T23 Surface Tension
T23 Surface Tension
T23 Surface Tension
PHYSICS Max Marks: 62
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
1. When two soap bubbles of different radii coalesce, some portions of their surfaces
make a common surface. At any point on the circumference of the common surface,
the three surfaces meet at angles , and . What relation should these angles bear?
A) B) C) D)
2. Water in a clean aquarium forms a meniscus, as illustrated in the figure. is surface
tension and is density of liquid. Calculate the difference in height h between the
centre and the edge of the meniscus.
A) B) C) D)
g 2 g g 3 g
3. A glass capillary tube is of the shape of truncated cone with an apex angle so that
its two ends have cross-sections of different radii. When dipped in water vertically,
water rises in it to a height h, where the radius of its cross-section is b. If the surface
tension of water is S, its density is , and its contact angle with glass is , the value
of h will be (g is the acceleration due to gravity)
2S 2S
C) cos /2 D) cos /2
b g b g
A) 2p 0 Rh R 2 gh 2RT B) 2p 0 Rh R gh 2 2RT
C) p 0 R 2 R gh 2 2RT D) p 0 R 2 R gh 2 2RT
5. A glass tube of uniform internal radius (r) has a valve separating the two identical
ends. Initially, the valve is in a tightly closed position. End 1 has a hemispherial soap
bubble of radius r. End 2 has sub-hemispherical soap bubble as shown in figure.
Just after opening the valve.
A) air from end 1 flows towards end 2. No change in the volume of the soap bubbles
B) air from end 1 flows towards end 2. Volume of the soap bubble at end 1 decreases
C) no change occurs
D) air from end 2 flows towards end 1. Volume of the soap bubble at end 1 increases
C) 4.2 a Tsa Tsl Tla cos D) 2.1 a Tsa Tsl Tla cos
7. Two light bodies are kept floating on the surface of water very close to each other as
shown below. Water surface takes different shapes depending on the surface nature of
the bodies. Identify true situations from the following arrangement:
2 1 sin 2 1 cos
A) t B) t
g g
2 2 1 cos
C) d D) d
g g
9. In the figure shown, there is a conical shaft rotating on a bearing of very small
clearance t. The space between the conical shaft and the bearing is filled with a
viscous fluid having coefficient of viscosity . The shaft is having base radius R and
height h. If the external torque applied by the motor is and the power delivered by
the motor is P working in 100% efficiency to rotate the shaft with constant then
2 R 3 R 2 h 2 R 3 R 2 h 2
A) P B)
2t 2t
2 2 R 3 h 2 2 R 3 h 2
C) P D)
2t R 2 h 2 2t R 2 h 2
C) For a molecule of water in contact with silver (at corner), the resultant cohesive
force due to water molecules is 2 times the resultant adhesive force due to molecules
of silver.
11. An elastic rod of length , Young’s modulus Y and area of cross section A is rotating
with angular velocity about its centre on a smooth surface. (m = mass of rod)
3 m 2
A) The stress at distance from the centre of rod is
4 32 A
m 2 2
B) The elongation in the rod is
m 2 2 2
C) The elastic potential energy stored in the rod
360A 2 Y
m 2 2 2
D) The elastic potential energy stored in the rod
120A 2 Y
12. When liquid medicine of density is to be put in the eye, it is done with the help of a
dropper. As the bulb on the top of the dropper is pressed, a drop forms at the opening
of the dropper. We wish to estimate the size of the drop. We first assume that the drop
formed at the opening is spherical because that requires a minimum increase in its
surface energy. To determine the size we calculate the net vertical force due to the
surface tension T when the radius of the drop is R. When the force becomes smaller
that the weight of the drop, the drop gets detached from the dropper ( is the density
of liquid). Select the correct options.
3r T 2 4
B) the radius of the drop when it detaches from the dropper is approximately
2 g
C) The radius of the drop when it detaches from the dropper is approximately
3r T
2 4
4 g
13. Two vertical plates submerged partially in a wetting liquid form a wedge with a very
small angle . The edge of this wedge is vertical. The density of the liquid is , its
A) The height to which liquid rises as a function of distance x from the edge is
2 gx
B) The pressure just below the surface of liquid near the edge will be less than
atmospheric pressure.
D) The height to which liquid rises as a function of distance x from the edge is
15. An air bubble of radius 1 mm is allowed to rise through a long cylindrical column of a
viscous liquid of radius 5 cm and travels at a steady rate of 2.1 cm/s. If the density of
the liquid is 1.47 g/cm3, its viscosity is nearly poise. Then find the value of n.
g = 980 cm/sec2 and neglect the density of air.
16. A vertical capillary with inner diameter 0.50mm is submerged into water so that the
length of its part protruding over the water surface in 25mm. The radius of curvature of
the meniscus is x 104 m . Find x to nearest integer.
(Surface tension of water = 73 × 10–3 N/m)
17. There is small hole in a hollow sphere. The water enters in it when it is taken to a depth
of 40cm under water. The surface tension of water is 0.07 N/m. The diameter of hole is
7 10 n m . Find n.
18. A wire of length 1 m and area of cross section 2 ×10–6 m2 is suspended from top of a
roof from one end and a load of 20 N is applied at the other end. If the length of the
wire is increased by 0.5×10–4 m, calculate its Young’s modulus in 1011 N / m2.
19 A 20 A 21 C 22 B 23 B
24 ABC 25 BCD 26 BD 27 ABD 28 AB
29 AB 30 ABD 31 AC 32 1 33 3
34 6 35 42 36 4
37 A 38 B 39 D 40 D 41 B
42 AC 43 ABC 44 BD 45 BD 46 BD
47 BD 48 ABC 49 ABC 50 9 51 3
52 2 53 1 54 6
Narayana IIT Academy 31-10-21_JR.IIT_*COSC(MODEL-A) _WAT-25_Key&Sol’s
3. Let R be the radius of the meniscus formed with a contact angle . By geometry, this radius makes
an angle with the horizontal and, cos b / R ...... i
2 2
Let P0 be the atmospheric pressure and P1 be the pressure just below the meniscus. Excess pressure
on the concave side of meniscus of radius R is,
P0 P1 2S/R ……(ii)
The hydrostatic pressure gives,
P0 P1 h g ……(iii)
Eliminate P0 P1 from second and third equations and substitute R from first equation to get,
2S 2S
h cos
gR b g 2
4. Force from right hand side liquid on left hand side liquid
(i) Due to surface tension force = 2RT (towards right)
(ii) Due to liquid pressure force
x h
x 0
0 gh 2R x dx
2p 0 Rh R gh 2 towards left
Net force is 2p 0 Rh R gh 2 2RT
4T 4T
5. p1 and p 2
r1 r2
r1 r2 p1 p 2
Air will flow from 1 to 2 and volume of bubble at end 1 will decrease.
Therefore, correct option is (b).
P0 g 2 t P0 t cos
g 1 cos
t 1 cos
d y?
P0 g y y P0 y
P0 g y P0 y
l m 2 3
11. Tension in the rod at a point from the centre T x dx m 2 l
4 l/4
l 32
m 2
2 l2 m 2 l 2
Elongation in the rod l
2 AlY
l / 2
12 AY
15. Here due to force of buoyancy the bubble will move up and so viscous force which opposes the
motion will act downward and as weight of bubble is zero, in dynamic equilibrium, Th = F,
4 3
i.e., r g 6 ru
2 r 2 g 2 1.47 0.1 980
9 u 9 2.1
i.e., 1.524 poise
16. R
17. Let take g = 10 m/s2
For water to enter the sphere, pressure required is gh
1 10
1000 1000 kg/m3
4000 2 excess pressure
Let the hole have radius R
Excess pressure = One surface air, one surface water
2 0.07
2R 0.07 103 m
d 0.07 mm
18. l 1m, A 2 106 m2 , F 20 N , l 0.5 104 m
l / l
20 1
2 106 0.5 104
1 1010
20 1010
2 1011 N / m 2
In 10 N / m Y 2
11 2