hoist wire rope to lower the boom tip anto the wocden block. 2-22 ASSEMBLY INSTALLING BOOM PENDANT ROPE 1. Clean and apply grease to the boom pendant rope connecting pin holes on the upper boom and. boom bridle, B caution: 1. Ifincorrect length pendant rope is used, the boom bridle may come in contact: the hanger, causing the boom hoist wi rope to break and the boom to fall, and re- sulting in personal injury or death. Be careful to use the correct length pendant rope. seater ith 2. Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes, The finger may be sev- ered. 3, Metal fragments may fly out when a ham- ix mers used to install the joint pins. Be g oer ‘sure to wear necessary protective items ‘such as goggles, hard hat, etc. 2. Install the boom pendant rope end to the upper boom. Install pin (1) from the outside in. Insert cotter pin (2). Open the end of cotter pin (2) 30 to 90°, as illustrated 223 ASSEMBLY BA canon: tse ee eee aligning pin holes. The finger may be sev- ee Mere oa ee mer is used to install the joint pins. Be oeee eee een IMPORTANT: When connecting the boom pendant rope end to the boom bridle, be sure RS to install the link to the crane pin hole position. 3. Install the boom pendant rope end to the boom ee Forcrane acess bricle. instal pin (3) from the inside out. Insert ‘otter pin (4). Open the end of cotter pin (4) 30 to 90°, as illustrated Doe anita eect est toot te ee ec aaceie mre: hia mace 4, Slacken the boom hoist rope so that no load is. aptlied to the boom bridle, Remove lock pin (5) {rom pin (6). Remove pin (6) connecting the lower boom with the boom bridle. After separating the boom bridle from the lower boom, reinstat! pin (6) intc the boom bridle and secure it with lock pin ©. Q NOTE: Pin (6) will not come off smoothly ifeven a slight tension is applied to the boom hoist wire rope. Ifpin (6) is forcibly removed, the ‘boom bridle may move toward the boom host wire rope. 2.24 ASSEMBLY REWINDING BOOM HOIST WIRE ROPE ANGE B cavton: PN \G 4. Do not use the suspension lugs on the Pato FOR LIFTING BRIDLE ITH bridle when lifting the boom bridle and oraiecciaran aad eae pendant rope with an assistant crane. The uae, fo oe le Suspension lugs (steel) located on the boom bridle are to be used when lifting only the boom bridle. If the boom bridle with the boom hoist wire rope installed is lifted using the suspension lugs (ste!) lo- cated on the boom bridle, the suspension lugs will be broken, causing the boom bri- dle to fall and possibly resulting in per- sonal injury or death, Always lift the boom bridle as illustrated. 2. When handling wire rope, use protective items such as heavy gloves. ‘1. While lifting the pendant rope with an assistant crane, pay out the boom hoist wire rope until two to three turns are left on the drum, Q NOTE: Lit the bride as Mustrated when liting the bre. Pay out the boom hoist wire rope. 2-25 ASSEMBLY 2, While slowly lowering the assistant crane hook, slowly. rewind the boom hoist wire rope wth the boom hoist wire rope tightened slightly to avoid irregular winding ‘on the drum. @ NOTE: Tighten the wire rope so that the boom tip is not raised off the ground. Wind the boom hoist rope. 2-26 ASSEMBLY INSTALLING EXTENSION BOOMS Install the extension booms after installing the lower boom. oem Step Place the extension booms in order infront of the base ma- Be chine and begin to connect them. Roe front idlers (take-up tumblers) when the machine ( = Goi cancccien creer warare d oan haat pad ts oqured or natbyrolering = pe a s0zionm 4. Clean and apply grease to pin oles onthe extension soars booms BX caution: anays use protective items such as oten ise heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 2. Lifl the extension boom with an assistant crane so that the guide rollers on the boom are placed toward the lower boom side. 3m (9'10" Extension Boom Weight : 225 kg ae (7151) — 6m (19'8") Extension Boom Weight : 540 kg (119016) Wire Rope: Dia, 14 mm x5 m(17 f}) ~2 pieces BA caution: 4. Never enter or work in or under the boom when installing pins. 2, Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be severed. 3. Metal fragments may fly out when a hammer is used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items such as goggles, hard hat, etc. IMPORTANT: Install the pin into the boom so that the lock pin hole is positioned upright. Connect the upper boom and extension booms in order ‘on the ground using an assistant crane, 3. Lay the upper boom on the wooden biocks. Using a bar, align the pin holes. Install fanged pins (1) (4.used) into the holes, outside in. ‘When inserting the flanged pins, position them so that the lock pin hole is positioned upright. 4, Insert lock pin (2) from the top to bottom. RIGHT WRONG 2.27 ASSEMBLY IMPORTANT: Select the diameter of sting wire rope ‘depending on the extension boom length. 5. After connecting the upper boom and extension boom, lift the lower boom side of the extersion boom using an assistant crane. Wire Rope Dia. 14 mm x 5m (17 f) =t piece Protector (Soft Material) CAUTION: Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be sev- cored. 6. Start the engine. Raise the lower boom above the ‘ground approx. 100 to 200 mm (4 ‘08 in) by operating the boom hoist lever. Z Slowly drive the machine with the lower boom at- tached to align the lower boom pin holes with the ex- tension boom pin holes. B carn: 1. Never enter or work in or under the boom when installing pins. 2. Metal fragments may fly out when a hammer is used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items such as goggles, hard hat, ete. fore) 7. Install flanged pins (3) (2 used) into the upper side pin holes from the outside in. Install lock pins (4). 2.28 ASSEMBLY A caution: 4, Never enter or work in or under the boom Lc when installing pins. A 2. Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be severed. 3, Metal fragments may fly out when a hammer: used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items such as goggles, hard hat, ete. toro IMPORTANT: Be sure to use an assistant crane when aligning the under side pin holes. If the boom hoist wire rope is tightened to raise the lower boom, damage to the boom and boom bridle may result. 8. Slowly raise the extension boom with an assistant crane to align the lower pin holes. Install both side. tapered pins (5). Install lock pins (6). 9. In case installing a length of boom that requires using the boom hoist pads, lay the boom hoist pads under the front idlers. Slowly travel the machine forward until the front idlers (take-up tumblers) run on the boom. hoist pads, IMPORTANT: When lowering the boom using an assis- tant crane after installing the boom onto the lower boom, take care not to apply tension to the boom hoist wire rope. 10.While iting the boom using an assistant crane, trans fer the boom toward the base machine. Then, install the boom anto the lower boom, 2-29 ASSEMBLY ‘The maximum boom lengths that can be raised off the {ground with the bridle installed on the lower boom are as shownin the table next page. A cation: 1, When a boom longer than specified length in. the table next page is raised off the ground, damage to the gantry, boom, andlor bridle may result, causing personal injury or death, Never attempt to raise a boom longer than specified length in the table next page. Slowly raise the boom off the ground. Failure to do so may damage the lower boom. 3. Never raise the boom off the ground with the gantry retracted even if the installed boom length is within the specified length in the ta- ble next page 2 IMPORTANT: In case the extension boom and the bri- dle are installed on the lower boom, if Pendant Fope-Comecton Links the boom is hoisted with the pendant rope holding links positioned upright (as illustrated to the right), the links will ‘come in contact with the extension boom, resulting in damage to the boom. Before hoisting the boom, lay the links i the direction indicated by arrows and ‘secure the links to the bridle with the lock pins. Don't raise the boom off the ‘ground if the boom is longer than the ‘Specified boom length being allowed to raise off the ground with the bridle in- stalled on the lower boom. 2:30 ASSEMBLY Maximum Boom Length That Can be Raised Off the Ground with the Bridle Installed on the Lower Boom. Win [Om eFTy Extension | (Overall Length) 2m Booms | 3m (9'10") am bm a only | &m(19°89 pot Pn tm 6m (19° 8") ae ‘With 19 m (62’ 4”) Upper —_| (Overall Length) 19m, Boom — | 3m(9 10") a 6 6 m(19'8") a With 19m (62 47) = Upper | (Overall Length) Boom and | 3m (9 10") Aux. | 6m 798") Aux. jib 2:31 ASSEMBLY PENDANT ROPE CONNECTION PROCEDURE BA cauTION: Be sure to select a pendant rope of the correct length. If the pendant rope of an incorrect length Is connected, the bridle may come into contact with the hanger, causing the ‘boom hoist rope to sever, resulting in the boom falling, thus possibly leading to a serious injury ordeath, IMPORTANT: For the correct pendant rope, refer to the “CONNECTING BOOM AND PENDANT ROPE” section in this manual. 41. Clean and apply grease to the pin holes on the upper boom, bridle, and pendant rope ends. 2. Operate the boom hoist lever to the lower side until no tension is applied to the bridle. CAUTION: 4, Take care not to fall on or offthe boom, 2. Never put a finger in the pin holes to align them. The finger may be severed. 3. Metal fragments may fly off when a hammer is used to drive in pins. Be sure to wear necessary protection, such as goggles, hardhat, ete. 3. Connect the pendant ropes to the upper boom. Insert pin (1) into the pin holes from the cutside in. Insert cotter pin (2) into the hole on pin (1). Open the end of the cotter pins 30 to 90°, as illustrated. A crvtc0n: 1. ‘Take care not to fall on or off the boom. 2. Never put a finger in the pin holes to align them, The finger may be severed. 3. Metal fragments may fly off when a hammer is used to drive in pins. Be sure to wear necessary protection, such 2s goggles, hardhat, etc. 4, Connect the pendant ropes, from te upper boom pendant rope with the next pendant rope, then to the lower side pendant rope, one by one. Insert pin (3) into the pin holes from the inside out. Insert cotter pin (4) into the hole on pin (3). Open the end of the cotter pins 30 to 90°. Pendant Rope Gps fouw Pendent Rope 232 ASSEMBLY BD cusron: Cue Tecra Aer ere ee 3. Metal fragments may fly out when a hammer is used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items such as goggles, hard hat, ete. For Grane Fer Tower Crane 5. Install the pendant rope to the boom bridle . Insert pin eer (6) into the pin hole from the inside out. Insert cotter pin (8) into the hole on pin (5). Open the end of cotter pin (6) 30 t0 90° @ NOTE: The boom bride has two holes to connect the pondant ropes. Check that he lnks or insted inthe postion os Mustratod. sows A Bi caution: Metal tragments may fly out when a hammers used to install the int pine. Be eure to woar necossary protective items sich as g09- sles, hard hat ete, 6. Remove lock pin (7) from pin (8). Remove boom bri- dle holding pin (8) from the lower boom. After remov- ing the boom bridle from the fower boom, reinstall pin (8) into the boom bridle and reinstall lock pin (7), @ NOTE: Pin (8) wil not come off smoothly if even a slight tension is applied to the boom holst wire rope. If pin (8) forcibly removed, the boom bride may ‘move toward the boom hast wire rope. 2-33 ASSEMBLY REWINDING BOOM HOIST WIRE ROPE B castion: 4. Do not use the suspension lugs on the bridle when lifting the boom bridle and pendant rope with an assistant crane. The suspension lugs {steol) located on the boom bridle are to be used when lifting only the boom bridle. If the ‘boom bridle with the boom hoist wire rope in- stalled is lifted using the suspension lugs (steel) located on the boom bridile, the sus- pension lugs will be broken, causing the boom bridle to fall and possibly resulting in personal injury or death, Always lift the boom bridle as iustrated. 2. Use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 1. While fiting the pendant rope with an assistant crane, pay out the boom hoist wire rope until two to three turns are left on the drum. @ NOTE: Li the bridle as Mustrated when lifting the bri- die. PON recurion rr irre seine mrs Son bo a HIST PES en tr ee th grit se ASSEMBLY 2. While slowly lowering the assistant crane hook, slowly rewind the boom holst wire rope with the boom hoist wire rope tightened slightly to avoid irregular winding on the drum. Q NOTE: Tigton the wre rope 9 that the Boon tis nt rasod off ho ground 2-35 ASSEMBLY CONNECTING BOOM AND PENDANT ROPE BA caution: 1. Use pendant rope matching the boom length. 2. Connect a shorter length extension boom to, the lower boom side. IMPORTANT: Connect the extension boom with the guide roliers positioned in the lower boom side, @ NOTE: The rope diameter and length are stamped on the rope end to identify the pendant rope speck fication, Stamp 4 I Yeor Example Month Rope Diameter (mm)| Length (im) Rope Type * ecosETS Se * ec ST3T3T 8 6 2:36 ASSEMBLY INSTALLING AUX. JIB IMPORTANT: The auxiliary jib can be installed on 16 to 34 m (53’ to 111’) long booms. “The following procedures start after the upper boom has been installed: 1. Place the boom point on a suppor. ‘Support Height: 500 to 800 mm (1 ft Bin to 248 in) of 2. Remove bol (1). Remove retainers (2) and spacer (3) from the both ends of the bor point axle. Wrench Size: 24 mm @ NOTE: Be sure to store spacers (3). These spacers will be needed when the machine is used without the aux. jb, 3. Install spacer (4) and link (5) on both sides of the, boom point axle. ‘Spacer (4) Part Number: 4212983 Link (5) Part Number: 4145903 4, Reinstall retainers (2) which were removed in step (2), stance and spacer (6) on both sides of the boom point axle using bolts (1) Wrench Size: 24 mm Tightening Torque: 295 Nom (30 kgf-m, 6.6 IDF) ‘Spacer (6) Part Number: 4082396 237 ASSEMBLY 5. Clean and coat the auxiliary jib mounting pin holes. with grease. By CAUTION: Use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 6. Lift the auxiliary jib using an assistant crane. ‘Auxiliary jib Weight : 155 kg (340 Ib) Wire Rope :Dia, 10mm x 5m (17 ft) ~2pleces Shackle 28012 enact B caution: . Never insert your finger into the hole when aligning pin holes. The finger may be severed. 2, Metal fragments may fly out when a hammer is used to install the joint pins. Be sure to wear necessary protective items such as goggles, hard hat, ete. 7. Install the aux, jib onto the top of the upper boom. In- sert pin (7) through the upper pin holes. Insert lock pin (8) into the hole on the pin, Weight of Pin (7) : 16 kg (35 Ib) near. 8. Align the lower pin holes on the aux. jb with the pin hole on both links (5), Insert lower pins (9) into the pin holes. Insert lock pins (10) into the pin hole on the pins. 238 ASSEMBLY INSTALL HOIST WIRE ROPE 1. Main Hoist Wire Rope (Main Hook) Installation: bene Procedure spon a Sum, bogin the procadur fom step 12. fot start eee ‘Woden Block (1), Lay the top of the boom on a wooden block (2) Lift the wire rope drum and hold it above the boom oO top. Boom Top Wire Rape Om 2:39 ASSEMBLY B caution: 1. Always use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rop. 2. Take care not to pinch your fingers between the sheave and wire rope. (3). Thread the wice rope through tre right side grooves of the boom top point sheave and guide sheave, as illustrated, (4) Securely connect a nylon rope and the wite rope using a piece of wire, as illustrated. Daieats so407-100 Q@NOTE: The wire rope ond can be pled without con- necting a nylon rope if desired. Nylon Rope Ahece of we (8) Pullthe nylon rope unti the wire rope reaches the main drum on the machine (6) Disconnect the nylon rope from the wire rope. By caution: Tate care not to become entangled in the drum while the drum rotates. (7) Operate the main hoist lever to position the drum with the cotter holes on the top, as ilustrated. Poston te dum wih the cote hole ont op 2-40 ASSEMBLY B caution: 4. Be sure to use the correct cotter suited to the cotter groove size on the drum and the wire rope diameter. Failure to use the correct size and taper angle may cause wire rope to come off and the boom to fall. Make sure the cotter size by checking the indication stamped on it 2. Wire rope end may be unexpectedly freed, ‘Take care not to be hit by the rope end. (8) Thread the wire rope end through the cotter hole. on the drum, Instal the cotter oa the rope end. Tap the cotter end using a bar and hammer ino the cot torhole, a8 ilustated. @NOTE: 1. Dont extend the wire rope end more than the ‘drum outer clameter. 2. Refor to ‘Wire Rope Winding Procoduro” in the " Wire Rope” section. (@) Hoist the boom 20° to 30° so that the boom tip does not come in contact with the wire rope. Place the wire rope drum just below the boom tip at this time. Wie Rope Dia ae Cotter for 22 mm Wite Rope sae Ao fivie ce cnea eee (10) Wind the wire rope on the main hoist drum so that the wire rope is not be irregularly wound, @ NOTE: Take care not to loosen the wire rope wound on the wire rope drum excessively, or alow tho wire rope to become kinked. 2-44 ASSEMBLY (11) Wind the wire rope unti the wire rope length corre- sponding to the number of fall length is left on the drum, Then, pay the remaining wire rope out of the wire rope drum. (12)1n case the wire rope is completely wound on the drum, securely connect a nylon rope and the wire rope witha piece of wire. While operating the hoist lever, pul the nylon rope until the wire rope end is, payed out tothe boom tp @ NOTE: Take care not to loosen the wire rope wound on the main hoist drum excessively. Itis possibie to directly pull wire rope without using @ nylon rope. B cxxr0: 1. Always use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 2, Take care not to pinch your fingers between the sheave and wire rope. (13) Thread the wire rope payed out of the main hoist drum through the right-hand guide sheave at the ‘boom tip and the point sheave, (14) Pay out wire rope by lenath conesponding to the number of falls. Q NOTE: Take care not to loosen wire rope on the main holst drum witen paying out. 2-42 Wire Rope Bren Payuttie required rg or the nerf the fale tobe used. ASSEMBLY (15) Place the hook near the boom top. Q@NOTE: 1. Face the hook as illustrated. Fecathis se toward he 2. Check thatthe sheave can rotate smoothly. (16) Remove the lock pin to remeve the pin. A carrion: 1. Always use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 2, Take care not pinch your fingers between the oases sheave and wire rope. (17) Thread the wire rope through the hook block, @NOTE: 1. Thread the wire rope through the hook as itustrated on the following pages. 2. Rotate the point sheave and guide sheave at the boom tip by hand to check i they can ro- tate smoothly 3. Thread the wire rope end through the boom tip via side (2), not via side (b) as itustrated to the right ‘Threading for The Main Hook Block 2-43 ASSEMBLY Le sea crere anu totan sustsdar Wtaeais of taper angle insane we fope ay core Scat ons mn wee coe, oa IMPORTANT: Be sure to check the size indicated on the rope sockets to select correct rope ‘socket for each wire rope used. (18) Attach the rope socket to the end of the wire rope, Rope Socket Size: 20, 22 - 1/4 7 ea We Rope Dia. wn) (Ths sockets appeaboto bem repos) Cotter Size: oF 4 Wo Rope Dia. (rem) Tape A cauTion: Be aware of the installation position ‘of a wire clip. installed in reverse position, damage to the wire rope may result, possibly ‘causing the wire rope to break (19) Install a wire clip in the location as illustrated. (A socket and cotter are not drewn in the figure shown to the upper right ) Wrench Size 27mm Tightening Torque : 79 t0 89 Nim (8 10.9 kgfim, 58 to 65 IbF) @ NOTE: Instat the wire clip in the postion as iustrated to the right Wee ip End Rope Socket 240 to 260 9m } oJ (6 t ia. 2mm th Sater ‘Anrox. 16m When iste by hand Rope Socket 11010 130% [201mm Orr, Wire cip ‘cee 2-44 ASSEMBLY Install the rope socket on the * C2) " mark evel cotter pin. If the cotter pin is not installed or miss- ing, the pin may come off, possibly, resulting in personal injury or death. (20) When the rope socket is inslalied on the link lo- cated on the boom tip, or on the hook, or when the link is installed on the upper boom, be sure to se- cure the rope socket and tink using pin (6), washer (7), castle nut (8), and cotter pin (9). Before install Ing pin (6), appiy a film of grease. @NOTE: Rope socket instalation place differs depending ‘on the number of the falls to be used. Refer to the illustrations on the rignt and below to install the rope socket in the corect position. (Rope socket installation postion is indicated by *C> "mark) (21) Insert cotter pin (9) into the hole of rope socket, ‘mounting pin (6). @ NOTE: Open the ond of the cotter pin 300.90", as ius- trated. 2-45 ASSEMBLY (22) Install the weight used for the hook overhoist pre- \ention device. Wrench Size: 17mm Tightening Torque: 49 N-m (6 kgf-m, 4 Ibf-t) @ NOTE: weight instalation place difors depending on the number ofthe fals tobe sued. Refer to the itustration below to install the weight inthe cor- rect position, (Weight installation position is in- icated by” wp“ mark) > Fone Socket nstatton Pst => sation Peston of Went 90 er Hook Overt Pre Installation Position of Rope Socket and Weight Used for Hook Overhoist Prevention Device 2-46 ASSEMBLY Installing Aux. Hoist Wire Rope (Aux. Hook) Refer to the descriptions in, Installing Main Hoist Wire Rope (Main Hook)" for winding the wire rope on the aux. hoist drum, BA caution: 4. Always use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. Guide Sreave 2. Take care not pinch your fingers between the sheave and wire rope. 3. Securely lock the castle nut with a cotter pin. If the cotter pin is not installed or missing, the pin may come off, possibly, resulting in per- ‘sonal injury or death. ‘se J Point IMPORTANT: If the wire rope is incorrectly installed on the aux. jib, breakage of the aux. jib wire rope may result. When the machine is equipped with the aux. jib (1). Check that the upper boom guide sheave and the a. ux, jib point sheave can be rotated smoothly by hand seat (2) Thread the wire rope from the aux. hoist drum as ilustrated. Thread the wire rope to the aux. jib point ‘sheave through the middle groove guide sheave at the upper boom tip. (3) Attach the rope socket to the end of the wire rope. ‘Attach the rope socket to the aux. hook using the pin, washer, castle nut, and cotter pin. Before in- staling the pin, apply a film of grease. ope Socket @ NOTE: Open the end ofthe cotter pin 30 0 90°, as ius- trated. Pia (4) Install the weight used for the aux. hook overhoist prevention device. @ NOTE: instalation procedure for the weight is the same sours 2 that for the main holst wire rope. 247 ASSEMBLY WIRING ‘Wiring on Main Boom + Comecting Main Hoist Hook Overhoist Prevention de- vice Cable IMPORTANT: Check for damage to the cable and water leakage into the connector. Be sure to tighten the connector so that water does not enter. 1. Remove the cable reel lock pin from the lower boom. Pay out the cable from the reel and connect ito the 14 P connector (right side) on the upper boom cable terminal box. Q NOTE: After connecting the connector, secure the ca- le to the boom with a chain, 2. Connect the hook overoist prevention switch cable to the 4 P connector after removing the plug (in the mid- dle} rom the upper boom cable terminal box. 3. Connect the cable between the upper boom cable {erminal box and the main hoist hack overhoist pre- vertion switch. Connect the cable with plug connector {a)to the switch Plug Recepace (a) Upper Boom Relay Box 2-48 ASSEMBLY 4, Clamp the cable between the cable reel and upper boom relay box on the boom diagonal members, as i lustrated. Be sure to clamp from the relay box side. 5, Re-wind the cable reel to take up the slack from the cable. Insert the tock pin to lock the cable reel from ro- tating, tpkPn Cable Reet 2-49 ASSEMBLY IMPORTANT: Securely tighten the lock nut when con- necting the connector. Failure to do so may cause water to enter, resulting in ‘overhoist prevention device failure. 6. When the boom side harness and the base machine side harness are connected tn the cable real as ilus- trated below, pay out the cable from the cable ret lo- cated on the lower boom. Then, connect the base machine side harness end to the 14 P connector on the base machine terminal box. 7. When the boom side harness and the base machine Perec side hamess are not connected, connect the base machine side harness to the 14 P connector on the base machine terminal box. Then, remove the cable reel connector cap. Connect the boom side harness to the base machine side harness. Wind the cable reel to take up the slack on the base machine side harness, 8. Allow sufficient slack of the harness between the lower boom harness hanger hook and the base ma- cchine terminal box so that when the boom is raised, the harness is not tightened DISASSEMBLY PRECAUTIONS FOR DISASSEMBLING WORK * Workers’ Clothing Wear clothing suited for work. Wear protective items such as @ hard hat and safety shoes. Coordinate Work Procedures Make all related personnel fully understand the work procedures, each person’s position, and precautions tp carry out the work safely. Check that the footing of the work area is strong enough to support the machine, If not strong cnough, reinforce the ground in proper measures, Set up the machine level. Secure a space wide enough to carry ‘ut the work. + When removing the boom joint pins, never allow any fRersons to enter under andior in the boom. After disassembiing, coat all pins, boom foot-pins, boom joint pins, and pendant rope joint pins with ‘grease to prevent rusting. Reinstall them into the ‘original pin holes to prevent loosing them. Apply grease to the removed boll threads to prevent rusting. Check for damage to pins, bolts, and lock pins. f any damage is found, replace with a new one. Starting Engine During Work Be sure to start the engine after checking the following points: 1. Main and Aux. hoist brake pedals (1) are locked. 2, Main and aux. hoist brake mode switch (2) is in the Aulo-Brake position. Pilot control shut-off lever (3) is in the LOCK position. 3. Swing brake switch (4) is ON. 4, Swing lock lever (6) is in the ENGAGE position, 5, The main and aux. hoist, boom hoist, travel, and swing levers are in neutral 6. Sound the hom to warn co-workers 3-1 4, Swing lock lever (5) isin the ENGAGE position DISASSEMBLY Stopping Engine During Work ‘When leaving the operator's station during the work, or ‘when not required to operate the machine, always stop the engine after checking the following points. Main and Aux. hoist brake pedals (1) are locked. Main and aux. hoist brake mode switch (2) isin the. ‘Auto-Brake position. Pilot control shut-off lever (3) is in the LOCK position. ‘Swing brake switch (4) is ON. The main and aux. hoist boom hoist, travel and swing levers are in neutral DISASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLING The disassembling procedures are roughly categorized into 5 stops. Carry out disassembling from step 1 to 5 in order. IMPORTANT: Be sure to perform pre-start inspection before disassembling. 3 | Lowertna gantry tothe “LOW poation 2 | isasembie te couterneghs 1 | Dsosemble the upper boom, fxtension booms IF ‘tac, Rok, Res wre ‘ope ard 5 | Roranie DISASSEMBLY LAYING BOOM Observe “Precautions for Boom Assembly and Disassem- bly” Prepare the required equipment and tools for the Work beforehand, A cxst0n: 4. Never allow anyone to enter or work under the boom. 2. Before laying a tong boom, place boom hoist pads under the front idlers (take-up tumblers) or drive tumblers. Refer to“ Raising Boom the OPERATION section for the boom length requiring the boom hoist pads. IMPORTANT: 1. Do not contact the aux. jib tip directly to the. ground. The aux. jib may be damaged. 2, Take care not to contact the hook overhoist device rod at the aux. jib to the ground, Failure to do so may result in damage to the hook overhoist prevention device. 1, Lay the boom following the work procedures for “Raising Boom’ in the OPERATION section, 2. Place the main and aux. hoist hooks on the ground ‘near the tips of the upper boom and the auxiiary jib. Place @ support (approx. 1 m (3 ft) high) under the boom. susp (prox. m (8) 3. Lay the boom onto the support. Engage the boom sear hoist drum lock. 34 DISASSEMBLY REMOVING MAIN HOIST WIRE ROPE AND HOOK BA cation: 4. Always use protective items such as heavy gloves when handling wire rope. 2. Take care not to pinch your fingers between the wire rope and sheaves. 41. Remove the rope socket from the boom tip fink to re~ ‘move the wire rope from the socket. Remove the wire rope threaded around the hook from the hook by op- erating the main hoist lever to the HOIST side. @ NOTE: 1. Run the engine at slow speed. 2. Guide the wire rope end so that itis not ‘caught into the sheave. Be careful not to be hit by the rope. 2. Disconnect the main hoist hook overhoist prevention device weight from the wire rope. Alter disconnecting, ‘secure the weight to the boom with a wire. By caution: vo not atiow co-workers to come close to the boom. Wire rope may come off the boom. 3. Move the main (aux.) hoist lever to the HOIST side to ‘compistely wind up the main hoist wire rope around the main hoist drum while guiding the wire rope. Alter ‘winding up the wire rope, secure the wire rope end to the main hoist drum with @ wire so that the wire rope ‘comes loose. @NOTE: Run the engine at slow speed. 35 DISASSEMBLY REMOVING HARNESSES IMPORTANT: Store the hamess with the connector and plug connector shielded from rain by putting a cover such as vinyl bag. Beware the direction of the vinyl bag to prevent rain accumulating in it. 1, Remove the clips used on the cabie for the main hook ‘overhoist prevention device. Disconnect the cable connector from the upper boom rélay box, then wind the cable onto the cable reel on the lower boom. In- stall the plug into the disconnected connector in the relay box, @ NOTE: Be sure to wrap the connector with plastic to keep water out. 2, Disconnect the connector aitached on the end of the ‘other main hook overhoist preventon device cable from the base machine relay box, then wind the cable conto the cable reel on the tower boom, 3. Remove the upper boom terminal box side harness (14 P) clip band from the boom. Disconnect the har- ness (14 P) from the upper boom terminal box and wind it on the cable ree! Insta te pag nee, 36 DISASSEMBLY REMOVING UPPER BOOM, EXTENSION BOOM, AND PENDANT ROPE 1. Remove the boom support by operating the boom hoist lever to the RAISE side. Place a wooden block under the boom tip and lay the boom on the ground as ilustrated, @ NOTE: incase of a long boom, adjust the wooden block ‘height so that the boom does not contact the ‘ground. 2. Operate the boom hoist lever to loosen the boom hoist wire rope, so as to place the bridle on the lower boom. By caution: Tate care not to falloff the boom while working on the boom. 3. Loosen the boom hoist rope further to move the bridle forward on the lower boom to where the bridle con- nection brackets are located. Connect the bridle on the ower boom using the joint pins. Be sure to insert the cotter pin into the hole on the pin. @ NOTE: ifthe boom hoist rope is not loosened enough, the bridle may not move forward, 4, Remove the boom pendant ropes from the boom bri- dle. IMPORTANT: Never attempt to raise the boom tip off the ground. '5, Wind the boom hoist wire rope by operating the born hoist lever to the RAISE side. Pull the boom hoist wire ‘ope to the extent that the boom tip is still in contact with the ground. Re Ez ATVI DISASSEMBLY A. caurion: Use protective tems such a8 heavy gloves when henaing wire rope. 6. Put protectors between the boom {upper or extension boom) connected to the lower boon and a sling wire rope. Lift and hold the boom at the llustrated position using an assistant crane. pees ain Beason — 1, Never allow anyone to enter or work under or 2. Metal fragments may fly out when a hammer is ie Pin era : 7. Remove the lock pins from the boom bottom side pins (tapered on both end diameter) connecting the lower ‘boom and the extension or upper boom. Tap the pins from outside the boom to remove them. 8. Arrange wooden blocks as ilustraled, Lower the as- sistant crane hook while slacking the boom hoist wire rope to lay the boom on the ground. ‘Appr0% 1600 to 1700 rm eartosT) ae oi Acproe 100mm “ 38

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