Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire
Richard M. Felder
Department of Chemical Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7905
Please provide us with your full name. Your name will be printed on the information that is
returned to you.
Full Name
For each of the 44 questions below select either "a" or "b" to indicate your answer. Please
choose only one answer for each question. If both "a" and "b" seem to apply to you, choose
the one that applies more frequently. When you are finished selecting answers to each
question please select the submit button at the end of the form.
4. I tend to
(a) understand details of a subject but may be fuzzy about its overall structure.
(b) understand the overall structure but may be fuzzy about details. 10/12/2008
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8. Once I understand
(a) all the parts, I understand the whole thing.
(b) the whole thing, I see how the parts fit. 10/12/2008
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24. I learn
(a) at a fairly regular pace. If I study hard, I'll "get it."
(b) in fits and starts. I'll be totally confused and then suddenly it all "clicks." 10/12/2008
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40. Some teachers start their lectures with an outline of what they will cover. Such
outlines are
(a) somewhat helpful to me.
(b) very helpful to me.
41. The idea of doing homework in groups, with one grade for the entire group,
(a) appeals to me.
(b) does not appeal to me. 10/12/2008
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When you have completed filling out the above form please click on the Submit button
below. Your results will be returned to you. If you are not satisified with your answers
above please click on Reset to clear the form.
Submit Reset 10/12/2008