Organism and Its Population
Organism and Its Population
Organism and Its Population
Regulate- all birds and animals are capable of maintaining
homeostasis by physiological means which ensures constant
body temperature, constant osmotic concentration etc.
Thermoregulation and osmoregulation is the source of success
of mammals in all the environmental conditions. In summer,
when outside temperature is more than our body temperature,
we sweat oftenly, resulting evaporative cooling, which brings
down the body temperature. In winter we start to shiver, a kind
of exercise which produces heat and raises the body
Conform- most of animals and plants, their body temperature
change with ambient temperature. In aquatic animals osmotic
concentration of the body fluid change with that of the ambient
water osmotic concentration. These animals are called
conformer. Conformer are not able to bear the energetic
expenses to maintain the constant body temperature.Heat loss or
heat gain is a function of surface area. Since small animals have
a larger surface area relative to their volume, they tend to lose
body heat very fast when it is cold outside; then they have to
expend much energy to generate body heat through metabolism.
This is the main reason why very small animals are rarely found
in polar regions.
Migrate- the organism move away for time being from the
stressful unfavorable habitat to more suitable habitat and return
back when stressful period is over. Many birds undertake long-
distance to migrate to more hospitable areas. Siberia birds
migrate to Keolado National park, Bharatpur, India.
Suspend- in microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and lower
plants a thick walled spores is formed which help them to
survive unfavorable conditions. These spores germinate on
return of suitable conditions. In higher plants, seeds and some
other vegetative reproductive structures serves the means to tide
over periods of stress and help them in dispersal also. The
metabolic activities are reduced to minimum during this
dormant period.a)Hibernation – the condition or period of an
animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state e.g bear
b)Aestivation – the condition or period of an animal or plant
spending the summer to avoid heat and dessication in a dormant
state e.g snails .
c)Diapause – a stage of suspended development in zooplankton
species in lakes and ponds.
Adaptation is the attribute of organism morphological, physiological
and behavioral changes that enables the organism to survive and
reproduce in its habitat.
If ‘N’ is the population density at a time‘t’, then its density at time t+1
Nt + 1 Nt + [(B + I) – (D + E)]
Population density will increase if the number of births plus the
number of immigrants (B + I) is more than the number of deaths plus
the number of emigrants (D + E), otherwise it will decrease.
Growth model
dN / dt = (b – d) × N
Let (b – d) = r, then
dN / dt = rN
K = Carrying capacity
Since resources for growth for populations are finite and become
limiting , the logistic growth model is considered a more realistic one.
Population interaction
All animals, plants and microbes in a biological community interact
with each other. These interactions may be beneficial, detrimental or
neutral to one of species or both. Following types of interaction is
a. Predation
b. Competition
c. Parasitism
d. Commensalism
e. Mutualism
(i) Reduce the survival of host
(ii) Growth and reproductive rate are reduced
(iii) Render the host vulnerable to its predators by making them weak
Types of parasite
ECTOPARASITES–depend on external surface of host
Example – head lice on humans, ticks on dogs
ENDOPARASITES–take shelter within the body of the host
Example – Liverfluke, Plasmodium
It is interaction in which both the interacting species are benefited
1. Lichen – fungi and algae
2. Mycorrhizae – fungi and roots of higher plants
3. Pollination of plants by insects
4. Mediterranean orchid- sexual deceit for pollination- appears as
female bee