Newborn Care Checklist Edited

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San Jose, Antique

Competency Performance Checklist

Student: Date: ___________________

Skill Demonstrated
Yes No
1. Introduce self and verify client’s identity.
2. Explain the procedure to the mother.
3. Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate infection prevention
4. Gather the appropriate equipment (including sterile gloves, sterile lubricant, and
gauze squares.)
5. Provide for client’s privacy.
6. Apply sterile gloves.

7. Receive the baby and thoroughly wipe using clean and dry towels.

8. APGAR Scoring

a. Place the newborn on a warm covered surface with adequate lighting or on

the mother (skin to skin contact)

b. Evaluate the newborn exactly 60 seconds after delivery. As follows:

1. Activity: Evaluate the newborn’s muscle tone and award a score (0,1 or

2. Pulse (Heart rate): Use a stethoscope to listen to the newborn’s heart.

a. Award a score of 0,1,2 depending on the fetal heart rate.

3. Grimace (Response to catheter in nostril after cleared) Evaluate the

newborn’s response to stimuli by suctioning the nose or drying the newborn
and award a score ( 0, 1, 2) depending on the fetal grimace.

4. Appearance: Evaluate the newborn’s body colour and award a score (0,1
or 2).

5. Respiratory effort (breathing) Now, evaluate newborn’s respiratory rate


a. Award a score of 0,1,2 depending on the fetal respiratory rate.

1. During the first 10-15 minutes irregular respiratory efforts may be as fast
as 60-80 per minute. Rhonchi, grunting, retracting, and nasal flare may be
present for a brief period.

2. Calculate the final score after the one minute.

c. Interpret the data

Total score of 10 is the best possible condition; 7-10 is considered normal.
An infant with a score of 0-3 requires immediate resuscitation/ medical
attention; scores of 4-7 may require resuscitation.

d. Repeat the evaluation according to the APGAR score five minutes later

9. Care of the Eye

a. Position the newborn on supine

b. Using the forefinger of the non-dominant hand placed over cheekbone

gently pull the lower lid down. This creates a small conjunctival sac into
which the solution or ointment is to be applied. “Never apply drops or
ointment directly onto the eyeball.

c. Using the dominant hand that holds the tube, squeeze the tube gently to
deposit 1cm of medication from the inner to the outer canthus of the lower
lid of the eye
d. Observe care not to touch the eye with the tip of the ointment tube.

e. In the event there is an order to give two preparations (ointment and drops),
give drops first, wait 3 minutes, then apply the ointment to allow each drug
to work.

f. Close the eyelids slowly to prevent expression of the medication.

g. Wipe excess medication in one sweep from inner to outer canthus to

prevent contamination to the contralateral eye.

10. Weight & Anthropometric Measurement

a. Prepare the weighing scale by checking its functionality. Weigh the baby

b. Weigh the newborn without clothing in grams.

c. Measure the height by turning the child to side, using a heel – to crown
measurement with the use of a tape measure.

d. Measure head circumference by encircling the tape measure around the

newborn’s head in cm.

e. Slip down the tape measure at the newborn’s chest at the nipple line.

f. Then down to the abdomen.

11. Put on the baby’s clean, dry clothes, bonnet and gloves.

12. Placed the name tag and secure properly.

13. Check the anal patency and take the temperature.

14. Put on the baby’s diaper.

15. Wrap the baby properly and place under the droplight.

16. Transfer to mother bedside once with physician’s order.

17. Tells the mother the results of the examination and asks if there are any

18. Collect and discard the used materials according to the hospital policy.

19. Washes hands (alcohol or soap).

20. Document findings.
Final Score /41


Overall Performance: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Instructor: __________________________________

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