Fact Sheet IFS Food V7 en
Fact Sheet IFS Food V7 en
Fact Sheet IFS Food V7 en
About IFS
With the professional expertise of retailers, suppliers, certification body and other experts worldwide, IFS develops
globally recognised food, product and service standards as well as development programs. To complement this,
IFS offers supportive tools and guidance documents to help quality managers work more efficiently. The common
goal of IFS is to strive for the best product safety and quality management system so that consumers can trust
the products they buy.
Key Features of the IFS Food V7 What is new with IFS Food V7?
>> The risk-based approach identifies company-specific > Increased focus on the on-site evaluation, less on
risks and hazards documentation
>> The non-prescriptive approach allows for custom > Reduced number of requirements by 15 %
solutions to meet standard requirements > Improved structure, tailored to the IFS stakeholders’
>> Accepted by retailers and brand owners worldwide needs
>> Requirements developed by food industry experts, > Checklist aligned with latest GFSI Benchmarking
certification bodies, and retailers Requirements Version 2020.1, FSMA, and EU
>> Covers legislation, food safety and quality, and regulations
customer specifications > Improved and better defined scoring system
>> Assessments by specifically trained auditors with > The assessment report more clearly structured
proven knowledge and expertise of the industry sector and user-friendly
>> Options for unannounced assessments > Food Safety Culture has been incorporated into the
>> Available in 5 languages assessment checklist
>> Product and process certification based on ISO/IEC > Every third certification assessment is unannounced
17065:2012 > Mandatory GLN for companies in the EEA and UK
What is involved? Benefits of being IFS Food certified
IFS Food V7 covers six primary areas of the business, >> The IFS risk-based approach enables individual risk
and all are considered key to establishing effective assessments and creates a focus on the areas of impor-
processes that guarantee the safety and quality of the tance to the unique processes of each company.
products. >> The system drives continuous improvement: The IFS
Scoring System indicates how an assessed business can
>> Governance and Commitment – review of the commit- further improve its performance helping to reach the
ment of senior management to support the sustainabili- next level in product safety and quality assurance man-
ty of the food safety culture and quality assurance policy. agement.
>> Food Safety and Quality Management System – >> The non-prescriptive approach allows custom-made
required to meet legal and food safety requirements as solutions: It enables companies to determine meth-
well as customer specifications. ods for controlling hazards that are best suited to their
>> Resource Management – management of human re- unique conditions.
sources, working conditions, hygiene, and sanitation to >> The requirements reduce operating costs and increase
ensure product safety. efficiency: By implementing the IFS requirements, com-
>> Operational Processes – production of safe, quality panies improve their processes reducing waste and
products according to customer specifications. costs related to recalls, complaints, or rejected products
>> Measurements, Analysis and Improvements – inspec- and rework.
tions, process validation, and management of com- >> IFS Certification grows sales: Certified companies retain
plaints and corrective actions. existing customers and gain new ones with IFS. They
>> Food Defence Plan – protection of the integrity of the show that they meet customer’s expectations regarding
company and products produced. product safety and quality and that they are a trust-
worthy business partner.
For more information, standard documents, guidelines and other relevant documents,
please visit our website: www.ifs-certification.com