Chapter3-Overview On Carbon Bond Refractories

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CERAMICS of ceramics can be classified as a function

of their “acidity” and “basicity”.

- Basic oxide Mg0, Ca0, Li02 ,
Ceramics are one of the oldest products
Na20, K20
used by mankind. They are still used in large
- Acid oxide Si02 , B203 , Zr02
quantity for pottery, porcelain, sanitary
- Amphoteric Al203 , Cr203
equipment, bricks, etc . . .
As general information, the acid oxide easily
At the very beginning, they were reacts with basic oxide at a temperature
manufactured from raw materials based on depending on the nature of components. As
different silicate components. (clay) result of these reactions we can have:
To satisf y the ever more demanding - very well defined components
applications, the pure oxides like - formation of a solid solution
MgO Al203 Zr02 Cr203 What can happen depends on the original
components and is defined and can be
together with carbide, boride, nitride are now predicted through the use of the phase-
used and belong to the range of ceramics diagram where the possible combinations of
which can now be divided into two main two or more components are shown in
families relationship with temperature. (Fig. 3.2, 3.3,
Classical Ceramics Technical Ceramics 3.4)
Ceramic Engineers, utilize the possibility of
reaction between different materials to
As a very general assumption, we can design ceramics having well determined
consider Ceramic materials those industrial characteristics, starting from powders [raw
products based on inorganic materials which materials].
used as powder are then formed with
different systems and fired at a temperature THE CERAMIC BONDING
normally lower than the melting point. (Fig. The process to manufacture ceramics has
3.1) been used in the world for centuries. The first
raw material used was clay which was easy
to use since with the addition of water
Ceramic products (with the exception of becomes plastic and very easy to form to any
Carbon and Graphite products) are normally shape.
composite, that is to say they have atoms
with minimum of two elements i.e. Once dried the clay becomes hard and after
firing to a temperature higher than 1000°C it
- MgO, Al203, Si02, SiC, Ca0, Si3N. becomes strong and brittle.
The oxides which are the main components

Fig. 3.1

Chp. 3 5
Fig. 3.2

Fig. 3.3

Fig. 3.4

Chp. 3 6
Fig. 3.5

Nowadays the process of manufacturing DIRECT BONDING (SINTERING)

modern ceramics is practically the same. The Since impurities in the raw material result in
tendency is to eliminate the clay achieving low melting point eutectics with consequent
the bond through the right additions and reduction in properties; the use of high purity
helping the forming through organic components is necessary for high
plasticiser. (see Fig. 3.5) performance ceramics. In this case the bond
What happens during the firing cycle both is achieved in the solid phase at very high
for clay based ceramics or modern ceramics temperature. The bonding occurs between
is practically the same. the grains of the matrix where atoms
combine together one or more pairs of
The additions, following the law graphically electrons (direct bonding). Ceramics having
represented through the phase diagrams, that bonding system will have a high fusion
will create a liquid eutectic which will point, good electrical insulation properties
penetrate into the interface of the grains of and a high Youngs modulus.
the ceramic material during the firing cycle.
The eutectic is a mixture of two or more CHEMICAL BOND
components having a very well defined This bonding system is based on chemical
concentration and a melting point lower than reaction between the matrix grain, which can
the individual components. The formation of be achieved at low temperature (@800°C)
the eutectic occurs at a very well determined when acids are added in low concentration
temperature (temperature of eutectic) which to the matrix. The bond achieved exhibits
depends on: excellent mechanical properties and erosion
- nature of components resistance (it is prone to thermal shock
- concentration of components without silica addition).
When it cools down the liquid eutectic During use the chemically bonded product
becomes vitreous and then solidifies, will develop a ceramic bond but this change
building up the bond of the ceramic does not affect the behaviour of the product
materials. When the temperature during in use. The most commonly known chemical
application of the ceramic is higher than the bond is based on Alumina phosphate
eutectic temperature the properties of the formation.
ceramic are reduced. It is not always possible
to have a eutectic formed at a higher HYDRAULIC BOND
temperature than the application Like the chemical bond the hydraulic bond,
temperature. When that is achievable, there based on the use of cement, requires low
is the possible formation of a glass which has temperature to be achieved. The cement
a high Youngs modulus which will decrease usually based on calcium aluminate, reacts
the resistance to thermal shock. with water and binds the grains of the matrix.
Chp. 3 7
The use of this type of bonding is specially reactivity of the material in the working
adopted to form difficult shapes through environment and then the properties like
casting, vibro casting or even gunning. those already listed AP, MOR, E etc. All these
physical properties are used by ceramics
The disadvantage using lime, (component of
engineers to design ceramics and these
cement) which creates low melting phases
properties are monitored during the
at high temperature, is nowadays practically
manufacturing process (SPC).
solved using ultra low cement formulations.
There is one very important property when
PROPERTIES OF THE CERAMICS we consider materials for use in continuous
The main properties considered in the design casting where there is rapid large change of
and manufacture of ceramics are: temperature.
- apparent porosity (AP) This property is thermal shock resistance
- open and closed porosity which defines the properties of a material to
- permeability resist rapid, large changes in temperature
- pore size distribution and is defined by the following formula:
- cold and hot modulus of rupture (MOR)
- thermal shock resistance
- modulus of elasticity (E) st
- expansion coefficient R = f(n)
When we speak about ceramics we always
have in mind materials which are ‘hard and st : tensile strength
fragile’. E : modulus of elasticity
That definition is very true if we look at the a : thermal expansion coefficient
diagram showing deformation versus load f(n) : function of Poisson coefficient
(Fig 3.6). depending from test piece shape
This shows that it is possible for ceramic
materials to reach breaking point when a very The value R is expressed in °C and
small load is applied. Ceramic materials and represents the maximum variation of
refractories in general have excellent temperature (DT) which a test piece can
properties in compression but very poor bear without breakage (see table 3.1, 3.2).
behaviour in flexion and shear.
Other properties which determine the final
When we have to consider what is the best use of the ceramics are:
performing ceramic for a particular
application the first thing we consider is the - resistance to corrosion from external
chemical composition to understand the action (steel slag) which depends on:
- composition
- wettability of material
- surface contact angle
Ceramics having a ceramic bonding exhibit
­ Pure Iron a high value of E and therefore are sensitive
½ to thermal shock.


The growth and development of the
continuous casting technique brought to the
Metals and Alloys
market a high demand for special refractories
capable of satisfying the demand of always
higher performances.
The definition of the main properties of these
refractories can be summarized as follows:
Ceramic Materials
- High thermal shock resistance
- Resistance to erosion of a large range
of steel grades
- Resistance to the slag and flux attack
- Stable bonding system in the range of
Deformation temperature of use

Fig. 3.6
Fused silica, the first material used for a

Chp. 3 8
silica no phase
silica p

ica i t e

sil n e s
no m a g
s ilic


silica glass

Fig. 3.7 - Thermal Conductivity of Refractory Brick Fig. 3.9

Fig. 3.8 - Specific Heats of Refractory Brick

Chp. 3 9
Thermal Shock Resistance Parameters

Parameter Physical interpretation/heat

designation Parameter type Parametera transfer conditions Typical units

R Resistance to fracture initialtion u(1 - u) Maximum DT allowable for steady heat °C

aE flow

u(1 - u)k
R1 Resistance to fracture initiation Maximum heat flux for steady flow cal/cm• sec

u(1 - u)aTH Maximum allowable rate of surface

Rn Resistance to fracture initiation aE heating cm2• °C/sec

E Minimum in elastic energy at fracture

Rm Resistance to propagation damage u2(1 - u) (psi)-1
available for crack propagation
Rm Resistance to propagation damage u2 (1 - u) Minimum in extent of crack propagation cm
on initiation of thermal stress fracture
Rst Resistance to further crack propagation u7 ) °C/m1/2
( a2E Minimum DT allowed for propagating
long cracks

Table 3.1 Thermal shock resistance parameters.

Material Thermal Thermal Elastic Strength R

Cond. Expans. Modulus

MAGNESIA 7.1 13.5 30 15 25

ZIRCONIA 2.3 10.2 22 20 65

ALUMINA 6.3 8.8 53 40 65
MULLITE 3.8 5.3 10 10 130

ALUMINA GRAPHITE (c22%) 15 4.0 1.5 1.2 140

GRAPHITE 63 2.2 1.3 2 550
SILICA 2.5 0.5 10 4 600

R is a relative measure of resistance to thermal shock.

Table 3.2 Thermal shock resistance of various materials

Oxidizing Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity

Melting Atmos- Hardness Linear Expansion cal/(see cm2) (°C/cm)
Point pheres, Mohs’ Temperature Temperature Porosity,
Material Formula °C °C Scale °C E x 107 °C % C x 10?

Alumina Al2O3 2015 1950 9 20-1580 80 1200 23 57

Beryllia BeO 2550 2400 9 20-1400 95 1200 5-10 393
Calcia CaO 2600 2400 4.5 20-1200 136 1000 9 170
Magnesia MgO 2800 2400 6 20-1400 140 1200 22 61
Silica SiO2 1728 1680 7 20-300 430a 1100 ... 38
(crystalline) 00-1100 30

Silica (vitreous) SiO2 ... ... ... 20-1250 5 ... 0-9 33

Thoria ThO2 3300 2700 7 20-1400 95 1200 17 0
Zirconia (stabilized) ZrO2 2600 2500 7-8 20-1200 55b 1200 28 22
Mullite 3Al2O3 • 2SiO2 1830c 1800 6-7 20-1320 45 1200 30 64
Spinel MgO • Al2O3 2110 1900 8 20-1250 90 1300 36 50
Zircon ZrO2 • SiO2 2420 1870 7.5 20-1200 55 1000 30 50

a Depends upon crustalline forms. b Depends upon degree of stabilization. c Incongruent.

Table 3.3 Properties of various materials.

Chp. 3 10
Thermal Expansion


Temperature (°C)

MONOCLINIC a = 5.165 A
b = 5.191 A
c = 5.304 A
a = b = 90°
g = 98.9°
Density: 5.830 g/cm3

TETRAGONAL a = b = 5.094 A
c = 5.177 A
a = b = 90°
Density calculated: 6.10 g/cm3

CUBIC a = b = c = 5.124 A
a = b = 90°
a = b = g = 90°
Density calculated: 6.09 g/cm3
Fig. 3.10 Fig. 3.11

Fig. 3.12 Fig. 3.13

Chp. 3 11
submerged nozzle, does not combine all It is not wettable by most liquids
these properties. included molten steel.
The use of composite ceramically bonded This property improves the corrosion
refractories did not ensure the achievement resistance of the material to which graphite
of these properties. is added because there is less infiltration of
steel inside the graphite based refractories.
The solution of the problem arrived with the
use of graphitized carbon bonded material It has a low thermal expansion
manufactured through an isostatic pressing coefficient.
Added to refractory the graphite decreases
These types of refractories have as main the thermal expansion of the mix and
components Alumina, Zirconia, Graphite. automatically increases the thermal shock
Each component acts in synergy to protect resistance.
the other from the various attacking
It has a good thermal and electrical
The role of each component can be
This means that graphite increases the
summarized as follows:
thermal conductivity of the refractory to which
Alumina : provides resistance to the it is added whilst decreasing the temperature
erosion of molten steel gradient. In another way, we can say that
Zirconia : provides resistance to the graphite increases the resistance to thermal
erosion of mould flux shock.
Graphite : provides resistance to thermal
It has high elasticity/plasticity of the
shock and prevents penetration
by mould flux or slag.
This means that graphite improves plasticity
of the material to which it is added. This
THE GRAPHITE characteristic is useful during the
The graphite is an allotropic form of carbon manufacturing process of the graphite based
(Fig. 3.14) as well as diamonds. The shape material.
of the carbon crystal is hexagonal and
Graphite does not develop a ceramic bond
graphite can be found in nature in the form
with ceramic oxides and this is probably the
of flakes.
main reason for its success in imparting
But what is important is that graphite exhibits thermal shock resistance. It provides
properties which make this material discontinuities in what would otherwise be a
exceptional. tightly bonded ceramic network. These
discontinuities can be thought of in much the
same way as pores, acting as a “sink” for
thermal stress, thereby preventing crack
6.70 6.16 propagation. Unlike pores, however, graphite
does not allow ingress of attacking fluxes by
virtue of its property of non wettability.
< 100 Å > 1000 Å
In terms of measurable parameters which
may influence thermal shock resistance, the
al bl cl
effect of adding graphite to refractory oxides
is, in all respect, favourable.
As we can see in Fig. 3.15 graphite reduces
thermal expansion and the modulus of
elasticity while increasing strain to failure and
thermal conductivity.


The texture between the oxides assured by

Fig. 3.14
Graphite, Diamond and Polymeric Carbon Structures

Chp. 3 12
OF REFRACTORIES It is inside this structure where the ceramic
oxides are trapped and “bonded” together.
The advantages of the carbon Bond System
- A lower firing temperature is needed to
Strength develop the bond
Expansion - Strength retention at high temperature
- Better thermal shock resistance that
results from the “non-rigid” nature of the
Conductivity bond.
- Resistance to flux attack.
All these properties are directly connected
to the peculiar characteristics of carbon.
Fig. 3.15
the ceramic bond creates problems when the All the processes used to shape a refractory
temperature of eutectic is reached material introduce stresses in the final
(collapsing of properties). product.
Refractories having a direct bonding system Some processes offer limitations in length
or a temperature of eutectic higher than that and dimensions, others do not offer the
of molten steel, offer very poor properties in required properties of the final product.
term of thermal shock.
For the Al 2O 3-G material, Vesuvius first
The problem created by these introduced the isostatic pressing process to
characteristics, which do not meet the shape the product for three main reasons:
requirements for the refractories to be used
in continuous casting applications, is solved - to introduce into the product the
through the use of the “Carbon bond minimum stress possible.
system”. - to have the possibility to manufacture
the long patterns required in the
This type of bonding is achieved after firing continuous casting application.
ceramic material to which is added a - to manufacture multimix composite
phenolic resin. patterns using only one pressing cycle.
The structural model of this bonding system THE PROCESS
is shown in Fig. 3.16. The flow chart illustrating the main steps of
It consists of a dense glassy phase of the process is shown in Fig. 3.17.
interconnected ribbon-like carbon (curly
The preparation of the mix is one of the most
important parts of the process because the
mix properties largely determine the
Typical strong confluence characteristics of the final product.
The formulation and the preparation of the
mix is an important know-how of the process
Weak confluence and for that reason only limited information
is given here.
Vesuvius issues all the specifications for the
Lc Lc Lc raw materials used for the mix preparation
and operates an entry control when
specification of the mix material is verified.
Once batch weighed the raw materials are
delivered to the mixer where binder is added.
After mixing the mix is tested to make ensure
the correct compaction will be obtained at
the pressing stage. Batches of one ton are
Fig. 3.16 prepared and delivered to all the
Chp. 3 13
Raw Materials Binding Material




Glazing Firing

¯ ¯
Firing Machining

¯ ¯
Finishing Glazing

¯ ¯
Product Finishing

Fig. 3.17 Product

manufacturing plants. In order to guarantee CURING, GLAZING, FIRING (FIG. 3.19, 3.20)
the consistency of mix, Vesuvius supplies Once pressed and demoulded the pieces
mixes only from selected plants. are fully cured (dried) and then follow different
routes in the process depending on the
PRESSING (FIG. 3.18) product type:
Pressing of the pieces
- stoppers and ladle shrouds will be glazed,
- Several batches of mix are blended dried and then placed in a kiln for open firing
together to optimize the mix (oxidizing atmosphere).
- subentry nozzles and shrouds are placed
- Hoppers are then loaded with different
in a kiln and closed fired (reducing
atmosphere) and after firing are ground to
- Mix from the hoppers is used at the filling
final dimension and then dipped in baths of
station to fill the moulds
glaze, dried and finally sent for packing.
These moulds have two main components:
- an external flexible bag in plastic FINISHING AND PACKING
- an internal mandrel in metal
It is important to remember that any part of
the manufacturing process is subjected to
After filling the mould is sealed and placed
the procedure of QA and that all the pieces
in a pressure vessel where the process of
are identified through all the process
isostatic pressing is carried out. The vessel
(traceability). Statistical Process Control is
is filled with water and pressurized and the
also applied to guarantee the complete
pressure is therefore equal on all the surface
follow up of the manufacturing process, the
of the bag (Pascals law). This is isostatic
detection of trends and the feedback of
pressing where products are pressed free
corrective actions.
from stresses.

Chp. 3 14
Fig. 3.18

Fig. 3.19

Chp. 3 15
Fig. 3.20

The family of Isostatically pressed carbon are the graphite and the carbon of the
bonded material comprises a large number bonding and finally special additives which
of mixes developed for different and impart special characteristics to the mix and
particular applications. The final formulation protect the carbon and graphite from
of a mix has to have thermal and chemical oxidation.
properties which are suitable for the
Fig. 3.21 shows the main components of the
Viso mix, which are usually isopressed, and
The main body of the mix is called the matrix how they combine to give the final properties
and uses Al2O3;MgO and ZrO2 as the main of the product.
components. Other important components


Metals MATRIX 50-90% MgO
Nitrides ADDITIVES 0-10%


Fig. 3.21

Chp. 3 16
Fig. 3.22 shows the main components of a Steels which have a high oxygen content
Viso mix by weight and volume. produce the most erosion and Fig. 3.24
shows the relation between free oxygen in
Table 3.4 shows the role of the components
the steel and erosion rate.
of a typical Viso product.
The manganese content of the steel also
EROSION RESISTANCE affects the rate of erosion and Fig. 3.25
Viso material has to be resistant to erosion shows the relation between manganese
from both steel and slag. It also has to be content and erosion rate of pouring tubes.
protected from oxidation by the atmosphere
during both the preheat and casting cycles EROSION BY SLAG
(oxidation) During continuous casting slag forming
powders are added to the exposed surface
EROSION BY STEEL of the steel in the mould for the following
The rate of erosion by the steel depends on reasons:
the type of steel being cast and Fig. 3.23
- to insulate the steel and prevent
shows the effect of steel grade on the erosion
solidification of the exposed surface



Carbon 50%
Refractory Grain
(Graphite 50% Carbon
& Bonding Refractory Grain
(Al2O3, MgO,
Carbon) (Graphite
(Al2O3, MgO, & Bonding
ZrO2) Carbon)
20% 20%
Others Others

Fig. 3.22


Component Advantage Disadvantage

ALUMINA Resists molten steel. Attacked by mould flux (Basic and Acidic).
Thermal Shock.
ZIRCONIA Resists steel and mould Attacked by mould flux (Basic and Acidic).
flux better than alumina Thermal Shock.
MAGNESIA Resists steel and basic Attacked by acidic mould flux.
mould flux Thermal Shock.
GRAPHITE Thermal shock resistance Oxidizes above 650°C.
Not wetted by mould flux. Dissolves in steel.
SILICA Thermal shock resistance. Attacked by basic mould flux, steel.
CARBON BOND Not wetted by mould flux. Oxidizes above 400°C. Dissolves in steel.
ADDITIVES Reduce carbon and Decrease Refractoriness.
graphite oxidation. Increase erosion in steel and mould flux.
Thermal Shock.
EXTERNAL GLAZE Protects carbon and graphite Dissolves in steel and mould flux.
from oxidation.
Table 3.4 showing role of components in VISO products

Chp. 3 17

1.0 35
12345 30
12345 25

Index of wearing rate

12345 20
12345 15
12345 10
12345 5
12345 0
12345 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
0.2 0.11 0.12 0.11 12345 % Mn
0.08 0.09 12345
0.07 12345
12345 Fig 3.25 Relation between fraction of eroded pouring tubes
12345 and Mn content in steel at 1550°C to 1560°C for a steel
containing 0.2 to 0.25% Si.
Seamless wire rod rail heavy electrical Hot Coil High
Pipe plate sheet oxygenised
submerged nozzle results in gradual
Fig 3.23 Comparison of index of wearing rate
external erosion of that part of the nozzle.
for each steel grade
Higher the speed of a continuous caster is
lower the viscosity and the melting point of
1.0 the mould powder.
[0] content required to
High-Oxygenised steel. Figs 3.27 and 3.28 show the relationship
between the viscosity and the flourine
0.8 content of mould powders on the erosion of
zirconia graphite refractories.
Index of wearing rate

In table 3.4 the behaviour of some materials

in relationship to slags and metals is shown.



50 100 150 200 250 CARBON
Free [0] content in molten steel [ppm] FLUX ENRICHED

Fig 3.24 Relation between free (O) content in molten steel MOLTEN
and index of wearing rate FLUX

- to protect the steel from oxidation by the

atmosphere SOLIDIFIED
- to create a molten slag having two SHELL
purposes, one to lubricate the mould and
the other to effect a good thermal
transfer between the solidifying steel and
the mould surface.
Fig. 3.26 shows the cross section through a
continuous casting mould.
The components of mould powders depends MARK
on supplier know-how and application. The STRAND
action of the molten mould powder on the
Fig 3.26
Chp. 3 18
The graphitized carbon bonded materials This protection can be achieved with two
exhibit exceptional properties which meet approaches:
the requirements necessary to manufacture
- inside the body of the mix
refractories for continuous casting
- on the surface of the finished product
operations. There is one disadvantage of this
The first, to protect from oxidation each single
material which needs to be prevented:
graphite flake and the glassy ribbons of curly
Both graphite and carbon bond are very carbon; the second to protect the final
susceptible to oxidation. product during preheating and casting.
From the thermogravimetric analysis (see Fig.


2 Graphite
Erosion (mm) per 1Hr


Incremental Weight Loss %120°C

Carbon bonded

1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0
Viscosity (Poise) at 1300°C Ceramic bonded

Fig 3.27 Relationship between viscosity of mould powders 6

and erosion of zirconia graphite refractories.

200 600 1,000 1,400

10.0 Temperature °C

8.0 Fig 3.29 Thermogravlmetric analysis of carbon versus

ceramic-bonded alumina graphite
Erosion (mm) per 1Hr

This protection is achieved through two
4.0 different additions:
- the so called body glaze (B203)
- precursors
The body glaze: B2O3 has a low melting point
0 and generates a glassy phase which coats
2 4 6 8 10 the graphite and the carbon bonding so
[F°] (wt%) protecting the body from oxidation.
The precursors are oxygen getters. This
Fig 3.28 Relationship between F- content of mould powders
and erosion of zirconia graphite refractories. means that their activity with O2 is higher than
that of graphite and the carbon bond. The
3.29) it is possible to see that the range of
most used precursors are;
temperature at which maximum oxidation
occurs is from 350°C to 800°C. Silicon metal : Si
Silicon Carbide : SiC
It is interesting to note that the carbon bond
Silicon in presence of oxygen gives rise to
burns off at a much lower temperature than
the following chemical reaction:
Si + O2 = SiO2
If the carbon bond and the graphite are
oxidised, there is a collapse of the properties - the product is a silica-rich glassy phase
of the material. It is therefore necessary to which blocks the pore structure and
protect them both from oxidation. slows the rate at which the oxygen can
further penetrate the structure.
Chp. 3 19
Fig 3.30

Silican carbide reacts with oxygen according glaze will flow off the piece the strength of
to the following formula: the flame should be limited together with the
preheating time (see Fig. 3.31)
2 SiC + 302 = 2SiO2 + 2CO
2 CO + O2 = 2CO2 To correctly achieve a good glassy phase of
Once again we have a silica rich glassy phase the glaze it is necessary to have a slightly
operating in the same way as for silicon oxidising flame from the burners used for the
metal and additionally a further reaction of preheating.
CO with Oxygen that increases the activity
The composition of a glaze is defined
of SiC as oxygen getter.
according to:
PROTECTION OF THE SURFACE OF THE PRODUCT - The desired melting point and range of
Oxidation of graphite and carbon bond temperature of protection.
happens through the surface of the product - The surface properties of the material to
during the firing of the product itself (stopper protect.
rods and ladle shroud) and during the - The thermal expansion of the material
preheating (submerged nozzle - stopper rod) to protect.
and during casting (all the patterns) - - The viscosity of the liquid glassy phase.
Following these principles Vesuvius have
The protection from this oxidation is ensured
developed and use different types of glaze:
by glazes whose purpose is to create an air
the most used are
proof barrier to oxygen as shown in Fig. 3.30.
G 74 G 40 G 95
The glaze, externally applied to products with GLAZE
Inefficient glaze
a thickness less than 1mm, is a ceramic
material composed of several compounds Softening & Beginning Glaze becomes liquid and
that in certain conditions of temperature and of melting dripping may occur
oxidising atmosphere, will react to form a Blown away by burners
liquid glassy phase which protects the

material from oxidation.

The glaze is only protective once the melting Glaze is
point (from 800 to 1000°C) has been reached. washed
The best protection is obtained when the
viscosity of the glassy phase is low enough
to leave a good coating on the surface to
protect. Maximum efficiency T°
T°1 T°2
Since the glaze viscosity decreases as Adequate viscosity -> protection
temperature increases and to avoid that Fig 3.31

Chp. 3 20
G74 G40 G95

Application Ladle Shroud Submerged Entry Shroud Newly

Stopper Rod Submerged Entry Nozzle Developed

Chemistry (Wt%) non oxide and metallic phases converted to oxide percentages

SiO2 66.5 66.4 71.8

B2O3 11.4 11.3 7.3
Al2O3 8.4 8.4 12.1
K2O 1.9 1.9 1.2
Na2O 8.2 8.2 5.2
Fe2O3 0.2 0.2 ---
Others 3.4 3.6 2.4

Softening Termperature 720°C 760°C

Melting Temperature 740°C 815°C 800°C
Effective Use Temperature 750-1200°C 825-1400°C 815-1400°C
Recommended Use Temperature 900-1100°C 950-1200°C

Table 3.5

The composition of these glazes are shown PREHEATING OF ALUMINA GRAPHITE

in Table 3.5. MATERIALS
Ladle shrouds and stoppers are shipped to We have seen from the graph showing the
the customer with vitrified glaze which incremental weight loss as a function of
appears on the pattern as a black shiny temperature that the oxidation of carbon
material, which is resistant to abrasion and bonded material starts at about 350°C and
does not dissolve in water. remains important until about 800°C.
Subentry nozzles and shrouds are normally Since subentry nozzles and shrouds have
shipped to the customer with unvitrified glaze green glaze applied and therefore in that
usually called green or raw glaze. The green range of temperature are not protected by
glaze appears as a dull grey chalky material the glaze it is necessary to preheat through
which is susceptible to abrasion and that temperature range very quickly.
chipping. At this green stage the glaze does
not protect the product from oxidation and PREHEATING CURVE
is dissolved by water. The correct preheating curve for carbon
Table 3.6 shows a list of glazes used in bonded refractories is shown in Fig. 3.32. It
Vesuvius and developed for special can be seen that preheating in the range
applications. 350-800°C should be done as fast as
possible to avoid oxidation of the carbon
G40 Standard glaze for subentry nozzle bonding and graphite. At 800°C the green
and shrouds glaze matures and from that point is
G74 Standard glaze for stoppers and ladle protecting the carbon bonded material.
G19 Low temperature glaze for low
preheating temperature
G29 Glaze for subentry nozzles and
shrouds for mixes sensitive to
G34 Higher range of protection for standard
G95 High temperature protection for
subentry nozzles and shrouds
G96 Glaze for high temperature and long
preheat times (stopper nose)
G97 Glaze for materials sensitive to
oxidation (MgO stopper nose)

Chp. 3 21
Chemistry G40 G74 G19 G29 G34 G95 G96 G97

SiO2 66.4 66.5 64.6 65.7 66.5 71.8 66.0 65.8

Al2O3 8.4 8.4 8.1 8.3 8.4 12.1 8.3 8.3

Na2O 8.2 8.2 8.1 8.2 8.2 5.2 8.2 8.2

K2O 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.2 1.9 1.9

B2O3 11.3 11.4 11.0 11.2 11.4 7.3 11.3 11.3

CaO 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0

MgO 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2

Fe2O3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2

ZrO2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.1 0.1

LiO2 0 0 3.0 1.1 0 0 0.7 1.1

Other 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.7

LOI 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3

RANGE 850 800 725 750 800 850 750 750
OF USE 1250 1250 1050 1250 1300 1550 1300 1200

Table 3.6

TEMP °C PREHEATING CURVE - Recommended for Alumina Graphite











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Fig. 3.32

Chp. 3 22

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