Pig Farming Loan, Subsidy, Schemes, How To Apply - Agri Farming
Pig Farming Loan, Subsidy, Schemes, How To Apply - Agri Farming
Pig Farming Loan, Subsidy, Schemes, How To Apply - Agri Farming
Pigs are reared by the poorest of the rural people and they provide meat, dung and few byproducts like bristles, etc.
These animals have wide adaptability to suit for different agro-climatic conditions. Pig farming can play an
important role in improving the socioeconomic status of this section if existing constraints on their economic
rearing are removed. Pig farming as a commercial venture is yet to be adopted in all countries. Pig farming will offer
employment opportunities to seasonally employ rural farmers and supplementary income to improve their living
standards. Some advantages of pig farming are:
1. The pig has got maximum feed conversion efficiency, i.e. they produce live weight gain from a given weight of
feed than any other class of meat-producing animals except broilers.
2. Pig can utilize a wide range of feedstuffs viz. Grains, forages, damaged feeds and the garbage and convert them
into valuable nutritious meat. However, feeding on spoiled grains, garbage, and other unbalanced rations may
result in lower feed efficiency.
3. Pigs are prolific with a shorter generation interval. A sow can be bred as early as 8 to 9 months of age and can
farrow twice in a year. They produce 6 to 12 piglets in each farrowing.
4. Pig farming business requires a small investment in buildings and equipment.
Borrower’s profile
1. There should be satisfactory accommodation for the existing animals as well as those proposed to be
2. Veterinary assistance should be readily accessible.
An outlay of the project depends on the local conditions, the unit size and the investment components included in
the project. Prevailing market prices or cost may be considered to arrive at the outlay.
Margin Money
Margin depends on the group of the borrowers and may range from 10% to 25%. Banks are free to choose the role of
interest within the overall RBI guidelines. However, for working out the financial viability and bankability of the project
we have assumed the rate of interest as 12% p.a.
The security will be as per NABARD/RBI guidelines issued from time to time.
For loan up to Rs.1, 00,000/-: Hypothecation of assets produced out of our finance.
For loans above Rs.1, 00,000/-: Hypothecation of crops/assets produced out of our financial and Mortgage of land
1. i) When the loan is granted for breeding of pigs for production of piglets for sale and construction of the pigsty,
the loan should be repaid within 4 to 5 years in yearly installments including initial repayment holiday of 12
2. ii) When the loan granted is for the purchase of piglets for fattening, the loan should be repaid in one lump sum
within twelve months or marketing, whichever is earlier.
Insurance of Pigs:
Animals might be insured annually or on long term master policy, where ever it is applicable.
To support commercial pig rearing by farmers/ laborers to improve production performances of native breed
through cross-breeding by using selected animals of high performing breeds and by providing incentives in
conditions of capital subsidy for ensuring the viability of the pig breeding, rearing, and related activities.
Producer companies, partnership firms, corporations, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization), SHGs, JLGs,
cooperatives, and individual entrepreneurs.
EDEG method is for Pigs development. It is a Government plan to encourage Pig Farming in India.
The objectives of EDEG scheme:
To encourage commercial rearing of pigs by adopting scientific methods and creation of infrastructure
Production and supply of better germplasm
To organize stakeholders to popularize scientific practices
Create provide chain for the pork industry
To encourage value addition for better income
Beneficiaries: Farmers, Companies, Cooperatives, individual entrepreneurs, NGOs, Groups of organized and
unorganized sector, which include Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Joint Liability Groups.
1. Normal areas
Pig Development-EDEG
1. Commercial rearing units (3 sows + 1 Boar) – At 25% level subsidy- ceiling Rs. 25,000/-.
2. Pig breeding farms (20 sows + 4 Boars) – At 25% level subsidy- ceiling Rs. 2,00,000/-.
3. Retail pork outlets with facility for chilling- At 25% level subsidy- ceiling Rs. 3,00,000/-.
Note: The above information can be applied to all the states in India including:
Pig Farming Subsidy In Haryana.
Loan For Pig Farming In Punjab.
Pig Farming Loan In Assam.
Pig Farming Project Report For Bank Loan.
Piggery Farming Loan In Manipur.
Pig Farming Loan in Karnataka.
Mr. Reddy was born in farmer's family and was into 'IT' profession where he was not happy with his activities. Decided to come back to
farming, agriculture sector as a Farmer and Writer. He plans collaborating his agriculture, horticulture and farming knowledge into a
subject of help to all those who wish grow crops, venture into farming or gardening.