IFRJ-2010-583-589 Choothaweep Thailand
IFRJ-2010-583-589 Choothaweep Thailand
IFRJ-2010-583-589 Choothaweep Thailand
*Palakawong, C., 1Sophanodora, P., 2Pisuchpen, S. and 3Phongpaichit, S.
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University,
Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand.
Department of Material Product Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of
Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand.
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai,
Songkhla 90112, Thailand
Abstract: The antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the extracts from peel, leaves, and bark of mangosteen
(Garcinia mangostana L.), and some essential oils such as cinnamon and citrus were investigated. The
antioxidant activities (IC50) of peel, leaves, and bark extracted, which were evaluated by DPPH method, were
5.94, 9.44, and 6.46 µg/ml, respectively. Either cinnamon or citrus essential oil showed no antioxidant activities
with DPPH. A broth dilution method was employed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity against some Gram-
positive bacteria (L. monocytogenes and S. aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli and Salmonella sp.).
The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of peel, leaves, and bark extracted against Gram-positive
bacteria were ranged from 0.025-0.78 mg/ml. While the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values
were between 0.05-0.39 mg/ml. MIC and MBC values of cinnamon against S. aureus, E. coli and Salmonella sp.
were 3.13 and 6.25 mg/ml, respectively. Citrus oil showed effect on only S. aureus with MIC and MBC values
of 6.25 and 12.50 mg/ml, respectively.
*Corresponding author.
Email: [email protected] © All Rights Reserved
Tel: +66-74-286330 ; Fax: +66-74-212889
584 Palakawong, C., Sophanodora, P., Pisuchpen, S. and Phongpaichit, S.
the pharmaceutical, food, and perfume industries Plant material and extraction method
because of their antibacterial, culinary and fragrant The whole peel (outer and inner peels), leaves,
properties (Salehi et al., 2005). In addition, essential and bark of G. mangostana were harvested from
oils have been used for preventing food spoilage and Songkhla province in April, 2009. The samples
deterioration, and also for extending shelf-life of food were first cleaned to remove any residual compost
since ancient time. Cinnamon and citrus essential and washed thoroughly to remove impurities. After
oils have been shown the possession of antimicrobial washing, the samples were chopped into small pieces
activities and could serve as a source of antimicrobial (0.5 × 1.0 cm2) and dried overnight in a tray dryer at
agents against food pathogen. Several references 45 °C. Then chopped samples were ground with a
on the antimicrobial efficiency are available in the grinder to make powder (around 18 meshes).
literature reviews such as cinnamon (Lopez et al., All ground samples were placed in 70 °C distilled
2005; Tzortzakis, 2009) and citrus (O’Bryan et al., water for 15 min at the ratio of sample powder:water
2008; Fisher and Phillips, 2006) of 1:4. The mixtures were boiled 4 times or until no
Because of consumer awareness, food content of tannin was found by dropping with 2%
processors have desired to reduce the use of gelatin solution in the mixtures (Weecharangsan et al.,
synthetic chemicals in food products. Then common 2006). The mixtures were filtrated, the residues were
culinary extracted plant such as ethanolic extract then dried at 40-45 °C in the hot air oven. The dried
from mangosteen and essential oils extracted from powder was macerated at room temperature for 7 days
cinnamon or citrus could be the sources of natural with 50% ethanol. In order to know the exact weight,
alternatives. the crude extracts were filtered and evaporated to
Although the extracts from mangosteen and obtain the dried crude extracts. The obtained extracts
essential oils from cinnamon and citrus contain potent were stored in a desiccator containing dry silica gel
antimicrobials and antioxidation activities, such prior using in each experiment.
extracts have not been sufficiently tested for their
activities. Even if extracted plants are considered to Microbial cultures
be safe (GRAS), however their uses are often limited Escherichia coli DMST 15537, Salmonella
by organoleptic criteria. For this reason, it will be sp. DMST 4464, Listeria monocytogenes DMST
necessary to determine the minimum concentration 17303, and Staphylococcus aureus DMST 6512
to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria without were obtained from the Department of Medical
affecting the sensory quality of the food. The Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. The
objectives of the present study were to investigate microorganisms were maintained in TSA at 5 °C.
the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), the Stock culture of microbial was grown in MHB (E.
minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) against coli, S. aureus and Salmonella spp.) and TSB (L.
four food-borne pathogens (Gram-positive and Gram- monocytogenes) at 37+2 °C in a shaker incubator for
negative) and the antioxidant activity of mangosteen 3.5 h at 110 rpm (cells in early stationary phase). The
extracted from peel, leaves, and bark, and some bacterial suspension was subsequently adjusted to
essential oils such as cinnamon and citrus. 106 CFU/ml using MHB and TSB.
using the equation: DPPH inhibition (%) = 100 × (A0 experiment of Weecharangsan et al. (2006). In those
–AS)/A0, where A0 is the absorbance of the control experiments, researchers used the same extraction
(containing all reagents except the test compound), method that was used in this study. However, the
and AS is the absorbance of the tested sample. same methods were used, the different results were
The antioxidant activity of the crude extract was reported. It is possible that because the different in
expressed as IC50, defined as the concentration of the the maturity stage of raw material was used. This
crude extract required to inhibit DPPH radicals by study used raw material in stage 3 of maturity but
50%, using the linear regression analysis. Ascorbic stage 5 or 6 by the experiment of Weecharangsan
acid was used as a standard antioxidant. et al. (2006). From Table 1, this can be concluded
that the extract from peel of mangosteen showed the
Antimicrobial activity best antioxidant activity among these extracts when
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and compared to L-ascorbic acid.
minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were Okonogi et al. (2007) reported that the antioxidant
performed by a broth dilution technique, using 96- activity (IC50) of the extract from peel of mangosteen
well microtitre plates according to Kuete et al. (2008) was 0.023 µg/ml, which was less than the IC50 found
and Saker et al. (2007). The bacterial inoculate in this experiment (5.94 µg/ml), for the reason of
applied contained approximately 1.0×105 cells in a different extraction methods of this study. This
final volume of 100 µl/well. implies that the different extraction methods could
The crude extracts were dissolved in 10% effect on the activity, agreed to the study of Liu et
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in sterile MHB to obtain al. (2008).
a stock concentration of 12.50 mg/ml. Serial two-fold Among these extracts from mangosteen parts,
dilutions of each sample needed to be evaluated were each part (peel, leaves, and bark) showed antioxidant
made with MHB to yield volumes of 100 μl/well activity with different IC50 values. Extracted peel
with final concentrations ranging from 0.05-12.50 exhibited lowest IC50, followed by bark and leaves
mg/ml. MHB was used as a negative control while with IC50 5.94, 6.46 and 9.44 µg/ml, respectively.
ciprofloxacin and vancomycin were used as positive Zadernowski et al. (2009) reported that rind (inner
controls (0.5-2.0 µg/ml). The cultured microplates peel) of mangosteen had composed more phenolic
were incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. content than peel (outer peel) and aril parts.
The MIC of samples was detected following the Tachakittirungrod et al. (2007) reported that the active
addition of 10 μl resazurin (0.75%). Viable bacteria compounds in higher plant were located in different
reduced the blue dye to a pink color. Microbial parts with different contents. This is the answer why
growth was determined by observing the change of extracts of peel, leaves and bark showed the activity
color in the wells (blue when there is no growth and with different IC50. In addition, Maisuthisakul et al.
pink when there is growth). MIC was defined as the (2008), Mayachiew and Devahastin (2008), and Liu
lowest sample concentration that had prevented this et al. (2008) reported that the antioxidant activity
change. The minimum bactericidal concentration was correlated with phenolic content. Moreover,
(MBC) was determined by subcultivation of 50 µl of Mayachiew and Devahastin (2008) reported that
each blue well in plates containing Mueller-Hinton crude extract with different chemical compositions
agar and then further incubation for 24 h at 37 °C. can effect on the activity. These literatures may be
The lowest concentration with no visible growth was concluded that extracted peel composes more phenolic
defined as the MBC. content than those of bark and leaves, respectively.
Table 1 showed not only cinnamon but also citrus
Results and Discussion essential oil that exhibited no activity with DPPH. This
result agrees with Poloteo et al. (2006) who reported
Antioxidant activity that cinnamon essential oil had had low activity with
Extracted peel of G. mangostana expressed the DPPH. Eyob et al. (2008) reported that the activity
strongest activity (IC50 = 5.94 µg/ml) while bark and of essential oil from korarima was very low, for the
leaves extracted showed moderate activities (IC50 = reason that the OH group in aromatic ring of phenolic
6.46 and 9.44 µg/ml, respectively). Cinnamon oil compound was replaced by some functional group as
showed no activity and the citrus oil did not reach 50% a result of their hydrogen donating ability. This may
of DPPH-neutralisation at the highest concentration be used to support for the result of this study that why
applied (Table 1). cinnamon and citrus essential oil used in this study
In this experiment, the study found that the had low activity.
extracted peel showed IC50 value less than the
Peel 5.94+0.14
Leaves 9.44+0.39
Bark 6.46+0.36
Cinnamon no activity
Citrus no activity
L-Ascorbic acid 4.30+0.14
Table 2. Minimum inhibitory and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MIC and MBC) of
G. mangostana extracted from peel, leaves, and bark and some essential oils (cinnamon and
ND = Not Detected
that the different chemical composition in an essential 2. Therefore, S. aureus was considered to be sensitive
oil could result in different biological activity. Lopez to both of essential oils while E. coli and Salmonella
et al. (2005) and Inouye et al. (2001) found that sp. were considered to be sensitive to cinnamon
cinnamon with eugenol had showed higher activity essential oil.
against Gram-negative than Gram-positive. Cinnamon
with cinnamaldehyde showed higher activity against Conclusions
Gram-positive than Gram-negative. From the result
of this study, cinnamon can inhibit both of Gram- These sample data received show the inhibition
positive and Gram-negative. This result agreed with potency on extracts of peel, cinnamon, and the citrus
Oussalah et al. (2007) who reported that both of them oil that can be considered as preservative agents for
were inhibited by this essential oil. It is possible that both antibacterial and antioxidant activities. This
cinnamon in the present study composes of both of study provides the important baseline information
eugenol and cinnamaldehyde. for the use of extracted peel from G. mangostana as
These differences in the susceptibility of the test well as the essential oils as the preservative agents for
organisms to essential oil could bring to the conclusion some types of food. Then in vivo experiment should
of the variation in the rate of essential oil constituent’s be conducted for further study. The antibacterial and
penetration through the cell wall and cell membrane antioxidant studies of these peel and essential oils
structures. The ability of essential oil to disrupt the are being considered as the future objective for the
permeability barrier of cell membrane structures and planning of using these potential preservation agents
the accompanying loss of chemiosmotic control are in fresh-cut mangosteen.
the most likely reasons for its lethal action (Cox et
al., 2000). Nedorostova et al. (2009) reported that Acknowledgements
the leakage of intracellular metabolites due to their
activity on cell membranes seemed to be the main This research was supported by the grants
mechanism or mode of action. On the other hand, under the program Strategic Scholarship for Frontier
essential oils can interact with intracellular sites and Research Network for the Join Ph.D. Program Thai
cause death of the cell e.g., by alteration of protein Doctoral Degree from the Commission on Higher
structures after penetration into the cells. Education and the Graduate School, Prince of Songkla
The MBC/MIC ratio of citrus on S. aureus and the University, Thailand.
MBC/MIC ratio of cinnamon on E. coli, Salmonella
sp. and S. aureus were less than 4 according to Table
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