Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Generic Name Treatment of Required for Administer orally if CNS: Seizures, vertigo, Give daily doses 9 am to
megaloblastic nucleoprotein synthesis at all possible. With headaches, mimic normal peak
Folic Acid anemias due to and maintenance of severe GI pseudotumor cerebri, corticosteroid blood levels.
Brand Name sprue, nutritional normal erythropoiesis. malabsorption or euphoria, insomnia,
deficiency, very severe diseas, mood swings, Increased dosage when
Folvite pregnancy, infancy, Hypersensitivity: Allergic give IM, IV or depression, psychosis. patient is subject to stress.
and childhood. Reactions subcutaneously.
Therapeutic CV: Hypertension, Taper doses when
Class Contraindicated Local: Pain and Test using Schilling heart failure, discounting high dose or
with allergy to folic discomfort at injection Test and serum necrotizing angiitis long term therapy.
Vitamin site.
acid preparations; vitamin B12 levels Do not give live virus
Supplement Endocrine: Growth
pernicious, aplastic to rule out vaccines with
normocytic pernicious anemia. retardation, cushingoid
state, secondary immunosuppresivedoses of
anemias. corticosteroids.
Form: Report rash, adrenocortical and
difficulty breathing, pituitary
Tablet/Injection pain or discomfort unresponsiveness.
Dosage: at injection site.
GI: Peptic or
0.4, 0.8, 1 mg esophageal ulcer,
pancreatitis, abdominal
5 mgml distention
Hematologic: Fluid
and electrolyte
disturbances, negative
Oral/IM/IVSubQ nitrogen balance,
increased blood sugar,
glycosuria, increased
serum cholesterol,
decreased serum T3
and T4 levels
Muscle weakness,
steroid myopathy, loss
of muscle mass
Generic Name Adjunct to diet to Contraindicated with Exact mechanism is Endocirine: Do not discontinue this
lower blood allergy to metformin; not understood; Hypoglycemia, lactic medication without
Metformin glucose with type 2 heart failure, diabetes possibly increases acidosis consulting your health care
Brand Name diabetes mellitus in complicated by fever peripheral GI: Anorexia, nausea, provider.
patients 10 yr and severe infections, severe utilization of vomiting, epigastric Monitor blood for glucose
Glucophage older; extended- trauma, major surgery, glucose, decreases discomfort, heartburn, and ketones as prescribed.
release in patients ketosis, acidosis, coma hepatic glucose diarrhea, flatulence Swallow extended-release
17 yr and older. (use insulin), type 1 production, and Hypersensitivity: tablets whole; do not cut,
As part of diabetes, serious hepatic alters intestinal Allergic skin reactions, crush or chew
Antidiabetic combination impairment, serious renal absorption of eczema, pruritus, Do not use this drug during
therapy with a impairment, uremia; labor glucose. erythema, urticaria pregnancy; if you become
Form: sulfonylurea or and delivery; lactation. pregnant, consult your
insulin when either health care provider for
drug alone cannot appropriate therapy.
control glucose Avoid using alcohol while
levels in pstients taking this drug.
Dosage: with tyoe 2 diabetes oblem caused by
mellitus antibiotics, which usually
Tablets - 500, ends when the antibiotic is
850, 1000 mg; discontinued. Sometimes
ER tablets- after starting treatment
500,750,1000 with antibacterials, patients
mg; oral solution- can develop watery and
500 mg/5ml bloody stools (with or
without stomach cramps
Route: and fever) even as late as
Oral two or more months after
having taken the last dose
of the antibacterials. If this
occurs, patients should
contact a physician as soon
as possible.
Generic Name Used in the Thromboembolic disease, GI disturbances, Use as directed with or Check history for
treatment of porphyria; breast cancer CV and CNS side after meals (sustained aminoglycosides; intestinal
Diethylstilbestrol prostate cancer. (with exceptions). effects, jaundice, release may be taken at obstruction, diminished
Brand Name Previously used in Diethylstilbestrol is a impotence. midmorning - do not hearing, decreased renal
the prevention of synthetic nonsteroidal Feminization, crush or chew). May function, dehydration,
Honvol miscarriage or oestrogen with effects impotence and cause breast tenderness neuromuscular disorders,
premature delivery similar to natural gynaecomastia in or enlargement pregnancy, lactation.
in pregnant women oestrogens. It inhibits men. Withdrawal (consult prescriber for Ensure that the patient is
prone to luteinising hormone and breakthrough relief). You may be well hydrated.
Estrogen miscarriage or secretion by the pituitary, bleeding, irregular more sensitive to Report hearing changes,
premature delivery. thereby inhibiting menses, sunlight; use sunblock, dizziness, severe diarrhea.
Therapeutic testosterone secretion. amenorrhoea in wear protective
Class Pharmacokinetics: women. clothing and dark
Absorption: Readily Hypercalcaemia, glasses, or avoid direct
Synthetic Agent
absorbed from the GI chloasma, exposure to sunlight. If
Form: tract. keratoconus, you are diabetic,
Metabolism: Slowly contact lenses monitor serum glucose
Tablet metabolised in the liver. intolerance, altered closely; antidiabetic
Excretion: Excreted in the carbohydrate agent may need to be
urine and faeces, mainly metabolism, loss of adjusted. Discontinue
125-250 mg as the glucuronide. diabetic control. use and report
Toxicity promptly any pain,
Route: Symptoms of redness, warmth, or
overdose include swelling in calves;
nausea and sudden onset difficulty
vomiting, and breathing; headache;
withdrawal loss of vision;
bleeding may occur difficulty speaking;
in females. sharp or sudden chest
pain; severe abdominal
pain; or unusual
bleeding or speech.
Generic Name Prevention and Contraindicated with Elevates the serum CNS: CNS toxicity, Confirm that patient does
treatment of iron allergy to any ingredient; iron concentration acidosis, coma and have iron deficiency
Ferrous Sulfate deficiency anemias sulfite allergy; which then helps to death with overdose anemia before treatment.
Brand Name Dietary supplement hemochromatosis, form Hgb or GI: Gi upset, anorexia, Give drug with meals
for iron hemosiderosis, hemolytic trapped in the nausea, vomiting, (avoiding milk, eggs,
Feosol Supplemental use anemias reticuloendothelial constipation, diarrhea, coffee, and tea) if GI
during epoetin Use cautiously with cells for storage and dark stools, temporary discomfort is severe;
therapy to ensure normal iron balance, eventual conversion straining of the teeth. slowly increase to build up
proper hematologic peptic ulcer, regional to a usable form of tolerance.
Iron preparation response to epoetin enteritis, ulcerative iron. Warm patient that stool
colitis. may be dark or green.
Form: Arrange for periodic
monitoring of Hct and Hgb
Administer liquid
Dosage: preparations in water or
juice to mask the taste and
324, 325 mg prevent staining of teeth,
Route: have the patient drink
solution with a straw.
Generic Name Used to treat Vitamin C In humans, an Vitamin C might cause Vitamin C is likely safe to
vitamin C supplementation is exogenous source side effects such as take by mouth during
Ascorbic Acid
deficiency, scurvy, contraindicated in blood of ascorbic acid is stomach cramps, pregnancy in amounts no
Brand Name delayed wound and disorders like required for nausea, heartburn, and greater than 2000 mg daily
bone healing, urine thalassemia, G6PD collagen formation headache. The chance for those 19 years and
Ascor acidification, and in deficiency, sickle cell and tissue repair by of getting these side older and 1800 mg daily
general as an disease, and acting as a cofactor effects increases with for those 14-18 years old.
antioxidant. It has hemochromatosis. Avoid in the higher doses. Taking Taking too much vitamin C
also been suggested taking supplements posttranslational more than 2000 mg during pregnancy can
Vitamin to be an effective immediately before or formation of 4- daily is possibly unsafe cause problems for the
Supplement antiviral agent. following angioplasty. hydroxyproline in - and may cause kidney newborn baby. Vitamin C
Diabetic patients should Xaa-Pro-Gly- stones and severe is possibly unsafe when
Form: take vitamin C sequences in diarrhea. In people taken by mouth in
Tablet supplements with care as collagens and other who have had a kidney excessive amounts.
it raises blood sugar proteins. Ascorbic stone, taking amounts
Dosage: levels. acid is reversibly greater than 1000 mg
oxidized to daily increases the risk
For adult males,
dehydroascorbic of getting more kidney
the RDA is 90 mg
acid in the body. stones.
daily. For females
These two forms of
19 years and older,
the vitamin are
the RDA is 75 mg
believed to be
daily. While
important in
pregnant and
breastfeeding, the
RDA is 120 mg
daily for people
19-50 years old. In
children, the RDA
depends on age.