ICSE Class 10 Physics Experiments

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AIM: To verify ohm's law and hence to find the value of unknown resistance.
APPARATUS: Coiled resistor R of 2 Ω resistance, ammeter 0−1.0 A , voltmeter 0−2.0 V , rheostat, key,
battery 2.0 V and connecting wires.


1 Set up the circuit as shown in the figure. Connect the ammeter in series and the voltmeter parallel to
resistance wire R .

Draw this figure

on Left Page

2 Note down the least count of voltmeter and ammeter.

3 Insert the plug key. Adjust the rheostat to register a small current in the ammeter. Note the
corresponding ammeter and voltmeter reading.
4 Now move the variable terminal of the rheostat to increase the current slightly and note the ammeter
and corresponding ammeter and voltmeter reading.
5 By changing the variable terminal of the rheostat take 3 sets of ammeter and voltmeter readings.
6 Plot a graph between V against I . Draw the best fit line and find its slope.
Least count of the ammeter ¿ ………………………A.
Least count of the voltmeter ¿ …………………… V.

Ammeter Reading I Voltmeter Reading V

S. No. Resistance R( ohm)
(amp.) (volts)

Mean value of resistance R=¿ ………………ohm
Slope R= =¿……………. ohm
RESULT : The value of resistance from the graph, R=¿ ……………………ohm.
AIM : To determine the resistance of a given wire of length 100 cm .
APPARATUS : A 100 cm . wire AB (SWG=28) fixed between two terminals on a metre scale, an ammeter
(A), resistance (R) a 2.0 volt battery, jockey and connecting wires.


1. Arrange the circuit as shown in the figure.

Draw this figure

on Left Page

2. Place the jockey in contact with the wire AB and note the ammeter reading (I) for which the value of
L is 20.0 cm.
3. Repeat the experiment for (L)=30.0,40 .0,50.0,60 .0 and 70.0 cm .
4. Calculate y=100 /I (2 s.f.).
5. Draw a graph of y against L, starting L from zero. Extend the graph to cut the Y-axis. Find Y 1, the
value of Y , when L=0

L(cm) 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0

I (amp)

y=100 / I (2 s.f.).

Y1 ¿ ⋯  (2 s.f.) 
 Calculate  R ¿ Y 1 / 10
¿ ¿
RESULT : The resistance of given wire ( R)=¿ …………ohm.

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