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2015 GEO Depth 80 Problems

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PE Civil Exam 80- Geotechnical Questions & Answers (pdf Format)

For Depth Exam (Evening Session)

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PE Civil Depth Exam (Evening Session): This practice exam contains 80-
Geotechnical questions, and answers each set from all Geotechnical & Soil
Foundation Engineering:

Table Contents: Page

I. Site Characterization: Number of Questions-10 4

II. Soil Mechanics, Laboratory Testing, and

Analysis: Number of Questions-10 13

III. Field Materials Testing, Methods, and

Safety: Number of Questions-6 24

IV. Earthquake Engineering, and

Dynamic Loads: Number of Questions-4 30

V. Earth Structures: Number of Questions-8 34

VI. Groundwater, and Seepage: Number of Questions-6 43

VII. Problematic Soil, and Rock Conditions: Number of Questions-6 49

VIII. Earth Retaining Structures (ASD or LRFD: Number of Questions-10 54

IX. Shallow Foundations (ASD or LRFD) : Number of Questions-10 67

X. Deep Foundations (ASD or LRFD) : Number of Questions-10 79

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I. Site Characterization: Number of Questions-10

A. Interpretation of available existing site data, and proposed site development

data (e.g., aerial photography, geologic, and topographic maps, GIS data, as-built
plans, planning studies, and reports)
B. Subsurface exploration planning
C. Geophysics (e.g., GPR, resistivity, seismic methods)
D. Drilling techniques (e.g., hollow stem auger, cased boring, mud rotary, air
rotary, rock coring, sonic drilling)
E. Sampling techniques (e.g., split-barrel sampling, thin-walled tube sampling,
handling, and storage)
F. In situ testing (e.g., standard penetration testing, cone penetration testing,
pressure meter testing, dilatometer testing, field vane shear)
G. Description, and classification of soils (e.g., Burmeister, Unified Soil
Classification System, AASHTO, USDA)
H. Rock classification, and characterization (e.g., recovery, rock quality
designation, RMR, weathering, orientation)

1 PROBLEM: (Interpretation of available existing site data, and proposed site

development data)

As a Civil Engineer, How do you distinguish between slope & aspect with
respect to GIS data interpretation?

a. A slope is the ramp of the fall line relative to vertical, whereas aspect
is the way of the fall line relative to the line of maximum slope.
b. A slope is the path of the fall line, whereas aspect is the ramp of the
fall line.
c. A slope is the distance of the down fall line from the top to bottom of
the slope, whereas aspect is the percentage of ramp of its full
d. A slope is the ramp straight down to the fall line, whereas aspect is
the way of the fall line relative to north.
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A slope is the ramp straight down to the fall line, whereas aspect is the way
of the fall line relative to north.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

2. PROBLEM (Subsurface exploration planning)

Which of the following statement is not true for soil sample?

a. Disturbed soil samples used for compaction, and sub-grade


b. Undisturbed soil samples used for peak shear, consolidation,

permeability, and density tests.

c. Shelby Tube Sampler has used for collecting undisturbed soil sample.

d. Denison Sampler has used for collecting undisturbed soft clay soil


Denison Sampler has used for collecting soft rock, hard cohesive soils,
cemented soils, and soils containing gravel.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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3. PROBLEM (Subsurface exploration planning)

What will be the minimum boring depth for a 6 (six) story apartment
building with a 100 ft wide concrete construction structure?

a. 32.00 Meter
b. 11.00 Meter
c. 21.00 Meter
d. 15.00 Meter


S=Number of story=6
Depth of Boring, D=6S0.7 (For heavy steel or wide concrete building)
∴ D= 6x60.7
∴ D =21.03 Meter

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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4. PROBLEM (Geophysics)

In the following diagram, which waves arrive at the interval labeled at c?

a. S-wave
b. P-wave
c. Rayleigh wave
d. surface wave


At a P-waves arrival, this type of seismic wave that compresses, and

expands the ground.
At b S-waves arrival, this type of seismic wave that moves the ground up to
down, and side to side.
At c waves arrive, this type of seismic wave come to surface that forms when
P-waves, and S-waves reach Earth's surface.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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5. PROBLEM (Geophysics)

Which of the following statement is correct for the Seismic waves are waving
of energy that?

a. Plastically damage the material, and they pass through.

b. Enduringly damage the material, and they pass through.
c. Elastically damage the material, and they pass through.
d. Fracture the material, and they pass through.


The Seismic waves are waving of energy that elastically damages the
material, and they pass through.

The Correct Answer is: (c)

6. PROBLEM (Drilling techniques)

Which of the following drilling method is more suitable for oversized

borehole, more depth, and quicker operation?

a. Rotary
b. Auger (solid stem and hollow stem)
c. Jetting and hollow Rod
d. Cable tool

Rotary drilling method is the most suitable for oversized borehole, more
depth, and quicker operation. It is 5 to 7 times faster than cable tool,
capable of drilling several hundred feet per day (dependent on geologic

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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7. PROBLEM (Description, and classification of soils)

Which of the following statement is correct for granular soil, according to

the AASHTO soil classification system?

a. 35% or less passing through 75 μm sieve.

b. 50% or less passing through 75 μm sieve.
c. More than 35% passing through 75 μm sieve.
d. More than 50% passing through 75 μm sieve.


For granular soil, 35% or less passing through 75 μm sieve.

If it is silt-clay soil, it should be more than 35% passing through 75 μm


The Correct Answer is: (c)

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8. PROBLEM (In situ testing)

A field standard penetration test (STP) data has identified the cohesive soil.
It’s STP value range 15-30 blows/foot (0.3048 m) for consistency, and 30-
50 blows/foot (0.3048 m) for density. What is the following type of
properties of the soil?

Consistency Density

a. Very soft Very Loose

b. Medium Loose
c. Firm Medium dense
d. Very Firm Dense


The soil STP value range 15-30 blows/foot (0.3048 m) for consistency, and
30-50 blows/foot (0.3048 m) for density indicated that the soil is very firm
& dense.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

9. PROBLEM (In situ testing)

The following figure represent the cone penetration resistance qc = 700 KN

at A, with an electric friction cone electrometer. Determine the over
consolidation ratio, OCR, where, Nk=15

a. 1.40
b. 1.70
c. 1.90
d. 1.20

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qc = 700 KN
σv = Total vertical effect= 3x17+8x19= 203.0 KN/m2
σ’v = Effective vertical pressure =3x17+8(19-9.1)= 130.2 KN/m2
OCR=.37((qc - σv )/ σ’v=.37(700-203.0)/130.2= 1.41

The Correct Answer is: (a)

10. PROBLEM (Rock classification, and characterization)

During a field exploration, the core barrel was advanced 180 CM during the
coring. The length of the core recovered in the Fig. What was the recovery
ratio, and Rock quality?

a. .80 Good
b. .48 Poor
c. .98 Excellent
d. .58 Fair

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R.Q.D=(30+15+18+38)/180= 0.56, Fair

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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II. Soil Mechanics, Laboratory Testing, and Analysis: Number of Questions 10

A. Index properties, and testing
B. Strength testing of soil, and rock
C. Stress-strain testing of soil, and rock
D. Permeability testing properties of soil, and rock
E. Effective, and total stresses

11. PROBLEM (Index properties, and testing)

Field density test has done by sand replacement method. It has shown bulk
density of a compacted road base to be 2.0 t/m and water content of 12%.
The specific gravity of the soil is 2.70. Calculate the void ratio.

a. 0.42
b. 0.67
c. 0.51
d. 0.34


Where, w=12%, Gs= 2.70, γm=2.00 t/m
∴ Se = (0.12)(2.70) = 0.324
∴ 2.00=(2.7+0.32)/(1+e) x 1.0
∴ e = 0.51

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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12. PROBLEM (Index properties, and testing)

An embankment has to be compacted to dry unit weight 106 lb/ft3, moister

content 12.5%. The borrow soil has brought in 10 cubic yard truck at haul
void ratio 0.7, and moisture content of 10%. The borrowed site soil has a
void ratio 1.0 & Specific gravity, Gs=2.67. What is the dry unit weight of the

a. 98.0 lb/ft3
b. 94.0 lb/ft3
c. 108.0 lb/ft3
d. 112.0 lb/ft3


Moist unit weight of truck γ =(1+w)Gs γw /(1+e)

=2.67x62.4(1+0.1)/(1+.70)=107.80 lb/ft3
The dry unit weight of truck γd = γ /(1+w)=(107.8)/(1+0.1)=98.0 lb/ft3

The Correct Answer is: (a)

13. PROBLEM (Index properties, and testing)

A soil sample has tested in the laboratory with standard Proctor mold
(Vol.=1/30 cft). The soil sample loose weight is 3.02lb & dense weight is
3.34 lb, Specific Gravity is 2.67. Field density test indicate a dry density is 98
lb/ft3 .What is the relative density of the soil?

a. 0.80
b. 0.70
c. 0.60
d. 0.90

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Given, SG=2.67, Msl=3.02# Loose, Msd=3.45# Dense, γd=98.0 lb/ft3

Vt=1/30 cft, γw =62.4 lb/ft3

emax={(SGVt γw)/Msl}-1={(2.67x1/30 x 62.4)/3.02}-1= 0.84

emin={(SGVt γw)/Msd}-1={(2.67x1/30 x 62.4)/3.45}-1= 0.61
e={(SG γw)/ γd }-1={(2.67x 62.4)/98}-1= 0.70

Relative density, D= (emax –e)/ (emax - emin)=(0.84-.70)/(.84-0.61)= 0.61

The Correct Answer is: (c)

14. PROBLEM (Index properties, and testing)

A subsoil investigation has performed; it has recognized the deposited sand.

Calculate the relative density of the soil at 30 ft depth. Where, uniformity
coefficient, Cu=3.1, Effective Overburden Pressure, σ’=2200 psi, and Field
Standard Penetration number, N60=13.

a. 30%
b. 65%
c. 55%
d. 45%


Relative Density, Dr=11.7 + 0.76(222 N60+1600-53 σ’-50C2u)0.5

Relative Density, Dr at the depth 30 ft,
∴ Dr =11.7 + 0.76(222 x 13+1600-53 x 2200/144-50 x 3.12)0.5
∴ Dr = 54.66%

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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15. PROBLEM (Strength testing of soil, and rock)

A drained triaxial test has performed for normally consolidated clay with the
following data.
Chamber confining pressure, σh=108 KN/m2
Vertical deviator pressure σv=158 KN/m2
Pore water pressure, U=50 KN/m2

Find the angle of internal friction, Ф

a. 350
b. 260
c. 250
d. 220

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σv=158 KN/m2
σh=108 KN/m2

Pore water Pressure, U=50 KN/m2, will be deducted at drained condition

σ1= σh+σv
σ3= σh
σ’1= σ1-U=108+158-U= 266.00-50=216.00 KN/m2

σ’3= σh-U=108.00-50=58.0 KN/m2

SinФ= (σ’1- σ’3)/2 / (σ’1+ σ’3)/2

Ф=Sin-1[{(216-58)/2 }/ {(216+58)/2}]=35.210

The Correct Answer is: (a)

16. PROBLEM (Strength testing of soil, and rock)

A drained triaxial test has been performed on normally consolidated clay

with shown in the following data.
Chamber confining pressure, σh=108 KN/m2
Vertical deviator pressure σv=158 KN/m2
Pore water pressure, U=50 KN/m2

Determine the Shear Stress, Τƒ on the failure plane

a. 195 KN/m2
b. 173 KN/m2
c. 115 KN/m2
d. 163 KN/m2

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σv=158 KN/m2, σh=108 KN/m2

Pore water Pressure, U=50 KN/m2, will be deducted at drained condition
For normally consolidation soil
Effective Normal Stress, σ’=(σ’1+σ’3)/2 +{(σ’1- σ’3)/2}cos2Ф
Shear Stress, Τƒ= σ’tanФ+c= σ’tanФ, where C=0
σ1= σh+σv, σ3= σh
∴ σ’1= σ1-U=108+158-U= 266.00-50=216.00 KN/m2

∴ σ’3= σh-U=108.00-50=58.0 KN/m2

SinФ= (σ’1- σ’3)/2 / (σ’1+ σ’3)/2

∴ Ф=Sin-1{(216-58)/2 / (216+58)/2}=35.210

Effective Normal Stress, σ’=(σ’1+σ’3)/2 +{(σ’1- σ’3)/2}cos2Ф

∴ σ’=(216+58)/2 + {(216-58)/2} cos(2x35.210)= 163.47 KN/m2

∴ Shear Stress, Τƒ= σ’tanФ+c= σ’tanФ=163.47x tan35.210=115.36 KN/m2

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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17. PROBLEM (Strength testing of soil, and rock)

An undrained triaxial test has been performed on normally consolidated clay

shown in the following data.
Chamber confining pressure, σh=108 KN/m2
Vertical deviator pressure σv=158 KN/m2
Pore water pressure, U=50 KN/m2

Find the angle of internal friction, Ф.

a. 290
b. 350
c. 250
d. 220

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Horizontal pressure, σh=108 KN/m2

Vertical Pressure, σv=158 KN/m2
U=50 KN/m2
Pore water Pressure does not reflect at un-drained condition.
For normally consolidation soil
Shear Stress, Τƒ= σ’tanФ+c= σ’tanФ, where C=0

∴ σ1= σv+σh =158+108= 266.00 KN/m2

σ3= σh=108=108.00 KN/m2
SinФ= (σ1- σ3)/2 / (σ1+ σ3)/2
∴ Ф=Sin-1[{(266-108)/2 }/ {(266+108)/2}]= 24.990

The Correct Answer is: (c)

18. PROBLEM (Permeability testing properties of soil, and rock)

What is the flow rate of a permeability of the soil is 3.6 x 10 cm/sec? The
flow takes place through a 120 mm diameter, and 300 mm long soil sample,
from top to bottom, as shown in the Figure. The manometers are 130 mm
apart, and the water level difference within the two manometers is 110 mm
at steady state.

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a. 1. 45 cm /min
b. 3.20 cm /min
c. 1.85 cm /min
d. 2.07 cm /min

Where, L=120 cm, k=3.6 x 10 cm/s, D=120mm=12cm
Water level difference of two manometers, ∆h = 110 mm
Both manometers are apart, L =130 mm
Hydraulic gradient of the soil specimen, i = ∆h/L=110/130 = 0.846
-4 -4
∴ Velocity of flow, v = k i =(3.6 x 10 )(0.846) = 3.045 x 10 cm/s
Cross sectional area of the specimen, A=(∏/4)D2
= [(3.14/4)x(12)2 ]=113.04 cm
Q =vA= (3.045 x 10 )(113.04)
3 3
∴ Flow rate, Q = 0.0344 cm /s = 2.07 cm /min

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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19. PROBLEM (Effective, and total stresses)

The following soil profile, shown in the Figure. Calculate the total effective
stress at B.

a. 282.0 kN /m2
b. 98.1 kN /m2
c. 183.9 kN /m2
d. 102.0 kN /m2


Total stress at B= 6 x 17 + 10 x 18= 282.0 kN /m2

Since, γw=9.81 kN /m3
Total Pore water pressure at B = 10 x 9.81= 98.1 kN /m2
∴ Total effective stress at B= 282-98.1=183.9 kN /m2

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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20. PROBLEM (Effective, and total stresses)

The following cross section, and plan of a column footing, shown in the
Figure. Calculate the increase in stress produced by the column footing at
point A. Given, Newmark’s Influence Chart, IV=0.003 & Number of elements
inside, M=23, Using Formula, Δσ= IVqM

a. 20.25 kN/m2
b. 15.70 kN/m2
c. 8.60 kN/m2
d. 12.20 kN/m2


P=500 kN, IV=.003, M=23

q= {500/(2x2)}=125 kN/m2
Stress produced by the column footing at point A,
Δσ= IVqM
∴ Δσ =.003 x 125 x 23=8.62 kN /m2

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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III. Field Materials Testing, Methods, and Safety: Number of Questions 6

A. Excavation, and embankment, borrow source studies, laboratory, and
field compaction
B. Trench, and construction safety
C. Geotechnical instrumentation (e.g., inclinometer, settlement plates,
piezometer, vibration monitoring)

21. PROBLEM (Excavation, and embankment, borrow source studies, laboratory,

and field compaction)

An embankment cross section, shown in the Figure. The soil in the

embankment has compacted, and the soil dry unit weight is106 lb/ft3,
moisture content is12.5%. The borrowed soil has brought in a ten cubic yard
truck at haul with a void ratio of 0.7, and a moisture content of 10%. The
borrowed site soil has a void ratio of 1.0 & specific gravities, Gs=2.67. What
will be a number of haul truck loads for 100 ft length of embankment

a. 314 numbers of trucks

b. 414 numbers of trucks
c. 360 numbers of trucks
d. 276 numbers of trucks

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Vol. of Embankment per 100 ft length

= {(24+74)/2} x 16 x 100=78400 ft3

Moist unit weight of truck γ =(1+w)Gs γw /(1+e)

=2.67x62.4(1+0.1)/(1+.70)=107.80 lb/ft3
The dry unit weight of truck γd = γ /(1+w)=107.8)/(1+.1)=98.0 lb/ft3
Weight of dry soil per truck= 10 x 27 x 98=26460 lb
Dry weight of Embankment compacted soil= 78400 x 106=8310400 lb
Number of truck= 8310400/26460=314 number of trucks

The Correct Answer is: (a)

22. PROBLEM (Excavation, and embankment, borrow source studies, laboratory,

and field compaction)

An earthwork mass diagrams hauling required for site balancing, where

total hauling distance is between Sta. 15+50 and 20+25 and free haul
distance is between Sta. 16+50 and 18+25. What is the overhaul distance,
where overhaul volume is 500,000 Cy-ft?

a. 500 ft
b. 175 ft
c. 200 ft
d. 325 ft


The total hauling distance=(20+25) – (15+50)=2025-1550=500 ft

Free hauling distance= (18+25) – (16+50) =1825-1650=175 ft
Overhaul distance=500 ft – 175 ft=325 ft

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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23. PROBLEM (Excavation, and embankment, borrow source studies, laboratory,

and field compaction)

During the modified proctor test, the number of hammer blows is 25 for
each layer. What will be the compaction energy in unit volume of soil?

a. 56.25 kip-ft/ ft3

b. 51.40 kip-ft/ ft3
c. 60.40 kip-ft/ ft3
d. 68.50 kip-ft/ ft3


Compaction Energy,
E= [(25 blows/layer) x (5 layer) x 10.0 lb x1.5 ft]/(1/30 ft3)
= 56250 lb-ft/ft3 = 56.25 kip-ft/ ft3

The Correct Answer is: (a)

24. PROBLEM (Excavation, and embankment, borrow source studies, laboratory,

and field compaction)

A road project requires a fill to be compacted to 95% of its relative density in

relation to the Standard Proctor (ASTM D698). The laboratory results for the
standard Proctor indicated that the soil has a maximum dry density of 121
lb/ft3, and an optimum moisture content of 9.0%.

The compaction of the fill soils has done with a vibratory roller. After
compaction, the field test has done with a sand cone and nuclear densio-
meter. It has indicated that the compacted fill soils have an in-place unit
weight of 124.00 lb/ft3, and a moisture content of 7.0%. Calculate the
relative compaction, and does the compacted fill exceed project
requirements or not?
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a 94.60% < 95%

b 95.30% > 95%
c 95.01% ≥ 95%
d. 96.10% > 95%


Maximum dry density, m = 121 lbs/ft3

Optimum moisture content, mo = 9.0%
In-situ density,  = 124 lbs/ft3
In-situ moisture content, m = 7.0%
Required relative compaction per project specifications, Rd = 95%

Rd = d

Dry density of the in-situ soil, d =  -  (m)


d =124.0 lb/ft3 - 124.0 lb/ft3 x (7.0%) = 115.32 lb/ft3


Rd = 115.32 lb/ft3 = 95.30% > 95% OK

121 lb/ft3

The compacted fill exceeds project requirements of at least 95% relative


The Correct Answer is: (b)

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25. PROBLEM (Trench, and construction safety)

What is the minimum depth allowed for each side of an excavation or trench
without protected by sheeting/bracing shoring or sloped?

a. 2 ft.
b. 3 ft.
c. 4 ft.
d. 5 ft.


Minimum 5 ft depth allowed without protected by sheeting/bracing shoring

or sloped.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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26. PROBLEM (Geotechnical instrumentation)

Which of the following instrument is using for measured displacement of soil

and rock?

a. Inclinometer
b. Piezometer
c. Extensometer
d. Tell-Tails


Extensometer has used for measured displacement, monitor lateral &

longitudinal deformation of soil and different types of embankments &

Inclinometer is using to measure slope.

Piezometer is using to measure liquid pressure.
Tell-Tails is using to monitor small cracks.

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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IV. Earthquake Engineering, and Dynamic Loads: Number of Questions 4

A. Liquefaction analysis, and mitigation techniques
B. Seismic site characterization, including site classification using ASCE 7
C. Pseudo-static analysis, and earthquake loads

27. PROBLEM (Liquefaction analysis, and mitigation techniques)

Which one of the following soil condition does not meet the susceptible
liquefaction behavior?

a Fraction finer than 0.005 mm< 15%

b Liquid Limit, LL < 35%
c Natural water content > 0.9 LL
d Liquidity Index > 0.75


Liquidity Index should be < 0.75

The Correct Answer is: (d)

28. PROBLEM (Seismic site characterization, including site classification using


An auditorium building site soil profile has the peak max acceleration of
0.30g. Estimate the maximum earthquake induces shear stress at 20’ depth.
Where, stress reduction factor, rd=.95

a 348 lb/ft2
b 570 lb/ft2
c 406 lb/ft2
d 630 lb/ft2

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σv =10 x 108 + 2 x 108 +112 x 8 =2192 #/ft2
σ’v =2192-10 x 62.4=1568 #/ft2
For 20’ depth rd=.95
Earthquake induces Shear Stress, Τf=(.65 amax/g) σv rd
Τf=(.65 amax/g) σv rd=(.65 x .3g/g)2192 x .95= 406.07 lb/ft2

The Correct Answer is: (c)

29. PROBLEM (Seismic site characterization, including site classification using


A building site soil profile has the peak max acceleration of 0.30g. What is
the factor of safety at 20 ft depth against liquefaction is mostly? Where,
stress reduction factor, rd=.95, and cyclic stress ratio is 0.31.

a 1.50
b 1.40
c 0.90
d 1.20

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σv =10 x 108 + 2 x 108 +112 x 8 =2192 #/ft2
σ’v =2192-10 x 62.4=1568 #/ft2
For 20’ depth rd=.95, and
Cyclic stress ratio generates for liquefaction, CSRL=. 31
Earthquake induces Shear Stress, Τf=(.65 amax/g) σv rd
∴ Τf=(.65 amax/g) σv rd=(.65 x .3g/g)2192 x .95= 406.07 lb/ft2
∴ Cyclic stress ratio for design Earthquake,
CSRE= Τf /σ’v=406.07/1568=0.26
∴ F.S.=CSRL/CSRE=.31/.26=1.20

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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30. PROBLEM (Pseudo-static analysis, and earthquake loads)

Which of the following statement is not appropriate for Pseudo Static


a. In the pseudo-static analysis, inertial forces generated by earthquake

shaking are represented by equivalent static horizontal force acting on the

b. The seismic coefficient of this analysis should be the site peak ground
acceleration, amax.

c. The vertical component of the ground acceleration is normally assumed to

be zero for this representation.

d. The factor of safety for a given seismic coefficient has estimated by using
non-traditional slope stability calculation methods. The factor of safety less
than one indicates that the slope is stable for a given lateral force level, and
further analysis has not required.


The factor of safety for a given seismic coefficient has estimated by using
traditional slope stability calculation methods. The factor of safety greater
than one indicates that the slope is stable for a given lateral force level, and
further analysis has not required.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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V. Earth Structures: Number of Questions 8

A. Slab on grade
B. Ground improvement (e.g., grouting, soil mixing, preconsolidation/wicks,
lightweight materials)
C. Geosynthetic applications (e.g., separation, strength, filtration, drainage,
reinforced soil slopes, internal stability of MSE)
D. Slope stability, and slope stabilization
E. Earth dams, levees, and embankments
F. Landfills, and caps (e.g., interface stability, drainage systems, lining systems)
G. Pavement structures (rigid, flexible, or unpaved), including equivalent single-
axle load (ESAL), pavement thickness, subgrade testing, subgrade preparation,
maintenance, and rehabilitation treatments
H. Settlement

31. PROBLEM (Slabs-on-grade)

What is the thickness of a concrete floor slab for forklift repair shop? The
forklift truck axle load is 15 kips, Loaded at a frequency of 100 operations
per day, which design index is 7.
Material Properties are concrete flexural strength 650 pounds per square
inch and modulus of sub-grade reaction, k = 200 pounds per cubic inch.

a Slab Thickness= 6.6”

b Slab Thickness= 4.7”
c Slab Thickness= 5.2”
d Slab Thickness= 7.5”

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Category II, forklift truck axle load is 10 to 15 kips. Using following graph.

Design Curves for concrete floor slabs by design index

1st Considering Concrete flexural strength = 650 psi

2nd Considering value of K=200
3rd Considering Design index=7
Then Determine the Slab Thickness= 6.6”

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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32. PROBLEM (Ground improvement)

For 50% consolidation of a 25-mm-thick clay layer (drained at both top, and
bottom) in the laboratory is 4 min 20 sec. How many days will take for a 2-
m-thick same clay layer in the field under the same pressure increment? In
the field, bottom of the clay has a rock layer.

a. 30.40 days
b. 25.20 days
c. 77.50 days
d. 56.30 days


Coefficient of Consolidation,
Tv = cv t/ Hd2
Tv = Time factor
Hd(lab) = 25mm = Half thickness of the soil layer for two way drainage
Hd(lab) = 0.025/2=0.0125m
Hd(field)2= 2m

tlab= 4min 20 Sec=260 Sec

T50= cv t/ Hd(lab)2= cv t/ Hd(field)2

cv t/ Hd(lab)2= cv t/ Hd(field2
tlab/ Hd(lab)2= tfield/ Hd(field)2
260/ (0.0125) 2= tfield/ 22

tfield= 6656000 sec= 77.03 days

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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33. PROBLEM (Geosynthetic applications)

Which of the following statement is not true for Geosynthetics system?

a. Wall system construction is relatively rapid and it does not require

specialized labor or equipment.
b. Limited foundation preparation is required, and its reinforcement is
light, and easy to handle.
c. An extremely flexible wall system cannot accommodate large total,
and differential settlements without distress. Also, it is not well-suited
for applications in regions of high seismic area.
d. Certain Geotextiles may improve drainage characteristics of clayey


An extremely flexible wall system can take large total, and differential
settlements without distress. Also it is well-suited for applications in regions
of high seismic area.

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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34. PROBLEM (Slope stability, and slope stabilization)

A slope cut in saturated clay as shown Figure The side of the cut slope will make
an angle of 56˚ with the horizontal. What is the depth cut of slope will have a
factor of safety, FS = 3? Where, slope stability number is 0.18.

a. 7.1 m
b. 11.2 m
c. 3.0 m
d. 2.72 m


γ= 15.0 kN /m3
Slope stability number, m=0.18
Cd= Cu/FS=22/3=7.33 kN /m2
Depth of the cut slope, H= Cd / γm=7.33/(15 x .18)=2.72 m

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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35. PROBLEM (Slope stability, and slope stabilization)

What is the factor of safety in opposition to sliding along the soil & rock
interface shown infinite slope shown in the Figure?

a FS=1.5
b FS=1.2
c FS=2.0
d FS=2.4


Where, c=9.0 KN/m2, γ=16.0 KN/m3, H=3 m, β=230, and Ф=160

FS=c/( γH cos2β tanβ) + tan Ф/tanβ
∴ FS=9.0/(16 x 3 x cos223 x tan23) + tan 16/tan23
∴ FS=0.52+0.68=1.20

The Correct Answer is: (b)

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36. PROBLEM (Landfills, and caps)

What are the required elements of an EPA-regulated landfill liner except the

a. Synthetic-textile layer.
b. Permeable sand layer.
c. Leachate collection system.
d. Plastic liner, and a layer of impermeable clay material.


It should be used geotextile instead of synthetic-textile layer.

The Correct Answer is: (a)

37. PROBLEM (Landfills, and caps)

Which of the following corrected percent of the principal components are

making up landfill gas?

a. Approximate 20 percent methane, and 80 percent carbon dioxide, and

water vapor.
b. Approximate 50 percent methane, and 50 percent carbon dioxide, and
water vapor.
c. Approximate 40 percent methane, and 60 percent carbon dioxide, and
water vapor.
d. Approximate 30 percent methane, and 70 percent carbon dioxide, and
water vapor.

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Approximate 50 percent methane, and 50 percent carbon dioxide, and water

vapor can up landfill gas. It also contains small amounts of nitrogen,
oxygen, and hydrogen, less than 1 percent non-methane organic
compounds (NMOC), and trace amounts of inorganic compounds.

The Correct Answer is: (b)

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38. PROBLEM (Settlement)

Determine the consolidation settlement at center of the clay layer of the mat
(40m x 50m) foundation shown in Figure. Given, total effective stress,
σ’=200 KN/m2, and average effective stress increase due to foundation load,
Δσ’=100 KN/m2 at the center of the clay layer.

a 345.00 mm
b 275.00 mm
c 221.00 mm
d 141.00 mm

σ’=200 KN/m2, Δσ’=100 KN/m2, Cc=0.29, and eo=0.85
Settlement, Sc={CcHc/(1+eo)}log {(σ’+ Δσ’)/ σ’}
Sc={0.29 x 8/(1+.85)}log {(200+ 100)/ 200}=220.83 mm

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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VI. Groundwater, and Seepage: Number of Questions 6

A. Seepage analysis/groundwater flow
B. Dewatering design, methods, and impact on nearby structures
C. Drainage design/infiltration
D. Grouting, and other methods of reducing seepage

39. PROBLEM (Seepage)

A permeable soil layer has underlined by an impervious layer as shown in

the Figure. Determine the rate of seepage flow per day.

a. Q = 6500.00 ft3/day/ft
b. Q = 8600.00 ft3/day/ft
c. Q = 7130.00 ft3/day/ft
d. Q = 4540.00 ft3/day/ft

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K =0.060 ft/sec, H=10 ft, α=80

Hydraulic Gradient, i=Head loss/Length=Δh/L=L
d= 10cosα=9.90
Cross sectional Area, A=d x 1
Seepage, q=kiA=0.060 x 0.139 x 9.90 x1= 0.082566 ft3/sec/ft
∴ Rate of Seepage, q= 0.082566 x 60 x 60 x 24= 7133.70 ft3/day/ft

The Correct Answer is: (c)

40. PROBLEM (Seepage analysis/groundwater flow)

The concrete dam with a base of 25 m shown in the Figure is embedded 1 m

into the ground surface and has a sheet pile wall of 5 m deep at its heel. The
headwater is 7 m deep, and the tail water is at ground surface. The
permeability of the soil is k= 20 x 10-4 cm/sec both vertically and

Determine the seepage quantity per meter length of the dam per day?

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a 5.30 m3/day/m-length of dam

b 6.20 m3/day/m-length of dam
c 2.60 m3/day/m-length of dam
d 3.70 m3/day/m-length of dam


k= 20 x 10-4 cm/sec=2 x 10-5m/sec,

Dam headwater height, h=7m,
Impervious layer to Dam bottom height, H=10m
No. of flow channel, Nf =4,
No. of potential drop, Nd=13,

Q=k h Nf/Nd=2 x 10-5 x 7 x 4/13=4.30 x10-5

∴ Q=4.30 x10-5 x 60 x 60 x 24=3.72 m3/day/m-length of dam

The Correct Answer is: (d)

41. PROBLEM (Dewatering design, methods, and impact on nearby structures)

The following objectives of a dewatering system are generally to allow safe

construction of the project except.

a. Lowering the water table, and intercepting influencing seepage which

would otherwise enter the excavation, and interfere with the work.
b. Improve the stability of excavated slopes.
c. Create heave at the bottom of the excavation.
d. Reduce lateral pressures on temporary sheeting, and bracing exerted
by the soils from outside the shoring.

Prevent heave at the bottom of excavation.

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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42. PROBLEM (Dewatering design, methods, and impact on nearby structures)

A well constructed an unconfined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity, K =0.

005 ft/sec. An observation well is located 850 ft from pumping well (rw=3
inch) with a water surface elevation of 12.0 ft, and 9.0 ft respectively.
Determine the sustainable water rate of flow.

a Q = 3.1246 ft3/sec
b Q = 0.1217 ft3/sec
c Q = 1.8682 ft3/sec
d Q = 2.8012 ft3/sec


K =0.005 ft/sec, h2 =12 ft, hw =9 ft, r2 =850 ft, and rw =3/12=.25 ft,
Q=∏K{(h22-h2w)}/lne(r2/rw) for unconfined aquifer
∴ Q= 3.14 x 0.005 (122-92)}/lne(850/.25)=0.1216 ft3/sec

The Correct Answer is: (b)

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43. PROBLEM (Drainage design/infiltration)

Calculated the groundwater active thickness, H. The soil infiltration rate is

1.5 inch/hour, and the hydraulic conductivity is 1.0 inch/hour. The soil
porosity is 0.35 and initial water content is 0.10. Assuming that the
underground environment is homogeneous, and isotropic, therefore λr=λy =
1.5 & vertical distance Y=10 ft.

a H = 18.50 ft
b H = 20.80 ft
c H = 10.60 ft
d H = 16.70 ft


H/Ro= √[(λr ln λy)/{2(λ2y-1)}= √[(1.5x ln 1.5)/{2(1.52-1)}=0.50
D/Ro= λy √[(λr ln λy)/{2(λ2y-1)}=1.5 x 0.50=0.74
Y/Ro=D/ Ro -H/ Ro =0.74-0.50=0.24
Basin radius, Ro=10/0.24=41.66 ft
Ground water Active Thickness, H =0.50x41.66=20.83 ft

The Correct Answer is: (b)

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44. PROBLEM (Grouting, and other methods of reducing seepage)

Following are the major objectives of compaction grouting applications of

the construction project except.

a. Improve soft, compactable soils (typical N values 0 to 30).

b. Stabilize existing underground structures such as pipes, tunnels, and
subways. Reduce water seepage through the densification of water
bearing soils.
c. Repair or enhance defective piles by inserting bells at tips,
filling/repairing voided sections, increasing side friction and
reducing/reversing down drag.
d. Install compaction grouted piles act as a non-structural elements.


Install compaction grouted piles act as a structural elements.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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VII. Problematic Soil, and Rock Conditions: Number of Questions 6

A. Karst; collapsible, expansive, and sensitive soils
B. Reactive/corrosive soils
C. Frost susceptibility

45. PROBLEM (Karst; collapsible, expansive, and sensitive soils)

Which of the following is not correct for Karst that creates a landscape
formed by the dissolution of the soluble rocks?

a. Limestone.
b. Dolomite.
c. Gypsum.
d. Corundum.


Corundum is extremely hard, tough, and stable mineral. It is not soluble

rocks. It is not affected by acids, and most environments. It has used in
industrial tools for cutting, grinding & sanding.

Karst has created a landscape formed by the dissolution of the soluble rocks
including limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. Also, it has created sinkholes,
caves, and underground drainage systems.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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46. PROBLEM (Karst; collapsible, expansive, and sensitive soils)

Which one of the following is not correct for expansive soil?

a. Expansive soil is called sensitive soil. It is the common cause of

foundation problems.
b. Expansive soil has changed in volume of up to thirty percent or more.
c. Expansive soil can create heave, and it can cause lifting the building or
other structure during periods of high moisture contain.
d. Expansive soil can create the collapse, and it can make for building


Expansive soil is called shrink-swell soil. It is the common cause of

foundation problems.

The Correct Answer is: (a)

47. PROBLEM (Karst; collapsible, expansive, and sensitive soils)

Which of the following category of sensitive soil, if the soil sample is greater
than 15% clay with dystrophic, and 15-35% clay with mesotrophic?

a. Sensitive.
b. Moderately sensitive.
c. Resistant.
d. Moderately resistant.

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A soil has greater than 15% clay with dystrophic soil, and 15-35% clay with
mesotrophic soil. It is called moderately sensitive soil.

A soil is less than 15% clay with dystrophic or mesotrophic soil. It is called
sensitive soil.

The Correct Answer is: (b)

48. PROBLEM (Reactive/corrosive soils)

Which of the following category of reactive soil, if the soil is extreme

amounts of ground movement as a result of soil conditions, and moisture

a. Class E / E-D (75mm+).

b. Class H2 / H2-D (60-75mm).
c. Class H1 / H1-D (40-60mm)
d. Class M / M-D(20-40mm)


Class E / E-D (75mm+) with extremely reactive soil.

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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49. PROBLEM (Reactive/corrosive soils)

Which of the following is not correct for mild corrosive soil?

a. The sulfate levels are more than 400 PPM.

b. The soils with pH levels of between 5, and 10
c. The resistivity is greater than 3000 ohm-cm
d. The chloride levels are below 100 PPM.


The sulfate levels are below 200 PPM

The Correct Answer is: (a)

50. PROBLEM (Frost Susceptibility)

Laboratory test has determined the following soil classification. What is the
highest Frost susceptibility of following group soil classification?

Types of Soil % finer materials lower than 0.02 mm by weight USC System.

a. Sands 6% to 15% SM, SW-SM, SP-SM

b. Sands 3% to 10% SW, SP

c. Sands 0% to 3% SW, SP

d. Gravelly Soils 10% to 20% GM, GW-GM, GP-GM

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Group “a” is highest volume finer soil than other. Therefore, it is highest
Frost-susceptibility soil.

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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VIII. Earth Retaining Structures (ASD or LRFD) : Number of Questions 10

A. Lateral earth pressure
B. Load distribution
C. Rigid retaining wall stability analysis (e.g., CIP, gravity, external stability of MSE,
crib, bin)
D. Flexible retaining wall stability analysis (e.g., soldier pile, and lagging, sheet
pile, secant pile, tangent pile, diaphragm walls, temporary support of excavation,
braced, and anchored walls)
E. Cofferdams
F. Underpinning (e.g., effects on adjacent construction)
G. Ground anchors, tie-backs, soil nails, and rock anchors for foundations, and

51. PROBLEM (Lateral Earth Pressure)

A retaining wall shown in Figure is at rest, what will be the lateral force per unit
length of the wall?

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a. 25.1 kN/m
b. 67.84 kN/m
c. 78.44 kN/m
d. 98.3 kN/m


γ= 16.0 kN /m3
H= 4m
σ'h= K0σ’v = K0 (q0 + γH), q0 = surcharge load=10.0 kN /m2
Where, σ'h = Effective horizontal pressure
σ’v = Effective vertical pressure
K0= 1-sinΦ=0.53
σ'h =.53 x (10+16 x 4= 39.22 kN /m2


Total Lateral Force, Ph= H/ 2 σ'h = .5 x 4 x 39.22=78.44 kN /m

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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52. PROBLEM (Lateral Earth Pressure)

A Concrete basement wall, shown in Figure. What will be the lateral pressure
acting against the wall point at 8 ft below the ground level?

a 348 lb/ft2
b 570 lb/ft2
c 538 lb/ft2
d 630 lb/ft2


Where, σ'h = Effective horizontal pressure

σ’v = Effective vertical pressure
σ'v= 120 x 4 +60 x 4=720 lb/ft2
σ'h= K0σ’v =0.4 x 720= 288 lb/ft2
Pore water pressure, u=62.4 x 4=250 lb/ft2
Total pressure, σh= σ'h+u=288+250=538 lb/ft2

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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53. PROBLEM (Rigid retaining wall stability analysis)

Determine the total load on the pile group, RA. Where, equivalent fluid
pressure per foot length of the following wall =64 lb/ft3.

a 4.60 Kip
b 7.10 Kip
c 9.20 Kip
d 1.75 Kip


Pressure at bottom of the pile cap=64 x18=1152 lb/ft2

Fx= 1/2 x 1152 x 18=10368 lb/ft=10.37 K/ft
Taking a moment at RB, ΣRB=0
RA={(12 x 4.75)+(4 x 3.5)+(5 x 1.0)-(4 x 1.0)-(10.37 x 6.0)}/5.5
=1.78 K-ft/ft
∴ Total load on pile group, RA=1.78 x 4.0=7.12 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (b)

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54. PROBLEM (Load distribution)

Determine the total lateral load force on the cantilever retaining wall shown
in the Figure. The water table is below the foundation. Where, Ka=0.3, unit
weight of backfill soil, γsoil= 115 lb/ft3.

a 2.80 Kip/ft
b 5.10 Kip/ft
c 6.20 Kip/ft
d 1.75 Kip/ft


Pressure at due to surcharge = 0.3 x 200 = 60.00 lb/ft2

Pressure at due to back fill=.3 x 115 x 12=414.00 lb/ft2
∴ Fx= 1/2 x (60+414.00) x 12=2844.00 lb/ft=2.84 K/ft

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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55. PROBLEM (Rigid retaining wall stability analysis)

Determine the lateral active resultant force acting on the facing located from
El. 0.0’ to 6.0’ on the road embankment retaining wall as shown in the
Figure. The water table is below the foundation. Where, Ka=0.3, unit weight
of backfill soil, γsoil= 115 lb/ft3.

a 4.80 Kip/ft
b 2.30 Kip/ft
c 5.20 Kip/ft
d 2.90 Kip/ft

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Pressure at due to surcharge = 0.3 x 250 = 75.00 lb/ft2

Pressure at 0.0’ due to back fill=.3 x 115 x 12=414.00 lb/ft2

Total pressure at 0.0’=414+75=489.00 lb/ft2

Pressure at 6.0’ due to back fill=.3 x 115 x 6= 207.00 lb/ft2

∴ Total pressure at 6.0’=207+75= 282.00 lb/ft2

Resultant Force between 0.0’ to 6.0’

∴ F (0.0’ to 6.0’ )= 1/2 x (489.00 +282.00) x 6=2313.00 lb/ft=2.31 K/ft

The Correct Answer is: (b)

56. PROBLEM (Flexible retaining wall stability analysis)

A cut is made in a saturated clay soil with an undrained cohesion, c= 600

psf. Determine the lateral earth pressure at the depth of 6 ft as shown in the
Figure. Where, unit weight of clay soil, γsoil= 120 lb/ft3, θ=0 for un-drained

a 90.00 psf, un-Stable Cut

b 60.00 psf, un-Stable Cut
c -480.00 psf, Stable Cut
d -250.00 psf, Stable Cut

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Where, θ=0, γsoil= 120 lb/ft3 , c= 600 psf

Paz=Ka σv -2c√ka, ka=tan2(450- θ/2)=1
σv=120 x 6= 720.00 psf
∴ Paz=Ka σv -2c√ka= 1 x 720 -2 x 600 x √1= -480.00 psf, Stable Cut

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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57. PROBLEM (Flexible retaining wall stability analysis)

Determine the tension in the tie rods “T”, if it was spaced at 4 meter centers of the
anchored sheet pile wall shown in Figure. Unit weight of soil, γ= 15.0 kN /m3.

a 247.00 kN
b 345.00 kN
c 176.00 kN
d 288.00 kN

Tie rods are spaced at 4 meter centers to center
γ= 15.0 kN /m3
Pa= 1/2 γ Ka H2a=1/2 x 15.00 x .33 x 92= 200.48 kN/m (horizontal)
Taking a moment at the tie rod for mobilized passive resistance
Pp x (9-1-1.5)= Pa x (9-3-1.5)
Pp x 6.5= 200.48 x 4.5
Pp= 138.79 kN/m
Tension of the Rods, T= (200.48-138.79) x 4=246.74 kN

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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58. PROBLEM (Cofferdams)

A square cofferdam is 50 ft on each side, and it has placed in the lake to

permit dry construction of a bridge pier. The coffer dam consists of two
square sheets pile enclosure. The inner enclosure separated on all sides
from the outer one by 6 ft. The bottom of the lake is practically
impermeable. The space between sheet pile has filled with soil that showed
a permeability of 0.035 ft/day in a laboratory test. Assuming the sheet pile
was not water tight, and the lake surface was 20 ft above the lake bottom.
How much water per day is to be pumped from the excavation to keep the
cofferdam dry?

a Q =1645.00 gal/day
b Q =2653.00 gal/day
c Q =678.00 gal/day
d. Q =177.00 gal/day

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Coefficient of permeability, k = 0.035 ft /day

Seepage Surface area,
A=(50-12) x 4 x20= 3040 ft2
H=20 ft
Q=VA=KiA=.035 x 3.33 x 3040=354.66 ft3/day
Q =354.66 x 7.48=2652.90 gal/day (1 ft3=7.48 gal)

The Correct Answer is: (b)

59. PROBLEM (Flexible retaining wall stability analysis)

Determine the Factor of Safety against heave a braced cut in clay soil shown
in Figure. Length of braced cut, L=15m, Clay soil, γ= 16 kN/m3, Nc=5.14,
Φ1’=0o, and c=40 kN/m2.

a 6.0
b 4.0
c 3.0
d 5.0

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L=15m, B=4m, γ= 16 kN/m3, Nc=5.14, c=40 kN/m2, and Φ1’=0o

B/√2=4/√2= 2.828> T=2m
Or, T=2m < B/√2=2.828
Hence, B’=T=2m, and B’’=√2B’=2.828, and surcharge, q=0.0
F.S=[Nc c{(1+0.2B”/L)}+cH/B’]/( γH+q),
F.S=[5.14 x 40{(1+0.2 x 2.83/15)}+40 x 5/2]/( 16 x 5+0.0)
F.S= 3.917

The Correct Answer is: (b)

Copyright © 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- E-Book Geotechnical Depth Exam: 80 problems 65

60. PROBLEM (Ground anchors, tie-backs, soil nails, and rock anchors for
foundations, and slop)

Determine the holding capacity of a single anchor slab as shown in the

Figure. Where, the unit weight the of the soil, γ= 15.0 kN /m3, Ф=300, the
width of the anchor is 0.2m, and c=0.

a 45.00 KN
b 67.00 KN
c 34.00 KN
d 78.00 KN


γ= 15.0 kN /m3, Ф=300, Width of anchor, B= 0.2m,

H=2 m, h=0.4m, and c=0.0.

∴ Pu=(5.4/tan300)(22/0.2 x 0.4) 0.28 (15 x 0.2 x 0.4 x 2.0)
∴ Pu= 67.13 KN

The Correct Answer is: (b)

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IX. Shallow Foundations (ASD or LRFD) : Number of Questions 10

A. Bearing capacity
B. Settlement, including vertical stress distribution

61. PROBLEM (Bearing Capacity)

Determine the ultimate load of a rectangular footing 6’x 4’ with eccentric

shown in the Figure. Where, the Soil Unit Weight, γ= 118 lb/ft3, Ultimate
Bearing Capacity, q’u=3000 lb/ft2, eB=1.5’, and eL=1.75’.

a 15.0 Kip
b 48.0 Kip
c 21.0 Kip
d 31.0 Kip

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Where, eL/L=1.75/6= 0.292> 1/6, and eB/B=1.5/4= 0.375>1/6;

B1=B(1.5-3eB/B)= 4(1.5-3 x 1.5/4)= 3.750 ft
L1=L(1.5-3eL/L)= 6(1.5-3 x 1.75/6)= 3.750 ft
Effective Area, A’=1/2(L1B1)=1/2 (3.750 x 3.750)= 7.03 ft2
q'u=3000 lb/ft2
∴ Qult= A’x q'u= 7.03 x 3000= 21093.75=21.09 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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62. PROBLEM (Load Capacity)

Determine the ultimate load of circular footings with eccentric load shown in
Figure. Where, the Soil Unit Weight, γ= 118 lb/ft3, Ultimate Bearing Capacity,
q’u=2500 lb/ft2, Footing Radius of the circle, R=5’, and e=0. 5’.

a 15.0 Kip
b 48.0 Kip
c 21.0 Kip
d 31.0 Kip

Where, e=0.50, and R=5’
Area of ADC, S= πR2/2-[e√{(R2-e2)+R2Sin-1(e/R)}]
S=3.14 x 52/2-[0.50√{(52-0.52)+52Sin-1(0.5/5)}]
S=3.14 x 52/2-[0.50√{(24.75+143.48)}=32.77 ft2
Effective Area, A’=2S=32.77 x 2= 65.54 ft2
q'u=2500 lb/ft2
∴ Qult= A’x q'u= 65.54 x 2500= 163850.00= 163.85 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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63. PROBLEM (Earthquake bearing capacity)

Determine the gross ultimate earthquake bearing capacity of the following

strip foundation footing. Where, NγE =10 & NqE =12.

a 730 kN /m2
b 375 kN /m2
c 250 kN /m2
d 525 kN /m2

γ=17 kN /m3
NγE =10 & NqE =12, C=0 for sandy soil
Ultimate Earthquake Bearing Capacity,
que=0.5 γBNγE+ γDNqE
que =.5 x 17 x 2 x 10 + 17 x 1.75 x 12=527 kN /m2

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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64. PROBLEM (Bearing Capacity)

Determine the ultimate load of a rectangular footing 6’x 4’ with eccentric

shown in Figure where, Soil Unit Weight, γ= 118 lb/ft3, Ultimate Bearing
Capacity, q’u=2000 lb/ft2, eB=.5’, eL=.75’, L1=1.0’, and B1=0.68’.

a 15.0 Kip
b 48.0 Kip
c 28.0 Kip
d 31.0 Kip


Where, eL/L=.75/6= 0.125< 1/6, eB/B=.5/4= 0.125<1/6;

A’=L1B+1/2{(B+B1)(L-L1)}=1 x 4+1/2{(4+.68)(6-1)}= 15.700 ft2
q'u=2000 lb/ft2
Qult= A’x q'u= 15.7 x 2000=31400.00 =31.4 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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65. PROBLEM (Load Capacity)

The soil is supporting a circular footing 5’-0” the diameter, shown in the
Figure. The soil unit weight, γ= 115 lb/ft3, c=320 lb/ft2, Nc=17.7, Nγ= 5.0
& Nq=7.4. Determine total allowable load on the footing, where the factor of
safety is FS=3.

a 93.0 Kip
b 35.0 Kip
c 50.0 Kip
d 70.0 Kip


Where, D=3 ft, γ= 115 lb/ft3, c=320 lb/ft2, Nc=17.7, Nγ= 5.0 & Nq=7.4.
Ultimate Bearing capacity, qu=0.3 γBNγ+1.3cNc+ γDNq
qu=0.3 x 115 x 5.0 x 5+1.3 x 320 x 17.7+ 115 x 3 x 7.4= 10778.70 lb/ft2
qall= 10778.70/3= 3592.90 lb/ft2
Area, A=3.14/4 (5)2=19.62 ft2
∴ Total allowable load=3592.90 x 19.62=70510.66=70.51 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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66. PROBLEM (Bearing Capacity)

The soil is supporting a square footing 5’ x 5’ shown in Figure Soil unit

weight, γ= 118 lb/ft3, c=420 lb/ft2, Nc=17.0, Nγ= 5.0 & Nq=7.0.
Determine allowable bearing capacity, where the factor of safety is FS=3.

a 6540.00lb/ft2
b 5550.00lb/ft2
c 2520.00lb/ft2
d 4310.00lb/ft2

Where, D=3 ft, γ= 118 lb/ft3, c=420 lb/ft2, Nc=17.0, Nγ= 5.0 & Nq=7.0.
Ultimate Bearing capacity, qu=0.4 γBNγ+1.3cNc+ γDNq
qu=0.4 x 118 x 5.0 x 5+1.3 x 420 x 17.0+ 118 x 3 x 7.0= 12940.00 lb/ft2
qall= 12940.00/3= 4313.33 lb/ft2

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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67. PROBLEM (Foundation)

A continues wall footing 12-inch thickness concrete footing has axial DL

load 4000 #/ft, and LL=2000 #/ft shown as a figure. Soil bearing capacity is
2800 #/ft2. Determine the width of the footing. Unit weight of concrete γ=
145 lb/ft3, neglect the soil load, and footing weight.

a 1.70 ft
b 1.50 ft
c 2.40 ft
d 1.80 ft


Considering, 1ft wide strip of the footing

Soil pressure, qu=Pu/B
qu=2800 lb/ft2
B= 1.79 ft

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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68. PROBLEM (Member Design)

An isolated 12-inch thickness square of concrete footing has an axial Dead

Load 40 K, and Live Load 30 K including Live Load Moment 150 K-ft shown
in the Figure. Determine the Maximum soil bearing capacity. Unit weight of
concrete γ= 145 lb/ft3and Unit weight of soil, γ= 120 lb/ft3.

a 2.40 Ksf
b 3.80 Ksf
c 3.00 Ksf
d 4.00 Ksf

Footing weight = 145 x 8.5 x 8.5 x 1.0= 10.48 Kip
Soil weight = 120 x 8.5 x 8.5 x (4-1)= 26.01 Kip
P1=10.48+26.10= 36.49 Kip
B=L=8.5, M=150 K-ft
P2=DL+LL=40+30=70 K
P=P1+P2= 106.49 Kip
Eccentricity, e=M/P=150/ 106.49= 1.41
Soil Bearing Capacity, qmax =4P/{3L(B-2e)}
= 4 x 106.49/{3 x 8.5(8.5-2 x 1.41)}
∴ Soil Bearing Capacity, qmax = 2.94 Ksf

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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69. PROBLEM (Soil consolidation settlement)

The following soil profile, shown in the Figure. In a one-dimensional

consolidation, test has conducted in the laboratory. A specimen has
collected from the middle of the clay layer. Calculate the settlement in the
field caused by primary consolidation for a surcharge of 25 kN/m2 applied at
the ground surface. Laboratory test results indicated, e1=.95 after surcharge

a. 555 mm
b. 399 mm
c. 250 mm
d. 110 mm


eo=1.0 & e1=.95, Δe=1.0-.95=.05

Settlement, S= H ∆e / (1+ e0) , For one-dimensional consolidation

S = 10 x .05 /(1+1.0)= .25m=250mm

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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70. PROBLEM (Settlement)

Determine the settlement of an isolated 12-inch thickness (6’x6’) square

concrete footing has an axial load of 8000 lb as shown in the Figure. The
unit weight of soil, γs= 112 lb/ft3.

a 0.050 inch
b 0.350 inch
c 0.258 inch
d 0.125 inch

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Clay depth, H=20 ft

Cc=0.30, e0=0.70
The consolidation settlement, ∆S={CcH/(1+e0)}log[(δ’+∆δ’)/δ’]
δ’= γs x H=112 x 20=2240 lb/sft
8000 lbs is distributed on length L=(5+6+5)=16 ft, at the midpoint of the
clay layer.
Area distributed load, A = 16 ft x 16 ft = 256 sft
∆δ’=P/A=8000/256=31.25 lb/sft
=3.53x 0.0061=0.0215 ft=0.258 inch

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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X. Deep Foundations (ASD or LRFD) : Number of Questions 10

A. Single-element axial capacity (e.g., driven pile, drilled shaft, micropile, helical
screw piles, auger cast piles)
B. Lateral load, and deformation analysis
C. Single-element settlement
D. Down drag
E. Group effects (e.g., axial capacity, settlement, lateral deflection)
F. Installation methods/hammer selection
G. Pile dynamics (e.g., wave equation, high-strain dynamic testing, signal
H. Pile, and drilled-shaft load testing
I. Integrity testing methods (e.g., low-strain impact integrity testing, ultrasonic
cross-hole testing, coring, thermal integrity testing)

71. PROBLEM (Single-element axial capacity)

A 16 in diameter concrete pile is driven 40 ft into soft clay. Where, C=900 psf.,
and friction coefficient, α=0.80. Determine the Ultimate pile capacity.

a 132.00 Kip
b 107.00 Kip
c 190.00 Kip
d 120.00 Kip

C=900 psf., D=16”, L=40 ft, α=0.80, Atip =π/4(16/12)2=1.40 ft2
Qult= Qtip + Qfriction
Qtip =9CAtip=9 x 900 x 1.40=11304.00 # =11.30 Kip
Qfriction = αCAsurface=0.80 x 900 x (πDL)
Qfriction =0.80 x 900 x (3.14 x 16/12 x 40)= 120576.00# =120.58 Kip
Qult= Qtip + Qfriction =11.30+120.58=131.88 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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72. PROBLEM (Single-element axial capacity)

A 12 in diameter concrete pile has driven 45 ft shown in Figure. Determine

the allowable capacity pile capacity with F.S=3.

a 65.00 Kip
b 54.00 Kip
c 38.00 Kip
d 48.00 Kip

Qult= Qtip + Qfriction
Qfriction = αCAsurface=αC(πDL)
Qfriction =0.90 x 1100 x (3.14 x 1 x 20)+0.5 x 1800 x (3.14 x 1 x 25)
Qfriction =62172.00+70650.00=132822.00=132.82 Kip
Qtip =9CAtip=9 x 1800 x π/4(1)2= 12717.00# = 12.72 Kip
Qult= Qtip + Qfriction =12.72+132.82= 145.54 Kip
Qallow = Qult /F.S= 145.54/3= 48.51 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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73. PROBLEM (driven pile)

Determine the ultimate load capacity of the pile, if a drop hammer is

weighing 4000 lb, and falling through a height 15” result in an average
penetration of 0.20 inch last five blows. The weight of the pile of all
stationary parts on its head may take as 3300 lbs. Using ENR formula.
Where, hammer efficiency, E=0.8 and C=0.1 in, for steam hammer (single
acting/double acting)

a 62 kips
b 50 kips
c 44 kips
d 34 kips


Ultimate Load Capacity of pile, Qu=(EWrH)/(S+C)

Wr=4000 lb
H=15”=1.25 ft
S=0.2”=0.017 ft
C= 0.1 in

Qu=(EWrH)/(S+C)=(0.8x4000x1.25)/(0.017+0.1)= 34188.03 lbs=34 kips

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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74. PROBLEM (Pull Capacity)

A 12 in diameter concrete pile has driven 45 ft shown in the Figure.

Determine the pullout resistance capacity of the pile. Unit Weight of pile, γ=
150 lb/ft3.

a 165.00 Kip
b 154.00 Kip
c 138.00 Kip
d 133.00 Kip

Pullout resistance capacity, Qpull= Weight of pile + Qfriction
Qfriction = αCAsurface=αC(πDL)
Qfriction =0.90 x 1100 x (3.14 x 1 x 20)+0.5 x 1800 x (3.14 x 1 x 25)
Qfriction =62172.00+70650.00=132822.00=132.82 Kip
Weight of pile= π/4(1)2 x 45 x 150= 5298.75= 5.30 Kip
Pullout resistance capacity, Qpull= Weight of pile + Qfriction = 138.12 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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75. PROBLEM (Lateral load, and deformation analysis)

What is the lateral deflection of a 20 inch diameter, 15 ft length concrete

pile? The pile has subjected a horizontal shear 30 Kips and a moment 20
kips-ft. Assume the concrete compressive strength, fc’=5,000 psi &
modulus of subgrade reaction is 4000 lb/ft3 .

Coefficients for long pile

Z= 1.0, Ax=0.96 & Bx=0.36
Z= 1.4, Ax=0.54 & Bx=0.11
Z= 1.6, Ax=0.38 & Bx=0.03
Z= 1.8, Ax=0.24 & Bx=-0.03
Z= 2.0, Ax=0.14 & Bx=-0.07

a 0.055 inch
b 0.040 inch
c 0.002 inch
d 0.038 inch

fc’=50,000 psi, D=20 inch, L=15 ft, Hs=30 Kips & moment,
M=20 kips-ft.
Modulus Elasticity, Ec=57000√fc’=57000x√5,000=4030508.65 psi
Moment of Inertia, Ic= πD4/64= π(20)4/64=7853.98 in4
ECIc=4030508.65 x 7853.98 =31655534348.63lb in2=219830.09 K-ft2
Modulus of subgrade reaction, nh= 4000 lb/ft3=4 K/ft3
Characteristic Length of soil-pile, T=5√[Ec Ic/nh]
T={ 5√[{219830.09 }/4]}=8.87 ft
Z=L/T=15/8.87=1.71, and Coefficient of long pile, Ax=0.30 & Bx=0.0
Lateral deflection, ∆=(Ax Hs T2)/ Ec Ic +(Bx M T2)/ Ec Ic
∆={(0.30x 30 x 8.87 2)+(0.0x20x8.872)}/ 219830.09
∆={(708)+(0)}/ 219830.09 =0.0032 ft=0.038 inch

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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76. PROBLEM (Axial Capacity Drilled Shaft)

A drilled shaft 3 foot diameter foundation has constructed with 6 foot

diameter base in soil condition shown in Figure. The excavation has done in
dry condition. Determine the maximum allowable capacity of the drilled
shaft where, F.S=3.

a 265.00 Kip
b 354.00 Kip
c 128.00 Kip
d 188.00 Kip

Considering 4’ Foundation depth
Qult= Qbase + Qfriction
Qfriction = fAsurface=0.3C(πDL)
Qfriction =0.3 x 800 x {3.14 x 3 x (15-4)}+0.3 x 1800 x {3.14 x 3 x (20-4)}
Qfriction =24868.80+81388.80=106257.60=106.26 Kip
Qbase = 9 x 1800 x π/4(6)2=457812.00=457.81 kip
Qult= Qbase + Qfriction =106.26+457.81=564.07 Kip
Qallow = Qult /F.S= 564.07 /3= 188.02 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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77. PROBLEM (Pile Group Efficiency)

Determine the pile group efficiency. The 18-inch diameter piles were
surrounded by sand, shown in the Figure.

a 70%
b 90%
c 80%
d 60%


Where, n1=4, n2=3, d=3D, D=18”

p=∏D=3.14 x 1.5=4.71 ft
d=3 x 1.5=4.5 ft
Pile efficiency, η={2(n1+n2-2)d + p}/pn1n2
∴ η={2(4+3-2)4.5 +4.71}/4.71 x 4 x 3=0.80=80%

The Correct Answer is: (c)

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78. PROBLEM (Pile Capacity)

An 18 in diameter concrete pile has driven 50 ft into soft clay. Where,

C=800 psf and friction coefficient, α=0.80. Determine the allowable
capacity pile capacity with F.S=3.

a 65.00 Kip
b 54.00 Kip
c 79.00 Kip
d 30.00 Kip


C=800 psf., D=18”, L=50 ft, α=0.80, Atip =π/4(18/12)2=1.76 ft2

Qult= Qtip + Qfriction
Qtip =9CAtip=9 x 800 x 1.76=11304.00 # =12.77 Kip
Qfriction = αCAsurface=0.80 x 800 x (πDL)
Qfriction =0.80 x 800 x (3.14 x 18/12 x 50)= 150720 # =150.72 Kip
Qult= Qtip + Qfriction =12.77+150.72=163.49 Kip
∴ Qallow = Qult /F.S=163.49 /3= 54.50 Kip

The Correct Answer is: (b)

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79. PROBLEM (Pile Drag Force)

Determine the pile drag force. The pile has an 18-inch diameter, and it is 40
ft long as shown in the Figure. Where, Φ=300, soil, and pile friction angle,

a 3.40 kip
b 5.50 kip
c 1.70 kip
d 2.90 kip


Where, Φ=300, soil, and pile friction angle,

δ=0.6Φ, D=18”=1.5’, γf =118 pcf
Hf =8 ft
p=∏D=3.14 x 1.5=4.71 ft
Pile drag force, Qn=(pKγfH2f tanδ)/2
∴ Qn=(pKγfH2f tanδ)/2=(4.71 x .50 x 118 x 82 x 0.324)/2
=2881.11 Ib=2.88 kip

The Correct Answer is: (d)

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80. PROBLEM (Pile Group Settlement)

Determine the consolidation settlement in the clay layer of the pile group.
Each pile has an 18-inch diameter, and 60 ft long as shown in the Figure.

a 0.40 ft
b 0.60 ft
c 0.90 ft
d 1.10 ft

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Where, Qg=500Kip, n1=4, n2=3, d=3D, D=18”=1.5’, Cc=0.32, e0=.85

d=3 x 1.5=4.5 ft
Z=H1/2=30/2=15 ft
∆δ’=Qg/(Lg+z)(Bg+z)=500/(15+15)(10.5+15)=0.65 Kip/ft2
∴ δ’=5 x110+(40-2+30/2)(115-62.4)
=550+(38+15)x52.5=3332.5 lb/ ft2=3.33 Kip/ft2
∆S={CcH1/(1+e0)}log[(δ’+∆δ’)/ δ’]
∴ Settlement,
∆S={0.32 x 30/(1+.85)}log[(3.33+0.65)/3.33]=5.19 x 0.08=0.40 ft

The Correct Answer is: (a)

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