Foreign Literature

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Foreign Literature

Academic stress

Coping mechanisms was scientifically defined as the sum of cognitive and

behavioral effort, which are constantly changing, that aim to handle particular

demands, whether internal or external, that are viewed as demanding. (Richard

Lazarus and Susan Folkman, 1984)

A lot of student experiences stress, especially the college students. For

college is considered to be the last period of transition before adulthood. It is

considered that student stress is a transactional process between the new and

stressful situation they have to face. (Towbes & Cohen, 1996). Though the

situation is like that, not all of them have encountered the same stress. One type

is about academic expectation and achievements, and the other is about social

factors, such as maintaining and developing social connections, etc. the “scale

for mental stresses of college students” and made a survey in 2007 college

students from seven colleges. Studies show that the mental stresses of college

student come from two aspects: one is the personal stress, including stress from

family, stress from adaptability, stress from health, stress from relationship, stress

from low self- esteem, and stress from frustration. The other is the social

environmental stress, including stress from interpersonal communication, stress

from occupation choice, emotional stress, stress from college environment, and

stress from study (Lin Zhang, Wenbo Che & Bing Li, 2003).

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Either personal or social stress, the student who’s experiencing stress

should learn different ways in dealing with it. It is important for students to

develop different coping strategies in order to encounter and manage stressful

conditions. If not handled well, the stressors that originated from financial

problems, sleep deprivation, societal activities and many more can affect

student’s ability to perform. (Rogers and Yassin, 2003).

However, Leonard cited in NYU Study Examines Top High School

Students’ Stress and Coping Mechanisms (2015) there is growing awareness

that many subgroups of youth experience high levels of chronic stress, to the

extent that it impedes their abilities to succeed academically, compromises their

mental health functioning, and fosters risk behavior. Also, that chronic stress

appears to persist to students, and he also added warns it may contribute to

academic disengagement and mental health problems among emerging adults.

Stress becomes a negative experience when it already affects your health.

All of those people who encounter stress that leads to rapid bodily change which

makes feelings of emotions unrest causing body strains with the body part.

Repeated stressful situations, may lead to rapid tension and pressures that

contributed to physical and psychological problems and these are the situations

that affect students to have a hard time managing stress. (Dixon and Ro, 2005)

Though many students experience different stress, it is stated that

pressure in stress and stressors is not needed consistently for all the students,

where in they have been discover the differentiation between traditional and non-

traditional. (Morris, Books & May, 2003)

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It is important that the persons who have been influenced by the

individual’s ability will effectively adapt a kind of situations, but they may be differ

in dealing with it. Furong Wang and Huixiang Gong (2001), make a comparative

study of mental stresses of different types of students and conclude that the

mental stresses of boys are bigger, longer, and stronger than that of girls. The

mental stresses grow along with grades, reach the maximum at the junior year,

and slightly decrease at the senior year. These are the reasons why people have

different ways in dealing with pressure.

An added study for the work of Gong et. al. (Furr, Westefeld, McConell

and Jenkins 2001) 53% of those students marked their selves as being

depressed since first, that makes the reason why academic issues, loneliness,

financial difficult social relationship problems becomes a stress encounter by

those college students. To be include, 9% of those students reported suicidal


Local Literature

Year 2013 when K-12 was officially approved to enhance Philippines’

basic educating system. Everyone was clueless to the new environment that they

will going to face, and eventually became students’ stressor. It is stated that

students experience stress since some are trying to cope with the demands of

adapting to a new living environment, new peers, academic pressure, and sexual

concerns. Being in college can also put financial stress on the students and their

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families. These situations can leave them with trembling hands, tense muscles,

migraine, headache, and multiple other symptoms of stress performance or

reduce the student to ineffectiveness. (Blona,2005)

Senior high school and college stage are the most stressful stage as a

student. This is the time where everyone has a deadline to meet in passing their

projects, thesis paper, and such. Based on the study of Mazo (2015) entitled,

“Causes, Effects of Stress, and the Coping Mechanism of the Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology Students in a Philippine University. Thesis

writing/research and school requirements/projects were the most common

causes of stress. Sleepless nights and irritable/moody feeling were the common

effects of stress. There was disparity on the causes and effects of stress between

the male and female respondents. The use of computer and praying to God were

the common stress coping mechanisms. There was an observed disparity

between the male and female responses.

The stressors and stress responses of Filipino college students in relation

to sex, course and academic classification. There were 258 respondents for the

study. Of the respondents, 68% were females and 32% were males. According to

their degree, 42% belonged to the soft sciences and 58% to the hard sciences. In

terms of academic classification, 10% were freshmen, 36% sophomores, 33%

juniors and 21% seniors. The top five overall stressors of the respondents were

academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due to subjects, time management

because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one's own, and time

management because of both subjects and organizations. The most frequently

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occurring stress responses were affective stress responses followed by cognitive

responses. For both male and female respondents, the top stressors were

academics, workload due to subjects and time management concerns. Overall,

the males reacted to stress through affective responses and females through

cognitive responses. Students enrolled in the hard and soft sciences both

considered academics, workload due to subjects and time management

concerns as their top stressors. Those in the soft sciences reacted with cognitive

stress responses while those in the hard sciences reacted with affective stress

responses. Generally, all students, regardless of their academic classification

pointed out that academics, workload due to subjects, and time management

were their main stressors. They all reacted to stress with affective stress

responses. These patterns can be monitored to maintain the psychological and

physical well-being of adolescent students. (“Stressors and Stress Responses of

Filipino College students” Dy et. al., 2015).

Stress, from early times up to now is still one of the biggest issues

nowadays. In order to become aware and to cope up with stress, Duque (2007)

cited common effects of stress. These are insomnia, headaches, backaches,

constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and

alcohol, tobacco or drug use. He also came up to the suggestion of doing the

following: 1) After seeing the doctor, share your treatment plan with people close

to you. Talk with friends and relatives and explain what you are going through; 2)

If your doctor prescribed medication takes it exactly the way it is prescribed. Do

not stop taking your medication until you doctor tells you to stop doing so; 3)

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Keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor; 4) Remember that it may take

some time to start feeling better; 5) If you experience side effects from any

medication, tell your doctor; and 6) Seek professional counseling. He also added

that, If your methods of coping stress are not contributing to your greater

emotional and physical health, it is time to find healthier ones. There are many

healthy ways to manage and cope with stress, but they all require change. You

can either change the situation or change your reaction. When deciding which

option to choose, it is helpful to think of the four A’s: avoid, alter, adapt, or accept.

Since everyone has unique response to stress, there is no “one size fits all”

solution to managing it. No single method works for everyone or in every

situation, so experiment with different techniques and strategies. Focus on what

makes you feel calm and in control.

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Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

The studies and literatures that the researchers supply are useful devices

to accomplish the study. The gathered literature and study both foreign and local

of the researchers is somehow linked to each other and is very effective in finding

the solution, which is to determine the most difficult subject of GAS students and

what their different coping strategies/mechanisms are.

The Foreign literature focuses on the importance of developing different

coping mechanisms. It also explains different aspects of stress that affects the

mental health, and even though students experience good stress such as social

challenges, being unaware of it causes high level chronic stress.

The local literatures explain the common effects of stress that students’

experiences; what is the cause of their stress and how they respond to it.

While the Local and Foreign Studies serves as a proof that stress became

a negative experience because of too much pressure in academics or etc. There

are also different types of coping, some are good and some are bad. Usage of

strategies and ways to cope up vary because not all of these are applicable to


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