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DW Series 3 phase Coulometer

★ Applications Specifications
Instruction Manual 2.The instrument will return to the measuring estate without any operation for 25
Power 90-260V AC/DC 50/60Hz others:18-30V seconds.
Thanks a lot for selecting the product! The instrument is to measure any range of
supply AC/DC indicate when ordering 3.Convert display(Frequency input is displayed in A phase only.and voltage>80V.
Before operating this instrument, please carefully read this AC/DC voltage or current set by user. It can be
True value, simple/three phases/voltage/current/ A. Window A is mainly used to display KW/VAR/PF/Kwh of one of phase A/B/C/.
manual and fully understand its contents.Any problems, available for data reserve or top value reserve Measured Watt/Power factor/frequency/energy consump- You can select one of them by press <</RST key. The indication lamps UA/UB/
please contact our sales or distributors whom you buy from. function. To measure or display true value of objects tion/reactive power UC/ will show the present selected phase or summation. Press SET key can
This manual is subject to change without prior notice. voltage/ampere/watt/power factor/frequency/ Direct convert displaying KW/VAR/PF/Kwh.
energy consumption.Up to 3 alarm output. input range Voltage:0-600V Current:0-5A or 0-10A B. Window B is mainly used to display voltage of phase A/B/C, indicated by UA/
UB/UC lamps
Warning The instrument is widely applied to power system, fac- P/T, C/T P/T, C/T free set by software
C: Window C is mainly used to display current of phase A/B/C, indicated by UA/
tory power distribution, building automation etc. With Measured frequency range 0-2.5KHz UB/UC lamps
Please do not turn on the power supply until all of the wiring
RS485 for remote control. Voltage:± 0.2% ± 0.1%F.S 4.Kwh value clear:
is completed.Otherwise electrical shock, fire or malfunction
Press SET key, and let the indication lamp Kwh is on, press <</CLRkey to select
Current:± 0.2% ± 0.1%F.S
may result. Name of parts Accuracy the phase that you want to clear UA/UB/UC, then press <</CLR key for 2 seconds
Do not wire when the power is on. Watt:± 0.3% ± 0.2%F.S till the window A display “0” or “0.000”.
Do not connect the unused terminals. Power factor:±0.01 5.Power fail protection. Only for 3 phase total Kwh value.
KW Var
Do not turn on the power supply when cleaning this
← Frequency:Display 0-400Hz±1Hz 6.Window A power on display value setting: Set by the parameter “DIS”.
① A PF K wh
instrument. Analog 0-10V or 4-20mA selectable by software
MW Hz Alarm RELAY:NO 250V AC 3A or 30V DC 3A COS¢=1 Operation processes
Do not disassemble,repair or modify the instrument. This
← UA AL1
may cause electrical shock,fire or malfunction. ② B Communication RS232 or RS485 with MODBUS TRU protocol
UB AL2 Power ON
Use this instrument in the scope of its specifications.

Otherwise fire or malfunction may result. ← UC AL3
③ C Dimensions Self-check
The use life of the output relay is quite different according to Σ ←⑧ All LED on
is capacity and conditions. If use out of its scope, fire or
A 92+0.5

malfunction may result.
← ↓


↑ +

Displaysmeasured voltage range
! Caution 92+0.5

← B

for phase A

This instrument should be installed in a domestic ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ↓

environment. Otherwise electrical shock, fire or malfunction D 115 Displays measured current range

for phase A

may result. The operating temperature environment should ① 3 phase KW/Var/PF/Kwh/MW/Hz display window
② 3 phase voltage measured value/parameter display window ↓
between 0 (32F) to 50 (122F).
Watt display
To avoid using this instrument in environment full of dust
③ 3 phase current measured value/parameter modified display window 115
Voltage display measuring estate
④ Convert/Set/Confirm key

or caustic gas.
⑤ Shift/Clear key Current display
To avoid using this instrument in environment of strong shock ⑥⑦Up key/Down key
↓ SET>3S
or concussion. ⑧ Indication lamps Hz:frequency unit ↑ Enter parameter setting menu
To avoid using this instrument in environment of overflow
water or explosive oil.
MW:3 phase A/B/C/Σ watt
KW:3 phase A/B/C/Σ watt
96 F
PF:3 phase A/B/C/Σ power factor
Control parameter setting
In case the instrument is use in environment of nuclear
Var:3 phase A/B/C/ Σ VAR ↓ SET>3S


control, iatrical equipment, auto, train, airplane or security Kwh:3 phase A/B/C/Σ energy consumption G H
Password setting, range: 0-200,
LCK=000 means the parameter can be modified.
equipment that need protections, please contact the inactive power displays when Var & Kwh lamps on at the same time
96 12 100 LCK=010 means the parameter can be read only,
manufacturer for details. UA/UB/UC Łş Phase A/B/C/Σ running value
Σ:Summation of the 3 phase
↓ SET but not can be modified.
When it’s for 8 digits coloumeter, it displays in 2 windows 4 AL1/AL2/AL3: Alarm1/2/3 On: Output Off: No alarm AL1 alarm value setting,
digits each. B window displays the high 4 digits, and C window Notes: The instrument can measure both simple phase and 3 Parameter setting range:-1999-9999
displays the low 4 digits. Unit: WH/KWH available for user’s phase. Factory setting is 600V, 5A AC, P/T rate free set by software
1.In the measuring estate, press and hold SET key for more than 3 seconds, ↓ SET
.Measure AC voltage more than 600V, please use the instrument
choice. enter control parameters setting menu. Press<</RST key,LED flashes, AL1 hysteresi value setting,
with C/T. Measure AC current more than 5A, please use the in-

press / key to modify, and then press SET key to confirm. Press range:50.00
strument with P/T.
Three phase different voltage/current input need
SET key to read the following parameters one by one.

3, 3 phase 4 wires 2 phase(A/B phase only)
1, Simple phase connections C B A
↓SET ↓SET → 1
AL1 alarm mode: There are Power 13

CV+ → 1 + + BI+
qwH 、qwL 、PFH 、PFL 、KwH 、KwL 、VAH 、
Phase A Voltage shift value. Display value=Measured
90-260V AC 20 21 RXD

value + PSV shift value. (for simple phase) → 2 14 CV- CT BI-
3 15 CI-
3 +
AV+ +
stands for the high or low limit of Var, power AL1
Phase B C/T rate setting, 4 16 + BV+ AV-
factor, watt, phase A voltage, phase A current, CI+ 4 17 10 +
(for 3 phase only) PT PT
phase B voltage, phase B current, phase C 5 17 BV+ CI+
voltage, phase C current.
6 18 BV-
AL2 16
CI- 11

↓ 6 15
Phase C C/T rate setting, +→
7 +

AL2 alarm value setting, (for 3 phase only) 19 BI-
7 CV-
4-20mA AL3 4-20mA 14 AI+ + +
range:-1999-9999 -

8 20 BI+ 12 CT
↓ CV+

SET 8 13
↓ SET 9
AV+ -
21 A+/TXD
AL2 hysteresis value setting, Decimal point setting for 3 phase current. AV-
range:50.00 0: 0000, 1:0.000, 2:00.00, 3:000.0 10 22 B-/RXD

11 A
Window A display selection: 12
AL2 alarm mode: Same as AM1 ● 24
0:KW 1:PF 2:Var 3:Kwh C B A
Note:when there is no transformer,please connect volt/
↓SET Inspected equipment
For simple phase,connect onlyAV+AV-/AI+AI-,Aphase for measurement, ampere in series directly,eg the connection of 3 phase 4
AL3 alarm value setting,
Bit rate setting. The factory setting is 9.6k bit/s, if need For 3 phase, BV+ BV-/BI+ BI-,B phase for measurement wires without P/T,C/T connections
other value, please mention when order CV+ CV-/ CI+ CI-,C phase for measurement 4, 3 phase 3 wires 3 phase(Power for A/B phase,C phase for
↓ SET “+ -” ± is just code for phase comparison relationship
AL3 hysteresis setting, ↓SET display only)
range:50.00 Communication address setting
Note:values are 8 digit LED display in total,each 4 in UP
↓SET range: 0-255

→ 1 + + BI+
and DOWN.Normally displays Down 4 digits.Press ,the CT
20 21 A+

↓SET → 2 19


AL3 alarm mode: Same as AM1 lamp flashes,then display the UP values.
Single phase/3 phase terminal connection selection:
0: Single phase 1: 3 phase 2 wire AL1 3 18 9
↓ SET Q W 、P F 、K W 、V A 、A A 、V B 、V A 、 2: 3 phase 3 wire 2: 3 phase 4 wire BV+ VA-
2,3 phase 4 wires, without P/T, CT connections 4 17 10
VC、AC stands for Var, power factor, watt, ↓SET N C B A AL2 5 +
+ CI+
phase A voltage, phase A current, phase B
Return to LCK menu 16 IA-
voltage, phase B current, phase C voltage, CI- 11

phase C current.
★ the parameters showed are factory setting. → 1 + + 20
21 A+ 15


↓ → 2 19
22 B-
7 14 IA+ + +
Terminal configurations
4-20mA 12
Analog low limit setting value 4mA AV+ → 8 CV+ CT
3 BV- 13
AL1 18 9
(If any changed, please refer to the product showing)
↓ SET 4 17

Analog high limit setting value 20mA CT

AL2 5 + + CI+
16 AI-
↓ SET 6 15

Phase B P/T rate setting. (the same value CV-
4-20mA 7 14 + +
Malfunction estimate
for 3 phase) CT

CV+ ◆Check the connection and wiring if it is correct. Specially pay attention to
↓ SET -
8 13 AI+
the power supply terminals and signal input terminals,please do not wrong
Phase A C/T rate setting, (for simple phase connect.As well pay attention to do not short the output terminals by strong
or 3 phase) current.

↓SET ◆If the measurement is incorrect, please check if the connection is contrary.
◆Check input mode setting,especially 3 phase connection.The parameter
0: watt/power consumption unit: Kw/Kwh
N C B A is .
1: watt/power consumption unit:


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