Shear Strength of Brazed and Soldered Joints
Shear Strength of Brazed and Soldered Joints
Shear Strength of Brazed and Soldered Joints
276-s I A U G U S T 1975
high temperature brazing alloys in pull and push type tests are re- stress would be very nearly equal to
(Ref. 2). produced in Table 1, 2 and 3. Test re- the tangential stress, i.e., a, = <rt .
Another version of the shear test, sults show that shear strength values In the present analysis, the axial
carried out by Colbus (Ref. 3), applies as determined in the push type test stress in the thin layer is neglected, so
on the joint a push type force (in con- well exceed those furnished by the is also any thermal stress resulting
tradistinction to a pull type force), pull type test by some 56% for brazed f r o m t h e b r a z i n g or s o l d e r i n g
Fig. 2. Bollenrath and El-Sabbagh joints (Table 2). process. Radial and tangential
used similar specimens in their in- A closer insight into the behavior of
vestigations on high t e m p e r a t u r e brazed joints as influenced by the
strength of brazed joints (Ref. 4). ratio of pin diameter, d, to height of
It is evident that while the pull type joint, h, is given in Fig. 4. It can be
test is accompanied by radial tensile readily seen that the shear strength
stress, the push type test is asso- increases with smaller pin diameter,
ciated with radial compressive stress. d, also with higher values of d / h . This
The present work is mainly con- may be attributed to the more favor- Bush
cerned with the determination of able conditions of brazing under such
the shear strength of soldered and circumstances, viz. more homoge-
brazed joints in both pull and push neous thermal influences at brazed
type tests under various conditions of surfaces.
geometrical parameters.
Analytical T r e a t m e n t
Experimental Procedure
The brazing or soldering layer is Fig. 2 — Push type shear test proposed by
Brazed and soldered joints were considered so thin that the radial Colbus
made between two concentric cylin-
ders as shown in Fig. 3, particulars of
materials used being as follows:
Base metal —
Steel St 37.11 (DIN 1611)
Brazing filler metal —
BAg-40 (40%Ag + 20%Cu +
20%Zn + 20%Cd)
Soldering filler metal — Bush
" S t a n d a r d " Solder: 60%Sn +
40% Pb
Soldering Temperature = 250 C Pin
The gap width (i.e., radial clearance) -A :--A
between mating components (pin and ^Parting-off-7
bushing) was made 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
and kept c o n s t a n t t h r o u g h o u t all
tests, this gap thickness being the op- Ceramic
timum value as established by Colbus Ceramic Base
(Ref. 3). Base
Coaxiality between pin and bush-
ing was assured by first machining
them with conical ends so as to re- Fig. 3 — Diagrammatic arrangement of test setup as used in present investigations (a) Pull
main coaxial in the ceramic base dur- type test; (b) push type test
ing s o l d e r i n g or brazing, Fig. 3.
Specimens were cut thereafter along
Table 1 — Shear Strength Values Obtained for Brazed Joints
section AA thus leaving the joint
heignt h required for the test. Brazing
time (viz. duration after melting of Pull type test, Fig. 3 (a)
brazing filler metal) was 30 seconds,
Specimen d0, d, area, Ult. shear str.,T s
heating up to brazing temperature be- no. mm mm mm 2 kg/mm2 ksi
ing accomplished in an electrically
heated muffle f u r n a c e for small 1 35 24 678 14.3 20.3
specimens and in a gas-fired furnace 2 35 23 579 12.8 18.2
for specimens of diameters above 3 35 22 518 14.5 20.6
4 35 21 462 14.3 20.3
20 m m .
5 35 20 427 13.1 18.6
After parting off to the required 6 35 17 321 15.0* 21.3
height h, the fillet f was adjusted to 7 35 16 277 14.6* 20.7
a radius of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.). Avg 14.1 20.0
Push type test Fig. 3(b)
The finisned joint was subjected to
either a tensile force (pull type test), 8 17 10 299 22.3* 31.7
Fig. 3(a), or a compressive force 9 17 10 295 22.0* 31.2
(push type test), Fig. 3(b) up to frac- 10 20 10 289 21.7* 30.8
ture. The snear strength was ob- 11 20 10 286 23.1* 32.8
12 22 10 283 21.8* 30.9
tained by dividing maximum load by
13 22 10 280 22.1* 31.4
the sheared area of soldered or 14 30.9
27 10 277 21.8*
brazed joint. 15 35 24 422 22.6 32.1
16 35 24 399 21.8 31.1
Test Results 17 35 24 377 21.9 31.4
Avg 22.1
Ultimate shear strength values ob-
tained for crazed and soiaered loints IK'U puint of base metal was exceeded.
6.50 7Td2 £r+(2*fr
3 24 10 306 4.49 6.38
4 24 10 286 4.39 6.23 or
5 24 10 271 4.52 6.42
6 35 24 472 4.56 6.48 2vE'
dh Vr>*
9 35 24 396 4.51 6.40
24 (6)
10 35 371 4.58 6.50
Avgj 4.56 6.39 It is evident from Eq. (6) that the
shear strength of the material would
be expected, in the push type test, to
increase with:
(a) smaller size of pin d,
(b) higher value of the ratio d / h .
These theoretical predictions are con-
firmed by experimental results as
shown in Fig. 4.
It is worthy to note that the shear
strength obtained in this type of test
depends on the geometrical param-
eters, w h i c h s h o u l d be precisely
specified in any standard form or test.
Should it be possible to greatly re-
duce or even eliminate the compres-
sion of the pin, radial and tangential
stresses in the brazing or soldering
layer would disappear, thus render-
ing a case of plane stress and plane
strain (i.e., case of pure shear), in
which T B /Vdh. This can be
approached at relatively high values
of the joint diameter to height ratio
d / h , Eq. (6).
278-s i A U G U S T 1975
b x'' -"t-ur
Fig. 5 — Mohr's circles of stress for the brazing or soldering layer, (a) Push type test; (b) pull type test
The Welding Journal invites critical discussions by peers on technical matters
appearing in the Welding Research Supplement. A copy of the discussion will be mailed
to the author for reply. Both discussions and reply will be printed together in these
pages. Where conclusions and findings vary among different researchers, the reader
will benefit from the information.
The submerged arc weld in HSLA line pipe is examined by briefly reviewing the
metallurgy of high-strength low-alloy steels and then considering how the welding process
affects this metallurgy. Particular emphasis is given to the influence of thermo-mechanical
processing and to the role of micro-alloy additions as they relate to strength, grain size and
toughness. The metallurgy of the weld is contrasted to that of the base plate, and some
recent investigations are reviewed. The influence of consumable selection is considered, and
some recommendations for further study are made.
In this study, low-temperature burst tests were performed on 48-in. diameter x 1-in. thick
x 8-ft long line-pipe specimens of a 1% Ni steel recently developed and produced by
controlled rolling. Notches twice the size of the largest allowable defect in API Std. 1104
were incorporated in the longitudinal weld seam. Test data were assessed by a COD
approach. Two heat inputs were used in welding the specimens. A special GMA welding tech-
nique was developed for the lower heat input. It was found that the lower heat input was the
best method of improving the fracture toughness of the weld.
During the past few years, developments have led to steel grades with improved mechan-
ical properties and reduced carbon content, compared to the previously known carbon-
manganese grades. The new steels have improved weldability and API grades X60, X65 and
X70 are already in use. The development of X80 is close to completion. This paper reviews
the latest technology in developing suitable filler metals for welding these high-strength line-
pipe steels.
Single- and dual-pass laser welds were made in an alloy steel currently being evaluated
for potential Arctic gas pipeline applications. The laser welds exhibited excellent overall
mechanical properties and a Charpy shelf energy greater than 264 ft-lb, which is
substantially above that of the base material. Dual-pass welds exhibited a ductile-to-brittle
transition temperature below -60 F. Increased shelf energy was attributed to a reduction in
the visible inclusion content of the fusion zone while transition temperature was shown to be
strongly dependent upon fusion-zone grain size.
Paper (1) was prepared for the Subcommittee on Line-Pipe Steels of the Weldability
(Metallurgical) Committee of the Welding Research Council. The other four papers were
presented at a session sponsored by this subcommittee during the 1974 AWS Annual
The price of WRC Bulletin 201 is $8.00 per copy. Orders should be sent with payment to
the Welding Research Council, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017.
280-s I A U G U S T 1975