Yoga of Radiant Presence Exercises

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Yoga of Presence— Instructions

vikalpaksaya-sakti-samkoca-vikasa-vahacched-adyantakoti-nibhalanadaya ihopayah

The unfoldment of the focus can be accomplished by: not orienting to interpretations, orienting
towards the experiencing principle, orienting towards the full field of experiencing, startlement,
attending to the beginning and end of any apparition.

This sutra lists several techniques of Yoga. As you try these, explore them not with thought or
analysis but with a felt, direct knowing, a “tasting” of their flavor and quality.

— You can find portions within your experiential field that are not being interpreted as heavily as
other portions. By directing your attention towards these less interpreted portions, it can be
easier to explore the quality of uninterpreted experience nakedly, to discover and recognize the
essential nature. For example, direct your attention towards a portion of blank sky, or a portion
of blank wall, something without much detail or interest for you. Feel the presence of that
experience sensitively and intimately, and notice the inherently vital, spontaneous, dynamic, and
unresolvable quality of that; feel the feeling of the presence of that.

— You can explore what is experiencing your experience. What is this awareness? Where is it?
What is its nature? Feel the presence of this actuality; explore its transcendental, unresolvable
nature. — You can relax your focus of attention and feel the presence of the full field of your
experience. Keep relaxing until all dimensions of your experience, all the various sense fields,
mental fields, subtle psychic fields, etc. open and release into the panoramic presence of this
inclusive field. Feel its presence, relax into its flavor and nature, assimilate its mystery and

— You can explore discontinuity; a sudden shift of attention, startlement brought about by a
sudden sharp noise, a sudden unexpected stimulus. Notice how the interpretation, the felt
sense of what and where you are and what’s happening is briefly suspended. Explore that
quality, and explore the change as the interpretive framework reinstates itself. Through
repeated experiments feel the nature of the relationship between raw experience and
interpreted experience.

— Notice the way in which anything that appears in your experience actually appears and
disappears. For example a sound that occurs; what happens as it appears from nonexistence
into experience, and what happens as it stops? Something that comes into your field of
vision—likewise, what is the flavor of its appearance and disappearance? Or look at
thought—before a thought is present, what actually happens as it appears, and then as it comes
to be no longer present in experience? This exercise is subtle, but very valuable.

samadhisamskaravati vyutthane bhuyo bhuyas cidaikyamarsan-nityodita-samadhi-labha

When one who has realized the absolute consciousness is again orienting to interpretations in
the aftermath of that realization, permanent realization is attained by attending to absolute
consciousness again and again.

As you practice Yoga you will notice an ebb and flow of the quality of your noticing. You will
experience periods of profound recognition, then at other times you will seem to be back “in
your life”, orienting to your experience in terms of habitual interpretive patterns.

Engage with Yoga again and again, and eventually the depth of your recognition will permeate
your experience more and more fully and constantly, even as you orient to your experience in
terms of interpretive frameworks.

tada prakasanandasara-mahamantra-viryatmaka-purnahamtavesat sada

sarvasargasamharakari nijasamvid-devata-cakresvarata-praptir bhavatiti sivam

Then the light of absolute consciousness whose essence is bliss is known permanently to be
the sole I-consciousness, and all the nature of the radiance of reality that expresses as the
potencies of all manifestation/dissolution is known as oneself, the sole absolute (Siva).

This sutra describes the result of Yoga, full realization of the actual condition. Please discover
this as it actually is for yourself, through Yoga.

Brown, Peter. Essence of Recognition: The Yoga of Radiant Presence Revealed Within the
PRATYABHIJNA HRIDAYAM for Modern Yogis (p. 25). The Open Doorway. Kindle Edition.

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