DB Campus Drive Preparation Materials Geeks4Geeks
DB Campus Drive Preparation Materials Geeks4Geeks
DB Campus Drive Preparation Materials Geeks4Geeks
First Round
No negative for MCQs so better to attend all. Questions were easy to
moderate like MCQs that are available on GeeksforGeeks.
There were two easy to medium codes:
1) https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/longest-palindrome-substring-set-1/
2) It was a simple functional programming code on searching a vector or
Around 30 students were selected for the second round that was on the next
day of the online round. The day started with the pre-placement talk with the
representatives giving complete details about the bank, its technological
centres, its technologies and the skills required. Its better to attend the pre-
placement talk.
Second Round
This was a technical interview. There were 7-8 interviews going on
simultaneously as there were a good number of panelists. The questions
were mainly asked on Core Computer Science Subjects like OS, Data
Structures and Algorithm, DBMS and some behavioural questions.
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/merge-two-sorted-linked-lists/ https://
Balanced Trees, AVL Tree Deletion Insertion and other tree based
OS and DBMS were basic questions. They were more interested in
candidates with good projects on CV. So better to prepare a good CV.
Around 10 students were selected for the third round that was after the
Third Round
This was also a technical round. There were questions on JAVA, OOPs and
basic CS subjects and a thorough discussion on Projects. Better to have a
project on Java or preferably related to Big Data and Data Mining.
Around 5 students were selected for the final round that was after 30 mins of
the results.