Malaria in Children
Malaria in Children
Malaria in Children
Author manuscript
Pediatr Clin North Am. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 August 01.
Author Manuscript
Malaria in Children
Lauren M. Cohee, MD and Miriam K. Laufer, MD, MPH*
Division of Malaria Research, Institute for Global Health, University of Maryland School of
Medicine, HSF-II, Room 480, 685 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
Author Manuscript
Malaria causes substantial morbidity and mortality in many of the most resource-limited
areas of the world. In addition, malaria is a threat to travelers to endemic areas and should be
considered in the evaluation of any traveler returning from a malaria-endemic region
presenting with fever. Malaria infection can rapidly develop into severe disease that can be
fatal. Prompt, effective treatment is critical to limiting these complications. Understanding
the species-specific epidemiology and drug-resistance patterns in the geographic area where
infection was acquired guides treatment. This review contains an overview of the
epidemiology and pathogenesis of malaria with a focus on components relevant to treating
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The life cycle of the 5 Plasmodium species is similar, apart from the dormant stages of P
vivax and P ovale:
• Sporozoites are inoculated into humans by an Anopheles mosquito and
immediately invade hepatocytes.
Corresponding author.
Disclosures: Neither author has any commercial or financial conflicts of interest.
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• Asexual replication takes place initially in the liver, leading to the release of
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thousands of merozoites per infected hepatocyte into the blood. This release
occurs 1 to 2 weeks after the bite of the infectious mosquito.
• Some blood stage parasites develop into male and female gametocytes, the stage
that is responsible for transmission to the mosquito.
• Sexual reproduction takes place in the mosquito midgut where the gametocytes
mature into gametes, merge to form a zygote, and then develop into an ookinete.
• Ookinetes invade the mosquito stomach wall and develop into oocysts, which
rupture and release sporozoites.
• Sporozoites migrate to the mosquito salivary gland and may infect another
human during the mosquito’s next blood meal.
• Of note, in P vivax and P ovale, dormant stages, called hypnozoites, may remain
quiescent in the liver of the infected human for weeks to years from the initial
infection, leading to onset of clinical symptoms or relapses of infections much
later. Treatment specifically targeting these dormant stages is required to
completely clear infections with P vivax and P ovale.
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Malarial disease results from multiple complex parasite-host interactions during the asexual,
blood stage of infection. Clinical manifestations of disease are related to parasite
modification of the erythrocyte and parasite-induced inflammation.
Plasmodium pathogenesis can be divided into inflammation, anemia, and end-organ damage.
Inflammation is caused by the downstream effects of parasite metabolism and erythrocyte
rupture, and, in P falciparum, parasite sequestration. Splenic macrophages and monocytes
release large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines in response to phagocytosis of
hemozoin, a toxic metabolite from the parasite digestion of heme, and other erythrocyte
remnants. Proinflammatory cytokines in turn give rise to (1) the systemic inflammatory
response syndrome, (2) edema and inflammation in perivascular tissues in end organs due to
disruption of endothelial basal lamina and extravasation,1 and (3) increased expression of
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Although rarely encountered in the United States, malaria causes approximately 45% of the
world’s population to be at risk of infection.2 P falciparum and P vivax are the most
common causes of human malaria and have distinct geographic distributions, as in Fig. 1. P
malariae is found in a similar distribution as P falciparum; P ovale is primarily found in West
Africa, but cases have been reported in other sub-Saharan African countries. The limited
cases of P knowlesi, a primarily nonhuman primate parasite, are reported in Southeast Asia.
Worldwide over the last 15 years, there has been a 60% decrease in the malaria death rate
due to increased availability of preventive measures, such as bed nets, and effective new
diagnostics and treatments. Since 2007 when the World Health Organization (WHO)
endorsed a global commitment to eradicate malaria, 5 countries have been declared malaria
free (United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Turkmenistan, Armenia, and Sri Lanka), and 26 more
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are poised for elimination by 2020.3 Despite this progress, in 2015, it is estimated that there
were still 214 million new cases of malaria and 438,000 deaths. The vast majority of
morbidity and mortality occur in sub-Saharan Africa, where the heaviest burden of disease is
shouldered by children less than 5 years of age. Further progress is threatened by the spread
of drug and insecticide resistance, the need for new tools for malaria control in areas that
have not reduced transmission with current interventions, and the continued demand for a
global financial commitment to the goal of eradication.
In the United States, there has been a consistent increase the number of cases of malaria
reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) since 1973. In 2013,
1727 cases were reported. All infections in which origin was determined (99.6%) were
acquired abroad. Most occurred in US residents, and 17% occurred in children (age <18
years). Severe malaria, infection associated with end organ damage, was more common in
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children less than 5 year old compared with older children and adults. However, none of the
10 deaths caused by malaria in the United States were among children.4
In nonendemic and low transmission areas, all individuals are at risk of infection. In highly
endemic settings, primarily some areas in sub-Saharan Africa, multiple malaria infections
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lead to the development of partial immunity. As children in these areas have repeated
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exposure to malaria infection, they become less likely to experience clinical disease. By
adulthood, individuals in high transmission settings may still become infected, but the
parasite load is lower and there is very low risk of clinical disease. Sterilizing immunity,
complete prevention of infection, does not occur. Moreover, the duration of acquired
immunity is not life-long: if individuals from endemic areas are no longer exposed to
infection for as little as a year, they are at risk of disease upon repeat exposure. Many cases
of malaria in the United States occur when individuals from endemic countries return home
to visit friends and relatives. These individuals may not realize that their immunity has
decayed, making them again susceptible to high-density infection and disease.
Hemoglobinopathies alter susceptibility to malaria infection and disease. Sickle cell trait
(HbAS) is estimated to afford 90% protection from severe disease, 75% protection from
hospitalization with malaria, but no protection from asymptomatic infection.5,6 This
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protection contributes to the persistence of HbS in African populations given the decreased
life expectancy of homozygotes. Protection is also seen with hemoglobin C and alpha-
thalassemia and beta-thalassemia. However, it is important to recognize that individuals with
any of these hemoglobinopathies can still get malaria and have severe manifestations.
• Has the patient traveled to a malaria-endemic area? Which species are present in
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• When did exposure occur? The time from the bite of an infected mosquito until
presentation with clinical illness of P faliciparum is typically 10 to 14 days but
may be as short as 7 days and as long as 30 days. Presentation with clinical
illness may be delayed in those with partial immunity or who were taking
incomplete or ineffective prophylaxis. P malariae may persist at low levels for
long periods of time, up to years. Because of their dormant stages, P vivax and P
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ovale may present months to years after initial infections. Three to 6 weeks after
the initial infectious bite is the most common period for relapse of P vivax
infection obtained in tropical areas, and most relapses have occurred by 6
months. Relapse may occur 6 to 12 months after P vivax infection obtained in
subtropical or temperate climates.7
• Has the patient used antimalarials in the last 1 to 2 months? Drugs recently used
for treatment or prophylaxis should not be used for treatment of clinical illness.
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know if they were treated for malaria in the last 1 to 2 months, what drug was
used, and if treatment was completed. Among travelers, it is important to know if
they were taking malaria prophylaxis, what drug was used, and what their
adherence was. Note that taking prophylaxis, even as recommended, does not
definitively exclude malaria diagnosis.
Other groups in which Plasmodium infection should be considered in health care include
asymptomatic immigrants (refugees, international adoptees, and others) from endemic areas.
See the section on “Screening and Treatment of immigrants from malaria endemic areas” in
later discussion.
The physical examination and initial laboratory evaluation should be used to determine the
likelihood of malaria, evaluate other conditions on the differential, and determine the disease
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severity if malaria is likely (see Box 2 and the section, “Assessing severity”). General
physical examination should be performed with specific attention to the following organ
• Neurologic: Calculate Glasgow Coma Score if altered mental status and monitor
for deterioration. Monitor for seizures. Assess for nuchal rigidity and
photophobia, which would suggest meningitis rather than cerebral malaria.
Because the symptoms of malaria are nonspecific, the differential diagnosis is broad.
Specific alternative diagnoses are listed in Box 1.
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Malaria has the potential to be fatal. In cases where the index of suspicion is high, treatment
can be started before testing results are available or even before they are performed, so that
there is no delay in therapy. If presumptive treatment is initiated, diagnostic specimens
should still be obtained.
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Blood smear and detection by microscopy are considered the gold standard for laboratory
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confirmation of malaria. Thick and thin smears should be read. The CDC provides details on
preparation and interpretation.9 Briefly, smears are stained with either Wright’s or ideally
Giemsa stain. The thick smear is the most sensitive measure to detect low-density infection
because it allows the microscopist to review a large volume of blood and is read for
detection of infection. The thin smear, which allows greater resolution of the red blood cell
morphology and the parasite, is used for determining the Plasmodium species and
quantifying the specific parasite density. The later features are important for treatment and
monitoring decisions. If the initial blood smears are negative but Plasmodium infection
remains on the differential, 2 additional smears should be obtained at 12- to 24-hour
intervals. Blood smears and trends in parasite quantification are also useful in following
response to treatment (see later discussion).
Antigen-detecting rapid diagnostics tests (RDTs) are increasingly available for diagnosis of
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malaria in both resource-limited and nonendemic settings. The tests are generally cassette-
or card-based lateral flow immunochromatographic assays that appear much like a
pregnancy test. Labeled antibodies detect 1 of 3 Plasmodium antigens that may or may not
be species specific depending on the test. Up-to-date information on the tests available, their
mechanisms, and performance characteristics can be found on the WHO Foundation for
Innovative New Diagnostics Web site.10
Only one RDT is approved for use in commercial and hospital laboratories in the United
States. The BinaxNOW test (Alere Inc, Waltham, MA, USA) detects one antigen that is
specific for P falciparum and another that is found in all human Plasmodium species. The
sensitivity of detecting P falciparum and non-P falciparum infection in US or Canadian
hospitals has ranged from 72% to 100% depending on the study.11–14 This RDT is
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specifically less sensitive for the detection of P malariae and low-density infections (<200
parasites per microliter). Sensitivity for detection of P knowlesi is low (29%).15 The current
recommendations are that RDTs should be used in conjunction with blood smears. RDTs
may significantly reduce the time required for preliminary diagnosis and, thus, are useful
tools for initial diagnosis.14 Positive RDTs should be considered significant support of
Plasmodium infection, but blood smears are required for confirmation, definitive species
identification, and quantification. Negative RDTs should not eliminate consideration of
malaria, especially if there has been recent treatment or infection is due to low-density or
non-falciparum infections. Blood smears should be performed to exclude the diagnosis.
All cases of laboratory confirmed malaria should be reported to the state health department
and to the CDC (
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Clinical disease is classified as uncomplicated or severe malaria. Uncomplicated malaria is
the presence of symptoms and/or signs of malaria and a positive parasitologic test in the
absence of evidence of end organ damage. Fever, the quintessential symptom of malaria, is
often greater than 40°C and associated with severe rigors and chills and profuse diaphoresis
as fever resolves. Although rarely observed, fever is classically periodic with the interval
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between fevers determined by Plasmodium species causing the infection. Fever as well as
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other common initial symptoms, including malaise, fatigue, headache, cough, abdominal
pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgias, and back pain, is nonspecific, requiring
a high index of suspicion of malaria in anyone with possible exposure. Signs that may be
associated with uncomplicated malaria include mild jaundice due to hemolysis and splenic
enlargement. Laboratory abnormalities may include mild anemia, thrombocytopenia, mild
coagulopathy, increased blood urea nitrogen, and elevated creatinine not meeting criteria for
acute kidney injury. Uncomplicated malaria may be caused by any of the Plasmodium
species infecting humans.
Specific clinical syndromes that can occur in endemic settings as well as in nonimmune
travelers include but are not limited to severe anemia and cerebral malaria. Severe anemia
can lead to metabolic acidosis, renal impairment, and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema.
Cerebral malaria can present with seizures and/or decreased consciousness, including coma,
and can lead to cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure, herniation, and death.
Laboratory tests and potential findings to use in valuation of potential complications include
the following:
In cases of malaria infection without signs of severe disease, oral treatment should be
initiated as promptly as possible (Table 1). Hospitalization should be considered for
individuals from nonendemic regions, young children, and those with high parasite density
(>4%). Choice of antimalarial drug is determined by the species of Plasmodium causing the
infection, the drug resistance patterns in the region where infection was likely acquired, and
whether the patient has taken any other antimalaria drugs in the last 1 to 2 months for
treatment or prevention. If the Plasmodium species causing the infection is not certain, then
the infection should be treated as though it were P falciparum. In all areas, drugs that were
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recently used in the last 1 to 2 months for treatment or prophylaxis should not be used for
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treatment. Specific dosing recommendations and new updates can be found on the CDC
Web site,16 (also listed in Key Resources).
Severe Malaria
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When signs or symptoms of severe diseases are present, parenteral treatment should be
initiated promptly because death can occur within hours of presentation. Artesunate or
quinine/quinidine should be used for treatment. Given the level of monitoring and the
frequency of clinical and laboratory assessment required to manage patients with severe
malaria, admission to an intensive care unit is recommended. Initial evaluation is described
above. Parasite quantification every 12 hours is recommended for the first 2 to 3 days to
document response to treatment and to a decrease in parasite quantification. If there is not
significant decrease in parasite density by 48 to 72 hours, consider expert consultation.
Supportive care measures, such as fluid resuscitation, cardiac and respiratory monitoring,
oxygen, and supportive ventilation, should be provided as clinically indicated. In addition to
antimalarial treatment, management of complications may require anticonvulsants,
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Quinidine and artesunate are available in the United States for treatment of severe malaria.
Treatment should be initiated with intravenous quinidine if it is available. Quinidine can
cause arrhythmias, so intravenous administration of the drug requires close cardiac
monitoring.20 Hypotension is common and should be treated with volume expansion.
Baseline electrocardiogram should be performed, and changes in the width of the QRS and
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length of the QTc should be monitored hourly. The infusion should be held if the QTc
prolongs by more than 50% of the baseline length, but may be restarted when the QTc is no
more than 25% longer than its original length. Additional side effects and toxicities include
hypoglycemia, tinnitus, reversible hearing loss, dizziness, vision changes, nausea, and
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Artesunate is available as an investigational new drug through the CDC. Criteria for access
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to artesunate are confirmed cases of malaria requiring parenteral therapy because of severe
malaria, parasitemia greater than 5%, or inability to tolerate oral therapy. In addition, one of
the following must be true: artesunate is more readily available than quinidine; quinidine is
contraindicated; or there was intolerance to or failure of quinidine.21 A retrospective case
series of participants in this experimental protocol showed that artesunate is safe and
clinically beneficial.22 Clinical trials in endemic settings and a systematic review show
significantly lower rates of mortality using artesunate compared with quinine.23–25 The CDC
Malaria Hotline (contact information in “When to Refer” section) should be called for
access to and use of artesunate.
After parenteral therapy for at least 24 hours, parasite density is less than 1%, and the patient
can tolerate oral medications, treatment may be transitioned to an oral regimen (see Table 1).
Complete courses of atovaquone-proguanil or lumefantrine-artemether may be used and may
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All suspected malaria cases should be seen in consultation with an infectious disease expert.
Cases with any manifestations of severe disease may require management in an intensive
care setting. The CDC staffs a malaria hotline and can provide additional consultation
(Monday-Friday 9 AM to 5 PM EST, call either (770) 488–7788 or (855) 856–4713; after
hours, weekends, and holidays call (770) 488–7100 and ask for the malaria clinician on
In medical evaluations of asymptomatic immigrants (refugees, international adoptees, and
others) from endemic areas, any history of malaria infection and treatment should be noted
and signs of chronic infection evaluated, such as anemia and splenomegaly. If these signs of
chronic infection are detected, then malaria diagnostic tests should be performed and any
detected infections should be treated with oral medication, as described above.
In the absence of evidence of acute or chronic infection, the CDC provides guidelines for the
treatment of these populations, which are summarized here.26 More details may be found on
the Web site listed in Box 3.
chronic infection: Refugees should have received presumptive malaria treatment before
departure for the United States. If documentation of predeparture treatment is not available,
then postarrival presumptive treatment should be considered. Children weighing less than 5
kg and pregnant women may have been screened for infection and only treated if positive.
Presumptive treatment or screening and treatment are not recommended for refugees from
other areas.
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Prophylaxis against malaria is recommended for all travelers to malaria-endemic areas.
Specific recommendations are updated every 2 years and can be found in the CDC Yellow
Book (see link in Box 3). The 5 drugs currently available in the United States for malaria
prophylaxis are listed in Table 2. Choice of drug is determined primarily by the species
distribution and drug-resistance patterns in the destination and patient characteristics.
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• Globally, there has been a significant decrease in Plasmodium infection and
reduction of malaria-related morbidity and mortality in the last 15 years.
1. Prato M, Giribaldi G, Polimeni M, et al. Phagocytosis of hemozoin enhances matrix
metalloproteinase-9 activity and TNF-alpha production in human monocytes: role of matrix
metalloproteinases in the pathogenesis of falciparum malaria. J Immunol. 2005; 175(10):6436–42.
[PubMed: 16272296]
2. World Health Organization. [Accessed November 25, 2016] World malaria report 2015. 2016.
Available at:
3. Newby G, Bennett A, Larson E, et al. The path to eradication: a progress report on the malaria-
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8. Lewallen S, Bronzan RN, Beare NA, et al. Using malarial retinopathy to improve the classification
of children with cerebral malaria. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2008; 102(11):1089–94. [PubMed:
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9. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Accessed November 25, 2016] DPDx - malaria -
diagnostic findings. Available at:
10. World Health Organization. [Accessed November 25, 2016] WHO-FIND malaria RDT evaluation
programme. Available at:
11. Farcas GA, Zhong KJY, Lovegrove FE, et al. Evaluation of the Binax NOW ICT test versus
polymerase chain reaction and microscopy for the detection of malaria in returned travelers. Am J
Trop Med Hyg. 2003; 69(6):589–92. [PubMed: 14740873]
12. DiMaio MA, Pereira IT, George TI, et al. Performance of BinaxNOW for diagnosis of malaria in a
U.S. hospital. J Clin Microbiol. 2012; 50(9):2877–80. [PubMed: 22718936]
13. Bobenchik A, Shimizu-Cohen R, Humphries RM. Use of rapid diagnostic tests for diagnosis of
malaria in the United States. J Clin Microbiol. 2013; 51(1):379. [PubMed: 23135948]
14. Ota-Sullivan K, Blecker-Shelly DL. Use of the rapid BinaxNOW malaria test in a 24-hour
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laboratory associated with accurate detection and decreased malaria testing turnaround times in a
pediatric setting where malaria is not endemic. J Clin Microbiol. 2013; 51(5):1567–9. [PubMed:
15. Foster D, Cox-Singh J, Mohamad DSA, et al. Evaluation of three rapid diagnostic tests for the
detection of human infections with Plasmodium knowlesi. Malar J. 2014; 13:60. [PubMed:
16. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Accessed November 26, 2016] Malaria
diagnosis & treatment in the United States. Available at:
17. Griffith KS, Lewis LS, Mali S, et al. Treatment of malaria in the United States. JAMA. 2007;
297(20):2264. [PubMed: 17519416]
18. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Accessed November 29, 2016] Malaria -
exchange transfusion for treatment of severe malaria no longer recommended. Available at: http://
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19. Tan KR, Wiegand RE, Arguin PM. Exchange transfusion for severe malaria: evidence base and
literature review. Clin Infect Dis. 2013; 57(7):923–8. [PubMed: 23800940]
20. White NJ. Cardiotoxicity of antimalarial drugs. Lancet Infect Dis. 2007; 7(8):549–58. [PubMed:
21. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Accessed November 26, 2016] New medication
for severe malaria available under an investigational new drug protocol. Available at: http://
22. Twomey PS, Smith BL, McDermott C, et al. Intravenous artesunate for the treatment of severe and
complicated malaria in the United States: clinical use under an investigational new drug protocol.
Ann Intern Med. 2015; 163(7):498. [PubMed: 26301474]
23. Dondorp AM, Fanello CI, Hendriksen ICE, et al. Artesunate versus quinine in the treatment of
severe falciparum malaria in African children (AQUAMAT): an openlabel, randomised trial.
Lancet. 2010; 376(9753):1647–57. [PubMed: 21062666]
24. Dondorp A, Nosten F, Stepniewska K, et al. South East Asian QUININE Artesunate Malaria Trial
(SEAQUAMAT) group. Artesunate versus quinine for treatment of severe falciparum malaria: a
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• Identifying patients who may have malaria and providing prompt evaluation
and treatment are critical to limit disease and its complications.
• Malaria has the potential to be fatal. In cases where the index of suspicion is
high, treatment can be started before testing results are available, so that there
is no delay in therapy. If presumptive treatment is initiated, diagnostic
specimens should still be obtained.
• Updated guidelines are available through the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention and should be consulted whenever a physician is treating
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Box 1
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Box 2
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• Impaired consciousness
• Prostration: Generalized weakness leading to inability to sit, stand, or walk without assistance
• Multiple convulsions: More than 2 episodes within 24 hours
• Acidosis: A base deficit of greater than 8 mEq/L or, if not available, a plasma bicarbonate level
of less than 15 mmol/L or venous plasma lactate ≥5 mmol/L
• Hypoglycemia: Blood or plasma glucose less than 2.2 mmol/L (<40 mg/dL)
• Severe anemia: Hemoglobin concentration ≤5 g/dL or a hematocrit of ≤15% in children less than
12 years of age; less than 7 g/dL, and less than 20%, respectively, in those ≥12 year old
• Renal impairment: Evidence of acute kidney injury, decreased urine output, decreased
glomerular filtration rate, increased creatinine
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• Jaundice: Plasma or serum bilirubin greater than 50 µmol/L (3 mg/dL) with a parasite count
greater than 100,000/µL
• Pulmonary edema: Radiologically confirmed or oxygen saturation less than 92% on room air
with a respiratory rate greater than 30/min, often with chest indrawing and crepitations on
• Significant bleeding: Including recurrent or prolonged bleeding from the nose, gums,
orvenipuncture sites; hematemesis or melena
• Shock: Compensated shock defined as capillary refill ≥3 s or temperature gradient on leg (mid to
proximal limb), but no hypotension. Decompensated shock defined as systolic blood pressure
less than 70 mm Hg with evidence of impaired perfusion (cool peripheries or prolonged capillary
• Hyperparasitaemia: P falciparum or P knowlesi parasitemia greater than 10% (CDC uses >5% as
a cutoff)
Data from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Malaria diagnosis & treatment in the United States.
Available at: Accessed November 26, 2016; and
World Health Organization. Guidelines for the treatment of malaria. 3rd edition. Available at: http:// Accessed November 26, 2016.
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Box 3
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Fig. 1.
Spatial distribution of P falciparum (A) and P vivax (B) endemicity in 2010. Prevalence rates
are presented in different populations and different scales based on species. The P
falciparum map (A) shows the prevalence rate in 2 to 10 year olds (PfPR) and ranges from
0% to 70%; see color scale on map. The P vivax map (B) shows the prevalence rate in 1 to
99 year olds (PvPR) and ranges from 0 to greater than 7%. Shaded areas have unstable
transmission (<0.1%), and hatched areas have greater than 90% prevalence of Duffy antigen
negativity. Duffy antigen is required for the invasion of P vivax into the erythrocyte and is
absent in some African populations. These maps are open source and made available by the
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Table 1
Drug Resistance in
the Drug Recommendations () =
Syndrome and Species Region Acquired See Notes Notes
Uncomplicated malaria, P Chloroquine resistant A. Atovoquone- • All areas should be considered
falciparum or species or resistance unknown proguanil chloroquine-resistant unless
unknown specifically noted as chlorquine-
B. Artemether- sensitive below. See CDC Yellow
lumefantrine Book for country-specific details
C. Quinine sulfate • A, B, C equally recommended; due
plus doxycycline, to increased risk of neuropsychiatric
tetracycline, or complications, D is only
(clindamycin) recommended if A, B, C are not
D. Mefloquine
• D. Also not recommended in
infections acquired in SE Asia due
to resistance
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• In C, clindamycin is recommended
when doxycycline and tetracycline
are contraindicated, eg, children <8
y old and pregnant women
Uncomplicated malaria, P All regions (except Chloroquine phosphate plus • See text on use of primaquine
ovale and P vivax where P vivax primaquine or
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Severe malaria All regions Quinidine gluconate plus • Monitor for hypotension,
doxycycline, tetracycline, or hypoglycemia, and cardiac
clindamycin Investigational new complications (widening of QRS or
drug (contact CDC): artesunate lengthening of the QTc interval);
followed by see text
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Drug Resistance in
the Drug Recommendations () =
Syndrome and Species Region Acquired See Notes Notes
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Adapted from CDC. Guidelines for the treatment of malaria in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Malaria diagnosis & treatment
in the United States. Available at: Accessed November 26, 2016.
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Table 2
Primaquine • Most effective choice for • G6PD testing required Primary prophylaxis
short trips to areas where Pretravel: 1–2 d
>90% of infection is • Contraindicated in people with During travel: Daily
caused by P vivax G6PD-deficiency and pregnancy Posttravel: 7 d
following use of
other regimen for
primary prevention
Posttravel: 14 d
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