Are You Emotionally Weak 10 Signs of A Weak-Minded Person!

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Are you Emotionally Weak? 10 Signs of a Weak-Minded

A weak-minded person will be controlled by everything except his mind. When you know that you are worthy, you are likely to take steps
that reflect your confidence, and you are in a good place. But if you are mentally weak, you invariably end up exhibiting a few traits that
are typical to people who have a weak mindset. Read on to know more about these signs & tips to transform a weak mindset into a
strong one. You may discover a few things about yourself.


WELLNESS ! Read Time 14 Mins ! ! " !"#$% # $ %
ALI 2021
Last Updated: August 29, 2022

Are you emotionally weak? 10 Signs of a weak-minded

Many people are mentally and emotionally stronger than others. Whereas some pretend
to be mentally stronger than they actually are. But it is easy to spot the difference
between a weak personality and a strong personality. There are a few clear signs of a
weak-minded person that hints at a weak mindset. 

The truth is that if you have a weak mindset, you won’t be successful. And therefore, it is
important to be emotionally strong, and mentally tough and become a strong personality
to be victorious. No one respects a weak-minded person, and no one takes them

5 Signs of a weak mindset video


So if you are a weak personality, it is time to turn around the table and command respect
by virtue of mental toughness. If you are weak, you won’t be recognized and won’t be
able to accomplish your goals. And the first step to countering your weak mindset is to
understand the traits that make you mentally weak. So are you emotionally weak? Here
are a few signs of a weak-minded person!

Always seeking
for for
your problems.
external validation.

10 Signs of a weak-minded person- Tips

to transform a weak mindset into a
strong one!


1. You blame others for your problems

Do you often blame others for your problems? Do you never take ownership of your
mistakes? It is one of the major signs of a weak-minded person to hold others responsible
for their life problems. Sometimes people are indeed to be blamed. But a mentally strong
person does not obsess over the problems. They focus on the action and the solutions.
Rather than focusing on whom to blame, they focus on how to fix the problem at hand.

Rather than sitting around and feeling sorry about your circumstances and how
others have treated you, own up to your shortcomings, take responsibility and
understand that life is not always fair. 

2. You look for external validation

Seeking validations is okay till the time you are not overdoing it. Everyone loves to be
appreciated and for doing a great job. I consider it an important step to gain confidence
and feel proud to realize their full potential. But seeking constant external validation is
something different. It hints toward deep-rooted insecurities, lack of confidence and lack
of trust in your own choices. So what if people do not approve of you? Do you approve of
yourself or not is what matters. You can deliver your choices based on the opinions of

Rather than seeking external validations, focus on your internal belief, trust
your instincts and choices, and accomplish things. Trust your choice and believe
that it will bring value to you and the world. If you do not trust your choice, no
one else will! Validate your choices from within and not from external sources. 

3. You are unable to stick to a goal or lack a larger


Everyone has a few goals in life-personal goals and professional goals, and a larger
purpose in life. Goals and purpose in life keep us motivated, focused and committed. They
act as a north star and guide us. A lack of goal and purpose in life shows a deficit in
motivation to achieve something. And is a trademark sign of a weak-minded person. 

Every person regardless of age or profession has a few goals that they are committed to.
It is not the size of the goal or purpose that matters but your determination that is being
questioned here. Mentally strong people set their goals, work towards them, and
accomplish things. 

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Set your priorities, give them the shape of goals, set your life purpose and work
towards achieving them. Start small and work towards it. Stick to your goals
and be committed to achieving them. Once you accomplish a milestone, pat
your back and work toward the next goal. Never give up!

4. You choose what is easy and what is not right

Weak personalities often succumb to peer pressure and go with the flow even if they
know it is not right for them. They find easy options to pursue. It is one of the signs of a
weak-minded person and a weak mentality. A weak-minded person also finds it difficult
to say no to others. They want to come across as a nice and caring person who always
say yes to please people. 

Strong-minded people, on the other hand, know their priorities and understand their
minds well. They know how to voice their opinion and do what is right for them. 

Instead of choosing the easy option, pick what is right for you. Focus on
yourself and your wellbeing first. Learn to say when you do not want to say
yes. Choose what is best for you, even it means choosing the longest route.
Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Stand for yourself and find your voice.
People will only respect you for your bravery, not for your cowardice. 

5. You shy away from taking up the responsibility

Do you often shy away from owning up to your actions and taking up the responsibilities
that come with your life? Are you at a stage where you can venture out, earn for yourself
and support others, but you run away from taking up the responsibility? Do you often rely
on others like parents, siblings or friends to take care of you? Well if the answer is yes, it
is a sign of a weak-minded person, and it speaks of your weak-mindedness and

Trust your abilities, venture out, face the unknown and deal with your life
head-on. No one is responsible for taking care of you, but only yourself. In fact,
you should grow up and take charge of your life. Take care of the people who
are dependent on you rather than being dependent on them. 

6. You embrace a victim mentality and indulge in


People are victims of past, circumstances and missed opportunities. And it is a real thing.
But being a victim and embracing a victim mentality are two different things. A victim
mentality is when you define your identity by victimhood and feel that nothing can
change that. 

One of the most obvious signs of a weak-minded person is self-pity. Weak-minded

people feel sorry for themselves as they feel betrayed, resentful and let down for
something that has happened. Self-pity is counter-productive and addictive. The more
you practice it, the more real it becomes. 

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Self-pity and victim mentality are signs of self-defeating behaviour. It is a

vicious circle that yields nothing in the end. Mentally stronger people do not
bother about self-pity and how they have been the victim of their past. So,
rather than feeling sorry for yourself and your past, start working towards your

7. You obsess over your problems

Certain life decisions and situations often require deep thought and contemplation. But
mentally weak people often put a lot of examination and overthinking into even simple
matters. It shows that they lack decision-making capabilities, and they blame their
situation or choice. 

Rather than obsessing over simple things and overthinking, put your cognition
into meaningful actions and so something. 

8. You hold onto resentment, refuse to forgive and

move on

Most of us have all the reasons in this world to feel angry, cheated and wronged. No one
is denying that. But holding on to resentment, and not forgiving people in the past leads
to impaired vision and cripples people. 

When it comes to forgiveness, you do it for yourself and not for others. And
even if you are not able to forgive people, do not hold grudges and do your
best to move on. Mentally strong people understand that forgiveness is the key
to their freedom. 

9. You escape and run away from your problems 

Do you often run away from unpleasant situations or problems? Escapism in life occurs
when you try to avoid something that you do not want to deal with. Sometimes we are
genuinely hurt, and in order to heal, we avoid the person or situation that caused us the
pain. But if you find yourself running away from the problems more often than not, it
reflects a weak mindset. It means that you are trying to dissipate the negative feelings by
the way of bypassing them rather than working upon them and dealing with them head-
on. You are trying to escape the difficulties of your life or a person who is going to
question you or an unpleasant situation via other diversions. And it is one of the major
signs of a weak-minded person. 

Instead of running away from your problems, gather the courage and accept
the reality. Believe in yourself, own up to your shortcomings and fix the
problems by going to the root cause. Face the problems, fix them once and for
all. Always remember that avoiding problems will only postpone them and not
resolve them. Mentally strong people face their problems, resolve them and
find a permanent solution rather than running away from them. 

10. You can’t take criticism 

Weak-minded people are extremely sensitive to any form of criticism, critic, or correction.
And they are not open to any form of feedback. If someone gives them feedback and
constructive criticism, they get offended and throw their angry backlash in return. 

Such behaviour stems from low self-esteem and shows that the person is resistant to
change and unwilling to improvise upon himself. And it is a clear indication that you are
not a strong-minded person. 

Understand that no one is perfect and everyone has shortcomings. Feedbacks

and criticism are the best to get the reality check so that you can improvise and
inculcate the necessary changes for betterment. Strong-minded people
precisely do the same. They are open to criticism and feedback, listen to the
critics patiently and then work upon themselves. 

Okay, so I will be honest with you. I used to exemplify almost all the signs of a weak
mindset. For years I hoped that someone would fix me, frame my life and make it great.
For years I obsessed with petty things, scapegoated others, and held resentment. I spent
substantial years of my life feeling sorry for myself. It took me a while to understand that I
was procrastinating things and was shying away to take responsibility. I was busy
pleasing others, and saying no did not come naturally to me.  

It took me a while to realise these signs before I started working on myself. I started
small, changed my mindset, set my life goals and attached a purpose to my life. I learned
to forget my past and move on, learned to overcome the victim mentality, and stayed true
to myself. And now, I have embraced myself completely. I know my strengths and
weaknesses and approach my life more productively and meaningfully. 

I do not say that I have become perfect now, but yes, I have personally made a lot of
advancements. I am no more defined by my past, the pain and disappointments. 

To conclude this post here is what comes to my mind:

A strong person can help a weak-minded person only when the weak-minded person is
ready to be helped. The weak person should be ready to help himself first and develop
the strength to bring the transformation. Ultimately, no one but only himself can bring
about the change.

So are you ready to break the barriers and turn things around? 

If you like this article about the signs of a weak-minded person, please share it with your
friends. If you want to share more on this topic, mention the same in the comments
section below. We will love to hear from you. Meanwhile, you can also check our YouTube
channel for some motivational and inspiring videos. 



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Tim July 29, 2022 At 5:49 am

No wonder my life is not as strong as it shiuld be. I am glad I discovered your article. Thank you so much.

Akram Ali July 29, 2022 At 5:36 pm

Hi Tim,
Thanks for the encouraging words. We hope you will come out stronger and wiser!

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