Module 1. Parts of Speech. The Noun. The Article Topic: Parts of Speech. The Noun. The Article
Module 1. Parts of Speech. The Noun. The Article Topic: Parts of Speech. The Noun. The Article
Module 1. Parts of Speech. The Noun. The Article Topic: Parts of Speech. The Noun. The Article
The article
Lesson №1
1. Presentation of a new topic: Parts of Speech. The noun. The plural of nouns
(№1, p.13-16). Learn the material that is given below.
Nouns are: abstract (art, belief etc), concrete (artist, believer etc), proper (Jill, Peter,
Portugal etc), collective (group, crowd, team, flock, herd, family etc) and common
(woman, dog etc).
There are three genders of nouns: masculine (He - men and boys, animals when we
know their sex), feminine (She - women and girls, countries, ships, vehicles when
regarded with affection or respect, animals when we know their sex) and neutral (It -
things, babies and animals if we don’t know their sex).
Most nouns describing people have the same form whether they are male or female,
teacher, student etc. Some nouns have different forms, though, f.e. actor - actress, groom -
bride etc.
to the second noun if the compound consists of two nouns. ball game - ball
to the noun if the compound consists of an adjective and a noun. frying pan -
frying pans;
to the first noun if the compound consists of two nouns connected by a
preposition or to the noun if the compound has only one noun. mother-in-law -
mothers-in-law, passer-by - passers-by;
at the end of the compound if it does not include any nouns. letdown – letdowns.
Irregular Plurals: man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, louse-
lice, mouse-mice, child-children, goose-geese, sheep-sheep, deer-deer, fish-
fish, trout-trout, ox-oxen, salmon-salmon, spacecraft-spacecraft, aircraft-
aircraft, means-means, species-species.
I wonder who decides what sort of 1) animals (animal) are kept in 2)....….(zoo)?
You expect to see a lot of 3)……… (monkey), 4)……….(rhino), and 5)……....
(lion), but you rarely see 6)……..(ox), 7)…….. (sheep), 8)……….(deer) or 9)
………(goose), probably because these can be seen commonly enough in the wild.
Each day large 10)……(delivery) of food arrive for the 11)………(beast) to eat.
Not expensive items like 12)………(salmon) or 13)………….(trout), but ordinary
things like 14)………….(potato) and 15)…………..(tomato) - although the 16)
………..(panda) like 17)………(bamboo). The whole family, 18)…………(man),
19)…………(woman) and 20)…………(child) can take 21)…………(photo) or
make 22)………….(video) of them eating with their 23)…………(paw) and 24)
…………(tooth), since animals do not use 25)…………(knife) and 26)…………
(fork) to eat.
Exercise 2. Write the plural of the following nouns.
Home assignment
Learn by heart theoretical material according to the topic, be ready for oral quiz
and writing a test. №1, p. 13-16, № 2, p. 5, ex 1-2. Do the following exercises that
are given below.
Dear Manager,
I’m writing to complain about the terrible evening I had at your restaurant. We had
reserved a table but when we arrived, there weren’t enough 1) chairs (chair) for
us to sit on. Even though we’d checked beforehand, we were told that there were
no 2)…………(meal) especially for 3)……………….(child). We had keep asking
the waiter to bring us some 4)…………….(glass) and when he gave us our 5)
…………………(knife) and 6)……………(fork), they were dirty. We were
informed that not all the 7)……………(dish) were available that evening and,
when we did receive our food, the 8)………………(potato) were raw and the
meat was so tough I nearly broke my 9)………………(tooth) when I bit into it.
However, that was nothing! The real horror was when I saw two 10)……………
(mouse) running across the floor. I think I’m entitled to some compensation as
long as it doesn’t include free 11)……………(meal) at your restaurant! I look
forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
M. Bennet
Exercise 5. Underline the correct word.
1. Каушанская В.Л. Грамматика английского языка. – Москва: Страт,
2006. – 319 с.
2. Каушанская В.Л. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского
языка. – Москва: Страт, 2000. – 216 с.
3. Thomson A.J. A Practical English Grammar. – Oxford University press,
2003. – 383 p.
4. Longman New Round-up 5. English Grammar Practice. – Pearson Education.
– England, 2011. – 208 p.
5. Longman New Round-up 6. English Grammar Practice. – Pearson Education.
– England, 2011. – 257 p.
1. Голіцинський Ю.Б. Граматика. Збірник вправ. – К.: Тандем, 2004. – 400
2. Керножицька О.А. Граматика. – К.: Тандем, 1997. – 253 с.
3. Мансі Є.А. Практикум з граматики англійської мови. – К.: АСК, 1999. –
352 с.
4. Barabash T.A. A Guide to Better Grammar. – M., 1975. – 200 p.
5. Dooley J., Evans V. Grammarway. – Express Publishing, 1999. – 278 p.
6. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 1. –
Oxford University press, 2009. – 181 p.
7. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 2. –
Oxford University press, 2009. – 200 p.