Amie E&c
Amie E&c
Amie E&c
Group A Management and Organisations Management process: Definition, planning organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating, types of management. Organisation Definition, planning, design and development, types of organizations. Management planning and control: Classical, new classical and modern principles. General Management, scientific management, engineering, management, systems management. Planning: Procedures, resources and constraints, objectives, goals, policies and procedures. Control: Setting of reference or standards, appraisal or evaluation, monitoring and controlling, types of control. Human resource planning and management, selection, recruitment, training, retraining, skill development, competence development, promotion and career development, participative management, trade unions, and collective bargaining, Management of Physical Resources Plant: site selection procedures, factors affecting selection. Layout-types and relative merits and demerits, Maintenance-Objectives, different types of associated decisions, strategies for effective maintenance, computer applications. Material : Functions, objectives, planning and control including inventory models with or without storage costs, price break ( excluding dynamic and probabilistic considerations). Different classes of inventory. Material Requirement Planning (MRP). Group B Financial management: Introduction to standard forms of financial statements, ie., balance-sheet, profit and loss, and income statement. Fixed and current asset items. Fixed and current liability items. Linkage of two successive balance-sheets through income or profit and loss statement. Funds flow statement. Financial ratios and their implications. Managerial economics: Concepts, theory of production, marginal productivity and cost. Introduction to theory of firm. Quality management: Quality definition, quality planning, quality control and quality management, Total quality management, ISO 9000 systems, simple quality control techniques like control charts and acceptance sampling. Marketing management consumer behavior, market research, product design and development pricing and promotion. Project management: Introduction. Concept of a project, project management concepts, project simulation, cost or project and means of financing, economic evaluation criteria of the project, project implementation, project planning, scheduling and monitoring, project control (PERT, CPM techniques including crashing). Project evaluation. Information technology and management. Role of information, management information system and decision support system, Information technology-introduction to e-business, e-commerce and integration tools like enterprise resource planning (ERP).
Recommended Books G Dieter, Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill International. E S Buffa. Modern Production/Operations Management. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi. A K Gupta and J K Sharma. Management of Systems.Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi
Communication Engineering
Group A Field theory: Fields, vector calculus, gradient, Divergence, curl, Gauss's laws. Stoke' theorem, Helmholtz Theorem. Electric field intensity and potential, conducting Boundaries, coaxial cylinders, Poisson's equations and Laplace equation. Ampere's circuital law, differential equation for vector potential. Magnetic polarization and field intensity, boundary conditions for Band H. Faraday's law. Time varying fields, displacement current. Maxwell's equations in differential and integral forms. Communication preliminaries. Signal representation in frequency and time domain. Fourier transforms, power Spectrum, energy density spectrum. ,Direct delta function. Orthogonal representatives of signals (Gram Schmidt Procedure), autocorrelation, sampling theressare (Nyquist criterion). Random signal theory. Discrete probability theory, continuous random variables, probability density functions, ergodic processes, correlation function, spectral density, white noise. Noise: Atmospheric, thermal, shot and partition noise, noise figure and experimental determination of noise figure, minimum noise figures in networks. Analog communication. Modulation theory and circuits. Amplitude modulation, AM-DSB, AMDSB/SC, AM-SSB and their comparison. Modulating and detector circuits for AM, FM and phase modulation~ Automatic frequency control. Pulse modulation. PAM, PDM, PPM, PCM, delta modulation and circuits. Principle multiplexing FDM and TDM. Group B Transmission through network: Networks with random input, auto-correlations, special density and probability density input-output relationships, envelope of sine wave plus Gaussian noise, optimum systems and nonlinear systems. Maximum signal to noise ratio' criterion. Minimum mean square error criteria, equivalent noise bandwidth. SNR in envelope detectors and PCM systems. Comparison of modulation systems. Digital communication: Basic information theory: Definition of information, entropy, uncertainty and information, rate of communication, redundancy, relation between systems capacity and information content of messages, discrete systems, discrete noisy channel, channel coding. Introduction to digital communication, quantization, PCM, logPCM, DM, DPCM, AD, PCM and LPC for speech signals, TOM. Basehand transmission, optimum detection, matched filter, optimum terminal filters. LSI pulse shapes for controlled ISI, line codes; digital RF modulation. Modems, performance of digital modulation systems. Synchronization. Timing recovery. Recommended Books
J D Krans and D Fleisch. Electromagnetic with Applications. McGraw-Hill International, Tokyo. DBA Carlson. An Introduction to Signals and Noise in Electrical Communication. McGraw-Hill International, Tokyo. G Kennedy. Electronic Communication Systems. Prentice- Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi. M Schwartz. Information Transmission, Modulation and Noise. McGraw-Hill International, New York.
M E Van Valkenburg. Network Analysis. Wiley International, New York. F F Kuo. Network Analysis and Synthesis. John Wiley and Sons, New York. K Ogata. Modern Control Engineering. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi. B C Kuo. Automatic Control Systems. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
system design and applications. Recommended Books R S Gaonkar. Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with 8085. Penram International Publishing (India), Mumbai. K J Ayala. The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming and Applications. Pen ram Intern,nior1.1! Publishing (India), Mumbai. Tu-Cheng Liu and G A Gibson. Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family, Architecture, Programming and Design. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi. S Ahson. Microprocessor with Applications in Process Control. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Electronic circuit
Group A Blasting techniques of BJT and FETs; Bias stability; Self-bias, hybrid II model of BJT and 'high frequency response. Single stage amplifiers-bipolar amplifiers, CE, CB, CC configurations, characteristics, gain, h-parameters, -----------analysis using h-parameters. FET amplifiers. Multistage amplifiers-classification, distortion, frequency response, step response, RCcoupled amplifiers, transformer coupled amplifiers. Feedback amplifiers-concept, gain with feedback, negative feedback-example of Boot strapped CE amplifier, advantages and limitations, input and output impedance; voltageseries, voltage-shunt, current -series, current-shunt feedback amplifiers. Stability and oscillators-condition of oscillation, sinusoidal oscillator, phase shift oscillator, resonant circuit oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, crystal oscillator, stability of frequency. Operational amplifiers-differential amplifiers, transfer characteristics, IC opamp functions, frequency response, step response; introduction to analog computer. Power amplifiers-class A, B, AB, C amplifiers. Distortion, efficiency, push-pull principle, power supply half wave, full wave, ripple factors, filters, regulation. Group B Introduction, binary numbers, binary codes. Boolean algebra-functions and expressions, gates- OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, De Morgan's theorem, laws and theorems. Minimization of logical functions-Karnaugh map. Arithmetic circuits-Ex-OR gate, half adder, full adder, subtraction, code conversion, etc. Basic gate structures-RTL, DTL, Tll.., ECL, MOS, CMOS.
Flip-flops-RS, T, RST, D, JK, Schmidt trigger, astable, monostable: Counter techniques-Ripple counter, parallel counter. BCD counter, synchronous counter, ring counter. Shift registers, memory. D/ A and A/D converters. Recommended Books J Millman and C C Halkias. Integrated Electronics. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi. J Millman and C C Halkias. Electronic Devices and Circuits. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi. A P Malvino and D Leach. Digital Principles and Applications. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi. John D Ryder. Electronic Fundamentals and Applications. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi. DESIGN OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS
Group A
Introduction to linear ICs. Operational amplifiers and their basic applications; audio/radio/video ICs and their specifications. Power supplies. Rectifiers, filters and electronic stabilization circuits, considerations regarding ripple, regulation and efficiency, short circuit protection; polyphase rectifiers, electronic converters, applications in industry. Introduction to UPS. IC voltage regulators. Positive and negative voltage regulators, adjustable voltage regulators, high current short circuit protected regulators, dual tracking regulations, programmable supply, current regulators, witching regulators, fold back current limited and shutdown Circuits. Amplifiers: Inverting amplifiers, non-inverting amplifiers, differential amplifiers, integrator and differentiator, logarithmic amplifiers and multipliers, filters, voltage to frequency converters, sample and hold circuit, high input impedance amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers, sensing amplifiers and comparators, zero crossing detector.
Group B
Oscillators. Expression for oscillation frequency and conditions for maintenance of oscillations, sine wave oscillators, multivibrators, function generators, voltage controlled oscillators, crystal oscillators. Communication circuits. RF and IF amplifiers, video amplifiers, AM detectors, balanced modulators and demodulators, phase locked loop, FM demodulation, frequency shift keying, frequency multiplication. Digital systems. Frequency counters, A/D and D/A converters, digital voltmeters,
programmable digital generators, frequency synthesizer. Design of ALU. Recommended Books B S Sonde. Introduction to System Design using Integrated Circuits. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi. F C Fitchen. Electronic Integrated Circuits and Systems. Van Nostrand, New York.