Koboldly Go
Koboldly Go
Koboldly Go
…where no lizard has gone before. Space, the final frontier… … where no one can hear you scream.
© CoffeeSnake Studios, 2019 Inspirations: Star Trek, Galaxy Quest, FTL: Faster Than Light, Dungeons & Dragons, David J Prokopetz
One-Page RPG by Andrew Rasmussen; edited by Teal Briner
Build your Wessel Make it Go! Beam Me Down!
When the game starts, have your Kobolds A ship’s reactor produces 1 unit of power per To perform any action, including to attack,
design the ship. The ship is assumed to have player and has an initial Hull value equal to seduce, or operate a ship system, roll 1d6 per
life support, including food synthesis, and a the number of rooms. In a ship-based point of the stat most aligned with what you
reactor without placing them on the ship’s Encounter, roll reactor size in d6s to are trying to do. On a 4 or above, you get one
layout. With a standard deck of playing cards, determine turn order. On your side’s turn, in success. To succeed, you must get enough
sort out the below options. Draw the Aces the Planning Phase, the Captain confers with successes to meet the difficulty of the task or
and shuffle the rest of the cards. Each player the crew to determine a general course of overcome an opposed roll from your
draws 2 cards. action and typically issues an Order. In the opponent.
Build your ship from the drawn cards on Action Phase, each Kobold takes a turn If combat or other time sensitive
the table; rooms are connected and have a moving up to their Fastness in rooms and Encounters begin, roll Cleverosity or Fastness
door between them if they share a side. performing some action in a room. If a room to determine the action order. If you are
Rooms can connect to at most 2 other rooms. is performing an action autonomously, add attacked, you can roll Mightitude or Fastness
The Command Deck and hallways can half of the reactor size (rounded down) in to avoid the consequences of the attack. If
connect to at most 4 other rooms. The place of a stat. you fail, you go down one step on the
Command Deck is always powered and does If a ship’s weapon’s bay is crewed, each condition track. You can only go down one
not count against your reactor’s production. attack can be targeted at a specific room. If step per turn, either on an away mission or
If a room is labeled with (C), it must be the weapons bay is not crewed, drop 1d20 on the ship.
crewed to function. When you have per attack and attempt to damage the closest To the DM:
completed your ship, if possible, put a room to where the die stops. Resolve each Average opposition numerically resembles
weighted clear plastic sheet over it, or draw it attack in the order it was dropped or the player’s ship and crew. Ship combat can
on a battle-map to prevent the rooms from declared. Roll 1 attack per power to the be made easier or harder most easily by
getting rearranged accidentally. weapons bay against the power of the increasing or decreasing the opposition’s Hull
If a room is inoperable through damage, defending ship’s engines. A successful attack or Reactor. Feel free to give your crew useful
hacking, or reversing the polarity, a Kobold damages the room, rendering it inoperable, gadgets and gizmos, and rewards for away
can spend their turn repairing it, restoring it deals 1 damage to the ship’s Hull, and causes missions could include hull repairs, an
to working order. any crew member to go down one step on increased reactor capacity, or even new
the condition track. A ship is destroyed or rooms to add to the ship.
disabled when its hull reaches 0.
Command Deck – (C) Communications and Sensor Med Bay – (C) Holo-deck –
Ace of Clubs Array – (C) Queen of Hearts Joker (or Jack of Hearts)
Allows the Captain to allocate King of Hearts One Kobold per unit of power Provides entertainment. It’s
power to rooms, contains the Used to send messages off-ship moves one spot up on the perfectly “safe”.
Helm (piloting) and Kobolds can and gather information. Able to condition track. Recreation Hall/Gymnasium –
operate most rooms from here, if send 1 message or perform 1 Brig – Jack of Clubs
not to their full extent. Cannot be scan per unit of power. A scan Queen of Spades Allows the crew to exercise and
damaged by ship weapons. can identify the rooms on the Used to lock up prisoners, burn off steam.
Transporter – (C) opponents ship or locate its crew. quarantine specimens, or as a Escape Pod Bay –
Ace of Hearts Shield Generator – secure storage area. Jack of Spades
Allows one Kobold per unit of King of Diamonds Barracks – Jettisons escape pods (with
power to transport to a location Protects the ship from damage; Queen of Clubs optional cryo-stasis) in the event
on a planet or another ship. In all around mode, the shields A place to comfortably sleep. of disaster; can jettison one pod
Engines – block 1 damage per power to the Mess Hall – containing one Kobold per unit of
Ace of Diamonds ship. In focused mode, the shield Queen of Diamonds power.
Allows the ship to move and blocks 2 damage per power but A place to make and serve nice Computer Mainframe –
reposition. Adds 1 die to avoid only covers half (fore, aft, port, or meals. Jack of Diamonds
attacks per unit power. If crewed, starboard). Configuration must Coordinates ship functions,
the Kobold can attempt to dodge be changed manually. Kobolds can manually use to
all attacks with a single roll. Science Laboratory – (C) attempt to hack into a ship’s
Weapon Bay – King of Clubs Hallways – computer systems, rendering a
Ace of Spades Used to run experiments, 2, 3 and 4 of all suits. targeted room inoperable for one
Used to control the ship’s perform research, and generally Used to get from one room to the turn for every success the hacker
weapons. Each unit of power do “SCIENCE!” other. Usually does not contain exceeds the target. This does not
provides 1 attack. If crewed, the Machine Shop – (C) choppy, crushy things. damage the target ship’s Hull.
Kobold can choose the room each King of Spades Roll 1 die per unit power in
attack targets, and may group Contains all the necessary addition to your stat to attempt
attacks together, providing 1 die equipment to make repairs to the to hack. The defending ship rolls
to the roll per attack grouped. ship; can bring 1 inoperable room dice equal to the size of their
back online per unit of power. reactor.
© CoffeeSnake Studios, 2019 Inspirations: Star Trek, Galaxy Quest, FTL: Faster Than Light, Dungeons & Dragons, David J Prokopetz