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Bottles in the Environment

Assignment 1

Trash. Trash is one of the many problems affecting our society, community, and
environment. In our barangay, I've seen a lot of trashes that is not segregated. One bag holds
all bottles, plastic bags, papers, and cans. Without the barangay hall workers were not there,
trash would have completely scattered. We all know that bottles can be recycled, and I come up
with this idea considering bottles are common in our barangay. Additionally, plastic bottles are
harmful to the environment since each bottle leaks a harmful chemical as it decomposes. This
solution will solve the bottle problems, will encourage people to collect, and will help clean the

Atervinna VenMachine is a give-and-take vending machine. Atervinna was a word for

recycling since the goal of this product is to put all the used bottles in one place (vending
machine) for a good purpose in exchange for a reward. Considering some people are lazy to
segregate and put the used bottle in the proper place (trash can), Atervinna will be a way to
encourage them and let them know that even trash has value and purpose.
With this product, people will exert effort to collect and save some bottles before they put
them in the venmachine because every bottle can cost a reward or cash. Every 1 Plastic Bottle
will be equivalent to 1 peso and every 1 Glass bottle will cost 3 pesos. In this way, people can
earn and help the environment in one act. For the bottles that have been collected, we can find
a manufacturer or business that needs the used bottles. Plastic bottles can be shredded and
turn it into plastic fiber while Glass bottles can be used to form another glass.

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