Strategy For Sociology Paper 1
Strategy For Sociology Paper 1
Strategy For Sociology Paper 1
I have provided few links. These links are of ignou material. You can click and use it for your study.
Remember one thing about sociology. If you follow the strategy which I told you, sociology is one of the
easiest subject. Beside, after making your own notes, it is important that you stick to them.
You can say “Reading 3 hours a day, will keep the fear of Sociology Away”
I know even after reading these, you may feel like JON SNOW for whom someone used to say “YOU
But believe me, if you keep on searching more and more, you will ultimately end up only collecting,
recalling nothing and mixing everything.
So, after these sources, all focus should be on revising and recollecting and practicing.
a. UNIT 1(a) – UNIT 4-UNIT5-UNIT 7-UNIT8-UNIT9-UNIT 6- UNIT 10--UNIT 2 - UNIT 3 – UNIT 1(b and
As Unit 1(b), 1(c), 2 and 3 topics use a lot of thinkers and framework which you will only
understand after reading them. So, use this framework.
b. Before starting anything Just read Chapter 1 of HARALAMBOS & HOLBORN BLUE BOOK AND
then follow sequence as said above
As immediate help, I will be replying you in the comment section for any topic which you are
unable to apprehend. Feel free to comment and discuss.
If you have already read, trust your sources and keep revising them.
Also, there is no best strategy as everyone builds his/her own path.
Remember, you are the creator of your own destiny.