Should The School Decide On A Student's Appearance?
Should The School Decide On A Student's Appearance?
Should The School Decide On A Student's Appearance?
If school is supposed to be a place for students to grow, develop, and form their
personalities, why are they being discriminated against when they pick their styles?
Differences and diversity are crucial in developing leaders in many fields, as Marymount
School strives to do. However, they forbid this fundamental notion. As Bolivar indicates,
"when tyranny becomes law, rebellion is a right." Freedom is the foundation for progress, and
it all begins with appearance and self-projection. Students should be free to alter themselves
The reasons for a student's right to change their style or hair color may vary.
However, one of the most important reasons is that the school prepares the student for the rest
of his life. With this in mind, schools must recognize that a person's appearance will not
always be subject to strict restrictions. For example, when a student graduates and enters
college, all of the restraints are most likely to go. As a result, what many schools see as
simple diversions will become the standard. By letting students express themselves freely,
they are receiving foundational training that will help them their whole lives.
Similarly, among the numerous reasons already stated, it is worth noting that personal
express themselves would be unethical. A freely expressed student does not hurt anyone; as a
matter of fact, there is proof that this is advantageous to his surroundings. The benefit of
expressing oneself is that the learner gains a lot of satisfaction and delight. And this is
transmitted to all of the people that are around him. Therefore, an extraordinarily favorable
express themselves, the rights granted by the constitution or the government will be
everyone learns to enjoy one another. Thus, the school's policy of not accepting students who
Sigue, R. W. L. & Sigue, R. W. L. (s. f.). Dye Beautiful Or Not? Thoughts On The ‘No Hair
Color’ Policy In Schools |