Wre Ii QB
Wre Ii QB
Wre Ii QB
(Practice Questions)
Prepared By: Darshan Mali
Gravity Dam
1. When the reservoir is empty, the single force acting on it is the self-weight of the dam
which acts at a distance of ____________
a) B/2 from the heel
b) B/6 from the heel
c) B/3 from the heel
d) B/4 from the heel
2. The factor of safety against overturning generally varies between ___________
a) 2 to 3
b) 1.5 to 2
c) 0.5 to 1.5
d) 1 to 2
3. What is the maximum permissible tensile stress for high concrete gravity dam under worst
a) 500 KN/m2
b) 500 kg/cm2
c) 5 kg/m2
d) 50 KN/m2
4. When the upstream face of a gravity dam is vertical, then the intensity of water pressure
will act at?
a) 4H/3π
b) H/2
c) H/3
d) 3H/4π
5. Which failure occurs when the minimum stress exceeds the allowable compressive stress
of the dam material?
a) Overturning
b) Crushing
c) Sliding
d) By development of tension
6. A low gravity dam of elementary profile made up of concrete of relative density 2.57 and
safe allowable stress of foundation material 4.2 MPa. What is the maximum height of the
dam without considering the uplift force?
a) 120 m
b) 217 m
c) 279 m
d) 325 m
7. The Uplift pressure on the face of a drainage gallery in a dam is taken as :
a) Hydrostatic pressure at toe
b) Average of hydrostatic pressure at toe and heel
c) two-third of hydrostatic pressure at toe plus one-third of hydrostatic pressure at heel
d) Equal to hydrostatic pressure at heel
8. The vertical stress at the toe was found to be 3.44 MPa at the base of the gravity dam
section. If the downstream face of the dam has a slope of 0.617 horizontal: 1 vertical, the
maximum principal stress at the toe of the dam when there is no tailwater is
a) 1.7 MPa
b) 2.4 MPa
c) 3.6 MPa
d) 4.8 MPa
9. The axis of a gravity dam is the ______________________
a) line of the crown of the dam on the downstream side
b) line of the crown of the dam on the upstream side
c) centre-line of the top width of the dam
d) line joining mid-points of the base
10. Horizontal acceleration due to earthquake results in:
a) Hydrodynamic pressure
b) Inertia force into the body of the dam
c) Wind Pressure
d) Hydrodynamic Pressure & Inertia force into the body of dam
14. Development of tensile stresses in a concrete or masonry gravity dam are usually not
allowed, because it may lead to development of tension cracks, ultimately causing failure of
the structure, by
a) Excessive seepage
b) Excessive tensile stresses
c) Excessive compressive stresses
d) Excessive erosive stresses
Earthen Dam
1. Which of the following earth dam is suitable only on impervious foundation?
a) Zoned embankment type
b) Homogenous embankment type
c) Non-homogenous type
d) Diaphragm type
4. The most preferred soil for the central impervious core of a zoned embankment type of an
earthen dam, is:
A) Highly impervious clay
b) Highly pervious gravel
c) Coarse sand
d) Clay mixed with fine sand
5. During the construction of an earthen dam by hydraulic fill method, development of pore
pressure becomes important in the __________________
a) central impervious core
b) pervious outer shell
c) transition zone
d) both central core and outer shell
6. The most preferred type of an earthen dam section is the one, in which the
a) Entire embankment is made of one type of soil
b) Inner embankment is made of highly porous soil, surrounded by the outer shell of highly
impervious soil, both separated by transition filter material of mediocre permeability
c) Inner embankment is made of highly impervious soil surrounded by the outer shell of
highly pervious soil, both separated by transition filter of mediocre permeability
d) None of the above
7. Pure Clayey soils are generally not preferred for the central impervious cores of a zoned
type of earthen dams, because
a) Clays are highly impervious
b) Clays are highly pervious
c) Clays are susceptible to cracking
d) Clays are susceptible to tensile failure
12. What is the most critical condition of slide of the U/s slope?
a) The sudden drawdown of the reservoir
b) Reservoir full condition
c) Steady seepage condition
d) sudden drawdown and reservoir full condition
13. On moderate foundations, and particularly in seismic areas, the type of dam which can
preferably be considered for construction, is:
a) Masonry gravity dam
b) Earthen dam
c) Rock fill dam
d) Arch dam
14. A rock toe and a horizontal filter is provided on the downstream base of an earthen dam
in order to _________________
a) prevent piping action in the dam body
b) prevent piping action in the dam foundation
c) reduce the seepage quantity by blocking its flow
d) collect and drain out the seepage flow
15. The base width of a rock-fill dam in comparison to that of an earthen dam is
a) much larger
b) much smaller
c) sometimes large sometimes smaller
d) almost equal
5. If the head of the water over the spillway is less than the design head, then
a) the pressure on the crest will be zero
b) the pressure on the crest will be negative causing cavitation
c) the discharge coefficient of the spillway is increased
d) the discharge coefficient of the spillway will be reduced
6. In computing the spilling capacity of high ogee spillways, the velocity head is usually:
a) Very small and hence neglected
b) Very large and hence cannot be neglected
c) Is taken approximately
d) Cannot be measured
7. The side slope of approach channel of chute spillway is ___________________
a) 1:1
b) 1:1 12
c) 1:3
d) 1:2.5
8. The portion of the chute spillway, which is known as its control structure, is:
a) Low Ogee weir
b) Chute channel
c) Approach channel leading the water from reservoir to the Ogee weir
d) Stilling basin at its bottom
10. The device which does not help in energy dissipation at the bottom of a hydraulic
structure over which water spills is ________________
a) chute block
b) dentated sill
c) morning glory
d) baffle piers
11. The most ideal condition for energy dissipation in the design of spillways is the one,
a) The tail water rating curve lies above the jump rating curve at all discharges
b) The tail water rating curve coincides with the jump rating curve at all discharges
c) The tail water rating curve lies below the jump rating curve at all discharges
d) The tail water rating curve lies above or below the jump rating curve, depending upon the
12. A sloping apron is provided partly above the river bed and partly below the river bed in
case of ____________________________
a) when TWC coincides with the JHC at all discharges
b) when TWC lies above the JHC at all discharges
c) when TWC lies below the JHC at all discharges
d) when TWC lies above the JHC at low discharges and below the JHC at high
13. An ogee spillway of a concrete gravity dam having FRL of 328 m and MWL of 340 m is
provided with vertical gates between piers erected on the spillway. The effective length of the
spillway is 60 m. The discharge through the spillway when gates are opened up to the actual
reservoir level of 331.0 m will be_____________
a) 850 cumecs
b) 1700 cumecs
c) 2800 cumecs
d) 1000 cumecs
14. Which of the following gate is not suitable for smaller spillways?
a) Drum gates
b) Radial gates
c) Needles and stop logs
d) Fixed roller gates
15. Calculate the freeboard for the top levels of the side walls if the mean velocity of water in
the chute reach is 3.5 m/s and the mean depth of water in the chute reach under consideration
is 4.7 m.
a) 0.60 m
b) 1 m
c) 0.85 m
d) 0.55 m
2. The force exerted by the flowing water on the sediment particles to cause their motion, is
a) Buoyant force
b) Tractive force
c) Kinematic force
d) Eddy force
6. Which of the following statement is not correct about sediment load phenomenon and its
a) The material is kept in suspension by the turbulence or by the generation of eddies
b) In laminar flow, the shear stress is caused due to the difference of the velocities at the top
and the bottom
c) In turbulent flow, momentum transfer is not very significant
d) Due to the formation of eddies, the sediment transfer from high concentration regions to
the low concentration regions takes place
8. Stable channels for a given bed-load transport, can be best designed on the basis of:
a) Lacey’s Theory
b) Kennedy’s Theory
c) Einstein’s Theory
d) Von-Korman’s Theory
9. Two Irrigation Channels, A and B, are designed on Lacey’s theory to carry the same
discharge. The alluvial through which canal A has to pass, however is coarser than that for
canal B. In such design, we expect:
a) Channel A to be deeper
b) Channel B to be deeper
c) Channel A to have larger wetted perimeter
d) Channel B to have larger cross-sectional area
10. The Critical velocity ratio was introduced in Kennedy’s equation of critical velocity to
take into account the effect of:
a) Channel cross-section
b) Climatic condition
c) Silt Grade
d) Roughness of bed
2. The main advantage offered by Bentonite layer lining in an irrigation channel is that
a) Seepage loss is reduced
b) Cross-sectional area of the channel is reduced
c) Cost of land acquired is reduced
d) Earthwork excavation is reduced
2. What is the height of the centre of pressure above the water level in the inlet well if the R.L
of the centre of pressure is 150.83 m and the R.L of water level in inlet well is 148.30 m?
a) 2.53 m
b) 1.78 m
c) 3 m
d) 1.99 m
3. The relative bed levels of the canal and the drainage may be changed and manipulated by
a) changing the alignment
b) changing the positions of the water table
c) altering the head level
d) use of dewatering equipment
4. The channel constructed to bypass the excess water entering a canal, is called a
a) Canal module
b) Canal siphon
c) Canal escape
d) Canal regulator
5. Which among the following is not true about Asphaltic concrete Lining?
a) It is fairly cheap
b) It is flexible and readily confirms to subgrade
c) It permits certain type of weed growth
d) It decreases the rugosity coefficient to increase channel efficiency
6. A trapezoidal notch fall can maintain normal water depth in the upstream channel:
a) At any one given value of its design discharge
b) At all the discharges
c) At any two values of the design discharges
d) At no discharge at all
8. The drainage water is sometimes allowed to join the canal water augment canal supplies,
through a hydraulic structure, called a:
a) Canal outlet
b) Canal inlet
c) Module
d) Level crossing
10. The canal water flows freely under gravity in which of the following CD works?
a) Aqueduct and Super passage
b) Super passage and Syphon
c) Canal Syphon and Aqueduct
d) Level-crossing and inlets outlets
11. The canal regulator which is constructed at a diversion headworks, is called a :
a) Cross regulator
b) Distributary head regulator
c) Canal module
d) Canal siphon