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RMW Rqs Rules Regulations

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1. Only schools with duly recognized IIEE student chapters are eligible to enter the EE Math Wizard competition. 2. Each chapter can have a maximum of five (5) team players who will compete as a team. 3. Each member of the team must be:

Enrolled in BSEE course and registered IIEE active student members in the school they represent; Team members must be compose of any of the following year level: 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th year level. Each team member must not a present elected officer of the IIEE-Council of Student Chapters Shall still be a BSEE student at the time of the National Math Wizard (NMW). 4. Only the Original team members of the qualifying team shall be allowed to compete in the National EE Math Wizard. APPLICATION 1. Properly filled out application forms shall be submitted to the IIEE National Headquarters. Deadline of submission will be on September 10, 2010. Applications shall be mailed to: IIEE-COUNCIL OF STUDENT CHAPTERS c/o IIEE Secretariat Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. #41 Monte de Piedad Street Cubao, Quezon City 1111 e-mail: iieecsc@yahoo.com and iieecsc@gmail.com Fax #: (632) 727-3545
2. The full name and IIEE student Membership Number of each team member shall be indicated in the application form. A certification from the Dean of the College of Engineering signifying that each member is currently enrolled in the BSEE course shall be attached.

1. Teams must register not later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of the contest proper. 2. Each team must pay a registration fee of P 3,000.00 for the RMW to the National Office, through the Council of Student Chapters (CSC), on/or before the deadline of the registration. It may also be deposited to the IIEE CSC Bank Account:

Bank: Account Name:

Allied Bank-Katipunan Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, Inc.

Account Number: 3381-00216-1 3. The team that will register on the same event day will pay an amount of P 5,000 for them to join the QUIZ Show.

CONDUCT OF THE EE MATH WIZARD QUIZ SHOW 1. The competing group shall be asked the same set of question. Answers must be written down on the transparency, which will be provided by the CSC. After the allotted time has expired, the designated timekeeper will ring the bell/buzzer and the usherettes will collect the transparencies. The answer of each group will be shown to the audience one at a time through an overhead projector. 2. Teams will be allotted to bring pencils, pens, and non-programmable calculators (with no built in scientific constant). Teams will not be permitted to bring any paper on stage. The CSC will provide scratch papers. 3. The Quiz Show has two (2) rounds The EASY ROUND and the DIFFICULT ROUND. Each round is composed of seven (7) questions on Mathematics. The questions will be picked out randomly. These questions may be on identification, fill-in-theblank, multiple choice, or problem solving type. The questions in the Easy Round have credits of one (1) point each. The questions in the Difficult Round have credits of three (3) points each. Scores accumulated in the Easy Round will be carried over to the Difficult Round. The winning teams will be determined from the total scores of the two (2) rounds for a grand total (perfect scores) of twenty eight (28) points.

4. Teams can start solving the problem at the moment the QUIZMASTER starts reading the questions. 5. The QUIZMASTER shall announce the allotted time given to participating teams for each question. Each question will be read twice. The QUIZMASTER shall announce that the time starts by saying, TIME STARTS NOW . When the allotted time has elapsed, the QUIZMASTER shall announce, TIME IS UP. The answer sheets must immediately be raised. A team that will fail to raise / give its answer after the announcement of TIME IS UP is deemed to have given an incorrect answer. Before the start of the Easy Round, the QUIZMASTER must check if all the teams can adequately see the screen and hear the QUIZMASTER. 6. In case of tie, tie-breaking questions will be given. This will consist of five (5) additional questions. The five tie breaking questions will follow the same procedures from rule D-4. If a tie still exists after these five tie breaking questions, the following sudden death format will be used; each team will be asked one additional question until the tie has been broken.

7. Each team has the right to raise questions or complaints. The Board of Judges will resolve complaints during the conduct of the Quiz Show. 8. Any complaint and/or protest regarding the score tally, questions, or answers must be immediately raised before the succeeding question is read; otherwise the complaints will not be entertained. 9. Any act of derogatory to the Regional Math Wizard (RMW), Board of Judges (BOJ), Student Affairs Committee (SAC) and IIEE shall be dealt / meted with corresponding penalties to be decided and imposed by the IIEE / BOJ / SAC. The penalties range from disqualification with the current RMW to one (1) year suspension for the said event. 10. The number of team who will advance to the National EE Math Wizard shall be determined from the total number of teams that participated in the Regional Math Wizard, as shown in the table below. TOTAL NUMBER TEAMS 14 57 8 11 12 15 16 and above OF PARTICIPATING QUALIFIED TEAMS TO NATIONAL QUIS SHOW Top team Top TWO team Top THREE team Top FOUR team Top FIVE team THE

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1. Only Schools with duly recognized IIEE student chapters are eligible to enter a team to the quiz show. 2. Only one team is allowed to represent a school. 3. A team shall compose of five members. 4. Each member of the team must be: a. Enrolled in BSEE courses and a registered IIEE active student member in the her team represents. b. Not a present elected officer of the IIEE-CSC and/ or RCSC. c. Shall still be a BSEE student at the time of the National Quiz Show (NQS).

school his/

5. Only the Original team members of the qualifying team shall be allowed to compete in the National Quiz Show.

1. Properly filled out registration forms shall be submitted to the IIEE National Headquarters. Deadline of submissions is on September 10, 2010. Registration forms may be mailed to: IIEE-COUNCIL OF STUDENT CHAPTERS c/o IIEE Secretariat Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. 41 Monte de Piedad St., Cubao, Quezon City 1111 E-mail: iieecsc@yahoo.com iieecsc@gmail.com Tel. no. (02) 410 1898 Fax. No. (02) 727 3545 2. The full name and IIEE student membership number of each team member shall be indicated in the registration form. A certification from the Dean of the College of Engineering that the team members are currently enrolled in the BSEE course shall be attached.

3. Each team must pay a registration fee of P 3,000.00 for the RQS, to the national office, through the Council of Student Chapters (CSC), on or before the registration deadline. It may also be deposited to the IIEE CSC Bank Account: Bank: Account Name: Account Number: Allied Bank-Katipunan Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, Inc. 3381-00216-1

4. The team that will have on the spot registration will pay an amount of P 5,000 for them to join the QUIZ Show

1. Teams must register at the site not later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the contest. During the registration, the names of the five team members must be submitted. One of the team members shall be designated as the Team Captain. 2. All team members must bring their school ID or IIEE CSC ID to the event proper for identification.

1. Only three members of the team shall be allowed to participate in any round. Substitution of a member may be permitted only after each round. In other words, no substitutions will be allowed once a round has started. 2. Contestants will be allowed to bring pencils, pens, and calculators (refer to appendix B for list of allowable calculators) on the stage. Contestants will not be permitted to bring any paper on stage, thus four blank sheets of paper per question will be provided for each team. Electronic gadgets such as cellular phones, palm tops, etc., are not allowed on stage. 3. The competing teams shall be asked the same set of questions. Answers must be written down on the transparencies provided by the ushers / usherettes. 4. The quiz show has three (3) rounds EASY, AVERAGE and DIFFICULT ROUNDS. a. Each round composes of five (5) Questions. A total of 15 Question. b. The questions will be coming from the following subject areas: i. Electrical Engineering Subjects ii. Mathematics iii. Engineering Sciences and Allied Subjects (ESAS)

c. The questions will be picked out randomly. These questions may be in identification, fill out the blank, multiple choice, or problem solving type. The question in the Easy Round have credits of one (1) point each. The question in the Average Round have credits of three (3) points each. The question in the Difficult Round have credits of five (5) points each. The points per round shall be accumulated

until the last round. The teams who will be accumulating the highest number of scores shall be determined as winners of the quiz show. d. The winning teams will be determined from the total scores of the three (3) rounds for a grand total (perfect scores) of forty five (45) points. 5. The QUIZMASTER shall read each question twice. Contestants can start solving the problem at the moment the QUIZMASTER starts reading the questions. 6. The QUIZMASTER shall announce the allotted time to the contestants before reading each questions. The QUIZMASTER shall announce the time to start by saying TIME STARTS NOW. When the allotted time has elapsed, the official buzzer rings and the QUIZMASTER shall announce TIME IS UP. An official timekeeper is designated to operate the buzzer. 7. Once the official buzzer rings, the transparencies must immediately be raised by the contestants and be collected by the ushers / usherettes. A team, who failed to raise its transparency immediately after the buzzer, is deemed to have given an incorrect answer. The answer of each team will be shown to the audience one at a time through an overhead projector. 8. The scratch papers shall also be collected along with the answer sheets by the usher / usherettes after the buzzer. Another set of scratch papers will be provided before each question starts. 10. In case of tie, a SUDDEN DEATH round will be given, wherein the tied teams will be asked ONE additional question until the tie breaks. Only the three team members who have participated in the third round shall proceed to this round. Each question in this round weighs one (1) point each. Each question will be picked up randomly and may belong to any of the three subject areas in rule D4a. 11. Only the Team Captain has the right to raise questions or complaints during the conduct of the Quiz Show. The Board of Judges will resolve any questions or complaints. 12. Any complaint and / or protest regarding the score tally, questions, or answer must be immediately raised before the succeeding question is read; otherwise the complaints will not be entertained.

13. Any act derogatory to the Regional Quiz Show (RQS), Board of Judges (BOJ), Student Affairs Committee (SAC), and IIEE shall be dealt / meted with corresponding penalties to be decided and imposed by the IIEE / BOJ / SAC. The penalties range from disqualification with the current RQS to suspension for one year for the said event. 14. The number of teams who will advance to the National Quiz Show shall be determined from the total number of schools that participated in the Regional Quiz Show, as shown in the table below:




In addition to the Rules and Regulations announced, we suggest the following additional guidelines to the Board of Judges and teams. 1. All types of scientific calculators (non-programmable) are allowed. To equalize the playing field, ask all team players to erase the memory of their calculator just before the team, so that any stored formulas of each team will be erased. Generally, this can be done by removing the battery for at least three (3) minutes. 2. In general, a numerical answer without units is incomplete and considered incorrect. Both the magnitude and the units must be correct for a team to score. However, if the question ask for an answer in certain units, then the number without units is acceptable. (Example: How many inches in one foot? Answer 12 is acceptable, 12 inches is also correct.) 3. In multiple choice questions, the letter alone is sufficient as an answer. The official answer has both the letter and the number or word answer just to be sure there is no confusions. 4. Generally, fill in the blank and identifications type of question requires CORRECT SPELLING. Otherwise, the answer is incorrect. 5. If more questions are needed because of invalidation, alternative questions will be asked. 6. In case of erasure, it must be marked X and the final answer must be BOXED. Only the boxed answer will be considered. 7. For the record keeping purpose, the Board of Judges is requested to mark (by a check) questions on the Judges Copy of the questions, which were already asked, and note which questions were protested and what the protests were. 8. For Judges Copy of the question, and all used and unused questions (including the envelopes) should be returned in sealed brown envelope to the IIEE NATIONAL SECRETARIAT. The designated Chairman of the Board of Judges should sign the sealed lid of the envelope. 9. The decision of the Regional Board of Judges is FINAL and UNAPPEALABLE. ===Nothing Follows===

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