DOE - DC2015!04!0002 MOR Submission

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR NO. _DO20I5 - ou - 0002, - DIRECTING ALL GENERATION COMPANIES, DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES AND INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCER ADMINISTRATORS TO SUBMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REPORTORIAL REQUIREMENTS AND OTHER PERTINENT DATA AS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE FORMULATION OF THE POWER SUPPLY AND DEMAND FORECASTS OF ‘THE POWER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the “Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001” (EPIRA) declares as policy of the State, among others, to ensure quality, reliability, security and affordability of the supply of electric power; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 37 of the EPIRA, the Department of Energy (DOE) is mandated to supervise the restructuring of the electric power industry 2 well as among other things, to {a) Formulates policies for the planning and implementation of comprehensive program for the efficient supply and economical use of energy consistent with the approved national economic plan; (b) Ensure the reliability, quality, and security of supply of electric power; (co) Develop policies and procedures to enable and encourage electric power industry participants to provide adequate capacity to meet demand including reserve requirements; (4) Prepare and update annually a Power Development Program (PDP), anc integrate the same into the Philippine Energy Plen (PEP). The POP shall consider and integrate the individual or joint development pians of the transmission, generation and distribution sectors of the electric power industry which ere submitted to the DOE; and (e) Exercise such powers, formulates rules and regulations as may be necessary to impiement and attain the objectives of the EPIRA. WHEREAS, the DOE continuously aims to provide reliable and accurate Cemand forecast reflective of the actual demand consumption brought about by economic activities in the country and the developments in the power industry such as the implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA), Interim Mindanao ‘city Market (IMEM) and Renewable Portiolio Standard (RPS), Demand Aggregation and Supply Auctioning Policy (DASA?), among others; WHEREAS, there is a need for a prompt and timely submission of the Generation Companies Including Embedded Generators, independent Power Producer Administrators and Distribution Utilities of the necessary data relative to their operations for the annual updating of the power statistics and the POP; WHEREAS, there is a need to collect, procass and analyze regularly the power-related data ang monitor closely the operations of the Generation Companies including Embedded Generators, Independent Power Producer Acministrators and Distribution Utilities; NOW, THEREFORE, from the foregoing premises and pursuant to the mandate of the DOE, under the EPIRA, this Circular is hereby promulgated SECTION 1, Scope and Application. This Circular shall apply to the following: fa) Generation Companies, {b} Distribution Utilities, (c} Independent Power Producer Administrators (IPPA); SECTION 2. Additional Reportorial Obligations of Generation Companies and Independent Power Producer Administrators. All Generation Companies including Embedded Generators and Independent Power Producer Administrators shall submit to DOE any information as it may deemed require with respect to the preparation of the PDP provided that the DOE shall ensure the confidentiality of proprietary or commercial sensitive information. For this purpose, Generation Companies including Embedded Generators and Independent Power Produce: Administrators shall have the following responsibilities: 2.1. Submit to the DOE through the Electric Power Industry Management Bureau (EPIMB) a Monthiy Operations Report by accomplishing the EPIMB_PPDD Form 04-002 (Please refer to Annex At for Coal/Natural Gas/Biomass Power Plants, Annex A.2 for Geothermal Power Plants, Annex A. 3 for Hydro Power Plants, Annex 4 for Solar Power Plants and Annex 5 for Wind Power Plants}, fifteen (15) days after the reference period. 2.2. However, in the case of unexpected shutdown or derating, incident should be Immediately reported to the DOE indicating a description of the causes of the unexpected shutdown and estimated resumption as prescribed in Dapartment Circular No. 2010-03-0003 dated February 26, 2010. SECTION 3. Additional Reportorial Obligations of Distribution Utilities. 3.1. Distribution Utilities including Private Investor Owned Utilities, Electric Cooperatives and Local Government Owned Utilities shall submit to the DOE through EPIMB the following reports, fifteen (15) days after the reference period in review: 3.1.1 Monthly Operation Report by accomplishing EPIMB_PPDD Farm 04-001 (Please refer to Annex B) 3.1.2. Monthly Financial and Statistical Report (MFSR). (Please refer to Annex C) SECTION 4. Confidentiality. The data to be provided to DOE shall be used strictly for planning and policy purposes and shall not in any way be used for commercial purposes or legally against or to the disadvantage of the Generation Companies including Embedded Generators, Independent Power Producer Administrators, Distribution Utilities and their customers. SECTION 5. Enforcement and Compliance. The DOE, through the EPIMB, in consultation with the Energy Regulatory Commission, shell formulate and implement enforcement and penalty mechanisms in cases of non-compliance to this Circular by the Generation Companies including Embedded Generators, independent Power Producer Administrators and Distribution Utilities. SECTION 6. Separability Clause. If for any reason, any section or provision of this Circular is dedared unconstitutional or invalid, such parts not affected shall remain in full force and in effect. SECTION 7. Effectivity. This Circular shall effect immediately and will remain in effect until otherwise revoked by the DOE. Done this APR 17 2015 _ at energy center, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. Hfiou— CARLQ JERICHO. PETILLA Secretary Fa eeesincone SOz-.e-13t02202 ANNEX A.ia - Coal/NatGas/Biomass -Power Generation Facility Name- Plant Address- Tel./Fax No Commissioning Date: _ MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT EPIMB_PPDD Form 04-002 POR THF (MONTH. EAR Billing Month = Germonn) Period Covered (26th ef be previous month upto te 2thof in carren month) PLANT OPERATIONAL DATA. I Unit tases eto [ic Bate Caps, NW I i T [2c Sun Use MW i i I Bic avenge Doewesbe Capen MW tT co Jit GressGeneaton KWH [50 Teal Sto Use KWH Joo Nes Genmrmon KW hao lee be io arn Cage Tainenanee Owing an ‘Dense Shtdows Hoe E50. Forced Ope Rae 9 0 Capmy Fact, 50 Pe Fs or Capen aa 160 Avail es Th Suncor Pus OH [7 une corsa nes 1712 wy ETUM, 173.3 Cou. Pe 2 Dies Fue 1 1721 Pinel omnes 1722 TV. BTM 1723. Gos. Pus 173.1 Coaleomumet 1732 HSV adie 173 Cos Pa, so Taal Foe Expenses Approved by : Propared by Position Position ANNEX A.L.b~ Coal/NatGas/Biomass Power Generation Faciliry Name- Plant Address- -TelJFax No Commissioning Date: _ MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT EPIMB_PPDD Form 04-002 FOR THE (MONTH. YEAR) Billing Month (pe monty Petiod Covered (Dei af tu previous month up te the 38th of be curent meth) CORRENT VEAR G0 PREVIO PRESENT | PREVIOUS JGENERATION & SALES DATA wontH | Monta | GR(%) |Febrvay20_] GR G6 (February) | January) Gres eenely Omeaton WET i = ft Siaion Service Use, MW T i 7 | (3. Nei Blectriciy Generation. MWH —__t ‘6 | 1 i _Furchased Brsoriie any, MWH | I | NPC i ] TPs PE SpE) —_— Toul Net Generation & Fursiassd MW T 5 5 ig No.of Custemers (Fis Speci) 1 I Teal 5 : T ELECTRICITY SALES WE, t = Uli Total T [E_Loises a Upacsouniee MW = — T = S,_Estmated Unserved Exergy, MWE I 0 Minimum Sabie Load MW L [11 _Averege Load. MW t T I [127 Maximum Defivered Coal MW r I _——— a Propared by :__ ‘Approved by : Position Position :_. [PLANT OPERATIONAL DATA Ra Set a Ba Tea | -|——--—— ANNEX A.2.2 - Geothermal -Power Generation Facility Name- -Plant Address Tel/Fax No: Commission Year: MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT EPIMB_PPDD Form 04-002 FOR THE (MONTH. YEAR) Billing Month : (per mont) Period Covered : ith of the previous month up to the 25th of the cwrront month) PLANT OPERATIONAL DATA Unit Dans |_uand Toral Name PaieRaig Sin Use, MWh Average Depencab Capasiy MW Gs Genzason KWH ot Sain Ved, WE Tie Gensrioa, WEE i ‘Average Stars Rate pW) t T verge Sean emus seo") I Average Seam Temp.) Steam Conumpain O000008) Creating How Ford ee amet Qunge Hows eines Outage Hz Desstivaud Shedoun Hoe ees Ona RE T Cooney Far 8h cy MW Hows rio leur for Capacig Fan Asay, as Enimaied MWe lest due to FO. Sten Defsieney, MWe Part Production Cot. PesoatcWh Tora Plant Qpeating Exper ne Approved by * Position : Prepared by Posi ANNEX A.2.b - Geothers GRC) Aveage Load, MW. i ‘Maxinam Deliver aaah BIW? Prepared by Approved by: Position Pesition + ANNEX A2e- Gi FORTHE (MONTH, VEAR) PLANT OPERATIONAL DATA. MONTIE a Ta Nave Nig ane Tug] See [On [Ne | Dee [reat | ‘Wane Pine Rang Cy 7 Slain Use, MA. 7 — + | | _ i Proparod by Approved by: Position Position : ANNEX A3.a- Hydro -Power Generation Facility Name- Plant Address- -Tel/Fax No Commission Year: MONTHLY OPERATIONS REPORT BPIMB_PPDD Form OF-002 FORTHE (MONTH, YEAR) Billing Period (ox mont) Period Covered (25th ofthe previous ments eo tothe 25th ofthe crrent mont [PLANT OPERATIONAL DATA Unies Tent] ears] Unies Toul Jao Stator ies We fic Avene een Cana: MI Feo tent. nw Seo Le fet aero ks Grom Generis. EE [20 Nex eneraon We nd Water Coonnet Mion Cie Meter 0 Wate Unto Rate Coie Meer [2.0 spitetksers. 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